Database System (SD2052) Assignment
Database System (SD2052) Assignment
Database System (SD2052) Assignment
You are to work in a group to design and create a database for the
scenarios listed below.
(a) List out the possible Business Rules
(b) Identify all the entities and attributes from the given scenario.
(c) Draw the E-R Diagram to show the relationship between the entities
and attributes.
(d) Describe the integrity & referential integrity in your data model
(e) List the functional dependencies in your model. Find the normal
forms of your relations.
(f) You must use SQL statements to produce your data and load it into
(g) Take an actual set of data from real life situations.
(h) Implement your queries using SQL under the MYSQL environment.
(i) Prepare the data dictionary, DDL and DML scripts of your execution
sessions, and sample reports.
1. A written report containing the following items:
• Business Rules
• Integrity constraints and normalization
• Entity-Relationship Diagram
• Data dictionary, DDL and DML scripts
• Queries and reports
• Details about your contribution in this project.
• Business Rules. (5 marks)
• Integrity constraints (10 marks)
• Normalization (5 marks)
• Entity-Relationship Diagram (20 marks)
• Data dictionary, DDL and DML scripts (20 marks)
• Queries and sample reports (20 marks)
• Presentation (20 marks)
Useful Queries:
• List all the lecturers who are professors.
• List all the professors that are NOT a project leader but have
graduate students.
• List all the graduate students, and their respective project name who
work under a project leader.
• List all the seniors who advise junior students.
• List all the Professors who are involved in multiple projects.
• List all the Lecturers and the respective Department that they are attached to and the
time allocated for each allocated for each department. (Here 1 department has many
Lecturer's and 1 lecturer from many department's)
Note: Extra related queries will be given extra mark (but will not
exceed the mark allocated maximum)
SD 2052 Database Systems
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