(1909) Charles A. Stevens & Brothers (Catalogue)
(1909) Charles A. Stevens & Brothers (Catalogue)
(1909) Charles A. Stevens & Brothers (Catalogue)
Fall &Ainter
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Season 1999-10
you have never worn or seen any of our garments we respectfully call your
attention to some of the reasons why it will be to your advantage to place your
order with us.
1st. Wears the largest and highest class Women's and Misses' outfitters in the United
Our immense retail business gives us advantages that no other mail order concern in
the world enjoys, and the opportunity of trading through the mail with this exclusive
specialty store is an exceptional one. We give you the full benefit of over 30 years experience
in production, development and distribution qf wearing apparel.
2nd. We are especially equipped to serve the large number of women who are critical in
the matter of their wearing apparel and always want something a little better than they can
find in their home stores and yet do not wish to pay the high prices usually asked for such
goods elsewhere.
3rd. You are positively assured that the styles shown herein are absolutely the latest and correct
in every detail, because our catalogue is not hurriedly rushed out for the sake of early sales,
but goes to press weeks later than any other, as we insist that every style shown be proved
correct before being recommended by us.
4th. Our materials are strictly high grade. We offer you the best selections to be had and
such materials as the average merchant is unable to obtain. We give you the better qualities at
prices usually chargedfor the ordinary shoddy goods, which we do not use under any circumstances.
5th. Our Linings are not merely just as good as some standard brands, but aie the most
reliable to be had. We use only Suskana Guaranteed Satins in all our garments where
satin linings are used. They are known all over the country for their purity in manufacture
and for their all-around reliability. They are the most lustrous in the market and have
that fine chiffon finish now so much desired for linings. We
will use these satins in two
qualities, the Glintola or the Luxura. A tag on the garment will show which one of these
has been used, and this tag will also Guarantee the wear of the satin lining for two seasons.
6th. Stevens' garments arealways easily recognized by their graceful, perfect fitting lines.
The workmanship of the highest class.
is The garments are tailored only by the most ex-
perienced operators, every detail being carefully worked out and not slighted in any way.
7th. Your interest in our interest. Our great Mail Order Department is so perfectly
organized, that our out-of-town patrons are assured of the same careful attention and prompt
deliveries as if they had called at our store personally.
8th. Our prices are positively the lowest in the United States, quality considered and our long
established rule of taking back promptly and cheerfully any garment that is not entirely
satisfactory, has fully convinced our thousands of patrons that there is absolutely no risk
in ordering from this book.
We hope to receive an early order from you, that your neighbors may see what we
send you, as we are confident that this will be the means of securing for us the orders from
many others in your locality.
Very respectfully yours,
300 301
300. TAILORED SUIT OF GOOD QUALITY ALL-WOOL priate for wear on all occasions. The skirt is a handsome
BBOADCLOTH; the jacket is 40 inches long and lined foot-flaring model with deep cluster of foot pleats adjoin-
throughout with Glintola quality Suskana guaranteed satin; ing the front panel and is trimmed with silk braid to match
shows prettily shaped slot pockets at hips, neat trimming the jacket. Comes in black, blue, wine or green $10.50
of silk-covered buttons and double stitched tailored seams. 302. TAILORED SUIT OF SHADOW STRIPE BROAD-
The skirt is cut on the latest 11 -gore pattern with a deep CLOTH; the jacket is 36 inches long and lined throughout
full length kilt covering each seam; is snugly fitted over with Glintola quality Suskana guaranteed satin; shows a
hips and comes in black, blue or brown $12.50 shapely notch collar faced with fine satin of harmonizing
301. TAILORED SUIT OF FINE QUALITY BROAD- color; "an additional touch of trimming is added by the
CLOTH; the jacket is 42 inches long and lined throughout use of tailored soutache loops and buttons. The skirt is
with Glintola quality Suskana guaranteed satin; beautifully cut in 9-gore manner with pleat edged center panel and
tailored throughout and the graceful semi-fitting lines and' deep foot kilts at the side gores. Comes in navy, gray,
rich braid trimming produce a very dressy garment appro- catawba or black $15.00
303 303
kilts at the alternate side lined throughout with Glintola quality Suskana guaranteed
gores. Comes in black, blue, gray, or green $16.50 satin; shows the best of tailored finish in every detail, has
rT oV W TAthe Jacket
^, is 40 inches long and lined through-
AD- neat mannish notch collar and long roll lapels; shapely welt
pockets and tailored cuffs, all seams and edges are turned
out with Glintola quality Suskana guaranteed satin; this in fine welt manner and the stylish new gored skirt is cut
strictly tailored model is finished with neat notch collar, with full foot flare and comes in blue, gray, green or ca-
narrow reversed cuffs, mannish side pockets and all seams tawba $16.50
women's Tailor-Made
i aiior-iviaae aims
These suits are made on order blank enclosed. These skirts have a hem which is basted only, to
in all regular sizes as explained
allow for any slight alterations which
may be necessary. Samples of materials sent upon request.
312. TAILORED SUIT OF FINE QUALITY STRIPE on stylish 4-button arrangement and the center back panel
WOVEN WORSTED; the jacket is 44 inches long and Is terminates in deep tailored slashes. The skirt is a shapely
lined throughout with Glintola quality Suskana guaranteed 13-gore model showing narrow box panel front and a deep
satin, the garment is beautifully tailored in mannish style, full length kilt covering each seam. Comes in black, blue,
showing neat notch collar, long roll lapels and welted pock- dark firrcGn or srrjiy .$^0.00
ets and cuffs. The skirt is a new 9-gore model showing 314. TAILORED SUIT OF EXTRA QUALITY STRIPE
narrow pleat-edged front panel; is cut with full foot flare WOVEN WORSTED; the jacket is 40 inches long and satin; lined
and clusters of deep full length kilts are placed at the side throughout with Luxura quality Suskana guaranteed lines and
gores over hips in stylish arrangement. Comes in gray, this charming model is cut on perfect semi-fitting
black or navy $18.50 is beautifully tailored in every detail;
rich and stylishly
:m. TAILORED SUIT OF EXTRA OUALITY STRIPE trimmed with silk braid applied as a binding atis pockets
WOVEN W'ORSTED; the jacket is 40 inches long and lined cuffs and edges; a dainty touch of passementerie used at
in deep
throughout with Luxura quality Suskana guaranteed satin; collar- the lower seams at back and side are split
shows prettily shaped notch collar trimmed with inlay of tailored slashes. The skirt is a new 13-gore pleated
silk to harmonize; dainty pockets are placed at hips and has narrow panel front and deep full length kilts coverii^
cuffs are formed in a neat tailored design; the fronts fasten each eam. Comes in black, navy, gray, olive or wine. $22.50
Women's and Misses' One-Piece Voile Panama and Serge Dresses
These dresses are carried in stock in all regular sizes same as suits, as explained on order blank enclosed. The skirts have a hem which
is basted only, to allow for any slight alterations which may be necessary. Samples of materials sent upon request.
QUALITY CRISP FRENCH VOILE; waist is lined through- FON PANAMA CLOTH; is extremely stylish and swagger;
out with China silk and shows a beautiful design formed by is cut on perfect lines according to the latest mode; the
embroidered bands, satin folds, tailored tucks and fancy yoke and sleeves are richly trimmed by panels of all-over
buttons; the yoke and collar are made of fine embroidered tucking, while the collar and under body shows rich and
net to harmonize with the other trimming and a wide dainty design worked out by means of beautiful embroidered
crushed girdle of satin joins the skirt portion, which is strappings, the sleeves show an attractive touch of self-
made with narrow box panel front and deep clusters of full covered buttons. The skirt portion is finished with a deep
length side pleats at the adjoining gores. Comes in black, pleated flounce headed by embroidered band. Comes in
navy, tan, or gray $22.50 black or navy $15 00
QUALITY FRENCH SERGE; is cut on entirely new and SERGE; is cut on the latest pattern, producing beautiful
stylish lines showing shapely collar and neat four-in-hand and slender lines in the new hipless effect so much de-
tie of taffeta silk; fastens down the back on large jet but- sired; the front and back panels, sleeves and collar are
tons. The skirt portion is finished with a deep flounce of richly trimmed and outlined by self-colored silk embroidery.
pretty combination of box and side pleats. Comes in sizes The skirt portion is finished with stylish Dagobert pleated
14, 16, 18 and 20 years, in black and white shepherd check flounce running into a pretty pointed effect and composed
only $ 9.50 of deep side and box pleats in clever arrangement. Comes
Or, in same sizes in navy, green, or brown serge 12.50 in navy, brown, or green $16.50
Women's Coats
They come in all regular sizes 32 to 44 inches bust measure. For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed.
Samples of materials sent upon request.
WEIGHT MELTON; is prettily trimmed at collar, cuffs, KERSEY; is made and finished in strictly man-tailored
pockets and body seams by tailored strappings of fine qual- fashion,showing neat notch collar, long roll lapels, mannish
ity satin; collar fastens in half-standing fashion and is pocket flaps and cuffs; all seams and edges are turned in a
made of black velvet; back panel terminates in pleated full- wide welt manner. Black or tan $7.50
ness and large combination buttons trim effectively. Black 503. DOUBLE-BREASTED 54-INCH COAT OF GOOD
only $5.00 QUALITY MELTON; shows stylish half-standingtrimmed
501. DOUBLE-BREASTED 52-INCH COAT OF FINE large pockets and
prettily shaped cuffs, beautifully
QUALITY MELTON; the design is very mannish and es- with rows of braid in varying widths; is beautifully
pecially attractive for its tailored simplicity; all seams and tailor has shapely semi-fitting back, the center
edges are carefully double stitched and the collar lapels, panel ot which terminates in deep tailored slashes. Sleeves
cuffs and pockets show high class welt finish; has deep yoke and body to waist lined with guaranteed Venetian. Black
Black only $(5.50 only * 8 30
Women's Coats
They come in all regular sizes 32 to 44 inches bust measure. For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed.
Samples of materials sent upon request.
sleeves and body to waist with guaranteed Venetian; strict- COAT MELTON; lined sleeves and body to waist with
ly tailor-made garment showing pretty trimming over hips Glintola quality Suskana guaranteed satin; this beautiful
composed of cluster of deep tailored tucks headed by groups tailored garment is finished in as near a mannish style as
of small combination buttons; cuffs are tucked to match; is possible for a woman's garment, every feature .showing
the center panel of the semi-fitting back terminates in deep the stamp of man-tailored workmanship; back terminates
Bide pleats. Black only $10 09 in deep tailored slashes. Black only $10.OO
lined sleeves and body to waist with guaranteed Venetian; 507. 50-INCH COAT OF FINE QUALITY LIGHT-
shows the new half-standing collar prettily edged with WEIGHT KEKSEY; lined sleeves and body to waist with
wide silk braid, also neat cuff worked out with similar braid guaranteed Duchess Venetian; shows neat notch collar, long
design; this rich trimming Is used most effectively at lower roll lapels, prettily shaped flare cuff and neat flap pockets
portion of the side gores, being worked out in long double at hips; the graceful semi-fitting lines are brought out
rows terminating in pretty points headed with large com- by the use of rich tailored t.rimming of fancy silk braid.
bination buttons. Black only $10.00 Black only $12.50
Women's Coats
They come in all regular sizes 32 to 44 inches bust measure. For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed.
Samples of materials sent upon request.
lined sleeves and body to waist with guaranteed Duchess CLOTH; lined throughout with Glintola quality Suskana
Venetian; shows stylish half-standing collar and narrow guaranteed satin; this handsome garment is made with neat
reversed cuffs, prettily edged with wide military silk braid notch collar, prettily shaped cuffs and the side and center
and narrow soutache to match body trimming, which covers back panel terminates in deep side pleats prettily headed
the principal body seams both front and back and is worked" with tailored strappings and finished with large self-cov-
out in very effective design. Black only $13.50 ered buttons. Comes in black, wine, or gray $15.00
CLOTH; lined throughout with Glintola quality Suskana CLOTH; lined throughout with Glintola quality Suskana
guaranteed satin; this garment is strictly tailor-made in guaranteed satin; is finished with modish shaped long roll
design and finish; shows neat mannish notch collar and collar and narrow reversed cuffs; all seams and edges are
daintily shaped cuffs and pockets; all seams and edges are finished in wide welt manner and the collar, cuffs and up-
turned in finest welt finish; center back panel terminates in per body are stylishly trimmed by beautiful design of silk
deeply tailored slashes. Black only $14.00 floss embroidery. Comes in black, catawba, or navy. .$16.50
Women's Coats
They come in all regular sizes, 32 to 44 inches bust measure. For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed,
Samples of materials sent upon request.
512. 52-INCH COAT OF EXTRA QUALITY IMPORTED WEIGHT KERSEY; lined sleeves and body to waist with
BROADCLOTH; lined sleeves and body to waist with Lux- Glintola quality Luskana guaranteed satin; shows neat in-
ura quality Suskana guaranteed satin; this strictly tailored laid collar of fine velvet and narrow reversed cuffs; fastens
model is most attractive In the rich simplicity of the style on large buttons with satin edged bias button holes; shows
and the excellent quality of the material; the workman- a beautiful tailored finish at collar, cuffs and front edges
ship and finish could not be better and we assure you of silk braid; the back is stylish semi-fitting and center
that you will be better pleased with this garment than any panel terminates in deep side pleats. Black only. .. .$18.50
you have ever before purchased. Black only $17.50 515. 54-INCH COAT OF FINE BROADCLOTH; lined
lined throughout with Glintola quality Suskana guaran- throughout with Glintola quality Suskana guaranteed satin;
teed satin; shows neat mannish collar and revers, narrow the design of this garment is entirely new and very pleas-
reversed cuffs and is stylishly trimmed on side gores by ing, the lower portion of the side gores being formed by
the prettily shaped overlaid panels trimmed with clusters an overlaid panel similar to the new Dagobert models and
of jet buttons and silk soutache loops; back is semi-fitting is daintily trimmed with small jet buttons and soutache
and terminates in deep tailored slashes. Black only .$17.50 loops; back is properly semi-fit and center panel terminates
514. 53-INCH COAT OF FINE QUALITY LIGHT- in deep tailored slashes. Black only $18,50
Women's Coats
They come in all regular sizes, 32 to 44 inches For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed,
bust measure.
of materials sent upon request.
516. 54-INCH COAT OF FIXE IMPORTED BROAD- satin; the style is specially new and beautiful, showing the
CLOTH; lined throughout with Luxura quality Suskana Dagobert pleated effect at sides below hips dropping from .
guaranteed satin; this beautiful man-tailored model is cut under gracefully turned tailored curves which are headed
on perfectly shaped semi-fitting lines and shows narrow by trimming of small jet buttons and soutache braiding.;
mannish notch collar and stylish roll lapels; the cuffs are the cuff is similarly designed and the neat notch collar
prettily fashioned by three narrow tailored tucks and all shows buttons and soutache ornaments. Comes In black,
seams and edges evidence the best welt finish and man- dark wine, or dark green $22.50
tailored workmanship. Black only $20.00
517. 54-INCH COAT OF
throughout with Luxura quality Suskana guaranteed satin; CLOTH OR HEAVY-WEIGHT DIAGONAL SERGE COAT-
this stylish model shows to pleasing advantage the new ING; lined throughout with Luxura quality Suskana guar-
pleated flounce effect worked out in deep inverted pleats anteed satin; this garment is very mannish in appear-
which drop from under the pretty tailored points; neat ance, being finished with stylish slanting welt pockets,
trimming of large jet buttons adds a stylish touch. Black narrow cuffs and shapely mannish notch collar and revers;
only $20.00 all seams and edges are turned in best welt finish and semi-
BROADCLOTH: fitting back panel terminates in deep tailored slashes.
lined throughout with Luxura quality Suskana guaranteed Comes in black broadcloth or blue serge $25,00
Women's Coats
They cone in all regular sizes, 32 to 44 inches bust measure. For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed.
Samples of materials sent upon request.
520. 54-INCH COAT OF GOOD QUALITY FANCY of fine velvet to harmonize and is finished with large out-
SCOTCH COATING; garment is cut on newest semi-fitting side pockets at hips, narrow reversed cuffs and deep side
lines, finished in strictly man-tailored design; shows notch pleats at the lower portion of center back panel; is beau-
collar, shapely cuffs and neat flap pockets; a wide welt tifully double stitched at all seams and edges; comes in
finish is used at seams and edges. Comes In brownish mix- wine or olive green $10.50
ture only $7.50 523. 54-INCH COAT OF FINEST GRADE
521. 54-INCH COAT OF FINE GRADE SCOTCH COAT- SCOTCH COATING; lined at sleeves and body to waist
ING; is beautifully tailored in every respect and is very with Glintola quality Suskana guaranteed satin; this stylish
stylish in its neat man-tailored appearance; the material garment is fashioned after the newest designs of the men's
is of best quality and is finished on the inside with a fancy models; shows storm collar and fronts fasten over to form
plaid pattern- is properly semi-fitting and will be found a complete closure at neck; can be worn open, however,
a. great value. Comes in fancy gray only $9.50 or rolled back; has large side pockets, narrow cuffs, strictly
522. 52-INCH COAT OF FINE GRADE DIAGONAL tailor finished, seams and edges all carefully double stitched
HOMESPUN; lined sleeves and body to waist with guar- and the entire garment shows finest workmanship through-
anteed Duchess Venetian; shows pretty inlaid notch collar out. Fancy gray only $13.50
Women's Coats
They come in all regular sizes 32 to 44 inches bust measure. For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed.
Samples of materials sent upon request.
CLOTH; this attractive style shows beautiful lines and is SCOTCH DIAGONAL,; has deep yoke lining of self material
finished in mannish design with narrow collar and revers, and Is designed after the newest ideas, showing the new
neat turned back cuffs and shapely flap pockets at sides; pleated panel effect at the lower portion of the side gores;
all edges are double stitched and the sides terminate at the entire coat is fashioned to correspond and stylishly
lower portion in wide tailored tucks. Tan only $10.00 tailored slot pockets, prettily shaped, are placed at hips;
fastens on large bone buttons to match and comes in
525. 54-INCH COAT OF BEST GRADE FANCY fancy gray ......................................... $14.00
STRIPE COVERT CLOTH; lined sleeves and body to hips 527. 54-INCH COAT OF FINEST GRADE DIAGONAL.
with Glintola quality Suskana guaranteed satin; this charm- SCOTCH COATING; a wide line pattern; has yoke lining
ing model is beautifully tailored and every feature of the of self material and finished in as near a mannish style
design conforms to the requirements of a strictly man- Is possible for a woman's garment, every feature show-
tailored garment; shows narrow collar, long revers and ing the stamp of man-tailored workmanship; back is sty-
stylish pockets at hips; all seams turned In finest welt lishly finished and terminates in deep tailored slashes.
finish. Comes in tan or gray $12.50 Comps in fancy gray only .......................... .$15.00
Women's Coats
They come in all regular sizes. 32 44
inches bust measure.
to For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed,
Samples of materials seut upon request.
528. 54-INCH LOOSE COAT OF SATIN STRIPE TAF- made thoroughly water-proof by the rubberized inside
FETA Sil-K; is perieeuy water-piooieu uy the luuber hnisli finish and is a fine garment for autoing, traveling, or, in
of Inside surface; this coat is extremely dressy and so fact, lor any purpose where a light-weight but stylish gar-
attractive in appearance that it may be worn on all occa- ment is required. Comes in black, navy or gray $15.00
sions; shows a prettily shaped standing collar, deep cuffs, COAT OF EXTRA GRADE
large side pockets, while a dainty touch of tailored trim-
531. 54-INCH WATER-
ming is added by strappings at shoulders. Comes in black, PKOOFED CRAVEIsETTE WORSTED; is prettily tailored
with shapely notch collar and mannish revers; the ouiside
navy or grayj .-. $12.50 iiap pockets, cuffs and all edges are neatly stitched in
529. 54-INCH COAT OF EXCELLENT QUALITY double outline and stylish semi-fitting back terminates at
HEAVY OTTOMAN OR BENG ALINE SILK; made rain- center and each side seam in deep pleats. Comes in oxford
proof by the inside rubberized finish; the coat is very rich or olive
in appearance and has the of $12.50
advantage being extremely
light in weight, makes an elegant garment for traveling: 532. 56-INCH COAT OF FINE GRADE HEAVY DIAG-
and is a wonderful value at the price offered. Black only ONAL SERGE COATING; water-proofed by the most thor-
$15.00 ough cravene'tting process; the lines are long and graceful
530. 64-INCH COAT OF BEST GRADE FRENCH and elegantly tailored in every detail; shows mannish side
MO1KE COATING; the design of this coat is specially at- flap pockets, shapely notch collar and revers; is finished
the semi-fitting back being worked out in shapely
tractive, with deep pleats at the center back and the lower portions
panel which terminates in deep tailored tucks and Is of the adjoining side seams; has taffeta silk yoke lining.
trimmed with small buttons and satin loops; the coat is Comes in black or navy $15.00
Women's Coats
They come in all regular sizes, 32 44
inches bust measure.
to For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed,
Samples of materials sent upon request.
533. FULL CIRCULAR CUT 40-INCH CAPE OF GOOD tion, the most beautiful model which we have ever shown;
GRADE BROADCLOTH; this handsome garment is prettily the lines are beautifully shaped and conform to the newest
made with new standing collar which is fastened with wide fashion in tight-fitting styles; the height of excellence is
inlay of fine satin to harmonize, satin buttons extend the shown by the tailoring and workmanship throughout and
entire length of side seams and trim prettily at collar. for those who wish a strictly high class coat in every par-
Comes in black, gray, or wine $7.50 ticular we recommend this garment. We must advise, how-
534. STYLISH 42-INCH EVENING CAPE OF FINE ever, that only those of average and slender figures can
GRADE BROADCLOTH; shows the new standing collar be successfully fitted in this style. Black only $25.00
daintily trimmed with inlay of harmonizing satin, jet but- 537. 54-INCH COAT OF FINEST GRADE IMPORTED
tons and soutache braid; the garment fastens on 3 very BROADCLOTH, has entire body lining of best quality
large buttons and is trimmed at the deep tailored tucks at river mink, the skins being selected with great care for
back and side seams by many large jet buttons and sou- best condition of fur and perfectly matched in color. The
tache loops. Conies in black, dark gray, light catawba, or coat is cut on graceful semi-fitting lines, showing the high-
cadet blue $12.50 est class of tailoring in every detail; the sleeves are heavily
536. TIGHT-FITTING 54-INCH COAT OF FINEST IM- interlined and the collar is made of finest grade blended
PORTED BROADCLOTH, lined throughout with Luxura squirrel, very soft and of a rich sable brown shade; this ia
quality Suskana guaranteed satin; for those who can wear a strictly man-tailored coat of highest quality and we guar-
successfully tight-fitting garments this is. without excep- antee it of greatest value. Black only $45.00
Women's Coats
They come in all regular sizes. 32 to 44 inches bust measure. For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed,
Samples of materials sent upon request.
>; or good quality and lined to deep yoke with MELTON; lined throughout with rich warm lining of fine
Duchess Venetian; is carefully tailored at edges depth
and seams grade velour plush; shows neat double stitched tailor fin-
with double stitching and shows neat slot slanting pockets ish at all seams and edges, including slanting slot pockets
hips; will be found very serviceable and has a wide roll at hips, and has wide long roll collar of black French
storm collar of brown coney fur. Comes in black only.... marten fur. A very warm, serviceable coat and an excel-
lent value. Black only $1500
throughout with warm quilted lining of guaranteed Duchess BROADCLOTH; the entire body lined with German squirrel
enetian; isfinished with mannish Hap pockets, reversed fur; the sleeves are heavily interlined and the coat is per-
cuffs and stylish welt finish at all seams and
edges; shows fectly tailored and most carefully stitched at pockets, cuffs,
extra wide long roll storm collar of black French marten
etc.; an extra wide roll storm collar is used of fine river
fur. Black only ................................... $10.75 mink in rich brown color. Comes in Mark only ... .$27.50
Women's Coats
They come in all regular sizes, 32 to 44 inches bust measure.
For full particulars regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed,
Samples of materials sent upon request.
542. 52-INCH COAT OF EXCELLENT GRADE BLACK ment is of such excellent, lustrous and silky quality that,
SEAL PLUSH; cut on the newest semi-fitting lines and cor- from a few feet it cannot be distinguished from the real
responds in style and appearance to the real French seal French seal fur; the coat is very warm, being interlined
fur garments which are now so popular; shows long roll throughout with Shaker flannel, and shows extra wide roll
storm collar and is lined throughout with guaranteed collar and deep cuffs as used on the similar fur coat models;
Duchess Venetian; fastens on fancy jet buttons $15.00 fastens on large crochet buttons and comes in black only. .
CARACUL PLUSH; almost identical in appearance to the 545. COAT OF BEST GRADE IMPORTED
stylish Persian lamb fur; garment is lined throughout
with guaranteed Duchess Venetian; shows wide roll storm GERMAN CARACUL PLUSH; so close to the real Persian
collar and deep reversed cuffs of same material; the coat is lamb fur is this material that it Is hardly distinguishable
extremely warm, suitable for wear in the coldest of cli- from same even at close inspection; is lined throughout with
mates; and the lines are very graceful in their easy semi- Luxura quality Suskana guaranteed satin and is fashioned
fitting curves. Black only $20.00 on the exact lines of the real pony skin and caracul coats;
544. 54-INCH COAT OF BEST QUALITY IMPORTED shows wide roll storm collar and deep reversed cuffs and
GERMAN SEAL PLUSH; lined throughout with I,uxura fastens on handsome combination buttons. Black only....
quality Suskana guaranteed satin; the material in this gar- $25.00
Misses' Coats
Come in all regular Misses' sizes. 14. 16, 18 and 20 years. Bust measure 32 to 38 inches. Samples of materials sent upon request.
HOMESPUN COATING; this material is very stylish and is IMPORTED DIAGONAL COATING; is perfect in cut, work-
woven with pretty plaid pattern on inside. The collar, cuffs manship and design. Shows neat inlaid notch collar and
and pocket tabs are formed of the plaid finish; coat is pretty pockets, all seams show heavy welt finish aud gar-
trimmed with large ornamental buttons, is very nobby in ment is lined at yoke with self material. Comes in stylish
design and a great bargain. Comes in dark reseda or navy striped gray only $13.50
QUALITY FANCY SCOTCH COATING; shows close fasten- neatly trimmed at collar and cult's by euging of tine silk
ing half standing collar and deep cuffs stylishly tiimmed braid and tiny embroidered medallions, shows attractively
with inlay of harmonizing broadcloth; shows the new strap shaped side pockets; is finished with wide welt seams and
trimming at the hips; is beautifully made a,hd elegantly neat trimming of satin bands and soutache loops. Comes
tailored. Comes in brown mixture or gray mixture. .$10.50 in navy or wine si;.:, i
Girls' Dresses
These garments are carried in stock in the following sizes: Age 6 24 bust; age 8. 26 bust: age 1O. 28 bust; age 12. 30 bust; age 14.
32 bust. The skirt lengths as follows: 6 year size. 14 inches, and 4 inches longer for each size larger,
Samples of materials sent upon request.
SERGE; waist formed with wide shoulder effect aafl pret- UNION LINEN; waist portion finished with deep pleats over
tily shaped yoke; yoke trimmed with harmonizing silk; shoulders and full length sleeves. Skirt shows wide panel
skirt is full kilt pleated model. Comes in brown check front, remaining portion being laid in deep kilted effect.
only $5.0 Comes in white, dark blue or tan $3.00
full length panel
front, edfred with pretty embroidered bands of same ma- STRIPED PANAMA; waist is formed in pretty design
terial: trimmed with tailored points and large buttons and with yoke effect which is trimmed with fancy buttons and
finished with full pleated skirt portion. Comes in brown soutache loops. Skirt is a full kilt pleated model. Comes
or blue $3.50
in navy only $3.75
MA; waist portion laid in deep pleats and trimmed with DRESS GOODS; waist portion prettily trimmed with box
gold buttons; pretty yoke of tucked Scotch p'.aid taffeta and side large buttons and soutache braid loops;
silk; pki-t is formed with panel front and remaining por- pkirt has wide panel front, the remaining portion being
tion pleated. Comes in navy or red $4.50 deeply kilted. Comes in green and blue check $3.75
SERGE; the blouse is made with large, sailor collar show- 596. ONE-PIECE DRESS OF FINE LIGHT-WEIGHT
ing hind embroidered emblems; sleeves embroidered al=o SERGE prettily trimmed at yoke by tucked panel outlined
and the full pleated skirt is attached to muslin tfnderbody. with Scotch plaid taffeta silk. Skirt is formed entirely of
Comes in navy only $5.00 '. deep side pleats. Comes in blue, brown or red $5.00
C87. TAILOKED WAIST of very fine quality white striped English madras; back trimmed with two deep side
pleats; front of waist richly trimmed with tiny rows of tucking and deep side pleats extending to shoulders' edge,
fastened with large pearl buttons down front; stiff laundered collar and cuffs to match $1.50
These garments are carried in stock in all 'Waistbands, 22 to 30 inches.
regular sizes. Lengths. 36 to 43 inches. For full particulars
regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed. Samples of materials sent upon request.
by deep side pleats and garment is snugly fitted over hips
OF GOOD QUALITY PANAMA; shows shapely tuck-edged in proper manner. Comes in black or blue $5.00
front panel and snug-fitting 7-gore top; the high flounce is
laid in many deep side pleats and is prettily trimmed near 804. CLUSTER-PLEATED SKIRT OF GOOD QUALITY
lower edge by narrow tailored strappings of taffeta silk. PANAMA; formed with dainty double box panel at front
Comes in black or blue $4.50
and back, adjoined by deep clusters of full-length side
801. FULL-PLEATED PANAMA SKIRT; shows full- pleats; the side seams over hips are laid in inverted
length front panel composed of narrow double box pleats pleats stitched to yoke depth and trimmed with large self-
trimmed with clusters of small buttons; the skirt is laid in covered buttons; intermediate seams are covered by full-
length side pleats and a neat tailored strapping adds a
deep full-length side pleats and stylishly trimmed near
lower edge with a wide fold and narrow strappings of satin. tasty trimming. Comes in black or blue $6.50
Comes in black or blue $5.00 803. 7-GORE KILTED SKIRT OF GOOD QUALITY
QUALITY PAN- PANAMA; showing narrow box-panel front and a very
AMA; the narrow full-length front panel is formed in box- pretty trimming at all other gores formed by deep clusters
pleated manner and the adjoining gores are made with the of graduating side pleats headed by narrow tailored strap-
lower portion laid in deep side pleats headed by wide tuck pings of self material and finished with small buttons.
wnd large self-covered buttons; all other seams are covered Comes in black or blue $5.75
938. TAILORED WAIST of splendid quality white cambric; front richly trimmed with two panels of Swiss em-
broidery edged with four rows of imitation Irish lace insertion and deep side pleats extending to shoulders' edge; stiff
laundered collar and cuffs to match $1.75
These Garments are carriedin stock in all regular sizes. Waistbands. 22 to 30 inches. Lengths. 36 to 43 inches. For full particulars
regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed. Samples of materials sent upon request.
805A. TAILORED PLEATED SKIRT OF FINE QUALITY seam is covered by a deep full-length pleat carefully
PANAMA; front gore is formed as a narrow box pleat and stitched over hips to fit snugly. Comes in black or blue...
the side gores over hips are laid in a cluster of full-length $6.50
side pleats; all other seams are covered by a deep pleat and
the skirt is snugly fitted to the proper distance over hips 809. 9-GORE PLEATED MODEL OF GOOD QUALITY
by wide welt stitching. Comes in black, blue, or gray. $6.50 PANAMA; shows front and side gores over hips laid in
805B. With elastic waistband for maternity use $7.00 shapely box pleats; the intermediate gores are made with
807. 13-GORE TAILORED SKIRT OF FINE QUALITY daep foot-pleated sections, headed by a rich trimming of
PANAMA; showing pretty design of tailored front panel wide tailored tucks; is one of the handsomest models ftf
the season. Conies in black or blue $6.75
formed with pretty points, piped and outlined with narrow
satin edging and trimmed with buttons; the side gores are 808. 13-GORE TAILORED SKIRT OF GOOD QUALITY
beautifully flared, hang in deep and graceful ripples and
are trimmed with a wide band of best grade satin. Comes
PANAMA; shows shapely front panel edged by deep tailored
tucks; between the side gores is shown an inserted panel
in black or blue -.- $6.50 edged on either side by deep pleats and trimmed by tiny
806. FULL-PLEATED SKIRT OF GOOD QUALITY PAN- bias bands of satin; skirt is beautifully flared and is
AMA; is cut in 19 gores showing stylish pleat-edged front artistically trimmed with tailored satin strappings and but-
panel trimmed with many large s'elf-tovered buttons; each tons. Comes in black or blue :...:....' i ... ,$6.50
810 811
939. WAIST of fine quality brilliantine; back trimmed with two deep side pleats; front trimmed with eight grad-
uated rows of tiny inlaid side pleats and down center front with wide box pleat fastened with silk-covered buttons;
and collar to match. Conies in black, navy or white
shirt sleeves $2.00
These garments are carried in stock in all regular sizes. 'Waistbands 22 to 30 inches. Lengths 36 to 43 inches. For full particulars
regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed. Samples of materials sent upon request.
810. NEW FLOUNCE-PLEATED SKIRT OF FINE being stitched tightly to stylish yoke depth where the
QUALITY PANAMA; made with full-length box-pleated garment is circled by a wide tailored strap of self ma-
front panel and snug-fitting 7-gore top; the lower edge of terial. Comes in black, blue, or gray $6.75
yoke is trimmed by two wide tailored tucks from under 814. FULL-PLEATED SKIRT OF FINE QUALITY PAN-
which drop the many deep side pleats which form the grad-
uated flounce; front panel is trimmed with large self-cov- AMA; shows dainty front panel of narrow box pleats edged
ered buttons. Comes in black or blue $6.50
by double full-length side pleats; all seams are laid in
811. STYLISH DAGOBERT MODEL OF FINE QUALITY pleated fullness and stitched tightly over hips to stylish
yoke depth, here trimmed by triple heading of tiny tailored
PANAMA; showing narrow box-pleated front and shapely straps. Comes in black, blue, or gray $7.50
graduated 11-gore yoke; the flounce is formed of closely
laid side pleats and the lower edge of yoke is finished with 812. 11-GORE KILT-PLEATED SKIRT OF FINE
several rows of fine stitching. Comes in black or blue $6.50 QUALITY PANAMA; showing slender panel front and all
813. NEW PLEATED SKIRT OF FINE QUALITY PAN- side gores formed with a stylish inlaid section of deep side
AMA, showing narrow box-pleated front edged by shapely pleats; these drop from under the tailored projections at
tailored panels trimmed with large self-covered buttons: hips and are headed by small self-covered buttons. Comes
each seam is covered by a deep full-length side pleat, this In black, blue, or gray $6.75
940. WAIST of fine quality wool nun's veiling; opens down back and trimmed with eight short rows of baby tuck-
Ing; front solidly trimmed with five rows of fancy embroidery divided by tucking; tucked cuff and collar to match.
Comes In white, navy, light blue, or black $2.50
These garments are carried in stock inall regular sizes. Waistbands 22 to 30 inches. Lenghts 36 to 43 inches. For full particulars
regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed Samples of materials sent upon request.
815.STYLISH DAGOBERT MODEL OF FINE QUALITY self-covered buttons and from under which drop several
8ERGE; shows dainty double box-pleated front and back deep side pleats; the lower portion is stylishly trimmed by
panel and snug-fitting 5-gore top trimmed with wide wide and narrow tailored straps. Comes in brown, blue or
tailored tuck at lower edge and over hips and finished with gray $7.50
large self-covered buttons; the flounce is beautifully pleated
in a pretty arrangement of wide and narrow side pleats
and graduates prettily in height. Comes In black, navy, or FINE QUALITY PANAMA; shows slender box-pleated front
gray panel and close-fitting 5-gore yoke; the flounce portion is
$7.50 formed of clusters of side pleats and is headed at yoke by
816. 11-GORE SKIRT OF FINE QUALITY PANAMA; three deep tailored tucks; a neat button trimming adds a
showing pretty combination of full-length box-pleated dainty finish. Comes in black or navy $7.50
panels and stylish sections at intermediate gores of deep
graduated kilts headed by rich tailored trimming of nar- 819. NEW 9-GORE SKIRT OF FINE QUALITY
row satin folds; front shows dainty finish of small self- FRENCH SERGE; shows shapely tuck-edged front panel
covered buttons. Comes in black or blue $7.50 trimmed with large self-covered buttons; the alternate side
817. 11-GORE SKIRT OF FINE QUALITY FANCY gores are formed with deep kilted fullness at the lower por-
WORSTED; shows beautiful tailored trimming at side over tion, dropping from under wide tailored tucks. Comes In
hips formed by pretty extensions which are trimmed with black, blue, or gray $7.50
941. TAILORED WAIST of fine quality embroidered Irish linen; back trimmed with two deep side pleats; front
of waist richly trimmed with real Irish hand embroidery and deep side pleats extending to shoulders' edge; deep cuffs
and collar to match 3.00
These garments are carried in stock in all regular sizes. Waistband a 22 to 30 inches. Lengths 36 to 43 inches. For full particulars
regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed. Samples of rr.au rials sent upon request.
821. 9-GORE KILTED MODEL OF EXTRA QUALITY flounce is laid in dainty design of wide and narrow side
PANAMA; showing shapely front and side panels formed pleats. Comes in black or navy $8.50
in box pleated manner; the intermediate gores are made
with sections of deep side pleats and trimmed at the FULL CLUSTER PLEATED SKIRT OF EXTRA
yoke by neat arrangement of tailored straps worked out QUALITY CHIFiON PANAMA; the front and alternate
in pretty points. Comes in black or navy $8.00 panels are formed as slender box pleats while the sections
823. between are laid in deep inverted pleats; each pleat is
ITY PANAMA; shows beautiful pleated front and back stitched closely at edge to stylish yoke distance in snug
fitting manner; is especielly pretty in design and contains
panel with double side pleats at edges, the side seams over Comes in black or navy
hips are covered by a deep tailored tuck stylishly trimmed great foot fullness. $8.50
by many self-covered buttons. Comes in black or blue. $7.50 824. 9-GORE SKIRT OF EXTRA QUALITY PANAMA;
822. SWAGGER DAGOBERT MODEL OF EXTRA showing front and alternate panels formed in shapely box
QUALITY PANAMA; the yoke portion is prettily formed pleats; the intermediate gores are formed at the yoke sec-
in pleasing graduation at lower outline; shows shapely tion in pretty pointed design, trimmed with small self-
pointed section both front and back and trimmed at sides covered buttons; from beneath these points drop deep
with large buttons and soutache loops; the deep pleated kilted panels. Comes in black or navy $9.00
921. WAIST of fine quality taffeta silk; opens down back and trimmed with 4 rows of cluster tucking; has a
dainty front "V" yoke design of tucking with jet buttons e.nbroidered at edge with panels of tailored silk embroidery
extending down front; long fancy trimmed sleeves and collar to match. Comes in black, navy, gray, catawba or dark
green $6.50
These garments are carried in stock in regular sizes.
all Waistbands 22 to 30 inches. Lengths 36 to 43 inches, For full particulars
regarding sizes, see order blank enclosed. Samples ot materials sent upon request.
825. NEW FLOUNCE PLEATED MODEL, OF BEST is laid in pleasing arrangement of deep side pleats.
QUALITY PANAMA; shows prettily shaped panel and Comes in black or navy $9.00
snug fitting 15-gore yoke the lower edge of which is formed 829. 13-GORE KILT PLEATED MODEL OF BEST
in graceful pointed curves; the deep flounce is laid in all-
over pleated manner and falls in graceful flare and full-
QUALITY PANAMA; showing front and alternate gores
laid in slender box pleats; the intermediate gores are
ness. Comes in black or navy $8.50 formed with pleated sections extending upward to stylish
827. HANDSOME PLEATED MODEL OF BEST QUAL- yoke depth, here headed with dainty tailored trimming
ITY PANAMA; this garment is most beautiful in design, of self-covered buttons and outlined with rows of stitching.
showing narrow box panel front and a shapely 7-gore yoke Comes in black or navy $10.00
which drops at sides and front in pleated panels extending 828. 13-GORE SKIRT OF FINE QUALITY STRIPE
to foot; between these sections are deep kilted panels and
a neat trimming is added of small self-covered buttons.
WORSTED; shows shapely box panel front edged on either
side by beautiful design giving stylish yoke effect from
Comes in black or blue $10.00 under which drops deep kilted panels, these being headed
826.DAGOBERT PLEATED SKIRT OF BEST QUAL- by groups of many small self-covered buttons; the remain-
ITY PANAMA; showing pretty double box panel front and ing gores fall in beautiful flare and the back is finished
shapely 7-gore yoke, neat tailored points and small self- with cluster of full length pleats. Comes in gray or
covered buttons add to the pretty lines; the entire flounce navy $10.00
830 831
922. WAIST of beautiful silk plaid; opens down back and trimmed with tiny rows of tucking; has a beautiful
front yoke design extending to shoulders' edge, with folds ot taffeta silk in contrasting colors, with 3 stitched box pleats
down front divided by cluster tucking; long sleeves and collar to match. Comes in red and black, red and green,
brown and red or navy and white $5.00
These garments are carried in stock in all Waistbands 22 to 30 inches. Lengths 36 to 43 inches.
regular sizes. We will furnish fine
taffeta silk drop skirts to be worn with these voile skirts for $4.50 each. Samples sent upon request.
830. 13-GOKE PLEATED DRESS SKIRT OF FINE pretty tailored point at yoke, here trimmed with heavy
QUALITY VOILE; shows narrow front panel of double box soutache ornaments; all seams are covered by deep pleats
pleats and clusters of triple full length side pleats at the and a rich trimming of satin folds is shown. Black
intermediate gores; a rich and tasty trimming is formed only $7.50
by the use of wide satin straps worked out in pretty points 832. 11-GORE DRESS SKIRT OF FINE QUALITY
on the plain sections and circling the entire garment near a tailored tuck
lower edge; groups of satin buttons add a dainty finish. VOILE; shows shapely panel front; deep
Black only $6 50
trimmed with many silk-covered buttons covers the next
831. 15-GORE FULL PLEATED DRESS SKIRT OF side seam and a group of triple full length side pleats
FINE QUALITY VOILE; made with slender tuck edged shown at sides over hips; all other seams are covered by
front panel and all other seams covered by deep side a full length side pleat; garment is richly trimmed near
lowed edge by taffeta silk folds. Black only $7.50
pleats; trimmed near lower edge by pretty arrangement
of wide and narrow taffeta silk folds headed at front panel 834. FULL PLEATED FLOUNCE DAGOBERT MODEL front
by groups of small jet buttons. Black only $6.50 OF FINE QUALITY VOILE; made with full length
833. 13-GORE DRESS SKIRT OF FINE QUALITY panel and snugly fitted 11-gore top; the flounce portion
VOILE; shows narrow tuck-edged front panel and alternate laid in deep kilted pleats falling from under the narrow
gores are finished at foot in deep kilted pleats he.aded by strapping at yoke. Black only $0.73
fc25. WAIST of beautiful quality all-silk moire, opens down back and trimmed with deep side pleats; front of
waist trimmed with panel of silk embroidery over net and hand embroidered ornamental loops as shown in illustration:
deep side pleats extending to shoulders' edge; long fancy trimmed sleeves with collar to match. Comes in black, white,
navy, gray or catawba $3.50
These garments are carried in stock in all regular sizes. 'Waistbands 22 to 30 inches. Lengths 36 to 43 inches.We will furnish fine
taffeta silk drop skirts to be worn with these voile skirts for $4.50 each. Samples sent upon request.
835. 17-GORE FULL PLEATED DRESS SKIRT OF laid in deep side pleats and the lower edge of yoke is
EXTRA QUALITY CRISP VOILE; shows slender box outlined by triple folds of fine satin and deep tailored tucks.
pleated front panel while each seam is covered by a deep Black only .$8.50
full-length side pleat; these are stitched to stylish yoke 839. STYLISH FLOUNCE PLEATED DRESS SKIRT
depth and are here circled by heading of self-material OF EXTRA QUALITY CRISP VOILE; the lower portion
strapping; same strapping extends upward on front panel is laid in all-over side pleated manner and the snug fitting
and is trimmed by rows of rich soutache buttons. Black 9-gore yoke is beautifully edged and outlined by tiny
only $850 tailored straps of best satin which likewise extends the
836. 15-GORE FULL PLEATED DRESS SKIRT OF full length of front panel and trimmed in rich and pretty
EXTRA QUALITY CRISP VOILE; has narrow box panel arrangement at lower edge. Black only $9.00
front and deep full-length side pleats at all seams;
shows a rich trimming circling the entire lower portion 838. 11 -GORE KILT PLEATED DRESS SKIRT OF
of rows of taffeta silk folds of varying widths, trimmed EXTRA QUALITY CRISP VOILE; shows shapely panel
in points at front, with self-covered buttons. Black front; the adjoining side gore seams are trimmed by
only $8.50 tailored extensions and deep kilts, headed by small jet
837. STYLISH KILTED DRESS SKIRT OF EXTRA buttons; the lower portion is beautifully trimmed by many
QUALITY CRISP VOILE; shows narrow full length box rows of narrow tailored folds of best satin. Black
panel front and snug fitting 11-gore top; the flounce is only $8.50
JJ24. WAIST of beautiful silk plaid; has 4 deep side pleats extending down back, also down front and trimmed
down center with silk covered buttons and soutache loops; long sleeves, collar and bow tie to match. Comes in red
and black, red and brown, red and green, navy and white, or black and white $5.00
Misses' Skirts
These garments are carried in stock in all regular misses* sizes. Waistbands 22 to 28 inches. Lengths 28 to 38 inches. Samples of
materials sent upon request. Full instructions for ordering are given on order blank enclosed.
MISSES' neatly trimmed with tailored strappings and self-covered
QUALITY PANAMA; showing narrow box panel front and buttons. Comes in blue, brown, green, red or black.. $6.50
snug fitting 9-gore yoke trimmed at lower edge and around 845. MISSES' FLOUNCE PLEATED SKIRT OF GOOD
the scalloped sections at sides with satin to match; the QUALITY PANAMA; showing narrow box panel front satin and
f.ounce raises in pretty graduation, composed of deep side shapely 11-gore yoke edged and outlined by dainty
pleats. Comes in black, brown or blue $5.00 piping, finished at front in tailored points; graduated flounce
847. MISSES' 9-GORE SKIRT OF GOOD QUALITY -is laid in deep side pleats. Comes in blue or brown.. $4 50
PANAMA; showing narrow box panel front and all gores 849. MISSFS' FULL PLEATED SKIRT OF EXTRA
shaped in pretty yoke effect near top, from under which QUALITY FANCY STRIPE WORSTED; showing shapely
fall groups of deep side pleats headed by small self box panel front, the remaining portion being laid in deep
covered buttons. Comes in blue or black $500 full length side pleats, each stitched tightly over hips to
848. MISSFS' FULL CLUSTER PLEATED SKIRT Of* graduated yoke distance, thus falling loosely to foot:
EXTRA QUALITY CHIFFON PANAMA; showing beautiful trimmed at lower edge of yoke with 3 tiny tailored
pleated front panel and groups of triple side pleats set at strappings of self material. Comes in gray, navy or
the alternate side gores; the intermediate sections are wine $a.OO
style like 670 $9.50 throw and pillow muff of Iceland foxes, set $K>.oO
668. JAPANESE MINK STORM COLLAR; a practical 675. CHILD'S WHITE THIBET SET; collar trimmed
garment of a soft rich brown color, plain brown satin back and front with heads, new mustyle rug , n
In ordering storm collars or fitted neck pieces give both neck and bust measure.
Silk Waists
Come 32 to 44 inches bust measure. See order blank enclosed for further particulars.
in sizes
910. WAIST of splendid quality taffeta silk; back pleat solidly tucked; shirt sleeves with stock collar and tie
trimmed with clusters of tucking; waist opens down front to match. Black only $3.95
and trimmed with rows of fine tucking and deep side 913. WAIST of fine quality taffeta silk; back trimmed
pleats overlaid with silk braid buttons; stock collar and with 4 rows of side pleats; front or waist artistically
tie to match. Comes in black, navy or gray $3.95 trimmed in Grecian design of silk braid embroidery; opens
Oil. WAIST of splendid quality taffeta silk; opens down down left side of front with embroidery extending to waist
back and trimmed with 4 clusters of tucking; front beauti- line; deep pleats extend to shoulders' edge; tucked sleeves,
fully tailored with 8 rows of side pleats extending to cuffs and collar to match. Comes in black, navy, gray or
.shoulders' edge and fine tucking forming a front yoke catawba $5.00
overlaid on each fide with silk ornamental buttons. Comes 907. WAIST of splendid quality taffeta silk; opens down
in black, navy or brown $3.95 back and trimmed with 4 rows of deep side pleats; front
09. WAIST of fine quality tafffta silk: opens down back richly trimmed with 3 wide panels of Swiss embroidery
and trimmed with clusters of tucking; has a beautiful front divided by rows of cluster tucking and deep pleats extend-
square yoke design of silk French knots outlined with wide ing to shoulders' edge; long sleeves with shaped collar to
tailored bands of taffeta, rows of baby tucking and silk match. Comes in black, navy or brown $3.95
buttons; deep side pleats extending to shoulders' edge. 908. WAIST of splendid quality taffeta silk; opens down
Comes in black, navy, gray or dark green $4.50 back, trimmed with clusters of baby tucking; entire front
912. WAIST of fine quality black peau de sole; back yoke of waist solidly trimmed with fine rows of tucking
trimmed with clusters of tucking; opens down front and and stylish side pleats; long shaped sleeves and collar to
trimmed with rows of tucking and side pleats, center box match. Comes in black, navy or brown $3.95
Silk Waists
Come 32 to 44 inches bust measure. See order blank enclosed for further particulars.
in sizes
914. WAIST of splendid quality taffeta silk; opens down shoulders with deep side pleats and tucking; long sleeves
back, trimmed with clusters of tucking; entire front trimmed with braid and collar to match. Comes in black,
trimmed with rows of tucking and side pleats extending to navy, catawba or gray $5.50
shoulders' edge; long sleeves with cuffs tucked and 919. WAIST of fine French messaline silk; opens down
stock collar to match. Comes in black, navy, brown oc back, trimmed with rows of tucking; deep front and back
gray $3.95 circular yoke design extending into collar and down left
920. WAIST of fine French messaline silk; opens down side of front, rows of silk soutache braid dotted with jet
back, trimmed with side pleats; front of waist trimmed buttons; long fancy sleeves. Comes in black, navy, gray,
with hand embroidery and extending down left side is a catawba or dark green $6.75
band of hand embroidery; trimmed across front with rows 917. WAIST of fine French messaline silk; opens down
of tucking and tailored straps. Comes in black, navy, back, trimmed with cluster tucking; deep front and back
gray, catawba or dark green $6.75 yoke design of lace insertion finished off down front in
916. WAIST of fine quality French messaline opens points of French knots and silk ornaments; long sleeves and
down back, trimmed with side pleats; front of silk;
waist has collar to match. Comes in black, navy, gray or ca-
deep side pleats and tailored straps overlaid with jet tawba si i .< ><>
buttons; long fancy trimmed sleeves with collar to match 918. WAIST of beautiful French messaline silk; back
Comes in black, gray, navy, brown or dark green $5.00 trimmed with cluster tucking and imitation baby Irish
915. WAIST of fine quality taffeta silk; opens down back insertion; front yoke inlaid with panel of lace medallion,
and trimmed with cluster tucking; solidly tucked front also lace insertion and cluster tucking, as per illustration;
yoke; body of waist richly trimmed in design of silk long lace trimmed sleeves and collar to match. Comes in
soutache braid, as shown in illustration, finished across black, white or light blue $7.50
Come in sizes 32 to 44 inches bust measure. See order blank enclosed for further particulars.
935. WAIST of fine quality white Irish linen; back down front with 8 metal buttons; shirt sleeves. Comes In
trimmed with 4 clusters of tucks;front beautifully trimmed tan, light blue or lavender plaids $1.50
with cluster tucking and 2 rows of hand embroidery, deep 931. TAILORED WAIST of fine quality white cambric;
pleats extending to shoulders' edge; laundered cuffs and back trimmed with 4 rows of deep side pleats; front of
collar to match $1.75 waist solidly trimmed with fine rows of tucking and deep
936. WAIST of fine quality colored stripe English side pleats extending to shoulders' edge; wide box pleat
madras; front neatly trimmed with six 1-inch side pleats extends down front and fastens with pearl buttons; shirt
and wide box pleat down center front fastened with large sleeves $1.00
pearl buttons; laundered collar and cuffs to match. Comes
in blue and white, black and white, green and white 933. SHEER WHITE LINGERIE WAIST, trimmed en-
stripe $1.75 tirely with all-over Swiss embroidery, with tiny graduated
934. TAILORED WHITE WAIST of medium weight pure clusters of tucking across front; lace trimmed collar and
Irish linen; back trimmed with tucks and side pleats; front cuffs to match ...$1.50
neatly tailored with 10 rows of tucks and 6 deep side pleats 930. WAIST of fine quality white cambric; open back
extending to shoulders' edge; tailored cuffs and collar to and trimmed with tailored rows of side pleats; the entire
match $1.75 front richly trimmed with 4 panels of Swiss embroidery
932. WAIST of splendid quality colored French cotton divided by rows of tucking; shirt sleeves and tucked
flannel; front trimmed with 4 rows of tucking and opens collar to match $1.00
943. MISSES' SWEATER JACKET of fine quality all- 950. FINE TWO-WEAVE ALL-WOOL SWEATER; pony
wool; full double-breasted front with roll shawl collar, effect, V neck; fronts fasten on large pearl buttons; pockets
semi-fitting back; fronts button on large pearl buttons. provided. Comes in white, oxford, cardinal or tan.... $3. 75
Comes in white, cardinal or oxford gray $2.25
947. WOMEN'S SWEATER COAT of all-wool yarn; 955. ALL-WOOL PONY COAT; close-fitting, full
double-breasted design, buttoned through on large pearl fashioned with garter waist line; has high roll collar and
buttons, pockets, roll shawl collar. Comes in white, cardi- turn-back cuffs to match: fastens down front on larp-e
nal or light gray $3.00 pearl buttons. Comes in white, oxford or cardinal. .S3. "5 .
963. Fine taffe a silk; extra deep flounce trimmed with solid rows of tail-
ored stitching and finished with four bias ruffles overlaid with tailored strap 968. Fine taSeta silk; deep flounce, trimmed with four rows of scroll de-
percaline underflounce $5 OO sign cording finished at bottom in Van Dyke shape accordion pleating edged
964. Fine taffeta silk; deep flounce trimmed with sectional rows of knife with four circular ruffles. Percaline nnderflounce *
pleating edged with rows of shirring and three circular bias cut ruffles; perca- 970. Fine taffeta silk; flounce trimmed with accordion pleating in fan de-
line underflounce $5 OO sign divided by panels c.f cross tucking finished with two wide sectional
965. Fine taffeta Bilk; de.o flounce trimmed with clusters of ebirring overlaid with tailored bands. Cotton underflounce Jto.OU
Knit-top Petticoats
98O. Knit-top Petticoat, black mil /; of medium weight, knit Jersey top with 981. Knit-top Petticoat, black only, of same qnality knit Jersey a etyle
flounce of sateen,trimmed with shining, tailored bands and tailored stitchini
[itching 80; flounce good quality heatherbloom trimmed with rows of cording tai^
SEMI-FITTING TAILORED SUIT; this exquisite model is made with j:>Vket
46 inches long:, lined throughout with Suskiinu guaranteed satin and is perfectly
330 cut on the newest and most stylish lines; the tailoring is of the best and every feature
of this swagger suit is most pleasing. The skirl is a new 9-jrore model with shapely
box panel front and double clusters of full length pleats at the alternate Kores. In order to fill
the wants of different tastes and different climates, we offer the model in
either chiffon broadcloth or line stripe woven worsted.
OA (Fancy weave worsted.) Navy, irrav, jjreen. w j, lc and black $2O.OO
33OB "Chiffon broadcloth.) Navy, jjray, green, wine black and brown $2 ,5O