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Performance Analysis by Improving Bit Error Rate (BER) Through Various Diversity Techniques in Wireless Communication

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 95 No. 9, June 2014

Performance Analysis by Improving Bit Error Rate (BER)

through various Diversity Techniques in Wireless
Joydev Ghosh

Abhishek Dey

Subham Bachhar

Dept. of Electronics &

Telecomm. Engg.
National Institute of
Technology, Durgapur
West Bengal, India

Dept. of Electronics & comm.

Bengal College of Engg. &
Tech., Durgapur
West Bengal, India

Dept. of Electronics & comm.

Dr. B C Roy Engg. College,
West Bengal, India

In wireless communication systems antenna diversity is an
important technique to combat deep fading to improve the
system performance and to increase the channel capacity. The
fast and random fluctuation of the received signal strength is
usually called fading. Diversity technique has been taken into
consideration to mitigate the effects of fading by generating
several copies of the signal, which experience independent or
estimated independent fading, to decrease the probability of
instantaneous deep fades. This paper presents the performance
analysis of a system in various diversity mechanism
environments by improving bit error rate (BER).

General Terms
Diversity Techniques

BPSK modulation, Bit Error Rate(BER), Rayleigh
Channel,MRC,Selective Combining(SC), Equal Gain
Combining (EGC),Beamforming Technique, Alamouti STBC

Radio channels are subject to reflection, refraction and
diffraction, etc caused by the surrounding obstacles or objects.
In this scenario, multipath radio waves (there is consideration
of time delay and phase aspect) can interfere with each other
constructively or destructively due to multipath propagation
exists, resulting in fast and random fluctuation of the received
signal strength. The received signal strength fluctuates very
fast and this kind of random fluctuation is usually called
fading. Diversity technique [1] is invoked to reduce the effects
of fading by generating several copies of the signal, which
experience independent or estimated independent fading, to
reduce the probability of simultaneous deep fades. Space
diversity is one of the diversity techniques which use multiple
antennas to improve the quality of the radio channels. In space
diversity technique, many combining schemes are used to
extract the desired signal, such as, Maximum Ratio
Combining (MRC),Equal Gain Combining (EGC) and
Selection Combining (SC) [2][3]. Among all of them, MRC
yields the highest signal to noise ratio (SNR), thus it is the
optimum combiner, but also, it is the most complicated one
[4].When investigating the performance analysis of diversity
schemes, the consideration normally taken is that the received
signals at diversity branches are independent and identically
distributed (i.i.d) [5]. However, in real-life scenario, an ideal

i.i.d fading can rarely be obtained due to the nature of

propagation environments and/or inadequate separation among
the antennas. For example, when there is a dominant Lineof-Sight (LOS) signal in the propagation, the received
signal by the receiver will be rice distributed and then the
received signals at diversity branches will not be
independent, but correlated with one another. In this
condition, the maximum theoretical diversity gain cannot be
obtained ,so that it is essential to consider the impact
of correlation. The impact of correlation on the efficiency of
diversity systems has been viewed extensive attention
over the past several decades [6][7]. Few correlation
models have been proposed in [8][9] and they have been
accepted by many researchers to investigate the
performance of diversity systems[3][4].


In this approach, the branch of each signal is multiplied by a
weight factor which changes in accordance with the signal
amplitude. It signifies that branches with strong signal are
further boost up, while weak signals are attenuated. In wireless
system, maximal-ratio combining is a scheme of
diversity combining in which the signals from each channel
are summed and the channel gain of each branch is made
proportional to the RMS
inversely proportional to the mean square noise level of that
For each channel, there is Different
proportionality constant taken into consideration to evaluate the
problem. In MRC approach, the signals from all of the
channels/branches are weighted according to their individual
SNRs and then added together. Hence, the individual signals
need to be considered into phase alignment before adding
together. In the case of MRC scheme, the ultimate received
signals are
The combined signal is,
.. (3)
Where the fading channel coefficients from antennas 1 and 2
are defined by h1 and h2, respectively, at time t. n1
and n2 are independent complex variables with zero
mean and unit variance, denoting AWGN samples at

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 95 No. 9, June 2014
time t.

The pdf of


........ (4)

Where the transmitted signals x is given by

. (5)

Since the effective bit energy to noise ratio is the sum of N

such random variables. The pdf is,

A scheme is assumed, which consists of K antennas for
transmission and L antennas for reception. The channel
contains of K* L statistically independent channel
coefficients. It can be more precisely represented by a matrix

. (11)
If you recall, in the post on BER computation in AWGN, with


bit energy to noise ratio of

, the bit error rate for BPSK

in AWGN is derived as
The entries of H are modeled as independent and identically
distributed (i.i.d.) complex gaussian random variables with
zero mean and variance 0.5 per dimension and the elements of
n are modeled as i.i.d. complex Gaussian random variables
with zero mean and variance No/2 per dimension. The utmost
representative of non line of sight (NLOS) wireless radio
channel propagation is the Rayleigh distribution and hence the
multiple inputs multiple output (MIMO) channel capacity has
been taken into measure for Rayleigh fading channel model
includes the idea of MRC scheme. It is suppose to be assumed
that the receiver is known the channel state information (CSI)
and there is no as such CSI known at the transmitter, and the
channel fading coefficients remain unchanged over the entire
frame and changes from one frame to another. The theoretical
information capacity of such full complex multiple inputs
multiple output (MIMO) systems which use all available
transmit and receive antennas is given by

, (12)
Given that the effective bit energy to noise ratio with maximal
ratio combining (MRC) is, the total bit error rate (BER) which
integrals of the conditional BER integrated over all possible
values of . This equation is given by

BER for BPSK modulation with Maximal Ratio Combining in Rayleigh channel
nRx=1 (theory)
nRx=1 (sim)
nRx=2 (theory)
nRx=2 (sim)
nRx=3 (theory)
nRx=3 (sim)
nRx=4 (theory)
nRx=4 (sim)



If NR<NT (8)


Bit Error Rate

Where HH is component wise transpose conjugate of H. INR

is NR*NR identity matrix
The noise vector is expressed as



.. (9)


Note that noise is considered to be AWGN and uncorrelated

with the signals. The received signals are weighted and added
together to produce the estimate of the symbol/pilot. As the
wireless radio channel is a time-varying multipath channel
and is subject to physical propagation path loss .The
time-variations are caused by the medium changes as the
the motion of users from cell centre to cell edge or vice-versa.
The propagation losses are related to both the atmospheric
propagation and the terrain configuration. It has been seen
that the multipath aspect is caused by reflection from various
objects such as building or trees that surround the mobile
unit. The receive signal affect the performance of the
receiver due to these propagation phenomena which results in
an enhance of bit error rate (BER). The MR channel
performance is obtained for different modulation
technique which viewed the four major performance types in
terms of signal to noise ratio (Eb/N0) versus error
probability. Hence, if hi is a Rayleigh distributed random
variable, then hi2 is a chi-squared random variable with two
degrees of freedom.




Eb/No, dB




Fig.1: Computation of BER by MRC diversity.

In uncoded systems under rayleigh fading, the central limit
theorem can be applied to the total interference, which can
therefore be estimated to be gaussian distributed .The average
error rates can thus be calculated by remediating the
conditional error probability (CEP), i.e., the error rate under
AWGN, over the output SINR. Above simulation shows that
there is an improvement in BER i.e. BER decreases with the
increasing no of receiving antenna.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 95 No. 9, June 2014


The maximal ratio combining (MRC) technique needs an
exact estimate of the channel amplitude gain, which enhances
the receiver complexity. An alternative way out is to weight
all the signals equally after coherent detection (which
eliminates the phase distortion).The coherent detected signals
from all the branches are simply added and applied to the
decision device. As the receiver does not need estimate the
amplitude fading, its complexity is reduced as compared with
that of maximal ratio combining (MRC).
BER for BPSK modulation with Equal Gain Combining in Rayleigh channel
nRx=1 (theory)
nRx=1 (sim)
nRx=2 (theory)
nRx=2 (sim)




Bit Error Rate




would make it difficult to use maximal ratio combining

(MRC) or equal gain combining (EGC).

Beamforming Technique is a signal processing technique used
for a myriad of purposes, such as detecting the presence of a
signal, estimating the direction of arrival, and boost up a
desired signal, competing sources and reverberation.
Beamforming has been embraced by the audio research
society, mostly to separate or extract speech for noisy
environment. Beamforming techniques significantly approach
the difficulties from a spatial point of view. A Beamformer is
a signal processor used together with an array of microphone
to design a spatial filter which extracts a signal from a desire
direction and decrease the unsuitable signals from other
directions. This is achieved by combining elements in a
phased array in such a way that signals at particular angles
experience constructive interference while others experience
destructive interference. Beamforming can be used at both the
transmitting and receiving ends in order to achieve spatial
BER for BPSK modulation in Rayleigh channel







Eb/No, dB



Fig.2: Computation of BER by EGC diversity



nRx=1 (theory)
nRx=1 (sim)
nRx=2 (theory)
nRx=2 (sim)



Bit Error Rate




BER for BPSK modulation with Selection diveristy in Rayleigh channel




Note that wireless agents (e.g. mobile units or wireless

sensors) using higher-order receiver diversity which can not
be installed by MRC because of power and processing
limitation. In addressing this problem, selective combining
diversity is proposed. In addition this scheme provides best
trade off between receiver complexity and performance of the




Bit Error Rate





Eb/No, dB




Fig.4: Computation of BER by Beamforming Technique.

In general, beamforming for signals such as voice or speech
can be functioned in the time domain. In time domain, a finite
impulse response (FIR) filter is applied to each microphone
(input transducer) signal, and the filter outputs combined to
form the Beamformer output. Beamforming can be carried out
by computing multichannel filters whose output is
estimate of the desired source signal. The output can be
expressed as:


................ (14)








(no beamforming-sim)


Eb/No, dB




Fig.3: Computation of BER by SC diversity

In this approach, receiver look after the SNR value of each
diversity channel and selects/picks up the one with the highest
SNR value for signal detection compared with the preceding
two techniques. Selective diversity is much easier to
implement without much performance degradation, especially
for the reverse link transmission where the diversity branches
can be physically located in different base stations, which

In fast time varying system, the difficulties of picking up the

channel coefficient needs for symbol decoding generally
arises .A solution of this specific problem is the Alamouti
STBC technique. In this specific case we have considered
multiple transmit/multiple receive antenna system with 2
transmit and 2 receive antennas.
The system equation can be written as............................ (15)
where H is the channel matrix, y(n) is the 2 x 1 receive
vector, x(n) is the 2 x 1 transmit vector and, w(n) is the 2 x 1

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)

Volume 95 No. 9, June 2014
white gaussian noise vector. For an Almouti encoded system,
data is encoded in blocks of two and each source block is

responses of the (i, m)th element of H(n), hi,m (1), for the time
epochs 1 to Lf -1 can then be interpolated by using

. (16)
. (17)
Where, * denotes complex conjugation. Here we have 2
receivers, the received vector (1) during the time intervals 2n
and 2n + 1, can be expressed as

,l=1,.,(Lf-1) ..(21)
Where f(l) is the set of interpolation filter coefficients for the
lth symbol in the frame, and h(i,m) is the vector of pilot
estimated channel responses defined as

The number of adjacent reckons used to aid the interpolation,

can be taken base on the system delay that can be tolerated.

... (18)

Where, x(2n) is the 2X1 transmit vector and

is the 4X1 H(2n) is defined as (19)

The idea of symbol aided channel interpolation is to be

embedded known as pilots (known as symbol sequences) in
each frame, and to estimate the channel responses at these
time instances. Using these datas, the channel responses at the
other instances are computed by interpolating the available
estimates, and it is analogous to the reconstruction of a
sampled band limited signal. The length of the frame must be
less than the Nyquist rate, i.e.
.. (20)
So that we can reconstruct the channel response.
BER for BPSK modulation with 2Tx, 2Rx Alamouti STBC (Rayleigh channel)
theory (nTx=1,nRx=1)
theory (nTx=1,nRx=2, MRC)
theory (nTx=2, nRx=1, Alamouti)
sim (nTx=2, nRx=2, Alamouti)




Bit Error Rate





In this paper, we have proposed an analytical frame work and

simulation testbed for performance analysis by improving bit
error rate (BER) through various diversity techniques in
wireless communication. As per system requirement and
situation based condition ,any one diversity cum multiantenna transmission technique can be utilised to mitigate
deep fading or multipath fading to improve BER results in
better system functioning .Among the MRC,EGC and SC
schemes, MRC achieves the best performance difference,
followed by EGC. However, with a low diversity order, the
performance differences among the three combining
techniques are not very significant. An significant application
of the Alamouti Space Time Block Coded (STBC) Technique
scheme is to facilitate diversity refinement at all the remote
units in a wireless system, using two transmit antennas (Tx) at
the base stations(BS) instead of two receive antennas (Rx) at
all the remote terminals. The scheme does not require any
feedback from the receiver to the transmitter and its reckoning
complexity is quite similar to MRC. While compared with
MRC in aspect of remain same radiated power , the Alamouti
STBC diversity technique has a 3-dB penalty due to the
simultaneous transmission of two different symbols(pilots)
from two transmit antennas at the base station (BS).
Due to spectral scarcity, the femtocells and macrocells have to
reuse the total allocated frequency band partially or totally
which leads to inter cell interference (ICI) results from the
motion of users from cell centre to cell edge resulting in
power reduction of the signal transmitted from the cell centre
while interference signals from neighbour cell is
increased.MRC/Alamouti STBC scheme would be absolutely
perfect to take the measure by simulated BER of very
advanced OFDM wireless system where frequency are
reusing due to spectral scarcity and ICI is the main
challenging issue.










Eb/No, dB

Fig.5: Computation of BER by Alamouti STBC

Where, T is the symbol period and fd is the maximum Doppler
frequency of the channel. We suppose to be assumed that the
first symbol of each frame is the pilot symbol block. We have
considered that the pilot symbol block of the frame to be
detected at time zero without any loss of generality at the
receiver. By using the pilots, we can therefore obtain
estimates of channels at time intervals of Lf.The channel

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