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Unit 1 Advertising on the Air

LISTENING ONE: Advertising on the Air

Listen and choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. The professor plays examples of radio ads ___________ the lecture.
A. at the beginning

B. throughout

C. at the end of

2. The professor presents the information in ___________ manner.

A. an organized

B. a confusing

C. a formal

3. In this class there is ___________ participation from the students.

A. a lot of

B. some

C. no


Listen again. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. Last week the class talked about the ___________ of radio advertising.
A. effectiveness

B. history

C. cost

2. Advertisers manipulate our emotions by using ___________.

A. our attention

B. radio ad

C. emotional appeals

B. appeals to our egos

C. make us feel comfortable

3. Humorous ads ___________.

A. are easy to remember

4. Most flea treatments involve ___________ with harsh chemicals.

A. eating

B. bathing

C. combing

5. The Doggies Friend collar has a ___________ that fleas dont like.
A. noise

B. smell

C. color

6. Advertisers dont make humorous ads for ___________ products.

A. expensive

B. funny

C. serious

7. People buy luxury cars so that they can look ___________.

A. strong

B. rich

C. safe

8. Kathy ___________ a grandmother.

A. is

B. is not

C. is hoping to be

9. It takes ___________ minutes to get results from Younger You.

A. 10

B. 7

C. 5

10. At the end of the listening, the professor says he will talk about ___________.
A. other appeals in advertising

B. other kinds of advertising

C. the cost of advertising

LISTENING TWO: Negative Appeals

Listen and answer the questions.
1. How are the two ads similar?
A. They both present embarrassing situations.

B. They both present frightening situations.

C. They both present negative situations.

D. They both present humorous situations.

2. What are two products advertised in the ads? Choose two answers.
A. Cars
B. A security system
C. Jackets
D. Shampoo
E. Cornflakes
3. In the first ad, what technique does the ad use to sell the product?
A. It tells a personal story.

B. It compares different car alarms.

C. It explains a two-step process.

D. It describes its many features.

4. What does Rinse Away stop?

A. Itchy shoulders

B. White hair

C. Dandruff

D. Headaches

Unit 2 Pushing the Limit

LISTENING ONE: Journal of a Mountain Climber
Listen to the audio journal. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false).
Jennifer ___________
____ 1. climbed part of the mountain the day before this recording.
____ 2. is climbing alone.
____ 3. is climbing in the morning.
____ 4. hurt her foot during the climb.
____ 5. is climbing on snow and ice.
____ 6. does not reach the summit of the mountain.
Listen again. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. Helen Lake: Jennifers body hurts from ___________.
A. climbing today

B. yesterdays climb

C. sitting down too long

2. Avalanche Gulch: When climbing, Jennifer plants her ice axe ___________.
A. in front of her

B. to the side

C. in back of her

3. Avalanche Gulch: Jennifer uses a ___________ to help her climb.

A. song

B. rhythm

C. story

4. Red Banks: Jennifer ___________ the mountain.

A. slips and almost falls down

B. turns around and walks down C. sits down and rests on

5. Misery Hill: The weather on Misery Hill is ___________.

A. rainy

B. windy

C. snowy

6. Misery Hill: Jennifer thinks about ___________.

A. eating lunch

B. her tired legs

C. life at home

7. Below the summit: Jennifer feels ___________.

A. a rush of energy

B. almost too tired to climb

C. like turning round and going home

8. Below the summit: There are ___________ members of the group ahead of Jennifer.
A. no

B. two

C. three

9. At the summit: Tom ___________ Jennifer and Doug.

A. sings to

B. laughs with

C. takes a photo of

10. At the summit: Jennifer sees ___________ below her.

A. the other climbers

B. an airplane flying

C. a snowstorm

LISTENING TWO: Sensation seekers

Listen and answer the questions.
1. This passage is mainly about ___________.
A. sensation seekers

B. emergency room doctors

C. mountain climbers

D. psychologists

2. Sensation seekers enjoy ___________.

A. flying in airplanes

B. a regular schedule

C. strong feelings

D. finding jobs

3. What is the speakers attitude toward sensation seekers?

A. Sympathetic

B. Neutral

C. Impatient

D. Critical

4. What job would be most appropriate for a sensation seeker?

A. Dentist

B. Firefighter

C. Teacher

D. Musician

5. According to the passage, why would a sensation seeker want to be an emergency room doctor?
A. To do something new every day

B. To make a lot of money

C. To repeat the same thing every day

D. To help other people

Unit 3 Too Good to Be True

Listen to the interviews with other people whom Frank called. Match each victim with his or her reason
for trusting Frank. One of the reasons does not match any of the interviews.
____ 1. Joe

Reasons for trusting Frank

a. The victim didnt have any extra money.

____ 2. Rosa

b. The victim was lonely and liked talking to Frank.

____ 3. Peter

c. Frank put pressure on the victim to make a quick decision.

____ 4. Beth

d. The victim trusts people easily.

e. The victim had never heard of telephone fraud.

Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What are the people talking about?
A. Listening to advice from family

B. Giving money to a man on the phone

C. Trying to win a free vacation

D. Making decisions too quickly

2. How does Rosa describe herself?

A. Friendly

B. Lonely

C. Gullible

D. Unemployed

C. Confident

D. Uncomfortable

3. How did Beth feel while speaking with Frank?

A. Sad

B. Satisfied

4. How is the passage organized?

A. By examples

B. In time order

C. In order of importance

D. By comparison and contrast

Unit 4 The Art of Storytelling

Listen to an interview with storyteller Jackie Torrence. She describes the steps she takes in learning to
tell a story. Listen for the first three steps and draw lines to match the step with the activity.
1. The first time, . . . . .

a. read the story for the words.

2. The second time, . . . . .

b. read the story for the pictures.

3. The third time, . . . . .

c. decide whether you like the story.

Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What is the main topic of the interview?
A. How to tell a story

B. How to enjoy reading

C. How to write a story

D. How to understand a story

2. According to Jackie Torrence, how many times should a person read a story before telling it?
A. One

B. Three

C. Five

D. Six

3. What is the interviewers attitude toward Jackie Torrence?

A. Worried

B. Interested

C. Doubtful

D. Amused

4. What can be inferred about Jackie Torrence?

A. She writes good stories.

B. She is a good storyteller.

C. She prefers to write stories.

D. She wants to learn new stories.

5. How does Torrence explain how to tell a story?

A. By naming good storytellers

B. By dividing the process into steps

C. By comparing good and bad strategies

D. By telling a story as an example

6. What is the next topic that Torrence will most likely present?
A. How to write a good story

B. The names of good storytellers

C. Why her five steps are important

D. The fourth step for learning to tell a story

Unit 5 Separated by the Same Language

Listen and fill in the gaps.

Today I want to talk about code switching. Code switching is when a person
switches, or ___________, from on way of talking to another. Usually, it ___________ in
different ___________. So, a person may use one dialect at home, and then code switch to
another dialect at school or ___________.
One example of code switching is the way teenagers change their ___________ when
talking to their friends or to an ___________. You probably experienced this as a teenager
there were some ___________ words that you used only with your friends, not with parents
or teachers. And your parents probably ___________ the way you spoke, right? Parents
always hate teen slang. But anyway, this slang, its really a teenage dialect. And when
teens switch from the teen dialect to the ___________ dialect, this is code switching.
Let me give you an ___________. Lets say a teenager says to his friend, Gotta
bounce. Me n the crewre goin shoppin for some phat gear.
Did you understand that? Let me translate: Gotta bounce means Ive gotta
leave; the crew means my friends; phat gear means nice ___________. So the
teens ___________ saying that hes going shopping with friends.
Why do teenagers use this dialect? Well, because its an ___________ way for teens
to show their ___________ to show that they fit in with their friends. It also shows they
are ___________ from their parents. So by code switching into a teen dialect with their
friends, a teenager is saying, Im one of you.
O.K. any questions . . . ?

Unit 6 Culture and Commerce

Listen to the radio news report. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. The long-necked women are important to northern Thailand because they ___________.
A. are good farmers

B. bring money into the area

C. work in restaurants

2. The Pa Daung women wear brass coils to ___________.

A. stretch their necks

B. protect their necks

C. hide their necks

3. If a long-necked woman takes off her brass coils, she will ___________.
A. be sent away from her village

B. feel a lot of pain in her neck

C. stop breathing

4. Some people feel that tourism helps the Pa Daung people to continue their traditions. Others say that
tourism is ___________.
A. bad for the environment
B. degrading to Pa Daung women
C. harmful to the Pa Daung men
Listen again. Write T (true) or F (false) for each statement.

1. The Pa Daung people live in one small village on the border of Thailand and Myanmar.


2. About 100,000 tourists visit the long-necked women every year.


3. The long-necked women make money by selling souvenirs.


4. A full set of brass coils weighs 11 to 22 pounds (5 to 10 kilos).


5. A long-necked woman can take her neck coils off only to sleep.


6. The tradition of wrapping womens necks is still strong in Myanmar.


7. One long-necked woman said that she makes $70 to $80 a month.


8. Tourists at a hotel near Nai Soi had different opinions about whether or not to visit the
long-necked women.


9. The reporter says that the Pa Daung will continue to wrap their daughters necks as long
as the tourists keep coming.

Unit 7 Joking Around

Listen to the radio talk show. Check the best answer.
1. What are the functions (purposes) of humor discussed in the beginning of the interview? Check all that

To help people deal with problems


To entertain people


To share cultural information


To help people to bond with each other

2. What types of jokes are told during the radio show? Check all that apply.



Light bulb joke


Lawyer joke


Political joke


Listen again. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. Dr. James Sanders is a(n) ___________ who studies humor.
A. sociologist

B. English professor

C. psychologist

2. ___________ tells us a lot about society and how we think.

A. Humor

B. Sociology

C. A radio call-in show

3. Jokes about death or marriage problems help us to ___________ these issues.

A. forget about

B. remember

C. deal with our feelings about

4. People enjoy the ___________ of laughter.

A. sound

B. feeling

C. results

B. nine

C. eleven

5. Andrew is ___________ years old.

A. seven

6. Puns are a(n) ___________ type of humor.

A. ancient

B. offensive

C. simple

B. teacher

C. firefighter

7. Joan is a ___________.
A. lawyer

8. Joan tells a joke that has ___________ questions.

A. two

B. three

C. four

9. Jokes about a group of people usually make fun of ___________.

A. rich people

B. the group

C. one person

10. Sometimes its OK to tell a joke about a group of people if ___________.

A. you belong to that group

B. the group is big

C. the joke is really funny


Unit 8 Traditional or Trendy

LISTENING ONE: Interview with Shanika De Silva
Below is a list of things that could influence people to wear or not wear traditional clothing. Listen to the
interview and check all topics that Shanika mentions.
____ 1. age
____ 2. comfort/ discomfort
____ 3. pressure from family
____ 4. desire to be modern
____ 5. cost
____ 6. friends
____ 7. family background
____ 8. city life/ country life
____ 9. opinion of husband or wife
____ 10. desire to connect with your culture
Listen again. Decide if each statement is true or false. Write T (true) or F (false).
____ 1. Shanika lives in the United States now.
____ 2. A sari goes around your waist and over one shoulder.
____ 3. Saris are cool and easy to move around in.
____ 4. Older women tend to wear saris.
____ 5. Many younger women in Sri Lanka want to be modern.
____ 6. Sinhalese and Tamil women tend to wear Western clothing.
____ 7. A sarong often has a zipper in the back.
____ 8. Today most men wear sarongs to their jobs in the city.
____ 9. Shanika wore a sari for her wedding.
____ 10. When she was younger, Shanika didnt like to wear saris.
LISTENING TWO: Interview with a Fashion Designer
A reporter talks to a fashion designer. Listen and choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. The reporter and the fashion designer are ___________.
A. at the designers office

B. at a radio studio

C. at a fashion show

2. The interview is about mens casual clothing for ___________.

A. wearing at home

B. the workplace

C. parties

3. About ___________ of big companies are allowing employees to wear casual clothes.
A. 25%

B. 50%

C. 75%

4. Casual office clothing needs to be ___________.

A. comfortable and stylish

B. colorful and bright

C. traditional and serious

5. Employees in casual offices tend to work ___________ hours.

A. longer

B. shorter

C. the same number of

6. ___________ of the supervisors wear casual clothes.

A. Almost all

B. None

C. Some

Listen again and answer the questions.
1. What is the main idea of the interview?
A. There is a trend toward dressing down in the workplace.
B. Casual clothes are less expensive than clothes for business.
C. Employees work longer hours if they are dressed comfortably.
D. Fashion designers introduce new trends at fashion shows.
2. What is Marco Bellinis profession?
A. Office worker

B. News reporter

C. Event organizer

D. Fashion designer

3. Why do most employees like the fact that supervisors also dress down?
A. People in the workplace dress better than they used to.
B. The supervisors can save more money than they used to.
C. People in the office feel more equal than they used to.
D. Employees work longer hours than they used to.
4. How does the speaker demonstrate that business has improved?
A. By comparing casual and business styles
B. By explaining how the changes affect the employees
C. By describing the difference in the workday
D. By discussing how much money the company makes
5. According to Bellini, why do some people complain about this new trend in workplace fashion?
A. It is difficult to know who is a worker and who is a supervisor.
B. Employees have to work longer hours for the same salary.
C. Supervisors want to dress differently from the regular workers.
D. Workers have to spend more money buying clothes for work.


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