The Blue Eyes Technology: Overview & Applications: Ntroduction
The Blue Eyes Technology: Overview & Applications: Ntroduction
The Blue Eyes Technology: Overview & Applications: Ntroduction
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Imagine you wake up one day, turn on your pc and it says hello friend whats up!! That means you are sitting in opposite
of your personal computer that can listen, talk, or even yell aloud. It has the ability to collect information about you and
interact with you through special skills like facial recognition, language recognition, etc. It can even recognize your
emotions at the tad of the mouse. It authenticates your identity, feels your offerings, and begins interacting with you. You
ask the PC to dial to your friend at his workplace. It realizes the urgency of the state through the mouse, dials your friend
at his office, and launches a connection. The BLUE EYES technology objects at creating computational machines that
have perceptual and sensory capability like those of human beings. It uses sensing method, video cameras and
microphones to identify the users activities by using some intellectual abilities
Keywords: Blue Eyes, Data Acquisition Unit, Central System Unit, Sensors and Bluetooth.
285 | International Journal of Computer Systems, ISSN-(2394-1065), Vol. 03, Issue 03, March, 2016
Abhinav Srivastava et al
Connection Managers main task is to achieve lowlevel Bluetooth communication by using Host Controller
Interface instructions.
(2) Data Analysis Module
The module performs the study of the raw sensor data
in directive to obtain information around the operators
physiological circumstance. The separately running Data
Analysis Module monitors each of the working operators.
(3) Visualization Module
The module arrange for user interface for the
administrators. It assists them to lookout each of the
employed operators physiological situation along with a
broadcast of selected video source and his related sound
torrent. All the incoming alarm messages are immediately
notifies to the controller. The visualization module can be
set in the off-line style, where all the data is drawn from the
database. Inspecting all the logged physiological
constraints, alarms, video and auditory data the supervisor
is able to reconstruct the course of the nominated
operators duty.
(4) Data Logger Module
The module provides backing for storing the supervised
data in order to empower the administrator to rebuild and
investigate the operators duty. customer of the data is
stored in the database.
286 | International Journal of Computer Systems, ISSN-(2394-1065), Vol. 03, Issue 03, March, 2016
Abhinav Srivastava et al
287 | International Journal of Computer Systems, ISSN-(2394-1065), Vol. 03, Issue 03, March, 2016