From The Pastor's Desk: Our Lady of Sorrows Church 05-16-10
From The Pastor's Desk: Our Lady of Sorrows Church 05-16-10
From The Pastor's Desk: Our Lady of Sorrows Church 05-16-10
Adams later.
Parishioners have loved his well prepared We also congratulate two members of the
sermons, and Chelsea and the youth of the sodality who were honored for twenty years
parish certainly have appreciated his of exceptional service to the sodality, the
presence and ever willingness to offer Mass parish and to God’s greater family. Suzanne
for them on any occasion. Bowness and Kitty Masden were honored a
week ago at the joint sodality meeting. Kitty
OLS is a “Eucharist Parish” and we have is retired and living with her daughter in
multiple Masses on Sundays as well as Mississippi, while Suzanne is good for
during the week: six Sunday liturgies, two another twenty years with the sodality, again
scheduled daily Masses and multiple special this year accepting another office on the
occasion Masses such as funerals, executive board. Thanks to Gigi Pickard who
weddings, school liturgies, Serra Club, and has accepted the presidency of the sodality
the list goes on. Fr. Booth has always been for the coming year. Also thanks to outgoing
so cooperative for extra Masses, sick calls, co-presidents, Amy McRae and Angie
confessions and counseling. Dunston. The members of the sodality have
some difficulty coming to the joint meetings
After twenty years as an engineer, Fr. Booth with Mass at 10:00 because of various
changed vocations to the Catholic priesthood reasons; but when the individual guilds meet,
and has remained most dedicated to this the numbers are truly great and the different
special call from Christ. We thank him for his charitable and apostolic works are most
dedicated service to OLS and will have a impressive. Yes, they do more than their
reception scheduled sometime in June since share with the cake booth at the July 4th
he is due at Blessed Sacrament on the first Festival.
of July.
Thanks again to Father Booth who has
Our new associate, as of the first of July, will served OLS so well; and we wish him much
be Fr. Mike Adams. He has been the success at the Blessed Sacrament.
associate at St. Peter’s for a year and a half.
We welcome Fr. Adams, ordained twenty With prayers and blessings,
years, and who has been in a religious order Father Muller
in Italy (though he is fully American) and was
There will be no
high school PSR
MASS INTENTIONS this Sunday, May
16. The last high
Monday, May 17 Tom, Maxey and Richard Hagwood school PSR class
Sandy Garaca will be Sunday,
Anthony Palumbo May 23.
Tuesday, May 18 Stephany Macksoud
Jay Tombrello
Polly Sharble High school youth group will meet tonight at
Wednesday, May 19 Special Intention 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall to finish up our
Thomas Sullivan semester on the Sacraments. Take a break
Gary Dent from studying for finals and come to the
Thursday, May 20 Special Intention youth group Beach Party, Sunday, May 23.
Trish Braun
John Peteet
Friday, May 21 Special Intention Middle School Youth group will meet this
Dewey Powell Monday, May 19, from 7:00 p.m. until 8:30
George Pugh p.m. in the FLC youth rooms.
Saturday, May 22 Donors to the OLS School Found. ____________________________________
Michael Broderick
Jay Tombrello
Sunday, May 23 People of the Parish Call for Mission Partners: About thirty
Juliet P. Milton members of OLS are preparing for a mission
Jay Tombrello trip to General Cepada, Mexico, from June
20-26. The trip is organized through Family
Mission Company, a Catholic mission
organization based in Louisiana. Our work
PRAY FOR VOCATIONS will include repairing homes, visiting the
Jesus summons us to spread the faith through the
grace of baptism. Where are you being called to
homebound, spreading the Gospel, praying
share your gifts? (Matthew 28:16-20) In gratitude and worshiping with the people of General
for all who guide us on our faith journey, we pray. Cepada. We are asking the OLS community
to be our Prayer Partners. We need prayers
for our success and safety and prayer for the
Trash & Treasure people whom we will serve. St. Theresa of
Get your donations ready! We will be Lisieux is considered a patron saint of
accepting donations for Trash & Treasure on missionaries and our group has prayed the
May 30. Donations may be left at the gym “Little Flower Novena.” Please consider
doors. If donations include electrical items, praying this novena for a successful mission
please put a note on them indicating if they for us.
are in working order. Also, we can still use We appreciate all of your prayers while we
volunteers especially if you have a truck or prepare for this trip. For more information,
can help with picking up larger items. For please contact Chelsea Piper, OLS Youth
information about donations or volunteering Group Minister.
please call Melanie Falconer at 945-8341 or ____________________________________
OLS Vacation Bible School Registration
Deadline is May 26th! Don’t let your children
be left out of this terrific VBS!! We are also in
need of adult volunteers to be Story
Readers/Lesson Leaders and Activity
Leaders! Please fill out the forms at the
PSR website:
Our Lady of Sorrows School and PSR a goodwill offering is accepted. We invite all
would like to thank the ladies of the seniors this opportunity for prayer, fellowship
Immaculate Heart of Mary Guild for the and fun. All are welcome so please join us.
handmade rosaries for our First ____________________________________
Communicants and Confirmandi. We would
also like to thank the ladies of St. Ann’s Guild CHAPEL OF OUR SAVIOR
for the sacrifice beads and bookmarks. Also The Chapel needs permanent Committed
a thank you to the ladies of Our Lady of Adorers for:
Fatima Guild for helping to serve the Friday at 3:00 a.m.
Confirmation reception. Friday at 4:00 a.m. (To Share Hour)
____________________________________ Saturday at 3:00 p.m. (To Share Hour)
Saturday at 4:00 p.m. (To Share Hour)
OLS Annulment Education and Support Sunday at 8:00 p.m. (To Share Hour)
would like to invite everyone interested in Our goal is to have at least two people on
learning more about the Declaration of each hour. These are the hours needed, but
Nullity, commonly know as Annulments, to do select an hour that best fits your
join us Sunday, May 23, at 11:30 a.m. to schedule.
1:00 p.m. in Room 102 of the Family Life Please call Ida Wilker at 637-6634 or Mary
Center for Annulment Education. If you are a Claire Brouillette at 871-2909.
divorced Catholic, know a divorced Catholic We represent those in the world who do not
or just want to learn more about what the know Jesus during our Holy Hour of
Church teaches about Annulments, we Adoration! (Pope John Paul II -1978 to 2005)
encourage you to join us and learn more ____________________________________
about the Declaration of Nullity. Anne Marie
Verchot, RCIA Director at Our Lady of Richard Lockart, a parishioner and single
Sorrows and a Diocesan Trained Advocate father, is looking for someone to help with his
on the Declaration of Nullity, will be leading one-year-old daughter who is just being
the meeting. She will be educating and released from the hospital for the first time.
assisting persons on the Declaration of Medical background or willingness to learn
Nullity application process and will be how to train on the machines is required. For
providing guidance and fielding questions as more information please call Richard at 335-
the application proceeds through the 3999.
process. Catholics who have completed the ____________________________________
process are also encouraged to join us in
support of the applicants. Snacks and drinks Join us for Adult Education: Fortify Faith
will be available. For additional information, Series next Sunday, May 23, at 9:45 a.m. in
contact David Asbach at 383-5634 or the Parish Hall. Our speaker, Frances
[email protected] or Anne Marie Verchot 482- Smith, OLS member, explores “The Sign of
8627 or [email protected]. the Cross” during the finale session of the
____________________________________ 2009-2010 season of Adult Education.
St. Barnabas Catholic Church hosts senior
citizens for Mass, lunch and bingo on the First Light Homeless Shelter:
third Thursday of each month. A team of Our Lady of Sorrows Church provides dinner
parish members provide hospitality, delicious and service to the First Light Homeless
and nutritious food, games and prizes. Mass Shelter for Women and Children several
is celebrated by Msgr. Eugene O’Connor at weeks a year. For more information, please
12:00 noon in the church. Following the Send your e-mail address to Leslie Bentley
Mass is the luncheon and games are held in at: [email protected].
the activity building. The next senior citizen
luncheon is May 20. There is no charge, but