Appointment Setters Contract
Appointment Setters Contract
Appointment Setters Contract
AGENT sets an appointment with prospective business owners / the owner must be their at the appointment time
set by agent. The Business Owner must go through a complete presentation by the Merchant Account salesperson.
AGENT will be compensated for appointments regardless if the business owner signs up or not.
AGENT, shall be compensated via bank transfer, Pay Pal, or check, no later than the following Friday for all
appointment shows generated from the previous weeks appointments, i.e., week of 2/3/14
appointments. EXAMPLE Appointments Set (2/3/14 2/8/14), shall be paid for no later than 2/14/14
3) Either party can cancel this agreement at anytime, however BIZ 10 X LLC agrees to pay AGENT for all
appointments booked for a period of 30 days after cancellation for all appointments coming from AGENT.
4) AGENT will NOT contact ANY of our Clients direct for ANY Reason or other Corporate
Offices by phone or E-Mail. The ONLY Phone Numbers to contact are 1-855-747-6253 or
503-502 6905 or Email [email protected] or your supervisors numbers.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT NOTICE
Appointment Setters 2014 $4,000 Month Full-Time Position $2,000 a Month Part Time Position
Minimum Appointments to be Set Per Day is 8.........Full Time Position = $200 A Day - $4,000 a Month
Minimum Appointments to be Set Per Day is 4.........Part Time Position = $100 Per Day - $2000 a Month
(note) Since is compensated only be each valid appointment you set Your $4,000 Payroll
is based on 8 Appointments minimum set per day, 40 per week/ for 4 weeks. The Part Time position is based on 4
a day 20 work days a month Any less than this number $25 will be deducted per less Appointments. The $200 a
Day is based on 8 Appointments per day and $100 a day is based on 4 appointments per day. Only Appointments
qualified and paid for by client will be paid for. Less than 4 Appointments per day is $20 Per Appointment.
Minimum Appointments to be set per week is 40 to Maintain Appointment Setter Full Time Position. $4,000
Month. Minimum Appointments to be set per week is 20 to Maintain Appointment Setter Part Time Position
$2,000 Month.
> This is a right to work agreement and is an independent contractor agreement. As such no taxes are withheld and
are the responsibility of each Agent. You will be required to fill out a 1099 form which we will supply on he day
of your first check.
If No Appointments are set within 48 Hours After YOUR START DATE above or after you have received
your Password and User name to your exclusive database of leads - then your Database may be
Provided to Another Appointment Setter and your position may be canceled. You will not be able to reapply for 6
Months to work with
Hours of calling are 9 AM to 6 PM for the Area code called.
Appointment Times To Set Appointment for Sales Reps to Visit Appointments 8Am to 5 PM Monday thru Friday
Agent shall keep a hard copy of all appointments they make as a back up to the online system of
appointments made.
A spreadsheet will be provided to Appointment Setter Friday before Pay Check showing all
Appointments Set. Payment is for All Appointments that the owner was present and listened to the presentation.
All Appointments Set By Appointment Setter may be confirmed before appointment date.
All Appointments should be booked mo more than 3 days out and preferable within 2 days. (5 Days Max if in
same work week. Sample on Monday you book a Friday Appointment for same week.
AGENT should call back all No Shows and rebook.
It is Agents Position to immediately notify [email protected] when they need a fresh set of database
leads or text Need Leads to 971 312 2434 Include your Agent Name.
When Booking Appointments Agent Will Insert their ""First and Last Name" as the Agent making appointment.
> Agent :Insert Date and Type Name and Return Via Email to [email protected]
PLEASE Type Your "Agent Name in Subject Line of Email and the words IC Agreement"
Starting Date: ------------------------------ Today's Date: ____________________________________ 2014
AGENT Signature: ___________________________ OR TYPE NAME HERE To Accept :________
Agent agrees they will not accept work for 36 months with any of our contract clients they work for through us.
Without written permission from Appointment
We are currently Setting Appointments for an ISO with First Data a leading provider of payment solutions for
financial institutions and merchants around the world. With over 42 Billion merchant transactions annually and
nearly 750 Million credit/debit cards on file. 855-747-6253 [email protected]