Milo Baker Chapter Newsletter, February 2004 California Native Plant Society
Milo Baker Chapter Newsletter, February 2004 California Native Plant Society
Milo Baker Chapter Newsletter, February 2004 California Native Plant Society
February 8, 10:00 am February Field Trip Armstrong Woods
February 17, 7:30 pm General Meeting Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center*
March 16, 7:30 pm General Meeting Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center
March 20 March Field Trip – Bring the Kids! Foothill Park, Windsor
March 27 Laguna de Santa Rosa Tour with Denise Cadman Laguna de Santa Rosa
May 8 Spring Wildflower Festival Luther Burbank Center for the Arts
*General meetings are held on the Tuesday of each month at:
Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center, 2050 Yulupa Avenue, Santa Rosa
There are a few activities happening right before the February General Meeting!
Check out “Chapter Events & Activities” for more details!
In This Issue
Calendar.......................................................................1 Chapter Field Trips .....................................................4
President's Corner .......................................................2 Activities & Events of Interest....................................5
Volunteer Opportunities.............................................2 Articles to Increase Your Knowledge ........................6
Wish List ......................................................................2 Newsletter Submissions & Website ...........................7
Conservation Report ...................................................3 Support Our Local Native Plant Nurseries ...............7
Chapter Events & Activities .......................................3
P resident's Corner
It’s been a very full month and I’ve got exciting news.
Volunteer Opportunities
Milo Baker Chapter needs you!
We have two new board members: Marianne Perron Call for participation
and Daniel Murley. Marianne, who is taking on the Spring is almost here! We are preparing for our
position of treasurer, has been a CNPS member since second annual Spring Wildflower Festival and we
the 1970’s. Marianne grew up in Berlin and has need your help to make it another success like last
always had an interest in gardening. She is a Master year! Would you like to: Be the first person to greet
Gardener, has a diploma in Horticulture from Merritt people at the entrance and sell tickets? Or do you
College and two Master’s degrees from UC Berkeley enjoy art and art auctions? Can’t get enough of those
(in Business Administration and Social Work). CNPS posters, books and T-shirts? Can’t say enough
Marianne has kept books for her own landscape about CNPS? Like kids? Come volunteer at the front
gardening business and real estate ventures. gate, in the art auction, at the education table, at the
Marianne is now retired from what sounds like a membership table, or at the kids’ table to satisfy your
very full life. I want to thank Nancy Prouty, our hunger! For front gate and the auction, contact
retiring treasurer, for all the work she has done for Marcia Johnson at [email protected]. For
the chapter, and especially thank her for staying on a posters, books, t shirts, membership, education, and
few months to help with the turnover of the position! kids, contact Ruby Herrick, 887-8542 or
Daniel Murley has recently retired after 30 [email protected]. Hope to see you at the Spring
years(!) as a Ranger at Salt Point State Park, and then Wildflower Festival, Saturday May 8th at the Luther
Ranger and archeologist at Fort Ross State Historic Burbank Center for the Arts.
Park. Some of you may have had the pleasure of Dan
leading you on a wildflower hike at the coast. He is Secretary Needed!
currently the Curator at the Healdsburg Museum. The nominating committee (Pauline Haro, Ruby
Dan has a real love of native plants and photographs Herick, and Wendy Born) has been busy searching
them as well. His experience as an archeologist at out members who are willing to be a part of the Milo
Fort Ross has also given him much insight in to the Baker board. With the positions of Treasurer,
history of the Pomo Indians. Program Chair, and Co-Hospitality Chair filled we
Lynn Houser has returned to the board to are now searching for a Secretary. Duties for this
take on Bob Hass’s position of Conservation Chair. position include: attending the Milo Baker board
Bob is leaving for personal reasons but hopes to join meetings, preparing the agenda prior to the
us again next year. Lynn has experience in the area of meetings, taking and distributing notes, and
conservation our group has been pursuing and we maintaining the chapter archives. If this sounds like
are happy to have her back. Board members Betsy a position for you, contact Wendy Born at 829-7519.
Livingstone and Barney Brady have agreed to be
Hospitality Co-Chairs to assist Joan Grosser. Help protect native plants
We warmly welcome these new and Are you interested in becoming more involved in
returning board members and thank them for protecting Sonoma Country’s precious native plants
responding to our requests and filling these and their habitat? They need your advocacy. There
positions. We currently have the positions of are lots of ways to help. If you’re not sure how you
president and secretary for which we need want to be involved, whether you’re just at the
volunteers to join the board. Please contact me or “checking it out” stage or looking for a committed
Ruby if you can help. role, you can start by introducing yourself to any of
Another bit of nice news: I was just informed the Board members at the General Meeting. Or give
that the Chapter received a “Certificate of a call to Ruby Herrick at 887-8542, or email her at
Appreciation” for the Spring Wildflower Festival [email protected].
from the State Board of Directors at the September
Chapter Council Meeting. Regretfully, I missed that Wish List
presentation, but am pleased our Chapter’s work was
Want to help out, but don’t have the time to
recognized by the State. ! Reny Parker
volunteer? How about donating one of the following
This illustration is borrowed from Healing Wise: Wise Woman Herbal by Susan Weed, ©1989.
THE CALIFORNIA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY is a statewide non-profit organization of amateurs and
professionals with a common interest in California’s native plants. The Society, working through its local chapters,
seeks to increase understanding of California’s native flora and to preserve this rich resource for future generations.
Membership is open to all. Membership includes Fremontia, a quarterly journal with articles on all aspects of native plants,
the Bulletin, a quarterly statewide report of activities, and the Milo Baker Chapter newsletter. WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US.
MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY: ! Student, Retired, Limited Income $20 ! Plant Lover $100
! Individual or Library $35 ! Patron $250
! Family or Group $45 ! Benefactor $500
! Supporting $75 ! Angel $1000
Please make check payable to: THE CALIFORNIA NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY
Mail membership application to: CNPS, 2707 K Street, Suite 1, Sacramento, CA 95816