Battle Objective Cards
Battle Objective Cards
Battle Objective Cards
To break though, punch through the
enemy deployment zone and move
units off the table edge.
To achieve this before the game ends
you must move 25% of your formations off the table within 6 of any
fixed enemy Rally point. At least one
formation must be a battle formation.
They do not need to move off all at the
same time, but once you do start moving off your opponent will do their best
to stop you
3. Raid
You must move a unit onto any fixed
Rally point. It must remain there for its
following Round of Play, while they loot
the camp. In subsequent Rounds of
Play they may then move away, attempting to return with their spoils of
Using a suitable token to show the unit
has the loot, they must return to your
deployment zone and exit the table
through one of your fixed Rally points.
Should the unit be destroyed in combat
or flee, the marker will be dropped at
the point where they flee or their destruction occurs. It may then be collected by either side, simply by moving
across it.
Copyright Scarab Miniatures Limited 2012. Permission to print and use for personal use
5. Pitched Battle
The objective of a pitched battle is
simple, destroy the enemy and chase
them from the field! To achieve your
objective, at least 75% of the enemy
formations must be destroyed or have
fled the field of battle.
6. Test of Strength
You wish to test the enemy without
compromising your own position. At the
end of the game, you must have at
least one non fleeing battle formation in
the enemy deployment area and no
enemy battle formations in your own.
Copyright Scarab Miniatures Limited 2012. Permission to print and use for personal use