Database System (SD2052) Assignment

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Database Systems (SD2052)
Group Assignment
Students must form a small group and choose the given scenarios to
do the assignment. The guidelines and rules are as follows.
1. All the students must actively take part in preparing and submitting
the assignment.
2. Maximum number of students in a group should not exceed 4 (four).
4. Student must submit their group registration form (last page of this
document) to their Lecturer NOT later than 10th July, 2008.
5. Once submitted they are not allowed to change their group.
6. Every individual student will be closely monitored by the respective
lecturer towards the evaluation of the assignment.
7. Students must have their own contribution for the assignment and
that should be recorded as the part of their project document.
8. Students from the same group may not be guaranteed to get
equal marks due to their poor contribution and poor communication
skills during presentation.
9. Copying (Full/Part) from any other source or outsourcing this
work is strictly prohibited and any such act shall result in an
award of 0 (zero) marks for the project.
10. Last date for submitting the final report is on or before 10th
July, 2008.
11. This assignment carries 50% of the coursework’s marks.

You are to work in a group to design and create a database for the
scenarios listed below.

(a) List out the possible Business Rules
(b) Identify all the entities and attributes from the given scenario.
(c) Draw the E-R Diagram to show the relationship between the entities
and attributes.
(d) Describe the integrity & referential integrity in your data model
(e) List the functional dependencies in your model. Find the normal
forms of your relations.
(f) You must use SQL statements to produce your data and load it into
(g) Take an actual set of data from real life situations.
(h) Implement your queries using SQL under the MYSQL environment.
(i) Prepare the data dictionary, DDL and DML scripts of your execution
sessions, and sample reports.

1. A written report containing the following items:
• Business Rules
• Integrity constraints and normalization
• Entity-Relationship Diagram
• Data dictionary, DDL and DML scripts
• Queries and reports
• Details about your contribution in this project.

2. Softcopy of the diagram and SQL scripts

3. Presentation of the database (ALL members -using power point

• Business Rules. (5 marks)
• Integrity constraints (10 marks)
• Normalization (5 marks)
• Entity-Relationship Diagram (20 marks)
• Data dictionary, DDL and DML scripts (20 marks)
• Queries and sample reports (20 marks)
• Presentation (20 marks)


University Project Management System

The Information Technology Service Center of Intelligence University is

building a database to store lecturer information on teaching, and
research activities. The detailed information gathered is as below:
• Professors have a Pno, a name, an age, a rank, and a research
• Projects have a project number, a sponsor name (e.g. IRPA), a
starting date, an ending date, and a budget.
• Graduate students have a Gno, a name, an age, and a degree
program (e.g. MSc., Ph.D.).
• Each professor must manage at least a project (known as the
project’s principle investigator).
• Each project is worked on by one or more professors (known as the
project’s co-investigators).
• Professors have to work on multiple projects.
• Each project is worked on by one or more graduate students (known
as the project’s research assistants).
• When graduate students work on a project, multiple projects are
acceptable, in which case they will have a supervisor for each
• Departments have a department number, a department name, and
a main office.
• Departments have a professor (known as the chairman) who must
run the department.
• Professors work in one or more departments and for each
department that they work in, a time percentage is associated with
their job.
• Graduate students require one major department in which they are
working on their degree.
• Each graduate student may have another, more senior graduate
student (known as a student advisor) who advises him or her on
what courses to take.

Useful Queries:
• List all the lecturers who are professors.
• List all the professors that are NOT a project leader but have
graduate students.
• List all the graduate students, and their respective project name who
work under a project leader.
• List all the seniors who advise junior students.
• List all the Professors who are involved in multiple projects.
• List all the Lecturers and the respective Department that they are attached to and the
time allocated for each allocated for each department. (Here 1 department has many
Lecturer's and 1 lecturer from many department's)

Note: Extra related queries will be given extra mark (but will not
exceed the mark allocated maximum)
SD 2052 Database Systems
Group Registration Form

Lecturer Name: __________

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