Department of Education
Department of Education
Department of Education
DepED Complex, Pasig City
(Training Contract)
We _________________________________________________________________________
(Name of Trainees) (Position)
(Schools/Station) (Division) (Region)
represented by ________________________________________________________________
(Regional Director)
(Name of Training)
On official time with pay, do hereby agree to the following obligation of the trainee:
1.Specialized in _______________________________________________________
(Title of Course)
At the _________________________________________________ for the
period of _____________________ which will be the duration of the training;
2.Maintain at least the minimum standards for the training and that failure to do so
would be sufficient ground for disqualification in the event of which he/she
shall refund whatever amount has been paid by the government and the
Resources for the Blind, Inc. in favor of his/her training;
5. Immediately report to his/her station and assume his/her functions upon completion or
termination of his/her training;
7. Shall serve his/her school/agency for at least two (2) years after the summer training;
8. Shall refund in full his/her school/agency and to Resources for the blind, Inc. such as
sum of money as may have been defrayed by the Philippine Government
an/or sponsor if he/she fails to provide educational services to the visually
impaired for two (2) years after the summer training; and
9. Shall live up to the terms and conditions of this grant.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, we have hereunder set hands this ______ day of ________, 2010 at
School Principal / Chief Elementary/ Secondary Education
Schools Division Superintendent
Copy Furnished:
Bureau of Elementary Education/ Bureau of Secondary Education
Resources for the Blind, Inc.