Milo Baker Chapter California Native Plant Society: Sonoma Land Trust
Milo Baker Chapter California Native Plant Society: Sonoma Land Trust
Milo Baker Chapter California Native Plant Society: Sonoma Land Trust
Sonoma Land Trust:
06/06 Field Trip
Estero Americano
the lands they protect and how we can help
June 16, 7:30 p.m.
06/06 CNPS Chapter
Council meeting: Lake Please come to our June general meeting where a representative from
Tahoe The Sonoma Land Trust will show us the fabulous lands they protect.
This year CNPS Milo Baker and the Sonoma Land Trust have
06/09 Board Meeting
coordinated many fieldtrips and scientific outings together.
06/15 Submissions deadline: Partnership between our organizations is an exciting way for us to
July/August learn more about the flora of Sonoma County while working toward
Newsletter its protection.
General Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Luther Burbank Art & Garden Center, 2050 Yulupa Avenue, Santa Rosa.
Milo Baker Chapter Board meetings start at 7:00pm, 2nd Tuesday nine months of the year, Environmental Center, 55 Ridgeway Avenue,
Suite A, Santa Rosa. The next Board meeting is June 9th. Anyone interested in the work of the chapter is welcome to attend!
P resident's Report
about the blooming cycles and weather. New Conservation Program Director
Education Chair Needed: Many of our most active Dear CNPS Friends,
and dedicated volunteers are not trained botanists, Following an extensive search, I am delighted to
but they have learned how to identify and manage announce the appointment of Greg Suba as the
plants from getting out and experiencing them, new CNPS Conservation Program Director! Greg
usually with other CNPS members. Statewide, the will be responsible for coordinating the
CNPS Education Program covers everything from development of conservation program initiatives
scholarships and research grants to elementary and policies for the society.
school gardens. CNPS features hands-on field Prior to joining CNPS, Greg worked to protect
training in several areas (see p. 3). Here in Sonoma sensitive habitats at the urban/open space interface
County there is a significant demand for as watershed coordinator for the Laguna Creek
educational programs that teach docents, teachers, Watershed Council in Sacramento County. His past
scout leaders, and kids about the local flora. Topics work includes investigating reproductive strategies
like native uses of plants, grasses, how to key of seagrass populations along the west coast of
plants, family characteristics, and local occurrence North America, surveying forest inventory plots in
information are of interest and CNPS is often the California's National Forests, assessing riparian
first organization contacted for information about ecosystem health throughout Sacramento, El
native plants. I hope that our chapter can be more Dorado, and Placer Counties, and developing
active in the local education of willing participants outdoor education and stewardship programs
about the characteristics and value of our native throughout northern California. Greg received his
plants. I will continue with Plant ID Hour and B.S. in Biology from Duke University, his M.S. in
other outreach events, but we need your help, too! Marine Science from UNC-Chapel Hill, and
Please contact me if you would like to participate. continues to learn from those with whom he works,
º Lynn Houser lives, and plays.
Greg started his work with CNPS on May 1.
nine. There are hundreds of scientific studies and
agency plans which all reaffirm the critical ield Trips
important of early detection and rapid response
(EDRR). We use EDRR to protect human health, Estero Americano
and it is time to use it to protect ecosystems. June 6, Saturday 10-2pm,
The BAEDN provides an EDRR system covering with Michael Hogan,
the entire nine county San Francisco Bay Area: Conservation Chair, and
Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Shanti Wright, of Sonoma
Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Land Trust.
Sonoma counties. The group coordinates EDRR We shall visit this Sonoma
efforts of dozens of agencies, hundreds of Land Trust property and
professional land managers, and potentially endeavor to view the
thousands of volunteers. BAEDN partners work coastal grassland habitat,
together to develop a scientifically rigorous list of rock outcrops and marshy Boz Williams and Joe Cohn
the most harmful invasive plants, train each other area tangent to the Estero keying from Sonoma Flora
in detection techniques, make detections and report near Mammoth Rocks during
itself. We shall also discuss Michael Hogan’s 5/09 trip.
them to the online website, and then prioritize and view the controlled grazing program in place,
individual patches so that the most dangerous which is intended to minimize propagation of
outbreaks can be removed before they spread and invasive grasses. Included in the multiplicity of
cause harm. We remove the easiest and most coastal species we hope to see the Brownie Thistle
harmful first, while removal is cheap and before on the grassland and some special things among
ecosystems have been harmed. It's simple, it's the rock outcrops. Our hike will traverse the coastal
sensible, it's about time. prairie hills and brackish/salt marsh areas of the
The BAEDN is the sum of many parts. The project Preserve. Bring your binoculars and a camera for
is lead by the superhuman BAEDN coordinator; the spectacular views and soaring raptors along the
you can reach them at [email protected]. way. Dress in layers, bring water, lunch, prepare
The BAEDN has been built with funding from CA for windy conditions. Meet at 10am in Bodega (the
Department of Food and Ag, the National Fish and town, not Bodega Bay) at the local coffee shop
Wildlife Foundation, US Fish and Wildlife, and US “Brew”, 17192 Bodega Hwy, for carpool to the
Forest Service stimulus funding. The hard work Estero. For carpool from Santa Rosa, please call
was done by dozens of dedicated environmental Natasha 542-9670. To RSVP, please call 544-5614
professionals, led by Andrea Williams of the ext. 2 or email: [email protected].
National Park Service and Daniel Gluesenkamp of º Natasha: [email protected]
Audubon Canyon Ranch. The Calflora has built
dirt roads off of Sweetwater Springs Rd. We will Cotati Creek Critters
spend two hours cutting and pulling Doug Firs in a Saturday, June 6, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
serpentine Sergeant Cypress forest. Afterwards we Join us for a presentation and tour of the Sonoma
will do a hike on the scenic ridge with views of St. County Wildlife Rescue Center with Cassidy
Helena, Queen’s Peak, Mt. Jackson & scenic valleys Slater, Education Outreach Director. Sonoma
and mountain ranges. Some flowers will still be County Wildlife Rescue is dedicated to the rescue,
blooming. Good chance to see serpentine plants & rehabilitation, and release of injured and orphaned
grasses. Bring liquids, lunch, hiking boots, gloves, wildlife and to promote understanding and
loppers & pruning saw if you have them. Limit 15 appreciation of wildlife. Sick, injured or orphaned
participants. 4WD vehicles preferred. Meet 9:30 am wildlife that could not survive in the wild are given
Park N Ride by PG&E substation at River Rd and a second chance at the center. Current residents
Hwy 101. RSVP Natasha [email protected] include a coyote, a red fox, a gray fox, a squirrel,
For additional information call Carol Vellutini 546- raccoons, a skunk, and two mountain lion cubs. A
6308. good opportunity for a family outing! Donations to
SCWR requested to help cover costs.
Harrison Grade Ecological Reserve º Jenny Blaker or 792 4422 to register & carpool.
June 21, 9-2pm, with Gene Cooley, Biologist with
Fish and Game. Sonoma Land Trust
This 32-acre Department of Fish and Game preserve Little Black Mountain Volunteer Workday
was purchased in 1985 in cooperation with the Friday June 5th, 10:00 – 3:00
Sonoma Land Trust to protect serpentine habitat. At the Little Black Mountain Nature Preserve near
The Ecological Reserve is dominated by Sargent Cazadero in west Sonoma County. Help remove
cypress (Cupressus sargentii) and plant protection hardware and help track success
Baker’s Manzanita (Arctostaphylos rates of native seedlings planted along a tributary
bakeri ssp. bakeri), with patches of of Pole Mountain Creek. A hike to a scenic lookout
an unusual serpentine sedge (Carex and picnic lunch will follow workday activities.
brevicaulis). Two rare plants are
present, Pennell's bird's-beak Sonoma Land Trust
(Cordylanthus tenuis ssp. capillaris, Glen Oaks Ranch Trail Maintenance Hike
State-listed. Rare, federally-listed Friday, June 12th, 10am-2pm
Endangered, California Native Come lend a hand and join a trail maintenance
Plant Society List 1B) and Baker's workday at the historic Glen Oaks Ranch in Glen
manzanita (State-listed Rare, CNPS List 1B). Ellen. Our visit to the Ranch will involve a two-
Pennell’s bird’s-beak will be blooming, although mile trail clearing project to maintain a wide
the flowers are not showy (photo, above). pathway for land trust outings and fire safety
There is no parking at the Ecological Reserve and access. Picnic and optional tour of the adobe stone
no trails. This field trip, although it covers a small mansion to follow workday activities.
geographic area, requires walking on steep rocky
terrain, and walking through chaparral. Wear Hallberg Butterfly Gardens
sturdy shoes or boots, and bring sunscreen, water Open Gardens Celebration Day
and lunch. We will meet at the Sebastopol Safeway Sunday, June 28th, 10 am to 4 pm, Free.
at 9:30 am for carpooling. Those coming from West 8687 Oak Grove Road (across from Oak Grove
County can get directions for meeting near the Elementary School), in Graton/Sebastopol.
reserve. RSVP: Parking Shuttle. Limited wheelchair access.
º Natasha Granoff [email protected] Please, no smoking or pets.
This year marks our 12th anniversary! Docents;
butterfly and bird sightings; informative displays; self-
For neighboring CNPS Chapter field trips, see:
guided tours; children’s activities; plant, book, and,,
stationery sales; historic habitat gardens; meet Louise
Hallberg, Sonoma County’s “Butterfly Lady”.
º Kathi Jacobs, 823-7341, [email protected]
Milo Baker Chapter U.S. Postage Paid
P.O. Box 892 Santa Rosa, CA
Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Permit #470