The Danger of Prosperity - Parashat Bereishit Rav Hanan Schlesinger

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The Danger of Prosperity – Parashat Bereishit

Rav Hanan Schlesinger

At the conclusion of God’s creation of man in this week’s Torah portion, a blessing is
bestowed upon humanity by our Creator: “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and
subdue it.” We are given dominion over the entire universe to build, mold, construct,
harness, and conquer. Humankind is made partner with God to continue where the
Creator left off, to improve living conditions, to exploit natural resources, and to create
wealth and prosperity.
So indeed we learn from the very first weekly reading at the beginning of our Torah. But
nothing is so simple. There are limits. Almost all good things are a two-edged sword. The
very last weekly portion of the Torah, which we concluded a mere seven days ago, warns
us against going overboard in our cultivation of riches and luxury.
Moments before his death, Moses encourages the Jewish People: “Thus Israel shall dwell
secure, solitary, the fountain of Jacob, in a land of grain and wine; even his heavens
shall drip with dew”. This blessing cannot but remind us of an earlier blessing in the
Book of Genesis. Isaac blesses his son Jacob, who will also carry the name Israel, with
the following words: “And may God grant you of the dew of the heavens and of the
fatness of the land, and abundant grain and wine” (Genesis 27:28). The echo of Isaac’s
blessing that we hear in the words of Moses cannot but be intentional. So if Moses
repeated the words of his forefather and proclaimed that the patriarch’s wishes will
indeed one day be brought to fruition, why does Moses omit the central concept of the
patriarch Isaac’s vision? Why does Moses make no mention of fatness and abundance?
The key to the answer is to be located in a fundamental difference of perspective between
Moses and God. You see, the words of Moses that we quoted above are drawn from his
final words to the Jewish People. Fondly referring to the Jewish People by the name of

Schultz Rosenberg Campus, 12324 Merit Drive, Dallas TX, 75251

Phone: 214-295-3525 Fax: 214-295-3526
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The Community Kollel of Dallas is an affiliate of the Center for the Jewish Future of
Yeshiva University

Jeshurun, he lauds the reciprocal loving relationship between God and His people. Our
wholehearted acceptance of God’s kingship, and of His Torah and commandments, is set
forth by Moses in poetic, optimistic language. God is our shield and protector, proclaims
Moses: “Fortunate are you of Israel: Who is like you, O people delivered by God, the
shield of your succor” (Deuteronomy 33:1-5, 26-29).
But these words are not spoken in a vacuum. They are actually a reaction, an objection, if
you will, to a Divine prophecy recorded in the second to last portion of the Torah.
Immediately prior to Moses’ final blessing, we read God’s final words to the Jewish
People, and they are as pessimistic as the poetry of Moses was optimistic. In no uncertain
terms, God proclaims in Parashat Ha’azinu that the Jewish future will be one of failure
and tragedy; rebellion against God, and in its wake Divine alienation, anger, and
In reading the Divine prediction of doom, it is not difficult to hone in on the linchpin of
the tragedy: “With the fattest of lambs, and rams and he-goats, with the very fattest of
wheat, and delicious wine like the blood of grapes, so Jeshurun will become fat and
kicked. You will grow fat and thick and corpulent – and will desert God your maker and
became contemptuous of the Rock of salvation” (Deuteronomy 32:14-15).
And now we understand only too well why Moses neglected to make mention of
abundance and fatness, despite the fact that these concepts are central to the blessing
spoken by Isaac upon which he models his words. The faithful leader of the Jewish nation
cannot let God’s pessimism carry the day. The All-Knowing One sees into the future, but
man was granted free will, and man can therefore alter the Divinely predicted future.
Divine pessimism is countered by Mosaic optimism, and the key to this beatific vision is
none other than the repudiation of over-abundance and fatness. God foresees our
downfall, and at its roots is luxury and opulence. Moses foresees our future glory, life in
harmony with the Divine Presence and the Divine Law, and it is predicated on a culture

Schultz Rosenberg Campus, 12324 Merit Drive, Dallas TX, 75251

Phone: 214-295-3525 Fax: 214-295-3526
Email: Web site:

The Community Kollel of Dallas is an affiliate of the Center for the Jewish Future of
Yeshiva University

that indeed enjoys grain and wine and the dew of heaven, but that at the same time
eschews lavish extravagance and super-affluence.
Yes, it is God’s will as expressed in this week’s Torah portion that we conquer and
harness nature to achieve wealth and prosperity. And at the same time, our very success
in this Divinely mandated effort can easily become the cause of our downfall. Too much
material success may bring us to lose sight of the very meaning of our existence. If we
wish not to be cursed by our blessings, we must employ self- restraint in order to
cultivate them in proper measure. Too much of a good thing...may be a very bad thing

Schultz Rosenberg Campus, 12324 Merit Drive, Dallas TX, 75251

Phone: 214-295-3525 Fax: 214-295-3526
Email: Web site:

The Community Kollel of Dallas is an affiliate of the Center for the Jewish Future of
Yeshiva University

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