Teens' Mall Shopping Motivations

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et al.AND


Teens Mall Shopping Motivations:

Functions of Loneliness and Media Usage
Youn-Kyung Kim
University of Tennessee
Eun Young Kim
Chungnam National University
Jikyeong Kang
The University of Manchester

The shopping mall can serve as a venue through which teens can fulfill their needs by socializing
with friends, enjoying entertainment, or simply visiting the site. This study tested whether and
how mall shopping motivations were related to loneliness and media usage among teen consumers. Data were collected via a mall intercept survey from 531 teens in four large shopping malls
in the United States. Findings indicated that mall shopping motivations consisted of five dimensions: service motivation, economic motivation, diversion motivation, eating-out motivation,
and social motivation. Results suggest directions for marketers and educators to follow in establishing positive programs to provide social support for teens.

teens; mall shopping motivations; loneliness; media usage.

Teens need to gain special attention from marketers and scholars in

the area of family and consumer sciences because of their unique
demographic and psychological characteristics. Teens between the
ages of 12 and 19, born in the 1980s to parents of baby boomers or
older generation Xers, are growing rapidly in number and consumption power. This population segment is increasing in number at twice
the rate of the overall U.S. population (Goff, 1999). Although teens
make far less money than adults, they have relatively more disposable income (Zollo, 1995), which is earned from parental allowances
and part-time jobs. Furthermore, the decrease in family size because
of sociodemographic changes (e.g., delayed marriage, higher divorce

Authors Note: This project was funded by the International Council of Shopping Centers Educational Foundation.
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, December 2003 140-167
2003 American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences




rate) allows parents to spend more money on their children

(Anderson, 2000).
Traditionally, malls attracted consumers through the availability of
a wide assortment of stores and merchandise in a single location.
Over the years, the mall has grown larger by increasing its range of
social and entertainment providers and activities (e.g., special events,
food courts, cinemas, and video arcades). By broadening the mix of
tenants and activities, the mall has transcended its role as an economic entity to position itself as a center for entertainment and cultural events (Bloch, Ridgway, & Dawson, 1994; Graham, 1988). In fact,
going to the mall has become a major element in the lifestyles of modern U.S. consumers and has been labeled as a culturally ingrained
phenomenon (Cuneo, 2000, p. 38). Many consumers consider the
mall a premier habitat and spend a relatively long time on-site
(Bloch et al., 1994). Despite all these changes, consumers now go to
malls less frequently and instead seek convenient shopping through
catalogs and the Internet because they have more time pressures than
in the past. However, teens, who have more free time for shopping
than other population groups (i.e., baby boomers and generation
Xers), are shopping at malls in greater numbers today (Kang, Kim, &
Tuan, 1996; Richardson, 1993).
Although adolescence can potentially be a time of self-identification
and new discoveries that lead to new adult roles, this time period also
can bring about stress in the form of depression, loneliness, and other
psychological difficulties (S. T. Hauser & Bowlds, 1990; McCord,
1990). These psychological stresses may be compounded by the fact
that most teens live in nontraditional families with two working parents, stepparents, or a single parent and/or may have unsatisfactory
relationships with their friends. During this stage of their lifetime,
teens experience decreases in family influences and increases in peer
and media influences (Arnett, 1995).
According to Wilson and MacGillivray (1998), most teens reveal a
strong psychosocial need to belong to and be approved by others who
are significant to them. As a result, they conform to peers in lifestyle
preferences, such as leisure-time activities, dress, and music (Berndt &
Das, 1987; Huston & Alvarez, 1990). Teens consider shopping more of
an experience than a routine (Zollo, 1995). They shop to become more
independent, socialize with friends, or express themselves (Omelia,
1998). In fact, many retail settings (e.g., record store, video arcade)
provide a meeting place for teens who desire to be with their peer
group or reference group. Thus, the venue through which teens can



fulfill their unique needs seems to be a shopping mall where they can
socialize with friends, enjoy entertainment, or solve their loneliness
or other psychological stresses (Bloch et al., 1994; Omelia, 1998).
Given the role the mall plays in meeting teens multiple needs, it
seems critical that educators and marketers understand why and how
teens exhibit certain consumption behavior in malls. As the first step,
this study examined how teens vary in the motivations that bring
them to the mall. Next, it assessed how teens various mall shopping
motivations are associated with their level of loneliness and media
usage, which entailed using the structural model to investigate the
causal relationships among these three variables. This study provides
useful information for educators to incorporate teens mall shopping
motivations into their educational programs. Retailers who develop
strategies based on teens special needs for shopping will create a
strong relationship with this younger group providing long-term
Mall Shopping Motivations

Within a consumer behavior context, motivation refers to the drive,

urge, wish, or desire that leads to a goal-oriented behavior (Mowen,
1995). Mall shopping motivation is simply that aspect of motivation
that is attributed to shopping in a mall setting. In reviewing the literature, motivations for shopping in malls range from utilitarian motivation to hedonic or experiential motivation (Bellenger & Korgaonkar,
1980; Bloch et al., 1994; Kang et al., 1996; Roy, 1994).
Utilitarian motivation involves satisfying functional needs, such
as convenient shopping; procuring goods, services, or specific information; and reducing the costs (i.e., money, time, and effort) that may
have to be expended in transportation, finding specific products or
services, and waiting in check-out lines (Kim & Kang, 1997). Hedonic
or experiential motivation involves satisfying emotional or expressive
needs, such as fun, relaxation, and gratification (Bloch, Ridgway, &
Nelson, 1991; Roy, 1994). These hedonic satisfactions may be derived
from ambience, entertainment, browsing, and social experiences outside the home (e.g., meeting friends, watching people).
More specific mall shopping motivation categories were found in
the literature. For instance, Bellenger, Robertson, and Greenberg



(1977) identified two mall shopping groups based on shopping orientations. Recreational shoppers enjoy shopping as a leisure-time activity. Convenience or economic shoppers approach mall shopping from
a time- or money-saving point of view. In Roys (1994) study, mall
shopping motivation consisted of three dimensions: functional economic motivation, deal proneness, and recreational shopping motivation. They found that deal-proneness motivation was negatively
correlated with visit frequency, which implies that price-sensitive
consumers might wait for special sales before mall visits and thus
may become relatively infrequent patrons of shopping malls. On the
other hand, the degree of recreational shopping motivation was positively correlated with visit frequency, suggesting that people who
want to satisfy the needs for affiliation, power, and stimulation visit
malls relatively often.
Bloch et al. (1994) identified distinct patterns of the mall habitat.
The six patterns captured were
mall enthusiasts, engaging in a wide range of behaviors that include a
high level of purchasing, enjoyment of the mall aesthetics (e.g., physical
design, appearance), and experiential consumption
escape, representing sensory stimulation, a relief from boredom, and an
escape from routine
exploration, tapping consumers desires for variety or novelty and
enjoyment of exploring new products or stores while in the mall
flow, reflecting a pleasurable absorption that is associated with losing
track of time
knowledge or epistemic, referring to obtaining information about new
stores and new products
social affiliation, addressing the enjoyment of communicating and
socializing with others

Kang et al. (1996) identified six motivation factors of mall shoppers: aesthetic ambience, economic incentives, diversion/browsing,
social experience, convenient service availability, and consumption
of meal/snack. These researchers found that mall shopping motivations vary significantly according to age group. The teen consumer
group, compared to the other age groups (ages 20 to 49 and 50 and
older), had stronger diversion/browsing and social experience
shopping motivations.
Early research into teens concentrated on understanding the role of
consumer socialization agents, such as family, peer, and media in consumer behavior (Moore & Schultz, 1983; Moschis & Churchill, 1979;



Moschis & Moore, 1979). Subsequent research combined these variables with shopping orientations (Shim & Gehrt, 1996), clothing or
brand choice (Taylor & Cosenza, 2002; Wilson & MacGillivray, 1998),
and shopping experience as entertainment (Baker & Haytko, 2000).
Nevertheless, related literature reveals that except for Kang et al.
(1996), a lack of empirical research is focused on teen consumer
behavior as it relates to mall shopping motivation. Limited studies
reported that, compared to adult consumers, teen consumers are
more likely to be motivated to shop for the hedonic needs of diversion, enjoying the crowds, and entertainment, such as enjoying the
food court or interior of malls, than for utilitarian needs (Cebrzynski,
1999; The Survey Says: Teen-agers Want to Shop til They Drop,
1994). Lack of research focus on this population group, combined
with their number and purchasing power, underscores the need to
understand how teens mall shopping motivation relates to their
needs in retail environments.
Loneliness and Mall Shopping Motivations

Loneliness has been documented as a condition that affects many

large segments of U.S. society. In fact, it has been acknowledged that
loneliness is a relatively common experience among teens. This may
be a result of their trying to define their role in the family and search
for greater independence (Kostelecky & Lempers, 1998; Marcoen &
Goossens, 1993; Perlman, 1988).
Although there has been some debate about the definition and
measurement of loneliness, a commonly held definition of loneliness
includes underlying dimensions, such as an unpleasant experience,
deficiencies in a persons social relationships, and a subjective experience with social isolation (Forman & Sriram, 1991; Russell, Peplau, &
Cutrona, 1980). The Russell et al. (1980) Revised UCLA (University of
California, Los Angeles) Loneliness Scale, one of the best known
scales to measure loneliness, conveys these three dimensions. Contrasted with adults, teens loneliness might be induced from deficient
social relationships with their peers or friends, such as having fewer
friends or being isolated from peers (Lewis, Dyer, & Moran, 1995;
Moschis, 1987). Other deficient social relationships may be derived
from a lack of interpersonal communication among family members,
parents divorce, a recent death or serious illness in the family or of a
close friend, or a failed romance (Kostelecky & Lempers, 1998; Weiss,
1974). Loneliness also can be a subjective experience in the sense that



individuals who do not have friends may not feel lonely or that those
individuals who have friends can be lonely. The subjective experience
of loneliness is supported by McWhirters (1997) study that through
factor analysis of the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale, two distinct
types of loneliness were revealed: intimate loneliness and social
As a strategy to cope with and solve their feelings of loneliness,
teens make an effort to find more satisfying friendships and social
contacts. However, these efforts may result in sensually oriented solutions, such as drinking or taking drugs, or diversionary activities,
such as keeping busy, working, or reading. Shopping malls can function as a positive venue for teens to alleviate their loneliness via multiple means such as socializing, browsing, entertaining, or simply buying what they want. Bloch et al. (1991) noted that shopping malls are
also hospitable to people who are alone by providing social contacts
(p. 446).
Literature has provided much evidence to support the role of a
retail setting as an outlet for social stimulation and support for certain
individuals. Stone (1954) identified four types of women shoppers:
economic shoppers, personalizing shoppers, ethical shoppers, and
apathetic shoppers. Among these four groups, personalizing shoppers form strong personal attachments to store employees as a substitute for social contact. According to Tauber (1972), shopping can meet
social motives (e.g., social experiences outside the home, communication with others having a similar interest, status and authority, and
the pleasure of bargaining) as well as personal motives (e.g., diversion, browsing, self-gratification, learning about new trends). Tauber
argued that an individual may visit a retailer in search of diversion or
social contact when he or she feels bored, lonely, or depressed.
Rubenstein and Shaver (1980) posed the research question, When
you feel lonely, what do you usually do about it? Results yielded
four factors including going shopping, social contact (e.g., calling or
visiting a family and friend), sad passivity (e.g., doing nothing, sleeping, thinking), and active solitude (e.g., writing, exercising, working
on a hobby). Finding two separate factors of going shopping and
social contact suggests that going to a store or mall may represent a
means to fill a social void apart from the more intimate social contacts
that may or may not be available. Forman and Sriram (1991) suggested a negative attitude toward depersonalized retailing (e.g., selfservice stores) existed among lonely consumers. It is contended that



retailing establishments provide lonely individuals an outlet for

social participation, which alleviates feelings of intimate isolation. On
the other hand, individuals with fewer social interactions and casual
friendships are less likely to cope with their negative feeling, such as
social loneliness (McWhirter, 1997). This supports Eronen and
Nurmis (2001) argument for the relationship between social avoidance and loneliness. In the context of shopping, Hirschmann (1984)
found that social isolation was negatively related to experiential
shopping, discussing that lonely consumers are less likely to engage
in shopping for sensory or novelty needs.
Based on reviewing the literature, we propose the following
Hypothesis 1a: Teens intimate loneliness will increase their mall shopping
Hypothesis 1b: Teens social loneliness will decrease their mall shopping
Loneliness and Media Usage

Adolescence is a time when the presence and power of family

diminishes and new adult roles, such as marriage and long-term
employment, typically have not yet occurred. Accordingly, this complex transitional stage may produce teens more inclined to make use
of media in their socialization than are younger or older consumers
(Arnett, 1995). In addition, many teens go home to parentless houses
and are alone after school, which induces them to spend more time on
Media provides teens with norms, values, and behaviors about
their age group and groups they aspire to join, as well as providing
teens with a resource for fulfilling various needs (Ferle, Edwards, &
Lee, 2000). Among these needs are relaxation, coping, killing time,
youth-culture identification, and entertainment (Arnett, 1995; Roe,
According to Moore and Schultz (1983), listening to music was the
coping strategy most commonly used by teens when they are angry,
anxious, or unhappy. Teens reported watching television was a deliberate coping strategy to dispel negative affect (Kurdek, 1987) or to
divert themselves from personal concerns with passive, stressful
emotions that had accumulated during the day (Arnett, Larson, &
Offer, 1995). Similarly, reading printed media (e.g., magazine,



newspaper) can be another activity that teens may use to reduce their
level of loneliness. Although no study examined teens loneliness in
relation to media usage, it can be speculated that teens who feel lonely
engage in heavier use of media. Thus, the following hypothesis is
Hypothesis 2: Teens intimate loneliness and social loneliness will increase
their media usage.
Media Usage and Mall Shopping Motivations

The pervasive presence of the media in industrialized countries

provides teens with vast exposure to a wide range of products, services, and processes that would not be available through the family
and friends. In addition, as teens seek to distance themselves from the
constraints of family and go beyond the influence of friends, the
media can act as agents to expand their horizons of consumptionrelated knowledge or preferences (Wilson & MacGillivray, 1998).
McGrath (1998) reported that approximately 76% of teenagers
watch television at home, and one half of them watch television with
family while eating dinner; 24% of teens listen to the radio. Ferle et al.
(2000) discovered that, among media types, the greatest number of
media usage hours among teens was allocated to listening to the
radio. Although teens magazine and newspaper readership constitutes a smaller amount of the average teens time compared to television and radio, it should not be ignored because of the medias reach.
For example, 82% of Seventeen magazines female readers are in the
age bracket of 12 to 17 years (Ebenkamp, 2000). Nearly 70% of teens
read a daily newspaper at least once a week (Freeman, 1999).
Several consumer studies examined the influence of the media on
the development of consumer decisions and socialization (Shim,
1996), shopping orientation (Moschis, 1976), product evaluations
(Churchill & Moschis, 1979; Moschis & Moore, 1979), and socially
desirable consumer behaviors (Moschis & Moore, 1982). More specifically, Moschis (1976) associated media usage with different shopping
orientations (i.e., special shopper, brand-loyal shopper, store-loyal
shopper, problem-solving shopper, psychosocializing shopper, and
name-conscious shopper). For example, problem-solving shoppers
and psychosocializing shoppers spent more hours viewing television
than other types of shoppers. Special shoppers read more home



magazines, whereas the name-conscious shoppers were more likely

to read fashion, news, and business magazines.
Media type also was associated with the creation of positive or negative consumer orientations. Television watching was related to
undesirable consumer orientations, such as the increased desire for
compulsive consumption (Lee, Lennon, & Rudd, 2000), conspicuous
consumption (Moschis & Moore, 1982), and a decreased ability to process information regarding consumption (Ward, Wackman, &
Wartella, 1977). On the other hand, newspaper reading was linked to
desirable consumer orientations because it was correlated positively
with the development of rational consumer orientations, such as consumer knowledge or financial management (Moore & Moschis, 1981).
Information about teens media usage in relation to shopping orientations or motivations is limited. Among the few studies, Shim
(1996) investigated adolescents consumer decision-making styles
from the consumer socialization perspective. Teens receptiveness to
television commercials was positively related to the social/conspicuous
orientations, such as buying expensive, well-known brands, seeking
excitement from novelties and fashion, and shopping for recreation
and entertainment. On the other hand, increased reading of printed
media (i.e., newspaper) appeared to point adolescents toward more
utilitarian orientations including high quality, price consciousness,
and value for money (Shim & Gehrt, 1996).
Additional studies focused on teens media usage and how it influenced their consumption decisions. According to Moschis and Moore
(1979), the amount of newspaper reading was highly related to brand
preferences among teens. This suggested that teens may use brand
name as an efficient shopping tool in evaluating various products that
have different levels of price, performance, and warranty. Wilson and
MacGillivray (1998) also discovered that television and magazines
provided a substantial influence on adolescent clothing choice. In the
Ferle et al. (2000) study, television and radio were found to fulfill
entertainment and leisure needs most often, whereas magazines commonly were used for shopping and health-related information.
Conclusively, the literature supports the argument that teens
media usage can influence why teens visit or shop at the mall. Thus,
the following hypothesis is developed:
Hypothesis 3: Teens media usage will increase their mall shopping




Measures consisted of three main constructs: shopping motivations, media usage, and loneliness. Revision of the initially developed
questionnaire was based on a pretest of a small convenience sample
(n = 20). Inputs from the respondents led to several minor revisions in
the final questionnaires wording, instructions, or formats.
Shopping motivations. Initially, a list of 16 items of shopping motivations was drawn from the literature encompassing utilitarian aspects
as well as hedonic aspects of mall shopping (Bellenger et al., 1977;
Bloch et al., 1994; Kang et al., 1996; Roy, 1994; Tauber, 1972). Examples
of shopping motivation items included to hunt for a real bargain
and to simply enjoy the crowds. These shopping motivation items
were measured on a 7-point rating scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 =
strongly agree).
Media usage. Four media usages (e.g., watching television, listening
to radio, reading newspaper, and reading magazine) were measured.
Respondents were asked how often they engage in these activities on
a 7-point rating scale (1 = never, 7 = always).
Loneliness. The measure of loneliness was derived from the Revised
UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russell et al., 1980), a scale shown to have
high internal consistency. The scale consisted of 11 items, which
assessed an individuals self-perceived loneliness. The items were
composed of intimate loneliness such as I feel isolated from others
and No one really knows me well and social loneliness such as
There are people who really understand me and There are people I
can talk to. The items of social loneliness were reverse coded before
scoring to reflect the concept of loneliness.
Sampling and Data Collection

The sample in this study focused on teen consumers aged 12 to 19.

After obtaining human participant approval from the Internal
Review Board, data were collected via mall intercept survey in four
large shopping malls located in New York, Houston, Dallas, and Los
Angeles. To ensure adequate sample diversity, data collection was



implemented at a variety of times and days of the week. Interviewers

intercepted shoppers as they were exiting the malls to ask for their
participation in the survey. Prospective respondents were offered a $2
cash payment to secure participation. They took an average of 20
minutes to complete a four-page, self-administered questionnaire. A
total of 531 teens completed the survey.
The group of respondents in this study consisted of slightly more
young women (52.3%) than young men (47.7%). Most respondents
lived with family (82.3%). The largest number of respondents was
unemployed (56.4%), followed by those employed part-time (28.3%).
Three ethnic groups were included in the sample: White (31.4%),
Black (34.7%), and Hispanic (31.3%).
Data Analysis

For identifying underlying dimensions of shopping motivation,

we preliminarily conducted an exploratory factor analysis. Then a
confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL 8 (Jreskog & Srbom,
1993) verified shopping motivation factors derived from the exploratory factor analysis. Loneliness also was factor analyzed using principal components analysis with varimax rotation to determine underlying constructs in the structural model. Finally, the measurement
model and structural model using correlation matrix with maximum
likelihood (ML) were estimated simultaneously via LISREL 8
(Jreskog & Srbom, 1993). Overall fit of the model was assessed by
various statistic indexes: chi-square (2), goodness of fit index (GFI),
adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI), and root mean square error of
approximation (RMSEA).
Shopping Motivation Factors

An exploratory factor analysis using principal components factor

analysis with varimax rotation was employed to identify underlying
dimensions of 16 shopping motivation items. Three items were eliminated due to loadings less than 0.50. The remaining 13 items resulted
in five factors with eigenvalues of 1.0 or higher, accounting for 64.4%
of the total variance in shopping motivations.



A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to verify the factor

structure of shopping motivation derived from the exploratory factor
analysis. The result revealed that 2 value was 89.47 with 54 degrees of
freedom, which was significant (p = .0017). This result was most likely
caused by the sensitivity of the 2 ratio test overly affected by the large
sample size (N = 531) even though the model may explain the data
well (Bagozzi & Yi, 1989; Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 1995).
Therefore, alternative fit indexes such as GFI, AGFI, and RMSEA
were used to evaluate the goodness of the model fit. The GFI, or AGFI,
which is independent of the sample size and relatively robust against
departure from normality, was 0.97 and 0.96, respectively. The
RMSEA is 0.036, indicating a relatively small residual. Thus, the overall model fit indexes are within the acceptable range. As illustrated in
Table 1, the factor loadings of those indicators ranged from 0.63 to
0.80, and Cronbachs alphas of the factors ranged from .62 to .76.
Therefore, it was deemed that the factor structure of each shopping
motivation was valid and could be used to test the structural model.
The first factor, service motivation, consisted of three items: to visit
medical/dental/vision care office, to use banking service, and to look
at the interior design of malls. It is notable that the interior design of
malls was loaded in the same factor with service providers. According to Kim and Kang (1997), utilitarian motivation is extended to combine assorted tasks in achieving the greatest efficiency and time saving. In this view, although teens visit service providers, enjoyment of
the interiors of the mall may contribute to their perception of time efficiency. The mean of this factor was lowest (M = 2.57) of the five shopping motivations, which supports the Kang et al. (1996) finding that
younger consumers are less likely to visit service providers (e.g., bank
and clinics) in malls than are adult consumers.
The second factor, economic motivation, included three purchaserelated items: to find a good price, to hunt for a real bargain, and to
comparison shop to find the best for one's money. The mean of economic motivation was highest (M = 5.09) of all shopping motivations,
suggesting that teen consumers in this study were sensitive to price.
This finding may have resulted from respondents employment status (56.4% unemployed, 28.3% employed part-time). Contrary to
Barbin, Darden, and Griffins (1994) contention that consumers bargain (e.g., price discount) perceptions are related to hedonic value
and utilitarian value, a bargain was perceived as an economic aspect
to stimulate teen consumers to go shopping.



TABLE 1: Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Shopping Motivation

Factor Items

Loading ( ij)

Service motivation
to visit medical/dental/vision
care offices
to use banking services
to look at the interior design
of malls
Economic motivation
to find good prices
to hunt for a real bargain
to comparison shop to find
the best for my money
Diversion motivation
just so that I can get out of
the house
when Im bored
just to browse
Eating-out motivation
when I want to get a snack
to have a meal at the food court
Social motivation
to watch people
to simply enjoy the crowds
Goodness of Fit Statistics
= 89.47 (df = 54,
p = .0017)
GFI = 0.97
AGFI = 0.96
RMSEA = 0.036

t Value














2.51 (1.99)
2.61 (1.88)


M (SD)



2.70 (1.87)
5.14 (1.77)
5.20 (1.88)
4.93 (1.77)
4.90 (1.96)
4.64 (1.97)
4.82 (1.84)
3.18 (1.96)
3.70 (1.86)
3.60 (2.17)
3.70 (2.07)

NOTE: GFI = goodness of fit index; AGFI = adjusted goodness of fit index; RMSEA = root
mean square error of approximation.

The third factor, diversion motivation, contained three items characterized by nonpurchase shopping activities: just so that I can get out
of the house, when I am bored, and just to browse. This factor received
the second highest shopping motivation mean score (M = 4.79). The
importance of diversion as a shopping motivation is consistent with
previous findings concerning why people shop in general (Bloch
et al., 1994; Kang et al., 1996; Tauber, 1972).
The fourth factor, eating-out motivation, included such motivations as to get a snack and to have a meal at the food court and resulted



in a moderate mean score (M = 3.44). It is possible that, to many teens,

eating is not their primary purpose for visiting the mall, but it is an
integral part of their visits, whether they are alone or with friends.
The fifth factor, social motivation, contained two items: to watch
people and to enjoy the crowd. This factor represents that teens go to
malls for social experiences, such as meeting friends and watching
people. A moderate mean score also resulted for social motivation
(M = 3.65), indicating that teens may enjoy social stimulation or a
sense of belongingness as a secondary purpose of the mall visit.
Measurement and Structural Models

For testing hypotheses, an analysis with simultaneous estimation

of structural and measurement models was performed by using
LISREL 8. The structural model tested causative relationships among
latent variables (i.e., loneliness, media usage, and shopping motivations). In the structural model, there are two exogenous variables
intimate loneliness (1) and social loneliness (2)and seven endogenous variablesmedia usage (1 = audiovisual media, 2 = printed
media) and shopping motivations (3 = service motivation, 4 = economic motivation, 5 = diversion motivation, 6 = eating-out motivation, 7 = social motivation). The measurement model assessed how
those latent variables are measured in terms of observed indicators
and described the validity and reliability of the measurement. It consisted of observed exogenous indicators (x variables) for loneliness
and observed endogenous indicators (y variables) for media usage
and shopping motivations (see Table 2).
Measurement model. To assess the measurement model, all observed
indicators were set free by standardizing all exogenous and endogenous latent variables because the magnitude of coefficient matrix (s
or s) for latent variables depends on one observed indicator arbitrarily selected as a referent for latent variables (Jreskog & Srbom,
1989). The estimated measurement model presented in Table 2 consisted of 6 observed x variables for two loneliness factors, 4 observed
y variables for media usage, and 13 observed y variables for five shopping motivation factors. Overall, the coefficients of factor loading (ij)
on latent constructs ranged from 0.54 to 0.88 (p < .001). Reliabilities of
latent variables ranged from 0.62 to 0.87. Therefore, the measurement
model was confirmed to be valid and reliable.


TABLE 2: The Measurement Model Result

Latent Variables and Observed Indicators

Intimate loneliness (1)
X1: I feel isolated from others
X2: I am unhappy being so withdrawn
X3: I feel left out
Social loneliness (2)
X4: there are people I can turn to
X5: there are people I can talk to
X6: there are people who really understand me
Media usage
Audiovisual media (1)
Y1: television
Y2: radio
Printed media (2)
Y3: magazine
Y4: newspaper
Mall shopping motivation
Service motivation (3)
Y5: to visit medical/dental/vision care office(s)
Y6: to use banking services
Y7: to look at the interior design of malls
Economic motivation (4)
Y8: to find good prices
Y9: to hunt for a real bargain
Y10: to comparison-shop to find the best for my money

Coefficients ( ij)

t Value



















M (SD)

3.13 (1.62)
2.81 (1.84)
3.24 (1.95)
3.31 (1.99)
2.87 (1.62)
2.87 (1.82)
2.88 (1.77)
2.86 (1.87)
2.57 (1.70)
2.51 (1.99)
2.61 (1.88)
2.70 (1.87)
5.09 (1.48)
5.13 (1.77)
5.20 (1.88)
4.93 (1.77)

Diversion motivation (5)

Y11: just so that I can get out of the house
Y12: when I am bored
Y13: just to browse
Eating-out motivation (6)
Y14: when I want to get a snack
Y15: to have a meal at the food court
Social motivation (7)
Y16: to simply enjoy the crowds
Y17: to watch people
a. Items reverse coded before scoring.









4.79 (1.53)
4.90 (1.96)
4.64 (1.96)
4.82 (1.84)
3.44 (1.65)
3.18 (1.96)
3.70 (1.86)
3.65 (1.81)
3.70 (2.07)
3.60 (2.17)




Loneliness, through an exploratory factor analysis, generated two

factors whose eigenvalue was above 1.0, and three items were eliminated due to lower factor loadings below 0.60. The first factor, intimate loneliness, included five items: I feel isolated from others, I
am unhappy being so withdrawn, I feel left out, I am no longer
close to anyone, and There is no one I can turn to. The second factor, social loneliness, included three items: There are people I can talk
to, There are people I can turn to, and There are people who really
understand me. Two factors accounted for 67.3% of the total variance for loneliness. By confirming the Loneliness factor structure
derived from the exploratory factor analysis, two indicators for the
latent Intimate Loneliness factor were removed due to the factor loading lower than 0.60. Conclusively, the latent variable of loneliness
consisted of two latent factors: intimate loneliness (1) measured by
three indicators and social loneliness (2) measured by three indicators
(see Table 2). A descriptive analysis of loneliness indicates that the
mean score of intimate loneliness (M = 3.13) is slightly higher than
that of social loneliness (M = 2.87). However, the mean of loneliness is
below the midpoint, which supports a stronger relationship between
friends or peers among teens (Berndt & Das, 1987; Rokach, 2001) and
positive nomination in a peer group (Eronen & Nurmi, 2001).
Media usage was classified into two constructs: audiovisual media
and printed media. The construct of audiovisual media usage (1)
consisted of two observed indicators of television and radio; printed
media usage (2) consisted of two observed indicators of magazine
and newspaper (see Table 2). A descriptive analysis provided the
mean scores for two media groups: audiovisual media (M = 5.41) and
printed media (M = 4.98).
Shopping motivation was confirmed to have five constructs: service motivation (3), economic motivation (4), diversion motivation
(5), eating-out motivation (6), and social motivation (7). One item
loaded on social motivation resulted in a low coefficient but was
retained because one indicator for a latent construct is not considered
adequate to verify a measurement model (Jreskog & Srbom, 1989).
Structural equation model. To examine causal relationships among
latent variables (i.e., loneliness, media usage, and shopping motivation), we first estimated a proposed structural model, followed by the
modified model. The 2 value was first evaluated, but it is very sensitive to a large sample size, which may cause the risk of rejecting a
valid model. Therefore, we used the bic statistic adopted by R. M.



Hauser and Wong (1989) for posteriori tests: bic = L2 df log N,

where L2 is the likelihood ratio test statistic or 2 when the sample size
is large under the assumption of multivariate normality, df is the
degree of freedom, and N is the sample size. Models with lower (more
negative) bic statistics are considered as better fit. In addition, the difference between likelihood ratio test statistics for comparing two
nested models is expressed as the difference between the two models
in 2 and degrees of freedom (Bagozzi & Yi, 1989; R. M. Hauser &
Wong, 1989).
As presented in Table 3, overall fit statistics of the proposed model
suggested that the 2 value of 706.85 was significant (df = 205, p < .001),
and the bic of 149.25 was positive. Moreover, other indexes were not
within the ranges to accept the proposed model (GFI = 0.90, AGFI =
0.86, RMSEA = 0.066).
Thus, to improve the proposed model, we first introduced a partial
covariance (21) between two endogenous variables of audiovisual
media (1) and printed media (2) based on maximum modification
index. As a result, the 2 value decreased to 537.77 (df = 204, p < .001),
and the bic statistic became negative (17.11) (Model B in Table 3). The
difference between the likelihood ratio test statistics of these two
models was significant (2A-B = 169.08, df = 1, p < .001), which implies
that the freed parameter (21 = 0.62, p < .001) between two media
usages imposed in our model is accepted (see Figure 1). However,
because other fit statistics were not highly acceptable (GFI = 0.92;
AGFI = 0.89; RMSEA = 0.056), we considered other modification
indexes to improve the model fit.
The second modification index indicates the existence of a causal
structural relationship (63) between service motivation (3) and
eating-out motivation (6). Model C in Table 3 reveals a decreased 2
value of 446.70 (df = 203, p < .001) and an improved negative bic statistic (105.46), which suggests that the overall fit of the model was
improved. Comparing Model C to Model B shows that a large change
in 2 compared to the difference in degrees of freedom was significant
(2B-C = 91.08, df = 1, p < .001). Other fit indexes were also improved
(GFI = 0.93; AGFI = 0.91; RMSEA = 0.048).
Although the overall fit of the model was improved, it was discovered that a maximum modification index for causal relationship
between diversion motivation and social motivation was high, which
reflects that diversion shopping motivation is linked to social aspects
of shopping from the hedonic perspective (Barbin et al., 1994; Bloch




Media Usage

Mall Shopping Motivation


31= .42***

21= .62***

12 = -.17**

22 = -.16**


31 = -.26***
61 = .18*
41 = .15*


62 = -.24**

51 = .18*
32 = .21**


63 = .67***



42 = -.19***
75 = .35***
52 = -.17**

71= .17**

Goodness of Fit Statistics

= 414.55 (df = 202, p = .00)
GFI = 0.94
AGFI = 0.91
RMSEA = 0.045
Figure 1: Structural Model of Teens Mall Shopping Motivations
NOTE: GFI = goodness of fit index; AGFI = adjusted goodness of fit index; RMSEA = root
mean square error of approximation.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

et al., 1994; Roy, 1994). Thus, finally, the path (75) from diversion
motivation (5) to social motivation (7) was added in the model. The
fit of Model D in Table 3 provided a decreased 2 value of 414.55 (df =
202, p < .001) and a decreased bic statistic of 134.89. The difference
between Model C and D was significant (2C-D = 32.15, df = 1, p < .001),
which implies that the final modified Model D was acceptable. In
addition, other indexes were within ranges for accepting the model
(GFI = 0.94; AGFI = 0.91), which exceeded the 0.90 standard for model
fit (Kelley, Longfellow, & Malehorn, 1996). The RMSEA was also



TABLE 3: Summary of Goodness of Fit Statistics for Structural Models

A. Proposed model
B. Model A + 21
C. Model B + 63
D. Model C + 75











NOTE: Bic = statistics based on Bayesian theory for posteriori tests; GFI = goodness of
fit index; AGFI = adjusted goodness of fit index; RMSEA = root mean square error of
*p < .001

reduced from 0.066 to 0.045, which indicates a better fit. Accordingly,

the final revised model illustrated in Figure 1 was deemed to be a very
good fit. The final structural model illustrated in Figure 1 includes
significant standardized path coefficients.
Hypotheses Testing

Hypothesis 1. Loneliness was significantly related to shopping

motivations, but the effects on shopping motivation differed by the
Loneliness factor, whether it was intimate loneliness or social loneliness. More specifically, the Intimate Loneliness factor had positive
direct effects on service motivation (31 = .42, p < .001) and social motivation (71 = 0.17, p < .01). Teens who feel emotionally isolated tend to
enjoy being surrounded by the crowds and to use service centers (e.g.,
medical/dental/vision care offices, banks) or enjoy interior design. It
is notable that the indirect effect of intimate loneliness on eating-out
motivation via the Service Motivational factor (31 63 = 0.28, t = 5.09,
p < .001) was slightly greater than its direct effects on social motivation (0.17). Therefore, this finding supports Hypothesis 1a, suggesting that lonely teens who feel isolated from others or feel left out are
likely to be motivated to shop for enjoying a crowded mall atmosphere and retail environments, such as interiors and service centers,
which, in turn, leads to eating in food courts or snack corners.
As compared to intimate loneliness, social loneliness resulted in
significant negative effects on economic motivation (42 = .19,
p < .001) and diversion motivation (52 = .17, p < .01). Therefore,
Hypothesis 1b mentioning that social loneliness will decrease mall
shopping motivations is supported. Teens who are socially isolated



were less likely to visit the mall for searching for good prices, hunting
for bargains, and comparison shopping. This finding somewhat supports the literature that teen consumers who had many friends
tended to be well informed and sophisticated because their friends or
peers were primary sources of shopping information or knowledge
(Lewis et al., 1995; Moschis & Moore, 1979). The finding that socially
lonely teens who feel a lack of social networks were less likely to shop
for diversion reflects Hirschmans (1984) argument that a person who
feels socially isolated participates in forbidden forms of consumption
to meet his or her sensory desires (e.g., uninhibited parties, drug and
alcohol experimentation).
Conclusively, for teens, the two dimensions of loneliness
intimate loneliness and social lonelinessplay important roles as
antecedents of different mall shopping motivations. The effects of
intimate loneliness and social loneliness on mall shopping motivations were opposite in direction, that is, positive and negative,
Hypothesis 2. With respect to the relationship between loneliness
and media usage, intimate loneliness was not significantly related to
media usage, whereas social loneliness was significantly related to
media usage. Teens who feel isolated from others may not benefit
from media usage as an effective venue to alleviate their loneliness. To
the contrary, social loneliness negatively influenced both types of
media usage: audiovisual media (12 = .17, p < .01) and printed media
(22 = .16, p < .01). As teens feel more socially isolated, media uses
(i.e., television, radio, magazine, and newspaper) decrease. It may be
that socially isolated teens use the Internet for social stimulation via
interactive Web sites, such as chat rooms or e-mail (Ferle et al., 2000;
Fetto, 2002). Therefore, Hypothesis 2, stating that teens selfperceived loneliness will increase media usage, is not supported.
Hypothesis 3. Media usage is significantly related to four shopping
motivations: service motivation, economic motivation, diversion
motivation, and eating-out motivation. More specifically, audiovisual media usage resulted in a negative effect on service motivation
(31 = .26, p < .001); however, it had positive effects on economic motivation (41 = 0.15, p < .05), diversion motivation (51 = 0.18, p < .05), and
eating-out motivation (61 = 0.18, p < .05). The positive effects of
audiovisual media on economic motivation and eating-out motivation suggest that as teen exposure to television and radio commercials



increases, their knowledge of products and prices increases and

results in visiting the mall for specific reasons. Considering Shims
(1996) contention that the visual commercial media (e.g., television)
motivated teen consumers to shop for novelty or sensational and
diversion needs, the shopping mall can act as a venue to support their
psychological needs.
Printed-media usage resulted in a positive effect on service motivation (32 = 0.21, p = 0.01) and a negative effect on eating-out motivation (62 = .24, p < .01). Teens who used more printed media were
likely to use more service providers, whereas they were less likely to
go to malls for having a meal or snack. Indirect effects were also found
between two media usages and eating-out motivation via the mediating service motivation. Audiovisual media resulted in a negative
indirect effect on eating-out motivation [(31) (63) = .17, t = 2.98,
p < .01], whereas the printed media had a positive indirect effect on
eating-out motivation [(32) (63) = 0.14, t = 2.48, p < .01]. Heavy users
of printed media may be those shoppers who visit the mall for multiple purposes: using services and having meals or snacks on a single
trip. This result is consistent with Shims (1996) finding that printed
material was related to teens utilitarian consumer orientation. On the
other hand, service motivation did not encourage heavy users of
audiovisual media to eat out in the mall.
Consequently, the result supports that media usage is related to
various shopping motivations (Bellenger & Korgaonkar, 1980;
Moschis, 1976; Moschis & Moore, 1979; Shim, 1996). Effects on teens
mall shopping motivations differed by type of media used. Therefore,
Hypothesis 3 is partially supported.
Conclusions, Implications, and Limitations

This study tested the relationships between teens loneliness,

media usage, and mall shopping motivations. Findings indicated that
teens mall shopping motivations consisted of five dimensions: service motivation, economic motivation, diversion motivation, eatingout motivation, and social motivation. Results support the related
research (Bellenger & Korgaonkar, 1980; Bloch et al., 1994; Kang et al.,
1996; Roy, 1994) suggesting that consumers go to the mall for experiences offered by malls, as well as the utility of consuming and buying
Loneliness exhibited as having two distinct dimensions: intimate
isolation and social isolation. These two factors were linked to teens



media usage and particular shopping needs in the mall environment

and thus encourage development of programs to meet these needs.
For emotionally isolated teens, the mall can provide them with opportunities to visit service providers, enjoy interior design, eat, and
watch the crowds in the mall. For these teens, the formats of food
courts, snack corners, or restaurants need to be explored to ensure
that they serve to fulfill socializing needs, such as meeting friends and
solving loneliness. Special mall events and exhibits might enhance
this effect. For socially isolated teens, expressive mall attributes (e.g.,
prestige, attractive ambience) may be more important than economic
mall attributes (e.g., reduced prices or comparison shopping). In
addition, the mall should provide goal-oriented tenants or activities
(e.g., cinema, video arcade), because socially isolated teens are not
motivated by passive activities (e.g., browsing) to alleviate boredom.
Usage of media seems to be related to different types of shopping
motivations. Audiovisual media usage (i.e., television, radio)
increased mall shopping for fulfilling diversion or economic motivations, whereas printed media usage (i.e., magazine, newspaper)
increased teens mall visits of service providers. This information can
be used as a basis for developing media plans targeting teens. Targeted television and radio messages could advertise malls special
promotions, sweepstakes, and complementary lines of products
offered for comparison shopping. These messages can be conveyed in
an attractive and exciting shopping environment appealing to teens
who need diversion from their routine daily life. Magazines and
newspapers could include information on the availability of services,
such as hair styling, vision care, and shoe repair.
Results increase the theoretical understanding of teen consumers
shopping motivations and suggest directions for retailers and educators as they establish programs directed at teens. In particular, the critical role of shopping to alleviate teens loneliness provides a potential
avenue for reshaping or recharacterizing the shopping mall. Malls
can be established as multipurpose retail/community centers that
provide appropriate intervention and treatment programs for lonely
teens and supplement programs created by social agencies. Retail
business can boost teen socialization by providing entry-level jobs
that are fun and exciting to teens. The role of the mall becomes more
important to meet this goal, given the fact that loneliness has been
linked to a variety of other serious individual and social problems,
including alcoholism (Nerviano & Gross, 1976), adolescent



delinquent behavior (Brennan & Auslander, 1979), and suicide

(Wenz, 1977).
Mall owners and retailers should ensure that shopping malls are
hospitable to teen consumers who are lonely by providing more
socially supportive functions that can be performed by service agents
and salespeople. They could provide teen-oriented social interactions, such as special mall events (e.g., music, fashion shows) and
exhibits. In addition, their experience can be enhanced by attractive
dcor and music directed at teen consumers. However, it is argued
that teens bring problems into malls via shoplifting, overspending, or
using parents credit cards, and thus some malls enforce age restrictions for teens under age 16 unless they are accompanied by their parents or someone older than 19 years (Chatzky, 2002; Saelens, 1998;
Terlep, 1997). Professionals working in the area of family and consumer sciences should consider programs to educate teens and parents to develop social ethics in shopping malls. Likewise, mall retailers need to emphasize family-oriented products or services and
special community events during weekends.
The findings of this study should be interpreted with caution due
to several limitations. The sampling was limited to major cities in limited geographic locations. Unquestionably, geographical locations
other than the major cities selected for this study should be considered to replicate the findings of the study. In addition, the hypotheses
set forth in this study specifically dealt with the shopping motivations
of teen consumers with regard to mall shopping. With increasing
debate on the vitality of mall shopping as challenged by growth in
nonstore retailing (i.e., Internet shopping), theoretical considerations
should be given to the shopping motivations of teen consumers for
nontraditional channels of retailing. Research could focus on the need
for a revised theoretical structure based on shopping motivation. For
instance, teens shopping associated with a specific product (e.g.,
clothing) or brand preference (Taylor & Cosenza, 2002) should be
examined for better understanding teens shopping motivations. In
addition, the antecedents of mall shopping motivation could include
demographic (e.g., gender and ethnicity) and psychographic variables, such as self-esteem, family communication pattern, and
materialism (Carlson, Walsh, Laczniak, & Grossbart, 1994; Darley,



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