MCQ in Fading
MCQ in Fading
MCQ in Fading
4. Deep fade is
1.Strong destructive interference
2.Drop in signal to noise ratio
3.Temporary failure of message transfer
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. 1) and 3) are correct
c. 2) and 3) are correct
12. The techniques used for small scale multipath measurements are
1.Direct RF pulse system
2.Spread spectrum sliding correlator channel sounding
3.Frequency domain channel sounding
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. 1) and 3) are correct
c. 2) and 3) are correct
d. All the three are correct
18. If coherence time of the channel is smaller than the symbol period of the
transmitted signal, it is
a. Fast fading
b. Slow fading
c. Frequency selective fading
d. Frequency non selective fading
2. Increases with square of the distance between the transmitter and receiver
3. Received power increases with gains of transmitting and receiving antennas
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. All the three are correct
c. 1) and 3) are correct
d. 2) and 3) are correct.
22. EIRP is
1. Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
2. Maximum radiated power available by the transmitter
3. A factor of power and gain of transmitter
a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. All the three are correct
c. 1) and 3) are correct
d. 2) and 3) are correct.