Writing Supplement University of Southern California

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Ngo, Quinn

TR RD Fall 2016 05/16/1996 CEEB: 4861 CAID: 15482262

FERPA: Waived
Submitted: 01/31/2016


Writing Questions
USC students are known to be involved. Briefly describe a non-academic pursuit (such as service to
community or family, a club or sport, or work, etc.,) that best illustrates who you are, and why it is
important to you. (250 word limit)
Many things have gone through my mind as I walked through the door to go to work. Sometimes, I thought about
how stressed out my homework was making me. Sometimes, I thought about how I should have woken up earlier
instead of skipping breakfast. But, in three semesters of being a tutor, it wasn't often that I walked in thinking:
"Man, I'm going to make such a difference today."
As a tutor, I met people from many walks of life. Some of them were just like me: they had come straight from high
school, and college was the next logical step toward their futures. Others were returning to school after raising
children, getting laid off, or even going to war. In either case, I made it a point to not just teach them math but also
get to know them as people. My job was great because it was simple. I loved that something I felt was easy
teaching math gave students the confidence to keep going. Each semester, I watched them start to believe in
themselves, and some of them even began to enjoy their studies.
Like I said, I didn't often walk into work thinking about the difference I was going to make; but that's because I
didn't have to. By the end of each day, as I waved goodbye to my new friends, their smiling faces reminded me
that I had made a difference. I was just having so much fun that I hadn't even noticed.
USC Essay
I would like nothing more than to say that I will continue to study mathematics and computer science forever, but
the truth is: I am not even certain I will continue to study these disciplines beyond my undergraduate education.
Although I currently have my eyes set on academia, I feel that it is naive to dismiss other interests and
opportunities that may arise, especially given the rich academic culture that USC will provide. When I attend USC,
I intend to gain both the practical skills necessary to join the workforce as well as the academic background
necessary for graduate study so that I will be well-prepared regardless of my direction after graduation.
At USC, I would like to join Dornsife's SOAR program in order to further my experience in mathematical research. I
am looking forward to this experience not just because it will help me transition into graduate school but also
because it will give me a glimpse into the academic community at USC. As a computer science major, I will spend
a substantial amount of time on internships and cooperative education to gain a better sense of what working fulltime among peers will be like in the years to come. In either case, I look forward to taking on the challenging
coursework at USC. I am confident that after challenging myself and exploring my interests, I will be more than
prepared to take on whatever my future has in store.
Describe yourself
in three words.
First Word:


Second Word:


Third Word:


Quick Takes -Favorite Food


CA Ngo, Quinn CEEB: 4861 Fall 2016


TRRD CAID: 15482262

Quick Takes -Sherlock Holmes

Fictional Character
Quick Takes -Greatest Invention


Quick Takes -- Fun

Music - piano and clarinet

Quick Takes -- Role Dr. Robinette

Quick Takes -Book

Howl's Moving Castle

Quick Takes -Movie

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Quick Takes -Performer

21 Pilots

Quick Takes -Dream Job

College Professor

Engineering Collaboration
There is one concert that stands out in my mind as a defining moment of my time in the UNLV Wind Orchestra. It
was called American Heroes.
The concert was a tribute to U.S. Military Veterans. Three Nevadans were to be presented the French Legion of
Honor Medal. We had three incredible guest conductors: Colonel John Bourgeois, former conductor of the
"President's Own" U. S. Marine Band; Bruce Broughton, an Emmy award winning composer; and Johan De Meij,
an internationally recognized orchestral composer. For weeks, we rehearsed the same six pieces time and time
again. This concert had to be perfect.
Even though we had heard plenty about our guest artists and honorees, I don't think I realized the magnitude of
what we were doing until we played the United States Armed Forces Medley on the night of the concert. As we
began to perform the U. S. Navy's theme, the lights turned on in the hall, and I watched as dozens of veterans
stood up and saluted our band. By the time we had finished the entire medley, hundreds of Las Vegas veterans
were standing, proud to be recognized.
I was not a typical music major. I never dreamed of performing solos with major orchestras for a living. Rather,
what has always set music apart for me is the sense of community. So, nights like that one, when I came together
with my colleagues and made something great those nights are the ones that make music worth it.
Engineering Online Destination
I chose Facebook because recently, it's helped me keep in touch with all of my friends. After moving to California
so suddenly, there's no easier way to talk to people who are 300 miles away. I like that I can scroll through my
news feed and see what everyone's up to. Also, Facebook is the most amazing backup contact list if I accidentally
break my phone (like I always do).
Viterbi Essays (VEES) 3
Spring 2016
About a day after my final exams were over, I got a call from my family: my dad had gone to the emergency room.
That weekend, I drove to California to make sure he was all right. That was when I found out he had cancer.
Consequently, I decided to move from Las Vegas to be his full time caretaker. As a result, I was unable to enroll at

CA Ngo, Quinn CEEB: 4861 Fall 2016


TRRD CAID: 15482262

UNLV for the spring semester.

CA Ngo, Quinn CEEB: 4861 Fall 2016


TRRD CAID: 15482262

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