Industrial Water and Waste Water Management
Industrial Water and Waste Water Management
Industrial Water and Waste Water Management
Set No. 1
December 2013
materials have the ability to remove mineral ions from water in exchange for others. For
example, in passing water through a simple cation exchange softener all of calcium and
magnesium ions are removed and replaced with sodium ions. Since simple cation
exchange does not reduce the total solids of the water supply, it is sometimes used in
conjunction with precipitation type softening. One of the most common and efficient
combination treatments is the hot lime-zeolite process. This involves pretreatment of the
water with lime to reduce hardness, alkalinity and in some cases silica, and subsequent
treatment with a cation exchange softener. This system of treatment accomplishes
several functions: softening, alkalinity and silica reduction, some oxygen reduction, and
removal of suspended matter and turbidity.
Internal treatment: is the conditioning of impurities within the boiler system. 4M
During the conditioning process, specific doses of conditioning products are added to the
water. The commonly used products include: Phosphates-dispersants-reacting with the
alkalinity of boiler water, these products neutralize the hardness of water by forming
tricalcium phosphate, and insoluble compound that can be disposed and blow down on a
continuous basis or periodically through the bottom of the boiler.Natural and synthetic
dispersants (Anti-scaling agents): increase the dispersive properties of the conditioning
products. They can be: Natural polymers: lignosulphonates, tannins Synthetic polymers:
polyacrilates, maleic acrylate copolymer, maleic styrene copolymer, polystyrene
sulphonates etc. Sequestering agents: such as inorganic phosphates, which act as
inhibitors and implement a threshold effect.Oxygen scavengers: sodium sulphite,
Brewing water
As mentioned earlier, more than 90% of beer is water. Therefore it is of utmost
importance that the quality of the brew water is high. A very important ion in brew water
is calcium. During mashing it reacts with the phosphate buffer from the malt,
influencing the pH level. In order for the enzymes to work properly, a pH of 5.25.4 is
Dilution water
It is important that the calcium content of dilution water is not higher than the
calcium content of the concentrated beer to be diluted, in order to avoid oxalate
precipitation. There are also strict requirements regarding oxygen content, which should
mainly be less than 20 ppb. The microbiological composition of the dilution water is
very important as this water is not necessarily boiled. Treatment with a proper
disinfection system and a UV (ultraviolet) system prior to use is indispensable
water For the boiler house it is necessary that the feed water is of
adequate quality and free of hardness. It is important that the feed water contains HCO3
at a level of less than 50 ppm Boiler feed water must also be thoroughly deaerated to
achieve an oxygen content ideally of less than 20 ppb. It should also be conditioned
properly with caustic to adjust the pH, with phosphate for hardness scaling prevention
and with sodium bisulphite for oxygen scavenging.
plant needs an equalization basin designed to hold the wastes for that eight hours period.
The effluent from an equalization basin is much more consistent in its characteristics
than each separate influent to that same basin.
Stabilization of pH and B.O.D and settling of Solids and Heavy Metals are
among the objectives of equalization. Stable effluents are treated more easily and
efficiently, than unstable ones by industrial and municipal treatment plants.
By-Product Recovery: All wastes contain by products, the exhausted materials
used in the process. Since some wastes are very difficult to treat at low cost, it is
advisable for the Industrial Management concerned to consider the possibility of
building a recovery plant which will produce a Marketable By-Product and at the same
time solve a trouble some Wastes problem.
Proportioning Wastes: By Proportioning its discharge of concentrated wastes into
the main sewer a plant can often reduce the strength of its total waste to the point where
it will need a minimum of final treatment or will cause the least damage to the stream or
treatment plant.
It may prove less costly to proportion one small but concentrated waste into the
main flow. According to the rate of the main flow, than to equalize the entire waste of
the plant in order to reduce the strength.
Monitoring Waste Streams: Accidental spills are often the sole cause of stream
pollution or malfunctioning of treatment plants and these can be controlled, and often
eliminated completely, if all significant sources of wastes are monitored.
3.a What are the various factors affecting stream sanitation?
Factors affecting stream sanitation:
1. Dilution: When wastewater is discharged into the receiving water, dilution
takes place due to which the concentration of organic matter is reduced and the potential
nuisance of sewage is also reduced. When the dilution ratio is quite high, large quantities
of DO are available which will accelerate the chances of purification and reduce
pollution effects. Aerobic condition will always exist because of higher dilution. This
will however, not be there if dilution ratio is small, i.e., when large quantities of oxygen
demanding effluent is discharged into a small stream supplementing little oxygen or
b) What are the problems in disposal of industrial wastes into lakes? [7]
Water movement in lakes is slower than in streams, so reaeration is more of a
problem in lakes than streams. Because of the slow movement of water in a lake,
sediments, and pollutants bound to sediments, tend to settle out of the water column
rather than being transported downstream.Water pollution affects the health of the
waterway, the health of the organisms living in and around the waterway, and,
eventually, the health of humans. The effects of water pollution can range from aquatic
deformities to contaminated fish to "dead" lakes.
Heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and human-made organic chemicals
such as pesticides, biomagnify as they move up the food chain, resulting in tumors and
death for predatory animals, such as lake trout, herring gulls, and even humans.
Toxic pollutants can also alter the genetic makeup of an organism, resulting in
Ion exchange units that replace calcium and magnesium ions from water are known as
water softeners. They may also remove varying amounts of other inorganic pollutants
such as metals, but they will not remove organic chemicals, pathogens, particles, or
radon gas. Water softener units work most efficiently with particulate-free water. Ion
exchange systems effectively remove ions, but they do not effectively remove most
organics or microorganisms. Microorganisms can attach to the resins, providing a
culture media for rapid bacterial growth and subsequent pyrogen generation.
4. b
b) What are the various treatment alternatives for Paper and Pulp industries? [8]
Pulp and paper industry is considered as one of the most polluter industry in the
world. The production process consists two mainsteps: pulping and bleaching. Pulping is
the initial stage and the source of the most pollutant of this industry. Bleaching is the last
step of the process, which aims to whiten and brighten the pulp. The wastewaters
generated from production processes of this industry include high concentration of
chemicals such as sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfide, bisulfites,
elemental chlorine or chlorine dioxide, calcium oxide, hydrochloric acid. The major
problems of the wastewaters are high organic content (20-110 kg COD/air dried ton
paper), dark brown coloration, adsorbable organic halide (AOX), toxic pollutants, etc.
Physicochemical and biological treatment technologies are used extensively for
the pulp and paper mills. Sedimentation, floatation, coagulation and precipitation,
adsorption, chemical oxidation and membrane filtration were carried out. Biological
treatment both aerobic and anaerobic technologies are preferred for treatment of pulp
and paper mills because of wastewater composition consisting of high organic
compounds and economical aspects. Additionally, some fungi species are used to
remove color and AOX from the effluents.
6. a What are the special characteristics of wastewater from Fertilizer Plants? [7]
Waste streams consist of spills and leakages, cooling waters, product washing
water, condensate stripping, vacuum condenser water, scrubbing water, boiler blow
downs, and phosphoric acid production pond water discharges. Storm water runoff is
also regulated. Depending on the subcategory, the wastewater constituents may include
the conventional pollutants BOD5, pH, and TSS; and ammonia, fluoride, nitrate,
organic nitrogen, and total phosphorus. In some cases, aluminum, potassium, and
sulfur may be present. Treatment processes may include neutralization with lime and
sedimentation in retention ponds to remove TSS, phosphorus, and fluoride; and air
stripping, biological nitrification & de-nitrification, ion exchange, or breakpoint
chlorination to remove ammonia.
6. b What are the various treatment alternatives for Distillery Wastes? [8]
The 295 distilleries in India produce 2.7 billion litres of alcohol and generating 40
billion litres of wastewater annually. The wastewater from distilleries, major portion of
which is spentwash, is nearly 15 times the total alcohol production. This massive
quantity, approximately 40 billion litres of effluent, if disposed untreated can cause
considerable stress on the water courses leading to widespread damage to aquatic life.
The utilisation of the distillery effluent in agricultural fields will not only
enrich these further with essential plant nutrients like nitrogen,
phosphorous and potash but also compensate the expenditure on
fertilizers for crop growth.
7. a a) Explain the manufacturing process and origin of wastewater from Sugar mills?
Generally, water is used in the sugar factory for spraying water on the crushed
extraction of remaining
7.b b) What are the various treatment alternatives for Steel Mill Wastes? [8]
Treatment of coal washer waste:
The major pollutants of the coal washery waste is the suspended solid. As, such
this waste is usually treated in a clarifier with or without coagulant.
The froth floatation" is also suggested as a very efficient method of treatment
for the removal of ultra fine coal particles.
Treatment of Blast furnace waste:
1. As observed from the above characteristics of the waste can be treated in a
clariflocculator even with out the addition of coagulants.(Sedimentation with
coagulation). However, the flocculation time can be reduced to a great extent when
certain coagulants like alum or lime is added.
2. The efficiency of the clari-flocculator can be increased alternative by a judicious
mixing of this waste with me other wastes of the steel plant.
Treatment of Roll Milling Waste:
The effluent from the scale pits still contains considerable amounts of fine scale,
oil and grease and requires secondary treatment.
The above effluent contains about 170 mg/t to 440 mg/1 of suspended solids,
and can be treated well in the clari-flocculator using either NaOH or the oxygen plant
waste as coagulant..
The iron content of the clarifier sludge is as high as 46%. As such, the sludge is
thickened, dewatered using vacuum filters and then sent to the sintering plant. So mat it
can be fed back to blast furnace. (Thickening can accomplish almost complete removal
of oil and grease from the sludge and thus prepares it for dewatering and caking in
vacuum filters).
Treatment of Pickling Waste:
Treatment of this waste includes neutralization, using lime.
The ferrous sulphate recovery
The process of electrolysis of spent liquor is gaining importance in the matter of
regeneration of acid and recovering of iron.
Treatment of coke oven waste: the recovery of phenol by extraction methods.
The chemical oxidation of ammonical liquor with potassium permanganate,
Professional and trained staff can be made available for operation of CETP
which is not possible in case of individual plants.
8. b b) List the groups of industries for which common effluent treatment plants are
highly advantageous. [8]