MCQ in Fading

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Fading is caused due to

1. Multi path propagation
2. Obstacles
3. Frequency variations at the source
4. Variation in amplitude and phase at receiver
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. 1), 2) and 4) are correct
c. 2) and 3) are correct
d. All are correct

2. Coherence time refers to

a. Time required to attain a call with the busy base station
b. Time required for synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver
c. Minimum time for change in magnitude and phase of the channel
d. None of the above

3. Fading due to shadowing is

a. Fading due to large obstructions
b. Large coherence time of the channel as compared to the delay constraints
c. Small coherence time of the channel as compared to the delay constraints
d. Both a) and b)
e. Both a) and c)

4. Deep fade is
1.Strong destructive interference
2.Drop in signal to noise ratio
3.Temporary failure of message transfer
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. 1) and 3) are correct
c. 2) and 3) are correct

d. All are correct

5. Doppler spread refers to

a. Signal fading due to Doppler shift in the channel
b. Temporary failure of message transfer
c. Large coherence time of the channel as compared to the delay constraints
d. All of the above
6. Coherence time is
a) Directly proportional to Doppler spread
b) Indirectly proportional to Doppler spread
c) Directly proportional to square of Doppler spread
d) Directly proportional to twice of Doppler spread

7. Small scale multipath propagation is caused due to waves with

1. Different propagation delays
2. Different amplitudes
3. Different phase
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. All the three are correct
c. 1) and 3) are correct
d. 2) and 3) are correct

8. The effects of small scale multipath propagation are

1. Changes in signal strength
2. Random frequency modulation
3. Time dispersion
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. All the three are correct
c. 1) and 3) are correct

d. 2) and 3) are correct

9. Impulse response of a multipath channel is determined by the fact that

a. Mobile radio channel may be modeled as linear filter
b. Impulse response is time varying
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

10. The received signal from a multipath channel is expressed as

a. convolution of transmitted signal and impulse response
b. addition of transmitted signal and impulse response
c. subtraction of transmitted signal and impulse response
d. none of the above
e. all of the above

11. Direct RF pulse system helps in calculating

a. impulse response in frequency domain
b. impulse response in phase domain
c. power delay of the channel
d. all of the above

12. The techniques used for small scale multipath measurements are
1.Direct RF pulse system
2.Spread spectrum sliding correlator channel sounding
3.Frequency domain channel sounding
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. 1) and 3) are correct
c. 2) and 3) are correct
d. All the three are correct

13. The power delay profile helps in determining

a. Excess delay
b. rms delay spread
c. excess delay spread
d. all of the above

14. Coherence bandwidth is

a. channel that passes all spectral components with equal gain
b. the bandwidth of modulated signal
c. channel that passes all spectral components with linear phase
d. both a) and c)
e. both a) and b)

15. Types of small scale fading, based on Doppler spread are

a. Fast fading
b. Frequency non selective fading
c. Flat fading
d. Frequency selective fading

16. Flat fading or frequency nonselective fading is a type of

a. Multipath delay spread small scale fading
b. Doppler spread small scale fading
c. Both a) and b)
d. None of the above

17. In Frequency Selective Fading, the

a. Coherence Bandwidth of the channel is less than bandwidth of transmitted channel
b. Coherence Bandwidth of the channel is more than bandwidth of transmitted channel

c. Coherence Bandwidth of the channel is equal to bandwidth of transmitted channel

d. None of these

18. If coherence time of the channel is smaller than the symbol period of the
transmitted signal, it is
a. Fast fading
b. Slow fading
c. Frequency selective fading
d. Frequency non selective fading

19. Friis free space equation

1. Is an expression for noise power
2. Is a function of transmitting and receiving antenna gain
3. Depends upon the distance between transmitting and receiving antenna
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. All the three are correct
c. 1) and 3) are correct
d. 2) and 3) are correct.

20. The free space model of propagation refers to

1. Unobstructed line of sight between the transmitter and receiver
2. Satellite communication systems and Microwave line of sight radio links
3. Propagation along the ground surface
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. All the three are correct
c. 1) and 3) are correct
d. 2) and 3) are correct.

21. According to Friis free space equation

1. Received power falls with square of the distance between the transmitter and receiver

2. Increases with square of the distance between the transmitter and receiver
3. Received power increases with gains of transmitting and receiving antennas
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. All the three are correct
c. 1) and 3) are correct
d. 2) and 3) are correct.

22. EIRP is
1. Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
2. Maximum radiated power available by the transmitter
3. A factor of power and gain of transmitter
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. All the three are correct
c. 1) and 3) are correct
d. 2) and 3) are correct.

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