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Sika Top 77

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Product Data Sheet

Edition 01/01/2014
Identification no:
02 03 01 01 001 0 000003

SikaTop -77

Acrylic emulsion and waterproof additive for mortar and



SikaTop -77 is an acrylic emulsion which when added to cement

mortar/concrete/grout provides good adhesion, water resistance and improvement
of other properties. It is available in form of a milky liquid.


SikaTop -77 is a high quality emulsion that substantially increases the quality of
cement mortars/concrete/grout for :
 Rendering and coating
 Repair and adhesive mortar
 Roof finishing
 Bonding of concrete casts
 Waterproof rendering
 Cement injection mix.

Characteristics /

SikaTop - 77 provides the following properties :

 Extremely good adhesion
 Reduced shrinkage
 Greater elasticity
 Excellent oil and water resistance
 Increased abrasion resistance
 Improved chemical resistance

Product Data
Appearance / Colour

White liquid


20 kg container

Storage Conditions /
Shelf Life

12 months from date of production if stored in undamaged and unopened, original

sealed packaging, in dry conditions and protected from direct sunlight. Protect from

Technical Data
Chemical Base

Acrylic dispersion


~ 1.03 kg/l at 27 C

Solid Content

~ 40%

SikaTop -77




Compressive Strength

SikaTop -77 by weight of cement

Flextural strength (MPa)

Water absorption

(According to ASTM C 109)

Curing time





7 days

~30 N/mm

~20 N/mm

~25 N/mm

~29 N/mm

28 days

~50 N/mm

~35 N/mm

~38 N/mm

~44 N/mm

SikaTop -77 by weight of cement

(According to ASTM C 293 79)

Curing time





7 days

~7 N/mm

~8 N/mm

~8.5 N/mm

~8.9 N/mm

28 days

~9.5 N/mm

~10 N/mm

~10.8 N/mm

~11.8 N/mm

SikaTop -77 by weight of cement









Substrate Temperature

+15C min. / +40C max.

Ambient Temperature

+15C min. / +40C max.

Application Details
Substrate Quality

Concrete surfaces should be sound and clean, free from oil, grease, cement
laitance and loosely adhering particles.

Substrate Preparation

Absorbent surfaces should be saturated thoroughly with water but without showing
any puddle on their surfaces.



Mixing of diluted SikaTop -77 to cement mortar / concrete should preferably be

done manually. When a concrete mixer is used, pour the mortar as soon as its
consistency is cohesive. Do not run the mixer too long.


Aggregates used in the mortar / concrete should be well graded and thoroughly
washed. Sand particles sizes should correspond to the thickness of mortar to be
Thickness of mortar
Particle Size
5 mm
0 2 mm
6 15 mm
0 3 mm
over 15 mm
0 5 mm

Application Method /

Bond Coating
Prepare the base as indicated above. Apply cement based primer by using

SikaTop -77: Water = 1: 4 by volume in order to obtain a thin layer.

When the primer coat is still fresh and sticky apply mortar made out of SikaTop -77
and water combination.
Masonry Jointing
Prepare the base as indicated above. Make a firm mortar with fine sand and

cement using SikaTop -77: Water = 1: 8. Impregnate the area with primer coat as
above. While the primer is wet, apply the mortar and immediately finish or reshape
the surface as required.

Waterproof Plaster



Dilute SikaTop -77 with water in the proportion of 1: 6 by volume. Prepare the

mortar with this gauging mortar. Cured Plaster with SikaTop -77 would harden
faster and would be watertight.
Bonding Successive Concrete Casts

Wash the surface with high-pressure jet. Prepare a pasty mortar with SikaTop -77:
Water = 1: 8 by volume. Apply this mortar onto the surface in a layer of 23 30 mm
thickness. Pour fresh concrete after about an hour. Vibrate carefully to achieve
satisfactory interpenetration of mortar and concrete.
Polymer Modified Cement Grout for Injection


Open the crack lines into V and U groove and fix galvanised iron nozzles spaced at

regular intervals of 0.5 to 1.5 mm c/c along groove length with Sika -2 ,Sika -4a

mortar or Sikadur -31. Prepare a cement grout slurry admixed with SikaTop -77 at
dilution rate of 1: 4 to 1: 8 by volume with water. Inject the fluid as per normal
Cleaning of Tools

Clean all tools and application equipment with water immediately after use.
Hardened / cured material can only be removed mechanically.

Curing Treatment

Ensure that freshly applied mortars, renders, floor toppings, etc., are adequately
protected from the drying effect of wind, sun and high temperatures. Adopt a curing
regime appropriate to the application such as water mist, wet hessian, plastic
sheeting, curing membranes.

Value Base

All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests.
Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Health and Safety


For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical
products, users shall refer to the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet containing
physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.

Legal Notes

The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application

and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's current
knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and
applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sikas recommendations. In
practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such
that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose,
nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other
advice offered. The user of the product must test the products suitability for the
intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties
of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders
are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product
concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.

Sika India Pvt. Ltd.

Commercial Complex II
620, Diamond Harbour Road
Kolkata, 700 034, India

+91 33 2447 2448/2449
Telefax +91 33 2397 8688
[email protected]



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