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Works and

Table of Contents
Analytical Chemistry
Catalysis 1
Chemical Engineering
Biochemistry 2
Crystallography 3
Computational Chemistry
Industrial Chemistry
Electrochemistry 4
Inorganic Chemistry
Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry
Materials Science
Organic Chemistry
Mathematics 8
Physics 9
Physical Chemistry
Sustainable Chemistry & Green Chemistry
Polymer Science
Automotive Engineering

Electrical Engineering


Energy 12
Business & Management


Classical Studies


Communication & Media Studies


History 14
Political Sciences


Criminology 15
Literature 15
Psychology 16
Sociology 17
Agriculture 18
Aquaculture 19
Food Sciences


Life Sciences


Dentistry 26
Medical Sciences

All prices are correct as at press time but are subject to change without prior notice.


Analytical Chemistry

Handbook of Spectroscopy

Available Online

2nd Edition, 4 Volume Set

Edited by Gnter Gnter Gauglitz & David S. Moore

Institute for Physical und Theoretical Chemistry, University Tuebingen, Germany; Los Alamos
National Lab, NM, USA
Guides the user to a decision about which spectroscopic method and which
instrumentation will be the most appropriate to solve her/his practical problem
Fulfills the need as a daily laboratory companion for all major applications
Provides comparison of different methods in a standardised form via data tables,
saves time in decision processes, avoids wrong turns by directing to the appropriate
methods, and helps in performing the experiments
Includes new chapters on spectroscopy in nano-dimensions, nano-optics, quality
control, spectroscopy at surfaces, and polymer analysis

ISBN 352732150-0

9 783527 321506

Professor Gauglitzpublished over 225 publications on photokinetics, UV-VIS spectroscopy, chromatographic detection, optical sensors,
modification and characterization of boundary layers, and many more topics. He is author of several books on practical spectroscopy, and
basics and applications in photokinetics, among others.
Professor Moorepublished more than 110 publications and five book chapters, as well as holder of four patents. He is presently a technical
staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA. David Moore received a B.S. in Chemistry (University of Utah, 1974) and a Ph.D. in
Physical Chemistry (University of Wisconsin, 1980). He was a Los Alamos National Laboratory Director-Funded Postdoctoral Fellow (19801981) and an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (Essen 1993-94). In 2004 he was named Fellow of the American Physical Society.

Print: 978-3-527-32150-6 | CL | Apr 2014 | 1993PP | US$675.00

ONLINE: 978-3-527-65470-3

Handbook of GC / MS


Fundamentals and Applications

3rd Edition

Available Online

Hans-Joachim Hubschmann
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Helios, Singapore

of GC / MS:
and Applications

Comprehensive two-volume reference that provides a detailed overview, ranging from fundamentals to
applications, and includes a section on the evaluation of GC/MS analyses
Contains theory and principles, as well as a broad range of real-life examples taken from laboratories in
environmental, food, pharmaceutical and clinical analysis

3rd Edition

Features a glossary of approximately 300 terms and a substance index that facilitates finding a specific

ISBN 352733474-2

Reflects the latest developments in the technique and related instrumentation, while also incorporating
several new examples of applications in many fields

9 783527 334742

Print: 978-3-527-33474-2 | CL | Dec 2014 | 776PP | US$245.00

ONLINE: 978-3-527-67430-5


Fundamentals, Processes and Applications in

Organic Synthesis
Armin Brner & Robert Franke

Print: 978-3-527-33552-7 | CL | Apr 2015

800PP | US$300.95
ONLINE: 978-3-527-67793-1

Available Online

Processes and
in Organic

ISBN 352733552-8

9 783527 335527

Bridging Heterogeneous and

Homogeneous Catalysis
Concepts, Strategies, and Applications
Edited by Can Li, Yan Liu

Print: 978-3-527-33583-1 | CL | APR 2014

656PP | US$205.00

ISBN 352733583-8

9 783527 335831

Chemical Engineering

Modern Drying Technology

Available Online

5 Volume Set

Edited by Evangelos Tsotsas & Arun S. Mujumdar

The five-volume series provides a comprehensive overview of all important aspects of
drying technology
Volume 1: Diverse model types for the drying of products and the design of drying
processes (short-cut methods, homogenized, pore network, and continuous thermomechanical approaches) are treated, along with computational fluid dynamics, population
balances, and process systems simulation tools. Emphasis is put on scale transitions
Volume 2: Comprises experimental methods used in various industries and in research in
order to design and control drying processes, measure moisture and moisture distributions,
characterize particulate material and the internal micro-structure of dried products, and
investigate the behavior of particle systems in drying equipment. Key topics include acoustic
levitation, near-infrared spectral imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray tomography, and
positron emission tracking

ISBN 352731554-3

9 783527 315543

Volume 3: Discusses how desired properties of foods, biomaterials, active pharmaceutical ingredients, and fragile
aerogels can be preserved during drying, and how spray drying and spray fluidized bed processes can be used for
particle formation and formulation. Methods for monitoring product quality, such as process analytical technology,
and modeling tools, such as Monte Carlo simulations, discrete particle modeling and neural networks, are
presented with real examples from industry and academia
Volume 4: Deals with the reduction of energy demand in various drying processes and areas, highlighting the
following topics: Energy analysis of dryers, efficient solid-liquid separation techniques, osmotic dehydration, heat
pump assisted drying, zeolite usage, solar drying, drying and heat treatment for solid wood and other biomass
sources, and sludge thermal processing
Volume 5: Dedicated to process intensification by more efficient distribution and flow of the drying medium,
foaming, controlled freezing, and the application of superheated steam, infrared radiation, microwaves, power
ultrasound and pulsed electric fields. Process efficiency is treated in conjunction with the quality of sensitive
products, such as foods, for a variety of hybrid and combined drying processes
Print: 978-3-527-31554-3 | CL | Feb 2014 | 1984PP | US$800.00
ONLINE: 978-3-527-63172-8

Handbook of RNA Biochemistry
2nd Edition, 2 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Roland K. Hartmann, Albrecht Bindereif, Astrid Schn & Eric Westhof
All of University of Marburg, Germany
Includes hundreds of protocols, complete with explanations, and hitherto unpublished troubleshooting
Cover all modern techniques for the handling, analysis and modification of RNAs and their complexes
with proteins
Throughout, providing quick and reliable access to a plethora of solutions for practical questions of
RNA research, ranging from simple to highly complex
This broad scope allows the treatment of specialized methods side by side with basic biochemical
Print: 978-3-527-32764-5 | CL | Apr 2014 | 1384PP | US$470.00
ONLINE: 978-3-527-64706-4

ISBN 352732764-9

9 783527 327645

Intracellular Calcium


Anthony K. Campbell

A comprehensive, two-volume work on intracellular calcium - a key component

for cell function and important component that regulates our systems

Available Online

The book emphasizes two key scientific principles - the first to show how intracellular Ca2+ acts as a
switch, to activate a wide range of cellular events, and the second demonstrating how an equivalent
mechanism can be superimposed on such a process
Featuring more than 100 figures, including detailed chemical structures as well as pictures of key
pioneers in the field, a bibliography of more than 1500 references, as well as detailed subject and
organism indices
Print: 978-0-470-69511-1 | CL | NOV 2014 | 816PP | US$330.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-67541-0

ISBN 047069511-0

9 780470 695111

International Tables for Crystallography, Volume D
Physical Properties of Crystals
2nd Edition
Edited by A. Authier

International Tables for Crystallography is the definitive resource and reference work for
crystallography and structural science

Volume D is concerned with the influence of symmetry on the physical and tensor properties of
crystals and on their structural phase transitions; this book is divided into 3 parts and contains
new and updated content within each section

Supplementary software is provided to support and enhance Chapters 1.1 and 1.2 for the
determination of irreducible group representations and tensor components, and Part 3 on
structural phase transitions

Edited by Mois Ilia Aroyo & Theo Hahn

Print: 978-0-470-97423-0 | CL | JAN 2015

1025PP | US$325.00


Tables for
Volume A:

6th Edition

2nd Edition

ISBN 111876229-0

9 781118 762295

Print: 978-1-118-76229-5 | CL | Sep 2014 | 384PP | US$305.00

International Tables for

Crystallography, Volume A
Space-Group Symmetry
6th Edition

Tables for
Volume D:
Physical Properties
of Crystals

International Tables for

Crystallography, Volume H
Powder Diffraction

Edited by Christopher Gilmore & H. U. Schenk

Tables for
Volume H:
Powder Diffraction

Print: 978-1-118-41628-0 | CL | JUL 2015

600PP | US$310.00

ISBN 047097423-0

ISBN 111841628-7

9 780470 974230

9 781118 416280

Computational Chemistry
Computational Molecular Science

Available Online

Edited by Peter R. Schreiner (Editor-in-Chief), Wesley D. Allen, Walter Thiel,

Modesto Orozco & Peter Willett
Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany; University of Georgia, Athens, USA; Max-Planck-Institut fr
Kohlenforschung, Germany; Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona, Spain; University of Sheffield, UK

The successor of the highly acclaimed and successful Encyclopedia of Computational Chemistry
presents unique and comprehensive content for computational chemistry, computational biochemistry,
bioinformatics and chemo-informatics
Special focus on computations and modeling of relevant biomolecules and new developments in
medicinal chemistry
Different types of articles, such as Overviews, Advanced Reviews, Focus, Software Reviews and
Opinions give the reader different levels of understanding
Print: 978-0-470-72307-4 | CL | MAR 2014 | 3456PP | US$1695.00
ONLINE: 978-0-470-74386-7

ISBN 047072307-6

9 780470 723074

Industrial Chemistry
Ullmanns Energy


Resources, Processes, Products

3 Volume Set

This three-volume handbook contains a wealth of information on energy sources, energy generation
and storage, fossil and renewable fuels as well as the associated processing technology
Fossil as well as renewable fuels, nuclear technology, power generation and storage technologies are
treated side by side, providing a unique overview of the entire global energy industry
New or updated articles include classical topics such as coal technologies, oil and gas, as well as
cutting-edge technologies, such as biogas, thermoelectricity and solar technology


3 Volume Set
ISBN 352733370-3

Print: 978-3-527-33370-7 | CL | Mar 2015 | 1350PP | US$513.95

9 783527 333707

Ullmanns Fine Chemicals

3 Volume Set

Features works from the acclaimed Ullmanns Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry; includes 76 articles
on economically important types of fine chemicals which provide a wealth of chemical, physical, and
economic data on more than 2,000 different compounds
Contains contributions by internationally acknowledged authors from BASF, Bayer, Dow Chemical,
Evonik, and Lonza including leading academic institutions
Discusses chemical and physical characteristics, production processes and figures, main uses,
toxicology, and safety information
Print: 978-3-527-33477-3 | CL | Mar 2014 | 1360PP | US$675.00

ISBN 352733477-7

9 783527 334773

Continuous Processing in
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Lignocellulosic Fibers and

Wood Handbook

Print: 978-3-527-33595-4 | CL | Dec 2014

520PP | US$230.00
ONLINE: 978-3-527-67368-1

Print: 978-1-118-77352-9 | CL | Apr 2015

600PP | US$219.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-77372-7

Edited by Ganapathy Subramanian

Antonio Pizzi & Mohamed Belgacem

Available Online

ISBN 352733595-1

9 783527 335954



ISBN 111877352-7

Available Online

9 781118 773529

Semiconductor Electrochemistry
2nd Edition

Edited by Rudiger Memming & Detlef Bahnemann

Available Online

A reference that provides a clear introduction and an up-to-date survey of the entire field
This second edition is supplemented by a completely new chapter on the hot topic of nanoparticles
and includes the latest insights into the deposition of dye layers on semiconductor electrodes
Print: 978-3-527-31281-8 | CL | Jan 2015 | 500PP | US$215.00
ONLINE: 978-3-527-68868-5

ISBN 352731281-1

9 783527 312818

Inorganic Chemistry
Metal Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions and More
3 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Armin de Meijere, Stefan Brse & Martin Oestreich

Georg-August-Universitt, Gttinge; KIT, Organic Chemistry Department, Karlsruhe, Germany;
Westflische-Wilhelms-Universitt Mnster
This is the follow-up handbook to the bestselling Metal-Catalyzed Cross Coupling Reactions, but with
over 50% more content
This new content includes C-H activation, shifting the focus away from typical cross-coupling reactions,
while those topics and chapters found in Diederich/de Meijeres book have been updated and expanded
Print: 978-3-527-33154-3 | CL | Jan 2014 | 1576PP | US$605.00
ONLINE: 978-3-527-65558-8
ISBN 352733154-9

9 783527 331543

Metal-Organic Framework Materials


Edited by Leonard R. MacGillivray & Charles M. Lukehart

University of Iowa, USA; Vanderbilt University

Metal-Organic Frameworks Materials provides a solid basis for the understanding of MOFs and insights
into new inorganic materials structures and properties
Reflects progress that has been made in recent years, presenting a wide range of new applications
including state-of-the art developments in the promising technology for alternative fuels
Investigates structures, symmetry, supramolecular chemistry, surface engineering, recognition,
properties, and reactions
The content from this book will be added online to the Encyclopedia of Inorganic and
Bioinorganic Chemistry: http://www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/ref/eibc

ISBN 111995289-1

Print: 978-1-119-95289-3 | CL | Nov 2014 | 592PP | US$235.00

Luminescence of Lanthanide Ions in Coordination

Compounds and Nanomaterials
Edited by Ana de Bettencourt-Dias

9 781119 952893

Available Online

Presents the theoretical principles, current applications and latest research developments in
the field of luminescent lanthanide complexes; a rapidly developing area of research which is
attracting increasing interest amongst the scientific community
Begins with an introduction to the basic theoretical and practical aspects of lanthanide ion
luminescence, and the spectroscopic techniques used to evaluate the efficiency of
Print: 978-1-119-95083-7 | CL | Nov 2014 | 384PP | US$210.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-68274-6
ISBN 111995083-X

9 781119 950837

Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry

Handbook of Chemical and Biological Plant Analytical Methods
3 Volume Set

Edited by Kurt Hostettmann (Editor-in-Chief), Shilin Chen, Andrew Marston & Hermann Stuppner
This three-volume handbook, featuring 47 detailed review articles, is unique as it deals with chemical
biological methodologies for plant analysis
It presents the most important and most accurate methods which are available for plant analysis
Print: 978-1-119-95275-6 | CL | Jun 2014 | 1176PP | US$695.00*
*Introductory price is valid until Nov 30, 2014. (List price: US$795.00)
ISBN 111995275-1

9 781119 952756

Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry

Handbook of Metabolic Pathways
of Xenobiotics
5 Volume Set

Edited by Philip Lee (Editor-in-Chief), Hiroyasu Aizawa,

Lawrence Gan, Chandra Prakash & Dafang Zhong

Handbook of Nanotoxicology,
Nanomedicine and Stem Cell Use
in Toxicology
Edited by Saura C. Sahu & Daniel A. Casciano

Print: 978-1-118-43926-5 | CL | Apr 2014

450PP | US$240.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-85601-7

Print: 978-0-470-74910-4 | CL | Jan 2014

2560PP | US$1275.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-54120-3

ISBN 111843926-0

Available Online

ISBN 047074910-5

Available Online

9 780470 749104

9 781118 439265

Materials Science

Handbook of Liquid Crystals

Available Online

2nd Edition, 8 Volume Set

Edited by John W. Goodby, Peter J. Collings, Takashi Kato,

Carsten Tschierske, Helen Gleeson & Peter Raynes

University of York, UK; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore PA, USA; University of Tokyo, Japan;
University of Halle, Halle, Germany; University of Manchester, UK; University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Much sought-after publication: No comparable reference work exists that brings
together the undiluted knowledge on liquid crystals in such a comprehensive way the
Handbook sets the standard for the next decade
Much more than a slightly revised new Edition: Completely restructured and streamlined,
with updated and new topics, 100% more content and extent, and a new team of editors
and authors

ISBN 352732773-8

9 783527 327737

All-embracing coverage: Flanked by volumes on fundamentals and applications, the centerpiece of the Handbook
deals with every type of liquid crystals there is such as nematics, smectics, cholesterics, super and supramolecular
as well as non-conventional liquid crystals
Easy discoverability: The new structure, by type rather than by weight, facilitates the navigation through the
Handbook and allows it to be used as a ready reference for daily work
Added value in the electronic version: Hyperlinked content allows the reader to follow cross-references within in
the work and to external sources such as journals or books offered online by Wiley or third-party publishers
Print: 978-3-527-32773-7 | CL | Feb 2014 | 5240PP | US$2285.00
ONLINE: 978-3-527-67140-3

Handbook of Self-Cleaning Surfaces and Materials

2 Volume Set


Edited by Akira Fujishima, Hiroshi Irie, Xintong Zhang & Donald A. Tryk
Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan; University of Yamanashi, Japan; Northeast Normal University, Jilin, China;
University of Yamanashi, Japan

Handbook of
Surfaces and

This first truly comprehensive work on this hot topic in divided into two easy-to-follow and clearly
structured volumes
The first covers the fundamentals while the second volume illustrates a wide range of different
applications, including self-cleaning glass, tiles, textiles, paints, and antibacterial materials
A one-stop guide to the field for PhD students and postdocs, as well as researchers in academia
and industry
Print: 978-3-527-33096-6 | CL | APR 2015 | 900PP | US$320.00

2 Volume Set
ISBN 352733096-8

9 783527 330966

Organic Chemistry
The Chemistry of Metal Phenolates
Edited by Jacob Zabicky

Metal Phenolates open the synthetic chemistry to Phenols and Polyphenols, and are two very
important compounds for biological processes such as ageing, signaling and cell repair
As expected from this series, each volume treats all aspects of functional groups with extensive lists
of contributors, author and subject indices
Print: 978-0-470-97358-5 | CL | Apr 2014 | 1372PP | US$1410.00

ISBN 047097358-7

9 780470 973585

The Chemistry of Organic Selenium and Tellurium Compounds, Volume 4

Edited by Zvi Rappoport
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Selenium and Tellurium have seen a huge growth in interest

This volume covers all areas of organic and physical organic chemistry, but it is especially strong on the
area of the synthesis of biologically active compounds
This makes this volume especially interesting for medicinal chemists
Print: 978-1-118-33693-9 | CL | Jan 2014 | 1700PP | US$1365.00

ISBN 111833693-3

9 781118 336939

The Chemistry of Organogold Compounds

2 Volume Set


Edited by Zvi Rappoport, Joel F. Liebman & Ilan Marek

The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel; University of Maryland, USA; Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Focuses on the applications of organogold compounds in organic synthesis, reflecting the enormous
progress which has been made in the use of gold compounds as reagents and catalysts
Highlights the use of gold surfaces in the synthesis of peptides, proteins and other natural products
A whole range of applications in the area of biochemistry has resulted from these developments
Features the synthesis and engineering of nanostructures
Print: 978-1-118-43873-2 | CL | Dec 2014 | 1232PP | US$1345.00
ISBN 111843873-6

9 781118 438732

The Chemistry of Organoiron Compounds

Edited by Ilan Marek & Zvi Rappoport

Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel; The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Starting with theoretical aspects, this volume moves to analytical methods, such as thermochemistry,
mass spectrometry and Msssbauer spectroscopy
General organic chemistry contributions on different classes of iron compounds such as Ferrocenes are
also emphasized
This culminates in a range of articles highlighting the use of organoiron compounds as reagents and as
Print: 978-0-470-97359-2 | CL | Jan 2014 | 672PP | US$980.00
ISBN 047097359-5

9 780470 973592

Organic Chemistry
The Chemistry of Peroxides, Volume 3
Edited by Alexander Greer & Joel F. Liebman
Brooklyn College, USA; University of Maryland, USA


In the tradition of the Patai Series each volume contains chapters on the theoretical and computational
foundations; on analytical and spectroscopical aspects, on reaction mechanisms and on the applications
in syntheses
Contains chapters on industrial use and the effects in biological and/or environmental systems
Volume 2 on Peroxides was published in 2006; in the years since this publication a lot of developments
have taken place, especially in the areas of synthesis, analysis and a better theoretical understanding
of the reaction mechanism
Print: 978-1-118-41271-8 | CL | Nov 2014 | 1120PP | US$1265.00
ISBN 111841271-0

9 781118 412718

Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2012

A. C. Knipe

It is the 48th annual volume in this highly successful and unique series,
surveys research on organic reaction mechanisms described in the available
literature dated 2012

Available Online

The following classes of organic reaction mechanisms are comprehensively reviewed: Reaction of
Aldehydes and Ketones and their Derivatives, Reactions of Carboxylic, Phosphoric, and Sulfonic Acids
and their Derivatives, Oxidation and Reduction, Carbenes and Nitrenes, Nucleophilic Aromatic
Substitution, Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution, Carbocations, Nucleophilic Aliphatic Substitution,
Carbanions and Electrophilic Aliphatic Substitution, Elimination Reactions, Polar Addition Reactions,
Cycloaddition Reactions and Molecular Rearrangements
Print: 978-1-118-36259-4 | CL | Jan 2015 | 552PP | US$520.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-93078-6


ISBN 111836259-4

9 781118 362594

Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization
Problems and New Approaches
2nd Edition

Available Online

Vangelis Th. Paschos

Combinatorial optimization is a multidisciplinary scientific area, lying in the interface of three major
scientific domains: mathematics, theoretical computer science and management
The three volumes aim to cover:
The complexity of combinatorial optimization problems, presenting basics about worst-case and
randomized complexity
Classical solution methods, presenting the two most-known methods for solving hard
combinatorial optimization problems, that are Branch-and-Bound and Dynamic Programming
Elements from mathematical programming, presenting fundamentals from mathematical
programming based methods that are in the heart of Operations Research since the origins
of this field
Print: 978-1-848-21657-0 | CL | Aug 2014 | 720PP | US$294.95
ONLINE: 978-1-119-00535-3

ISBN 184821657-2

9 781848 216570


Surface and Interface Science,

Volume 5 & 6

Available Online

Volume 5 - Solid Gas Interfaces I;

Volume 6 - Solid Gas Interfaces II
Edited by Klaus Wandelt
University of Bonn, Germany

Covering interface science from a novel surface science perspective, this unique
handbook offers a comprehensive overview of this burgeoning field
Eight topical volumes cover basic concepts & methods, elemental and composite
surfaces, solid-gas, solid-liquid and inorganic-biological interfaces, as well as
applications of surface science in nanotechnology, materials science and molecular

ISBN 352741158-5

Contain models which are used to explain phenomenon, e.g., band structure calculation,
9 783527 411580

chemisorption, segregation
With its broad scope and clear structure, it is ideal as a reference for scientists working
in the field, as well as an introduction for newcomers
Print: 978-3-527-41158-0 | CL | Apr 2015 | 1000PP | US$405.00*
ONLINE: 978-3-527-68057-3
*Introductory price is valid until June 30, 2015. (List price: US$470.00)

Physical Chemistry
The Chemical Bond
2 Volume Set

Edited by Gernot Frenking & Sason Shaik

Philipps-Universitt Marburg, Marburg, Germany; Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
This two-volume set provides an overview of the whole field, including the theories and models as well
as examples of chemical bonding across the periodic table
Many developments have taken place in the field during the past decades due to the rapid advances in
quantum chemical models and faster computers
Includes the books: Chemical Bonding - Fundamentals and Models (ISBN: 978-3-527-33314-8) and
Chemical Bonding - Across the Periodic Table (ISBN: 978-3-527-33315-8)
Print: 978-3-527-33318-9 | CL | May 2014 | 1004PP | US$310.00

ISBN 352733318-5

9 783527 333189

Sustainable Chemistry & Green Chemistry

Hydrogen Science and Engineering
Materials, Processes, Systems and Technology
2 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Detlef Stolten & Bernd Emonts

Both of Forschungszentrum Jlich, Germany

This handbook explores mature, evolving technologies for a clean, economically viable alternative to
non-renewable energy
It also discusses issues relating to environmental impact, education, safety and regulatory
The text is all-encompassing, covering a wide range that includes hydrogen as an energy carrier,
hydrogen for storage of renewable energy, and incorporating hydrogen technologies into existing
Print: 978-3-527-33238-0 | CL | Mar 2015 | 1000PP | US$300.95
ONLINE: 978-3-527-67426-8

Science and
Systems and

2 Volume Set
ISBN 352733238-3

9 783527 332380

Polymer Science

Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and


Available Online

4th Edition, 15 Volume Set

Edited by Herman F. Mark

Polytechnic Institute of New York

Written and peer reviewed by experts from around the globe, Encyclopedia of Polymer
Science and Technology provides up-to-date coverage of traditional topics of continuing
interest to professionals, researchers, educators, and students, including polymeric
materials, polymerization reactions, processing and finishing, properties, and
Also available online, the 15 volumes of fourth edition include over four hundred new
and revised stand-alone articles and organized alphabetically
Topics covered include polymerization in ionic liquids and Click chemistry in macromolecular
synthesis, and plasma processing of polymers, and electrospinning, new classes of materials
such as Self-Healing Polymers, imaging and analytical techniques (Positron annihilation
spectroscopy and Thermal Analysis), new methods of controlled polymer architecture
(Fullerene Polymers, Porous Polymers from High Internal Phase Emulsions), biomimetics
(Bioinspired Polymers), and important applications (Polymer Filtration Membranes and
Polymeric membranes for energy applications)

ISBN 111863389-X

9 781118 633892

Traditional topics such as solubility of polymers, kinetics of radical polymerization and

flammability are also up-to-date
An invaluable resource for researchers in academic and professional settings
Complements Wileys extensive collection of polymer related journals and books
Print: 978-1-118-63389-2 | CL | Mar 2014 | 12344PP | US$4494.95
ONLINE: 978-0-471-44026-0

Characterization of Polymer Blends

Miscibility, Morphology and Interfaces

Sabu Thomas, Yves Grohens & P. Jyotishkumar

Available Online

This 2-volume book provides a comprehensive and systematic coverage of modern characterization
techniques, from microscopy and spectroscopy to diffraction, thermal analysis, rheology, mechanical
measurements and chromatography
These methods are compared with each other to assist in determining the best solution for both
fundamental and applied problems, paying attention to the characterization of nanoscale miscibility and
interfaces, both in blends involving copolymers and in immiscible blends
The thermodynamics, miscibility, phase separation, morphology and interfaces in polymer blends are
also discussed in light of new insights involving the nanoscopic scale
Covers the processing-morphology-property relationships of polymer blends, as well as the influence
of processing on the generation of micro and nano morphologies, and the dependence of these
morphologies on the properties of blends.
Hot topics such as compatibilization through nanoparticles, miscibility of new biopolymers and
nanoscale investigations of interfaces in blends are also addressed
Print: 978-3-527-33153-6 | CL | Oct 2014 | 976PP | US$405.00
ONLINE: 978-3-527-64560-2


ISBN 352733153-0

9 783527 331536

Automotive Engineering

Encyclopedia of Automotive

Available Online

6 Volume Set

Edited by David Crolla (Executive Editor-in-Chief), Toshio Kobayashi,

Nick Vaughan & David Foster (Regional Editors-in-Chief)

University of Leeds, UK; Japan Automotive Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan; Cranfield University, UK;
University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
Provides for the first time a large, unified knowledge base laying the foundation for
advanced study and research in automotive engineering
Through extensive cross-referencing and search functionality, it provides a gateway to
detailed but scattered information on best industry practice, engendering a better
understanding of interrelated concepts and techniques that cut across specialized areas of
Beyond traditional automotive subjects, it addresses green technologies, the shift from
mechanics to electronics, and the means to produce safer, more efficient vehicles within
varying economic restraints worldwide

ISBN 047097402-8

9 780470 974025

An accessible point of reference for entry level engineers and students who require an
understanding of the fundamentals of technologies outside of their own expertise or training
Invaluable guidance to more detailed texts and research findings in the technical literature
Developed in conjunction with FISITA, the umbrella organisation for the national automotive
societies in 37 countries around the world and representing more than 185,000 automotive
Available both as a fully searchable, updating online resource, and in a print edition comprising
six volumes and over 4000 pages+
Print: 978-0-470-97402-5 | CL | Feb 2015 | 4101PP | US$2175.00*
ONLINE: 978-1-118-35417-9
*Introductory price is valid until April 30, 2015. (List price: US$2550.00)

Electrical Engineering

Handbook of Digital Imaging

3 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Michael Kriss (Editor-in-Chief)

A comprehensive and practical analysis and overview of the imaging chain through
acquisition, processing and display
Provides a coherent overview of the imaging science amalgam, focusing on the
capture, storage and display of images
Arranged thematically to provide a seamless analysis of the imaging chain from
source (image acquisition) to destination (image print/display)
Coverage has a very practical orientation to provide a comprehensive source of information
for practicing engineers designing and developing modern digital imaging systems
Drawn from all aspects of digital imaging including optics, sensors, quality, control,
colour encoding and decoding, compression, projection and display

ISBN 047051059-5

9 780470 510599

Contains approximately 50 highly illustrated articles (ranging from 20-40 pages), printed in
full colour throughout
Over 50 contributors from Europe, US and Asia (both academia and industry)
Print: 978-0-470-51059-9 | CL | Jan 2015 | 1824PP | US$625.00*
ONLINE: 978-1-118-79870-6
*Introductory price is valid until March 31, 2015. (List price: US$795.00)


Electrical Engineering
Handbook of Applied

The Telecommunications

Print: 978-3-527-41209-9 | CL | Dec 2014

1424PP | US$482.95
ONLINE: 978-3-527-67063-5

Edited by Jyrki T. J. Penttinen

Engineering Guidelines for Fixed, Mobile and

Satellite Systems

Edited by Paul Seidel

Print: 978-1-119-94488-1 | CL | Jan 2015

1000PP | US$245.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-67891-6
ISBN 352741209-3

Available Online

9 783527 412099

ISBN 111994488-0

Available Online

9 781119 944881


Handbook of Clean
Energy Systems

Available Online

6 Volume Set

Edited by Jinyue Yan (Editor-in-Chief)

Director of Future Energy Profile, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Malardalen
University (MDU), Sweden

ISBN 111838858-5

Comprising 4,000+ pages in 6 volumes, the Handbook of Clean Energy Systems presents
a comprehensive overview of the latest research, developments and practical applications
throughout all areas of clean energy systems, consolidating a wealth of information which
is currently scattered across a wide variety of literature sources

9 781118 388587

Covers processes for the efficient and clean conversion of traditional fuels such as coal, oil and gas, energy storage
systems, mitigation technologies for the reduction of environmental pollutants, and the development of intelligent
energy systems
Environmental, social and economic impacts of energy systems are also addressed in depth
Published in full colour throughout
Fully indexed with cross referencing within and between all volumes
Edited by leading researchers who are internationally renowned and active in their respective fields
Print: 978-1-118-38858-7 | CL | MAY 2015 | 4032PP | US$1495.00*
ONLINE: 978-1-118-99197-8
*Introductory price is valid until August 31, 2015. (List price: US$1750.00)

The Science and Technology of Energy

Paul Meakin


Provides a scientific and technological account of the ways in which energy is produced, transported,
transformed, and consumed, as well as its impacts on the environment and society
Informs professional scientists and engineers about key scientific and technological advances across all
major forms of energy

of Energy

Analyzes the each sources resource base and/or sustainable level of energy production, and addresses
other issues including environmental impacts (with a focus on climate), footprint, water and material
requirements, and economics
Print: 978-0-470-62613-9 | CL | Dec 2014 | 700PP | US$219.95

ISBN 047062613-5

9 780470 626139


Business & Management

Wiley Encyclopedia of Management

3rd Edition, 14 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Cary L. Cooper

This multi-volume Encyclopedia has been revised and updated to chart the major
developments that have occurred in digital technologies; ethics and governance-related
issues; innovation; emerging markets; organizational networks; and new avenues of
sustainable business growth
Provides comprehensive coverage of the field of management in one a landmark work
of reference for scholars, students and professionals
With an increase of over 30% in the number of entries, from over 1,500 contributors

ISBN 111997251-5

9 781119 972518

Now features two entirely new volumes on Technology & Innovation and Management
Research Methodology
The online edition, now available through Wiley Online Library, links to the wider literature
and to handbooks and journals in the field
Cary Cooperis Distinguished Professor of Organisational Psychology and Health and Pro Vice Chancellor for External Relations at Lancaster
University, UK. Until October 2003 he held a chair at UMIST where he was formerly Deputy Vice Chancellor. He was honoured with a CBE
(Commander of the Order of the British Empire) in the Queens Birthday Honours List in June 2001. The (American) Academy of Management
honoured him by electing him as one of the first UK Fellows in 1997, and in that same year was honoured as a Companion of the Institute of
Management (now the CMI).

Print: 978-1-119-97251-8 | CL | OCT 2014 | 3600PP | US$1800.00*

ONLINE: 978-1-118-78531-7
*Introductory price is valid until December 31, 2014. (List price: US$2300.00)

Classical Studies
The Encyclopedia of the Roman Army
3 Volume Set

Edited by Yann Le Bohec

Universit Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV, France

Available Online

A comprehensive three-volume reference work on one of the greatest military institutions in world
Offers broad coverage of the Roman army, from the lives of individual soldiers to military issues such
as hierarchical command structure, tactics, strategy, and battles
Analyzes the Roman army from a modern historical perspective including exploration of large themes
relating the military and Romes economy, politics, and religion

ISBN 140517619-9

Spans Early Rome, Republic, Principate and Late Antiquity periods

Includes contributions from many internationally renowned historians

9 781405 176194

Print: 978-1-405-17619-4 | CL | Feb 2015 | 1176PP | US$495.00*

ONLINE: 978-1-118-31814-0
*Introductory price is valid until April 30, 2015. (List price: US$595.00)


Communication & Media Studies

The Handbook of Media and Mass Communication Theory
2 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Robert S. Fortner & P. Mark Fackler

International Center for Media Studies, USA; Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Focuses on all aspects of current and classic theories and practices relating to media and mass

The Handbook
of Media
and Mass

Includes essays from a variety of global contexts, from Asia and the Middle East to the Americas
Gives niche theories new life in several essays that use them to illuminate their application in specific

2 Volume Set

Features coverage of a wide variety of theoretical perspectives

ISBN 047067505-5

Pays close attention to the use of theory in understanding new communication contexts, such as
social media

9 780470 675052

Print: 978-0-470-67505-2 | CL | Mar 2014 | 1008PP | US$395.00

ONLINE: 978-1-118-59117-8

The International Encyclopedia of Digital

Communication and Society
3 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Robin Mansell & Peng Hwa Ang

London School of Economics and Political Science, UK; Wee Kim Wee School of Communication
and Information at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Offers critical assessments of theoretical and applied research related to digitally-mediated
communication, a central area of research in the 21st century
Unique for its emphasis on digital media and communication and for its use of business and
management perspectives, in addition to cultural, developmental, political and sociological
Entries are written by scholars and some practitioners from around the world, with exceptional
depth and international scope of coverage in five themes: Social Media, Commercial Applications,
Online Gaming, Law and Policy, and Information and Communicative Technology for Development
Features leading research in the fields of Media and Communication Studies, Internet Studies,
Journalism Studies, Law and Policy Studies, Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, and the
fields of Management of Technological Innovation and Business Studies as well as being of interest
to scholars in Development Studies

ISBN 111829074-7

9 781118 290743

Organized in an accessible A-Z format with over 150 entries on key topics ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 words
Print: 978-1-118-29074-3 | CL | FEB 2015 | 1392PP | US$495.00*
ONLINE: 978-1-118-76777-1
*Introductory price is valid until May 31, 2015. (List price: US$595.00)

A Companion to the U.S. Civil War
2 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Aaron Sheehan-Dean

West Virginia University, USA
Represents the most comprehensive coverage available relating to all aspects of the U.S. Civil War
Features contributions from dozens of experts in Civil War scholarship
Covers major campaigns and battles, and military and political figures, as well as non-military aspects
of the conflict such as gender, emancipation, literature, ethnicity, slavery, and memory
Print: 978-1-444-35131-6 | CL | Feb 2014 | 1232PP | US$395.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-60907-1


ISBN 144435131-1

9 781444 351316

Political Sciences

The Encyclopedia of Political Thought

8 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Michael T. Gibbons (Editor-in-Chief), Diana Coole,

Elisabeth Ellis & Kennan Ferguson

University of South Florida, USA; Birkbeck, University of London, UK; University of Otago,
New Zealand; University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
The most comprehensive and rigorous treatment of significant political thinkers,
political theories, concepts, ideas, and schools of thought
Examines the history of political thought from antiquity to contemporary political theory and
ISBN 140519129-5
political philosophy
Reflects diverse traditions in the evolution of political theory and political science
9 781405 191296
Addresses the theorists, their key theories and methods from within the western canon and
from non-western perspectives
Offers over 900 entries including shorter definitions and biographies as well as extended
treatments of major topics from over 700 contributors from around the world
Published in association with The Foundations of Political Theory, an organized section of the American Political
Science Association
Editor-in-Chief Michael Gibbonsis Associate Professor of Government and International Affairs at the University of South Florida. He received
his doctorate degree from the University of Massachusetts in 1983 with foci on political theory and political economy. He has taught at Siena
College and Boston University, as well as at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic as part of the Fulbright Program. He is the author of
various articles, chapters, and reviews on contemporary political theory and American political thought. He is co-editor (with Wilson Carey
McWilliams) of The Federalists, the Antifederalists and the American Political Tradition (1992) and editor of Interpreting Politics (1987).

Print: 978-1-405-19129-6 | CL | Oct 2014 | 4360PP | US$1275.00*

ONLINE: 978-1-118-47439-6
*Introductory price is valid until January 31, 2015. (List price: US$1595.00)

The Encyclopedia of Theoretical Criminology
2 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by J. Mitchell Miller

University of North Florida, Jacksonville, USA
Broad coverage spans the origins and evolution of leading theories, major theorists, concepts,
applications, and degree of empirical support for both criminology and justice
Edited by a leading team of experts in the field and enhanced by contributions from an international
group of leading criminology and criminal justice scholars
Offers a global perspective from an international team of leading scholars, including coverage of the
strong and rapidly growing body of work on criminology in Europe and other areas
ISBN 047065844-4

Print: 978-0-470-65844-4 | CL | Feb 2014 | 1048PP | US$395.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-51739-0

9 780470 658444

The Encyclopedia of British Literature 16601789
4 Volume Set

Edited by Gary H. Day & Jack Lynch

De Montfort University; Rutgers University, Newark

Available Online

Presents a comprehensive overview of the poetry, drama, fiction, and cultural criticism produced in
Britain from the Restoration to the French Revolution

Comprises over 340 entries arranged in A-Z format across three fully indexed and cross-referenced volumes

Includes coverage of both canonical and lesser-known authors, as well as entries addressing gender,
sexuality, and other topics that have previously been underrepresented in traditional scholarship
Print: 978-1-444-33020-5 | CL | Jan 2015 | 1536PP | US$TBA
ONLINE: 978-1-118-60726-8

ISBN 144433020-9

9 781444 330205



Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology

5 Volume Set

Available Online

Robin L. Cautin & Scott O. Lilienfeld

Includes well over 500 A-Z entries of between 500 and 7,500 words in length covering
the main topics, key concepts, and influential figures in the field of clinical psychology
Serves as a comprehensive reference with particular emphasis on the scientific basis
of the field; philosophical and historical issues; cultural considerations; and conflicts
and controversies
Offers an historiographical overview, demonstrating how concepts have developed over
time and the ways in which research influences practice
Cites the best and most up-to-date scientific evidence for each topic and encourages readers to
think critically when evaluating the validity of various scientific claims, theories, and techniques

ISBN 047067127-0

9 780470 671276


Robin L. Cautinis Professor of Psychology, Associate Provost, and Dean of Undergraduate Education at Manhattanville College, USA. She
is the author of many articles and chapters published in peer-reviewed journals and books. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological
Association and the Eastern Psychological Association, and in 2008 she received the Early Career Award from APA Division 26 (Society for
the History of Psychology). She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Center for the History of Psychology.
Scott O. Lilienfeldis Professor of Psychology at Emory University, U.S.A. He is founder and past editor of Scientific Review of Mental Health
Practice, has been a member of more than fifteen journal editorial boards, and has served as Associate Editor of the Journal of Abnormal
Psychology and Applied and Preventive Psychology. He has published over 300 articles, book chapters, and books. His work on psychological
science and pseudoscience has been featured widely in print and on TV and radio. Dr. Lilienfeld is past-president of the Society for the
Scientific Study of Clinical Psychology and president of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy.

Print: 978-0-470-67127-6 | CL | Dec 2014 | 3200PP | US$795.00*

ONLINE: 978-1-118-62539-2
*Introductory price is valid until March 31, 2015. (List price: US$950.00)

Wellbeing: A Complete Reference Guide

6 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Cary L. Cooper

University of Manchester, UK
The first multi-volume examination of all elements of wellbeing
Volumes cover children and families; the workplace; the environment; aging and later life; economics;
and policies of wellbeing
Each volume brings together leaders of their respective fields in an edited volume of original articles
Presents a synthesis of the latest research on this growing and interdisciplinary area of study

ISBN 111853882-X

Print: 978-1-118-53882-1 | CL | Jan 2014 | 3226PP | US$1150.00

ONLINE: 978-1-118-53941-5

Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental


9 781118 538821

Available Online

4th Edition, 2 Volume Set

Edited by Fred R. Volkmar, Rhea Paul, Sally J. Rogers & Kevin A. Pelphrey
Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT; Yale University; University of California, Davis;
Yale University, New Haven, CT
This invaluable, two-volume reference work brings readers up to date on the abundance of research
conducted and published since the previous edition
Providing a comprehensive review of all information presently available about autism and pervasive
developmental disorders, this set explores findings and clinical experience from a number of related
disciplines such as psychiatry, psychology, neurobiology, pediatrics, and more
Covers descriptive and diagnostic characteristics, biological contributions, intervention techniques,
as well as legal and social issues
Print: 978-1-118-14068-0 | CL | Feb 2014 | 1312PP | US$299.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-91138-9


ISBN 111814068-0

9 781118 140680

The Handbook of Behavioral Medicine
2 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by David I. Mostofsky

Boston University
Includes contributors from fields spanning education, social work, and physical therapy
Offers a complete and comprehensive overview of behavioral medicine techniques and treatments
Volume 1 addresses foundational issues in behavioral medicine, including concepts, theories,
treatments, doctor/patient relationships, common medical problems, and behavioral technologies
Volume 2 focuses on medical interface, including issues relating to health disorders and specialties;
social work, medical sociology, education, and health
Print: 978-1-118-45399-5 | CL | Mar 2014 | 1112PP | US$400.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-45386-5

The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness

2 Volume Set

ISBN 111845399-9

9 781118 453995

Available Online

Amanda Ie, Christelle T. Ngnoumen & Ellen J. Langer

Harvard University; Brown University; Harvard University
Examines the origins and key theories of the two dominant Western approaches to mindfulness: social
psychological mindfulness and Eastern-derived mindfulness
Discusses the implications for mindfulness across a range of fields, including consciousness and
cognition, education, creativity, leadership and organizational behavior, law, medical practice and
therapy, wellbeing, and sport
Maps out future directions for the study and application of mindfulness at the individual, interpersonal,
and global level
Print: 978-1-118-29487-1 | CL | Feb 2014 | 1240PP | US$400.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-29488-8

The Wiley Handbook of Anxiety Disorders

2 Volume Set

ISBN 111829487-4

9 781118 294871

Available Online

Edited by Paul Emmelkamp & Thomas Ehring

University of Amsterdam; University of Mnster, Germany
Leading clinical and research experts in the field of anxiety, and related, disorders contribute to this
2-volume reference set
Volume 1 reflects state of the art theory and research with information about definition, clinical picture,
epidemiology, etiology, natural history when not adequately treated, impairment, co-morbidity with Axis
I and Axis II, and differential diagnosis
Volume 2 focuses on clinical applications with case studies and transcripts of therapy sessions
Print: 978-1-118-77535-6 | CL | Mar 2014 | 1440PP | US$400.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-77527-1

ISBN 111877535-X

9 781118 775356

The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness,
Behavior and Society

Available Online

5 Volume Set

Edited by William Cockerham (Ediotr-in-Chief), Robert Dingwall & Stella R. Quah

University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA; Nottingham Trent University, UK;
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore
Represents the most authoritative resource covering concepts, theories, and substantive topics relating
to the study of health in our globalized, 21st-century world
Brings together an experienced author team from across America, Asia, and Europe, who represent a
variety of health-related disciplines
Accessibly structured A to Z entries also benefit from brief bibliographies and cross-references for
enhanced clarity

ISBN 144433076-4

9 781444 330762

Offers a definitive representation of each topic, combining different areas of the social scientific study of
health in a way that reflects and promotes the interdisciplinary development of health research
Print: 978-1-444-33076-2 | CL | Jan 2014 | 2696PP | US$995.00
ONLINE: 978-1-118-41086-8



Fruit and Vegetables

Harvesting, Handling and Storage

3rd Edition, 2 Volume Set

Available Online

Keith Thompson

Comprehensive evaluation of the postharvest aspects of an international range of

fresh fruit and vegetables with respect to their physiology, quality, technology,
harvest maturity determination, harvesting methods, packaging, postharvest
treatments, controlled atmosphere storage, ripening and transportation
Updated with new full colour photographs, details of species not covered previously,
along with practical and commercially-oriented information for ensuring that fresh fruit
and vegetables reach the retailer in optimum condition, with minimum deterioration
and spoilage
Incorporates salient advances in the context of current work and historical details dating back
over a century, allowing readers to choose content most relevant to their situation and needs

ISBN 111865404-8

9 781118 654040

Coverage on the nutritional values of fruit and vegetables, and how they vary and change postharvest, along with
information on the origin, domestication and taxonomy of fruit and vegetables, putting recommendations in context
Essential reading for fruit and vegetable technologists, food scientists and food technologists, agricultural scientists,
commercial growers, shippers, packhouse operatives and personnel within packaging companies; also relevant for
researchers and upper level students in food science, food technology, plant and agricultural sciences programs
Anthony Keith Thompsonis Professor of Horticulture at Hamelmalo Agricultural College in Keren, Eritrea. Previously he had been Professor
of Postharvest Technology, Cranfield University, UK; Team Leader, EU project at the Windward Islands Banana Development and Exporting
Company; Principal Scientific Officer, Tropical Products Institute, London; Team Leader and Expert for the UN Food and Agriculture
Organization in the Sudan and Korea; Advisor to the Colombian Government in postharvest technology of fruit and vegetables; Research
Fellow in Crop Science, University of the West Indies, Trinidad; Research Assistant, University of Leeds, UK.

Print: 978-1-118-65404-0 | CL | NOv 2014 | 1008PP | US$489.95

ONLINE: 978-1-118-65397-5

Induced Resistance for Plant Defense

2nd Edition

Available Online

Dale R. Walters, Adrian C. Newton & Gary D. Lyon

This title is a timely and comprehensive exploration of the genetic potential of plants for pathogen
resistance and the development of induced or acquired resistance as an environmentally safe means
of disease control
hapters review current knowledge of the agents that can elicit induced resistance, genomics,
signalling cascades, mechanisms of defence against pests and pathogens and molecular tools
overs the topical application of inducers for disease control, microbial induction of pathogen
resistance, transgenic approaches, pathogen population biology, trade-offs associated with induced
resistance and integration of induced resistance in crop protection
oncludes with a consideration of socio-economic drivers determining the use of induced resistance,
and the future of induced resistance in crop protection
Print: 978-1-118-37183-1 | CL | Aug 2014 | 352PP | US$229.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-37184-8


ISBN 111837183-6

9 781118 371831

2nd Edition

Edited by Robin N. Gibson, Richard Nash, Audrey Geffen & Henk Van der Veer

Available Online

Comprehensive coverage of the topic with important new information on major flatfish types, including
plaice, sole, flounder, halibut and hake
Includes information on systematics, distribution, reproduction, recruitment, ecology and behaviour of
the species
Provides up-to-date descriptions of the major fisheries and their management
Full coverage of recent advances in aquaculture and stock enhancement
Print: 978-1-118-50119-1 | CL | Nov 2014 | 600PP | US$249.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-50115-3

ISBN 111850119-5

9 781118 501191

Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity


Available Online

Interaction and Co-evolution

Edited by Serge M. Garcia, Jake Rice & Anthony Charles

This title explores the governance of the worlds oceans, with focus on the impact of two interconnected but historically separate streams of governance: fisheries and biodiversity conservation
Chapters are authored by leading experts from both streams and investigate the interaction of these
governance streams from ecological, economic, social and legal perspectives, with emphasis on the
policies, institutional processes, and outcomes from local and global communities
Concludes by summarizing the insights from earlier chapters relative to the questions posed; draws
conclusions about future needs and directions in the governance of marine fisheries and biodiversity,
vital to the future of the worlds oceans
Highly recommended for students, researchers and professionals in environmental and/or marine studies,
conservation, ocean policy and law, biological and life sciences, and fisheries management

ISBN 111839264-7

9 781118 392645

Print: 978-1-118-39264-5 | CL | JUL 2014 | 552PP | US$229.95

ONLINE: 978-1-118-39260-7

Food Sciences

Bakery Products Science and


Available Online

2nd Edition

Edited by Weibiao Zhou & Y. H. Hui

National University of Singapore & American Food and Nutrition Center, Cutten, California
The second edition of this successful and comprehensive overview of bakery science
is revised and expanded, featuring 15 new chapters on various bread and non-bread
products from around the world, as well as nutrition and packaging, processing, quality
control, global bread varieties and other popular bakery products
The book is structured to follow the baking process, from the basics, flour and other
ingredients, to mixing, proofing and baking
Professionals from industry, government and academia contribute their perspectives on
the state of industrial baking today

ISBN 111996715-5

9 781119 967156

Blending the technical aspects of baking with the latest scientific research, Bakery Products Science and
Technology, Second Edition has all the finest ingredients to serve the most demanding appetites of food science
professionals, researchers, and students
Print: 978-1-119-96715-6 | CL | Jun 2014 | 776PP | US$299.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-79193-6


Food Sciences
Applied Food Protein Chemistry
Edited by Zeynep Ustunol

An applied reference which reviews the properties of food proteins and provides
in-depth information on important plant and animal proteins consumed around
the world

Available Online

Each chapter discusses world production, distribution, utilization, physicochemical

properties, and the functional properties of each protein, as well as its food
Print: 978-1-119-94449-2 | CL | Nov 2014 | 536PP | US$199.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-86058-8
ISBN 111994449-X

9 781119 944492

Biological Controls for Preventing Food Deterioration

Strategies for Pre- and Postharvest Management

Available Online

Edited by Neeta Sharma

Looks specifically at plant foods, and is written in the context of preventing losses
both pre- and postharvest
Covers plant-pathogen interactions, disease management strategies and sustainable
agriculture technologies

Offers an international perspective on food deterioration caused by bacterial, fungal,

viral and mycotoxin contamination and presents alternative strategies to control
these diseases

Print: 978-1-118-53306-2 | CL | JUL 2014 | 464PP | US$199.95

ONLINE: 978-1-118-53302-4

ISBN 111853306-2

9 781118 533062

Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies

Edited by Suvendu Bhattacharya

This book fuses the practical (application, machinery), theoretical (model, equation)
and cutting-edge (recent trends) aspects, making it ideal for industrial, academic
and reference use

Available Online

It examines conventional and well-established existing processes; emerging and

novel process technologies with considerations to current and future applications
of food processing in the commercial sector by using added examples and the
latest data
Print: 978-1-118-40632-8 | CL | Nov 2014 | 744PP | US$249.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-40628-1
ISBN 111840632-X

9 781118 406328

DNA Methods in Food Safety

Molecular Typing of Foodborne and Waterborne Bacterial Pathogens

Edited by Omar A. Oyarzabal & Sophia Kathariou

Available Online

Succinctly reviews more than 25 years of data on a variety of DNA typing techniques, summarizing the
different mathematical models for analysis and interpretation of results, and detailing their efficacy in
typing different foodborne and waterborne bacterial pathogens
Chapters describe the most updated range of DNA techniques used in the typing of bacterial
foodborne pathogens, the application of these techniques to different bacterial foodborne pathogens
and describe the most appropriate technique for typing each bacterial pathogen
Print: 978-1-118-27867-3 | CL | Oct 2014 | 408PP | US$199.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-27864-2
ISBN 111827867-4

9 781118 278673


Food Sciences
Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food
Miguel de la Guardia & Salvador Garrigues
Both of Universidad de Valencia

Available Online

Brings together the analytical techniques, the regulatory and legislative framework,
and the widest possible range of food types into one comprehensive handbook for
food scientists and technologists

A vital and up-to-the-minute reference for food scientists in industry and academia alike

Handbook of
in Food

Print: 978-1-118-65436-1 | CL | Feb 2015 | 832PP | US$319.95

ONLINE: 978-1-118-65431-6
ISBN 111865436-6

9 781118 654361

Novel Plant Bioresources

Applications in Food, Medicine and Cosmetics

Available Online

Edited by Ameenah Gurib-Fakim

Center for Phytotherapy Research (CEPHYR), Mauritius

Covers the applications of novel plant resources for the food, medicine and cosmetics industries as
novel plants are increasingly prized by industries for their potential use in aromas, dyes, foods,
medicines and cosmetics
Takes a how to approach, ideal for agriculture and industry seeking to create value and new resources
from previously under-utilized plants
Examples and contributors are drawn from Africa, Europe, the USA and Asia
Print: 978-1-118-46061-0 | CL | Apr 2014 | 552PP | US$249.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-46056-6

ISBN 111846061-8

9 781118 460610

Nutraceutical and Functional Food Processing

Joyce I. Boye

Available Online

A comprehensive overview of current and emerging trends in the formulation and manufacture of
nutraceutical and functional food products
It highlights the distinctions between foods falling into the nutraceutical and functional food categories
The impact of processing on the bioactivity of nutraceutical ingredients, allergen management and the
processing of allergen-free foods, health claims and nutraceutical food product commercialization are
also discussed
Print: 978-1-118-50494-9 | CL | Dec 2014 | 392PP | US$199.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-50495-6

ISBN 111850494-1

9 781118 504949

Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry

2nd Edition

Edited by Fidel Toldra, Y. H. Hui, Iciar Astiasaran, Joseph Sebranek & Regine Talon

Available Online

This handbook will provide readers with a full overview of meat fermentation, the role and safety
aspects of microorganisms naturally present and/or added as starter cultures
Presents an account of the main chemical, biochemical, physical and microbiological changes that
occur in processing and how they affect final quality
Showcases the main types of worldwide fermented meat products, typically produced in different
areas, with the description of their key characteristics
Print: 978-1-118-52269-1 | CL | Jan 2015 | 528PP | US$249.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-52265-3

ISBN 111852269-9

9 781118 522691


Food Sciences
Practical Food Safety

Meat Inspection and Control in

the Slaughterhouse

Contemporary Issues and Future Directions

Edited by Rajeev Bhat & Vicente M. Gomez-Lopez

Edited by Thimjos Ninios, Janne Lunden, Hannu

Korkeala & Maria Fredriksson-Ahomaa

Print: 978-1-118-47460-0 | CL | Apr 2014

632PP | US$249.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-47456-3

Print: 978-1-118-52586-9 | CL | Jun 2014

728PP | US$249.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-52582-1

Available Online

ISBN 111852586-8

Available Online

9 781118 525869

ISBN 111847460-0

9 781118 474600

Life Sciences

Cancer Translational Medicine


Edited by Robert A. Meyers

TRW Inc., Redondo Beach, California

A two volume set containing a selection of updated articles from the acclaimed
Meyers Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine, the most
authoritative resource in cell and molecular biology, combined with new articles by
founding fathers in the field


Covers current research trends with articles authored by an impressive number of

leading figures in the field
Content is presented in nine sections covering:

ISBN 352733569-2

Biological Basis

Synthetic Genomes Techniques


Synthetic Genomes

Modular Parts and Circuits

Chemicals Production

Modular Parts and Circuits Applications

Diseases and Therapeutics

9 783527 335695

Synthetic Biological Pathways

Print: 978-3-527-33569-5 | CL | Apr 2015 | 1100PP | US$421.95

RNA Regulation

Edited by Robert A. Meyers


Based on Meyers Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine, one
of the worlds leading encyclopedic resources in cell and molecular biology, this twovolume work contains more than 75% new content not previously published in the
Encyclopedia - at least 45 out of 55 articles are new in the book
One of the most comprehensive reference works on RNA biology on the market,
covering basic research and medical application
Special focus on the different forms of expression regulation through RNA, with
medical applications in the treatment of diseases from cancers and immune responses
to infections and aging, all covered in detail
Features the works of carefully selected and internationally recognised experts in the field
Print: 978-3-527-33156-7 | CL | Apr 2014 | 892PP | US$399.95


ISBN 352733156-5

9 783527 331567

Life Sciences

Synthetic Biology


Edited by Robert A. Meyers

A two volume set containing a selection of updated articles from the acclaimed
Meyers Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine, the most
authoritative resource in cell and molecular biology, combined with new articles by
founding fathers in the field


Covers current research trends with articles authored by an impressive number of

leading figures in the field
Content is presented in nine sections covering:
Biological Basis

Synthetic Genomes Techniques


Synthetic Genomes

Modular Parts and Circuits

Chemicals Production

Modular Parts and Circuits Applications

Diseases and Therapeutics

ISBN 352733482-3

9 783527 334827

Synthetic Biological Pathways

Print: 978-3-527-33482-7 | CL | Nov 2014 | 896PP | US$399.95

Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation

3rd Edition

Available Online

Richard L. Doty
The largest collection of basic, clinical, and applied knowledge on the chemical senses
ever compiled in one volume
Encompasses recent developments in all fields of chemosensory science, particularly
the most recent advances in neurobiology, neuroscience, molecular biology, and
modern functional imaging techniques

Handbook of

3rd Edition

Covers olfaction and gustation in both invertebrate and vertebrate forms

New chapters on chemosensory integration, with an emphasis on findings from both primate
neurophysiology and human functional imaging research

ISBN 111813922-4

9 781118 139226

Content is presented in five main sections, covering the senses of smell and taste as well as
sensory integration, industrial applications, and other chemosensory systems
This is essential reading for clinicians and academic researchers interested in basic and applied chemosensory
Print: 978-1-118-13922-6 | CL | Jan 2015 | 1264PP | US$349.95*
ONLINE: 978-1-118-97175-8
*Introductory price is valid until April 30, 2015. (List price: US$400.00)


Life Sciences

Handbook of Therapeutic Antibodies

2nd Edition, 4 Volume Set

Available Online

Edited by Stefan Dbel & Janice M. Reichert

A comprehensive reference source for the development, production and therapeutic
application of antibodies
Thoroughly updated from the successful first edition and 30% expanded in content
Each antibody approved for therapeutic purposes is presented and discussed including
clinical data
Beyond providing current knowledge, the authors outline emerging technologies, future
developments, and discusses intellectual property issues
Volume 1 covers selection and engineering strategies for new antibodies, while the
Volume 2 presents novel therapeutic concepts and antibodies in clinical study, as well
as their potential. Volumes 3 and 4 feature detailed and specific information about each
antibody approved for therapeutic purposes, including clinical data. The handbook
concludes with a compendium of marketed monoclonal antibodies and an extensive

ISBN 352732937-4

9 783527 329373

Stefan Dbelreceived his Ph.D. at the Center for Molecular Biology in Heidelberg, Germany, before moving on to the German Cancer Research
Center in 1989 where he started research on the development of antibody libraries with naive or synthetic CDRs. In the following years, he
substantially participated in the invention of antibody phage display, as well as other recombinant antibody technologies and the development
of various antibody fusion proteins. In 1996, he moved to the University of Heidelberg to establish the antibody engineering group at the
Institute of Molecular Genetics. He was appointed full professor at the Technische Universitt Braunschweig in 2002, where he currently is
head of the Department of Biotechnology and managing director of the Institute of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. He has
co-authored more than 100 original papers, many patents, as well as several acknowledged textbooks in the field of recombinant antibodies.
He is also on the editorial board of several scientific journals and cofounder of two antibody engineering companies.
Janice M. Reichertis an internationally recognized expert in the development of antibody therapeutics. She is Founder and Managing Director
of Reichert Biotechnology Consulting LLC, a pharmaceutical business intelligence research firm, and the founding Editor-in-Chief of mAbs,
a peer-reviewed, PubMed-indexed biomedical journal that focuses on topics relevant to antibody research and development. Dr. Reichert has
published extensively on development trends for antibody therapeutics and she has presented her research results as an invited speaker at
conferences held worldwide. She is President of The Antibody Society and serves on the editorial boards of several biomedical journals. Dr.
Reichert received her Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and her post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical School.

Print: 978-3-527-32937-3 | CL | Sep 2014 | 2544PP | US$899.95

ONLINE: 978-3-527-68242-3

The Dictionary of Genomics,

Transcriptomics and Proteomics

Available Online

5th Edition

Edited by Guenter Kahl

University of Frankfurt, Germany

A long time bestseller in the field of omics, this comprehensive dictionary is fully
updated and greatly expanded to include over 13,000 entries across the genomics,
proteomics, and trancriptomics
Each entry contains an extensive explanation, a comprehensive listing of synonyms and
acronyms, redrawn formulas and figures, most of which are custom designed
This title is available for the first time in electronic version with cross-linking features on
Wiley Online Library, or in print format

ISBN 352732852-1

9 783527 328529

An essential reference for Gene Technologists, Biotechnologists, Biotechnological Industry and Cell Biologists
Print: 978-3-527-32852-9 | CL | MAR 2015 | 2520PP | US$659.95
ONLINE: 978-3-527-67867-9


LIFE Sciences
Encyclopedia of Marine Natural Products

Available Online

2nd Edition

Jean-Michel Kornprobst
This revised second edition has been expanded by 15%, making it one of the largest resources on
marine natural products
Contains an exhaustive and systematic listing of over 9,000 formulae and 10,000 references, with
approximately 650 relevant websites
Uses a unique approach of classifying the compounds by biological species together with their
background information, making it particularly useful and applicable for marine biologists
The digital version features a completely cross-linked library of compounds for easy access to related
substances, making it even more useful for biologists, chemists and pharmacologists alike
Print: 978-3-527-33429-2 | CL | Apr 2014 | 2180PP | US$929.95
ONLINE: 978-3-527-33585-5

ISBN 352733429-7

9 783527 334292

Handbook of Forensic Medicine

Available Online

Edited by Burkhard Madea

University of Bonn

Adopts a comprehensive, international approach to forensic medicine

Includes checklists and information boxes in all chapters
Provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of forensic medicine from forensic pathology,
toxicology through to haemogenetics, and medical law
Offers case studies throughout with an international focus and illustrated in full colour
Print: 978-0-470-97999-0 | CL | Mar 2014 | 1312PP | US$379.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-57063-0

ISBN 047097999-2

9 780470 979990

Biological Nitrogen Fixation

Frans J. de Bruijn

Print: 978-1-118-63712-8 | CL | Apr 2015

750PP | US$299.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-63698-5

Available Online


Recent Advances in Polyphenol

Edited by Annalisa Romani, Vincenzo Lattanzio &
Stephane Quideau

Print: 978-1-118-32967-2 | CL | Aug 2014

464PP | US$249.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-32963-4
ISBN 111863712-7

9 781118 637128

Available Online

ISBN 111832967-8

9 781118 329672



Biological Mechanisms of Tooth


Available Online

2nd Edition

Edited by Vinod Krishnan & Zeev Davidovitch

Raja Dental College; Harvard University

An authoritative and comprehensive reference on the scientific foundations

underpinning clinical orthodontics
Key topics include bone biology, the effects of mechanical loading on tissues and cells,
genetics, inflammation, tissue remodeling and the effects of diet, drugs, and systemic
Highly-illustrated, fully revised and expanded with 7 new chapters to cover new
developments in genomics, rapid orthodontics and current controversies in tooth
movement research

ISBN 111868887-2

9 781118 688878

Led by an expert editor team with contributions from an international group of contributors
Praise for the first edition
A classic reference book ... I enjoyed every single page of the book and consider it as a real treat ... Highly
recommended.(The European Journal of Orthodontics, December 2009)
The two editors ... have produced a most authoritative text on the biological mechanisms involved in the movement
of teeth.(American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics)
Print: 978-1-118-68887-8 | CL | Feb 2015 | 376PP | US$199.98
ONLINE: 978-1-118-68884-7

Medical Sciences

International Textbook of Diabetes


Available Online

4th Edition

Edited by Ralph DeFronzo, Ele Ferrannini, Paul Zimmet & George Alberti
The most comprehensive reference on both the clinical and scientific aspects of
diabetes, presented with a global perspective It covers the epidemiology, nature and
care of diabetes in different parts of the world
Comprehensively covers the basic science of metabolism, linking this closely to the
pathophysiology and clinical aspects of the disease
The new edition is fully revised, updated and expanded to cover the latest
developments in the field
Includes all aspects of diabetes and fully coloured throughout
Available in print and online formats
Print: 978-0-470-65861-1 | CL | Apr 2015 | 2100PP | US$559.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-38765-8


ISBN 047065861-4

9 780470 658611

Medical Sciences

4th Edition

Available Online

Allan Tasman, Jerald Kay, Jeffrey A. Lieberman,

Michael B. First & Michelle Riba
Comprehensively overs the entire field of psychiatry, from psychoanalysis to
pharmacology and brain imaging, including family relations, cultural influence and
change, epidemiology, genetics and behavioural medicine
Readers are provided with comprehensive descriptions of different perspectives on
each of the major and minor psychiatric conditions
Diagnostic and treatment decision trees are used to help both the novice and
experienced reader
Contains more in-depth description and analysis of the Mental Status exam than any other textbook

ISBN 111884547-1

9 781118 845479

Features clinical vignettes describing current clinical practice

An excellent source of support and guidance for clinical work, teaching or student reference
Over 400 articles written by well-known and highly regarded experts from around the world
Allan Tasman,MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Louisville
School of Medicine, Louisville, KY, USA
Jerald Kay,MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Psychiatry, Wright State University Boonshoft School of
Medicine, Dayton, OH, USA
Jeffrey A. Lieberman,MD, Lawrence Kolb Professor and Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Columbia University; Director, New York State Psychiatric Institute, Psychiatrist in Chief, Columbia
University Medical Center, New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY, USA

ISBN 111875339-9

9 781118 753392
ISBN 111875338-0

9 781118 753385

Michael B. First,MD, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Michelle B. Riba,MD, MS, Professor and Associate Chair for Integrated Medical and Psychiatric Services, Department
of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Print: 978-1-118-84547-9 | CL | NOV 2014 | 2776PP | US$479.95 (SET)

ONLINE: 978-1-118-75337-8
VOLUME 1 - PRINT: 978-1-118-75339-2 | CL | SEP 2014 | 1368PP | US$239.95
VOLUME 2 - PRINT: 978-1-118-75338-5 | CL | SEP 2014 | 1408PP | US$239.95

Atlas of Neonatal Cardiology

Ernerio Alboliras

The only comprehensive visual reference on the evaluation, diagnosis and

management of cardiac disease in the newborn in the market

Available Online

Atlas of

Includes over 800 photographs, illustrations and other visual materials

Companion Website includes 50 video clips from key diagnostic imaging modalities
Edited and written by the best-known and most respected authorities in the field
Print: 978-1-118-63514-8 | CL | Apr 2015 | 400PP | US$271.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-63534-6

ISBN 111863514-0

9 781118 635148


Medical Sciences
Evidence-Based Dermatology
3rd Edition

Available Online

Edited by Hywel Williams (Editor-in-Chief), Michael Bigby, Andrew Herxheimer, Luigi Naldi,
Berthold Rzany, Robert Dellavalle, Yuping Ran & Masutaka Furue
Queens Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, UK; Harvard Medical School; UK Cochrane Centre;
Ospedali Riuniti, Bergamo; Klinik fur Dermatologie, Charite-Universitatsmedizin, Berlin; Denver VA Medical Center;
Sichuan University, China; Kyushu University, Japan
A unique approach to clinical dermatology by emphasising the use of high quality evidence when
treating people with skin diseases
Comprehensive coverage of all major and many minor skin conditions with an easy to navigate,
question-based approach
Use of Toolbox sections to introduce and explain principles of critical appraisal, along with Key Points
boxes in every chapter to summarise the best treatment recommendations
Global editor team of world-leading experts from the Americas, Europe and Asia

ISBN 111835767-1

9 781118 357675

Print: 978-1-118-35767-5 | CL | Jun 2014 | 680PP | US$405.00

ONLINE: 978-1-118-35760-6

Evidence-Based Oncology
2nd Edition


Edited by Chris Williams & Paul Cornes

Both of Haematology and Oncology Centre, Bristol, UK


Part of the BMJ Books series of evidence-based textbooks, this internationally authored text provides
guidance to clinical oncologists on the best evidence for screening and treatment of the major
Includes authoritative reviews based on Cochrane and other systematic reviews and high quality trials,
the recommendations in this book provide unique information for treatment options in the context of
the individual patients needs
Fully revised with 30 new chapters, emphasis on diagnosis and screening, issues in developing countries
and updates on health care policy for the 21st century
Available on CD-Rom or online edition

2nd Edition
ISBN 140516003-9

9 781405 160032

Print: 978-1-405-16003-2 | CL | Jan 2015 | 760PP | US$270.00

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Physical Properties and Sequence Design

2nd Edition

Available Online

Robert W. Brown, Y.-C. Norman Cheng, E. Mark Haacke, Michael R. Thompson & Ramesh Venkatesan
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; Case Western Reserve University, Cheveland, Ohio;
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio;
Picker International, Highland Heights, Ohio; General Electric Medical Systems, Bangalore, India
New edition explores contemporary MRI principles and practices
The preeminent text in the field, offering a comprehensive and approachable introduction to the physics
and the applications of magnetic resonance imaging
Updated with new material and enhanced with improved equations, formulas, and text to enable
readers to better grasp core concepts, methods, and applications
Three appendices at the end of the text offer review material for basic electromagnetism and statistics
as well as a list of acquisition parameters for the images in the book
Print: 978-0-471-72085-0 | CL | May 2014 | 1008PP | US$249.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-63395-3


ISBN 047172085-2

9 780471 720850

Medical Sciences
Manns Pharmacovigilance
3rd Edition

Available Online

Edited by Elizabeth B. Andrews & Nicholas Moore

This updated edition features new chapters and increased coverage on the Asian region
Includes pharmacovigilance both by regulatory market and by system organ classes
Features an international team of expert editors and contributors
An essential reference for everyone working within pharmaceutical companies, research organisations
and medicine regulatory bodies
Print: 978-0-470-67104-7 | CL | Apr 2014 | 866PP | US$324.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-82017-9

ISBN 047067104-1

9 780470 671047

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Edited by Ross Farhadieh, Neil Bulstrode & Sabrina Cugno

A ground breaking textbook that uses contemporary approaches to explain and

demonstrate best practices in the field

Available Online

Plastic and

Taps on an international cast of leading surgeons to showcase effective plastic

surgery techniques and outcomes
Comprehensive in scope and practical in nature to ensure success in every surgery
Print: 978-1-118-65542-9 | CL | Apr 2015 | 1000PP | US$399.95
ONLINE: 978-1-118-65541-2
ISBN 111865542-7

9 781118 655429

Textbook of Hemophilia
3rd Edition

Available Online

Edited by Christine A. Lee, Erik E. Berntorp & W. Keith Hoots

Edited by three internationally renowned experts with over 60 international contributors specialized in
the care of haemophilia patients
Updated with 8 new chapters, covering individualised dosing, vCJD and haemophilia, new drugs in the
pipeline, and surgery in inhibitor patients
Presents new developments and highlights controversial issues, along with advice for everyday clinical
Print: 978-1-118-39824-1 | CL | Apr 2014 | 560PP | US$247.50
ONLINE: 978-1-118-39825-8

ISBN 111839824-6

9 781118 398241

Urgent Interventional Therapies

Edited by Nicholas Kipshidze, Jawed Fareed, Robert T. Rosen & Patrick Serruys
Lenox Hill Heart and Vascular Institute, New York, USA; Loyola University Chicago,
Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, Illinois, USA; Lenox Hill Heart and Vascular
Institute at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, USA; Erasmus University, Medical Centre,
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Available Online

Focuses on the interventional procedures performed in the most serious and critical cases of
cardiovascular and peripheral artery disease, where immediate specialist care and surgery are required
Illustrates the differences between urgent interventions and interventions performed to manage
chronic conditions, along with coverage on emerging experimental therapies
Uses a consistent template focused on review of evidence; device description; technique of procedure;
follow-up care and complications
Includes 52 high-definition surgical videos, complete with tips and tricks to serve as a wonderful
visual learning tool

ISBN 047067202-1

9 780470 672020

Print: 978-0-470-67202-0 | CL | Oct 2014 | 592PP | US$235.00

ONLINE: 978-1-118-50449-9




Binding Publication Introductory Introductory

Price Valid Until



9783527321506 Gauglitz, Moore

Handbook of Spectroscopy, 2nd Edition,

4 Volume Set


Apr 2014


9783527334742 Hbschmann

Handbook of GC / MS: Fundamentals and



Dec 2014


9783527335527 Brner, Franke

Hydroformylations: Fundamentals, Processes

and Applications in Organic Synthesis


Apr 2015


9783527335831 Li, Liu

Bridging Heterogeneous and Homogeneous

Catalysis: Concepts, Strategies, and


Apr 2014


9783527315543 Tsotsas, Mujumdar

Modern Drying Technology, 5 Volume Set


Feb 2014


9783527327645 Hartmann,
Bindereif, Schn,

Handbook of RNA Biochemistry


Apr 2014


9780470695111 Campbell

Intracellular Calcium


Nov 2014


9781118762295 Authier

International Tables for Crystallography,

Volume D: Physical Properties of Crystals


Sep 2014


9780470974230 Aroyo, Hahn

International Tables for Crystallography,

Volume A: Space-Group Symmetry: 6th Edition


Jan 2015


9781118416280 Gilmore, Schenk

International Tables for Crystallography,

Volume H: Powder Diffraction


Jul 2015


9780470723074 Schreiner

Computational Molecular Science


Mar 2014


9783527333707 Wiley-VCH

Ullmanns Energy: Resources, Processes,



Mar 2015


9783527334773 Wiley-VCH

Ullmanns Fine Chemicals


Mar 2014


9783527335954 Subramanian

Continuous Processing in Pharmaceutical



Dec 2014


9783527312818 Memming

Semiconductor Electrochemistry


Jan 2015


9781118773529 Pizzi, Belgacem

Lignocellulosic Fibers and Wood Handbook


Apr 2015


9783527331543 de Meijere, Brse,


Metal Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions

and More


Jan 2014


9781119952893 MacGillivray,

Metal-Organic Framework Materials


Nov 2014


9781119950837 de Bettencourt-Dias Luminescence of Lanthanide Ions in

Coordination Compounds and Nanomaterials


Nov 2014


9781119952756 Hostettmann, Chen, Handbook of Chemical and Biological Plant

Marston, Stuppner Analytical Methods


Jun 2014


9780470749104 Lee, Aizawa, Gan,

Prakash, Zhong

Handbook of Metabolic Pathways of

Xenobiotics, 5 Volume Set


Jan 2014


9781118439265 Sahu, Casciano

Handbook of Nanotoxicology, Nanomedicine

and Stem Cell Use in Toxicology


Apr 2014


9783527327737 Goodby, Collings,

Kato, Tschierske,
Gleeson, Raynes

Handbook of Liquid Crystals, 2nd Edition,

8 Volume Set


Feb 2014


9783527330966 Fujishima, Irie,

Zhang, Tryk

Handbook of Self-Cleaning Surfaces and



Apr 2015



Nov 30, 2014

9780470973585 Zabicky

The Chemistry of Metal Phenolates


Apr 2014


9781118336939 Rappoport

The Chemistry of Organic Selenium and

Tellurium Compounds, Volume 4


Jan 2014


9781118438732 Rappoport, Marek,


The Chemistry of Organogold Compounds


Dec 2014


9780470973592 Marek

The Chemistry of Organoiron Compounds


Jan 2014


9781118412718 Liebman, Greer

The Chemistry of Peroxides, Volume 3


Nov 2014


9781118362594 Knipe

Organic Reaction Mechanisms, 2012


Jan 2015




Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization:

Problems and New Approaches


Aug 2014




Surface and Interface Science: Volume 5 Solid Gas Interfaces I; Volume 6 - Solid
Gas Interfaces II


Apr 2015


The Chemical Bond


May 2014


9783527333189 Frenking, Shaik


Full Title


Jun 30, 2015



Full Title

Binding Publication Introductory Introductory

Price Valid Until


Stolten, Emonts

Hydrogen Science and Engineering: Materials,

Processes, Systems and Technology


Mar 2015




Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology,

4th Edition, 15 Volume Set


Mar 2014




Thomas, Grohens,

Characterization of Polymer Blends: Miscibility,

Morphology and Interfaces


Oct 2014





Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering,

6 Volume Set


Feb 2015


Apr 30, 2015





Handbook of Digital Imaging, 3 Volume Set


Jan 2015


Mar 31, 2015





Handbook of Applied Superconductivity


Dec 2014





The Telecommunications Handbook: Engineering

Guidelines for Fixed, Mobile and Satellite


Jan 2015








Aug 31, 2015





Handbook of Clean Energy Systems, 6 Volume Set


May 2015



The Science and Technology of Energy


Dec 2014



Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 3rd Edition,

14 Volume Set


Oct 2014


Dec 31, 2014




Apr 30, 2015














Le Bohec

The Encyclopedia of the Roman Army


Feb 2015


Fortner, Fackler

The Handbook of Media and Mass

Communication Theory


Mar 2014


Mansell, Ang,
The International Encyclopedia of Digital
Steinfield, van der
Communication and Society
Graaf, Ballon, Kerr,
Ivory, Braman, Kleine,


Feb 2015



A Companion to the U.S. Civil War


Feb 2014


Gibbons, Coole, Ellis,


The Encyclopedia of Political Thought,

8 Volume Set


Oct 2014



The Encyclopedia of Theoretical Criminology


Feb 2014


Day, Lynch

The Encyclopedia of British Literature 16601789


Jan 2015


Cautin, Lilienfeld

Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology, 5 Volume Set


Dec 2014



Wellbeing: A Complete Reference Guide



Volkmar, Paul,
Rogers, Pelphrey

Handbook of Autism and Pervasive

Developmental Disorders




The Handbook of Behavioral Medicine



Ie, Ngnoumen, Langer The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mindfulness


Emmelkamp, Ehring




May 31, 2015

Jan 31, 2015





Jan 2014



Feb 2014



Mar 2014




Feb 2014




Mar 2014



Cockerham, Dingwall, The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health,

Illness, Behavior and Society


Jan 2014





Fruit and Vegetables: Harvesting, Handling and

Storage, 3rd Edition, 2 Volume Set


Nov 2014




Walters, Newton,

Induced Resistance for Plant Defense


Aug 2014




Gibson, Nash, Geffen, Flatfishes

Van der Veer


Nov 2014




Garcia, Rice, Charles

Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity

Conservation: Interaction and Co-evolution


Jul 2014




Zhou, Hui

Bakery Products Science and Technology,

2nd Edition


Jun 2014





Applied Food Protein Chemistry


Nov 2014





Biological Controls for Preventing Food

Deterioration: Strategies for Pre- and Postharvest


Jul 2014





Conventional and Advanced Food Processing



Nov 2014




Oyarzabal, Kathariou

DNA Methods in Food Safety: Molecular

Typing of Foodborne and Waterborne Bacterial


Oct 2014




de la Guardia,

Handbook of Mineral Elements in Food


Feb 2015





Novel Plant Bioresources: Applications in Food,

Medicine and Cosmetics


Apr 2014



The Wiley Handbook of Anxiety Disorders


Mar 31, 2015





Full Title



Nutraceutical and Functional Food Processing



Binding Publication Introductory Introductory

Price Valid Until




Dec 2014



Toldr, Hui, Astiasaran, Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry,

Sebranek, Talon
2nd Edition


Jan 2015




Ninios, Lunden,

Meat Inspection and Control in the



Jun 2014




Bhat, Gomez-Lopez

Practical Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and

Future Directions


Apr 2014





Cancer Translational Medicine


Apr 2015





RNA Regulation


Apr 2014





Synthetic Biology


Nov 2014





Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation, 3rd Edition


Jan 2015




Dbel, Reichert

Handbook of Therapeutic Antibodies, 2nd Edition,

4 Volume Set


Sep 2014





The Dictionary of Genomics, Transcriptomics and

Proteomics, 5th Edition


Mar 2015





Encyclopedia of Marine Natural Products


Apr 2014





Handbook of Forensic Medicine


Mar 2014




de Bruijn

Biological Nitrogen Fixation


Apr 2015




Romani, Lattanzio,

Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research


Aug 2014




Krishnan, Davidovitch Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement,

2nd Edition


Feb 2015




DeFronzo, Ferrannini,
Zimmet, Alberti

International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus,

4th Edition


Apr 2015




Tasman, Kay,
First, Riba

Psychiatry, 4th Edition (SET)


Nov 2014




Tasman, Kay,
First, Riba

Psychiatry, 4th Edition, Volume 1


Sep 2014




Tasman, Kay,
First, Riba

Psychiatry, 4th Edition, Volume 2


Sep 2014





Atlas of Neonatal Cardiology


Apr 2015




Williams, Bigby,
Herxheimer, Naldi,
Rzany, Dellavalle,
Ran, Furue

Evidence-Based Dermatology


Jun 2014




Williams, Cornes

Evidence-Based Oncology


Jan 2015




Brown, Cheng,
Haacke, Thompson,

Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Properties

and Sequence Design


May 2014




Andrews, Moore

Manns Pharmacovigilance


Apr 2014




Farhadieh, Bulstrode,

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


Apr 2015




Lee, Berntorp, Hoots

Textbook of Hemophilia


Apr 2014




Kipshidze, Fareed,
Rosen, Serruys

Urgent Interventional Therapies


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