The Africa Environment Outlook (AEO) For Youth
The Africa Environment Outlook (AEO) For Youth
The Africa Environment Outlook (AEO) For Youth
ISBN: 92-807-2643-9
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Glossary 97
National focal points 99
List of participants 103
Agence Internationale Centre for Environment and Indian Ocean Commission
pour le Development de Development for the
l’Information Environementale Arab Region and Europe
process: Marion Cheatle, Beth of immense help, especially during
This publication would not have Ingraham, Tessa Goverse, Joanna the sub-regional editorial meetings.
been possible without the
Akrofi, Valerie Rabesahala, Franck Such institutional support was also
enthusiastic involvement of more
Attere, Esther Syokau, Paul Manan, received from the Wildlife and
than 3 000 African youth from
Joanna Reid, Troy Govender, Environment Society of South
41 countries. Indeed, their diverse
Vladimir Russo, Hannah Lindbolm Africa.
and exciting contributions form a
and Carol Hurnsberger. Equally
major part of the book.
supportive were other members of To all of you who contributed to the
the Division of Early Warning and AEO for Youth process in one way
The technical and moral support of
Assessment and UNEP's Regional or another, we say a big 'thank
UNEP staff greatly enhanced the
Office of Africa. you!'
book's production. We would
therefore like to thank Theodore
We also appreciate the leadership
Oben for his overall support during
that Marie Nguessan and Narcisse
the process and Tricia Colagiovanni
Lokwa provided for the Western
for the role she played in the
Africa and Central Africa
formative stages of the process.
sub-regions respectively in the
We would also like to thank the
early stages of the process. The
following individuals for their
institutional support of UNEP's six
invaluable input into the production
collaborating centres in Africa was
Project directors
Munyaradzi Chenje
Charles Sebukeera
Project coordinator
David Bwakali
Coordination team
Janet Waiyaki
Christopher Ambala
Priscilla Rosana
Rosemary Njenga
Sylvia Adams
Editorial team
Eastern Africa: Vera Akatsa-Bukachi
Western Indian OceanIslands: Fabrina Molle, Anjeli Mewasing
Southern Africa: Arthi Sanpath, Masuka Mutenda
Central Africa: Baolimo Lombo Ayema
Western Africa: Anita Abbey, Blaisse Tossou
Northern Africa: Mayar Sabet
Western Indian Ocean Islands: Ronny Rengasamy
Chief Editor
Mayar Sabet
The Africa Ministerial Conference We, as Africans have a
on the Environment (AMCEN) has a responsibility to take care of our
constitutional mandate to environment. To a large extent, the
strengthen the participation of quality of the environment
youth in sustainable development determines the quality of life.
activities. This was reiterated in our
statement to the World Summit on For environmental degradation in
Sustainable Development, which Africa to be reversed, it is
stated in part that, 'We recognize imperative for African youth to
that participation by young people translate their enthusiasm and
in sustainable development is the creativity into action. Indeed,
foundation of the success of this deeds are the hallmark of
strategy.' In commissioning the greatness. Youth should intensify
AEO-for-Youth process, AMCEN set their environmental action even as
in motion a participatory process they lobby policymakers to do the
that has already galvanised youth same. May the insights contained
organizations all across Africa into in this publication greatly enhance
a vibrant network. environmental action among the
youth of Africa.
African youth have joined their
hands and spoken out in one voice.
This voice captures youth
perspectives on the state of the
environment and shares youth
prescriptions on environmental
Abdul-Hakim Rajab Elwaer
sustainability. Such unique
President African Ministerial
perspectives should prompt action,
Conference on the Environment
not only from policy makers, but
also among the youth themselves.
Bernard Wahihia
In July 2002, the first Africa was authored and designed by publication offers young people a
Environment Outlook report was young people themselves, hence roadmap for Africa's environmental
launched during the 9th session of its style and message is meant to journey towards sustainable
the African Ministerial Conference be appealing and applicable to the development. Indeed, as Africa's
on Environment (AMCEN) in youth. environmental challenges continue
Kampala, Uganda. Following the to mount, it is vital for all
launch of the report, it was The United Nations Secretary stakeholders to play a key role in
adopted by the Ministers as a tool General's World Youth Report 2005 environmental processes. Given
for monitoring sustainable recommends that, 'The their demographic dominance and
environmental management in mobilization and support of local creativity, Africa's youth are key
Africa and also to act as the youth organizations will be critical stakeholders. As such, their
environmental reporting to achieving the Millennium inclusion in the Africa Environment
framework at national levels. This Development Goal of ensuring Outlook Process is a leap in the
premier report mainly targeted environmental sustainability.' The right direction. The Environmental
Policy Makers. AEO-for-Youth network has Renaissance underscored in the
mobilized youth organizations all Africa Environment Outlook
UNEP however acknowledges the across Africa to speak out on Process will become even stronger
important role youth plays and has environmental issues. It is the through a systematic youth
put in place a long term strategy result of a two-year process that involvement.
for engaging young people in was undertaken by an
environmental activities and its AEO-for-Youth network that This publication is a living
own (UNEP) work within the incorporated more than 3 000 testimony to the unique ability and
framework of TUNZA. It seeks to young people from 41 countries. perspectives of young people. I
develop and implement various These youth submitted wish you all an enlightening
activities that raise the contributions that included articles, reading!
environmental awareness of young case studies, poems, photos,
people, to enable them to cope paintings, illustrations, quotes and
with environmental proverbs. Selected youth
challenges. It also seeks to organizations from the
develop publications that reach out 41 countries acted as National
to young people. It is within this Focal Points, in charge of
spirit that this publication mobilizing youth in their respective
AEO-for-Youth has been prepared. countries to submit contributions.
Hence the title of the Klaus Toepfer
publication - Africa Environment The voice of youth is an invaluable Executive Director
Outlook-For-Youth asset to environmental processes. United Nations Environment
(AEO-For-Youth). The publication In capturing this voice, this Programme
"Youth have both special concerns and special responsibilities in relation to the
environment. A number of environmental risks and hazards disproportionately
affect young people, who have to live for an extended period with the deteriorating
environment bequeathed to them by earlier generations. Young people will be
compelled to engage in new forms of action and activism that will generate effec-
tive responses to ecological challenges."
World Youth Report 2003 (UN 2004)
context. This historical background serves to place
The trumpet call has sounded all over the evolution of environmental management in
Africa and the youth have responded
Africa in its proper context. Chapter 2 focuses on
enthusiastically. This publication is the
the state of Africa's environment. It analyses the
youth version of the premier Africa
environmental issues facing the continent, and
Environment Outlook (AEO) report. AEO
shares what African youth are saying about these
was the first comprehensive and
issues. Chapter 3 dwells on human vulnerability to
integrated report on the African
environmental change. It reminds us that in
environment. It explained the state of
essence, whatever happens to the environment
Africa's environment and discussed the
happens to us. In the same vein, what we do to
policies that cause or influence
the environment, we do to ourselves. If the world
environmental trends. The report also
continues to recklessly emit greenhouse gases
showed the future scenarios of Africa's
(GHG), then we may continue to witness climate
change through calamities like floods. Chapter 4
This youth publication is the result of a two-year explores the future of our environment. It outlines
process in which more than 3 000 African youth four environmental scenarios and discusses the
from 41 different countries participated. As driving forces behind them. The climax of the
Chapter 25 of Agenda 21 clearly stipulates, youth chapter is a series of profiles on youth
have unique perspectives that need to be taken organizations. These profiles capture youth action
into account (UN 1992). These unique across the continent and demonstrate that youth
perspectives are captured in the many youth can no longer sit in the stands, cheering or
contributions in this publication. The contributions jeering the policy makers. They must live their
cover different genres-poems, articles, proverbs, convictions and participate fully in the field of the
drawings and paintings. Many of the photos and environment.
paintings capture not only the immense beauty of
Africa is big and beautiful. It is the second largest
our environment, but also the unfortunate harm
region in the world, accounting for 20 per cent of
that we are inflicting on it. As for the poems, they
the world's landmass. This vast land is clothed in
echo the anguished voice of our polluted cities
rich biodiversity, colossal forests, beautiful
and exult the unsung splendour of our
climates, and amazing coasts, ravishing rivers,
biodiversity. Articles and quotes suggest the way green land and a host of other environmental
forward. At the heart of this powerful youth voice beauties. Unfortunately, Africa is also facing
is a desire to steer Africa towards an diminishing biodiversity, dwindling forests,
environmentally vibrant future. changing climates, crumbling coasts, polluted
rivers, increased desertification, extreme poverty
The title of this publication is AEO for Youth: and other forms of environmental degradation. If
Tunza Africa! Tunza is a Swahili word that means we take action, we can reverse this environmental
'to nurture; to nourish and take care of.' Africa's degradation and develop an environmentally
environment needs such consistent commitment, sustainable continent.
to flourish.
We have yet to grasp the sheer extent of our
biodiversity. The Succulent Karoo, shared between
Chapter 1 focuses on the history of Africa's
South Africa and Namibia, is the richest desert in
environment, within a social and economic
the world, with almost five thousand endemic Maintaining these cities has proved to be quite a
species. The Guinean forest has the highest challenge. Only one-third of the waste generated
mammalian diversity of all the world's 25 in African cities is disposed formally. The rest ends
hotspots. Equally unique are the Eastern Arc up anywhere from streets to open market
Mountain Forests of Eastern Africa. They are 30 squares. We need to clean up our cities and make
million years old and are thought to have evolved them environmentally friendly.
in isolation for at least 10 million years.
Far on the African horizon, a green future is
Our coast is 40 000 km long and it possesses rising, as the Great Transitions scenario beckons.
many natural resources. The south-western This scenario represents a very optimistic and
African coast is home to treasures like oil, gas achievable view of the development of the
reserves and diamonds. Further inland, our environment in Africa and elsewhere in the world.
forests regulate the environment by slowing down In this scenario, Africa can emerge as a continent
erosion and filtering out pollution. They are also with a rich and sustainable future. But we will
important for cultural, spiritual or religious only realize this desirable future if we take
purposes. Yet we continue to destroy them. informed, systematic and strategic action. It is
Between 1990 and 2000, over 50 million ha time to act.
(hectares) of forest was lost. If we take action,
then this destructive trend will be halted and
The environment has always been
woven into the lives of African people.
Traditional and cultural values among
different communities across the region
have governed the way in which people
interact with the environment, and the
way in which natural resources are used
and managed
A natural cave is one of those places where time
THE 1970S seems to stand still. Because of this, a natural
cave is a fridge of the past - it makes what
- ROOTS happened decades ago appear as if it happened
yesterday. This can bring to light not only the
happenings of yesteryears, but also the lessons
This is the decade when a lot of
thereof. The El Djarra cave in Egypt, is one such
environmental seeds were planted and cave.
global environmental action started to take
THE 1980S In 1987, the WCED report, Our Common Future,
popularized the concept of Sustainable
“The environment is
During the 1980s, African the only gift that
governments made everybody without
serious and concerted distinction of race or
efforts to achieve social class can enjoy
sustainable development. freely at any moment.”
Commission on
Environment and
Development (WCED) was
established. In 1985, the first
meeting of the African Ministerial
Conference on the Environment (AMCEN)
was held in Cairo, Egypt.
In 1991, the Abuja Treaty
THE 1990S was signed. It called for
Even though Africa is free from the bondage of
- FRUITION colonialism, the shackles of poverty are still with
us. As long as we do not access the basic needs
of water, food and shelter, it will remain difficult to
If Africa embraces the lessons of yesterday embrace environmental protection and enforce
and seizes the3tunities of today, then this environmental treaties. But we should also realize
millennium will be much more fruitful. that continued environmental degradation will
push us deeper into poverty. It is thus necessary
The New African Initiative crowned the birth of
to take action and break this cycle of poverty and
the African Union. It was unanimously adopted by
environmental degradation. Africa should be on
the Lusaka Summit on 11 July 2001. This
the forefront of enforcing the Millennium
initiative was a pledge by African leaders to
Development Goals, more so the first goal -
eradicate poverty and place Africa on a path of
eradicate extreme hunger and poverty by 2015.
sustainable growth and development. It is
We must be able to put food in our stomachs
anchored on the determination of Africans to
before we can sustainably plant trees in our land.
disentangle themselves from the malaise of
Clean water must trickle down our throats before
underdevelopment and exclusion in a globalizing
it can trickle down our hills.
Man loveth not any more
His ways born of ignorance
Of superiority complexes, that fills his mind,
Of the need to be great, to conquer nature
To wobble the balance
My fellow youth,
Let's protect, preserve and restore the balance
Let's create the paradise again
Plant a tree; clean a beach, campaign for
Bring back the golden olden days,
The days of our forefathers
The days gone by…
sea level rise include: Egypt, Gambia, Kenya, Tanzania
VARIABILITY Take a deep breath.
Unfortunately, the air that
In many African
you just breathed in may be
countries, rain
seriously polluted. This will
shows up
be especially true if you live
unexpectedly or
in a big city. The
Urbanisation rate in
Sometimes, it doesn't
Africa is the
show up at all. Such
highest in
fluctuations are what climate
the world,
variability is all about. It is the
seasonal and annual change in
temperature and rainfall patterns.
the quality
All African countries are affected by
of air in
climate variability. There are many
most urban
reasons behind climate variability,
including; atmospheric winds,
weather changes between the
Indian and the Atlantic oceans and the
in cities, together
El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
with increased
phenomenon. Apart from these natural
industrial activities,
phenomena, human activities such as deforestation and
increase air pollution. Vehicle emissions such as carbon
land mismanagement have a direct influence on natural
monoxide, benzene, and lead have the most direct
climatic conditions. Countries most regularly affected by
effect on the environment.
drought include Botswana, Burkina Faso, Chad, Ethiopia,
Kenya, Mauritania and Mozambique.
Policy measures such as high taxes on fuel and on
importation of new vehicles have also contributed to
emissions, by encouraging the use of dirty fuels and an
increase of old and more polluting vehicles.
Do you remember the floods that have in the past Pollution can seriously affect our health. Exposure to
caused immense havoc in some African countries? Do toxic emissions is associated with acute respiratory
you recall the droughts that have also caused infections, lung diseases such as asthma and chronic
widespread misery? Such weather changes result from bronchitis, lung cancer and pregnancy-related problems.
higher mean temperatures that are caused by increased Women are particularly vulnerable because of their
greenhouse gases (GHG) in the earth's atmosphere. traditional role as cook, which means that they spend
Carbon dioxide, the most important greenhouse gas, is more time indoors and close to pollution sources.
released during the burning of fossil fuels. Other
greenhouse gases are methane, and chlorofluorocarbons
Although Africa contributes very little to global
(CFC), among others. They are produced from several
greenhouse emissions, it remains extremely vulnerable
sources including: factory smoke, exhaust fumes from
to the impacts of climate change. This is because it
vehicles, fossil fuel power generation, and forest fires.
depends a lot on agriculture.
Climate change can affect any African country. It may
even catch up with you in your own house. If the sea
level rises when the glaciers melt due to climate change,
then sea water will sweep into, and even maybe sweep
away, coastal houses. The countries that face a risk of,
Did You
WITH CLIMATE CHANGE As of 24 May 2004, 189 countries
have ratified the United Nation's Framework
Climate change can also result in extreme events like Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (UNFCCC
droughts, which in turn affect agricultural productivity. 2004). As for its proposed mechanism for
When people can no longer produce food from their farms, implementation, the Kyoto Protocol, it has been
their lives are reduced to bleak survival. History has ratified by 150 states and regional economic
shown that climate change can change lives forever, from integration organizations as of 29 April 2005
good to bad, to worse. Governments have a responsibility (UNFCCC 2005). In 2001, 180 countries from all
to institute long-term strategies that will mitigate the risks over the world agreed to this protocol. The ultimate
that arise from extreme weather events. objective of the UNFCCC is to stabilize greenhouse
YVETTE INGABIRE, RWANDA gas concentrations in the atmosphere.
COCKTAIL > Many African governments have adopted the 'polluter
Air pollution is a big problem in Cairo. Home to pays principle.' This principle advocates fines for
10.6 million people, Cairo has the worst air pollution in companies exceeding certain emission levels.
Egypt. Every autumn, during the months of October and Mechanisms should be put in place to ensure the
November, a black cloud of pollution hangs over Cairo. implementation of this principle.
Since 1999, the cloud has appeared yearly, above the > Long-term responses to droughts and floods include
Nile Delta and Cairo. A thick, bitter-smelling fog invades crop research to develop more resistant strains of staple
the city, reducing visibility, causing breathlessness and crops, improved housing design and construction, and
prickling the throat and eyes. better urban planning to reduce the vulnerability of
human populations.
People have attributed the cloud to several things,
including; the burning of rice straw in the Delta, > For climate change to be dealt with successfully,
automobile emissions, garbage incineration and the African countries must change their attitudes and act
unpredictable changes in atmospheric pressure. After decisively. Several countries are already doing this.
each harvest, farmers in the Delta burn the straw left on Amongst others, Algeria, Botswana, Cape Verde, Côte d'
the ground to clear fields for the next crop. Even though Ivoire and Egypt have embarked on
the quantity of rice straw burnt in 2004 was significantly National Communications
less than the preceding years the black cloud was just as Strategies to provide detailed
intense. The rice straw is not the sole culprit for the black inventories of emissions
cloud; automobile emissions and factories, especially and programmes to
steel plants, surrounding Cairo are also possible culprits. mitigate the impacts
of climate change. In
As a possible preventive measure, the government plans both Northern and
to recycle rice straw into fertilizer and distribute Southern Africa,
compressors to farmers so that they can compact the options for further
straw, for easier transportation. In late 1998, the exploitation of
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) and US alternative sources of
Agency for International Development (USAID) energy (for example,
launched the Cairo Air Improvement Project solar, wind, micro-hydro,
(CAIP). This project has raised hopes by geothermal and biomass) are
seeing the largest privately owned being explored as additional
smeltery in Cairo reduce its harmful means to combat climate change.
emissions by more than 90 per cent and
has also succeeded in reducing harmful
emissions substantially. Despite all these
efforts, Cairo continues to struggle with
air pollution.
AFP (2003). Cairo's Mysterious "Black Cloud" Sparks Heated
Governmental Debate. Available at:
AFP (2003). Cairo's Mysterious "Black Cloud" Sparks Heated
Has it ever occurred to you that climate change and air Governmental Debate. Available at:
quality deterioration affect the health of Africans? Think
In addition, local communities and pharmaceutical
BIODIVERSITY companies harvest plants with medicinal value. Other
plants provide the genetic resources for improved
agricultural products such as disease and
The beauty of our continent lies in its drought-resistant crops. The richness and diversity of
ecosystems in Africa also provide opportunities for
rich biodiversity. Biological diversity or tourism.
'biodiversity' means the variety of plant
and animal life at the ecosystem, Africa's biodiversity is under threat from four main
community or species level, and even at causes: natural habitat loss, species loss, invasion by
alien species, and lack of recognition of indigenous
the genetic level. Biodiversity is most
knowledge and property rights.
commonly measured and reported at
species level with characteristics such
have been identified and studied to date > National and international trade
and little is understood about the roles
they play in influencing the Africa's flora and fauna often end up in greedy bellies
and wallets. In Central and Western Africa, bush meat is
environment. Studies and conservation
responsible for the decline in populations of gorillas,
efforts have mostly concentrated on chimpanzees, elephants, bush pigs, and forest
higher plants and mammals. This gives a antelopes. Eighty per cent of both rural and urban
misleading impression of the importance populations depend on medicinal plants for their health
of 'lower organisms', such as bacteria, needs. The resulting selective harvesting of medicinal
insects and fungi, which play vital plants ends up taking its toll on species diversity and
ecological roles-for example, in nutrient
cycling, and regulation of water, soil and Every time a pet is bought
air quality. illegally, Africa's
biodiversity suffers a
blow. Every time
demand for
and game
VALUES OF hunting goes
up, Africa's
BIOLOGICAL biodiversity
goes down.
There are many ecological,
economic, and social values of biological
resources. These resources are the heart and
soul of Africa as they support African economy
and livelihoods. Plants and animals provide food
and raw material for manufactured goods like
household utensils, clothing and paper. Many
resources such as timber and agricultural
produce are sold or used in traditional crafts like
basket weaving and carving.
The exotic pet trade is a powerful Significant opportunity exists to
international driving force for work with Africa's dynamic youth in
species reduction, as is demand for BIODIVERSITY reversing biodiversity loss. Groups
animal products such as ivory, The global community has of young people in Africa are
rhino horn, skins, furs, and other committed to targets for reversing developing innovative
trophies. biodiversity loss for poverty entrepreneurial solutions to
reduction by 2010. Africa's rich and conserving biodiversity and
varied biological resources are a reducing poverty. Examples include
contrast to the widespread poverty the Allanblackia Seed project in
that besets the continent. Nigeria and SULEDO community
The Mediterranean Basin
Forests constitute just 1.5 per cent of
the world's forests, yet are home to
25 000 plant species and 14 endemic
this has led to the elimination of
several fish species. In addition,
ANGOLA people along the coast of Tômbwa
The Tômbwa Municipality in have been losing their homes
Namibe province lies between the because the desert is getting
Atlantic Ocean and the Namibe bigger. To address this, the
desert. The pressure on resources Ecological Youth of Angola engaged
in this municipality has led to in tree planting campaigns and
competition for such resources and planting natural barriers.
encouraged the use of illegal TERÊNCIO GONÇALVES, ANGOLA
fishing gear and methods like small
size nets and grenades. Coupled
with human dependency on fish,
A further threat to biodiversity INVADED!
comes from invasion by non-native The Victoria Falls Rainforest is one of the natural wonders of the world and a
(or alien), species of plants and UNESCO World Heritage site. Unfortunately, it is under attack by invasive
animals. In some cases, alien alien species, which are threatening to destroy its biodiversity. A study by
plants form such dense growths Environment Africa and members of the Victoria Falls Environmental Action
and produce so many seeds that Society identified some four main alien species that are spreading fast in the
they can hardly be controlled. They rainforest. The four species are the Lantana camara, Ipomea cairica,
also change the dynamics of the Ageratum houstonianum and the Solanum seafurthianum. The Lantana
natural system and may produce camara has spread at a very fast rate inside and outside the rainforest.
toxic chemicals, holding back the
growth of native species. In other The Environmental Management Act of Zimbabwe states that it is an offence
cases, they threaten native species for anyone to have Lantana camara in and around their property. This is
through an excessive consumption because it is a noxious weed and is poisonous to livestock. It is a scrambling
of resources such as water. In shrub of up to four metres high with numerous branches and hooked spines.
Southern Africa, pines, eucalyptus, Arranged in tight clusters, its flowers are red, yellow, white and pink. It
and acacias have been introduced dominates or replaces any canopy or sub canopy layer of a natural
for commercial forestry, but have ecosystem. Its expansion has resulted in the loss of indigenous species of
invaded natural habitats where trees and a significant reduction in the biodiversity of the Rainforest.
they threaten ecological integrity
by using many times more water
than native species. It is therefore
important to protect our native
species from alien invasion!
Zimbabwe (2002).Environmental Management Act.
Chapter 20:27. Government Printers, Harare
In many African communities, there exists a clear
knowledge of species and ecological systems. There are
definite links between cultural diversity and biological
diversity. Indigenous peoples have for a long time used
their knowledge to manage their natural resources.
Conservation is embedded in African culture and in
religion. Traditional conservation measures include the
Bedouin practice of 'Hema', to conserve rangeland and
manage grazing areas; forest reserves, known as
'Harags', dating from Mediaeval Egypt; and the
protection of oases in Morocco. Other conservation
measures include the re-introduction of
species to areas from where they had
formerly been eradicated and
management of wildlife-livestock
Universal biodiversity!
I am neither trying to exalt you nor to eulogize you
But to reveal your true face
You are the very incarnation of life here on earth
Without you there would be no world
You reveal the genius of the Almighty
As you stretch yourself through out the vast
Providing beauty and life
For sustainability, YFC started an
official de-snaring team within the
REHABILITATION CHAINS FROM community. Participants were
OF KISSAMA WILDLIFE trained in first aid, teamwork,
camp and fire management and
NATIONAL PARK Youth for Conservation (YFC), an
bush tracking. Training also includ-
organization based in Kenya
During the civil war, many ed de-snaring procedures and
specializes in removing the traps
protected areas in Angola were guidelines, and identification of
that are set up to capture animals.
affected as many species were active snares and "snaring
They normally go for wildlife
killed for food and commercial hotspots."
de-snaring missions all over Kenya.
purposes. In some cases, local
One such mission took them to the
communities living in the SHIVAN BHALA, KENYA
Kitengela region on the outskirts of
surrounding areas entered the
protected areas and hunted a
number of animals, particularly
They found reams of wire and four
antelopes, to extinction.
snares along the local river, in a
Peace ushered in a number of sparsely populated area. However,
initiatives to rehabilitate protected the team did not find any snares
areas. One such initiative is the on communal land, although snares
Noah's Arc Operation. It has and wires had previously been
brought animals from Southern present. They were informed that
African countries to Kissama snares were banned on the
national park. The animals include communal land, as a result of
elephants, antelopes and zebras. problems caused by cattle
Other animals such as the red getting caught in the snares. The
sable will be re-introduced at a YFC team had discussions with
later stage. This park is located in members of the Ilparakwa
the Bengo province, some 80 km Land Owners
south of Luanda, extending as far Association. Elders
as the Atlantic Ocean. It is one of asserted that animals
the most beautiful national parks in had diminished greatly
Angola. The Kwanza River, one of within 20 years. The
the biggest rivers in Angola, flows elders also confirmed
through the park. The that people were
re-introduction of animals in the warned against the
Kissama National Park has opened snaring of animals.
up opportunities for young people
to visit the park and learn more
about flora and fauna.
You Know?
The Nile perch (Lates
nilotica), was introduced
into Lake Victoria 30 years
ago to stimulate the
fisheries of Uganda, Kenya
and Tanzania. In the 1960s,
the Nile perch accounted for
about 1 per cent of fish
catch; it is now dominant in
the lake, representing close to
80 per cent of annual fish harvests,
and its introduction is believed to have
caused the loss of more than 200 endemic
CONFLICTS IN Habitats should be conserved to allow present and future
EASTERN AFRICA generations to benefit from the resources and services
that they provide. These habitats should be large enough
Rapidly growing human populations have led to an
to provide food, water and nesting sites. In addition,
overlap in people and wildlife needs as both compete for
conservation policies that protect natural habitats must
limited resources. Uganda is battling with the problem of
be enforced.
human-wildlife conflicts. A report by Uganda Wildlife
Authority cites cases of conflict between chimpanzees
and the local communities surrounding the national park. Africa cannot afford to keep losing her plants and
Chimpanzees have attacked children and in some cases animals. The diversity of our beautiful species must be
these attacks were fatal. Such conflicts cause a serious sustained at all costs. Harvesting of medicinal plants
threat to wildlife as humans are bound to kill the animals should be done sustainably and trade of animal products
in retaliation. should be halted.
In the past, governments excluded local communities For sustainable conservation to be achieved, indigenous
from wildlife management leading to serious hurdles in knowledge must be tapped into, documented and
conservation efforts. Community participation in natural utilized. Traditional conservation practices should also be
resource management is a very important mechanism incorporated into existing conservation programmes.
that should be used to address the issue of poverty
alleviation and to create employment for young people.
In the Amani Nature Reserve in Tanzania, eco-tourists
Biodiversity is the rainbow of living things. Yet
are encouraged to take up low cost accommodation
despite its immense beauty and
among the local community where the youth are
importance, Africa's biodiversity
employed as tour guides. The benefits gained are
continues to suffer blow after
ploughed back into the community.
blow. So what remedies will
lessen biodiversity's suffering?
The youth are the focal point if the human-wildlife
A key solution lies in giving
conflicts are to be curbed, because their future is
the proper valuation of
at stake. Conservation agencies and governments
natural resources. This way,
must use strategies that seek to empower youth
resources will be valued for
groups in the local communities surrounding the
their true worth and will thus
protected areas.
be consumed sustainably.
Another solution lies squarely
in the hands of communities.
Through community conservation,
References: people will play an active role in
Interpress Service (2000). Humans conservation. This is already happening
Threaten WORLD'S most Vulnerable through the community based natural resource
Areas. Available at:
management (CBNRM) programs.
Mungai, N. (2003). Nairobi National
Park Threatened by Human-Wildlife Lasting success can be achieved if management
Conflict. Available at:
strategies are based on the specific
news/index.cfm?p=display&id=7262 requirements of each community. These
strategies should include the active and
Terris, J. (1999). Unwelcome
(Human) Neighbours, the
meaningful participation of young people.
Impacts of Sprawl on Because most of the valuable
Wildlife. Natural biodiversity resources cut across
different countries and
Council.Available sub-regions, African countries
at: must cooperate and take
advantage of the existing
national and regional youth
networks. This will enable a
regional integration in the
management of our rich
biodiversity. If this is done,
then biodiversity will
shine brighter and
longer as the
rainbow of
AMCEN/UNEP (2002). Africa Environment Outlook: Past, Present
and Future Perspectives. Earthprint Limited, London
biodiversity is
A frica's coastline spreads across
40 000 km, in 32 countries.
Coastal ecosystems are so
biologically productive
that they account for 26
per cent of all biological
productivity in the
Fishing provides
a big boost to
economies and
to the
livelihoods of
communities. In the
late 1990s, fishing
contributed over 5 per cent to
the GDP in Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania,
Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, and Seychelles.
WITH THE maisha bila
Both land and marine based
uoga na
Although I visit the beachside
pollution continues to strangle mapendeleo.”
Africa's coast. Among the culprits
almost every fortnight, it still
are the effluents from fish
amazes me how the ocean seems
to journey endlessly. The blue
processing plants and industries “The ocean
located in the coastal zone. Due to
ocean waters always amaze beach
population growth and poor urban
sustains life
revellers. Parents relax along the
beach as their children build sand
planning, domestic sewage is without fear or
sometimes discharged directly or
castles. When they all dash into
indirectly into the sea. When the
the water to swim, the strong
brown of the sewage meets the
currents invite them as the bubbly
blue of the ocean, then disaster SWAHILI PROVERB, (SUBMITTED
foam engulfs them. Indeed, the
looms for marine life and humans. BY MPASUA
Indian Ocean ensures that you
Diseases like cholera and hepatitis MSONOBARI, KENYA)
enjoy every moment you spend in
can result from such pollution.
its company.
Photos and illustrations in this sub-section
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? Alfred Muchilwa, Kenya
Guillaume Baya, Mauritius
Hannington Kataka, Kenya
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is a JEA, Angola
management approach that draws strength from the Karine Pothin, Reunion Islands
entire coastal and marine environment. Many African
governments have realized the benefits of ICZM and
have enacted policies and legislation to put its principles
into effect. However, sustained resources (financial
support, equipment, training of personnel, and
monitoring of activities) are required to achieve
maximum benefits to the coastal and marine
environments and the economies that depend on them.
The African coastline possesses diverse and useful
natural resources. These resources are to coastal
communities what fertile land is to farmers. Coastal
people use mangrove trees for construction, medicine,
food, and small-scale trade. In addition, the natural
beauty of the coast attracts tourists. Coastal and marine
resources, therefore, have great ecological, social and
economic importance, both locally and globally.
Forests play a vital role in the survival
of human population and provide
habitats for many animal species.
Forests indirectly regulate the
environment by slowing soil erosion.
They control the run-off of rainwater
and store it, and regulate its release
into our rivers and lakes. Globally,
forests help to regulate the climate and
protect coastlines.
The moist tropical forests of Africa residents ferment wild beans to
VALUE OF support an estimated 1.5 million make a nutritious traditional food
Africa has the fastest rate of
deforestation in the world. Trees are
often cleared to make way for expanding
farms and human settlements. Also
contributing to forest decline is the rising demand
for fuel wood and charcoal. Forest loss between 1990
and 2000 was over 50 million ha, representing an
average deforestation rate of nearly 0.8 per cent per year
over this period. Over harvesting of wood for fuel and
charcoal production brings changes to the species
composition of a forest or savannah.
KAKUM FOREST “Garab bo guis dana mosa
Kakum forest is found in the central region of Ghana jerin.”
with an area of about 350 square kilometres. It is a
thick rainforest with tall trees and a rich presence of
mammalian and reptile species. The forest's greatest “Every tree provides service
attraction is the aerial canopy walkway,
which allows visitors to the forest
to have a wider view of the WOLOF PROVERB, SENEGAL
People must eat to live, and to eat, they
generally have to cook food. Many
people in rural areas can only afford
firewood. They cannot access
electricity and cannot afford
cooking gas and
paraffin. This is the
case in my local
village in Zimbabwe.
MANAGEMENT OF Sudan, as a sub-Saharan country, suffers from a variety of
environmental problems such as desertification, drought,
Kibira forest
Why are you so persecuted?
What are you accused of?
Kibira forest
Political commitment and community involvement in
protection of indigenous forests, sustainable harvesting
practices and community ownership need to be strengthened.
Africa can be a green continent. Already, forests cover one-fifth
of Africa. As you read this page, feel the paper and remember
that you have our forests to thank for that paper. Feel the
wood on the chair that you are sitting on and
whisper 'thank you' to the forests. Look at the
wooden ceiling above you, the wooden door
of your house, the dining table in your dining
room, and thank the forests. More than this,
remember that our forests also protect and
stabilize the soil, recycle nutrients to
maintain soil quality and regulate water
quality and flow. They give us picnic sites,
create habitats for animals and provide our
communities with sacred sites for worship. As
if this is not enough, forests are vast sinks for
atmospheric carbon dioxide, thus playing a
critical role in mitigating global climate change.
per cent of every Sadly, our forests are on the decline. They
cent earned from forest have been drastically reduced in size
Plant over the last century as countries
resources should go back
as many trees as struggled to improve their
to forest reclamation and economies through exploitation of
possible, as often as
expansion. natural resources. Deforestation
you can.
for commercial timber sales and
clearance for agricultural and urban
developments are the most intensive pressures.
Other pressures include over harvesting of wood for
fuel, medicine, and construction materials. The remaining
forests have also been degraded as a result of clear
felling, fires, and selective harvesting. Impacts of this
degradation include losses of biodiversity, soil erosion,
increased risk of flooding, and loss of livelihoods for local
AMCEN/UNEP (2002). Africa Environment Outlook: Past, Present
and Future Perspectives. Earthprint Limited, London
She Is Life!
Water is life
Water is a vital element
Always indispensable
When one wants to be clean
Whenever we want to eat
Whenever you want to save a life
Water is there
She is life, she is health
She gives us comfort
She helps us in our hygiene
She is to us everything
Water pollution is a definite recipe
COMOROS for trouble. As the following article NILE
Have you ever wondered where the states, it can also lead to death.
water you use at home comes There are 1 001 things that
from? In Moroni city, water is Ugandans associate with the Nile.
pumped up from underground. In Owen Falls Dam, Karuma falls,
other areas, one can get it from INDUSTRIAL Murchison falls, Jinja, Nile Special
wells or water streams. Some beer, Bujagali falls, white water
people capture rainwater from their
WASTEWATER rafting and bungee jumping. While
rooftops and store it in tanks. In Rapid industrial and population some associations are general,
Great Comoros, streams run dry growth has continued to threaten others are more personal. Mine is
during certain times of the year. water resources in African paraa. Raa is the name for a hippo
Hence the need to utilize both countries. in Luo, pa means of; the place was
ground and rainwater. In Moheli or so named because it teemed with
Anjouan areas, some rivers dry out In Kenya, effluent from black tea hippo. Although the numbers have
due to mountain deforestation. factories is poisoning some rivers. decreased, there remain a
Indeed, water is not an 271 fish from a river in Central significant number of raa, enough
inexhaustible resource, and should Kenya have died due to pollution of to merit the given name. Paraa, is
be used economically. their river. They suffocated due to for me, the real 'jewel of the Nile.'
effluent from a neighbouring tea
factory. The chemical composition Also to be found in plenty at the
of green tea is similar to that of Nile are birds. They live in the
the young shoots initially crags and cliffs, and pretty much
cultivated. It is such chemicals that everywhere else; in fact if this
eventually make their way to the place were not called paraa, it
river and end up harming fish. would be pawinyo. (winyo is a bird
Rehabilitation of the water bodies in Luo). Like the hippos and birds,
WATER and prevention of further pollution
can be achieved if discharged
crocodiles love the Nile. They can
be seen basking in the sun, dead
QUALITY wastewater is consistently given still, save for the slow flick of their
proper treatment so that it does eyes, following your movement,
When water quality declines, water
not overwhelm the purification waiting for you to get careless.
shortages are intensified, through
power of the receiving water body. They lunge when they see dinner,
increased costs of water treatment
their ungainly bodies attempting to
and increased time spent in OMOSA ISAIAH, KENYA
move quickly into the water where
collecting water. Reduced water
they reside.
quality can also lead to reduced
biodiversity. Freshwater lakes, IDA IMEDA,
wetlands and dams have suffered UGANDA
biodiversity loss, due to industrial
pollution and contamination of References
Chanlett, E. T. (1979). Environmental
water sources. This has led to an
Protection. McGraw-Hill
increase of water-related diseases Book Company,
and a decline in water-intensive New York
MADAGASCAR “Amazi ni Isoko
WATER Water is one of the life-sustaining y'ubuzima.”
VISION elements and is essential for
everyday life and activities.
Africa's Water Vision was developed
Unfortunately, not every one has
“Water is the
through consultative processes in
access to clean water in source of life.”
1999 and 2000, and presented at
Madagascar. Even in Antananarivo,
the second World Water Forum in ßKINYARWANDA PROVERB
the capital city of Madagascar,
The Hague in 2000. It stresses the (SUBMITTED BY MUSHAYARA GAPIKI,
many households do not have
need to change attitudes towards RWANDA)
access to clean water. This is a
water supply and use, and
major problem that the
proposes a framework for building
government has to tackle. In lower
on these achievements.
suburban areas, people mainly rely
on surface water like wells, rivers,
The proposed mechanism for
lakes, and irrigation canals for
attaining Africa's Water Vision is
drinking water. For better
comprised of four key components,
distribution of safe drinking water,
the following measures should be
> strengthening governance of taken;
water resources;
> Government's funding for
> improving our understanding of organizations that can provide
water-related issues; clean water.
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? AMCEN/UNEP (2002). Africa Environment Outlook: Past, Present
and Future Perspectives. Earthprint Limited, London
> All African countries should pursue Africa's Water Chanlett, E. T. (1979). Environmental Protection. McGraw-Hill
Book Company, New York
> Ensure equitable access to clean water and manage Encyclopedia Britannica (2005). Nile River. Encyclopedia
Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Premium Service. Available
water demand for domestic, industrial, and agricultural
purposes. In addition, maintain healthy ecosystems, in
order to ensure sustained supplies of good quality water.
Photos and illustrations in this sub-section
> Rainwater should be captured systematically and Alfred Muchilwa, Kenya
sustainably. Caroline Mugo, Kenya
Khaled El Hady, Libya
> Youth should use water carefully, avoid polluting Nellie Nour, Egypt
water, and raise awareness amongst those who do. Sara Bakr, Egypt
Tamer Elshayal, Egypt
Waad Hadidy, Egypt
Abel Murumba, Kenya
Water is life! It comes from above in the form of rain
and from below in the form of groundwater. Water
travels our continent through rivers and lakes. It rains a
lot in some parts of Africa but barely rains in other
parts. In the humid tropical belt of Western, Eastern and
Central Africa, the average rainfall per year is 50 times
higher than in the arid countries encompassing the
Sahara desert.
The high profits generated from
mining can sometimes lead to Did You Know?
indiscriminate exploration and GUIDES (ZGG)
> In the northern parts of the
exploitation, at the expense of the FRUIT TREE Sahara Desert (northern
PLANTING Sahelian zone), where animal
PROJECT husbandry is the dominant
agricultural practice, the main
In 2003, ZGG Association agent of soil erosion is the
embarked on a campaign to plant wind, which is supported by
GREEN MINING fruit trees in Chingola District dry climatic conditions.
Mining can result in grave schools. The purpose of this was to
consequences for the environment. encourage young people to plant > Overgrazing causes more
It can lead to a change in more fruit trees and guard them than 50 per cent of Southern
vegetation cover, which may jealously as compared to ordinary Africa's land degradation.
increase soil erosion, and wash trees. As a continuation, the
away nutrients in the process. As Association is making efforts to
vegetation is cleared to make way replicate the project in other
for mines, flora and fauna are Zambian schools and communities.
affected, consequently affecting the
people who depend on them. In
light of this, it is clear that mining
of gold may strike gold, but it can Did You Know?
also strike out lives and livelihoods.
It is therefore essential for > Urban agriculture is growing
extensive environmental faster in Africa than in any
impact assessments to other region of the world.
be carried out before, > Agriculture employs the
during and after largest number of workers, and
mining ventures. In generates a significant share of
addition, the mining Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
companies should in many African countries.
restore land to its
former natural glory. > In 1990, the agricultural
sector accounted for 68 per
cent of the workforce in
CAMEROON sub-Saharan Africa, and 37 per
cent of the workforce in Northern
Africa. This compared with industry, which
accounted for 9 per cent and 25 per cent of
the orkforce respectively.
Who am I?
LAND RIGHTS AND Women and Land
Land rights are closely linked to poverty and land In most parts of Africa, both modern and traditional
degradation. Ownership and access to resources is now laws favour male-dominated ownership of land and
largely determined by economic status, with commercial control of resources. Women may be granted access to
farmers occupying the best farmland. In some regions, resources through their fathers or husbands on a
lack of effective land policies and practices present temporary basis but, if they become widowed, they may
direct threats to sustainable land quality. Whereas be forced to leave their land. There is also a financial
traditional land rights are granted through inheritance, bias towards male ownership, as women tend to have
and are centered on communal access to resources, lower incomes than men and, therefore, may not be
statutory laws encourage state and private ownership, able to afford to purchase land, or to acquire access to
with the emphasis on commercial rather than household credit schemes. However, with progress in land reform
production. in many African countries, access to land, ownership
and registration systems are helping to shift the balance
In some parts of Africa, current land ownership policies of equity in recognition of the rights of vulnerable
have been derived from pre-colonial and colonial groups, including women and minority, ethnic
systems. Such policies have not always been relevant or nomadic groups. Governments' recognition
to current realities. The nomadic herdsmen of the Horn of women's rights with regard to land reform,
of Africa have suffered extreme marginalization due to and the issue of gender reform, has not
the capture of their land by colonial governments. progressed as far in Eastern Africa as in
Governments are now recognizing that effective land Southern Africa, although Burundi, Eritrea
policy reform is important for sustainability and and Ethiopia are starting to encourage the
agricultural growth. inheritance of land by women, and the
allocation of land to couples as household
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? AMCEN/UNEP (2002). Africa Environment Outlook: Past, Present
and Future Perspectives. Earthprint Limited, London
The land of Africa is full of invaluable resources. It
is the foundation of economic, social and
environmental development. Traditionally, African
societies depend directly on subsistence farming to
meet their daily needs. Commercial agriculture is
equally important as it employs the largest
number of people in most countries. It also
contributes significantly to export earnings
and national economic growth.
As seen in the article below, urban growth brings with it CAUSES OF URBAN
many challenges.
African cities account for 60 per cent of the region's
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and are important
centres for education, employment, and trade. Several
factors, which can be classified as 'push factors' and
URBAN CHALLENGES IN 'pull factors' contribute to urban growth. The push
ZIMBABWE factors compel people to leave rural areas in pursuit of a
better life in urban areas while the pull factors attract
There is a regular influx of people everyday into the
people to the urban areas.
major towns of Zimbabwe, in search of jobs and all the
associated myths of urban life. In the two major cities of
Harare and Bulawayo, the rate of urbanization has
continued to increase. Unfortunately, most of these
people find themselves homeless and end up living in the
streets or in informal settlements.
Northern Eastern Western Southern Central Western
Africa Africa Indian Africa Africa Africa
Push Factors
Pull Factors
Once people have been 'pushed' or Wastewater also causes street
'pulled' to cities, then they get to filthiness. The sewage system is
realize that life in the cities is serving many more people than it AND
definitely not a bed of roses. was originally intended for. Such ENVIRONMENTAL
Indeed, life in Antananarivo, the strains will continue to strangle
capital of Madagascar, can be much Antananarivo unless action is
more difficult than life in the taken. Many NGOs are now Development always seems to
biodiversity-rich countryside of this working in the city to improve its begin in urban areas. For many
beautiful Indian Ocean Island. state. They have launched an youth, urban centres offer more
urban beautification strategy by possibilities for jobs, education,
encouraging schools and health and leisure. Even
associations to create green belts governments seem to share this
across the city. On its part, the view because most cabinet
members and presidents have
ANTANANARIVO'S State is repairing streets and
made their homes in cities. This
markets, aiming for a more
PLIGHT beautiful urban landscape. may explain why many
Antananarivo, the Malagasy capital, governments tend to be more
has continued to experience However, the entire city planning inclined to develop urban centres
population growth. Consequently, it should be reviewed with the aim of than rural areas. But as cities
is experiencing a growth of illegal establishing a more progress, the environment often
constructions. In addition, environmentally friendly city. retrogresses. Large shopping malls
infrastructure is crumbling. The and flats are usually constructed at
city's population is overwhelming the expense of large tracts of land
environment as the city becomes that used to form important
untidy and air pollution environmental ecosystems like
increases due to car forests and wetlands. It is thus
and factory smoke. To important to strike a balance
make matters worse, between urban expansion and
there is an environmental sustainability.
mammoth traffic.
native tree species in urban areas
for provision of natural food like
OF The practice of urban forestry in
flowers, fruits, nectar and fodder
for much wildlife living in urban
POLLUTION Morogoro Municipality and areas. A strategic management of
urban forests will ensure that
elsewhere in Tanzania is on the
AND WASTE rise. However urban forests are urban forest ecosystem is turned
often managed as individual trees into a form more ecologically
Huge numbers of people living in
instead of whole forest ecosystems. sustainable for the community and
urban areas cause huge levels of
Most of the urban communities for wildlife conservation. Wildlife
pollution and waste. Solid waste
manage these tree species to meet from urban forests can continue to
production and management and
many important needs such as diffuse into other urban sinks such
air pollution are the issues of
ornamental purposes in gardens as public parks, zoos, ponds,
greatest concern in African towns
and along avenues, shade around streams, rivers and gardens. This
and cities. The major sources of air
houses, property boundaries, and will enhance sustainable
pollution are fossil fuel power
recreation in the city. Urban reproduction for future generations
generation, vehicle exhausts,
forestry and its management have and sustainable conservation.
industrial emissions, and domestic
big potential roles in reducing MUSA MHAGAMA, TANZANIA
use of wood, coal, paraffin or
global warming by mitigating
refuse. Burning of solid waste
carbon dioxide emissions.
generates toxic fumes, which
should be filtered to prevent
Also, trees in the urban area
provide food, nesting cavities, and
perches for animals that fly or
The amount of waste generated in
climb such as reptiles, amphibians,
African cities since 1990 far
birds, insects and a few mammals, References:
exceeds the capacities of most Bradshaw, A., Hunt, B., and Walmsley, T.
such as rabbits, mice, mongoose,
municipalities to collect, treat and (1995). Trees in the Urban Landscape:
monkeys (blue and velvet Principles and Practice. Spon Press,
dispose of waste. Only one-third
nkeys), civets, bush babies, rats, London
of the waste generated in African
bats and squirrels. In light of the
cities is disposed of formally. Lack
enormous importance of urban Mhagama, M. (2002). Urban Forestry
of suitable landfill sites and rapid and its Roles in Mitigating Carbon
forests in the ecosystem, there is a
filling of existing ones is a problem Emissions: A Case Study of Morogoro
need to establish urban wildlife Municipality, Eastern Tanzania. Sokoine
experienced by many
corridors for wild animals to University of Agriculture, Morogoro.
municipalities. Other problems
migrate back to the forest reserves
include lack of integrated waste
and national parks. In addition, Munishi, P.K.T. (2001). The Eastern Arc
management policies, inadequate Mountain Forests of Tanzania: their Role
there is a need to plant more
funds and low access to in Biodiversity, Water Resource
appropriate, affordable Conservation, and Net Contribution to
Atmospheric Carbon. Ph.D. Thesis, NC
technologies. Some African
State University
countries have taken measures to
reduce the health risks associated
with waste and pollution. These are
measures like household
electrification, promotion of Did You Know?
low-smoke fuels and improved
There are currently 40 cities in
Africa with populations of more
than a million and it is expected
that by 2015, seventy cities will
have populations of 1 million or
more. Lagos, with its current
population of 13.4 million is the largest
city in Africa, and the 6th largest in the
Plastics are some of the worst pollutants in urban areas. ENDING PLASTIC FLOWERS
Nature Kenya youth committee in Kenya has a remedy
May 2003 heralded a greener beginning for the South
to the plastic menace.
African environment when legislation was introduced to
replace thin plastic bags with thicker, recyclable ones.
Consequently, shoppers had to bring along their own
bags to carry their items. The other alternative is to buy
stronger plastic bags with a minimum thickness of 30
Most of the world's 6 000 million human beings beings microns. The infamous plastic bag had long been dubbed
that are using plastics in their day-to-day life often dump the unofficial national flower of South Africa - an eyesore
them after use. If this trend is to be reversed, then their found on bushes, roadsides, shorelines and flying around
cost should be increased so that their reusability is backyards. Many South Africans embraced the new laws
assured. On the other hand, the same plastic bags can by buying large, trendy and colourful bags for their
be recycled and made into more durable materials that shopping trips. This policy illustrates how laws can have
can replace wood as raw material for furniture and a positive impact on our environment, and as a result
construction. This would be a win-win scenario, as it help change people's wasteful habits.
would reduce both pollution and deforestation at the
same time.
In the large cities of Northern Africa, industries
surround residential areas and choke them with
pollution, thus affecting the health of local communities.
In some Eastern African countries, plastic waste has
increased. These plastics block drainage systems, leading
to frequent flooding in urban areas. Disposal has also
remained a pressing problem in this sub-region. In Kigali,
a staggering 84 per cent of solid waste is burned openly,
giving rise to unpleasant and sometimes toxic fumes.
Intensive animal rearing in the Western Indian Ocean
Islands, especially the pasturing of goats around urban
areas, creates pressures on the environment and human
health when waste is disposed improperly. In addition,
the combined pressures of residential and industrial
developments have a cumulative impact on the urban
Sustainable urban development can only be realized
through collaborative effort. There should be vibrant
partnerships between governments, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), private enterprises, communities,
and citizens.
Cities are the heartbeats of nations. They generate jobs
and investment opportunities. They also host the
headquarters of most governments and international
institutions. Unfortunately, the growth of urban areas
often means the destruction of the environment.
Environmental protection should go hand in hand with
city growth. Good city planning will reduce the
expansion of slums and protect the environment.
Efforts should also be made to encourage the use of
recycled or sustainably produced building materials. The
health problem in African cities can be reduced through
better water supply and sanitation, waste disposal,
education, and community-based preventive healthcare.
This way, our hearts will beat longer as our cities
continue to enliven our continent's prospects.
AMCEN/UNEP (2002). Africa Environment Outlook: Past,
Present and Future Perspectives. Earthprint Limited, London
Principle 1 of the Stockholm Declaration
clearly stipulated that a healthy environment was
a fundamental human right. The OAU (Which is
now the African Union) and many African
countries followed suit and enshrined this right in
their constitutions. However, the past 30 years
have seen many challenges and setbacks. Africa's
environment has continued deteriorating. The
resulting environmental change has left many
Africans vulnerable due to increased risk and
inadequate coping capability.
A glance at Africa reveals the impact of poverty on
environmental change. Poverty often leads to
environmental degradation and more poverty. People in
Africa, the majority of whom are poor, depend directly
on what they can grow, catch or gather. They are,
therefore, more vulnerable to environmental change
than people in other regions of the world.
I remember it as if it was Humanity is increasingly becoming ENVIRONMENTAL
yesterday. When it started raining an adversary of Nature. This stems
that day, no one thought it would from poverty and uncontrolled
continue raining much longer and industrial advances that exploit The forced movement of people,
harder than ordinary rain. But this resources irrationally. It is our duty creating what has come to be
was no ordinary rain; it was El to sustain natural resources and known as environmental refugees.
Niño. The taps of heaven refused protect nature from the Globally, there were 25 million
to close and the rain poured down consequences of our own harmful environmental refugees in 1994,
in torrents. Roads, railway lines acts. In order to fulfill this duty, we more than half of whom were in
and bridges collapsed, as transport must overcome indifference, Africa.
became a nightmare. ignorance, and irresponsible
Communications also crumbled behaviour. The dependence on rain-fed
when telephone lines were tossed agriculture increases the risk of
to and fro like ping-pong balls. In food and economic insecurity,
the midst of this water deluge, especially in areas of high climate
Kenyans were left exposed to the variability.
ensuing damage.
Eastern Africa has suffered at least
DAMARIS MUNGAI, KENYA one drought per decade for the
past 30 years. In the 1970s in
Ethiopia, drought killed 400 000
people, and about 1.2 million
others were displaced. About a
decade later, in 1984-85, a total of
7.8 million Ethiopians were
affected, causing 1 million deaths.
I stop in front of the shop on the corner of our street,
TO HUMAN and for the third time I talk to the owner about the
Because the affected population has become vulnerable
and has lost coping capacities, such costs are usually
CONFLICT taken up by governments, relief agencies, donors, and
A total of 26 armed conflicts erupted in Africa between neighbouring communities.
1963 and 1998, affecting 474 million people in Africa, or
61 per cent of the population. The resulting refugee The impacts of adverse environmental change on human
settlements often lead to environmental degradation vulnerability are due to a reduction in productivity,
that, in turn, increases human vulnerability, exposing production, income, reserves and purchasing power.
the refugees to health risks. Environmental change due They can also lead to increased aid dependence,
to environmental stress has played an indirect role in indebtedness, poverty, food insecurity and health
the outbreak of conflict. Environmental stress - including problems. These, in turn, lead to reduced taxes to the
deforestation, land degradation and scarce supply of treasury; increased budget deficits; decreased social
freshwater - alone and in combination with high spending; increased foreign aid dependency; decreased
population density, increases the risk of low-level debt repayment; decreased competitiveness; decreased
conflict. Armed conflicts, in addition to exacerbating foreign exchange; and overall poor economic
environmental degradation and increasing human performance.
vulnerability, also cause a lot of damage to invaluable
environmental resources, especially wildlife and
The economy is both a pressure on, and a victim of,
environmental change. The overexploitation of resources
for economic growth may cause environmental change,
and such change may, in turn, negatively impact
economic performance. There are direct and indirect
economic implications of human vulnerability to
environmental change. Direct costs are dramatically
illustrated when losses resulting from the impacts of
floods, earthquakes, wind storms, or fires are
evaluated. The economic impacts of over
harvesting natural resources, such as fish or
timber, can result in vulnerability as these
resources, on which people depend for their
livelihoods, become scarce.
“It is a dangerous
misconception to
think that
issues are other
environment the initiative targets a
FIRES OF DOOM Food Security number of areas for action,
A man is cutting a tree in the Hunger is the most extreme including: combating
forest and he pauses for a smoke. manifestation of poverty, and the desertification; wetland
Without thinking, he drops the eradication of hunger is conservation; global warming;
cigarette butt and continues with instrumental to the eradication of environmental governance; and
his tree cutting. Before he can other dimensions of poverty. financing. Such measures will help
finish killing off the tree, he smells Agricultural production varies from in reducing human vulnerability.
smoke and automatically glances one sub-region to the other and is Another key response to reduce
behind him. What he sees causes projected, due to the impact of the vulnerability of people is early
him to drop his sturdy axe and climate change, to significantly warning. Various early warning
speed off frantically. The forest is decrease in the tropics and initiatives have been implemented
on fire and the man is on the run, sub-tropics, areas where food in the region. The Famine Early
fleeing from a mess that he insecurity and hunger are already a Warning System (FEWS) is perhaps
carelessly started. Like this problem. one of the more widely known
particular fire, humans cause most initiatives in Africa. The 1985
bush and forest fires, either famine in Ethiopia galvanized
accidentally, carelessly, or African countries to establish
intentionally. Other examples of FEWS. The main objective of FEWS
human-induced causes include: is to lower the incidence of
charcoal burning, slash-and-burn drought-induced famine by
farming, electric short circuits, and
providing timely and accurate
inappropriate storage of HUMAN information to decision makers
inflammable materials. But regarding potential famine
sometimes, nature is to blame for
the fires, like when volcanoes TO
erupt. Whatever their cause, forest
fires often leave destruction in their
hot trail. They destroy human CHANGE
settlements and forest ecosystems.
The latest initiative adopted by
They emit toxic gases and drive
African leaders in 2001 is the New
animals from their natural
Partnership for Africa's
habitations. They cause all manner
Development (NEPAD), whose
of destruction. Tragically, all this
destruction can start with a
long-term objective is to 'eradicate Natural Resource
carelessly dropped cigarette butt.
poverty... and to place African Management
countries, both individually and
BRIDGITTE KIDANA, REPUBLIC OF collectively, on a path of
CHAD sustainable growth and thus halt Wildlife management in the region
the marginalization of Africa in the has undergone many changes over
globalization the past 30 years, from the
process.' The colonial policies of protectionism of
NEPAD wildlife at the expense of
communities, to sustainable
utilization, which supports
community involvement. Countries
in different sub-regions have
implemented or are implementing
community-based natural resource
management (CBNRM)
programmes not only to address
the issue of biodiversity
conservation, but also to generate
income for communities and to
help to reduce rural
poverty, thus reducing
Indigenous Knowledge Policy Interventions
Systems African countries are party to various policy instruments
at global, regional, sub-regional and national levels.
Indigenous knowledge systems (IKS), which were
However, compliance and implementation with these
discouraged during colonialism, are being revived
instruments of environmental management and policy
throughout the region in order to promote human
are often ineffective. This is an indication of policy
nature linkages and to help communities to adapt to
failures that have to be addressed if Africa is to move
their changing environment. The Hausa of northern
towards sustainable development. Policy failures can
Nigeria, for example, developed a wealth of indigenous
contribute to increased human vulnerability to
knowledge to cope with vulnerability to drought and
environmental change. This can be due to inaction on the
famine in the sub-humid to arid regions of the Sahel.
part of authorities, unsustainable policies, poor
These included: inter-cropping with nitrogen-fixing
implementation of existing policies, or insufficient human
legumes; intensive manure application; and soil
and financial resources to give effect to policies.
conservation works. Other household and communal
coping strategies included: wild food substitutes;
Consequently, there is absolute need to strengthen policy
increasing petty trading by women; selling livestock;
implementation measures at community, national,
craft production; and a strong communal ethic of
sub-regional, and regional levels. This certainly calls for
sharing food with the hungry.
support at the global level, but the responsibility is that
of governments, through the necessary political will and
One important coping strategy throughout Africa is
commitment, and in cooperation with their sub-regional
'communal action based on social capital'. In this
and regional organizations.
strategy, traditional societies in rural Africa draw on the
collective strength of the weak to cope with stress in
order to decrease vulnerability and insecurity, for
example, through informal communal institutional
processes, such as barter and trade.
“Environmental stability
and sustainable development
are closely interlinked like
Intellectual Property Rights twins and the impact of their
Related to the issue of IKS is intellectual property rights
interaction is very sensitive
(IPR), which has assumed increasing importance in at all levels.”
terms of conservation, management, sustainable
utilization and benefit sharing of genetic resources. The JEAN BAPTISTE MARANGA,
plunder of African intellectual property rights contributes DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO
to human vulnerability, because the region will be
unable to derive benefit from
its resources, particularly
after patenting.
African countries Did
which are You
particularly rich Know?
in genetic Some 86 per cent of known higher
resources, plants, 99 per cent of the world's
traditional indigenous people and 96 per cent of
knowledge, and the world's farmers live in the South
folklore have an (Africa, Asia and Latin America).
interest in the
role of IPR, in The South's share of species diversity
the sharing of ranges from a low of 52 per cent of known
benefits arising from the fish species to a high of 91 per cent of reptile
patenting and use of biological species. The South has 87 per cent of the global
resources and associated diversity of higher-order plant species and at least
traditional knowledge. 83 per cent of all forests (tropical and temperate).
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE? AMCEN/UNEP (2002). Africa Environment Outlook: Past, Present
and Future Perspectives. Earthprint Limited, London
In order to effectively reduce human vulnerability and
increase security in anticipation of, during, or after Everything that is not from the youth is from the AEO report,
hence there is no need to give this reference.
adverse environmental change, policies need to be
adopted which adequately address environmental issues Photos and illustrations in this Chapter
at national, sub-regional, regional, and global levels, as Alfred Muchilwa, Kenya
well as enhance their implementation. Ange Gnacadja, Benin
Grace Andahwa, Kenya
Hatem El Toudy, Egypt
African governments should assume their responsibilities Monir El Shazly 2, Egypt
to reduce human vulnerability and increase security by Velma Mwendwa, Kenya
good care of the rivers,
Our environment is our life and atmosphere, Reduced
when it changes for the worse, biodiversity, ocean, forests, poverty can lead
our lives change for the worse. lakes, soil… and they will to increased
Environmental change is making reciprocate by taking good environmental
our people more vulnerable. They care of you.
are now exposed to more risk, yet their
coping capabilities are quite low. This means
that disaster, when it strikes, finds people who cannot
shield themselves. If our people do not have umbrellas,
then rain will drench them to the skin. If our people are
poor, then environmental change will affect them deeply.
If our governments do not institute relevant policy
frameworks, then people will be ill-prepared and
ill-equipped to meet the onslaught of
environmental change. If we take two measures from
the environment and give back only one measure, then
the environment may end up with nothing to give us.
What is a Scenario? their debt than on providing
basic social services. To make Culture
A scenario is a story that shows
matters worse, most of the wealth
how future events could unfold, Culture and the natural
generated by trade liberalization
and offers lessons on how to environment are strongly linked.
has flowed to developed countries,
influence these events towards a Cultural norms and values shape
leaving Africa even more
more sustainable path. Scenarios people's perceptions, aspirations,
impoverished. In the late 1990s,
draw on science, the past, the and attitudes and, in turn, their
more than 46 per cent of, or 290
present, physical and social actions. In this way, culture
million, people in sub-Saharan
processes, as well as the strongly influences the choices that
Africa lived on less than US$1 per
imagination. people make. In this era of
day, up from 217 million people a
increasing globalization, culture
decade earlier. Such extreme
can be quite dynamic. Such a
economic handicaps can disable
cultural revival will constitute a
Africans from being
crucial fulcrum for the African
environmentally active, thus
renaissance, and its effects will
DRIVING affecting the future of Africa's
soon become noticeable on the
Social Issues
Driving forces determine Governance
environmental change. They Half of Africa lacks access to health
Young people dream of transparent
control trends and are also services. Life expectancy is
and democratic political
influenced by social, economic, and expected to reduce as a result of
governance. Some African
environmental conditions. There the HIV/AIDS epidemic. On
governments shatter this dream by
are several driving forces, average, African nations continue
embracing corruption. In the
including: to grow sicker and poorer. There
1990s, the winds of change blew
are great inequalities in income
across Africa as most people
distribution, opportunity and social
Demographics welfare. Even though literacy has
demanded greater accountability
from their elected leaders. Political
Young people make up a big risen considerably, African
governance plays a big part in
percentage of Africa's population. countries are experiencing 'brain
environmental governance and is
About 43 per cent of the population drain', as the best-trained people
thus of vital importance to the
is below the age of 15 years, about migrate to developed countries.
52 per cent is between the ages of Young people have been especially
15 and 60 years, and 5 per cent tempted due to what they see as
are aged 60 years or older. The better opportunities abroad. On
large percentage of young people their part, African women have
transforms them into a gigantic made tremendous progress over
workforce for increased investment the past four decades but more
and economic development. action is required to maintain
this momentum. Such social
issues can greatly determine
environmental progress
in the future.
The economic
of African countries
reflects, in part,
their history of
economic and
political colonization
and, partly, the policies
adopted by governments
following independence. Debt
has also been a stumbling block for
many African nations, which have
had to spend more on servicing
reliance on the market forces. a trend that leads to unsustainable
THE These market forces determine patterns of living and assaults on
income. Another cause of
“Unless nature is
COCOA deforestation is the methods of
obeyed, our
farming used; the open-air farming
PRODUCTION system is the most popular and it
dreams and
AND implies systematic tree cutting, and
The Policy Reform Scenario decades of 'unfulfilled promises of global development
strategies' (OAU 1980). Though it does lead to triggered
The Policy Reform scenario is the Market Forces scenario
economic recovery, the policy reform scenario could
with a human face. It balances market driven
ultimately sideline environmental issues if more
prescriptions with social and environmental policies. This
emphasis is placed on targeted policies then their
scenario is based on a set of social and environmental
corresponding results. Under the Lagos Plan of Action,
goals adopted by the international community. It is a
African leaders emphasized that Africa's huge resources
journey towards desired goals. The defining feature of
must be applied principally to meet the needs of the
the Policy Reform scenario is the emergence of the
people and reverse the virtual 'total reliance on the
political will to constrain market-driven growth with a
export of raw materials' (OAU 1980). Unfortunately,
comprehensive set of sustainability policies.
many of the targets set by the Lagos Plan of Action and
other meetings remain unmet, largely because of
At the turn of the century, Africa was plagued by a
ignorance or indifference.
myriad of problems like HIV/AIDS, poverty and
environmental problems. Development in most of
Africa's countries seemed to be on a go-slow, at a The assumptions of the policy reform scenario may be
standstill, or in reverse gear. This triggered renewed summarized as follows:
commitment to sustainable development and
>Policy initiatives for achieving goals are regionally
environment, and therefore adoption of social and differentiated, but include a mix of economic reform, regulatory
environmental goals to reflect global, regional and instruments, voluntary actions, social programmes and
national commitments, through policy reform. Though it technological development.
does lead to triggered economic recovery, the policy >There is an emergence of the political will to constrain and
reform scenario would ultimately sideline environmental guide market-driven sustainability policies.
issues as more emphasis is placed on targeted policies >The 'western' model still prevails, and 'western' values still
than their corresponding automatic results. spread.
Fortress World Scenario networks, especially through which go against the true African
multinational companies which view of one united Africa. The
The Fortress Scenario is the result operate within their strongholds. As alliances in a fortress world, such
of governments ignoring the need a result, there is a decline in the as those driven by special interest
for strong environmental policy capacity of the state to perform groups and individuals, are likely to
reform, and failing to recognize the adequate developmental tasks weaken the trend of African unity
links between the environment and outside the fortress. The basic and integration. Current social,
development. Development thus needs of the people are thus not economic, political, and
declines as poverty rises. The met, leading to the breakdown of environmental conditions in Africa
result is environmental degrada- peace and security. indicate that the fortress world is
tion, food insecurity, terrorism, and already dominating many African
health crises. Alarmed by this, the The Fortress Scenario in Africa countries. This is evidenced
affluent minority resort to creating could unfold in two ways. Firstly, a through elite business holdings,
protected enclaves for themselves self generated fortress driven by fenced and highly secured
in rich nations and strongholds in the African issues that continue to residential areas, and segregated
poor nations as well. The irony of a plague the region such as poverty, private schools.
Fortress World crisis is the elite HIV/AIDS, and disease, while the
minority living in bubbles of rest of the world remains Assumptions
privilege while the poor majority unaffected and possibly The assumptions of the Fortress World
Scenario may be summarized as
live in oceans of misery, suffering, prosperous. Secondly, a global
and hardship with few options and Fortress World in which economic,
resources. social, and political systems >Increasing social and environmental
problems lead to authoritarian
collapse, with Africa being the most
History is full of examples of the affected due to its high
elite living in prosperity while the vulnerability. >Those in the fortress reap the benefits
majority of the public struggles in of globalization, while those outside the
fortress have few options and resources
poverty, working mainly for the At present, the western world and are excluded from the privileges of
benefit of that elite. In the Fortress prefers to deal with Africa as the elite.
World scenario, the elite organize sub-Saharan Africa, while the north >Components of the environment may
themselves into strongholds to is viewed in the Mediterranean improve under this scenario, because
protect their interests, families, context. This has implications for the elite control valuable environmental
businesses and assets. In so doing regional alliances between the elite resources. However, it may be
they create strong, well connected impossible to maintain this improvement
of Europe and Northern Africa,
The Great Transitions especially women; and absolute Assumptions
The African environment is currently exposed to harsh
conditions that can affect the future of the whole
continent. I would like Africa to have the best
environment one can live in, and this can be achieved by
working hand in hand to conserve our natural resources.
Proper planning of all activities should precede
implementation. If we plan now, we shall have a
disaster-free continent in the near future. Only then, will
our children enjoy as well as benefit from the lovely
environment. Preaching and living the "EVER GREEN"
slogan all over Africa will make our continent a paradise.
Picture this... Photos and illustrations in this Chapter
Alfred Muchilwa, Kenya
Ange Gnacadja, Benin
Grace Andahwa, Kenya
A world in which social, cultural, and Hatem El Toudy, Egypt
environmental goals take precedence in Monir El Shazly 2, Egypt
Velma Mwendwa, Kenya
development thinking. A world driven by
ethics and material simplicity, not
consumerism, individualism, or profit. An
Africa no longer stigmatized as the
hopeless continent, riddled by poverty,
war and HIV/AIDS… but one in which
thinkers, leaders and
activists unite in a
renaissance that
as its pivotal
agenda. This
is the Great
Transitions The action we take
scenario. today will lead us to
brighter environmental
Peacemakers and
Environmental Activists
Our hearts' desire is to make peace
in our communities and on our
continent. This is why we named our
organization, 'Africa Peace.' We
believe that a better future for Africa
is possible, that a greener, peaceful, healthy and wealthy
Africa is possible. To translate this conviction into
concrete reality, we train youth in peace building,
leadership and entrepreneurship. So far, 40 Western
African youth leaders have received our training. This
trained youth engaged in lobbying and advocacy for
peace, better education and decentralized cooperation.
They also took part in our Pacific Match for Peace in Côte
d'Ivoire, in January 2003. The following year in May, we
participated in a peace caravan from Nigeria to Togo via
Benin in partnership with the African Renaissance
Students on the Move
Our country's School Environmental
Education Programme started in 1999
after the National Environment
Management Authority (NEMA)
conducted an Environmental
Education workshop on environmental
management for teachers. After the course, the trained
teachers initiated various activities. In our school, the
teachers founded three environment clubs and named
them after three colours, Green, Orange, and Blue.
Preaching the
Environment Gospel
Our country is home to the source
of River Nile. Not far from this great
river are some of the 25 primary
schools in which we started
environmental clubs. As these clubs
were sprouting up, we set up a resource centre for
youth to access environmental information and receive
environmental training. We have trained ten trainers of
trainers in organic farming. With the help of these
trainers, we organized workshops and seminars on
environmental education for youth and primary school
teachers. To increase environmental education even
further, we started a sports programme for youth in
slums. Through sports, we are now able to hold
environmental talks and distribute environmental
products. Our goal is to score environmental goals
even as our youth score soccer goals.
Making a Green
Difference in Angola
We are the largest non-profit
environmental non-governmental
organization (NGO) in Angola. When
we took our first steps on 11 May
1991, our primary purpose was to
promote environmental conservation
and sustainable development through the involvement
and participation of young people in environmental edu-
cation and active learning processes and activities.
Using the Information
Highway to Create Change
In our organization, we are
enthusiastically driving along the
information highway. Our mission is
to use the Internet as a means of
spreading information to a wide
youth audience in Gabon and all across Africa. This
information will be geared towards equipping the youth
to deal with major problems like unemployment,
HIV/AIDS, environmental degradation and child
trafficking. In the spirit of youth empowerment, our
website is wholly managed by the youth.
Uniting University
We are a 186-member association
and have an executive board that
keeps us moving in the right
direction. We also have a Disciplinary
Committee to warn or suspend
members who drag us behind. Membership is open to
any university student who has registered for at least
one geography course. Our association seeks to increase
environmental and HIV/AIDS Awareness. We do this in
all the ten districts of Lesotho.
Capturing the Voice of
Illustration: Somali Organisation for Community Development Activities (SOCDA) Youth Club
In early 2003, the Somali
Organization for Community
Development Activities (SOCDA)
initiated a voluntary project known as
Peace, Environment and Development
(PED). This project is geared towards youth
mobilization, sustainable peace, environment and
development. For more environment-focused action,
SOCDA designated 2004 as the year of Youth for the
Environment. Young people in parts of Somalia were
invited to artistically express their feelings on the
environment. This enabled the voice of the youth to be
captured in lasting art form. Through its youth
programme, SOCDA hopes to continue involving youth
towards environmental sustainability, peace, and
sustainable development.
Can you imagine a country so big
that nine countries border it? Can
you imagine a country that has both
equatorial and tropical climates? Can
you imagine a country that has over
200 ethnic groups? Well, stop imagining and visit the
Democratic Republic of Congo, for it has all these
attributes. It is in this unique country that our
organization was born in 2001. The organization was
formed to uphold the new concept of sustainable
development through human rights and environmental
protection. One of our early activities was to hold
sensitization campaigns on the protection of biodiversity
for future generations. This is especially important
because the Congo Basin forest is one of the most
biologically diverse and poorly understood ecosystems.
Saving a River and
Spreading a Tree
Masue is a polluted river that cuts
across the Victoria Falls-Bulawayo
highway. It is located next to a
dumpsite and it is home to
scavengers. Next to it are sewage
treatment ponds. The Victoria Falls Environment Action
Society youth adopted a 2 km stretch of the river. They
clean it once every two months and hold awareness
campaigns on river pollution. The Masue River is inside
the Victoria Falls World Heritage boundary. The group is
working closely with the Municipality, Environment
Africa and the Department of National Parks.
Youth Employment
Summit in Africa
Stretching across 32 African
countries, the Youth Employment
Summit (YES) has a vision of young
people building their communities,
nations, and sustaining their
environments. YES operates within the United Nation's
Secretary General's 4Es framework, namely;
Employability, Employment Creation, Equity (Equal
Opportunity), and Entrepreneurship. YES has also added
a fifth E - Environmental Sustainability. This vibrant
network believes that environmental sustainability can
only be achieved through economic incentives. Youth
are thus encouraged to embark on ventures that will
increase the quality of their livelihoods and promote
sustainable development in their communities.
Renewable energy is one of the many sectors that can
realize both environmental sustainability and
employment. YES Country Networks are youth-led
national-level coalitions focused on implementing YES at
the country level.
Youth Employment
Summit, Ghana
Since our inception in 2001, we have
organized national consultations to
understand the local youth
employment scenario and place
youth issues on the national agenda.
We have also brought together youth-led and
youth-serving organizations to focus on the issue of
employment. This has entailed developing partnerships
between youth organizations, government, private
sector, NGOs, and educational institutions.
Giving Youth a Voice
Youth Media is a youth-focused NGO
whose mission is two - fold: Firstly,
to give young people information
that enables them to make
responsible decisions about their
sexuality, as well as equipping them
to effectively contribute to personal, social, political,
economic, and national development. Secondly, we train
young Zambians aged 12-25 with media skills that
amplify and articulate their voice on issues that directly
affect them. Such a youth voice enables young people to
participate in national development and environmental
sustainability by creating an understanding of issues
that affect youth.
Youth Media
P.O. Box 35767
Lusaka, Zambia
[email protected]
The Journey of Youth
Our organization started its journey
in May 2000. The 15 founder
members were students, ex-students
and professionals who decided to use
their spare time to improve the
quality of life. Since solid waste
management remains a challenge in our country, we
developed pilot projects of waste collection and recycling
and went on sensitizing both youth and adults. This kept
our youth busy and our neighbourhoods clean. Through
this programme, our youth as well as adults learned the
importance of managing solid waste and conserving our
beautiful environment. We also have continuous capacity
building workshops for our youth members as well as for
our partners.
Kenya. We, as young people, should be vocal in what
we believe in, even when we are looked down upon…
Lets fight on. It is our future!!! We have a right to it.
Le Club Vert
An environmental Conservation club from Burundi.
Mobilizing Cameroonian
Association Jeunesse Verte du
Cameroon (AJVC) works towards
sustainable environmental
management and human rights
promotion. Since our inception in
1999, we have shared best practices
amongst youth organizations and promoted
environmentally sound technologies. Towards these
ends, we held two national youth forums that brought
together at least 50 youth organizations and 150
individuals from all over Cameroon. These young people
shared songs, plays, ideas and information. In order to
identify and network with more youth environmental
initiatives, we hold tours throughout all the provinces of
Cameroon. For better information flow, we prepare a
regular youth magazine containing the different youth
activities around our country.
Christmas tree ornaments made from recycled Our vibrant youth association comprises 15 core
waste paper, by Le CLub Vert.
members and more than 300 national members.
Because of our national outreach, our activities draw
media interest, government acknowledgement, and
international recognition. We believe that such
recognition of active youth organizations should be
translated into actual support. This will build the
capacities of youth organizations and greatly enhance
their activities.
P.O Box 7814
Yaounde, Cameroon
[email protected]
Throughout the ages, humankind has strived to interpret
the future. This drive for knowledge stems from an
impulse to forecast the future in order to avoid
catastrophes. Since the future is essentially unknown,
writing about it can be a tricky affair. The scenarios
presented alternative possibilities that can emerge from
current conditions and driving forces. It is hoped that
these scenarios will guide decision-makers to take
informed action.
AMCEN/UNEP (2002). Africa Environment Outlook: Past, Present
and Future Perspectives. Earthprint Limited, London
As young people of Africa, it is our duty to leave Africa better than we found it. We have found polluted
rivers, weary cities and deforested land. We have found an Africa that is enacting wonderful environmental
policies but implementing few of those policies. We have found an Africa that is becoming increasingly
vulnerable to environmental change. As we lobby our authorities to put green ink on paper and action into
that ink, we can also take action. We can plant more trees and adopt more rivers. We can clean up the
beach and embrace environmentally sound technologies. We can refuse to eat illegal bush meat and decide
to recycle.
A wish list is not enough to reverse the environmental degradation that our continent faces. Neither is an
accusing finger strong enough to build a greener Africa. Only our hands, joined together, in strategic and
systematic action will bear fruit. We shall experience a better tomorrow if we take action today. The past,
present, and future of our environment is interlinked through us. The Great Transitions may be a future
scenario but it is not a dream. If we draw from the lessons of the past and seize the opportunities of the
present, we shall be able to usher in a brighter environmental future.
Delta; An alluvial deposit usually triangular in shape, at the mouth of a river or stream.
Capitalism; An economic and political system, in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners
for profit rather than by the state. (Oxford)
Socialism; Political and economic theory for social organization which advocates that means of production, distributions
and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Global Environment Facility; The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established as a joint international effort to
help solve global environmental problems. The GEF Trust Fund was established by a World Bank resolution on.March 14,
1991 while the Facility was formally established in October 1991 as a joint programme between the United Nations
Development Programme, UNEP and the World Bank.
El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO); the natural shift in ocean currents and winds off the coast of South America
which occurs every two to seven years. ENSO events bring above average rainfall to some regions and reduced rainfall
to others.
Fossil fuels; any hydrocarbon deposit that can be used for fuel. Examples are petroleum, coal and natural gas.
Trypanosomiasis; A disease of human and animals caused by infection with species of tsetse flies and other insects.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC); A compound consisting of chlorine, fluorine and carbon; has the potential of destroying
the ozone layer.
Greenhouse gases (GHG); Gas such as carbon dioxide that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing
Greenhouse effect; the trapping of a sun's warmth in a planet's lower atmosphere, due to the greater transparency of
the atmosphere to visible radiation from the sun than to infrared radiation emitted from the earth's
Global warming; the gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere due to the greenhouse
effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs and other pollutants.
Myriapod; Centipede, millipede, or other arthropod having an elongated body with numerous leg bearing segments.
Biosphere Reserves; the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth occupied by living organisms.
Ecotourism; tourism directed towards unspoilt natural environments and intended to support conservation efforts.
Ramsar Convention; it is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and
international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. It was adopted in the
Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971 and came into force in 1975, and it is the only global environmental treaty that deals
with a particular ecosystem.
Ecosystem; the entirety of plant, animal, and micro-organisms and non-living materials interacting as one unit within a
defined physical location. The term may be applied to a unit as large as the whole eco-sphere, but it usually refers to
part of it.
Ratification; the formal acceptance to be held accountable to carry out the activities elaborated in a convention. Failure
to act would lead to pre-agreed sanctions by other parties to an agreement.
Mangrove; tree or shrub, which grows in muddy, mainly tropical coastal swamps and has twisted roots that grow above
the ground and form dense thickets.
Reforestation; establishment of a new forest by planting seedlings on a forest land that fails to re-stock naturally.
Roundwood; timber which is left as small logs, typically taken from near the top of trees and used for furniture.
Desertification; the progressive reduction of the productivity of arid, semi arid and dry sub-humid land. Such can be
caused by various factors, especially climatic variations and human activities.
Slash and burn; a method of agriculture in which vegetation is cut down and burned off before new seeds are sown.
Acid rain; a widespread term used to describe all forms of acid precipitation (rain, snow, hail, fog, etc). Atmospheric
pollutants, particularly oxides of sulphur and nitrogen, can cause precipitation to become more acidic when concerted to
sulphuric and nitric acids.
Aquifer; a porous layer of sediment and bedrock under the earth's surface saturated with water.
Demographic; relating to the characteristics of human populations, including the size, growth rate, density,
distribution, race composition, births, marriages, death, health and other vital statistics.
Biodegradable; capable of being broken down by living organisms and other natural processes into inorganic
AEO-for-Youth National Focal Points (NFP) for Central Africa
Thiome Cheikhou NFP; Senegal Cours Sainte Marie [email protected]
BP: 98 Dakar
NFP; Tunisia
NFP; Libya
Tewodrose NFP; Ethiopia P.O. Box 583, Code 1250, [email protected]
Tadesse Addis Ababa
Tel; 251-1-533862
Victoria Falls NFP; Zimbabwe Victoria Falls Environment [email protected]
Environment Action Society
Action Society c/o Environment Africa,
P.O.Box CT 502,
Victoria Falls,
Abdel Kerim El Hadary Alice Nyambura Beatrice Nyawira
Abdi Fara Alice Osung Bekele Misikire
Abdihamid Abdulahi Alida Baranyizigiye Bekeleza Dube
Abdikarim Yusuf Alie Kanu Belyse Niyibigira
Abdimalik Farah Alim Alarakhia Ben Kheder
Abdon Joof Allan Ong'ang'a Benedicte Kabasele
Abdul Razak Bawa Alouka Sena Benitha Nkurizabo
Abdulkadir Hakimi Alphayo Mwoma Benoit Murera Manzi
Abdullah Zaharawu Alphonse Marie Benter Awour
Abedi Kivindyo Aluda Martin Besufikad Tsegaye
Abias Hungo Alves Rene Bethanie Kendwa
Abigail Adjei Alvian Gachugu Beugre Guy Ferrand
Abiola Olubunmi Tuviere Amanuele Tesfaye Bill Tshebwe
Abiy Tamerat Ambossa Elkissa Billy Ndayinagije
Aboubakar Noikumana Ambrose Muthee Blaise Kavila
Abraham Amatika Ameda Ida Marie Bob Lokwa
Abraham Kerio Amina Mokhtar Ahmed Bobanga Dondup
Abraham Mutheki Amr Abou Kharwata Boitumelo Nkoyi
Achilles Kiwanuka Amr Gharbeia Bongiwe Pongwa
Ackon Jonathan Amr Orensa Bongumusa Molefe
ADAMA Anab Dakane Boni Franck
Adnan Zavery Anderson Kwesi Boniface Mudiri
Adolphe Nakasila Andoh George Boniface Wandahwa
Adrian Mugenyi Andre Coetsee Bonny Majozi
Adu Gyamei Richard Andrew Alusi Chege Bosco Bizindavyi
Adulai Korkor Andrew Munyua Braeburn School
Afiagbe Koku Anele Zama Brendan Edidieng Nkem
Agbekponou Koff Ange Mbombo Brian Mutunge
Agorhome Henrietta Angela Karenju Brian Nambala
Ahmed Abd el Masoud Angela Mangi Brian Namlala
Ahmed Abdallah Angela Kingori Brian Ouriem
Ahmed Adjou Anita Uwingabiye Bridah Kimathi
Ahmed Faridah Ann Kinuthia Briggite Marie
Ahmed Mohamed Abbas Ann Kiongi Brigitte Koumbo Kidana
Ahmed Ouchila Annabelle Lagare Bruce Rukundo
Ahmed Said Annie Ncuti Buhle Mdlalose
Ahmed YousefWalaa Rashwan Anthony Muchiri Buka Ike
Aileen Rodel Anuonye Adele Chioma Bukuru Egide
Aimable Muzungu Apoorv Bordia Callistus Wendo
Aime Ndayishimiye Appiah Serwaa Camilla Semasson
Aime Pingi Arcade Hatungimana Camish Gajoo
Aisha Ahmed Khaled Arinash Ramtohul Candide Bayubahe
Akasua Afra Frempong Kore Armah Korsnteng Gyameya Boafo Carine Kakasi
Akindele Olusegun Armel Bizoza Carla Pena
Akosua Yamoah Sarfo Arsene Mampuya Carlos Renato
Alain Mbuya ARTES Carole Saina
Alastair Laird Arthemon Katihabwa Caroline Afedoe
Albert Bendu Arwa Hedfi Caroline Sadera
Albert Irambeshya Asène Mfuranzima Castory Ntulu
Alemayehu Ayalew Ashia Edith Aba fenua Catherine Baecker
Alex Kamoro Ashigbey Edith Esinam Catherine Kariuki
Alex Kamweru Asmaa Hussein Aly Mohammed Catherine Lillian Alpha
Alex Michira Associaçao Ambiental Catherine Watitu
Alfa Umaru Baldé Atmaram Gunnoo Catia Santana
Alfred Kapeu Kian Audrey Niyonzima Cecilia Mengo Wangeci
Alfred Sigudhla Ayanda Qwabe Central Saint Gabriel High School
Alfusiney Gano Ayivi Ayite Césaire Ndayishimiye
Algassimo Ba Babalola Fola Chacha Reuben Matango
Alhaji Swaray Badibanga Nsambuka John Chadialk Bigirimana
Ali Bouzidi Bahuwufise Cyriaque Changen Primabye
Ali Hassan Bajou Atehéni Eric Charity Akor
Ali Ibrahim Basma Abu-Zeid Charles Arkorful Kweki
Alice Jane Bayubahe Candide Charles Cyiza
Charles Kariuki Dessin Nuzooa Erode Nkundimana
Charles Kiungo Detty Wood Prince Eseri Khanyako
Cheikh Amadou Dhara Shah Esther Adoma Darkwah
Cheikhou Thiome Diana Robert Esther Mwangi
Cherubin Iteka Dicunji de Bengo Esther Mutua
Christelle Paris Dieye Alimaton Jadya Esther Mwangi
Christian Adon Dineo Lecheko Esther Ndolo
Christian Kabandano Divine Hart Esther Wanjiru
Christian Nzeyimara Divine Ntiranyuhura Esya Eta
Christiana Solophina Djidji Ali Eteng Ikwo Ofem
Christie Smith Djigma Honoré Eucharia Iheghi Donatus
Christine Kigagah Doaa Mohammed Mostafa Eunice Owino
Christine Mukantwali Dominion Michael Bassey Eunice Naa Dedie Antie
Christine Wairimu Dona Nakazibwe Eunice Owino
Christopher Ajayi Dorel Ndaboroheye Eunice Wambui
Cicilia Nascimento Doriane Kaze Eunice Waweru
Cindy Oluoch Dorithee van Finkel Evans Asutsi
Claire Ndathi Dorothy Atieno Evelyn Kumi
Clarisse Mulanga Dorothy Donkoh Evelyn Wairimu
Claude Miyomwongere Dorothy Hanson Teapor Evode Nkundiyimana
Claudia van Straaten Dorris Amaneo Oforiwaa Excellence Uso
Claudine Nsamba Dossou Bethelle Eyra Yaw Awunyo-Akaba
Claver Nkurunziza Douglas Arege Fabrice L'Espar
Claver Piere Mpayimana Dueme Patrick Fabrice Habonimana
Clive Tomusange Duke Makori Fabrice Rusugiro
Clovis Nimbona Duncan Odongo Faith Obange
Coffie Mark Nutsukpui Durban Youth Council Fanice Moraa
Colibri Wildlife Clubs Edson Costa Fatheya Saeed Mohammed
Connie Walyaro Efau Amoasi-Andoh Fathima Simjee
Conrad Camara Eileen Akach Fatma Mohmmed
Constance Walyaro Elizabeth Bangura Fatu Koroma
Cynthia Bashirahishize Elizabeth Micheal Feda Micheal
Cynthia Celestin Elizabeth Nagirye Felicia Abena Afedzi
Cynthia Iracanye Eltred Coco Bassey Felix Kwarteng
Cynthia Iteka Eludoyin Ouwole Felix Musonye
Cynthia Okumu Emad Mohammed Abdel Kareem Ferdinand Kadeyi
Cynthia Thindi Emeka Mwosu Fernandes Ndoye
Dady Thamba Emem Sunday Sam Ferninand Kadeyi
Dali Khanyile Emily Achola Feta Essa
Dalia Khalifa Emily Kwambai Fezile Mpeko
Fidele Mana Bimenyi
Daniel Edah Emily Nguura
Fils Luzolo
Daniel Agbomson Emily Njoroge
Fiogbe Athanase
Daniel Edet Emily Nungari
Fiona Kabahenda
Daniel Gyasi Emily Nyamau
Fiona Ngethe
Daniel Machooka Emily Shisia
Firmin Ekogha
Daniel Ndanda Eminence Mbadu
Flore Bisuta
Daniels Araba Emma Langaas
Florence Kinyua
Dany Kabamba Emmanuel Kamanzi
Florin Nsegimana
Darkoh Evelyn Priscilla Emmanuel Okoche
Fourtin Nganizi
Darlène Gusugusu Emmanuel Oluchi Okpola
Francine Munezero
David Aromati Emmanuel Olusegun Akindele
Francis Ashun Acquaah
David Asmica Braima Enock Kwabla Ameasu
Francis Kamutu
Dawit Birhanu Epapphras Ndikumana
Frank Habineza
Debbie BothaDechasa Jiru Ephrem Fetene
Fred Sadia
Deeraj Chooramun Erasmus Mbhele
Fredrick Orwa
Delphin Nkengurutse Eric Gyamei Boateng
Fredy Mwamba
Denis Hamson Eric Itangishaka
Gaïle Magerano
Denis Odokonyero Eric Kimathi
Gapiki Mushagara
Dennis Omwenga Eric Mwai
Garvit Shah
Desilu Oberholzer Eric Nizigimana
Gathecha Kamau
Désiré Dole Eric Nizigiyimana
Genevieve Ewurabena Beomtwi
Désiré Ndayishimiye Eric Rugumiye
Gentille Fanny Nahimana
Desmond Torho Ernest Bucyayungura
George Ofori Horsu
George Gaita Ngaruiya Lauru Ingabire Joseph Karanja Mulu
George Kamau Lavender Annete Joseph Kiminda
George Mburu Iman Mubarak Riyad Joseph Mbae
George Ngaruiya Iman Sami Metry Joseph Muhu
Gift Bassey Ekpenyong Immaculie Nyiraminani Joseph Tuyishimes
Gifty Jiage Imo William Obot Joseph Waithaka
Gilbert Ariemo Indépendante School Josephine Aburwofie
Gilbert Kwitonda Ingrid Bayaram Josephine Nyinawankuji
Gilbert Nyende Innocent Agabe Joshua Wama Wambugu
Ginette Masongo Bumba Irene Githu Joshua Wambugu
Gingle Nsona Irene Mangozi Joy Waithera
Giovann Rugema Irene Nkanya Joyce MwendeJoycelyn
Giraffe Centre, Nairobi Isaac Dladla Naa Okailey
Giselle Ntumba Isaac Kibirige Juanita Dela Salla
Gloria Asasira shmael Dumbaya Judy Tandy
Gloria Buyoya Issa Shili Jules MitashiJulien Mulenga
Glymin Senyo Issiaka Ibrahim Juliet Ndudi Ebonyem
Godai Blandine Ivan Omoding Julius Kipkemei
Godfrey Kakuru Ivy Jepchirir Julliet Jepchirchir
Gowri Rovi Jacintah Mutheu Junior Muamba Bukasa
Grace Wanja Jack Mbambi Junior Thsobo
Green Alive Jacqueline Mpfubusa Justin Rwigi
Guako Abla Vanesa Jairus Munywoki Juvenil do Moxico
Guidi Ayawa Meduwodzi James Hallowell Kabwe Kabwe Dodi
Guy Kajemba James Kamau Kagwe Njoroge
Guy Tshimanga James Mbui Kajuba Wesonga
Habinela Frank James Muturi Kamara Taylor
Hakim Ajraoui James Nkurunziza Kamondi Vunoka
Hanishta Praya James Oluka Kanahouian Aubierge
Harriet Offei IJane Amanshia Nunoo Kanairu Kibiru
Hassan Abou Lmaktoub Janet Nakachwa Kareem Mostafa
Hassan Kabaj Jani Meyer Kareen Muller
Hassan Magor Jasmine Ashong-Katai Karen Langat
Hassanatu Kadie Koroma Jean Baptiste Habiyambere Karin Pothin
Hatem Mohammed Jean Habiyambere Katherine Henaku
Helga Dala Jean Karamage Katherine Logo
Hellen Nyathare Jean Lubaki Kavungo João
Hellen Owusu Boateng Jean Mukunzi Kayleigh Keegan
Hend Ahmed Jean Pierre Karamage Keita Mariam Malika
Henry Nwachi Jean-Pierre Kabengele Kelvin Otana
Henry Mondrokpa Jessica Kanani Kemi Ademola Jimoh
Henry Owora Jilna Morjasia Ken Ganda
Herbert Kebafetotse Joan Jebiwott Kenneth Ssemakula
Hervé Cishahayo Joan Nambatya Kennoh Swarray
Hichem Bouhacha Joan Ngumba Kevin Miriti
Hildebrand Niyomwungeri Jocelyne Kwizera Kevin Ndwiga
Hirwa Apiir Joel Bachari Khaled Mohammed El Hady
Hlayisani Wilson Joelle Bwata Khalida Bulahan
Hlobisile Buthelezi John Awazi Khalifa Zulu
Honore Ngudie John Edem Akubia Khanysile Makhanya
Honore Djigma John Gakinya Kim Lauru Ingabire
Hubert Ondo John Igiri Nsanta Kimani Mwangi
Humphrey Mugambi John Letai Kingsway High School
Iboro Orok John Mulisa Kiniaru Kibiru
Ibrahim Abdallah Johnson Gachuria Kiseya Buana
Ibrahim Fahim Jonas Obese Koranteng Kitambala Clément
Ibrahim Isiaka José Bongo Lelo Kitenge Gedeon
Ibrahim Toufah Jose Phanzu Kithinji Basil
Ignatius Ikechukwu Joseph Thuita Kithinji Gichunge Basil
Ihab Hamdy Joseph Asanda Kiuma Abeti
Ihab Khalifa Joseph Riga Kizito Masinde
Ikenna Isife Joseph Alias Charite' Kizza Connie Joloba
Iman Ahmed Hussein Hazalintwali Kodade Enam Yawa
Laureen Mwanza Joseph Hazalintwali Kokora Basile Armano
Laurent Mbuyi Joseph Kalule Kolum Josiah
Laureen Mwanza Lawrence Ente Okon Thom Elonkum Papy
Laurent Mbuyi Layla Saeed Thomas Jay Ndoko
Lauru Ingabire Marcel Bin Tina Makoya
Komenan Anderson Marcellin Chirhalwira Tina Onah
Kouame Ng'uessan Margaret Bakajika Tina Sewell
Krupa Samani Margaret KamayMarie Tobias Ochieng' Nyumba
Krustal Shabani Tamoifo Nkom Tom Tenboy
Kufoalor Doreen Selorm Marie Alphonse Tonny Ndaboroheye
Kumah Rubby Marie Baptistine Touman Abou
Kwetey Hillarious Mark Naidoo Triza Birungi
L'Espar Fabrice Martin Clement Tshibanda Tshumbe Detty
Lambert Hakizimana Martin Rukundo Tshimenga Roose
Lambert Ndayisaba Marwa Abdel-Latif Valerie Magutu
Landry Nkanagu Mary Kagendo Valery Mbonimpa
Lebenya Palesa Maryanne ComrieShirley Vanessa Jiage
Lekeaka David Effie Arthur Vénérand Ndayiragije
Lemmy Mwangi Siegfried Bandu Vera Acheampong
Leonard Langat Sifiso Ngonoma Vera Vollgraaff
Leonel Fiel Sikhululekile Ncube Vijay Prakash
Leonilde Mateus Sinethemba Mkhize Vincent Dlamini
Letesi Achieng Sintakura Parfait Vincent Sebanani
Lewis Kamwanga Nzawe Siphiwe Ngcobo Vishal Gooroochurn
Liberty Munbeya Sipho Mbatha Viven Ayair
Lilian Abunge Siphokazi Mlaba Vugizo School
Liliana de Carvalho Sivananda Rajah Waad El Hadidy
Lily Dora Kwarko Dadson Smalto Kabuya Wahome Waribu
Limuru Girls High School Smitha Deonath Walton Yeboah Odoba
Lina Kandomba Soddy Emmanuel Iranzi Wendy Linders
Linah Iravonga Sohayla Omar Wendy Marie Jeanne
Linda Nouri Soheir Yehia Azer Wendy Bomo Attah
Lindah Musiko Solomon Tipelle Wildlife Clubs of Kenya
Lionel Ntwali Solomon Tucker Wildlife Clubs of Seychelles
Lionelle Samnick Somiah Renate William Khamisi
Llyod Felgate Sonto Mayise William Sackey
Londeka Dlamini Soraiya Meghji Yakoubi Hind
Londiwe Madondo Sosu Mawusi Andy Yaseen Schweder
Longwango Lomo Soumanou Sabi Yasmeed Said Saad
Lori Jones St Michael Archange School Yasmin Maamah
Lou Ohtman Stanilas Nonge Yengoui Meye
Louis Kalisa Stella Aanyu Yesha lakhani
Louis Percy Steve Biko Irakoe Younnes Etoubi
Lucas Aminiel Steve Itela Youssef Kadioui
Lumka Mhlahlo Stuart Dunlop Ysé Ndihokubwayo
Lydia Kamle Susan Symons Yuvitsi Ramgulum
Lyse Izere sylvia Wamuyu Yves marcellin
Lysette Kubwayo Sylvie Niombo Ngoueme Yvonne Khamati
Mabel Nana Ama Kwaku Sylvie Sivahera Yvonne Maingi
Maha Ragab Mahmoud Tamer Ahmed Elshayal Zahou Rabia
Mahmoud El Tawil Tamer Salah Abdel Fatah Zama Ndlovu
Mahmoud Ismael Tanguy Nzue Obame Zama Shabalala
Makperr Maurice Mukameyu Tanya Verdonck Zamandlela Mabindisa
Malick Pa CeSsay Tariro Morwira Zambert Uwizeyimana
Malou Binda Tawiah Abena Vivian Zandile Dlamini
Mandla Nxumalo Tedilaye Tamiru Zandile Shibe
Mangoma Zinc Tetteh-Ashong Zelda Maree
Mantha Makotsi Tewodrose Tadesse Ziddah Perfect Awo
Maos Angua Thanda Magubane Zinzile Mnghadi
PSS/05-84673/3000copies/Jan 2006/JW