JSMU Semester 3 Embrology Mcqs

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The urinary system develops mainly from the intermediate mesoderm. The three embryonic kidneys are the pronephros, mesonephros, and metanephros which form in the cervical, lumbar, and lumbar regions respectively.

The urinary system develops mainly from the intermediate mesoderm.

The three embryonic kidneys are the pronephros, which forms briefly in the cervical region in week 3, the mesonephros which forms from weeks 4-8 in the lumbar region, and the metanephros which forms permanently in the lumbar region from weeks 5 onward.

Embryology Urinary System

1) The urinary system develops mainly from :

a) Ectoderm
b) Paraxial mesoderm
c) Intermediate mesoderm
d) Lateral plate mesoderm
e) Endoderm
2) During the pronephros period (week 3), the first kidney develops in the ____
region. By week 4 this kidney degenerates.
a) Cervical
b) Thoracic
c) Lumbar
d) Sacral
e) Cloaca
3) The mesonephros (embryologic kidney) forms from weeks 4-8 in the ____
a) Cervical
b) Thoracic
c) Lumbar
d) Sacral
e) Cloaca
4) The metanephros (weeks 5 and on) give rise to the ureteric bud and form in the
____ region.
a) Cervical
b) Thoracic
c) Lumbar

d) Sacral
e) Cloaca
5) The ureteric bud gives rise to the ____ and the metanephric mesoderm
(blastema) gives rise to the ____.
a) Nephrons; Collecting system
b) Collecting system; Nephrons
c) Bowmans capsule; Ureter
d) Loop of Henle; Renal pelvis
e) Distal/proximal convoluted tubules; Major/minor calyces
6) As the kidney ascends, it rotates from ____-facing to ____-facing (relating to
the hilum facing direction).
a) Anterior; Inferior
b) Posterior; Lateral
c) Anterior; Lateral
d) Posterior; Medial
e) Anterior; Medial
7) The urorectal septum divides the ____ from the ____.
a) Anorectal canal; Urogenital sinus
b) Urogenital sinus; Mesonephric duct
c) Urinary bladder; Allantois
d) Urachus; Allantois
e) Mesonephric duct; Ureteric bud
8) The urachus forms the:
a) Allantois
b) Median umbilical ligament
c) Medial umbilical ligament

d) Lateral umbilical ligament

e) Round (umbilical) ligament
9) The urogenital sinus is made from what type of tissue:
a) Muscle
b) Nerve
c) Connective
d) Epithelial
10) The bladder becomes continuous with the lower end of the mesonephric
(Wolffian) duct, which will form the ____ of the bladder.
a) Urethra
b) Prostate
c) Trigone
d) Posterior wall
e) Anterior wall
11) At birth, a child has large palpable flank masses and abnormal extremities. The
delivery physician is very concerned as she knows this autosomally-dominant
disorder can lead to renal failure and the child will likely need a kidney transplant
to survive.Which of the following disorders does the child likely have?
a) Polycystic kidney
b) Renal agenesis
c) Pelvic kidney
d) Bifid ureter
e) Bifid kidney
12) This disorder, associated with oligohydramnios, occurs when the ureteric bud
fails toreach the metanephric mesoderm.
a) Polycystic kidney

b) Renal agenesis
c) Pelvic kidney
d) Horseshoe kidney
e) Bifid ureter
13) What artery prevents the horseshoe kidney (metanephric mesodermal fusion)
from ascending high into the abdomen?
a) Celiac trunk
b) Superior mesenteric artery
c) Inferior mesenteric artery
d) Left renal artery
e) Right renal artery
14) Which of the following disorders would show an increased level of alpha
fetoprotein(AFP) during maternal Quad testing/screening?
a) Renal agenesis
b) Horseshoe kidney
c) Bifid ureter
d) Ectopic ureter
e) Exstrophy of the bladder
15) A newborn baby presents with fluid draining from the umbilicus onto the skin.
Testing of the fluid identifies it as urine. What is the most likely diagnosis?
a) Urachal cyst
b) Urachal fistula
c) Exstrophy of the bladder
d) Bifid ureter
e) Horseshoe kidney

Embryology Digestive System

1) The midgut begins with ____ and ends with ____.
a) 1/2 jejunum; 2/3 transverse colon
b) 1/2 ileum; 2/3 sigmoid colon
c) 1/2 jejunum; 2/3 rectum
d) 1/2 duodenum; 2/3 transverse colon
e) 1/2 duodenum; 1/3 sigmoid colon
2) The middle of the duodenum would receive blood from:
a) Superior mesenteric artery only
b) Inferior mesenteric artery only
c) Celiac artery only
d) Celiac and inferior mesenteric artery
e) Celiac and superior mesenteric artery
3) The first stomach rotation causes the ____ and ____ vagus nerves to become the
____ and ____ vagal trunks, respectively.
a) Left; Right; Superior; Inferior
b) Right; Left; Lateral; Medial
c) Left; Right; Lateral; Medial
d) Right; Left; Anterior; Posterior
e) Left; Right; Anterior; Posterior
4) Stomach rotation causes the duodenum to take on a ____ shape. During the
second month, the duodenal lumen closes but is recanalized by ____
.a) C; Apoptosis
b) S; Apoptosis
c) C; Cell corrosion
d) S; Cell corrosion

e) C; Duodenal growth
5) What two structures only form on the ventral side of the bile duct?
a) Liver; Pancreas
b) Liver; Gallbladder
c) Pancreas; Gallbladder
d) Heart; Liver
e) Heart; Pancreas
6) Which of the following is NOT a part of the developing pancreas?
a) Dorsal bud
b) Ventral bud
c) Ventral bile duct
d) Main pancreatic duct
e) Accessory duct
7) Meckels diverticulum is a congenital connection from the umbilicus via a
vitelline ligament to the ____. If affects 2 of the population, is typically 2 inches
long, is 2 times more likely in males, and typically presents at 2 years of age.
a) Duodenum
b) Jejunum
c) Ileum
d) Transverse colon
e) Sigmoid colon

8) During week six, the midgut herniates through the umbilical ring, rotating
____ degrees counterclockwise. Near week ten, the midgut returns, rotating ____
degrees for an overall rotation of ____ degrees.
a) 180; 180; 0
b) 180; 180; 360
c) 90; 180; 90
d) 90; 180; 270
e) 270; 90; 180
9) A three-week old male infant comes into the Emergency Room for weight loss
and acute dehydration. The infant has been projectile vomiting and the condition is
worsening. Which of the following is most likely?
a) Gastric atresia
b) Pyloric stenosis
c) Annular pancreas
d) Malrotation of the gut
e) Intestinal duplication

Embryology Reproductive System

1) Testis determining factor (TDF), a transcription factor, is turned on by a(n)
____ chromosome from the ____.
a) X; egg
b) Y; egg
c) X; sperm
d) Y; sperm
2) The indifferent gonad forms as a pair of longitudinal ridges ____ to the
mesonephric ridges.
a) Medial
b) Lateral
c) Superior
d) Inferior

3) The germ cells arise from the epiblast (week 2) and are in the yolk sac during
week 3.At week 5, they migrate through the dorsal mesentery of the ____
and arrive at thegenital ridge in week 6.
a) Foregut
b) Midgut
c) Hindgut
d) Cloaca
e) Cervical region
4) All of the following contribute to the indifferent gonad EXCEPT:
a) Ectodermic placodes
b) Endodermic germ cells
c) Coelomic epithelium
d) Mesenchymal cells

5) During development of the ovaries, the primitive sex (medullary) cords ____.
a) Proliferate
b) Move laterally
c) Move medially
d) Differentiate
e) Degenerate
6) The gubernaculum is attached to the uterus and as the ovaries descend it
becomes the ____ of the uterus.
a) Canal of Nuck
b) Ovarian ligament
c) Round ligament
d) Ovarian and round ligaments
e) Gubernacular ligament
7) Development of the testis is induced by the sry-gene, which encodes testisdetermining factor (TDF). TDF causes all of the following EXCEPT:
a) The sex cords continue to proliferate to form the testis
b) Leydig cells are secreting testosterone thus have very little SER
c) Towards the hilum, the cords grow into a network that will give rise to the retetestes
d) During further development, a thick layer (tunica albuginea) separates the cords
from the surface epithelium
e) Sex cords become seminiferous cords that form seminiferous tubules (Sertoli
cells), straight tubules, and rete testes
8) Which of the following inhibits the growth of the paramesonephric duct
a) Testosterone
b) Leydig Cells
c) Dihydrotesteosterone

d) Estrogens
e) Mullerian substances (MIFs)
9) As the testes descend, they follow the:
a) Processus vaginalis
b) Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis
c) Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis
d) Caudal genical ligament
e) Cryptorchidism
10) The epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, and seminal vesicle all arise
a) The Mullarian ducts
b) The paramosonepheric ducts
c) The mesonephric ducts
d) Leydig hormones
e) Wolffian hormones
11) The uterine tubes, uterus, cervix, and superior part (1/3) of the vagina all arise
a) The Wolffian ducts
b) The paramosonepheric ducts
c) The mesonephric ducts
d) Leydig hormones
e) Mullarian hormones
12) The epoophoron and paroophoron, which are important as cysts may form
from the seremnants, arise from:
a) The Mullarian ducts
b) The paramosonepheric ducts

c) The mesonephric ducts

d) Leydig hormones
e) Wolffian hormones
13) The lower portion of the vagina is derived from:
a) Sinovaginal bulb
b) Uteral lumen
c) Hymn
d) Urogenital sinus
e) Vaginal plate
14) What structure in the indifferent stage (weeks 3-6) becomes the clitoris?
a) Urogenital groove
b) Genital swelling
c) Urethral fold
d) Perineum
e) Genital tubercle
15) What structure in the indifferent stage (weeks 3-6) becomes the phallus?
a) Urogenital groove
b) Genital swelling
c) Urethral fold
d) Perineum
e) Genital tubercle
16) Genetic 46XY would be:
a) Turners syndrome
b) Klinefelter syndrome
c) True hermaphrodite

d) Male pseudo-hermaphrodite
e) Female pseudo-hermaphrodite
17) A child is born with a tumor on their adrenal glands. This leads to adrenal
hyperplasia. They display 46XX phenotypical characteristics. Which of the
following is the best description of this patient?
a) Turners syndrome
b) Klinefelter syndrome c) True hermaphrodite
d) Male pseudo-hermaphrodite
e) Female pseudo-hermaphrodite
18) A patient is born with karotype 46XY but has no problem with
production of testosterone or mullarian inhibiting hormone. Their vagina ends in a
blind pouch and testes are lodged in the inguinal canal. Which of the following is
the best description of this patient?
a) Male pseudo-hermaphrodite
b) Female pseudo-hermaphrodite
c) Androgen insensitivity syndrome
d) Turners syndrome
e) Klinefelter syndrome

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