Sermão Ingles PDF
Sermão Ingles PDF
Sermão Ingles PDF
Isaiah 42:5-9
July 6, 2014
Discussion Guide
Release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness - What is a good paraphrase for
what that means?
In verse 8, to whom does the glory belong and why? How do we struggle with giving away
Gods glory to idols?
Verse 9 - Why is it comforting that God continues to do new things? And that He announces
His works and ways to us through His Word? How valuable of a treasure is His Word?
The thing that strikes me the most in this passage as far as trying to live it out is verse 8 where He
says, I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. I want my life to be focused on Him
and not get sidetracked with idols that fill my mind and attention. What do you need to do to make
sure you do not lose focus and get side tracked, or backslidden as Baptists like to say?