A Retrospective On SSP 2004: A Two-Month Space Program Held in Adelaide, Australia
A Retrospective On SSP 2004: A Two-Month Space Program Held in Adelaide, Australia
A Retrospective On SSP 2004: A Two-Month Space Program Held in Adelaide, Australia
114 graduate students and professionals from 27 countries spent two months in Adelaide learning
on space disciplines and international teamwork, while building a strong professional network.
The three South Australian universities - The financial support provided by Cisco
University of South Australia, The University of Systems was also key to the successful staging
Adelaide and Flinders University - combined of the Program. In addition, ISU developed
their resources to host the Program. The support from space sector sponsors: Space
dedication and efforts of a large number of Agencies (CSA, ESA, JAXA, NASA), and
executives, academic and administrative staff Space Industry from China, Europe, Japan and
from the host universities was very much North America.
appreciated by all SSP participants: students,
faculty, staff, and visitors. An International Advisory Committee was
established, co-chaired by the President of ISU
Following the successful bid by the three and Professor Michael Miller of the University
universities, the Program Organizing Committee of South Australia. Its members were senior
was formed in mid-2002 and obtained an space sector officials from Australia, China,
underwriting from the South Australian Tourism Europe, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore,
Commission, and support from the Adelaide Thailand, and the USA. They provided valuable
City Council and the Australian Department of advice and support in the planning of the
Defence. It was chaired by Adelaide lawyer and Program.
ISU alumnus Michael Davis, and comprised
representatives of the host universities, and Based on tourism industry research on economic
volunteers. The Committee took responsibility benefits of major international conferences, the
for raising the necessary local funding, Adelaide Convention and Tourism Authority
soliciting the in-kind contributions and (ACTA) estimated that the total economic
arranging the logistics. benefit to Australia of the Program was of the
order of 4 million Australian dollars.
The visibility and public awareness of the Program
was boosted by the 53 flags welcoming ISU visitors The SSP 04 Program was an enriching experience
to Adelaide flying in King William Street for the for participants, students, staff, and faculty alike.
duration of the Program, sponsored and arranged It benefited from an excellent environment and
by the Adelaide City Council. exceptional support from the Host organizations
in Australia, as well as numerous contributions
Strengthened long term links with from the local partners and sponsors from around
the world.
partners in Australia and the Asia-
Pacific The 114 students and young professionals who
completed the SSP04 Program have joined a
A Memorandum of Understanding formalizing the family of more than 2200 ISU alumni, who will
Affiliate Campus arrangements between ISU and prove to be a solid network at their disposal
the University of South Australia was signed. The throughout their professional career.
MOU provides for close cooperation between the
institutions and participation in the ongoing Held for the first time in Australia, the session has
academic activities of each institution. clearly contributed to strengthening ISU
with academic, government and industrial partners
The capabilities and benefits of Woomera in Australia and the Asia Pacific region.
launch and testing facilities were seen first hand
by 160 Program participants. ISU
Master of Space Studies and Master of Space
The Institute of Telecommunications Research of Management in Strasbourg and the 2005 Summer
the University of South Australia and the
Session Program to be hosted by the University of
Department of Mechanical Engineering of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
the University of Adelaide hosted ISU Master
Printed in November 2004. Authors: Michael Davis (MSS 95), Adelta Legal, Chair of the Adelaide Program Organizing
Committee, and Juan de Dalmau (SSP 89), ISU, SSP Program Director.
International Space University - 1, rue Jean-Dominique Cassini - 67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden France
Phone: +33 (0)3 88 65 54 30 - Fax: +33 (0)3 88 65 54 47 - www.ssp04adelaide.com - www.isunet.edu