Obstetric Mnemonic
Obstetric Mnemonic
Obstetric Mnemonic
Gestation period, oocytes, vaginal pH, menstrual cycle: normal numbers 4 is the normal pH of the
40 weeks is the normal gestation period.
400 oocytes released between menarche and menopause.
400,000 oocytes present at puberty.
28 days in a normal menstrual cycle.
280 days (from last normal menstrual period) in a normal gestation period.
CVS and amniocentesis: when performed "Chorionic" has 9 letters and Chorionic villus sampling
performed at 9 weeks gestation.
"AlphaFetoProtein" has 16 letters and it's measured at 16 weeks gestation.
Alpha-fetoprotein: causes for increased maternal serum AFP during pregnancy "Increased Maternal
Serum Alpha Feto Protein":
Intestinal obstruction
Multiple gestation/ Miscalculation of gestational age/ Myeloschisis
Spina bifida cystica
Anencephaly/ Abdominal wall defect
Fetal death
Placental abruption
Excessive bleeding
Alpha-fetoprotein: some major causes for increased maternal serum AFP during pregnancy TOLD:
Testicular tumours
Obituary (fetal death)
Liver: hepatomas
Defects (neural tube defects)
Pulmonary embolism
Amniotic fluid embolism
Regional anaethetic complications
Infarction (MI)
Neurogenic shock
Septic shock