• 1 Techniques
• 2 Applications
• 3 Professional institutes
• 4 External links
[edit] Techniques
Some techniques that Quality Engineers use in quality engineering/assurance include:
• Statistical process control
• Deming's wheel
• Total quality management (TQM)
• Six Sigma
[edit] Applications
These techniques are applicable company/system wide and are, by definition, not only developed
for manufacturing processes. Examples include:
• Purchasing
• Sales and after sales
• Manufacturing
• Customer service
• Human resource management
• Research and development
[edit] Professional institutes
There are professional institutes, most notably the American Society for Quality, that examine
the candidates before they are awarded an official certificate. This process helps to establish and
maintain a minimum body of knowledge and skill level among certified engineers.
The Certified Quality Engineer exam is administered by the ASQ twice yearly at numerous
locations around the country, and to some extent internationally. The exam changes from test to
test in minor detail and the body of knowledge is revised and updated by peer review committees
set up by the ASQ. The test itself consists of 160 multiple choice questions that must be
answered in five hours (the number of questions and the test length may vary due to the exam
being changed by the ASQ).