Animal Behavior Observation
Animal Behavior Observation
Animal Behavior Observation
3. Give you a chance to notice and appreciate aspects of an animal that you might miss as
a casual observer.
4. Practice applying the scientific method.
Observe the animal (or animals) and take notes on its behavior for at least 20 minutes. If you
choose an organism that has long behavioral state durations or an individual that just isnt doing
anything interesting (for example, if none of the pigeons on the telephone wire have moved in 15
minutes), then you should observe for longer, observe at a different time, or choose a different
organism to observe. It is expected that you will make a reasonable effort to complete this task.
Make your notes as detailed as possible. Dont just watch the animal, but really observe it.
Pretend you are trying to give a play-by-play of the action to a blind person. Bird sits on branch
and sings tells you the main points, but misses a lot of detail. Bird fluffs wings, hops, sings song,
sings another song, sounds differentmore trillyflies to smaller tree (willow?), flies back to
different branch in first tree. gives a more complete picture. You arent trying to analyze the
behavior at this point, just give a full description of what the animal is doing. Dont worry about
making your notes neat, as long as you can read them. Use drawings if they are helpful in
recording the setting, the animals movement, or what a particular behavior looks like.
Exactly what you record will, of course, depend upon the animal you choose and how it is
behaving. Try to note the times of behavioral events or changes in behavioral state (for example,
11:21 gets up). If you are able to identify certain behaviors and want to quantify them, you can
create a space in your notes to keep counts of how often each behavior occurs in a certain time
period. For example, you could count how many ants emerge from the ground over 10 minutes,
or how often a hummingbird comes to a feeder. In cases like the latter, you could set up a column
for the behavior and note the time of each occurrence when it happens. Behavioral counts are not
required for the assignment, but can be used to make your note taking easier, since it can be
hard to watch and write at the same time. However, please dont forego descriptions and turn in
just a bunch of tick marks or columns of times. You will not get full credit for such abbreviated