The Modern Age Is The Age of Science Essay

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The modern age is the age of science.

The inventions of science govern

our life. At every stage we are dependent on the inventions and
discoveries of science.
In the every day life of an individual science plays a very important
and significant part. The discoveries of science such as electricity,
wireless, telephone, railways, airplanes, medicines, etc. are extremely
valuable and it is difficult to conceive of modern life without the
amenities provided by modern science. We are really very grateful to
scientists who have rendered great services to humanity by their
manifold discoveries.
Scientific inventions and discoveries are used without conscience, and
the result tit that modern scientific inventions are dragging humanity
on the path of destruction and ruin. if the scientific inventions are
sued with conscience i.e. with the full realization of the destruction
and ruin that will be brought about by the indiscriminate sue of the
weapons of science, there will be no danger to humanity. But when
scientific inventions are used without conscience they are likely to
send the humanity to its doom. Hence what is urgently needed is that
the scientists should employ their scientific inventions with caution
and care so that mankind may not have to suffer as a result of the
indiscriminate use of scientific discoveries.
Atom is a vast source of energy and if it is employed with conscience
for the service of humanity it can be a source of welfare to mankind.
But unfortunately atomic energy is being harnessed without
conscience for destructive purposes. Bombs are being made out of this
potential energy. The atom bomb was the outcome of the craze of

scientists to use atomic energy for destructive purposes. it was used by

the Americans in Second world War of 1939-1945 and the two cities of
Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, had suffered incalculable losses in
men and money due to the conscienceless employment of atomic
energy in warfare.
It is an admitted fact that scientific inventions, particularly the
inventions used in modern warfare, have been employed without
conscience in the past and will be employed without conscience in the
future unless we go to the root of conscienceless use of scientific
weapons and seek to cut t the very root of this wrong basis. The main
reasons why scientific inventions are used root of this wrong basis.
The main reason why scientific inventions are used in a conscienceless
manner is that nations using them are cut of expansion and
aggrandizement at the cost of weaker nations. The lust of territorial
expansion and subjugations of weaker powers is the root of this wrong
and immortal employment of scientific weapons of warfare. So long as
nations will vie with one another in territorial supremacy, and
expansion of their sphere of influence, scientific weapons will continue
to be employed in a conscienceless and unscrupulous manner by
modern warriors.
Another reason for this wrong and unethical use of scientific weapons
is a greed and jealousy of big power, who cannot see eye to eye with
each-other on international problems, and who have ideological
differences dividing them is separable groups. It is this rivalry, strife
and hatred that leads warring nations to use fair or foul methods for
subjugating and crushing their foes in the war. There are other reasons
equally powerful such as ambition for world domination, control of

scientific weapons, which lead belligerent nations to the use of

scientific weapons in an abashed and immoral way.
If we really want that scenic inventions may not be used
unscrupulously and conscienceless to the determent of humanity, it
will be necessary to bring about a basis change in the mental attitude
of the great powers who are likely to be embroiled in a global war.
Great nations should realize that war is not the civilized way of settling
international disputes. War is a relic of barbarism and an expression
of the instinct of pugnacity rooted in man in a crude form. In civilized
society the belligerent instinct can be modified, and peaceful methods
can be employed for the settlement of disputes and disagreements
among nations. War would be banned as a means of arriving at
solutions of vexing international problems. Only then there is the
possibility that scientific inventions will not be harnessed to gain
wrong ends, and the brains of the scientists will be used in making
discoveries which will ensure the steady progress of civilization. And if
war can not be outlawed then at least there should eb a ban on the use
of nuclear weapons such as atom bomb and hydrogen bomb in the
future worlds. this ban will also provided a check to the conscienceless
use of weapons in modern war.
We should learn to use the marvels of science for the welfare of
humanity and the progress of our civilization. The need of mankind
observed Rd. Rajendra Prasad, the Late President of India, if it is to
survive, is to hark back to the supremacy of the moral law and to
take the path of self-conquest. Without taking a moral view of life, we
cannot properly use the inventions of science for the welfare of

humanity. Science grounded in spirituality and not in materialism

can alone bring about the salvation of the human-race.

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