Sandler - 1981 - Unconscious Wishes and Human Relationships
Sandler - 1981 - Unconscious Wishes and Human Relationships
Sandler - 1981 - Unconscious Wishes and Human Relationships
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work' on the mental apparatus. The wishes aroused by the early sexual
tendencies of the child contain a specific psychological content based upon
the memories of previous satisfaction. Thus, for example, although the oral
drive has, as its biological object, from the very beginning, the breast, the
wish to suck at the breast and to gain oral satisfaction must, in early
psychological life, be a particular gestalt of sensations and feelings based
upon the child's subjective experiences of sucking. The psychological object
which we call the breast will be, for the infant, based on a sequence of
sensory experiences closely bound to feeling states.
As the child develops, and the psychological processes which can take
place in his mind become more sophisticated, he becomes more able to
distinguish between self and object, between himself and other persons. With
this development, there is equally a development in the nature of his wishes.
In the instinctual wishes described earlier, for example, we can say that every
wish comes to include a representation of the person's own self and a
representation of the object who also has a role to play in the fulfilment of the
wish. The wish contains representations of self and object in interaction. One
simply does not have a wish to exhibit oneself, for instance, but the hoped for
reaction of the audience is equally part of the wish. This has been put as
the child who has a wish to cling to the mother, has, as part of
this wish, a mental representation of himself clinging to the mother.
But he also has, in the content of his wish, a representation of the
mother or her substitute responding to his clinging in a particular
way, possibly by bending down and embracing him. This
formulation is rather different from the traditional idea of a wish
consisting of a wishful aim being directed towards an object. The
idea of an aim that seeks gratification has to be supplemented by the
idea of a wished-for interaction, with the wished-for or imagined
response of the object being as much a part of the wishful fantasy as
the activity of the subject in that wish or fantasy. (Sandler and
Sandler 1978)
I have just quoted the term 'wishful fantasy' in addition to 'wish', and this
deserves some explanation. For Freud, fantasy had an intimate relation to the
wish. Conscious fantasy was simply the wish-fulfilling conscious day-dream,
but the term unconscious fantasy had a variety of meanings. In more recent
years the range of such meanings has been so broadened that the term appears
to embrace practically every type of unconscious mental content or
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including her teaching, to 'structure' her world so that she always knew
exactly 'where she was'. Her need to do this emerged in the transference, and
after some three years of analytic work her psychopathology had become very
much clearer and she was much improved and happier. However, there was
one strand of material which had remained rather obscure. From the beginning
she had cried during each session, and I had routinely passed her the box of
tissues whenever she began to cry. Now I did not know why I did this but
having begun the practice, I did not feel inclined to change it without some
good reason. Without knowing why, I had not felt it appropriate to take up her
failure to bring her own tissues or a handkerchief, although with other patients
I would have done this. There were many determinants of her crying,
including her mourning for her mother she wanted to kill off, for the father she
felt she had to give up, and so on. It transpired that when she was about two
years old and a second child, a brother had been born, she felt that she had
lost her mother's attention, and remembered that at about two and a half years
of age she was relegated to playing on her own in the back-yard while her
brother was being washed and changed. At this time she had also been sent to
a kindergarten, and she had the memory of being very withdrawn and climbing
into the rabbit hutch at the nursery school and cuddling a white rabbit. She
then told me that she had later learned that after a short while at this school
she was diagnosed as 'autistic' by the school psychologist, and was apparently
very regressed and had uncontrollable rages and tantrums. By this point in her
analysis we were able to get at the repetition in the present of her fear of
soiling and disgracing herself, and her need to control her objects as she had
to control her sphincters. However, there was clearly something which was
an important unconscious fantasy for her and which had not been elicited. I
had the feeling that we were somewhat 'stuck' in the analytic work. One day
something rather unusual happened in the analysis. She had begun to cry
silently but this time I failed to respond, and she suddenly began to upbraid
me and criticize me for not having passed her the tissues. She became quite
panicky and began to accuse me of being callous and uncaring. I responded by
saying that I did not know why I had not passed her the tissues at that
particular point, but if she could go on talking perhaps we could both
understand more about it. What emerged then was material which lent a great
deal of specificity to
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that the biological needs of the individual may not be gratified by this, but for
a short period of time the psychological wishes aroused by such biological
needs will be satisfied. The dream, which can be regarded as a hallucination
at night, provides such an identity of perception. However, what is curious
here is that it provides a concealed and distorted identity of perception,
because the unconscious work of the dreamthe so-called dream-workhas
censored the wishful (but conflictual) fantasies behind the dream, and wishfulfilment is thus obtained in a way which deceives consciousness. It is a
major function of the unconscious part of the mind to protect consciousness
from a whole variety of unpleasant and unacceptable experiences.
How then is wish-fulfilment brought about? My own suggestion in this
context is that there is an understanding work which proceeds in a parallel
but opposite direction to the dream work, so that the content of the dream, its
symbolic and disguised meaning, can be unconsciously understood; and this
unconscious understanding is the signal that the wish need no longer press
towards fulfilment. I do not want to elaborate this here, except to say that this
would imply a signal theory of wish-fulfilment, a systems theory, a model
which is, moreover, consistent with present day neurological thinking. I have
spoken of the hallucination in the dream, but what is true of the dream can
also be regarded as true for other 'derivatives of the unconscious', for other
surface expressions of unconscious wishes and wishful fantasies. We can
speak here of actualization, which is no more than the process of creating an
experience which is felt to be 'real' or 'actual'. The simplest way to do this is
to act upon the real world in such a way that our perceptions come to
correspond to the wished-for reality. We may also act upon ourselves in
order to attain this correspondence. Normally we do both, but there are also
other methods of actualization. We may include illusional actualization, in
which the perceptual process distorts the sensory data arising from the
external world in the direction of wish-fulfilment, although normally such an
illusion can be corrected by later experience. If it cannot, we have delusional
actualization, a process which is not only restricted to psychotics.
Wishfulfilment through hallucinatory actualization is, of course, common in
psychosis and normal in the dream. Actualization through daydreams is
normally less satisfying than actualization by way of direct perceptual
experience, although much will depend on the sensory
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intensity of the daydream images and the capacity of the individual to suspend
'disbelief' temporarily during daydreaming. We have actualization in art and
literature, and even in some of our social rituals. I believe that the concept
can be fruitfully applied in the study of totemism, for example.
If we take the view that wish-fulfilment can come about through
actualization, and remind ourselves that the content of an unconscious wish or
wishful fantasy normally includes a representation of self and object in
interacting roles, we are then close to bridging the gap between wishes and
relationships. We are obliged to assume, however, that the individual
constantly scans his environment, in particular the reactions of others, in the
often subtle 'transactions' which go on between people in ordinary social
relations. The responses of others to 'trial' signals or to behavioural
indications of our own is constantly assessed by us. Similarly we respond,
often quite unconsciously, to the signals inviting us to assume particular roles
for others. If, on the basis of such unconscious 'scanning', 'trials' and 'signals',
we find that the situation does not permit the gratification of an unconscious
wishful fantasy through identity of perception, then we may discard a
particular course of action (or seek other partners) in the attempt to attain
unconscious wishfulfilment.
The case of Mrs B. illustrates the way in which responses from the
environment that actualize unconscious wishful fantasies can be elicited. Mrs
B. came to analysis some considerable time ago at the age of 35. Her main
complaint was that she was unable to have intercourse with her husband
because her vagina 'went into spasm', and her husband could not achieve
penetration. She had been married for 15 years and was still virgin. She was
leading, as she put it, 'a cat and dog life' with her husband.
Her symptom was first brought to the attention of the medical profession
when, in her late teens, a medical student attempted to have intercourse with
her. In spite of her willingness to co-operate he could not penetrate, and
expressed the view that she was physically deformed. Later a diagnosis of
'vaginismus' was made and she underwent a surgical operation which was
unsuccessful. She also complained of backache and occasional severe attacks
of cramp-like pains in her hands. Further symptoms included social anxieties
which revealed a marked fear of exposing herself, and she had anxiety dreams
that she would be found naked in the street. She
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to twin beds. If, in her analysis, when she was silent I was silent too, she
would, after a while, berate me for my lack of co-operation.
I do not propose to go into the many aspects of Mrs B.'s psychopathology
which revealed themselves during her analysis, but rather to summarize one
or two of these very briefly. A central feature was her intensely masochistic
character, and an inordinate, highly sexualized 'need for punishment'. On one
occasion when promoted at work, she felt so guilty that she had set herself on
fire and had spent several months in hospital. All her relationships were
coloured by this tendency. Cramp-like pains in her hands would occur in the
analytic session whenever she felt guilty about feelings of violence towards
We were able to trace her hostility towards her mother, grandmother, and
sister, and could understand how, through feelings of guilt and a need for
punishment, she made herself the object of her own aggressive wishes. With
the discovery of her hostility she was able to permit herself to be promoted at
work and to manage more-or-less successfully without having to damage
herself too much.
What was particularly striking in this patient was her intense resentment of
men, which existed side by side with her sexual attachment to them. It
transpired that she had thought as a child that if she had not been a twin she
would have been a boy, and that her younger twin sister was her broken-off
penis. Her resentment of men for having their power is striking, and it became
clear that with her symptom of vaginismus she regularly provoked and then
emasculated her husband. Similarly, in the analytic session she would
provoke me to ask questions, and would then snub me. In relation to her
silence, she would often say that there was something in her mind which
blocked her thought, and this matched her fantasy that a broken-off stump of a
penis remained in her vagina, preventing successful penetration.
Following the analysis of this and much other material she was able to
leave her husband, who was in fact most disturbed, and to take a lover with
whom she now had satisfactory intercourse. The analysis of her
exhibitionistic fears (she was afraid of a strong wish to excite men by
exhibiting her body) enabled her to take a new job demonstrating frozen food
in a large department store.
Certainly her analysis was far from complete, but for various reasons it
was expedient to stop at this point. A year later she wrote
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that her improvement was maintained and that she was enjoying a happy
sexual relationship.
Four years later Mrs B. wrote asking to see me as she was extremely
worried. Although her improvement had been maintained (she was now
working full-time as an artist's model and was more-or-less satisfied with her
sexual life with the man with whom she was living) her husband, from who
she had remained separated, had been writing letters to her in which he
threatened suicide if she did not rejoin him. I agreed to see her and did so for
a year. The details of this further period of work need not detain us here,
except for one feature. In place of her vaginismus she was now mildly but
noticeably deaf.
Her deafness had been diagnosed as 'nerve deafness' at a London hospital,
but it soon seemed likely that this new symptom derived from the same
unconscious processes which had led to her vaginal spasm. In spite of
working through all this material again, her deafness persisted. However, an
understanding of her deafness occurred suddenly and rather unexpectedly. I
suddenly became aware that my need to talk loudly so that she could hear me
also caused me to shout pedantically, as if to a naughty child. This realization
led me to the understanding that by being deaf my patient could force me to
shout at her as her grandmother had done when she was very small. It became
clear that she was unconsciously recreating, in her relationship with me, an
earlier relationship to the grandmother, who had been, in spite of her
unkindness to and constant irritation with the patient, the most permanent and
stable figure in Mrs B.'s childhood. With the working through of feelings of
loss of her grandmother and her need to recreate her presence in many
different ways, Mrs B.'s hearing improved.
We could now see that Mrs B. was not only obtaining masochistic
gratification through her symptoms, but was also defending against an intense
fear of abandonment by recreating, in the analytic session and out of it, a
feeling of the physical presence of her grandmother, whose mode of contact
with the child had been predominantly one of verbal criticism or of physical
punishment. In the symptom of vaginismus she had, among many other things,
provoked shouting and physical assault, in order to obtain the feeling that the
grandmother was physically present. It seemed that the pain and suffering was
the price she paid for a bodily feeling of
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safety, for the reassurance that she would not undergo the miserable
loneliness and separation which characterized her first year of life and which
she felt would be her lot if she showed any hostility at all.
Finally, I want to turn briefly to the question of the role relationships
which I believe to be central to the concept of object relationships (in reality
or as reflected in fantasy life). We can start with the idea that the individual
constantly obtains a special form of gratification through his interaction with
others, consciously or unconsciously, in real life or in fantasy, and in so doing
provides himself with a variety of reassuring feelings. The level of this
'nourishment', of good feelings obtained through affirmation and reassurance,
has to be constantly maintained, because if it drops below a certain value,
wishes will be aroused connected with restoring the necessary level of basic
comfort about oneself. Such wishes are very closely linked to objects, and it
is enough to think of the toddler who glances to mother from time to time,
eliciting a reassuring smile, to see the mechanism whereby an unconscious
wish to perceive the presence of the mother, to gain safety, may be satisfied.
The interchange involved provides a feeling of security and well-being, and if
for some reason it is interrupted, distress will result. What we have here is a
dialogue, an interaction which is of the essence in any relationship between
two people. Years ago Rene Spitz showed how such a dialogue occurred
between infant and mother in relation to such things as the smiling response,
but there is increasing evidence that the very young infant can manifest
extremely complicated behavioural responses to external events and
circumstances, and that co-ordination of various parts of the body exists early
on to a greater degree than we would expect, even in the first days and weeks
of life. What is highly significant in all the studies on the infant's interaction
with things and persons in its environment is the very young infant's
dependence on experiencing appropriate sensorial and affective feedback.
This applies par excellence to social interactions.
Recently, workers in the field of mother-child interaction have spoken of
the 'meshing' of infant and mother, of their developing 'synchrony', of their
mutual cueing and so on. It has become increasingly clear that many of the
earliest interactions between mother and infant tend to start with the infant's
spontaneous behaviour and are then continued on the basis of the mother's
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to respond. Further, the child, very soon after birth, begins to show
differential reactions (e.g. in the number of attempts to make eye-to-eye
contact), reactions which depend upon the behavioural style and rolerequirements of the mother. As the infant grows he will create increasingly
complex representations in his mind of the interactions and relationships, the
dialogues between himself and his object. These dialogues with the object
later become an integral part of his fantasy life and of his wishes to obtain
satisfaction, to avoid unpleasant feelings, and, above all, to feel safe. The
negotiations of early infancy continue into adulthood as an important part of
mental life.
The child's early role-relationships with his caretakers create in him a
need to have objects 'mesh' with him in order for him to feel secure. The
interaction with objects, in reality but also in wishful fantasy, provides an
affirmation, with a resulting feeling of security. We are dependent to an
enormous degree upon others for the minute nods of agreement and approval,
for signs that friendliness rather than hostility is present, for safety signals.
(There are some people who systematically avoid providing such signals, and
their effect on their social environment can be quite devastating.)
It is important to note that the individual does not necessarily seek a
replica of what he experienced in childhood. The need to obtain forms of
actualization acceptable to the conscience, and to the person's developing
sense of reality, leads him to disguise and distort the role relationships he
wants to impose upon others, and the needs of others force him to create and
accept compromises. Nevertheless, his unconscious wishes, whether they be
sexual or aggressive or related to the preservation of self-esteem and safety,
will profoundly affect his relationships with others. These wishes and their
fantasy elaborations are continually being revised and modified, even though
they retain a central and enduring core which is highly specific to the person
I want to conclude by expressing the hope that all of this may allow an
essentially intrapsychic psychoanalytic psychology to contribute to a more
general psychology of human relationships.
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Rickman, J. 1941 A case of hysteria: theory and practice in the two wars The
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