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Presettable synchronous BCD
decade counter; synchronous reset
Product specification December 1990
File under Integrated Circuits, IC06
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
FEATURES that the set-up and hold time requirements for PE are met).
Preset takes place regardless of the levels at count enable
• Synchronous counting and loading
inputs (CEP and CET).
• Two count enable inputs for n-bit cascading
For the “162” the clear function is synchronous.
• Positive-edge triggered clock
A LOW level at the master reset input (MR) sets all four
• Synchronous reset outputs of the flip-flops (Q0 to Q3) to LOW level after the
next positive-going transition on the clock (CP) input
• Output capability: standard
(provided that the set-up and hold time requirements for
• ICC category: MSI MR are met). This action occurs regardless of the levels at
PE, CET and CEP inputs.
This synchronous reset feature enables the designer to
GENERAL DESCRIPTION modify the maximum count with only one external NAND
The 74HC/HCT162 are high-speed Si-gate CMOS devices gate.
and are pin compatible with low power Schottky TTL The look-ahead carry simplifies serial cascading of the
(LSTTL). They are specified in compliance with JEDEC counters. Both count enable inputs (CEP and CET) must
standard no. 7A. be HIGH to count. The CET input is fed forward to enable
The 74HC/HCT162 are synchronous presettable decade the terminal count output (TC). The TC output thus
counters which feature an internal look-ahead carry and enabled will produce a HIGH output pulse of a duration
can be used for high-speed counting. approximately equal to a HIGH level output of Q0. This
Synchronous operation is provided by having all flip-flops pulse can be used to enable the next cascaded stage.
clocked simultaneously on the positive-going edge of the The maximum clock frequency for the cascaded counters
clock (CP). is determined by the CP to TC propagation delay and CEP
The outputs (Q0 to Q3) of the counters may be preset to a to CP set-up time, according to the following formula:
HIGH or LOW level. A LOW level at the parallel enable
input (PE) disables the counting action and causes the 1
fmax = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
data at the data inputs (D0 to D3) to be loaded into the t P ( max ) ( CP to TC ) + t SU (CEP to CP)
counter on the positive-going edge of the clock (providing
December 1990 2
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
See “74HC/HCT/HCU/HCMOS Logic Package Information”.
Fig.1 Pin configuration. Fig.2 Logic symbol. Fig.3 IEC logic symbol.
December 1990 3
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
reset (clear) I ↑ X X X X L L
parallel load h ↑ X X I I L L
h ↑ X X I h H (1)
hold h X I X h X qn (1)
(do nothing) h X X I h X qn L
1. The TC output is HIGH when CET is HIGH and the counter is at terminal count (HLLH).
H = HIGH voltage level
h = HIGH voltage level one set-up time prior to the LOW-to-HIGH CP transition
L = LOW voltage level
I = LOW voltage level one set-up time prior to the LOW-to-HIGH CP transition
q = lower case letters indicate the state of the referenced output one set-up time prior to the
LOW-to-HIGH CP transition
X = don’t care
↑ = LOW-to-HIGH CP transition
December 1990 4
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Fig.6 Typical timing sequence: reset outputs to zero; preset to BCD seven; count to eight, nine, zero, one, two
and three; inhibit.
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Fig.8 Waveforms showing the clock (CP) to outputs (Qn, TC) propagation delays, the clock pulse width, the
output transition times and the maximum clock frequency.
Fig.9 Waveforms showing the input (CET) to output (TC) propagation delays and output transition times.
Fig.10 Waveforms showing the set-up and hold times for the input (Dn) and parallel enable input (PE).
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Philips Semiconductors Product specification
Fig.12 Waveforms showing the CEP and CET set-up and hold times.
The HC/HCT162 facilitate designing counters of any modulus with minimal external logic.
The output is glitch-free due to the synchronous reset.
See “74HC/HCT/HCU/HCMOS Logic Package Outlines”.
December 1990 11
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