Matrix Guide

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses various Matrix concepts like the Grid, PANs, Hosts, Icons, AROs and provides details about Matrix Combat actions and Overwatch.

A PAN (Personal Area Network) refers to a person's personal commlink/cyberdeck and all devices connected to it, while a Host is a private, self-contained zone within the Matrix that can be accessed via the Grid but is autonomous, like simsense MMOs or data archives.

In Matrix Combat, actions like Data Spike, Crash Program, Control Device and Spoof Command can be performed. The document also discusses biofeedback damage, dumpshock and link-locking.


GRID ~ The local network hub offered by your Matrix Provider. The Grid acts as your gateway
into the broader Matrix, it is in the Grid that you can see the AROs in your local area and the
PANs of nearby people. The Grid is watched over by GOD (Grid Overwatch Division) and
when you perform illegal actions on the GRID you build Overwatch with GOD.
PANs ~ PANs (Personal Area Network) Is the personal Commlink/Cyberdeck and all devices
slaved to the Commlink/Cyberdeck. PANs appear on the local GRID.
HOST ~ Are private, self-contained zones within the Matrix. A Host is accessed via the GRID, but
are completely autonomous. Hosts are Overwatched by their own security, and defended by
various IC (Intrusion Countermeasures). Hosts can be anything from Simsense MMOs, to
entertainment hotspots, to Forums, Virtual Environments, Data Archives, etc... To access a
Host from the Grid, generally you need to know the Universal Matrix Address (UMA) for
the Host. Many Hosts are listed publicly and open for anyone to access without a Matrix
Authentication Recognition Key (MARK). Most of these are displayed actively on their
local Grids, making them very easy to access. However, there are large 'Grey lands' and
'Black lands' in the Matrix, which are Hosts which are not as easily accessed, requiring
a user to know their UMA, not having any readily searchable Grid entrances, and many
of these also require MARKs to enter.
Persona ~ The virtual form of a person who is simmed into the Matrix. Besides living Users,
Semi-Autonomous icons and Agents (as well as A.I.s) also manifest as Personas.
Icons ~ Virtual objects on the Matrix that represent various Data, Matrix Objects, Programs,
Devices linked to the Matrix, and Hosts.
ARO ~ Augmented Reality Objects are virtual representations (visual graphics, etc) that are
connected to a physical object or location in the physical world and viewable through
Augmented Reality. These are often ads and spam.
Matrix Condition Monitor: 8 + (Device Rating/2) Boxes.
Resist Matrix damage with Device Rating + Firewall.
If the Matrix Condition Monitor of a device is completely filled, the device ceases to
function. This is called Bricking a device. If you are using your deck in VR when it
gets bricked, you are dumped from the Matrix and suffer dumpshock.
A bricked device is damaged and useless until it is repaired.
Repairing Matrix Damage: Requires a Toolkit, an hour of work, and Hardware + Logic [Mental]
tests. Every hit you get can be used to either remove one box of Matrix damage or reduce
the time to repair in half. If you critically glitch on the roll to repair your device, that's it,
the device is permanently bricked.
Biofeedback Damage: If you are cold-sim VR it is Stun damage, if hot-sim VR it is Physical. You
resist biofeedback damage with Willpower + Firewall.
Dumpshock: 6S if cold-sim, 6P if hot-sim. Resist with Willpower + Firewall, and you are
disoriented and take a -2 dice pool on all actions for (10 Willpower) minutes.

Link-Locked: When link-locked you can't Switch Interface Mode, Enter/Exit the Host, or Reboot
your Cyberdeck/Commlink. You can only escape with a successful Jack Out action. Jacking
Out is Hardware + Willpower [Firewall] vs. Logic + Attack. Jacking Out causes Dumpshock.

Data Spike (Complex Action)

Marks Required: None
Tests: Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Intuition + Firewall
Effect: Basic attack that causes Matrix Damage. Your attack has a DV equal to your Attack program
with one additional box of damage per net hit, and two additional box of damage for each
mark you have on the target.
Crash Program (Complex Action)
Marks Required: 1
Tests: Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Inutition + Firewall
Effect: You overload part of your target's memory and scramble one of its running programs.
You need to specify which program you're trying to crash. If you succeed the program is
scrambled: it ends and cannot be restarted until the device is was running on is rebooted.
Full Matrix Defense (Interrupt Action)
Effect: -10 Initiative Score, but until the end of the Combat Turn add your Willpower to any
defense tests against a Matrix Action.
Erase Mark (Complex Action)
Marks Required: 3 Marks on the Icon you are erasing a mark from.
Tests: Computer + Logic [Attack] v. Willpower + Firewall
Effect: You eradicate a mark that has been placed on your persona or on another Icon. You can
try to erase two marks in the same action at a -4 dice pool penalty, and three marks in one
go at a -10 dice pool penalty; if you go for more than one mark, all of the marks must be on
the same icon and from the same Icon.
Hide (Complex Action)
Marks Required: 0
Test: Electronic Warefare + Intuition [Sleaze] vs. Intuition + Data Processing
Effect: You can use this action to make a target that has spotted your Persona/Icon lose you. If
you succeed they stop spotting you and needs to perform a new Matrix Perception action
against you to find you again. You can't hide from an Icon that has a mark on you.


Format Device (Complex Action)

Marks Required: 3
Tests: Computer + Logic [Sleaze] v. Willpower + Firewall
Effect: You rewrite the boot code for the device, so that the next time it would reboot, it instead
shuts down for good, or until its software can be replaced (an Extended Software + Logic
[Mental] (12, 1 hour) Test). Once shut down the device loses all of its wireless modifiers
but can still be used as a normal mechanism (a door with a manual handle can be opened,
a gun with a trigger can be fired, etc.) and cannot be accessed from the Matrix.
Reboot Device (Complex Action)
Marks Required: 3
Tests: Computer + Logic [Data Processing] v. Willpower + Firewall
Effect: The device on which this action is performed shuts down and immediately reboots. The
device comes back online at the end of the following Combat Turn. When you perform this
action, you can choose a delay of any amount of time between the time the device shuts
down and the time it comes back online. Anyone with physical access to the device can
override this delay by hitting the power button, which starts the boot process and brings
the device online at the end of the following Combat Turn. This action only works on
Control Device (Variable Action; Same as the type of action attempted with the device)
Marks Required: 1 Mark for Free Actions, 2 for Simple Actions, 3 Marks for Standard/Complex
Tests: (as action) [Data Processing or special] v. (as action)
Electronic Warfare + Intuition [Sleaze] v. Intuition + Firewall (For actions without tests)
Effect: You perform an action through a device you control(or at least control sufficiently), using
your commlink or deck like a remote control or video-game controller. The dice pool of any
test you make using this action uses the rating of the appropriate skill and attribute you would
use if you were performing the action normally. For example, firing a drone-mounted weapon
at a target requires a Gunnery + Agility test, and using a remote underwater
welder calls for a Nautical Mechanic + Logic test. All actions you take while controlling a device
use either the normal limit for that action or your Data Processing rating,
whichever is lower. If there is no test associated with the action you want the device to perform
(such as unlocking a maglock or ejecting a clip from a pistol), you must succeed
in an Electronic Warfare + Intuition [Sleaze] v. Intuition + Firewall test to perform the action.
You can use this action to control multiple devices at once. If you are the owner of all devices
being commanded and they are all being commanded to do exactly the same thing, taking this
action costs nothing extra. Otherwise, you must split your dice pool into a number of groups
equal to the number of devices you want to control with a single action.

Spoof Command (Complex Action)

Marks Required: 1 (On the Icon you are imitating, not the target)
Tests: Hacking + Intuition [Sleaze] v. Logic + Firewall
Effect: You spoof a device's owner's identity, making the device think that your command is a
legitimate one from its owner. This trick only works on devices and agents, not IC, sprites,
hosts, personas, or any other Icons.

You generate Overwatch by performing illegal actions (Attack or Sleaze). Your Overwatch Score
represents how much evidence you've been leaving in your wake. When you perform an Attack or
Sleaze action, your OS increases by the number of hits the target gets on its Defense tests. Every
fifteen minutes after you first start tallying an OS, you also increase your OS by another 2d6.
When your OS hits 40 convergence begins.
Convergence: You are hit for 12 DV Matrix damage, which you resist normally. Then they force
your Persona to reboot, erasing all your marks and dumping you from the Matrix. They also
report your physical location to the owner of the grid you were just using and the host you
were in, if you were in a host.
Used for
Matrix Perception
Finding Icons in the Matrix & analyzing Matrix objects.
Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] v. Logic + Sleaze (if Running Silent)
Brute Force
Marking a Icon (Attack), may also inflict Matrix damage.
Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] v. Willpower + Firewall
Hack on the Fly
Marking a Icon (Sleaze), may also analyze the target.
Hacking + Logic [Sleaze] v. Intuition + Firewall
Check OS
Checks your current Overwatch Score.
Elecontric Warfare + Logic [Sleaze] v. 6 Dice
Crack File
[1 Mark] Remove protection from a file to make readable.
Hacking + Logic [Attack] v. Protection Rating x2
Edit File
[1 Mark] Create, Change, Copy, Delete or Protect a file.
Computer + Logic [Data Processing] v. Intuition + Firewall
[1 Mark] Intercept Matrix traffic sent to and from target.
Electronic Warfare + Intuition [Sleaze] v. Logic + Firewall
Trace Icon
[2 Marks] Finds the physical location of a device or persona.
Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] v. Willpower + Sleaze

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