A Chorus Line Audition Pieces
A Chorus Line Audition Pieces
A Chorus Line Audition Pieces
Flamboyant, funny, bitchy and witty. Very sharp tounged. Covers everything over with a joke,
had a very hard childhood. From up state New York.
- Dialogue... Page 22-26 (cutting out song) - Song... One (Bows) bars 13-44
Older Dancer. Returning to the chorus after years of being a featured performer.(This takes a
lot of courage) Fantastic dancer. Shy & kind hearted. Previously had a relationship with Zach.
- Dialogue... Page 85-88
- Song... Music & The Mirror bars 186-208
Experienced dancer. SHORT. Very experienced dancer. Other girls look up to her to see how
its done. Married. A bit of a mother hen with a great sense of humour. Born in Chinatown,
Lower East Side, New York.
- Dialogue... Page 41 & 43 (cutting out song)
- Song... One (Bows) bars 13-44
Streetwise, a little bit tough, eternal optimist and starry eyed. A determined athletic dancer
from the Bronx.
- Dialogue... Page 44 INTO Song... Nothing bars 71-End AND What I Did For Love
bars 34-64
Ladies man, married, into cars, money & women. Hedonist, cool, flirts with Maggie, very
sure of himself. All American guy, Cocky, worked with Zach before. From Kansas City.
- Dialogue... Page 46-48 (cutting out song)
- Song... One (Bows) bars 13-44
Over sexed, over drugged, done it all before. Gay. Very concious of how he looks and appears
to others. Quite a smart-alec and has worked with Zach before. Very East Side, New York.
- Dialogue... Page 51-52 (?speak his sung lines)
- Song... One (Bows) bars 13-44
Funny, gawky, nervous, scatterbrain. Warm & hopeful. Very awkward except when dancing.
- Dialogue... Page 50 Speak the sung lines! - Song... One (Bows) bars 13-44
Wide-eyed, naive. Very nervous when not dancing. From St Louis, Missouri.
- Dialogue... Page 34-36
- Song... Sing! bars 12-58
(Note for song: Sing! is 99% spoken and the bits that are sung have to be PAINFUL!)
A sweetheart, little sister type, dreamer. Fairly experienced dancer from California.
- Dialogue... Page 33
- Song... At The Ballet bars 121-145
(Note for song- we are looking for someone who can sustain the top note with great strength
& tone!)
Optimistic, first timer, naive but charming. Great dancer and All American Kid. Hopeful &
fresh, obsessed with sex. Very young from Arizona.
- Dialogue... Page 39-41
- Song... One (Bows) bars 13-44
Quite aggressive, determined, cocky, sure of himself BUT likeable. Great dancer, has worked
with Zach before. Experienced and flirts with the girls. From New Jersey.
- Dialogue... Page 20-22 INTO Song... I Can Do That bars 1-50
Introverted and slightly insecure but loves performing - is only now starting to feel
comfortable about being gay and accepted by his parents. From Spanish Harlem up from
New York. Friends with Diana.
- Dialogue... Page 69-73
- Song... Opening bars 373-end
From Missouri. All American Black dude, enthusiastic, cool & funny. Very likeable and laid
- Dialogue... Page 98-99
- Song... Montage Part 4' bars 229-270
Oldest Dancer! Brassy, sexy, bitchy & sophisticated. One o the more popular dancers, very
funny. Ex Las Vegas showgirl from Colorado.
- Dialogue... Page 27-30 INTO Song... At The Ballet bars 1-48
Sexy, sassy, funny & foul-mouthed. A brazen, direct, attention seeker from Vermont.
- Dialogue... Page 59-60 INTO Song Dance 10; Looks 3' bars 171-end
We also require CUT DANCERS who will double up as WING SINGERS!!
- They will appear in the Opening and Finale (One) and will sing in the wings for the rest of
the show.
- There are few little characters who will have lines of dialogue or lines to sing in the opening
section. (See below)
VICKI - Sexy, Californian Blonde
BUTCH - Hard Faced - does not listen to corrections
TRISHA - College leaver, young & fresh faced
TOM - Doesnt speak but mouths the dance moves!
LOIS - Ballerina - Dances the Jazz Combination like a ballerina
FRANK - Headband Boy - Looks at his feet whilst dancing
ROY - Wrong armed - awkward
as well as many others!!!!!!!!!
You will be required to take part in the dance audition (although DONT WORRY...
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A GREAT DANCER!!!!) and you will be expected to sing
One (Bows) bars 13-44