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Did the ever increasing requirements for

speed, volume of passenger and freight traffic,
punctuality and safety boost research? Or did
technical and IT development make it possible
to increase the level of these requirements?
Actually, does it really matter ? The only thing
that counts is the result of the interaction
between these elements: high-speed railway
networks safely carrying more and more
passengers and goods.



Mr. Sfezzo

... a major turning point in the history of

MATISA has always been responsive to the needs

railways... the creation of MATISA and the

of its customers. The Technical Office works closely

appearance of automated track maintenance. Ever

with Production for the implementation of solutions

since it was established on 15 May 1945, MATISA has

developed to meet new specific needs which are at

been a major player in the railway world. Its founder,

the forefront of the development of railways. Ever

Mr Constantin Sfezzo, was a passionate man and a

faster transit speeds and growing requirements in

true entrepreneur. He was able to communicate his

terms of punctuality and safety coincide with our

passion and inspire his team of trailblazers. His spirit

still drives his successors.

will to deliver the most efficient solution for the


Close cooperation between

the Technical Office and

construction and maintenance of railways all over

MATISA created the machines at the source of the

the world.

mechanization of railway maintenance. The first

tamping machine, the standard, was developed in
Even though MATISA now boasts a long experience,


it has retained its pioneering spirit, and its passion

for innovation and research.

MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

Today we are all aware of the need to preserve our

environment. Ecology has become a major player
in the global economy. Railways contribute to
environmental protection, since they represent an
efficient means of transport for people and freight,

MATISA aims to provide its customers high tech

in line with the concept of sustainable development.

products that are always at the cutting edge of


research. To do that MATISA relies on a team of







reliability, effectiveness, economic

skilled employees. The search for the ideal solution

efficiency and the durability of the

gives rise to a passionate exchange of ideas among


all stakeholders whose objective is the satisfaction of




machines it supplies to the networks and

our customers.

the contractors.

The complexity of the machines designed and manufactured by MATISA

leads to the presence of a great number of skills in all the stages of the
design, production, administration and throughout the life of the machine.
In total, more than 40 professions are represented, ranging from cook
to software development engineer, not forgetting highly skilled manual
expertise such as, for instance metal workers and welders.

In addition to the diversity of professions, we have

MATISA offers a complete range of machines and

a multicultural staff composed of 23 nationalities

services. The quality, reliability and performance

working in harmony and mutual respect.

of our tampers, ballast regulators, ballast cleaners,



track laying and renewal machines, as well as

developments and innovation needs, everyone is

the accuracy of our track measuring vehicles are

encouraged to train throughout their professional

recognised worldwide. The intrinsic quality of our



machines is complemented by the high level of

among its employees through programmes set up by

service provided by MATISA Customer Service which

the central organisations of the sector, as well as in-

supports those machines right from the design stage

house training courses.

and throughout their working life.







MATISA is also a corporate trainer of apprentices.



Each year half a dozen young people start an

apprenticeship in one or another of the professions
represented in the company. They are supervised by
a manager who monitors their whole training.

MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

Network of subsidiaries
and agents

Gauge checks and controls

MATISA relies on a network of 7 subsidiaries and

This openness is an asset, since, as a result of

numerous agents who represent us internationally.




markets, more and more railway contractors are

knowledge of the markets in which they are active.

active in several European countries and are keen to

The subsidiaries communicate with both the head

take advantage of this network of expertise.











office and each other.

Workshop for the overhaul/

repair/upgrade of machines


Sales and Customer Service


Accredited test centre

Stock of spare parts

Technicians with the ability to

Approval is an essential component in the marketing
process of the machines. Even though there is a
European regulation, each Member State adds its
own requirements to it.
Based in Crissier, the testing laboratory is an
independent organisation responsible for carrying
railway and approval tests in accordance with the
directives and country-specific requirements.
Accredited to the EN 17025 standard, the testing

Testing of the braking system
Wheel-by-wheel weighing
Measurement of bogie rotational resistance
Noise level and frequency measurement

Technical and operational


Measurement of noise emissions
Gauge checks and controls
Verification and measurement









conductibility (machines and axles)

centre takes care of the tests, trials and analyses

listed below:


Technical and engineering



against derailment for railway vehicles

running on twisted track


of running behaviour according to EN

14363 (UIC 518)


Measurement of bogie
rotational resistance

MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

General overhaul of
an old B 20

Technical support to maintain the machine in

good condition, which implies the availability
of spare parts.

Retrofitting to maintain the technological level

of the machine throughout its service life by
incorporating technological developments into it.

Customer Service

Further training and refresher

MATISA Customer Service, three words to describe

Maintenance is a broad concept. For improved

Documentation whose aim is to always have

an entire sector of activity! This service provides the

comprehension, MATISA focused on setting up the

the right level of information available on the

link between MATISA and its customers for anything

following services:


courses to always improve

the level of knowledge of all
the people working on the

concerning the activities related to the operation of

the machines throughout their lives. It is the junction

The service contract which is offered to customers

of commissioning, spare parts, retrofitting operations,

to meet their needs for machine availability and

documentation, training and skills networking that

reliability at a competitive and controlled cost.

are coordinated between the head office in Crissier

and the subsidiaries. In each of these activities the
idea of service is key.
Whether a machine will be effective and sustainable

The general overhaul and upgrade of a machine

is primarily determined by a good design and good

to meet the applicable standards.

manufacturing; yet, the best product is nothing

without proper maintenance.

By applying these principles, MATISA will ensure that all your

machines, even the old ones, will remain efficient and competitive.

MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

Small tampers

Plain line tampers

The range of small tampers is available in three

The range of plain line tampers is available in four

B 20-75
B 20-95
B 38

types of machines, each designed for very specific

applications. These machines are equipped with two
tamping units and one levelling and lining clamp.

B 45 A8
B 50 A8
B 45 D
B 50 D

types of machines on bogies. Two of them are

equipped with a self-propelled tamping shuttle
which allows continuous action. These machines are
equipped with two plain line tamping units and one
double roller levelling and lining clamp.

The B 20-75
is a simple and compact tamper, on axles, available

The B 45 A8

in two plain line designs with 8 or 16 tamping tools

is a compact plain line tamper with 16 tamping tools.

and two universal designs with 8 tamping tools. It is

Well adapted for standard gauge networks, this

particularly suitable for narrow gauge networks, for

machine is particularly suitable for narrow gauge

very restrictive clearance gauge or for limited axle

networks, for very restrictive clearance gauge or for


limited axle load.

B 50 A8

B 20-75

The B 20-95

The B 45 D

The B 50 A8

is available in the same

is a compact plain line, double head tamper with

is a compact, continuous action plain line, single

32 tamping tools. It achieves high performance by

head, tamper with 16 tamping tools.

tamping two sleepers simultaneously. This machine

This machine has been specifically designed for

profiling ploughs as well

is particularly suitable to work on main and high

narrow gauges and especially for the demanding

as a trailer equipped

speed lines, as well as for high-output track renewal

Japanese market, while being suitable for narrow

with a brush and a


gauge networks over the world.

designs as the B 20-75.

B 20-95

It can also be fitted with

This equipment makes it a multipurpose machine

The B 50 D

that is fully suitable for specific interventions.









with 32 tamping tools. The self-

The B 38


is an ultra-compact tamper on two bogies, available

the simultaneous tamping of two

in two universal designs. This machine has been

sleepers ensure very high output.

specifically designed for narrow gauge networks,

This machine is widely used in

for small track radius curves or for very deep

track construction which involves





significant track lifting and for the

maintenance of high-speed lines.

B 50 D

B 38



MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

Universal tampers

Track renewal trains

The range of universal tampers is available in four

The range of MATISA track renewal trains builds

B 41 UE
B 45 UE
B 66 U
B 66 UC

types of single head machines, on bogies, with

a total of 16 tamping tools. These machines are
equipped with four independent tamping units and
one levelling and lining clamp with hooks and rollers.

The B 45 UE

commissioning of each new train were used to sharpen

the operational concept, always in close cooperation
with customers, in order to consider the evolution of
Due to their very design, MATISA track renewal trains

is a compact tamping machine suitable for handling

ensure that the track geometry is automatically

The P 190



is a compact track renewal train with a platform


capacity of 20 sleepers. Its rapid implementation and

guaranteeing very high reliability and output. In

high output make it the ideal solution for small to

addition, the dynamic plough prepares the ballast bed

medium length renewal sites (3 to 7 wagons carrying

without creating any noise or dust.

sleepers). It is available for all track gauges (1,000


the heaviest switches and plain line. Equipped

with tamping tools offering a lateral outer limit of
1,800mm from the track axis, this
machine is also suitable for narrow

P 190
P 95
P 95 T

on 40 years of experience. The development and

B 45 UE








to 1,678 mm).

gauge networks or limited axle load.

The B 41 UE
is equipped with the same tools as
the B 45 UE. Moreover, this machine has a working
cabin located in the middle of the machine for
an increased visibility on the tools. This tamper
is truly gaining popularity all over the United
Kingdom in reduced gauge configuration.

B 41 UE

P 190

P 95 T

The B 66 U

The B 66 UC

The P 95

The P 95 T

is a high-output tamping machine with a tamping

is a high-output tamping machine fitted with a

is a high output track renewal train with a platform

benefits from the presence of an excavation chain, of

tool lateral outer limit of 2,800mm from the track

tamping shuttle enabling high output in plain line.

capacity of 30 sleepers. It is equipped with 12 rail

the ballast cleaner type, placed before the dynamic

axis. It is particularly well suited for handling the

This machine also has a tamping tool lateral outer

clamps which ensure that the rails will be perfectly

plough. This system makes it possible to keep or

high speed lines heavy switches.

limit of 2,800 mm from the track axis. It is particularly

guided along the machine until they are positioned.

even lower the level of the new track, according to

well suited for handling plain line and high speed

The traction force developed by the 8 driven axles

the difference in height between the old and new

lines heavy switches.

allows the P 95 to complete long renewal worksites

track equipment, in narrow places where the dynamic

without any additional sleeper wagons.

plough is unable to remove the ballast laterally (e.g.

station platforms, tunnels, or bridges). The excavated
ballast can be used for the reballasting of newly laid
sleepers, or removed.

P 95

B 66 UC



MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

Track construction trains

Gantry cranes

The track construction or track laying trains are

The GP 89

TCM 60
TCM 80
TCM 60 R

derived from MATISAs track renewal trains and are

fitted with well designed and tried tools. In the front,
the track construction machines (TCM) are pulled by
a motorised caterpillar which is sufficiently broad to
meet the allowed contact pressure on the platform,

the renewal of specific sections of existing track. It

moves on auxiliary rails laid down on the platform on
either side of the track axis. The GP 89 can lay either
pre-assembled track panels, or sleeper beds. In the

whether or not ballasted.

case of renewal work, it can remove old track panels

A worksite involving a TCM follows two steps: first

to replace them with panels of new track. Typically,

the rails are laid on the ballast bed, then the TCM lays
the sleepers and positions the rails on the sleepers.

GP 89

is used for the construction of new tracks as well as

the auxiliary rails that it uses to travel are the new

The TCM 60

rails which will eventually be laid on the track under

is a compact construction train. It is fed by a gantry


with a capacity of 20 sleepers and its laying rate

reaches 16 sleepers/minute. It has sufficient traction
force to pull a rake of sleeper transport wagon about
300 m long.

The TCM 80
is the stronger and more powerful version of the
MATISA construction train. The TCM 80, combined
with a WCA with 4 driven axles, can pull a 500 m
long rake of rail and sleeper transport wagons. Its
platform can receive the load from a 30 sleeper
GP 89

TCM 60







The front trailer makes it possible to release the

where the old track is completely removed by

TCM60R at the end of the worksite through the

The P 20 TR and P 30 TR

conventional means, for example, when the track is

front, on to the existing track.

travel on the runway of the track renewal or laying

extremely worn, the old sleepers too fragile, or if the

If equipped with a dynamic plough, the TCM 60 R can

trains as well as on the sleeper transport wagons. The

regulate the ballast bed before laying

gantries are used to manage sleeper logistics. They

infrastructure needs to be renewed locally.

P 20 TR
P 30 TR


The TCM 60 R

supply the train with new sleepers and remove the

the new sleepers.

old sleepers. The 4 bogies with 2 hydraulically driven

and braked wheels provide good acceleration and a
good braking which increases protection against the
risk of derailment.
The P 20 TR has a lifting capacity of 8 tons (approx.

P 20 TR

20 sleepers), while the P 30 TR can lift 10 tons

(approx. 30 sleepers).

P 30 TR

TCM 60 R



MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

For all reballasting work

Ballast cleaners
The MATISA group has produced many models of

R 20
R 21
R 24

The range of MATISA ballast regulators is available in

three machine types that meets the various needs of
railways networks and contractors.
All machine are composed of two bidirectional

1946. The experience thus gained is now serving

MATISA customers through the following models:
The C 75 is the flagship model of high-output ballast
cleaners, which uses state-of-the-art technologies
combined with proven and reliable working methods.

Ballast regulators on axles

The C 47 is the most versatile model, particularly

positions, e.g a transfert of ballast from one shoulder

The R 20

as more one-off projects.

to an other in one single pass.


central and lateral ploughs which allow work in both

directions and offers a wide range of possible working

suitable for narrow running and track gauges, as well

is a compact and economic ballast






C 75
C 47

ballast cleaners, totalling more than 200 units since


Comfortable on the standard gauge networks,

the R20 is particularly suitable for narrow gauge

C 47

networks and/or networks with limited axle load.

Particularly popular outside Europe, the R 20 has

The work units of MATISA ballast cleaners are

demonstrated excellent reliability among its buyers.

designed to deliver high outputs:


It ensures a high output as well as excellent

Designed to excavate ballast under the track and

screening quality thanks to its 3 tiers of

channel it into the hopper, the dredger ensures

interchangeable grids which allow it to adapt to

is a high-output machine which can be

minimum lift and great freedom in the working

any ballast grade and granulation characteristics.

used on both plain line and switches work sites.

method. It is controlled in depth and in cant to

Ballast distribution: reballasting is designed in a

The latest generation of R 21 features a new driving

monitor the geometry of the track under any

scalable way to ensure optimisation depending

system that allows a combination of low axle load

conditions, including in the counter-cant.

on special requirements.

The R 21
R 20

with outstanding traction force.

R 21

Horizontalisation of the frame:

Measuring and guidance:

The automatic system maintaining the machine in

The C 75 is equipped with a very powerful CATT

the horizontal position makes it possible to optimise

type (Computer Aided Track Treatment) guidance

the output of the work units at all times.

computer making it possible to reduce the number

of operators to a minimum of 2, one in the cabin and

Ballast regulators on bogies

the other on the track, beside the ballast excavating

The R 24 is a high-output ballast regulator, especially

Its modular concept allows the integration of

designed for the construction and maintenance of

various optional equipment and will meet your most

high-speed lines.

demanding needs.

Finally, a multitude of additional equipment can be
used to adapt and optimise MATISA ballast cleaners.

R 24

C 75



MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

Track auscultation vehicles

To date, MATISA has delivered worldwide more than
200 track auscultation and recording vehicles and/
or on-board systems of various types and for track
inspection speeds of up to 250 km/h. The know-how
and experience built up by MATISA is epitomised in
particular in the current range of vehicles which is

Transport wagons
M 10
M 100
M 1000


The WTM switch transport wagons were engineered

and developed with the aim of optimizing and
controlling the maintenance costs of switches.
The MATISA WTM and AVES vehicles are used in
tandem with the Just in Time switches replacement
programme run by the Swiss Federal Railways

available in 3 families:

(SBB / CFF) whose goal is to replace switches in

a safe, fast and cost-efficient way. As part of this

M 10
M 100
M 1000

for simple and effective track auscultation

project, MATISA has so far delivered 25 units to the

for comfortable track auscultation on a

company EUROSWITCH AG, hence contributing to

sturdy base

the replacement of about 500 switches per year in

for total track auscultation at high speed

an optimized way.
This successful and sustainable experience with the
Just in Time project has allowed MATISA to expand
its market into Germany and Austria.

These various vehicles can be equipped with one

is a switches transport wagon. Its design enables

or more measuring systems to inspect as many

the WTM to carry any type of switches, whether in

parameters of the railway infrastructure. MATISAs

wood, concrete or metal, new or old. Depending on its



configuration, the WTM can shift the loading platform

addresses the measurement and analysis of the

by 500 mm in its horizontal position to avoid various

Each type of WTM can also be equipped with a


obstacles such as poles, platforms or simply to avoid

transfer trolley for turnouts featuring sleepers up to

engaging the working gauge.

4,800 mm in length.





Track geometry
Rail profilometry
Internal flaws of rails
Moreover, additional track auscultation needs are met
within the network of quality partners that MATISA
has created. In particular, MATISA can integrate:


of the infrastructure pertaining to

the overhead line

Video auscultation of the track equipment
Auscultation of the clearance gauge and
environment by LASER scanner

Auscultation of expansion joints
Auscultation of axle box accelerations



is a ballast transport wagon available in two

The MATISA track auscultation vehicles are versatile

configurations, one featuring two bogies which can

and adapt to each customers own requirements.

be motorized, and the other with a hydrostatic drive

They are designed to meet European standards and

system on caterpillars which can be oriented and

current UIC recommendations, on the basis of quality

lifted hydraulically. Each version can be equipped

procedures certified to ISO 9001 standard.

with an optional screen with an output of 200 m3/h.



MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

Arc-en-Ciel 2
Case postale
CH-1023 Crissier 1
Tl.: +41-21-631 21 11
Fax: +41-21-631 21 68
[email protected]
MATISA Maschinen GmbH
Kronenstrasse 2
DE-78166 Donaueschingen
Tel.: +49-771 15 80 63
Fax: +49-771 15 80 64
[email protected]
9, rue de lIndustrie
Z. I. Les Sablons
FR-89100 Sens
Tl.: +33-386 95 83 35
Fax: +33-386 95 36 94
[email protected]
MATISA Japan Co., Ltd.
Shinjuku Ozawa Bldg.,2F
5-1-15 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
JP-Tokyo 160-0023
Tel.: +81-3-3376-5202
Fax: +81-3-3376-5203
[email protected]
Via Ardeatina Km 21
IT-00040 Pomezia/
Santa Palomba (RM)
Tel.: +39-06-918 291
Fax: +39-06-919 84 574
[email protected]

MATISA Matriel Industriel S.A.

Sucursal Espaola
C/Francia 39
Poligono Industrial La Estacion
ES-28971 Grion (Madrid)
Tel.: +34-91-814 01 71
Fax: +34-91-814 11 94
[email protected]
MATISA do Brasil Ltda
Rua Gelu Vervloet dos Santos 500
Ed. Omni Office 1206/1207
Jardim Camburi
Cep 29090-100 Vitoria ES
Tel: +55-27-3315-9103
Fax: +55-27-3317-4779
[email protected]

la passion du rail


v 1.1/06-13

Right of technical modifications reserved


P.O. Box 202
GB-Scunthorpe DN 15 6XR
Tel.: +44-1724 877 000
Fax: +44-1724 877 001
[email protected]

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