MAGIC Ophidian

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The key takeaways are that the text discusses the Ophidian conception of magic, how magic involves uniting the mind, will, imagination and intuition, and how magical creation and exploration of magical worlds works.

The text defines magic as 'the science and art of producing changes in conformity with the will.' It is creating a living and aware world system through one's consciousness.

The text describes magical creation as a work of art where the magician builds their universe from light using their mind to design, will to give it concreteness, and imagination and intuition to give it vividness and existence as a conscious world.

MAGIC ophidian

M. At-At
The teachings given here are an interesting comment about magic and
They are constructed largely from letters written by Lucien-Franois
Jean-Maine his brother Khibona East Africa during the year 1941.
original information has been adapted and organized so that it can be presented
as a system for the development of the magical consciousness and union with
These sections explain the nature of magic as it is understood by
Ophidians magicians and esoteric voodoo priests. In the western esotericism was
probably Aleister Crowley who developed the concept of magic in a more
and accurate summary. He said that magic is the science and art of producing changes
conformity with the will. Through reading and meditation of these sections
It can be checked right from the definition, which is fully incorporated
within the magical conception of ophidians, we presented below.
Section 1
So that our acts can be creative and magical and we can build our
world system itself, it is necessary first of all that the mind, the will,
imagination and intuition work together in a systematic unity.
Thus, in the magical act of creation, is the mind responsible for building design,
while the will is who should be issued to have concreticidad and
existence. This concreticidad should be vivid, which is the task of the imagination, and this
existence, consciousness-of-self, is the work done by intuition. This
form, as the magician works in the construction of his universe, it comes increasingly to exercise
the power of their creativity.
When our acts of magic have the quad unit construction of the mandala
magical, ie the merger of the four qualities as described above, one can move
within the magical experiences without limitation, because the spirit is now
totally free, and so the magician can create a living world system and
aware, or alternatively get to one that already exists as such because that universe
I not need to be created if there is already one would need to go and see it from inside.
To enter the magical world and discover the hidden realities it contains,
magician must turn their attention from the outside world and into the everyday
internal, to pure space in the system OTOA It equals pure mind and to
pure existence. By keeping this present world, that is, to participate in the world
mind = space = existence, has already penetrated the inner world. Therefore we say that
wizard to create a universe comes from the fact know what is; because to have it
in the mind, knowledge of the will, which means the power to do something
on the existence and knowledge of imagination and intuition, which it is the
sight of that existence, the magician, through such esoteric gnosis or science, has
come to create a magical world within your consciousness.
The magical creation of any universe is essentially a work of art. The magician
should build your universe from the light, which, because it is the first element
primordial being, provides the raw material, that is, the colors, from which it is
artistic creation possible. The space in which the artist is esoteric work for themselves
same, ie esoteric innermost space consciousness.
Sometimes there is already a waiting explorations magical world system as
It may be the world system Rite of Memphis-Mizraim. In these cases creation is
magical knowledge, or the way in which the magician comes to understand, in acts of
interpretation, this world of consciousness and pure existence. His performance is the

Actually he has created, while the base of this interpretation will is

proportionate to their conscience by external factors, although not in the same way
that the outer can in general be considered, because what is provided is
built by magical ideas and is met by magical archetypes or models.
Thus, when the magician undertook the systematic exploration of the magical world, you should
that mind is the place where demonstrations of all kinds occur because
mind is equal to space and existence. The will is the governing quality, which will
It allows the magician much access as stay and work within that world. The
combined with the will, imagination can see the inner realities of the universe
magic and allows capture or project on the internal space symbols and models
magic corresponding to the region of the universe to be scanned, so
that serve as doors that magical and esoteric energies appear and
They possess the magician, that is, occupy its entire existence, transmitting their
qualities and offering the hidden realities of the magical world in which he has
penetrated, and he understood perfectly through the combined action of the
imagination and intuition, because their vision and understanding will be the same thing,
if imagination is seeing, intuition is the full understanding of what you see in the
very act of seeing.
In our notion of transcendental magic construction method, both
objective elements of subjective experience, come to promote
positive buildings in existence. Some elements are real, while
others are ideal. Some elements are assembled from crude sense of
data, while others are abstract categories. Then, as the magician
it moves around its magical dance, which takes you from world to world,
act of creation makes acomodable harmonious and magical universe for research,
all through the joint work of the mind, will, imagination and
intuition. Thus the magician will come to polish the surface and isolate the rough spots,
so that you can make the system a workable and regular model, which fits
All other elements of your system. In this activity we call creating a
esoteric cosmology.
This magical creation is necessary because each magician must have a place
work, not just a temple but a world of some sort. In our opinion, the
Magicians magical systems of the future will arise from the elements
magic system like this, and not from medieval evocation or systems
We must also say that the master of the transcendental building plan must
be in line with those sources of extraterrestrial communication, which
we continually send valid forms of thought that can be fixed in
our own world system. We should note that under guidance
futuristic, Earth is both past (within the Earth is stored past), as
This (the surface of the earth), while the future is out of this world. Without
But every act of consciousness we are guided by those magical categories
who have come to us from ancient times and that derive their validity from the
applicability of the timeless eternal to what is in time. Also
we understand that everything is in time is consciousness in its activity
transcendental to make a unity of objective and subjective ways of being through
Magic unity of experience, expressed as a mind, will, imagination and
intuition and operating as one in the absolute existence.
By this we mean that the world is one with consciousness in all its
multiplicity, so that by some mysterious act of magical creation, the very
consciousness has produced its own esoteric cosmology, which is an act

completely magical.
"Esoteric patriarchates of the Ecclesia Gnostic Rite Ancien et du Spiritualis Primitif
Memphis-Mizraim, in the form of four-time stations, containing the
possibilities and potentials of all the planets and sun and weather systems-all
-time constellations and star systems, which is building
transcendental of our magical universe of our esoteric cosmology or world system. "
EXERCISES TO MAKE MAGIC between sections 1 and 2
Exercise No. 1:
Exercise magical power:
To develop the imagination:
I can imagine having the `x`, purpose and no one can get away from this. I only
I am able to do this. This is the infinite power of imagination.
To develop the mind:
I know I can take or possess the `x` object and there is no reason not to
I have it, except for the distribution of events and objects (the law of supply) in
the universe. My possession of `x` is not impossible for thought. This is the power
Infinity of mind.
To develop the will:
I want to have `x` and anyone else get in my place, or take it from me. I want
this to myself. This is the infinite power of the will.
To develop intuition:
Now, I'm intuitive and spiritually united to `x` and possess correctly. I just
I have, because it is now a part of my life and my being. I is not "mine", is "my
X ". This is the infinite power of intuition.
This is the newest kind of magical exercise for the development of the faculties
internal and magical power. It is important to try and work each of these four
parts on a daily basis.
It should be used together to build a spiritual strength to the magical work
Exercise # 2:
Magical exercise to contact the Master Mercury Aquarius and enter the world
Internal of the O.T.O.A .:
Once practiced the previous year for some time, can be made the
Items needed:
- A diagram (peristyle) as commonly used in the work of our
system, of about 30 cm. in diameter, four candles (red, green, blue and yellow), incense
Master Vv and Mercury Aquarius.
- In a quiet place where you will not be interrupted, must be available the altar on a table or the like,
to which one can sit.
1. Place the altar in the manner described in the drawing presented below.
2. Light the incense and in complete darkness perform the following invocation:
MERCURY AQUARIUS TEACHER I invoke your presence in my TEMPLE
Magical for you to be my guide and my LIGHT FOR DISCLOSURE OF
Mysteries of our holy order.
3. Light the yellow candle and say:
Work on it.

4. Light the blue candle and say:

The mysteries of our holy order.
5. Turn the green candle and say:
ALLOW see hidden mysteries in the world of light.
6. Light the red candle and say:
INVOCO my intuition POWERS FOR MY summarizing EXPERIEN-CIA
7. Once done and after adding a little incense charcoal, one must
concentrate for a moment on the Teacher Vv Mercury Aquarius.
8. Then, well with my eyes closed, open, or with the help of some
magical as it could be a brilliant stone, mirror, ball, etc., should be reflected the
I veve on the inner space of light, letting stand firm for a while.
9. From here, magical and mystical powers of OTOA They will pass through the
symbol and conform realities and magical presence of certain order, which will facilitate
education, knowledge and if the student initiation. This is Wisdom
In the act of divine revelation.
10. After a moment of meditation, will be closed the work, which will close
with a dismissal
Holy Order.
Then note the results will be made and shall be put out the candles
reverse order came on, picking up other implements.
Once the path has been opened internally, the magician can access this
world anytime, day or night, even in sleep, just run
his attention to it and using the magic mandala (mind-will-imaginacinintuicin).
Thereafter increasingly penetrate more and more in this world, because it is
where not only internally but also externally located explanation and decision
Section 2
For Gnostics Ophidians Africa and Haiti, magic is the essence of reality, for
their magic is what the universe or reality, is in its most essential and real part.
That is, it has within it all the symbolic key of the existing world. This
how the teachings of this section can be summarized in the following formula:
We are trying to define what magic and have joined fully with the
Actually, because without this unit operation of magic as a force-power would
impossible. So the unit magic and reality is very important, if we are
get to know how the magic works.
In the same way that Cosmic Mind and internal universe that responds to
concepts of God of religions, leads the forces of nature (laws or praise) that are operating in the
materialization of beings and in the direction of its operations,
that is, in making the whole experience, internal and mind magic
magician directs the forces that are operating in the world of manifestation of mind,
and in the hidden worlds of esoteric initiation and other occult subjects.
This is because the opinion of the world substance is derived from this Mind
Cosmic, so that what we call reality is composed of mental matter.

Just as the world of nature is composed of mental matter,

Wizard World is made up of his own magical mental matter, that is the reality
inside his will, mind, imagination and intuition, which, when they are
developed and assembled, they form a wonderful reality system, known as the
creative mind of the magician.
Thus, this magical bonding operation is preliminary to any further progress. The
meeting will, mind and imagination produces the phenomenon of intuition,
which as already mentioned it is the ability to see and understand in the same act, within
the inner world of light.
Directing the mind through magic and using mental energy through
concentration of will and meditation on spiritual beings, or any
topic of magical desire, enables the magician to structure the issue of experience
According to an archetypal model of power or purpose, so that what is sought
it can be understood and to be arising in existence. So is this magic and this
It is magic, because magic is the act and art for the mind, the will,
imagination and intuition, merge into an absolute unity of creation.
Thus, through the creative mind, or power to be creative and dominant in the
existence, the wizard can make a world of itself, and influence through
this world the hidden worlds of the other forces of being and cause certain changes
magic in the natural order or world of existence. This power emanates from the very
essence of the universe, the Divine Mind, or Legbha, the magician can recognize as
It innermost their own reality. This is how the magician comes to dominate increasingly to
nature, and this means it can also control and influence history as
no other could.
This is the power of magic to structure the existence and thus the magician has the power
to create an ideal order of existence and structure of magic and reality hidden power.
Thus, the magician is able to be created and existing itself, and this
I thus get a wonderful reality that is his property, because it belongs to
nobody except him, the true and most powerful of the magicians, the true self as a
teacher. This is the power of the magician in the world and the world of reality, where it is
the master of existence.
In this way we have tried to explain that:
This force or being, we call the presence of damballah, the Great Cosmic Power
who has come through the symbol of the serpent and that makes man a magician.
Section 3
Although many people who in one way or another there have heard of the
magic, or have had any contact with the occult world, the truth is that
very few have come to get a real experience
magic existence.
For ordinary people, attention to the problems and needs of everyday life
He comes to occupy your attention completely, and thus, their thoughts rarely converge
on the realms of magic and thus fail to participate in this experience
their daily lives.
For this we say that magic is rare and elusive, because to get there
we must make a special effort and look in the right direction. Thus, if the
people do not know the existence of the realms of magic, it will not be possible for
find and this means that they have no direct experience of it,
which should be the goal of all true magic.
Therefore the candidate for initiation must follow the guide lines that has at its disposal,

which they have been marked by their ancestors, so that he must seek and
find out what other browsers and esoteric teachers have said they would
Found. This way you can easily locate fields of magic, which
exist in their own way deep into the consciousness, and you can enter your
mind in the higher realms of the magical consciousness, which is where the magic takes
meaning and can be experienced.
The Afro-Atlantean tradition tells us that the fields of magic are everywhere
in the universe and now the task of the student will find them.
When through some magical symbols mind trying to find where they are
these fields of magic, then we say we are exploring the area
magic consciousness. The use of representative symbols of transcendent reality has
It has been for millennia a suitable system approach to transcendence through
Research by meditation. So when we move in our minds
from an area of expertise to another, in an attempt to locate the magic, what
we are looking for is lighting true self, allowing us to see shapes
true of the existence within the basic consciousness of the universe.
Thus, as we move into the mind, trying to find and penetrate
increasingly in the magical world, we find fields of magic, that
as we have said it is the same as the world of existence as it is known
It is shown for the man. When we reach these hidden realms we can
check that we ourselves are within the fields of magic, and this
Thus, our consciousness may be the magic consciousness kind of existence
magic itself. This is the true essence of magic and all the realities found in the field of their
The world that the magician can gain control in this way is truly the world
be magical and spiritual and we can say that is ours in the sense that really
It is an image of the Higher Self of Magic, which is True and Divine Will, the
Divine immanence within the Wizard.
This "our" is now one with the Divine Being, so that the inner world of the
Magical consciousness is now truly ours, because it really
seek and possess it, although we have not known until we have entered the
magical consciousness of our True Will.
Voodoo priests and esoteric ophidians Wizards OTOA and L.C.N. They have
kept this primordial awareness, which enables its magical vision
existence. This is a marvelous world ruled by spirits and Loas, where mind and
Wizard consciousness become mind and consciousness of Loa, so that the
world of existence becomes experienced as experienced own
Loas. They call this "our consciousness African magic."
Section 4
In all areas of life we can see how this is a
consequence of the past. Thus, the technical and occult development that characterizes the era
current, is merely a past development times and energies.
African magic has followed this same model and today presents the
product of a very interesting process refinement, derived conceptions
magic of the past. Especially the most remote areas of the past,
They are directly related to the perfection of occult science along the
coasts of East and West Africa, where in ancient times there had been a
system of great nations.
The science of ancient African was built by a refined method of analysis
full and magical presentation, which was based on a vision that
Each combination of magical symbols existed a system of energies, which should be

controlled by the will, the mind and the imagination. This is the basis of thought
African magic, which constantly has been enriched by the contributions that
over time they have been made, derived from the view that there is a
correspondence between the symbols and the magical powers that are extracted through
the will, mind and imagination.
A development of this basis of wishful thinking, was the view that the powers of
the will, mind and imagination could be used to control
energies of the physical body. Through mastery, this control could be extended
from the body outward toward the world of existence, by a projection or
expansion of magical powers, so that the outside world came to be regarded as a simple extension
of the physical body and therefore could be
controlled by the union of the will, the mind and the imagination.
All this process of magical development is a process of first union and what is
the will, the mind and the imagination, to reach reach the final union of the
inner and outer or the subjective and the objective. This way you can access the
realms of magic, magic or magical consciousness and inner space, where the
Symbols are designed and where the corresponding energies are extracted from
so that, if necessary, all that can be projected out into the world
external, is that same space and its contents, which is one with consciousness
magic and all of the Absolute.
These processes of pure magic soon given names, including both
magical energies involved as their operation. These names are:
The union of the will, the mind and the imagination. When these three energies unite
in the same act, a new quality that is intuition appears. Namely
MOUSOUMBI, the magical intuition loaded with power.
This is the name for the physical world as we ordinarily occurs.
The hidden forces of the universe, that they will be under the power of Mousoumbi.
That portion of the natural world (Gitsusus) that appears under the control of the magic,
reason being an extension of the human body. This we could call the field
extension of the powers of the human body under the control of magic, or the area
Gitsusus which becomes the action Makuyi Musumbi.
Thus, in the African magic is constantly looking to develop a
Musumbi growing, so we can transform the world increasingly in Makuyi.
From here the goal of all magic becomes the transfer of being, or what is the
, the transformation of the upper Makuyi Musumbi Ser or, by
Gitsusus progressive transformation in Makuyi.
This became the traditional and classical form of magic African consciousness, which,
as you can see, it is a matter of occult experience gained through different
initiations that provide mastery over the hidden forces that are present in the
In other terms, we could say that this is the method for zothyriano
construction of universal (Maganga), known in Hebrew as Adam Qabalah
Kadmon and Hermeticism and Alchemy as Anthropos.
Through this development, teachers of African magic could not only control
the energies of his own body, but through the transformation process
GITSUSU in Makuyi, they were able to give their own energy and magical power
his disciples, strengthening the development of MOUSOUMBI in them.


We have seen African magicians were able to develop certain methods
for full control of its natural environment. This has been defined as the
Musumbi power to transform GITSUSUS in Makuyi.
However we can not say that this was a matter that corresponded by
completely to the will, the mind and the imagination, but that was due to the powers
hidden from the world itself, without which this operation would not be possible. These powers,
or complex control were called MAKUKU. So is the union of Musumbi and
MAKUKU, which produces the absolute control of the experience.
MAKUKU is the generic name of power-control to the set of magical powers
hidden in the universe. These control complexes exist everywhere, because they are
located in the inner world, both men and nature, since such
hidden worlds are the same. Therefore we say that is present in all MAKUKU
parts together.
It is these complex-Control which enable the action of magic and those who
They supplied the hidden operations of the magician power. Through the power of his
magical consciousness, for Ophidians magicians and voodoo priests, followers
Afro-Atlantean tradition, it is possible to penetrate existing centers of power
MAKUKU, which thus become possessed by the magician. However, as
the magician has increasingly these powers, he is increasingly governed by
DINKUANDU powers, or keys of power.
Only the most powerful wizards, well rooted in the Will, capable of accessing
magical areas of pure mind and with fully developed imagination,
They can have these keys in the act of magic, because only they are trained
to conjure in his mind. That is, only a very powerful wizard would be able to
reach the place where these magical forces have existence and experience them
same. This is done by means of spells and invocations, which
It means creating a magical force that is able to penetrate the DINKUANDU by
be of the same vibration. This is the law of magic that says two things that are
the essence and vibration tend to become one.
Thus the magician can "see" in the DINKUANDU, because not only
found everywhere in nature, but in his own body, and so
you can master it completely by the magic method of attaching the outer worlds and
internal, because he is one with both.
As his thoughts through the wizard has DINKUANDU, different
DINKUANDU spirits inhabiting come to him and communicate their names, so that
so you can call them and to locate them whenever you need them.
In this way, African magicians came to know that he was DINKUANDU
16 inhabited by spirits, who were not only in themselves, in their bodies, but
all over the world both as Makuyi GITSUSUS had these 16 principles.
Because of the close collaboration between internal and external, through the use of
DINKUANDU names, you can control both, so that all things
They will Makuyi, and GITSUSUS be completely transformed into Makuyi.
This is significant, because the development of more powerful Musumbi ago
yet close union with MAKUKU. This is a magical reality of great subtlety, which
can develop a great magical consciousness, so that all activity in the
there may be carried magical control, through this great science of magic
African wizards developed and became known as AF or IFA, the
which had 16 component parts, 16 magical elements. This is the largest division
systems that have been derived from Atlantis and African roots; four basic elements
that relate in all its forms manifest all possibilities in
16 basic axioms of magic and reality. This is the reason that all

Teaching O.T.O.A. always follow a system of quadruple division.

The Master of the IFA became known as Musumbi Maganga, or Hierophant
Magical. In the next lesson we will present the mysteries of IFA, or the powers of
Musumbi Maganga.
Section 6
DINKUANDU as the gateway to IFA
For former African followers Dinkuandu became the great measurement mode. His
esoteric symbolism leads us to think in four kinds of things or sixteen classes
things (4 x 4 = 16). This is also the largest division of the esoteric cosmologies and
systems Afro-Atlantean magic tradition, and the reason that there are 16 axioms
elementary around which teaching is structured OTOA Also,
although more complex, is the basis that makes the magic trellis system
Memphis-Mizraim is composed of 336 points (16 + 64 + 256 = 336).
By this means, African supporters were able to build the universe according
his will, his magic act of creation, and so they could control the world
events and the passage of time.
Just as there are 16 Dinkuandu and was also known that there are 16 items
IFA, which is the great magic system consciousness, because the IFA is the same as the
divine mind or ideal world, according to which everything else is created. In this manner,
The Wizard can create your own cosmology based on powerful ideas and plans and
divine, that determine the structure of the appearance of all the great systems of magic.
The Wizard then will focus on the sixteen hidden body parts and be able
to communicate with the outside world in terms of magical experience will
and lighting. Thus, it can be said that the Dinkuandu serves as the gateway to the world
divine spiritual ideas, so that once the magician has made the connection
magic between the parts of your body hidden and magical-external fields, it will
able to build the power through deep meditation and concentration
on relations between the two poles of experience (himself and the divine world
IFA), this implies that he will be able to enter the conscious mind identity
God, now is becoming more and more an intimate part of their existence.
This is a slow melting process in which the alchemical process will accelerate and
will produce internal initiations that will enable the magician to reach the kingdom of light
inner and divine revelation.
We have developed a special form of meditation, which will prepare the student
to make the transition from his body to the divine mind. This is how the
IFA. Now I can imagine that there is a distance between myself
THEREFORE, I know now within myself, that I am the Divine Wisdom,
By using this meditation regularly, an expansion occurs
consciousness to the eternal and divine essences, producing an increase in
magical powers, so that the spiritual force is growing every day, being the
increasingly subject to the direct influence of the sheer power of the magical will. Of
Thus, the magician is developing the notion that there is power to control and
that the will is the means of control, and that there is a great reserve of power

Magic, which are directly subject to the powers of his own volition
Magic staff. This book is the pure experience of Chauds Points, which is the
Content of being magical, energy raised by magic acts and subject to the
magical magician's will. But it is more, because it is the pure energy of existence, which
It is defined and structured by the IFA.

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