WinCC C-Course PDF
WinCC C-Course PDF
WinCC C-Course PDF
WinCC C-Course
4 WinCC C-Course
To make objects dynamic, various options are available in WinCC. Among others, these are
tag connections, dynamic dialogs and direct connections. With these aids, the
implementation of complex dynamics is possible. Nevertheless, they reach their limits with
growing demands. A much broader range of possibilities is available to users through the
configuration of C-Actions, project functions or actions. They are created in the WinCC
script language C. For many applications it is not necessary to have a very comprehensive
knowledge of C. It is sufficient to supply existing functions with parameters. However, to
use all capabilities of C as the WinCC script language, a basic knowledge of this
programming language is needed. This course can provide you with this knowledge.
Target Group
This course is intended to provide basic knowledge about the general application of the
programming language C to everybody who is not familiar with it. Experienced C
programmers can learn the special features of C when applied to WinCC.
The sample project for this course can be copied directly from the online document to your
hard drive. By default, it will be stored to the C:\Configuration_Manual folder.
WinCC C-Course
The interface of the sample project is divided into several sections. They are listed below:
Navigation Bar (1): The navigation bar allows the selection of the pictures pertaining to
the various chapters.
Chapter Window (2): The chapter window displays the pictures assigned to the
individual chapters. These pictures contain all samples described in the particular
chapter. Most of these samples are created at buttons.
Script Window (3): The script window displays the code of the sample currently
selected in the chapter window. The currently selected sample is marked red in the
chapter window.
Diagnostics Window (4): The diagnostics window displays all outputs of the various
samples initiated by the printf()function.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
Action Editor
For the configuration of a C-Action, the action editor is available. This editor is opened
from the Object Properties dialog box via a
R on the desired property or event and then selecting C-Action from the displayed pop-up
menu. Already existing C-Actions are marked by a green arrow at the property or event.
In the action editor, the C-Action can be programmed. For C-Actions at properties, a trigger
must be defined. For C-Actions at events, this is not necessary since the event itself is the
trigger. The completed C-Action must be compiled. If no errors are detected by the
compiler, the action editor can be exited by clicking on OK.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at a Property
The sample code above represents a typical C-Action at a property. The meaning of the
individual sections is described below.
Header (gray): The first three lines shaded gray form the header of the C-Action. This
header is generated automatically and cannot be changed. Except for the return value
type (l
ongin the sample code), the function header is identical for all properties. Three
parameters are transferred to the C-Action. These are the Picture Name
pszPictureName), the Object Name (lpszObjectName)and the Property Name
Variable Declaration (1): In this first code section that can be edited, the variables
used are declared. In the sample code this is one variable of the l
Value Computation (2): In this section, the computation of the property value is
performed. In the sample code, only the value of one WinCC tag is read in.
Value Return (3): The computed property value is assigned to the property. This is
done via the return command.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at an Event
The sample code above represents a typical C-Action at an event. The meaning of the
individual sections is described below.
Header (gray): The first three lines shaded gray form the header of the C-Action. This
header is generated automatically and cannot be changed. The function header differs
for the various types of events. The parameters l
pszPictureName (Picture Name),
pszObjectName (Object Name)and l
pszPropertyName (Property Name)are transferred
to the C-Action. The l
pszPropertyName parameter only contains relevant information
for events that react to the change of a property. Additional event-specific parameters
can be transferred.
Variable Declaration (1): In this first code section that can be edited, the variables
used are declared. In the sample code this is one variable of the l
Event Processing (2): In this section, the actions reacting to the corresponding event
are performed. In the sample code, the value of one WinCC tag is read in. This value is
assigned as position X to the own object. The return value of a C-Action at an event is
of the voidtype, i.e. no return value is expected.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
Programming the function body, which executes the desired calculations, actions
and so forth. Several programming aids are available. One of these aids is the tag
selection dialog. This dialog is opened via the toolbar button displayed below. In
the displayed Select Tagdialog, a WinCC tag is selected and then confirmed by
clicking on OK. The name of the selected WinCC tag will then be inserted at the
current cursor position in the C-Action.
Another aid is the function selection in the left window of the action editor.
Using the function selection, all available project f
unctions, standardf
and internalf
unctions can be inserted automatically at the current cursor position
in the C-Action.
WinCC C-Course
The completed function must now be compiled. This is done via the toolbar
button displayed below.
The result of the compiling process is displayed in the lower left corner of the
action editor. This includes the number of errors found and the number of
warnings. Errors always cause a C-Action to be not executable. Warnings on the
other hand are notes pointing out possible errors that can occur during the
execution of the C-Action. Good programming style precludes the creation of CActions with the output result other than 0 Error(s),0 Warning(s).
If errors occur during the compiling process, they will be displayed in the output
D on an error message in the output window, you can jump
window. Via a
directly to the corresponding code line.
For C-Actions that have been created at an object property, a trigger must be
defined. For C-Actions at events, this is not necessary since the event itself form
the trigger.
The definition of the trigger is carried out via the toolbar button displayed below.
You have the option to use time or tag triggers.
By clicking on the OK button of the action editor, the programmed C-Action will
be placed at the desired property or event. A property or event made dynamic
through a C-Action will be marked by a green arrow.
WinCC C-Course
If a new C-Action is created, the automatically generated code will include two comment
blocks. These comment blocks are necessary to give the CrossReference editor access to
the internal information of a C-Action. They are also needed to enable the rewiring within a
Variable Definition: The first comment block is used for the definition of the WinCC
tags used in the C-Action. This comment block begins with the line /
TAGNAME_SECTION_START and ends with the line /
TAGNAME_SECTION_END. In between these two lines, the names of all WinCC tags
used in the C-Action are defined. A definition takes place through the preprocessor
command #define followed by the defined name (in the sample code this is
S32I_COURSE_TEST_1)followed by the name of the WinCC tag (in the sample code
this is S32i_course_test_1).
Picture Definition: The second comment block is used for the definition of the WinCC
pictures used in the C-Action. This comment block begins with the line /
PICNAME_SECTION_START and ends with the line /
PICNAME_SECTION_END. In between these two lines, the names of all WinCC
pictures used in the C-Action are defined. This follows the same convention as
described above for the definition of tag names.
Application: In the actual program code, the defined values must be used instead of the
real tag and picture names. Before compiling the C-Action, the preprocessor will replace
all defined names with the real names.
WinCC C-Course
Project Functions
If the same functionality is frequently required in C-Actions, this functionality can be
formulated in a project function. Project functions can be called in all C-Actions of a
WinCC project, in the same manner as all other functions. The following lists the
advantages of using project functions as opposed to creating the entire program code in CActions:
Central place for editing: A change of a project function affects all C-Actions in which
this function is being used. If no project functions are used, all concerned C-Actions
must be changed manually. This not only simplifies the configuration, but also
maintenance and troubleshooting.
Reusability: Once a project f
unction has been programmed and extensively tested, it
can be used again at any time without requiring additional configurations or new tests.
Reduced Picture Volume: If not the entire program code is placed directly in the CAction at the object, the picture volume is reduced. This results in faster picture opening
times and a higher performance in runtime.
Password Protection: Project f
unctions can be protected against changes by assigning
a password. This protects the configuration data as well as your know-how.
Project functions are only available project-internal. They are stored in the
WinCCProjectFolder\LIBRARY folder and defined in the ap_pbib.h file located in the
same folder.
A number of standardf
unctions are available. Contrary to the project f
unctions, the
standard functions are available to all WinCC projects. Existing standardf
unctions can be
changed. New standardf
unctions can also be created.
Standard functions only differ from project functions with regard to their availability:
standard functions are available across projects, whereas project functions are only
available project-internal. Standard functions are stored in the
WinCCInstallationFolder\APLIB folder and defined in the ap_glob.h file located in the
same folder.
In addition to the project functions and the standard functions, there are also internal
functions. Among others, these are standard C functions. They cannot be changed by the
user and new internal functions can also not be created.
WinCC C-Course
Actions are - contrary to the previously described functions - not called from a C-Action or
other function. A trigger must be assigned to the action controlling its execution. It is
executed independently of the currently selected picture in runtime.
Actions can be configured globally, i.e. across projects. In this case, they are stored in the
WinCCProjectFolder\PAS folder. You can also configure local actions (computer-specific
actions), which will be stored in the WinCCProjectFolder\ComputerName\PAS folder.
If Gl
obalScript Runtime is checked in the startup list of the computer, all gl
and all l
ocalactions belonging to the computer will activated upon project start.
Open the Gl
obalScript editor.
Via a
R on the Project Functions entry and then selecting New
from the pop-up menu, the basic framework of a new project f
unction will be
WinCC C-Course
The project f
unction can be completely formulated by the user. There are no code
sections that cannot be edited.
Programming the function header. The function must be given a name, which is
used in C-Actions or other functions to call it. Additionally, the return value and
required transfer parameters of the function must be specified.
If other project f
unctions or standardf
unctions are to be used in the present
function, the apdef
hfile must be integrated. This is done via the preprocessor
command #incl
ude "apdef
h", which must be inserted before the function
The completed function must now be compiled. This is done via the toolbar
button displayed below.
The result of the compiling process is displayed in the output window. Errors
occurred and warnings will be listed and their quantity displayed. Via a
an error message in the output window, you can jump directly to the
corresponding code line.
D on
Via the toolbar button displayed below, a description can be added to the project
unction. Together with the description, a password can be defined to protect the
project f
unction from unauthorized access.
WinCC C-Course
Open the Gl
obalScript editor.
Via a
R on the Gl
obalActions entry and then selecting New
from the pop-up menu, the basic framework of a new action will be created.
The header of the action will be generated automatically and cannot be changed.
In addition, two comment blocks for the definition of the WinCC tags and
WinCC pictures are inserted.
The meaning of these two comment blocks has already been described in the
previous C-Actions section.
WinCC C-Course
Via the toolbar button displayed below, a description can be added to the action,
similar to the function description. A password can also be defined to protect the
project f
unction from unauthorized access.
Contrary to functions, it is also necessary to set a trigger, which controls the
execution of the action. For the selection of a trigger for an action, the user has a
greater range of options than for the selection of a trigger for a C-Action at an
object. Among other things, a one-time execution can be programmed.
Test Output
The execution of a program can be followed through test outputs. This facilitates
troubleshooting and error diagnostics during development. Test outputs can be initiated via
the printf()functions. Through this function, simple texts, but also current tag values, can
be output. To make the output texts visible, a Global Script Diagnostics Window must be
WinCC C-Course
The printf()Function
The printf()function allows test outputs to be made. A sample application of this function
is displayed below:
The printf()function requires at least one parameter. This parameter is a character string.
The type and quantity of additional parameters to be transferred depends on this character
The % character is used by the printf()function as an identifier that the value of a variable
is to be inserted at this position. The character following the % character determines the
data type of this variable. The character combination %dused in the sample above signals
the output of a decimal number. Additional possible combinations and their descriptions
can be found in the following table:
Output of a % character
Output of a tab
Output of a \ character
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
If the project is in runtime, the text outputs specified by the printf()function will
be displayed in the diagnostics window. If the update is stopped using the
appropriate button on the toolbar, the window content can be saved or printed
WinCC C-Course
4.2 Variables
In the WinCC project Project_C_Course, samples pertaining to the topic variables can be
accessed by clicking on the navigation bar icon displayed below. The samples are
configured in the cc_9_example_00.PDL picture.
Variables are data objects manipulated by a program. A variable can only be used after it
has been defined. All variables used in a program must be defined before the first
instruction can be carried out.
Variables can be compared to a container. Through a variable name, we give the container a
unique name. The type of the content of the container is specified by its data type. The start
content of the container is specified by its initialization value. In most cases, this content
will be manipulated during program execution.
The variables described here should not be mistaken for WinCC tags. They are only
available within the program code.
A sample for the definition of a variable is illustrated by the following program code. In
this case, a variable of the int data type is defined with the name iNumber. The code line is
concluded with a semicolon. In front of the variable name is a prefix describing the data
type. This is not mandatory, but it makes the data type of the variable immediately
recognizable during program creation.
It is also possible to initialize a variable while it is being defined.
In addition to variables, a program also works with constants. This is simply the direct
application of a number value. To clarify the meaning of such a number value, a symbolic
constant can be defined for it using the #define command.
A sample for the definition of a symbolic constant is shown by the program code below. In
this case, the symbolic constant MAX_INT_VALUE is defined with the number value
2147483647. Note that the code line must not be concluded by a semicolon. It is a common
programming guideline that symbolic constants are written in upper case letters to easier
differentiate them from variables.
WinCC C-Course
Data Types
C recognizes the basic data types listed in the table below.
Data Type
Integer value
A variable of the char data type has a memory requirement of one Byte. Its content can be
interpreted as a character or as a number.
The int data type can be preceded by the signed or unsigned keyword. The keyword signed
stands for a signed value, the keyword unsigned for an unsigned value.
The int data type can also be preceded by the long or short keywords. These keywords can
also be used without int - and still have the same meaning. A variable of the short (or short
int)data type has a memory requirement of 2 Bytes, a variable of the long (or long int)data
type has - just as the variable of the int data type - a memory requirement of 4Bytes.
The double data type only differs from the float data type by its value range. Numbers can
be represented with greater accuracy by the double data type. A variable of the float data
type has a memory requirement of 4Bytes, whereas a variable of the double data type has a
memory requirement of 8Bytes.
Value Range
-2 147483648to 2 147483647
unsigned int
0to 4294967295
unsigned short
0to 65535
-2 147483648to 2 147483647
unsigned long
0to 4294967295
unsigned char
-10^38to 0^38
-10^308to 0^308
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button1
The first three lines are the header of the C-Action. This header cannot be changed.
In the next section, the variables are defined. One variable each of the char, l
ong, short
and int data type and their unsigned counterparts are defined. The names of the
variables are preceded by a prefix describing the data type. This is not mandatory, but it
makes the data type of a variable immediately recognizable during program creation. As
the comment, each line includes the memory space required by the variable (comments
begin with the character string //are marked in green).
In the next section, values are assigned to the variables. This is done using the
assignment operator =. The number values used in the sample exactly hit the limits of
the value ranges that can be displayed for the various data types.
The number values are output in the diagnostics window through the function printf().
This output is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button2
In the first section, the variables are defined. One variable each of the CHAR, SHORT,
LONG and INTdefined data type and their unsigned counterparts BYTE, WORD,
DWORD and UINTare defined. In addition, a variable of the BOOLdata type is
defined. Variables of the BOOLdata type can be assigned the defined values TRUE or
FALSE. The names of the variables are preceded by a prefix describing the data type as
in the previous example.
In the next section, values are assigned to the variables. The number values used in the
sample again exactly hit the limits of the value ranges that can be displayed for the
various data types.
The number values are output in the diagnostics window through the function printf().
This output is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
Type Definition
Data types used in this section have been assigned using the typedefcommand. The
following program code illustrates how the BYTE data type has been defined. BYTE is
simply the alias name for the default data type unsignedchar available in C. You can also
define your own alias names.
The following table contains the defined data types pertaining to the default data types
available in C:
C Data Type
unsigned char
unsigned short
unsigned long
unsigned int
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button3
In the first section, the variables are defined. The data types of the variables were
selected according to the data types available for WinCC tags.
In the next section, values are assigned to the variables. The number values used in the
sample again exactly hit the limits of the value ranges that can be displayed for the
various data types.
The variable values are assigned to the various WinCC tags using the corresponding
functions. The function names consist of the text SetTagand the data type designation
of the WinCC tag to which the function is applied. Corresponding to the SetTag
functions for writing to WinCC tags, there are also GetTagfunctions for reading
WinCC tags.
WinCC C-Course
If a variable of the of the BOOLdata type (alias name for int)is transferred to the
SetTagBit()function, the compiler will issue a warning. This is done, because the
SetTagBit()function expects SHORTas the data type of the transferred variable.
Therefore, the content of the bNumber variable is converted to SHORTin this sample
code before it is transferred to the SetTagBit()function. This process is also called
Typecast (type conversion).
Type Conversion
The content of a variable can be converted to a different data type before it is transferred to
a function or assigned to another variable. The data type of the variable itself remains
unchanged, however. The following program code illustrates how a variable of the f
data type can be converted to the int data type.
short int
long int
Binary Tag
short int
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button4
In the first section, the variables are defined. One variable each of the f
oat and doubl
data type is defined.
In the next section, values are assigned to the variables. In this sample, the same number
value is assigned to both variables.
The accuracy of a variable of the f
oat type goes approximately to the seventh decimal
place. A variable of the doubl
e type can display numbers twice as accurate. This can be
seen in the output of the number values - using the printf()function - in the diagnostics
window. In addition to the value of the variable, its memory requirement is also output.
The memory requirement of a variable is determined via the sizeof()command. The
memory requirement is indicated in Bytes.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button5
In the first section, the variables are defined. One variable each of the f
oat and doubl
data type is defined.
In the next section, values are assigned to the variables. In this sample, the same number
value is again assigned to both variables.
The variable values are assigned to the various WinCC tags using the corresponding
functions. Corresponding to the SetTagfunctions used here for writing to WinCC tags,
GetTagfunctions for reading WinCC tags are also available.
WinCC C-Course
Static Variables
A C variable is valid in a function after its definition. It becomes invalid again after the
function terminates. If the function is called again, the C variable will be generated again.
However, if the keyword static precedes the variable, the variable will be maintained in
between two function calls. It will therefore keep its value. For C-Actions however, this is
only valid as long as the WinCC picture is selected. The static variables become invalid if
the picture is deselected. The static variable will be generated again after the picture is
opened again during the initial execution of the C-Action.
A C variable can only be accessed within the function in which it has been defined.
However, if the variable is defined outside of any function, it becomes a global (external)
variable. This variable can then be declared in any function using the keyword extern and
be accessed.
The CreateExternal
Tags()function only serves the purpose of defining and initializing
an external variable of the int type. At the start of the project, the function is called once
(at Events
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button6
In the first section, the external variable ext_iNumber is declared in order to be able to
use the variable in the C-Action.
In the second section, the static variable stat_iNumber is defined and initialized. This
will be performed at the first execution of the C-Action after the WinCC picture has
been selected. For further executions of the C-Action, the value of the variable will be
maintained. If the picture is deselected and then selected again, the variable will be
generated again.
The number values of the variables are incremented by one through the increment
operator ++ and output in the diagnostics window via the printf()function. The variable
ext_iNumber will therefore indicate the number of clicks on the button since the project
start and the variable stat_iNumber the number of clicks since the opening of the
picture. This output is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
In a program, operators control what happens to variables and constants. Variables and
constants are connected to operators - this results in new variable values.
Operators can be divided into various categories. This includes mathematical operators, bitby-bit operators and assignment operators.
Mathem aticalOperators
+ (unary)
- (unary)
Negative sign
+ (binary)
- (binary)
WinCC C-Course
Bit-by-Bit Operators
These operators make it possible to set, query or reset individual bits in variables.
Bit-by-Bit AND
Bit-by-Bit OR
Bit-by-Bit exclusive OR
Bit-by-Bit inversion
All logical operators follow the same rule: 0is FALSE, all other numbers are TRUE. These
operators either generate a 0(FALSE)or a 1 (TRUE).
Greater than
Equal to
Not equal to
Less than
Logical AND
Logical OR
Logical inversion
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button1
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button2
In the first section, two variables of the int data type are defined and initialized.
The increment operator in the prefix or postfix version are applied to these two
variables. The return values of these operators are output through the printf()function in
the diagnostics window. Afterwards, the variable contents are also output by the printf()
function in the diagnostics window. This output is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
In this sample, the bit-by-bit operators are applied to the content of two WinCC tags
(unsigned16-Bit val
ues). The result of the operation is stored in another WinCC tag of the
same type. The operator applied is controlled and simultaneously displayed by the Button6
object. The bit-by-bit connections AND, OR, NAND, NOR and EXOR are available. A
number value is assigned to each selection option, which is stored in another WinCC tag
(unsigned8-Bit val
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button3
In the first section, one variable of the BYTE data type and three variables of the
DWORD data type are defined. These variables are used to temporarily store the WinCC
In the next section, the two WinCC tags to be connected are read into the dwVal
ue1 and
ue2variables. Additionally, the WinCC tag determining the type of the bit-by-bit
connection operator will be read into the byOperation variable.
In the next section, the dwVal
ue1 and dwVal
ue2variables are connected bit-by-bit
depending on the content of the byOperation variable. The connection result is stored in
the dwResul
t variable. The connection operation to be performed is selected by a switchcase construction. This construction is described in greater detail in the Loops chapter.
In the next section, the connection result contained in the dwResul
t variable is written to
the corresponding WinCC tag.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button4
In the first section, a variable of the DWORD data type is defined. This variable is used
to temporarily store the WinCC tag. In addition, two help variables of the DWORD type
are defined.
In the next section, the WinCC tag to be processed is written to the dwVal
ue variable.
In the next section, the individual bits of the dwVal
ue variable are moved to the left by
eight positions (one byte)and stored in the dwtempValue1 variable. Afterwards, the
individual bits of the dwVal
ue variable are moved to the right by eight positions and
stored in the dwtempValue2variable. Both values determined in this section are
connected bit-by-bit (OR)and the result stored in the dwVal
ue variable.
In the next section, the rotated variable value contained in the dwVal
ue variable is
written to the corresponding WinCC tag.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button5
WinCC C-Course
AdditionalMathem aticalFunctions
In the function selection, the mathematical functions can be found at InternalFunctions
math. The following illustration depicts all available mathematical
functions (shaded gray).
WinCC C-Course
4.4 Pointers
In the WinCC project Project_C_Course, samples pertaining to the topic pointers can be
accessed by clicking on the navigation bar icon displayed below. The samples are
configured in the cc_9_example_02.PDL picture.
The content of the pointer is not defined. It is still pointing to an invalid variable of the int
data type. To clarify this, a pointer should be initialized with the value NULL while it is
being defined. Before its application, the pointer can then be checked for validity.
To have the pointer point to a variable of the int data type, it must be assigned the address
of the variable. This is done via the unary operator , the so-called address operator. This
operator returns the address of the variable instead of its value. In the following program
code, the address of a variable with the int data type is assigned to the pointer.
The access to the value of the variable to which the pointer is pointing is realized via the
unary operator *, which is also called the content operator. In the following program code,
the value of the variable to which the pointer is pointing is assigned to a variable of the int
data type.
WinCC C-Course
The individual elements of the vectors can be accessed via its index. In the following
program code, the content of the last vector element is accessed. This is done via the index
operator [].
The vector name can also be used as a pointer pointing to the first vector element. A certain
vector element can also be accessed by moving this pointer by a certain number of
elements. This is done as illustrated in the program code below by adding a int value to the
pointer. The content of the resulting pointer is accessed via the content operator *. As
shown previously, the last value of the vector is accessed.
Character Strings
In C, a character string can be defined as a vector consisting of characters or as a pointer
pointing to a character. In addition to the coded character, C adds a null character to the end
of the character string. It serves as the end character of the character string. In the program
code displayed below, the definition of string variables is shown using both types.
Below, the internal display of both string variables is shown. In the first case, exactly as
much memory space has been reserved for the string variable as is needed for accepting the
string indicated for the initialization. In the second case, as much memory space has been
reserved as was specified during the definition of the vector.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button1
In the first section, two variables of the int data type are defined and initialized.
Next, a pointer pointing to a variable of the int data type is defined and initialized with
Next, the address contained in the pointer is output via the printf()function. The
content, to which the pointer is currently pointing, is not defined. Accessing the content
of the pointer via the content operator *would cause a general access violation at this
Next, the address of the iVal
ue1 variable is assigned to the pointer. Its address and
content is again output via the printf()function.
Next, the address of the iVal
ue2variable is assigned to the pointer and the result output
again. The output of this program is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button2
In the first section, a vector consisting of 5variables of the int data type is defined. The
vector is already initialized with number values while it is being defined.
Next, the iIndex counter variable of the int data type is defined.
The individual elements of the vector are output via the printf()function. The access to
the individual elements is achieved in a f
or loop via the index operator []. Dealing with
loops is described in the next chapter Loops. This output is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button3
In the first section, a vector consisting of 5variables of the int data type is defined. The
vector is already initialized with number values while it is being defined. In this case,
the size specification can also be omitted during while defining the vector.
Next, the iIndex counter variable of the int data type is defined.
Next, a piElement pointer is defined for a variable of the int data type and initialized
with NULL.
Next, the address of the first vector element is assigned to the piElement pointer. This
address is output via the printf()function.
Next, the individual elements of the vector are accessed by the piElement pointer. The
access is carried out in a f
or loop by advancing the pointer to the individual elements
and the content operator *.
WinCC C-Course
Next, the individual elements of the vector are accessed again. This time, however, the
name of the vector itself is used as the pointer. The output of the program is displayed
in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button4
In the first section, a character string (vector consisting of 13characters)is defined. This
length of the character string is one character more than the length of the assigned
initialization string to make room for the closing null character.
Next, the i counter variable of the int data type is defined.
Next, the individual characters of the character string are output via the printf()
function. The access to these characters is carried out in a f
or loop via the index
operator [].
Next, the entire character string is output via the printf()function. The output of the
program is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button5
In the first section, a character string (pointer pointing to the first character)is defined.
This string is initialized with NULL.
Next, the content of a WinCC text tag is read in via the GetTagChar()function. The
function reserves the memory space required for the character string as returns its
starting address.
Next, the entire character string is output via the printf()function. In addition, the length
of the character string is determined by the strl
en()function and output together with the
starting address of the character string. The output of the program is displayed in the
next section.
WinCC C-Course
Loops can be used to repeatedly perform a code section as long as a condition is satisfied.
In general, there are two types of loops: pre-check and post-check loops. The pre-check
loops check before the loop body, if this loop is to be performed. The post-check loops
check after the loop body, if this loop is to be performed. Therefore, post-check loops are
performed at least once.
The following types of loops can be differentiated.
A sample of a while loop is displayed below. The loop is repeated as long as the condition
is satisfied. In this sample, the loop is performed as long as the value of the i variable is less
than 5.
do - while
A sample of a do-whil
e loop is displayed below. The loop is performed at least once and
then repeated as long as the condition is satisfied. In this sample, the loop is performed as
long as the value of the i variable is less than 5.
WinCC C-Course
A sample of a for loop is displayed below. The loop is repeated as long as the condition is
satisfied. The initialization of the loop counter as well as the processing of the loop counter
can be formulated within the loop.
ConditionalStatem ents
In loops, the body of the loop is processed for as long as a condition is true. In conditional
statements, a statement is processed exactly once if a condition is true.
The following types of conditional statements can be differentiated.
If the condition is true, the statement in the if branch is processed. If the condition does not
apply, the alternative statement in the else branch will be processed. The else branch can
also be omitted, if no alternative statement is to be performed.
In this case, a variable is checked for a match. Switch specifies the variable to be checked.
It is checked, which of the case branches agrees with the value of the variable. This case
branch is then performed. Any number of case branches can be defined. Each case branch
must end with a break. Optionally, a default branch can be inserted. This branch will be
performed, if the value of the variable to be checked agrees with none of the case branches.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button1
In the first section, a iCount counter variable of the int data type is defined and
Next, the while loop is programmed. This loop will be executed as long as the content
of the iCount counter variable is less than 5. Each time the loop is performed, an output
is made by the printf()function. At the end of the loop, the iCount counter variable is
increased by one. The output of the program is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button2
In the first section, a iCount counter variable of the int data type is defined and
Next, the do-while loop is programmed. This loop will be executed as long as the
content of the iCount counter variable is less than 5. However, the loop is performed at
least once, since this condition is only checked for after the loop has been performed.
Each time the loop is performed, an output is made by the printf()function. At the end
of the loop, the iCount counter variable is increased by one. The output of the program
is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button3
In the first section, a iCount counter variable of the int data type is defined and
Next, a f
or loop is programmed. This loop will be executed as long as the content of the
iCount counter variable is less than 5. The initialization of the counter variable is
programmed directly in the call of the loop just as the action for incrementing the
counter variable. Each time the loop is performed, an output is made by the printf()
function. The output of the program is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button4
In the first section, the symbolic constant MAX_COUNTis defined. This constant
represents the maximum number of executions for the following endless loop.
In the next section, a iCount counter variable of the int data type is defined and
The current number of loop executions is to be displayed by a progress display. The
display consists of a bar, whose length contains the iProgressBar variable and a static
text, whose content contains the szProgressText string variable.
Next, the endless loop is programmed. This loop could also be formulated using the
while (TRUE)statement.
WinCC C-Course
In the loop, the iCount counter variable is checked. If this variable exceeds the value of
MAX_COUNT, the loop is exited via the breakstatement.
The iCount counter variable will be incremented.
The progress display shows the loops already performed in percent. For every new
percent reached, the value of the progress display is set again. If no new percent has
been reached, the loop is immediately performed again via the continue statement and
the remaining lines skipped.
The values of the progress display are set by setting the width of the ProgressBar bar
with the SetWidth()function and by setting the text of the ProgressText static text with
the SetText()function. The text used is configured with the sprintf()function. This
function follows the principle of printf
(). The text, however, is not output by the Gl
Script Diagnostics Window, but written to a string variable. This string variable must be
defined as the first parameter of the function.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button5
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button6
WinCC C-Course
4.6 Functions
In the WinCC project Project_C_Course, samples pertaining to the topic functions can be
accessed by clicking on the navigation bar icon displayed below. The samples are
configured in the cc_9_example_05.PDL picture.
Functions make it possible to better structure a program code. Instead of programming
often repeated statements over and over again, they can be shifted into a function. This also
results in a central location for editing the program code and easier maintenance.
In WinCC, functions can be created as project functions or standard functions.
Return Value
A function can simply execute statements without returning a value. In this case, the return
value is of the void data type. If, however, for example a calculation is performed, the value
determined can be returned to the caller of the function via the return value. In this case,
values or other addresses can be returned.
Another option to return values to the caller is to write to a transferred address area. Vectors
or structures can only be returned in this manner.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button1
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button2
WinCC C-Course
In the function header, the name of the function is specified as FillVector(). A pointer
pointing to a variable of the int data type is transferred to the function. This pointer
points to the first element of the vector expected. Additionally, the length of the vector
is transferred to the function. A variable of the BOOL data type is returned indicating
whether the function has been performed successfully or not.
Next, a counter variable of the int data type is defined.
Next, the transferred pointer is checked. The caller is responsible for the transfer of the
correct vector length. If an incorrect value is transferred, this might lead to a general
access violation.
Using a f
or loop, the elements of the vector transferred are filled by the rand()function
with random numbers.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button3
In the first section, a symbolic constant VECTOR_SIZE for the number of vector
elements is defined.
Next, a vector iVector consisting of VECTOR_SIZE variables of the int data type is
Next, a i counter variable of the int data type is defined.
Using the previously created FillVector()function, the elements of the iVector vector
transferred are filled with random numbers. The return value of the FillVector()
function is checked while it is being called with the help of an ifstatement.
The individual elements of the iVector vector are output via the printf()function. This
output is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
In the function header, the name of the function is specified as GetFilledVector(). The
number of elements of the vector created is transferred to the function. The pointer
pointing to the first vector element of the int*data type is returned.
WinCC C-Course
Next, a piVector pointer is defined for a variable of the int data type and initialized with
Next, a i counter variable of the int data type is defined.
Sufficient memory space must be reserved for the vector. This is ensured by the internal
function SysMal
oc(). To this function, the size of the desired memory block is
transferred which is calculated by multiplying the memory requirement of a variable of
the int data type by the desired number of vector elements. The function will return the
address of the reserved memory block or NULL, if the memory space available is
Next, the address received from the SysMal
oc()function will be checked. If not enough
memory space was available, the function is terminated and NULL returned.
Using a f
or loop, the elements of the vector are filled by the rand()function with
random numbers.
The address of the vector created is returned to the caller via the return statement.
C-Action at Button4
In the first section, a symbolic constant VECTOR_SIZE for the number of vector
elements is defined.
Next, a piVector pointer is defined for a variable of the int data type and initialized with
Next, a i counter variable of the int data type is defined.
Using the previously created function GetFilledVector(), a vector filled with random
numbers is created, whose address is then stored in the piVector pointer. The return
value of the GetFilledVector()function is then checked for validity.
The individual elements of the vector created are output via the printf()function. This
output is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
The procedure for transferring structures to functions and the procedure for the return of
structures are described in the next chapter.
WinCC C-Course
4.7 Structures
In the WinCC project Project_C_Course, samples pertaining to the topic structures can be
accessed by clicking on the navigation bar icon displayed below. The samples are
configured in the cc_9_example_04.PDL picture.
WinCC C-Course
Next, the coordinates of an object are set with the values contained in the structure
variable via the SetLef
t()and SetTop()functions.
WinCC C-Course
A tagCC_RECT structure type consisting of four int elements is defined. The structure
type will accept the position and dimensions of a rectangular area. A variable of this
structure type must be defined as a variable of the struct tagCC_RECT data type. To
avoid this sometimes tedious notation, an alias name is defined using the typedef
statement. If you now want to define a variable of this data type, it is sufficient to use
the CC_RECT notation to specify the data type. If a pointer should point to a variable of
this data type, the notation PCC_RECTcan be used.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button2
In the first section, a rect variable of the CC_RECTdata type is defined and initialized.
Next, a prect variable of the PCC_RECT data type is defined and initialized with NULL.
This data type is a pointer pointing to a variable of the CC_RECTdata type.
Next, via the operator . , the elements of the rect structure variable are accessed. Its
content is output via the printf()function.
Next, the address of the rect variable is assigned to the prect pointer. Next, via the
operator ->, the elements of the structure variable - to which the prect pointer is
pointing - are accesed. The content of the structure variable is again output via the
printf()function. The output of the program is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
Now WinCC tags of the Rect data type can be created. In this sample this means
that a total of four tags corresponding to the four structure elements must be
C-Action at Button3
In the first section, a rect variable of the CC_RECTdata type is defined. The CC_RECT
data type has been defined in the previous sample.
Next, the values contained in a WinCC structure tag are written to the elements of the
rect variable. In this sample, the values contained in the WinCC structure tag are
displayed via four I/O Fields and can also be edited in them.
Next, the elements of the rect structure variable are output via the printf()function. The
output of the program is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
Next, a string variable for accepting the element names of the WinCC structure tag is
Next, enough memory space must be reserved to accept a variable of the CC_RECT
data type. This is ensured by the internal function SysMal
oc(). The size of the desired
memory block, which can be determined via the sizeof
()statement, is transferred to this
function. The function will return the address of the reserved memory block or NULL, if
the memory space available is insufficient.
Next, the address received from the SysMal
oc()function will be checked. If not enough
memory space was available, the function is terminated and NULL returned.
Next, the names of each element of the WinCC structure tag are composed and the
content of the corresponding element read into the reserved memory area.
The address of the reserved memory block, in which the content of the WinCC structure
tag has been stored, is returned. This memory block will remain reserved and keep its
data even after the function has bee exited.
If, instead of the procedure presented here, simply a local variable of the CC_RECTdata
type had been created - whose elements contain the content of the WinCC structure tag and
returns its address - the caller of the function would receive an invalid pointer. This can be
explained by the fact that the variable of the CC_RECTdata type would become invalid at
the end of the function and consequently an address of an invalid object would be returned.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button4
In the first section, a prect variable of the PCC_RECT data type is defined and
initialized with NULL.
Next, a WinCC structure tag is read via the previously created GetTagRect()function.
The GetTagRect()function returns a pointer pointing to the memory block containing
the desired data. This pointer is converted to a pointer of the PCC_RECT type.
Next, the pointer received from the GetTagRect()function is checked. If not enough
memory space is available, the function will return the value NULL.
Next, the names of each element of the WinCC structure tag are composed and the
content of the corresponding element read into the reserved memory area.
The address of the reserved memory block, in which the content of the WinCC structure
tag has been stored, is returned. This memory block will remain reserved and keep its
data even after the function has bee exited.
Next, the elements of the structure tag, to which prect is pointing, are output via the
printf()function. The output of the program is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
Function Libraries
Each (major)application of WinCC (Graphics Designer, Tag Logging, Alarm Logging,
etc.)provides its own API, which is located in one or multiple DLLs. A DLL (Dynamic
Load Library)is a dynamically loaded function library. The declarations of the functions
contained in a DLL are provided in an associated header file.
The integration of a DLL into a C-Action or other function is shown in the following
program code sample. In the first line, the name of the DLL to be loaded is specified. In the
sample, this is the DLL which contains the CSfunctions of the Graphics Designers. In the
second line, the header file with the function declarations is integrated. If only one or two
functions are required, the declaration of the function can also be made directly at this
point. The closing line is formed by #pragma code(). In the above sample, the names of the
DLL and header files agree, which appears to make sense. This, however, is not always the
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button1
In the first section, a bRet variable of the BOOL data type is defined and initialized. This
variable will accept the return value of the API functions called.
Next, two string variables are defined. Their content - the picture name and object name
- specifies the object to be edited. Make sure that the picture name does not include the
file extension PDL.
To define the type of the properties to be set, a variable is created. For this, a separate
data type is available. This is the VARTYPE data type. For each existing property type, a
symbolic constant is defined. The properties to be set for this sample are of the VT_I4
data type (int with a length of 4Bytes).
WinCC C-Course
For the Position X and Position Yproperties to be set, a variable each of the int type is
defined, which includes the new value of the property.
Next, a variable of the CMN_ERROR data type is defined. If a function call fails, this
structure will contain information about the error occurred.
Via the PDLRTSetPropEx()API function, the Position X and Position Yproperties of
the specified object are set. The first parameter of the API function denotes the
addressing mode of the object. The next three parameters denote the desired picture
name, object name and property name. To specify the desired property, the English
name, not the German one, must be used. For the previous example, these are Lef
t and
Top. The next parameter denotes the property type. In the following parameter, the
address of the variable is specified, which contains the new value of the property. The
next four parameters are not relevant for the desired functionality. In the last parameter,
the address of the error structure is specified.
The return value of every API function is checked in an ifstatement after it has been
called. If the call fails, this is indicated by an output. Part of this output includes the
information contained in the szErrorText structure element of the error structure.
In this sample, the return value of the API function is assigned to a variable of the BOOL
data type. This variable is then checked. The call of the API function and the check of the
return value can also be combined into one line. This procedure will be used in the
subsequent samples of this chapter.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button2
WinCC C-Course
The first two samples of this chapter refer to the I/OField1 object of the
PDLpicture. The first sample changes the position of the object in the
picture, the second creates a tag connection at it. After a picture change, the modifications
made are lost. Ensure that after the execution of the CSfunctions described in the
subsequent samples, a picture change must always be performed. This means that changes
in the picture achieved by using on of the first two button will be lost after clicking on one
of the other buttons.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button3
WinCC C-Course
In the first section, the DLL of the Graphics Designer API is loaded. In addition, the
hfile is integrated, which contains the definition of a symbolic constant used
in this sample.
Next, a szProjectName string variable for accepting the project name is defined.
Next, a string variable for accepting the picture name is defined. Note that the picture
name must include the file extension PDL(which differs from the RT functions).
Next, the additional variables required are defined. This includes a variable of the GUID
data type, which determines the object type to be created.
In the next section, the project name is determined via the DMGetRuntimeProject()API
function. The project name will be stored in the szProjectName variable. If the
determination of the project name fails, this will will be indicated by an output. In this
case, the C-Action is exited via the return statement.
In the next section, the Graphics Designer API is initialized by the
eAppPtr()API function. If the initialization of the Graphics Designer API
fails, this will be indicated by an output. In this case, the C-Action is exited via the
return statement as well.
In the next section, the picture to be edited is opened via the PDLCSOpenEx()API
function. As the next to last parameter, the dwFl
ags variable set to the value 1 is
transferred to the API function. This causes the picture not to be displayed on the
screen. If the opening of the picture fails, this will will be indicated by an output. Via
the goto statement, a jump is made to the code position where the connection to the
Graphics Designer API is terminated.
In the next section, a new object named I/OField2will be created via the
PDLCSNewObjectEx()API function. If the creation of the new object fails, this will
will be indicated by an output. Via the goto statement, a jump is made to the code
position where the previously opened picture is closed.
In the next section, the picture is saved via the PDLCSSave()API function. If saving the
picture fails, this will will be indicated by an output. Via the goto statement, a jump is
made to the code position - just as in the section above - where the previously opened
picture is closed.
Next, the picture to be edited is selected again via the project f
Next, the previously opened picture is closed again via the PDLCSClose()API function.
Before this statement, a mark is inserted, which is the jump target for previous goto
Next, the connection to the Graphics Designer API is terminated again via the
eAppPtr()API function. Before this statement, a mark is inserted as well,
which is the jump target for a previous goto statement.
The C-Actions, which will be created in the subsequent samples are very similar to the CAction created in the present sample. We will therefore omit detailed explanations, which
have been provided in the present sample. The code descriptions will be limited to an
overview of the program
s execution.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button4
WinCC C-Course
In the first section, the DLL of the Graphics Designer API is loaded.
In the second section, the required variables are defined. The names of the properties
and the property values to be set are stored in vectors, as opposed to following the
procedure described in sample 1.
The project name is determined via the DMGetRuntimeProject()API function.
The Graphics Designer API is initialized by the PDLCSGetOl
eAppPtr()API function.
The picture to be edited is opened via the PDLCSOpenEx()API function.
Within a f
or loop, the properties of the object are set via the PDLCSSetPropertyEx()
API function. If properties of different types are to be set in this way, a vector must be
defined instead of the vt variable. This vector will determine the property type of each
property to be set.
The picture is saved via the PDLCSSave()API function.
The picture to be edited is selected again via the project f
unction Actual
The picture is closed again via the PDLCSClose()API function.
The connection to the Graphics Designer API is terminated again via the
eAppPtr()API function.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button5
WinCC C-Course
In the first section, the DLL of the Graphics Designer API is loaded.
In the second section, the required variables are defined.
The project name is determined via the DMGetRuntimeProject()API function.
The Graphics Designer API is initialized by the PDLCSGetOl
eAppPtr()API function.
The picture to be edited is opened via the PDLCSOpenEx()API function.
In the next section, the structure elements of the l
inkvariable are filled with the
information of the desired tag connection.
The tag connection at the object is created via the PDLCSSetLink()function.
The picture is saved via the PDLCSSave()API function.
The picture to be edited is selected again via the project f
unction Actual
The picture is closed again via the PDLCSClose()API function.
The connection to the Graphics Designer API is terminated again via the
eAppPtr()API function.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button6
In the first section, the DLL of the Graphics Designer API is loaded.
In the second section, the required variables are defined.
The project name is determined via the DMGetRuntimeProject()API function.
The Graphics Designer API is initialized by the PDLCSGetOl
eAppPtr()API function.
The picture to be edited is opened via the PDLCSOpenEx()API function.
All objects contained in the picture will be listed by the PDLCSEnumObjList()API
function. For this purpose, the address of the previously created ObjectCallback()
project function is transferred to the API function. This type of function is also know as
a Callback function. It will be called once for every object contained in the picture, at
which point the data of one object will be transferred.
The picture is closed again via the PDLCSClose()API function.
The connection to the Graphics Designer API is terminated again via the
eAppPtr()API function.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
GeneralInform ation
Many times the programming of a C-Action or other function requires the specification of a
file path, the name of the local computer and such. These values can then be specified according to the current conditions - as absolute values. This can cause problems if a
project is transferred to another computer. The conditions encountered there are in all
likelihood different from those of the creation system. It is therefore recommended to
refrain from using absolute path specifications and such when creating a project. Instead
such information should be determined while in runtime. This chapter contains samples,
which illustrate how information about conditions on the local computer are accessed. For
this purpose, the WinCC API as well as the Windows API are used.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button1
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button2
In the first section, a bRet variable of the BOOLdata type is defined and initialized.
Next, a szProjectFil
e string variable for accepting the project name is defined. In
addition, a string variable is defined as char*and initialized with NULL.
Next, a variable of the CMN_ERROR data type is defined.
The project name is determined via the DMGetRuntimeProject()API function.
Next, the return value of the DMGetRuntimeProject()API function is checked.
Next, the strrchr()function searches for the last position of the \ character in the
determined name of the project file. One position after the found character, a 0is
inserted. Only the path specification of the project file - without the name of the project
file itself - will remain.
Next, the determined project path is output. This output is displayed in the next section.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
4.9.3 Sam ple 3 - Determ ining the Project Path via a Project Function
In this sample, the determination of the project folder illustrated in the previous sample is
shifted to a project f
unction. The sample has been configured at the Button3object
displayed below at Event
Mouse Action.
A string variable is transferred to the project function, in which the determined project
path is written. The caller of the function must ensure that enough memory space has
been reserved for the string variable. If the function has been executed successfully can
be seen by its return value.
The procedure for determining the project path follows the same principle shown in the
previous sample.
The project path determined is copied to the transferred string variable via the strcpy()
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button3
In the first section, a bRet variable of the BOOLdata type is defined and initialized.
Next, a szProjectPathstring variable for accepting the project path is defined.
Using the previously created GetProjectPath()project function, the project path is
determined. Afterwards, the return value of the project f
unction is checked.
Next, the determined project path is output.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button4
WinCC C-Course
With the first strrchr()function, the last \ character is searched for in the determined
path and replaced by a 0. With the second strrchr()function, the last \ character in the
remaining path is searched for. One position after, a 0is inserted.
Next, the determined installation folder is output. This output is displayed in the next
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button5
In the first section, the Windows DLL Kernel32 is integrated. Since only one function
of the DLL is required, this function is declared directly. In addition, a symbolic
constant for the maximum length of the computer name is defined.
Next, a bRet variable of the BOOLdata type is defined and initialized.
Next, a szComputerName string variable for accepting the computer name is defined. In
addition, a variable of the DWORD data type is defined, which is initialized with the
length of the previously defined string variable.
The name of the local computer is determined by the GetComputerNameA()Windows
function. This name is written to the szComputerName string variable transferred.
Next, the return value of the GetComputerNameA()Windows function is checked.
Next, the determined computer name is output.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button6
In the first section, the Windows DLL advapi32 integrated. Since only one function of
the DLL is required, this function is declared directly. In addition, a symbolic constant
for the maximum length of the user name is defined.
Next, a bRet variable of the BOOLdata type is defined and initialized.
Next, a szUserName string variable for accepting the user name is defined. In addition,
a variable of the DWORD data type is defined, which is initialized with the length of the
previously defined string variable.
Via the GetUserNameA()Windows function, the name of the user currently logged on
to Windows NT is determined. This name is written to the szUserName string variable
Next, the return value of the GetComputerNameA()Windows function is checked.
Next, the determined user name is output.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
The Windows functions used in this sample are already known to the WinCC project.
Therefore no Windows DLL needs to be loaded.
In the first section, a variable of the HWND type is defined and initialized with NULL.
This variable is a so-called window handle - a pointer pointing to a Windows window.
Via the FindWindow()Windows function, the window handle of a Windows window
can be determined by specifying its window title. If the default title of the runtime
window is indicated, its window handle can be determined.
Via the SetWindowText()Windows function, the title of the runtime window can be
changed. In this sample, the title is changed to WinCC C-Course.
Via the SetWindowPos()Windows function, the position and dimensions of the runtime
window displayed on the screen can be specified. In this sample, the runtime window is
positioned at the top left corner (position 0/0)of the screen and is sized to 1024by 768.
The remaining statements of the above program code perform initializations that are not
relevant for this sample.
WinCC C-Course
In the first section, the Windows DLL Kernel32 is integrated. Since only one function
of the DLL is required, this function is declared directly.
Next, the sysTime variable of the SYSTEMTIME data type is defined. This is a structure
type, which stores the system time.
Next, a szTime string variable for accepting the current time in the hh:mm format
Via the GetLocal
Time()Windows function, the current system time is written to the
sysTime variable.
Next, the current system time is set to the hh:mm format and returned as a return value
Tooltip Text, another
via the sprintf()function. At Property
C-Action following the steps described is created. This C-Action delivers the current
The function is executed in 1s cycles.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
The project f
unction assumes that a sound subfolder exists in the project folder. In this
folder, the sound files used in the project are stored. The path to the desired sound file is
composed of the project path, the name of the sound folder and the transferred name of
the sound file. It will be stored in the szSoundPathvariable.
The sound is played via the Pl
aySound()Windows function. If the sound file cannot be
played, a brief beep sound is generated instead by the MessageBeep()Windows
WinCC C-Course
The standardf
unction ProgramExecute()simply forwards the parameter transferred to
the WinExec()Windows function. The return value of the WinExec()function is
forwarded to the caller of the ProgramExecute()function. The start of a program was
successful, if the return value is greater than 31.
WinCC C-Course
GeneralInform ation
The regular procedure for creating a dialog in WinCC consists of creating a WinCC picture
and then have this picture displayed using a Picture Window. There is also the possibility to
create standard dialogs in C-Actions or other functions. In this case, WinCC standard
dialogs as well as Windows dialogs can be used.
In this chapter, the application of some of the available standard dialogs is shown. There a
number of available standard dialogs that will not be mentioned here. Information about
these dialogs can be found in the WinCC ODK and the Windows API documentation.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button1
In the first section, the variables used are defined. Among others, a vector consisting of
the IDs of the three desired languages is defined.
Via the FindWindow()Windows function, the window handle of the runtime window is
determined using its window title. Note that the window title specified in this code
sample is not the default title of the runtime window.
Via the DMShowLanguageDial
og()API function, the standard dialog for the language
switch is displayed. A vector with the IDs of the languages to be displayed in the dialog
is transferred to this function. The function writes the ID of the language selected by the
user to the dwGetLocal
eID variable transferred.
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button2
WinCC C-Course
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button3
In the first section, a hWndvariable of the HWND data type is defined. Via the
FindWindow()Windows function, the window handle of the runtime window is
assigned to this variable.
Via the MessageBox()Windows function, an error box is opened. As the second
parameter, the error text and as the third parameter, the title of the error box are
specified. The fourth parameter specifies the appearance and behavior of the error box.
The error box only contains an OK button (MB_OK), displays the error symbol
(MB_ICONSTOP)and is modal (MB_APPLMODAL). In this way, the user must
acknowledge the error box first, before he or she can proceed.
If a tag has been selected, its name will be displayed in a Static Text field and its content
in an I/O Field.
Error Box
If the C-Action detailed above is executed, the following error box will be displayed:
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button4
In the first section, a hWndvariable of the HWND data type is defined. In addition, a
iRet variable of the int type is defined.
Via the FindWindow()Windows function, the window handle of the runtime window is
determined using its window title.
Via the MessageBox()Windows function, a question box is opened. The fourth
parameter specifies the appearance and behavior of the question box. The question box
only contains a Yes and No button (MB_YESNO), displays a question mark
(MB_ICONQUESTION)and is modal (MB_APPLMODAL). The return value of the
function is stored in the iRet variable.
In the last section, the return value of the function is analyzed. If the dialog was ended
with Yes, the return value is IDYES, if the dialog was ended with No, the return value is
WinCC C-Course
Question Box
If the C-Action detailed above is executed, the following question box will be displayed:
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button5
WinCC C-Course
AdditionalSam ples
The subsequent samples in this chapter deal - just like sample 5- with the standard file
In sample 6, the Save As dialog is used.
In sample 7, the project f
unction GetFil
eName()is created, which facilitates dealing with
the standard file dialogs. This function can, depending on the symbolic constant transferred,
display an Open or a Save As dialog. Symbolic constants available are GFN_OPEN and
WinCC C-Course
4.12 Files
In the WinCC project Project_C_Course, samples pertaining to the topic Files can be
accessed by clicking on the navigation bar icon displayed below. The samples are
configured in the cc_9_example_13.PDL picture.
Open FiIe
In C, a file is viewed - independent of its content - as a collection of characters. Before a
file can be used in a C-Action or another function, it must be openend. If the work with a
file is complete, the file should be closed.
A file is opened using the fopen()function. In the program code displayed below, the
application of the fopen()function is shown.
In order to be able to work with the file, a pointer pointing to it must be defined. For this
purpose, the FILE*data type is available. The fopen()function returns a pointer pointing to
the opened file or NULL, if opening the file has failed. As the first parameter, the name of
the file to be opened with path specification must be transferred to the fopen()function. As
the second parameter, the mode with which the file is opened (e.g. for reading)is
transferred to the function. The values that can be specified for the mode are listed in the
table below.
M ode
Opens a file for reading. The return value is NULLif the file does not exist or
there is no read authorization.
Opens a file for writing. The return value is NULLif the file does not exist or
there is no write authorization.
Opens a file for being attached to the end. If the file does not exist, it is created.
The return value is NULLif no file can be created or the file cannot be written to.
Opens a file for being read and written to alternately. The return value is NULLif
the file does not exist or there are no read and write authorizations for the file.
Creates a file for being read and written to alternately. If the file already exists, it
will be deleted. The return value is NULL if no rights for these actions are
Opens a file for being read or attached to the end. The file is created if it does not
exist. The return value is NULLif no read and write rights for the file are
WinCC C-Course
Close File
After completing the work with the file, the file should be closed. A file is closed using the
fclose()function. In the program code displayed below, the application of the fclose()
function is shown. The pointer pointing to the file to be closed is transferred to the function.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button1
In the first section, the variables required are defined. Among others, a variable of the
FILE*type is defined and initialized.
Via the project f
unction GetProjectPath(), the project path is determined.
Next, the path to the file to be created is compiled by the strcat()function. This path is
transferred to the f
open()function. With this function, the desired file is opened or
In the next section, the data to be written is read from the WinCC tags.
Via the f
printf()function, the data is written to the file. Afterwards, the file is closed
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button2
In the first section, the variables required are defined. Among others, a variable of the
FILE*type is defined and initialized.
Via the project f
unction GetProjectPath(), the project path is determined.
Next, the path to the file to be opened is compiled by the strcat()function. This path is
transferred to the f
open()function. With this function, the desired file to be read is
Via the f
scanf()function, the data is read from the file. Afterwards, the file is closed
In the next section, the data read is written to the WinCC tags.
WinCC C-Course
A string variable is assigned to the function, which will be attached to the end of the
report file.
In the first section, the variables required are defined. Among others, a variable of the
FILE*type is defined and initialized.
Via the project f
unction GetProjectPath(), the project path is determined.
Next, the path to the file to be opened is compiled by the strcat()function. This path is
transferred to the f
open()function. With this function, the desired file to be attached is
Via the f
printf()function, the report text transferred is entered into the file. Before each
report entry, the current system time is entered via the standardf
TimeString(). Afterwards, the file is closed again.
WinCC C-Course
C-Action at Button3
In the C-Action, the content of a WinCC text tag is read and transferred to the
previously created project f
unction LogText(). Consequently, the content of the WinCC
text tag is entered into the report file.
WinCC C-Course
GeneralInform ation
The Dynamic Wizard is available in the Graphics Designer as an additional function. It can
support the user with often repeated configuration processes. This reduces the configuration
efforts and decreases possible configuration errors.
The Dynamic Wizard is made up of various Dynamic Wizard functions. A large number of
Dynamic Wizard functions are already available. They can be complemented by useddefined functions.
A Dynamic Wizard function consists of multiple pages that must be filled out by the user.
These pages include a start page, a trigger page, various option pages and a final page,
which summarizes the settings made in the previous pages.
WinCC C-Course
Dem o Wizard
In the Demo.
wnfscript file, a Dynamic Wizardnamed Demo Wizardhas been created. This
Wizard displays basic functions which enable the user to enter data comfortably. However,
this Dynamic Wizarddoes not perform any actions.
WinCC C-Course
Language-Dependent Definitions
If the Dynamic Wizardfunction is to be available in several languages, a separate script file
must be created for each language. Therefore, language-dependent texts should be defined
before the program code. Then, a script file created for a certain language can simply be
copied. Only the section with the language-dependent definitions must then be adapted.
Properties List
There is the option to specify, if a Dynamic Wizardfunction can only be used for certain
object types. This is done by specifying a list of object properties. If an object has one or
more of the properties listed, the Dynamic Wizardfunction can be used for this object. This
option has been applied to the Dynamic WizardMakingaMotor Dynamic to only make this
Wizard functional for customizedobjects of the Motor type. This object type only has the
properties Manualand Selection. If a blank properties list is used, a Dynamic Wizard
function can be applied to all object types. In any case, a properties list must exist, even if it
is blank.
WinCC C-Course
Processing Function
The processing function is the function which performs the actual work of the Dynamic
Wizardfunction after the Finishbutton is pressed. The name of this function must be
specified in the system interface. An extensive processing function is presented in the
Dynamic WizardMakingaMotor Dynamic.
Info Function
The info function summarizes the settings made by the user and displays them in summary
form on the last page of the Dynamic Wizardfunction. The name of this function must be
specified in the system interface.
System Interface
Via the system interface, various properties of the new Dynamic Wizardfunction are
specified. The meaning of the individual parameters are explained following the code
The first parameter specifies in which tab the Dynamic Wizardfunction is displayed.
The second parameter specifies under which name the Dynamic Wizardfunction is
As the third parameter, NULL is always transferred.
The fourth parameter contains the name of the icon used for the Dynamic Wizard
As the fifth parameter, a help text describing the functionality of the Dynamic Wizard
function in more detail can be transferred.
WinCC C-Course
As the sixth parameter, a list containing the names of the individual option pages of the
function created is specified. This list must conclude with a NULLentry. A maximum
of five option pages can be created.
As the seventh parameter, the name of the processing function is specified, which is
called after the Finishbutton is pressed.
As the eighth parameter, the name of the function is specified, which summarizes the
settings made in the option pages and displays them before the user presses the Finish
As the ninth parameter, a list of triggers to be displayed on the trigger page is specified.
For the most frequently occurring application cases, macros are available which will fill
out this trigger list.
For each parameter to be set in the option pages, a global variable must be defined. This
ensures that the parameters set are known to all functions created and can be worked with.
Option Pages
For each option page required, a separate function must be created. The names of these
functions must be specified in the system interface.