2014-Hammond-UsingTechnology To Support at Risk Students Learning

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Using Technology to Support

At-Risk Students Learning


Linda Darling-Hammond, Molly B. Zielezinski, and Shelley Goldman

For many years, educators and policymakers looking for strategies to close the achievement
gap and improve student learning have sought solutions involving new uses of technology,
especially for students placed at-risk. Unfortunately, the results of technology initiatives have
been mixed. Often, the introduction of technology into classrooms has failed to meet the
grand expectations proponents anticipated. The educational landscape is replete with stories
and studies about how at-risk students were unable to benefit from particular innovations
seeking to use computers for teaching.
There are, however, successes among these efforts, and they reveal some common
approaches to technology use. Based on a review of more than seventy recent studies,1 this
brief describes these approaches, particularly as they apply to high school students who
have been at risk of failing courses and exit examinations or dropping out due to a range
of personal factors (such as pregnancy, necessary employment, mobility, and homelessness)
and academic factors (special education needs, credit deficiencies, and lack of supports for
learning English). The brief then outlines policy strategies that could expand the uses of
technology for at-risk high school youth.


The introduction of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2001 brought increased attention to the
achievement gap that has long existed in the United States between low-income and more
advantaged students, between students of colorespecially African American, Latino, Native
American, and Pacific Islander studentsand white students, between new English learners
and native speakers of English, and between students with and without disabilities. At the
high school level, these achievement differences are often also associated with attainment
differences, in the form of very different rates of graduation and college attendance for
individual groups of students. For example, nearly half of Hispanics, African Americans, and
Native Americans do not graduate on time with their classmates. Sadly, this is not unusual:
more than one million U.S. high school students drop out each year, an average of one student
every twenty-nine seconds.2

More than one million U.S. high school students drop

out each year, an average of one student every twentynine seconds.


FIGURE 1: Technology Access in 2012

by Student Income and Race/Ethnicty:
Percentage of Teens Who








79 81







63 64

% of high-SES

% of low-SES


use the internet

% of White

% of African
American teens

% of Hispanic

engage in mobile internet use

own a computer

M. Madden et al., Teens and Technology 2013, Pew Research Center, 2013, http://www.atlantycalab.com/untangiblelibrary/wpcontent/untangible/130315%20-%20PIP_TeensandTechnology2013.pdf (accessed January 31, 2014).

Low-income students and students of color comprise an ever-larger share of the U.S. student
population. More than sixteen million students now live below the poverty line,3 and an
additional eight million qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.4 Children in poverty now make
up nearly half of our public school students. The nations 23.8 million minority students also
comprise nearly half of the school population, and many of them are underserved by their
school systems. Studies show that on nearly every indicator of educational accessschool
funding, qualified teachers, high-quality curriculum, books, materials, and computerslowincome students and students of color have less access than white and affluent students.5
In the area of technology access, there are disparities in ownership and internet access across
socioeconomic groups. According to a recent survey, both low-income teens and young
people of color are noticeably less likely to own computers and use the internet than highincome or white teens.6 (See Figure 1.) For example, only 64 percent of Hispanic teens owned
a computer in 2012, compared to 81 percent of white teens. The study reported that the
kinds and quality of devices and the extent of broadband access also differed across more
and less wealthy households and communities. As a result of these factors, teachers in highpoverty schools were strikingly more likely to say that the lack of resources or access to digital
technologies among students was a challenge in their classrooms (56 percent vs. 21 percent).


FIGURE 2: Effects of Disparities

in Technology Access on Classroom Instruction (2012):

Percentage of Teachers Who






agreed that the lack of resources or access
to digital technologies among students
is a challenge in their classrooms.

in low-poverty schools

agreed that the students have the digital

tools they need to effectively complete
assignments while at home.

in high-poverty schools

Source: Purcell et al., 2013

Only 3 percent of teachers in high-poverty schools agreed that students have the digital tools
they need to effectively complete assignments while at home, compared to 52 percent of
teachers in more affluent schools.7 (See Figure 2.)
Lack of Resources in Classroom

Adequate Digital Tools at Home

One important aspect of this problem is that more than 70 percent of public K12 schools do
not have sufficient broadband to allow most of their students to engage in digital learning
activities at the same time. A recent report notes that the reality is that many schools and
libraries are attempting to serve hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of users with the
same amount of bandwidth typically used by a single household.8 Meanwhile, 30 percent of
households do not have high-speed broadband, and many more lack the necessary speeds
to access and use modern digital learning tools. Slow connection rates are concentrated in
nonwhite and low-income households and communities.

More than 70 percent of public K12 schools do not have

sufficient broadband to allow most of their students to
engage in digital learning activities at the same time.


These differences mirror the disparities in other learning resources dollars, teachers, and
instructional services experienced by students in different schools. For at-risk students,
they add the additional disadvantage of reducing their readiness to engage in the primary
means of information access and transfer in a technologically based society and economy.
The good news is that research shows that if at-risk students gain ready access to appropriate
technology used in thoughtful ways, they can make substantial gains in learning and
technological readiness.


When we think about learners using technology, there are many different factors to consider.
Whether we are talking about retirees using Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) or ninth
graders using simulations to learn algebra I, many characteristics of the environment affect
what we call a digital learning ecosystem, as shown in Figure 3 below.

FIGURE 3: Digital Learning Ecosystem





The Learner

Digital Learning

Goodness of Fit / Available Resources


Learning Activity



in g





n g G o als

C o m m unit y

August 2014, Molly B. Zielezinski, doctoral candidate, learning sciences and technology design, Stanford University Graduate School of Education

First, different learning outcomes are possible, ranging from affective (for example, student
interest and motivation) and behavioral (for example, engagement with learning) to specific
objectives that are skills based, cognitive, or both. Important aspects of the technology make
a difference for these outcomes, including the technology infrastructure, such as bandwidth,
servers, storage, and data hosting. Access is a function of the amount and kind of hardware used
in the learning environment, as well as the way in which it is used. In schools, common models
for access include one-to-one devices, stationary computer labs, mobile computer labs, and

bring your own device (BYOD) programs. At home, models for access include the ownership
or sharing of computers, tablets, and smartphones, as well as connection to the internet. Youth
may also have access to technology in the community beyond home or school. Infrastructure
and access are closely related, and each provides a set of enabling circumstances surrounding
the appropriation of technology for learning. Digital learning resources are the materials
software and human resourcesthat structure the learning opportunity for the student.
Finally, the learning context includes the learning
community (that is, who the student learns
with, online and in person), the goals of the
community, and the nature of the learning
activities. Figure 4 shows the aspects of the
learning context at each of these levels as they
commonly appear in the research literature.
The technology and learning contexts interact
with the characteristics of the learner. Together,
these shape the learners experience and the
outcomes associated with their use of digital
This ecosystem is much more complex than the
binary conceptions of technology use that were
common at the end of the twentieth century.
The early years of research on the digital divide
often only reported whether students had or
didnt have access to computers, offering little
information about the details of use. Even now, it
is common for researchers to attend to some but
not all aspects of the digital learning ecosystem
presented here. It is these details, however, that
ultimately make the difference in technology use
outcomes. In this review, to the extent possible,
we identify patterns of effective use by attending

Figure 4: The Learning Context

Learning Community
Factors within school/local communities.
For example:
Approach to learning
Pedagogical values
Norms and culture
Parent involvement
Factors within classroom community.
For example:
Grade level
Teacher experience level
Classroom management strategies

Learning Goals
Objectives for using technology:
Mastery of basic skills
Promote higher-order skills
Remediation of skills
Promote technological literacies
Promote skill development
Influence learner behavior
To make or build something
Exploration of interests
Pursuit of friendships

Learning Activity
Academic subject(s) or other content area
Interaction model(s)
Content consumption
Content creation
Content sharing
Interactive simulation/games
August 2014, Molly B. Zielezinski, doctoral candidate, learning
sciences and technology design, Stanford University Graduate School
of Education

to the contexts, materials, and strategies that

surrounded and supported students efforts.



The common caricature of computer-based instruction has been one in which the computer
takes over for the teacher, presenting information to students, who absorb it, work on
practice problems, and provide answers to factual questions posed by the computer until they
demonstrate learning and move on to the next batch of information. And indeed, early
versions of computer-based instruction (CBI) were structured much like electronic workbooks,
moving students through a transmission curriculum in a fairly passive manner. Often programs
have been geared toward improving student performance on minimum-competency tests, like
high school graduation exams, that cover similar material in a similar format.
Results from these efforts have been largely disappointing. In some cases, students
demonstrated improved outcomes on tests of similar information tested in a similar format;
in most, they performed about the same as students taught by teachers during the same
time period.9 One recent study, for example, used rigorous methods of random assignment
to evaluate the impact of a variety of math and reading software products across 132 schools
in 33 school districts, with a sample of more than 9,400 students, and found no significant
difference on student test scores in classrooms using the software as compared to classrooms
not using the software.10 Another large study using random assignment methods to evaluate
the effectiveness of students exposure to a phonics-based computer program also found no
effect in terms of gains on reading comprehension tests.11
However, other approaches have been more productive. Research has indicated three
important variables for success with at-risk students who are learning new skills:
interactive learning;
use of technology to explore and create rather than to drill and kill; and
the right blend of teachers and technology.
One literature review summarized succinctly the typical uses and effects of technology in
relation to different learner populations, noting that the drill and practice activities favored
in low-SES schools tend to be ineffective, whereas the uses of technology disproportionately
used in high-SES schools achieve positive results.12
An analysis of data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) illustrates
this point:13
[T]he use of simulations/applications in eighth grade and games in the
fourth grade positively affected test scores, whereas drill and practice at the
eighth grade negatively affected the scores. In science, games , word
processing , simulations , and data analysis all positively affected
test scores. And in eighth grade reading, use of computers for writing


activities positively affected test scores, but use of computers for grammar/
punctuation or for reading activities (which usually involve drill or tutorials)
negatively affected test scores.14

All of these more interactive strategies produce greater success than the use of computers
for programmed instruction. Unlike computerized workbooks that march students through
material they learn through rote or algorithm, interactive CBI systems can diagnose students
levels of understanding and customize the material they engage with, offer a more interactive
set of instructional activities, and provide feedback to students, as well as more detailed
information about student progress. Programs like these, with teachers supplementing
instruction to explain concepts and coordinate student discussion, have been found in several
studies to be successful in helping low-achieving students pass state competency tests15 and
master complex new material.16

One of the benefits of well-designed interactive programs

is that they can allow students to see and explore
concepts from different angles using a variety
of representations.
One of the benefits of well-designed interactive programs is that they can allow students
to see and explore concepts from different angles using a variety of representations.
For example, one study of at-risk high school students in Texas found that they learned
significantly more using an interactive instructional environment to study quadratic functions
than those in a control group who studied the same concepts via traditional lecture, note
taking, and drill and practice. In this experiment, students spent fifty-five minutes per day
working through six lessons that followed the cycle of engage, explore, explain, and
elaborate. Through this cycle, students used simulations that allowed them to manipulate
information on interactive graphs and tables. They followed an exploration and were
prompted to explain and elaborate on certain phenomena observed. They also engaged
in dialogue with other students about their findings. The authors concluded that results
are deeply embedded in the core of the learning process and the necessity to create an
environment that involves all students in high level thinking skills and to promote problem
solving versus a more drill-practice approach.17


Another study found significant gains in mathematics achievement for students using videobased instruction modules with annotations to help them identify important elements in a
problem and interact with 3-D digital models before applying their understanding by building
a product in the digital environment.18 This example illustrates how the program worked:
The eight-minute video problem in Fraction of the Cost was developed
locally and stars three middle school students who decide to build a
skateboard ramp. To answer the subproblems in the video, students needed
to calculate percent of money in a savings account and sales tax on a
purchase. They also had to read a tape measure, convert feet to inches,
decipher building plans, construct a table of materials, compute mixed
fractions, estimate and compute combinations, and calculate total cost of
building the ramp. Several learning tools on the CD-ROM helped students
understand concepts in the overall problem. For example, one module
showed a three-dimensional ramp that students could rotate to see all sides.
The 2 x 4s (i.e., dimension lumber) used in building the ramp were colorcoded to enable students to see more clearly which lengths corresponded
to which parts of the schematic drawing. In another module, students could
build the ramp by dragging lengths of 2 x 4s out of a stack of lumber and
attaching them in the correct way.19

This approach can, of course, carry into all content areas. In science, for example, students
learn new concepts by exploring them with simulations, watching videos, and constructing
content of their own to represent their thinking about the subject. Through the use of
technology, students see content in many forms as it comes alive with maps, videos, hyperlinks
to definitions, additional content, and more.20 These examples illustrate how interactive
technology can be used to enhance student achievement by providing multiple means and
methods for learners to grasp traditionally difficult concepts.

Through the use of technology, students see content

in many forms as it comes alive with maps, videos,
hyperlinks to definitions, additional content, and more.



Other research finds that students learn more when they use technology to create new
content themselves, rather than just being the recipients of content designed by others.
A number of studies have found that students demonstrate stronger engagement, selfefficacy, attitudes toward school, and skill development when they are engaged in content
creation projects.21 Among other examples, this can include engaging in multimedia content
creation to communicate ideas about the material they are studying by creating reports,
graphic representations of data they have researched or developed, websites, PowerPoint
presentations, video production, digital storytelling, and other means.22
In one of the many studies illustrating the effective use of technology as an interactive tool
for both practicing skills and creating new content, several ninth-grade English classrooms
with large numbers of at-risk studentsincluding many who had previously failed English
and were predicted to fail the state ninth-grade reading testultimately outperformed other
higher-tracked classes in their school on the state tests. These other classes included both
on-level and Advanced Placement sections that studied the same material without technology
supports. In the technology-rich classroom developed for the classes of at-risk students, the
teacher used one-to-one availability of computers with wireless connections to the internet
to engage students in word processing, spreadsheet, database, web page production and
presentation software in a variety of contexts. According to the researchers,
[t]his flexibility provided an environment that was fun and exciting for the
students. Students produced research-based websites in place of research
papers, and they discussed points of literature in blogs, instead of traditional
handwritten journals. All of this closely resembled the world of todays
teenagers that includes instant messaging, email and web-based gaming.
The teacher used the laptops often and planned a special unit of
concentrated use at least once each six-week grading period. For example,
prior to a unit of study she would ask the students to use the laptops for
discovery exercises such as web quests or museum tours. She also required
the students to use advanced organizer software on the laptops to map
out a paper before they began to write An assignment concerning the
Holocaust exemplifies the kind of research-based websites produced by
the students. The teacher introduced the unit of study with discussion and
lecture. The topics covered historical aspects and relevant current issues that
tie to examples of genocide in the world today. Next, the teacher provided
the students with pertinent information on citation style and writing tips.
The classes then spent several days in the library accessing the Internet
and books that they could use as a foundation for their research. The


teacher then asked the schools instructional technology specialist to visit

the classroom and establish web space and folders for the students on the
schools server. The teacher spent the next few days teaching the students
how to use webpage construction software and troubleshooting their efforts.
The students were required to have a home page, three sub-pages and a
reference page; each of these pages was required to be linked to each other.
They were required to have at least two pictures and no more than four per
page. Each student was required to plan their website in a storyboard format,
and the project was graded using a predetermined rubric.

The students, who had previously encountered behavioral problems and high rates of failure
on the state test, were highly motivated. The researcher and the teacher attributed this to the
use of technology, which engaged them in projects in which they had high levels of agency
and also gave them opportunities to practice material that they would later encounter on the
state test. When she was asked what it was about the use of technology that improved the
students achievement, the teacher responded,
It gives them an atmosphere of active learning. They are involved in their
learning at all times, they make their own learning decisions, and they
buy into [the classroom] With the assistance of technology I am able to
differentiate my instruction to meet the needs of individual students; they
know that and want to be a part of that kind of atmosphere.23

One key to content creation projects is the use of scaffolding to guide the students through a
series of increasingly more complex activities that build on one another. Scaffolds may include
visuals, such as storyboards or graphic images, to stimulate imagination, aid in retention
of valuable information, and explore strategies for expressing prior knowledge in a written
format.24 Motivation and self-esteem are further enhanced when the content creation tasks
are culturally relevant, accessible, and take into account students interests.25
Another example of how skills can be developed through such tasks comes from a study
that involved fifty-five Latino adolescents in a number of shorter content creation projects.26
In this study, students attended sixteen two-hour weekly sessions. Within these sessions,
each student had a computer and engaged in original content creation activities in which
important skills were embedded. In one lesson, for example, students were asked to create
materials for a business they envisioned themselves starting, such as a restaurant. They used
a program such as Excel to track expenses, Print Shop to advertise to potential employees,
and FrontPage to mock up a website for their business. This project also illustrated how, by
creating student agency within the learning activity, and providing opportunities to apply skills
in concrete ways, students can be motivated and gain a wide range of skills.




As the above examples suggest, significant gains in achievement and engagement can
occur for underserved students in learning environments characterized by computer use that
engages students in interactive learning that offers multiple representations of ideas and realtime digital feedback, as well as opportunities to apply learning as they create content.

One-to-One Access
It is important to note that in all of the examples of successful outcomes, students had access
to one-to-one computing opportunities with adequate hardware and bandwidth to support
their work. One-to-one access refers to environments where there is one device available for
each student. Researchers have found that one-to-one availability is particularly important
for lower-income students ability to gain fluency in using the technology for a range of
learning purposes, since they are less likely to have these opportunities at home. For example,
in one study that examined the implementation of a one-to-one laptop program in three
economically different schools in California, lower-income youth demonstrated significantly
higher gains in mathematics relative to the higher-income students, and teachers were most
likely to say they found the laptops to be useful for learning by at-risk youth.27
When students were given one-to-one laptop access as well as access to the internet at
school, they made use of this opportunity at least several times a week, for purposes ranging
from seeking background knowledge, facilitating just in time learning, and supporting
research projects. In addition to the work the students were doing in math, the researchers
noted that one-to-one laptop implementation increased students likelihood to engage in
the writing process, practice in-depth research skills, and develop multimedia skills through
interpretation and production of knowledge.28

Teacher and Peer Engagement

Along with the ready availability of technology, it is equally important to have the ready
availability of teacher supports and other students input, thoughtfully used. Results are
strongest when the uses of technology discussed above are combined with opportunities for
strategic teacher support and social interactions among students.

When students were given one-to-one laptop access as

well as access to the internet at school, they made use
of this opportunity at least several times a week.



In a study comparing blended and online learning outcomes, 1,943 Korean students, of whom
915 were identified as underprivileged, took online courses using Flash- and video-based
learning resources.29 Students progressed through learning sessions by completing online
tasks individually, receiving real-time digital feedback, and engaging in group discussions. One
group of students experienced online learning supported by a homeroom teacher (blended
condition), and the other group engaged in self-study without the help of any teachers (fully
online condition).

Learners who worked with teachers alongside their

online experience were much more likely to say that they
developed an interest in the subject and increased their
academic standing.
The researchers found that teacher assistance seems to be mandatory for the online learning
of underprivileged students.30 In this study, students illustrated high levels of satisfaction
and learned more in the blended learning condition because of the real-time support and
encouragement they received from their teachers. When students were asked to select the
area where they experienced the most personal development, there were several advantages
for those who experienced the blended context. Learners who worked with teachers alongside
their online experience were much more likely to say that they developed an interest in the
subject and increased their academic standing, while learners who did all of their work online
were much more likely to say that they experienced no change in their learning. Additionally,
students reported satisfaction associated with opportunities for interactions among learners.31
In a U.S. study examining the use of computer-based instruction in an alternative school that
students attended after they had failed out of or been expelled from a traditional high school,
teachers used technology to support student success in ways ranging from computer-based
content instruction (through the Plato program) to computer use for student research and
development of content. In that context, students reported that they would choose to use
Plato for subjects where they wanted to add to their skills, see visualizations of the content,
and demonstrate mastery (to pass out of a class), but not for those subjects they perceived
as difficult to learn via computer. Students noted that the availability of teacher support for
learning challenging concepts and for helping them overcome moments of confusion when
they were working through ideas on the computer was critical. Students and their teachers also
noted that it was important to have variety in their learning choices, including contexts in which
the computers were used to write autobiographies and short stories, to create multimedia
PowerPoint projects, and to allow them to learn through inquiry and personal expression.



A Systemic Approach
A similar strategy with strong results has been used in the traditional schools in Talladega
County, Alabama, a district where 73 percent of students qualify for free or reduced-price
lunch, dropout rates were high, and college-going was low. Beginning with Winterboro High
School, the leadership team redesigned the entire school program, focusing on increasing
student engagement through active, project-based learning; integrating technology tools to
support instruction; and training teachers to make necessary pedagogical shifts. A case study
of the initiative notes that
[i]n the PBL model, students are constantly creating, practicing, and exploring
as they work to complete assignments and lessons that require blogging,
participating in online forums and chats, or doing in-depth research projects
that require the development of analytical and media awareness skills. Other
lessons have students developing and editing wikis, recording podcasts and
vodcasts, developing multi-media presentations, designing and producing
publications, and creating complex animations; this diverse array of activities
has been developed in order to keep students engaged and stimulated with
an interactive educational process while teaching them meaningful content
and skill sets that they will be able to apply in the real world.32

Over the course of just two years, this systemic approach led to an increase in graduation
rates from 63 percent to 87 percent and a climb in college acceptance rates from 33
percent to 78 percent. During the same period, the high school had significant decreases
in suspensions, alternative school referrals, and dropout rates, preventing failures that had
previously routinely occurred.

What About theFlipped Classroom?

One form of instruction offering a novel blend of teachers, peers, and technology is the
flipped classroom. Typically, this term refers to arrangements in which technology tools
are used outside of class to provide students with the information that might normally occur
during direct instruction in the classroom (for example, offering video-based lectures, reading,
and quizzes that students are expected to complete at home), while class time is used for
discussion and collaborative, problem-based inquiry. While currently much discussed, this
approach has been tried primarily in higher education settings. It is not yet widely used in
K12 education, and there has been little research about its effects with different populations
of students. One recent literature review noted that
(m)ost studies conducted to date explore student perceptions and use singlegroup study designs. Reports of student perceptions of the flipped classroom
are somewhat mixed, but are generally positive overall. Students tend to


prefer in-person lectures to video lectures, but prefer interactive classroom

activities over lectures. Anecdotal evidence suggests that student learning is
improved for the flipped compared to traditional classroom. However, there
is very little work investigating student learning outcomes objectively.33

The studies that do exist suggest that college students in flipped classrooms are generally
more likely to watch video lectures at home than to complete text-based reading, and that
they learn more from interactive video lectures than other video lectures or in-person lectures.
We might guess that high school students who are motivated and supported to do work at
home might respond similarly. It is unknown, however, whether at-risk students would find
the space and time to engage in these out-of-school activities.
A large body of research has found that well-designed collaborative, problem-based learning
tasks are successful tools for students to acquire inquiry skills and other process skills. However,
they must be thoughtfully connected to structured information sources that can inform the
problem-solving process at optimal times if they are also to have a positive effect on building
knowledge.34 While more research is needed, these findings suggest some of the conditions
that might need to be present if this new approach to using technology is to be successful in
high schools.

Researchers have begun to amass some useful knowledge about the successful use of
technology to support students who are often placed at-risk of school failure, to help them
strengthen their understanding, close skill gaps, and recoup prior experiences of failure.
This research has found that using computers as replacements for teachers in traditional
drill-and-practice exercises has not produced greater success for such students, but that more
interactive, proactive, and teacher-supported uses have helped students make strong strides
in achievement.
These findings suggest a number of implications for policymakers and educators at the
federal, state, and local levels. We offer the following recommendations:
1. Technology access policies should aim for one-to-one computer access. At-risk students
benefit from opportunities to learn that include one-to-one access to devices. One-to-one
access refers to environments where there is one device available for each student
in the learning environment. Studies finding positive impacts on student learning typically
describe opportunities to learn where there is at least one device per student, and the
devices are readily available for multiple uses by the student throughout the school day.
2. Technology access policies should ensure that speedy internet connections are
available to prevent user issues when implementing digital learning. Digital learning
often requires internet access, and this need is growing with the proliferation of audio and


video resources hosted on the web. Reliable access to speedy internet allows teachers
and students to support learning in real time. However, many schools, especially in lowerincome communities, have poor bandwidth and problems with connectivity. Students who
experience challenges in learning can become especially frustrated if they are stalled by
inability to access the content they are trying to use or find. In studies using technology
for learning, at-risk students participating in blended and online courses recommended
faster internet connections as an important factor for improvement.35
3. As schools, districts, and states plan the ways they will purchase materials and use
technology, they should consider that at-risk students benefit most from technology
that is designed to promote high levels of interactivity and engagement with data
and information in multiple forms. Substantial research illustrates that activities
supporting many kinds of interactions between learners and the materialincluding
different visualizations of concepts; multiple ways of seeing, hearing, and learning about
them; and opportunities to be active in manipulating data, expressing ideas, and other
aspects of the learning processwere essential to support learning by lower-achieving
and other at-risk students.
4. Curriculum and instructional plans should enable students to use technology to
create content as well as to learn material. Research illustrates that when students have
opportunities to create their own content using technology (for example, conducting
research to make decisions or draw conclusions from evidence, finding and manipulating
data, developing reports, creating websites, designing PowerPoint presentations, and
creating spreadsheets), they become more motivated and develop stronger skills.
Classrooms should include technology uses that increase student agency and higher-order
skills as well as those that guide students through the learning of specific content.
5. Policymakers and educators should plan for blended learning environments,
characterized by significant levels of teacher support and opportunities for
interactions among students, as companions to technology use. Blended learning
occurs when the instructional environment combines digital learning and face-to-face
interactive learning. The most productive contexts are those that combine structured
learning of information with collaborative discussions and project-based activities that
allow students to use the information to solve meaningful problems or create their own
products, both individually and collectively.
All of these recommendations must rest on a base of adequate supports for teacher learning
about how to use the technologies and pedagogies that are recommended. In addition, such
initiatives must include the technical assistance that educators need to manage the hardware,
software, and connectivity that make technology infusion possible.
When coupled with project-based learning strategies and effective support for teachers, a
systemic approach to digital learning has shown great potential to facilitate shifts in school



culture and strengthen students twenty-first-century skills. Many districts have utilized Project 24
(www.plan4progress.org), a comprehensive digital learning framework offered free to all school
districts, as the backbone for such implementation. This framework helps districts plan before
they buy, developing a concrete vision of student-centered, technology-infused learning, like
the strategies used with noteworthy success in Talladega, Alabama, described above.
With a strategic policy approach that supports the most effective technology uses, many more
students who are currently at risk can be enabled to learn effectively, graduate from high
school, and be successfully launched on a pathway to a productive future.

This report was written by Linda Darling-Hammond, EdD; Molly B. Zielezinski, EdD;
and Shelley Goldman; with support from policy associates at the Alliance for Excellent
The Alliance for Excellent Education is a Washington, DCbased national policy
and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those
traditionally underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work,
and citizenship. www.all4ed.org
The Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education (SCOPE) was founded
in 2008 to address issues of educational opportunity, access, equity, and diversity in
the United States and internationally. SCOPE engages faculty from across Stanford
and from other universities to work on a shared agenda of research, policy analysis,
educational practice, and dissemination of ideas to improve quality and equality of
education from early childhood through college. More information about SCOPE is
available at http://edpolicy.stanford.edu/index.html.


Linda Darling-Hammond, EdD, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education at
Stanford University, and faculty director, Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in
Education (SCOPE)
Shelley Goldman, EdD, professor of education and by courtesy mechanical
Molly B. Zielezinski, doctoral candidate, learning sciences and technology design,
Stanford University Graduate School of Education




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