Guidelines For Summer Term Registration

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Guidelines for Summer Term Registration June-July 2016

The summer term course registration will be held from May 09 May 20, 2016 (without compounding
fee),from May 21 May 25, 2016 (with compounding fee- Rs 500) and from May 26 May 28,
2016(with compounding fee- Rs 2000) for all students except Part Time courses and school of
Education and Physical Education.
This summer term has been planned for the registration of backlog courses to provide the students an
opportunity to clear their backlog courses which they could not register in their regular terms due to
some reasons e.g. Time Table related clashes in regular term. The courses with higher number of
backlogs are being offered to accommodate the maximum number of students for this opportunity.
The limited number of sections has been floated for such courses in which the registration will be
considered on FIRST COME FIRST SERVED bases.
Some Important points for Summer Term registration

The Maximum number of courses in which a student may be allowed to register is as

a) A student having only F grade can register for maximum of four courses in Summer Term.
However if the student find clash free slot he/she may request for registration in an extra
course which has been offered for summer term to Division of Academic Affair (help desk)
during the time of registration.
b) A student having only G grade can register for maximum of nine courses in Summer Term.
c) A student having both F and G grade can register maximum of nine courses of which
maximum of four F grade courses can be registered.
For the offering of any additional course other than the list of offered courses, the students
can submit their request to the office of respective HOS/COS. The same will be analyzed
and routed through the office of respective HOS/COS only.
Registration of Summer Term courses will be confirmed subject to payment of requisite fee
on or before the last date of fee payment as applicable. The student will be placed as a
defaulter for the case of nonpayment of backlog fee (as per last date of fee submission).
A student shall verify himself/herself that timetable of summer term course(s) does not
have clash. The University will not be responsible for a clash-free scheduling of Summer
Term course(s).
Lectures , tutorials and Practicals for the Summer Term courses will be double as that of
regular term per week and the tutorials for both groups will be merged.
Attendance in Summer Term for the registered courses in F grade courses will be same
as applicable to regular term of the student determining his/her eligibility for
appearing in the ETE and for calculating the detention list. Bonus attendance benefits
will not be applicable. The attendance requirement will be exempted for the registered
courses with G grade.
There will be a provision of duty leave for the students appearing in reappear examination
for the classes scheduled in that time slot.
Only ETE will be conducted for the theory courses registered in summer term.
Weightages for Summer Term Courses will be calculated as Attendance+CA+ETE eg.
(5+20+75) for theory courses and for labs the courses weightages remain same as per
regular term.
All the academic task will be conducted as per IP. The previous term IP will be used for the
A student cannot register for a Capstone/ Dissertation, Training courses in Summer Term.


A student who is depositing his/her Summer Term fee online must confirm the receipt from
account office. Student must confirm his/her Summer Term fee receipt under the heading
summer term from the link:


A student who wants fee adjustment from the previous deposited amount needs to apply
separately for that to DAA Help Window (Block 32-102 Window 2).
Students are required to note that whether equivalence course allotted to them have
already been studied by them or not. If equivalence course has already been studied by
them, then they are required to report to DAA immediately.

UMS Navigation Fee Fee Receipt.


For the case of equivalent courses the credit of new course will be applicable.


Minimum section strength to run a course shall be 30 students and it will be the university
who decide which course shall be offered in Summer Term.
This registration will be treated as Pre-Registration of Summer Term and section with
student less than prescribed minimum strength will be scrapped and respective student will be
If a student intend to stay in university hostel during summer term period they will require to
pay the Hostel fee separately as per university rules. All such students are required to select
the option I want to avail hostel in Summer Term Registration Form.
xviii. Classes can be scheduled from 8am-6pm preferably in block no 27, 28, 33 & 34.
The Student on summer training can register for summer term courses after checking the
clash free time table. All such students are required to get permission from the office of
respective HOS/COS for the same.
Student cannot register in summer term for grade improvement.
University will not be responsible for any academic loss of the students for the case(s)
where student will opt for backlog registration under compounding fee slabs

Once student have deregistered the courses, the same course cannot be registered online again

Fee for Summer Term registration:


Summer Term registration fee for a course shall be 1/10th of the current term tuition fee
plus Rs. 250/- as examination fee.
Explanation: In case a student is registering for a course the second or more time on account of
his/her failing that course or is registering for a fresh course, the Summer Term
registration fee applicable per course shall be 1/10th of the current term tuition fee plus Rs.
250 per course as examination fee.


For scholarship holders or students for whom the fee has been waived off (fully or partly) by
the University, the Summer Term fee will be 1/10th of the actual or standard tuition fee for
the term and not the fee after scholarship or waiver.


For students admitted to dual and / or integrated programmes, the Summer Term fee shall be
charged after considering whether it pertains to the lower degree or the higher degree.

Explanation: If a student of BBA-MBA accumulates a backlog/fails a course during the first

three years i.e. the lower (BBA) degree of this programme and he is registering Summer
Term course during first 3 year of programme, he would be required to pay 1/10th of the
BBA current term fee. If he registers for the same Summer term course in the fourth year
i.e. the higher (MBA) degree of this programme then he would require to pay 1/10th of the
BBA last term tuition fee.
And if a Summer Term course is a PG course in his/her degree 1/10th of PG current term
tuition fee shall be charged.

In case a students batch has graduated or passes out, the Summer Term registration fee for a
course shall be 1/10th of the tuition fee charged in the final term of the programme.


For term off and non-promoted students: Summer Term fee will be 1/10th of his/her fellow
batchs fee until his/her fellow batch student is studying that program. Summer Term fee
will be 1/10th of the last term fee paid by his/her fellow batch in case the batch has pass out.

Process for registration of Summer Term courses:

DAA Help Desk:
For the case of any clarification the students are required to approach the DAA Help Desk at
Block-28, room no. 201B to avoid any hassle and inconvenience. The student must read
the guidelines before approaching the help window.
A. Registration for Summer Term courses through UMS
Step 1
The student will be logging to his/her UMS account and selecting the link Backlog Course
Registration. The student will be able to select a course from drop down then convert the grade (if
required) and view the various time slots with sections in which that course is running. The student can
apply according to his/her choice for the course depending upon the timeslot which suits him/her. The
above process will be repeated for maximum number of courses which the student is eligible to
register. The student will be able to see all courses in which he/she has an E, F and G grade. At
the end student have to choose whether he wants to avail hostel or not.
Step 2
After a student selects all the courses for Summer Term registration, he/she will take a print out
of the same. The print out will contain the details of the student like Name, Registration No.,
Programme Code, Home/Parent section (for a student who does not have a Non-promoted
status), Photo etc. It will also contain the Course Codes and the respective sections for Summer
Term courses (which student opted).
For the students whose fee is not reflected till 03 June, 2016, the print out of registration form is to be
submitted by the student at the Help Desk
It may also be noted that students who want to get their fee adjusted against any extra
amount if already present in their account. They are required to apply separately for the
same. For this, they have to reach the DAA Help Window (Block 32-102 window 2).

Step 3
The students name will be updated in the respective section list in the UMS, for the different
courses he had registered in Summer Term. The student may start attending classes after that.
Step 4
The student will be required to pay the relevant fee for Summer Term courses that he has
registered for in Block 32, Level.1, and Accounts Cash Counter on or before the date as specified
under Important Dates. This will allow a student to pay the fee as per his/her convenience
without missing any classes. Students fee will be due in their account.

1. For the students of dual/integrated programmes fee payable for Summer Term course(s)
will be reflected in the UMS account by June 01, 2016.
2. The students should note that while submitting the Summer Term fee he/she has clearly mentioned
the fee as SUMMER TERM FEE on fee deposit slip
Modes of Payment of fees: A student can pay the fee through any of the following modes:
Demand draft
Debit/Credit card (surcharge of 1.2% is applicable)
Online (Student is required to submit the fee in his/her concerned faculty account which
are mentioned at the end of this document. Students needs to reach accounts division after
submission to get it verified by them.

B. Manual registration for Summer Term courses

All students who are not able to register through the interface because of any problem like
Term off, Programme Change, Migration cases or any other, are requested to come for the
manual registration for the same at Block-28, room no. 201B
1. Student should be having the information about the section number in which he/she want
to register in Summer Term.
2. In all such cases students are required to submit a copy of the self attested Academic
Transcript (DMC).
3. Students are required to fill a form available at the help window.
The fee payable for manual registration of Summer Term course(s) will be reflected in the UMS
account of the student before June 03, 2016.


Deregistration for Summer Term courses through UMS

Step 1
The student will be logging to his/her UMS account and selecting the link Summer Term Course
Deregistration list of the courses registered will appear in tabular format along with the
deregistration button.

Student can click the deregistration button corresponding to course he/she wants to deregister. Once
student have deregistered the courses, the same course cannot be registered online again.
Note: It should be noted that acceptance of manual Registration form cannot be considered as
Summer Term registration. Registration will be confirmed subject to availability to seat, according to
class strength

Important note:
Deregistration of Summer Term course:
Deregistration of backlog course: A student can deregister his/her backlog course through online deregister
interface till 28 May, 2016 and after that no such request will be entertained.

Auto deregistration: Failure to pay the Summer term fee on or before the last date as specified would lead
auto deregistration in registered courses and a compounding fee of Rs.1000 as a deregistration fee will be
reflected in student accounts. However in case of partial payment Auto deregistration is NOT APPLICABLE.

Extension in payment is NOT APPLICABLE:

Request for extension in submission of backlog fee will not be entertained.

Refund of fee for Summer Term courses will not be allowed.

Sr No


Start Date

End date


Grade conversion request by

students through UMS
Summer term registration





Summer term registration with

compounding fee Rs.500

21/5/2016 25/5/2016

Summer term registration with

compounding fee Rs.2000
Online De-registration
Fee due in Students account
Fee submission (No extension)
Attendance Count(start Date)
Auto deregistration and
Compounding Fee (Rs 1000)
for fee defaulters
Commencement of classes
Last Date of Teaching
CA Rectification last date

26/5/2016 28/5/2016



9/5/2016 28/5/2016
4/6/2016 15/6/2016

19/7/2016 31/7/2016

In case Summer term Registration Interface is blocked due to any reason. The last date for
consideration of request for the opening the interface is 20/5/2016.


1. Lovely Faculty of Technology & Sciences
Pay Fee Mode ID LFTS (IFSC CODE PUNB0494200)
(A/C No. 4942002100000013)
State Bank of Patiala
Oriental Bank of Commerce 1 3 0 8 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 6 3
Axis Bank
Punjab National Bank

2. Lovely Faculty of Business & Applied Arts

Pay Fee Mode ID LFBA (IFSC CODE PUNB0494200)
(A/C No. 4942002100000022)
State Bank of Patiala
Oriental Bank of Commerce 1 3 0 8 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 2 0 0
Axis Bank
Punjab National Bank

3. Lovely Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences

Pay Fee Mode ID LFAMS (IFSC CODE PUNB0494200)
(A/C No. 4942002100000040)
State Bank of Patiala
Oriental Bank of Commerce 1 3 0 8 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 1 9 4
Axis Bank
Punjab National Bank

4. Lovely Faculty of Education & Humanities

Punjab National Bank
State Bank of Patiala
Oriental Bank of Commerce
Axis Bank

Pay Fee Mode ID LFEPE (IFSC CODE PUNB0494200)

(A/C No. 4942002100000031)

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