IRR Ordinance No. 483, S-2011

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Section 1. SCOPE. These Implementing Rules and Guidelines shall cover existing and
proposed advertising signs, billboards, business signs, display signs, electrical signs,
ground signs, roof signs, sign structures and wall signs along major thoroughfares, public
roads, secondary roads, avenues, streets, roads, parks and open spaces within
Mandaluyong City, and other signs as may be regulated.

Section 2. DEFINITION OF TERMS. When used in these Implementing Guidelines,

the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Advertisement shall mean the act of advertising, giving notice or calling
the attention of the public thru the use of posters, banners, billboards or any
advertising signs.
Advertising Sign shall mean a sign that directs attention to a business,
profession, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered at a
place other than where the business, profession, etc. is located; an off-premise

Billboard shall mean a panel for posting bills or posters.

Building shall mean a three-dimensional physical development erected
within a lot or property or any combination of or all of its three different levels (at
grade, below grade, above grade). The term buildings/structures as used in these
Implementing Guidelines shall invariably refer to both proposed and existing
physical developments within a lot.
Business Sign shall mean an accessory sign that directs attention to a
profession, business, commodity, service or entertainment. Business Sign may be
On-Premise, when the Sign is placed on the location where the profession,
business, commodity, service or entertainment is conducted, sold or offered or
Off-Premise, when the Sign is placed in a location other than where the
profession, business, commodity, service or entertainment is conducted, sold or
Carriageway shall mean that part of the road-right-of-way, railroad-rightof-way, and water-right-of-way reserved for the passage of motorized traffic and
other transportation conveyances.
Covered Area shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2 of
these Implementing Guidelines.
Display Sign shall mean any material, device or structure that is arranged,
intended, designed, or used as an advertisement, announcement or directory that
includes a sign, sign screen, billboard or advertising device of any kind.
Display Surface shall mean the entire area enclosed by the extreme limits
or perimeter of a Sign.
1.10. Electrical Sign shall mean any sign which has characters, letters, figures,
designs, faces, backgrounds or outline illuminated by incandescent or fluorescent
lamps or luminous tubes as part of the sign proper. These light sources are
external or internal. It shall static (non-moving) light emitting diode (LED) signs.
1.11. Ground Sign shall mean a sign with support resting on the ground, the
base of which ranges from a single pole (pylon) and does not exceed ten (10.00
sq.m.) as one (1) unit.
1.12. IRR shall mean the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Ordinance
No. 483, S-2011.

1.13. Major Thoroughfares shall mean a public street or highway which is a

major artery leading to other parts of Metro Manila and nearby provinces with a
minimum width of 10.00 meters, mostly maintained by the National government.
1.14. Projecting Signs shall mean a sign fastened to, suspended from or
supported on a building or structure the Display Surface of which is perpendicular
from the wall surface or is at an angle therefrom.
1.15. Public Advisory Messages shall mean any form of Signages that bears
information, advice, messages to the general public in pursuance of any
government project or campaign.
1.16. Public Thoroughfares or Roads shall mean any parcel of land
appropriated for the free passage of the general public owned and maintained by
the government whether national or local.
1.17. Regulated Signs shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2 of
these Implementing Guidelines.
1.18. Road-Right-of-Way (RROW) shall mean a parcel of land unobstructed
from the ground to the sky, more than 3.00 meters in width, appropriated to the
free passage of general public.
1.19. Roof Sign shall mean a sign installed on roofs, roof decks, the horizontal
least cross sectional area in case of supporting frame does not exceed 10.00 sq. m.
for such framed structure resting entirely on the roof.
1.20. Secondary Roads shall mean a public street maintained by the National
or Local Government used as secondary passageway within a certain
1.21. Setback shall mean the horizontal distance measured 90 degrees from the
outermost face of the building/ structure to the property lines.
1.22. Sign or Signage shall mean any letter, word, numeral, pictorial
presentation, illustration, decoration, emblem, device, symbol or trademark, flag,
banner, or pennant, or any other figure of similar character that is attached to,
painted on or in any manner represented on a building or structure; used to
announce, direct attention to or advertise, and visible to the public.
1.23. Sign Structure shall mean any means employed to support the installation
of signs and this includes the structural frame, anchorages and fasteners to support
and suspend such signs. A building where a Roof Sign is installed entirely on its
roof is not part of the sign structure.
1.24. Streamer shall mean a narrow free floating strip of cloth or crepe papers
of a synthetic fiber or material usually used as decorative material in
commemoration and celebration of festivities including anniversary promotions in
pursuance to commercial and industrial activities.
1.25. Structure shall mean that which is built or constructed, an edifice or
building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of
parts joined together in some definite manner.
1.26. Temporary Sign shall mean a sign of cloth or other light and/ or
combustible material, with or without frame such as streamer, bills, posters and

the like installed for a limited period of time.

1.27. Traffic Sign shall mean a device mounted on a fixed or portable support
whereby a specific message is conveyed by means of word or symbols for the
purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic.
1.28. Wall Sign shall mean a sign painted on, attached to or fastened to the
surface of the wall or any part of a building or structure the display surface of
which is parallel to the wall surface.
MCBC shall be composed of the following:

City Administrator
City Building Official
Public Information Officer
Legal Department Head
Chief, Business Permit and Licensing Department
Chairman, Committee on Engineering and Public Works of the City Council
Liga ng mga Barangay President

A Secretariat, that will serve as a Technical Working Group, is created the

composition of which shall come from the same departments/offices.
Application for Billboard Permit to be issued by MCBC:
1) All application for Billboard Permits under the Ordinance and its Implementing
Rules shall be filed with the MCBC thru its Co-Chairman.
2) After the filing of the required application, the MCBCs TWG shall review the
same if it is in accordance with the Ordinance and its IRR.
If the TWG find that the proposed billboard application violates the Ordinance, its
IRR, other existing law, or if the content of the billboard is contrary to morals,
good customs, or public policy, the TWG shall deny the application outright or it
may order the amendment of such application in order for it to conform with the
standards of the law.
If the application is in accordance with the Ordinance and its IRR, and other
existing laws, the same will be assessed for the payment of the necessary fees and
3) The decision of the TWG may be appealed to the MCBC, by filing a letter of
appeal 15 days from the receipt of the decision. The resolution of the appeal by
MCBC shall be final and unappealable.
4) The necessary fees and charges for the issuance of billboard permit shall be as


5) The Co-Chairman may deputize to any of the member departments of MCBC any
or all part of the application process to achieve the orderly and expeditious
facilitation of all applications.
4.1. Setback Requirements. Regulated Signs shall be subject to the following
front, side and rear Setback Requirements:
Road Right-of-Way
width (m)

Setback Requirements:

30.00 & above

25.00 to 29.00
20.00 to 24.00
10.00 to 19.00
Below 10.00




Provided: That owners and operators of Regulated Signs shall procure that two (2)
full-grown, sustainable trees shall be planted and maintained within the Setback
areas or, in case the Setback area could not accommodate the same, in any other
area within Mandaluyong City.
4.2. Minimum Distance Between Signs. No billboard or billboard structure shall
be located within the distance of one hundred (100.00) meter radius from another;
Provided: That in determining compliance with this Section 4.2, Regulated Signs
that were earlier granted a permit by the relevant local government unit shall
enjoy preference over Regulated Signs whose local government unit permits were
issued thereafter.
4.3. Sizes.
4.4. Proximity to Interchanges.
4.5. Non-obstruction of Traffic Signs. No Regulated Sign shall be erected in
such a manner as to confuse or obstruct the view or interpretation of any official
Traffic Sign, signal, or device.
4.6. Non obstruction of Landscape. No Regulated Sign shall be constructed as
to unduly obstruct the natural view of the landscape, distract or obstruct the view
of the public as to constitute a traffic hazard, or otherwise defile, debase or offend
aesthetic and cultural values and traditions.
4.7. Restrictions on Combustible Materials. All Regulated Signs erected in
highly restrictive Fire Zones as defined in the NBC and its IRRs shall have
structural members of incombustible materials. Ground Signs may be constructed
of any material meeting the requirements of the NBC. Combination signs, Roof
Signs, Wall Signs, Projecting Signs, and Signs on marquees shall be constructed
of incombustible materials. No combustible material other than approved plastics
shall be used in the construction of electric signs.

4.8. Display Surfaces. Display surfaces in Regulated Signs may be made of

metal, glass or approved plastics.
4.9. Clearances from Fire Escapes, Exits or Standpipes. No Regulated Sign
shall be erected in such a manner that any portion of its surface or supports will
interfere in any way with the free use of any fire escape, exit, or standpipe.
4.10. Obstruction of Openings. No Regulated Sign shall obstruct any opening to
such an extent that light or ventilation is reduced to a point below that required by
the NBC. Regulated Signs erected within 1.50 meters of an exterior wall in which
there are openings within the area of the Regulated Sign shall be constructed of
incombustible material or approved plastics.
4.11. Roof Signs. Roof Signs shall not be allowed.
4.12. Material Requirements. Sign Structures carrying Signs and signboards
made of banners, pennants, tarpaulins and other similar nonrigid materials shall
not be installed near power lines, and shall maintain a horizontal clearance from
such power lines in accordance with Rule XIII, Table XIII.1 of the NBC IRRs.
4.13. Clearances from High Voltage Power Lines. Clearances of Regulated
Signs from high voltage power lines shall be in accordance with the Philippine
Electrical Code. In areas near electric distribution facilities including that of any
power substations, the minimum horizontal distance measured from the property
line abutting the RROW and all the adjoining properties to the nearest base of the
sign structure shall be the height of the structure plus one (1.00) meter.
4.14. Prohibited Signs.
4.15. All Regulated Signs, Temporary Signs and LED Signs, installed over or
across and along Public Thoroughfares, center islands and Road Rights-Of-Way,
whether it be National Road or Secondary Road are strictly prohibited.
4.16. Regulated Signs shall not be allowed within sidewalks, flyovers,
interchanges, traffic signages, communications posts, LRT, and MRT structures
(such as terminal stations, carriageways, columns and beams), Road Rights-OfWay, posts, waiting sheds or any part thereof.
4.17. Markers of historical sites and tourist destinations including directional
signs shall not be combined with Advertisement signs even if these Signs are
sponsored by private businesses. Sponsors may put their Advertisement in the
periphery of the historical sites upon acceptance and permission of the sites'
administrators and upon signing of a Memorandum of Understanding or
Agreement (MOU/MOA) witnessed by the City of Mandaluyong and the MMDA.
No signs shall be installed in trees, electric or lighting posts, center islands, side
strips and fences that will destroy, alter or deface the natural landscape or
seascape of historical sites and tourist destinations.
4.18. No Sign shall be allowed to cross or straddle along Carriageways.
4.19. All Regulated Signs, Temporary Signs and LED Signs along Covered Areas
shall automatically be put down or turned off by the owners and advertisers upon
the announcement by the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
Services Administration (PAGASA) that there would be a low pressure area or
other weather disturbance in Metropolitan Manila. In case of failure of the owners

and advertisers to comply with this Section, the MMDA shall put down the
aforesaid at the expense of the owners.
4.20. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions, any local Government Unit in
Metropolitan Manila may provide for stricter billboards regulations and may
prohibit certain kinds of billboard signs and structures as may be provided in their
respective local ordinances.
Section 6. OTHER LAWS. The applicable implementing guidelines of the MMDA and
NBC are hereby adopted and made part of this Implementing Rules in so far as they are
not inconsistent.
Section 7. FUNDING. The City Government of Mandaluyong shall provide the funds
necessary for the administrative and operating expenses of the MCBC.
Section 8. PENALTY CLAUSE. Any person found posting any bill, posters, or other
form of advertisement offering services or products on posts, electric, telephone and
cable wires and trees along streets, alleys, thoroughfares and other public places in the
City of Mandaluyong shall be penalized with a fine in the sum of not less Five Hundred
Pesos (P500) but not more than Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000) or imprisonment of not
less than two (2) months but not more than six (6) months, or both, at the discretion of the
If the violator is a corporation or partnership, the penalty prescribed above shall be
imposed upon the president and/or general manager or the managing partner, as the case
may be, of the erring entity.
Section 9. VIOLATION. Any advertisement displayed in the City of Mandaluyong not
in compliance with the rules prescribed herein, shall immediately be removed without
prejudice to the suspension or cancellation of the business permit(s) of the building(s)
and/or establishment(s) responsible for the advertisement(s).
The MCBC, through its Co-Chairman, has the power to deputize and ask for
assistance from each of its members for the enforcement of the ordinance. The deputized
members shall formulate the proper application, licensing and other procedures to be
utilized for the enforcement of the ordinance.
The Co-Chairman shall designate a Technical Working Group (TWG) responsible
for the determination of whether all requirements for the application, licensing and other
relevant procedures (i.e. whether the contents of such postings are against the law, public
morals and public policy, etc.) are duly complied with. The TWG has the authority to
determine whether any posting of bill, posters or other forms of advertisement has
complied with the requirements imposed by the MCBC.
Upon determination that no proper licensing requirements have been obtained for
such postings, the TWG shall has the power to remove said postings immediately and
such be reported to the MCBC for proper actions against the establishment. In the event
that such postings are determined to have substantially complied with the requirements
but was found to have some irregularities (i.e. under-assessment or was mistakenly issued
the proper documentations, etc.), the TWG shall immediately notify the MCBC and the
establishment responsible for such postings to establish the proper action to be taken by
the MCBC.
The MCBC, through the TWG, has the authority to receive complaints from
private persons regarding possible violations of the Ordinance. The TWG shall then

notify the establishment concerned for the conduct of further investigations to determine
the legitimacy of such complaints. Upon affirmative findings of violation, the TWG shall
issue the necessary report or resolution to be forwarded to the MCBC to ascertain what
actions shall be taken.
Section 10. NO CONTEST PROVISION. Any person, individual or entity who is
apprehended or cited for violation and who does not wish to contest the violation and is
willing to pay voluntarily the minimum fine imposed upon him/her prior to the filing of
formal charges with the proper court shall be allowed to pay said fine with the City
Treasurer to avoid being criminally prosecuted within six (6) hours from apprehension
otherwise the case shall be prosecuted.
The City Treasurer, subject to the Civil Laws, rules and regulations, is hereby directed to
provide personnel or to deputize personnel who will accept payment of fines within
twenty four (24) hours a day so as not to jeopardize the right of the offender to avail of
the six (6) hour period within which to pay under this ordinance.
Section 11. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. In the event that any section, rule, paragraph,
sentence, clause or words of this implementing rules is declared invalid for any reason,
the other provisions thereof shall not be affected thereby.
Section 12. REPEALING CLAUSE. Ordinance No. 471, S-2011, the Ordinance
Prohibiting the Posting Bills, Posters or Any Other Advertisements Offering Services or
Products on Posts, Electric, Telephone and Cable Wires and Trees Located Along the
Streets and Other Public Places in the City of Mandaluyong is hereby expressly
amended or superseded in toto. Ordinance No. 307, S-2005, An Ordinance Regulating
the Installation and Display of Billboards and Advertising Signs and Imposing Tax/Permit
Fees Therof is amended in so far as it may not be in conflict hereof or the implementing
rules and regulations as they may be prescribed. All other ordinances, rules and
regulations which are inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are likewise
repealed or amended accordingly.
Section 13. TRANSITORY PROVISION. Persons or business entities that presently
operate or maintain any of the regulated signs are given a period of sixty (60) days,
counted from the promulgation of this implementing rules and regulations within which
to comply with.
Section 14. EFFECTIVITY.

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