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Report Designer Manual - 13.chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

The Basis for Creating a Report

1. Execute Report Designer 5.0u

A description is made of how to install Report Designer 5.0u and how to execute Report
Designer 5.0u.

1.1. Installing Report Designer 5.0u

1.1.1. Report Designer 5.0u Installation CD Configuration
Report Designer 5.0u CD is made up of the following folders and files.


This is an installation file to setup Report Designer 5.0u Editor and EXE Viewer together.


This is a Cab file to install TBarcode 5.0u module. If a Report has Barcode Objects, the
Report, Report Designer 5.0u OCX Viewers should be released with TBarcode 5.0u.


This is a Cab file to install PDF Conversion Module. When you want to convert the format of
a finished Report as PDF format, the Report should be released with Report Designer 5.0u
OCX viewers as well as PDF Conversion Module.


This is a Cab File to install Report Designer 5.0u OCX


This is a Cab file to install SmartUpdate module. This file is used to release Objects not in
Cab file format but in SamrtUpdate format.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

Please refer to SmartUpdate Manual.doc that is provided separately for more details.
SmartUpdate Manual.doc is included in C:\Program Files\M2Soft\Report Designer
5.0u\Examples\SmartUpdate, a folder in which Report Designer 5.0u is installed.


This is a Cab file to install TeeChart7.0. If a Report has Chart Objects, the Report (Report
Designer 5.0u OCX Viewer) should be released with TeeChar7.0 Module.


This is a file to install Report Designer Catalog.


This folder includes a manual file that is provided in Report Designer 5.0u.


This is a file to install Report Desinger 5.0u OCX Viewer. While installing Report Desinger
5.0u OCX Viewer, Tbarcode 5.0u, TeeChart 5.0u and PDF Conversion Module are
installed at the same time.


This is a file to install Report Designer 5.0u EXE Viewer.

1.1.2. Report Designer 5.0u Installation

Insert Report Designer 5.0u installation CD into your CD-ROM driver. Double click
Setup.exe, and Report Designer 5.0u Editor and EXE viewer are installed on your
If you did not change an installation path, Report Designer 5.0u Editor and EXE viewer are
installed on the default folder (C:\Program Files\M2Soft\Report Designer 5.0u). Example
folder contains Example files that Report Designer 5.0u provides basically.
Report Designer 5.0u OCX Viewer is not installed with it. If you want to install it with Report
Designer 5.0u Editor and EXE viewer, double click rdocx50u_pro_eng.exe
(./OCX/rdocx50u_pro_eng.exe) separately.

1.2. Running Report Designer 5.0u from Start-Menu


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

If Report Designer 5.0u is successfully installed on the computer, Report Designer 5.0u
will be shown in the Programs folder under Windows Start menu. Report Designer 5.0u
Editor, Readme, Uninstall, Viewer will be listed as shown below.

Report Designer 5.0u Editor is an editing tool to design a report form.

Report Designer 5.0u Viewer is a viewing tool which creates a Report with connecting
designed portions to Database together.
Report Designer 5.0u Readme contains the Report design environment, the installation
guide; the folder information as well as general information including technical supports.
Report Designer 5.0u Uninstall allows you to delete Report Designer 5.0u in your

1.3. Report Designer (Editor) Menus & Shortcuts

Context menu, Toolbars, Pop-up menu and Shortcut are available when designing a
report with Report Designer Editor.

1.3.1. Execution from Main Menu

Select a desired menu on the top of Report Designer Editor Window.

1.3.2. Execution from the toolbars

Report Designer 5.0u provides ten Toolbars for easy and rapid access to the commands
which are used often. To execute a function, just click a desired icon among ten Toolbars.
Move a mouse pointer on an icon, and a brief description of an icon will be shown after two
or three seconds.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

1.3.3. Execution from Pop-Up Menus

Report Designer 5.0u Editor/Viewer provides a variety of Pop-Menus. Click the right
button of a mouse, and the corresponding Pop-up Menu will be shown.
Pop-up Menu is shown by clicking the right button of a mouse on selected Object and Block.

1.3.4. Execution by shortcut.

Shortcut means to execute a function rapidly with two keys of your keyboard. If you press a
key while holing <Alt> or <Ctrl>, the corresponding function will be executed.
List of Shortcuts is as shown below.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

. ShortCut

List of Report Designer Editor














TextFrame Properties




Select All


Body Object Properties






Edit Format


Document Properties



Hyperlink Properties


Content Field



Set Element Name



Enter Parameter Values



Environment Setup



Environment Setp for

Web Preview




Barcode Properties


Enter Special


Chart Properties


Page Chain Option


Bring to Front


Preview on Viewer





Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report






Define Quary


Mode (Above)


Map Dataset


Edit Script










Connect Database

Enter Conditions
Data Conversion

Send to Back




Shortcut list provided on Report Designer 5.0u EXE Viewer.






Find String






Goto Page




Save Pages


Zoom In / Out


Open Document List




Close Document List


Copy(edit mode)

Creat Contens


Paste(edit mode)






Delete(edit mode)


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

2. Object
A description is made of objects as well as functions such as Size Adjustment, Movement,
Alignment and Deletion etc..

2.1. Object
Object is a basic element of a report. It has primary functions such as Size Adjustment and
Movement. Some of objects have their own properties and data. If you click an object, the
name of an object will be shown on status bar as shown below. The Report Designer can
handle many types of objects as shown below:

[Status bar showing the name of an object]

[Report Designer objects]


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

2.2. Input Mode/ Selection Mode/ Cell Marking Mode

Input Mode

Input mode operates only on Text Frame or Table Cell. If Text Frame or Table cell are
clicked in input mode, a caret (a mouse cursor) blinks. In this state, you can input

You can input Text only in Text Frame or Table Cell. If you select an object other than Text
Frame or Table, even though it is set in Input Mode, the selected object is shown as shown
below. However, Input mode is not converted into selection mode.

Selection Mode

Selection Mode operates on all of objects. Objects will be marked as shown below if you
click the left button of your mouse. You can move an object or adjust its size or change its

Cell Marking Mode

Cell Marking Mode operates on Table Object only. You may change the cell color and
adopt specific functions on Table Object in Cell Marking Mode. Only in Input Mode, it is
possible to be converted into Cell Marking Mode.

2.3. Selecting and Editing Object


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

2.3.1. Object Selection Method

Objects can be selected by using two methods. One is to select the entirety of an object and
the other is to select a part of an object. When properties are applied to a selected object, it
affects the entirety of a selected object and blocking it affects a cell of an assigned table or a
part of a Text Frame. Selection Method by Menu or Toolbar

Be converted into Selection Mode by clicking
button on Draw > Select Menu or Draw >
Toolbar. Move a mouse cursor onto an object in selection mode and click the left button of a
mouse, and an object is selected. Other Selection

Without using Toolbar or Menubar in input mode, an object can be selected.
When you move a mouse cursor to the border of an object in input mode, the shape of a
mouse cursor is changed into . If you click the left button of a mouse, the input mode is
changed into the selection mode. And, the object can be selected. Selecting Multi Objects in Selection Mode

By clicking a mouse once, basically, one object is selected. If you select other objects after
selecting an object, selection marking disappears and the selection is released from the first
object. But, if you use Dragging a Mouse or <Shift> key, several objects can be selected at

Dragging mouse


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

All of objects within the area to be dragged are selected at the same time. Dash line
appears virtually over the dragged area.

<Shift+Left-clicking in a mouse>

While <Shift> is held, if you click the left button of a mouse on objects one by one, several
objects are selected.

Standard Object

When two or more objects are selected at the same time , one of them is Basis Object.
When several objects are selected, the last selected object is Basis Object. It has Mark
Points which are blank rectangles, unlike other objects.
On the basis of Standard object, fitting the sizes of objects and aligning objects can be done
effectively. After selecting two or more objects at the same time, if you resize objects or align
objects by using Align Objects toolbar etc., they will be adjusted in the same manner as the
standard object. Block Selection in Input Mode

Basically in input mode, if a cell of a table is selected, the caret blinks in the selected cell
then text can be input. To apply new color and a special function to the selected cell, the
mode should be changed into Cell Marking Status. To change into Cell marking mode,
drag the mouse on cells or use <Shift> key.

Dragging mouse

Drag a mouse in the object area while holding the left button of a mouse, and cells in
dragged area are selected.

<Shift+ left clicking the mouse>

Click a cell one by one while holding <Shift>, the clicked cells are selected and marked as
shown below.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report Object Selection after bring a dialog box.

Report Designer 5.0u provides many kinds of dialog boxes because it has many special
functions. There are two kinds of dialog box, Modaless dialog and Modal dialogbox. In case
of Modaless dialog box, after bring it, it is possible to select Text Frame or the cell of the
table. In case of Modal dialog box, after bring it; it is not possible to select them.
After bring Modaless dialog box, the table object is to be selected in Cell Marking status.
But when other objects are not regarding the Modaless dialog box are selected, the mode is
changed into selection mode status (object Marking) Selecting All Objects

To select all objects in a page, select Edit> Select All or click Standard Toolbar > Select
All( ). Short cut <Ctrl + A > is also available. Canceling Object Selection

If you click the left button of a mouse on the background screen where no object is selected,
Object Selection will be cancelled.
In case multiple objects were selected, if you want to delete one of them, place the mouse in
a selected object and press <Shift+Mouse Left Button>. If you press <Shift+Mouse Left
Button>, you can restore deleted objects.

2.3.2. Moving Object

There are four ways to move an object: dragging a mouse, using <Arrow>, selecting
Properties > Adjust Object Size/Location and Using Control Line. Moving an object in selection mode

If you select an desired object, the shape of a mouse pointer will be changed into the
following shape:
. If you drag the object, while holding down the left mouse button, the
graphics to be moved will be outlined in dotted lines. If multiple objects are selected, all of
these objects will be moved together. Instead of dragging the selected object, you may use
four direction keys <Arrow> on your key board.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report Moving a Table in Input Mode

In input mode, you can move Text Frame or Tables even if you do not select them. If you
place the mouse on the left top corner of Text Frame or Table,
pointer will appear. As
explained above, the Text Frame or Table will be moved by dragging the mouse. Others

Adjust Object Size/Location

To use Adjust Object Size/Location dialog box brought by selecting Properties > Adjust
Object Size/Location, refer to Ch. 8.1 Adjust Object Size/Location of Report Designer

Control Line

To know how to move the object by using Control Line, refer to Ch. 4.4.2 Control Line.

2.3.3. Resizing Object

There are three ways to resize objects: Dragging a mouse, Using the dialog box
(Properties > Adjust Object Size/Location or Align Objects Toolbar) and using Control
Line. Resizing Selected Object

Place a Mouse Pointer on a marking point in the right bottom of a box. When pointer
appears, drag a mouse until you get a desired size, and release the mouse. You can also
use <Ctrl + Arrow Key> to resize an object after selecting the object.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

By bringing Adjust Object Size/Location dialog box (Properties > Adjust Object
Size/Location), the selected object can be resized precisely. Resizing in input mode.

In input mode, even if you did not select the Text Frame or Table, you can adjust the size.
By placing a mouse on the right bottom corner of the Text Frame and Table,
appear. As described before, drag and release the mouse to change a size.

pointer will Resizing by using Adjust Object Size dialog box.

To resize on object, select Align Objects Toolbar>Align Top(
Left or Align Right( ).

) or Align Bottom(

) or Align

After selecting two or more objects, if you press one of icons as described above, with basis
of Standard objects height or width will be the same. If standard object is not selected, the
following message will appear. Others

Adjust Object Size/Location

To use Adjust Object Size/Location dialog box; select Properties > Adjust Object


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

Size/Location; refer to Ch. 8.1 Adjust Object Size / Location of Report Designer Editor.

Control Line

To know how to move an object by using Control Line, refer to Ch. 4.4.2 Control Line.

2.3.4. Aligning Objects

Aligning objects; Aligning two selected objects on the basis of left, right, top and bottom.
There are three ways How to align objects includes three ways such as using Control Line,
using Align Objects Toolbar and using Adjust Object Size/Location dialog box. Aligning Objects by using control line

On the basis of Control Line, objects can be aligned vertically.

See Chapter1-4.4. View Control Line for the details of Control Line. Aligning Objects by using Align Objects Toolbar

Align object Toolbar is located at the bottom of the operating window. In case Align Objects
toolbar is not displayed, bring it by selecting Toolbar > Alignment.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

Alignment on the basis of object

Alignment on the basis of object is a way of aligning selected object on the basis of left, right,
top and bottom. There four types that Left, Top, Right and Bottom Alignment.
z In the below example, click the icon Align Left(
farthest left of object 1.

), objects 2, 3 will align to the

z In the below example, click the icon Align Right(

the farthest right of object.

z In the below example, click the icon Align Top(

top of object 3.

), objects 2, 3 will align to

), objects 1, 2 will align to the

In the below example, click the icon Align Bottom(

), objects 1, 2 will align to


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

the bottom of object 3

Alignment between objects

It is a function which aligns the space between objects on the basis of the rectangle area of
selected object. There are four types of space selections: Width Center Alignment, Height
Center Alignment and width space even and height space eve.
Align Width Center aligns objects to center on the basis of a width of the rectangle area.

Align Height Center aligns objects to center on the basis of a height of the rectangle area.

Align Width Space aligns the Width space between objects even on the basis of the
rectangle area of a selected object.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

Align Height Space aligns the Height space between objects even on the basis of the
rectangle area of selected object.

Objects cannot be aligned evenly when there are no spaces between objects.

Alignment with basis of Page

Alignment With Basis of Page is a function which aligns objects on the basis of the outline
of a page.

Alignment With Basis of Page is generally used when you need to align title at the center
of page or show objects with certain spaces in a page.
Align Width Center on the Basis of Page treats selected object as one group and align to
the middle of width. When you align only one object, center alignment and even space
alignment takes same effect.
Alignment With Basis of Page does not align each object to middle individually.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

Align Height Center on the Basis of Page aligns objects on the basis of the outline of a
page top to bottom direction and does not align each object to middle individually.

Align Width on the Basis of Page aligns width space even for selected objects on the
basis of the outline of a page and aligns each object to middle individually.

Align Height on the Basis of Page aligns Height space even for selected objects on the
basis of the outline of a page and aligns each object to middle individually. Aligning Objects by using Adjust Object Size/Location dialog box

Alignment With Basis of Object Coordination aligns selected objects on the basis of


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

See Chapter1- 8.1 Adjust Object Size/Location for the details of Adjust Object

2.3.5. Deleting Object

Selected objects are deleted by pushing <Delete> or selecting Edit > Delete.

2.3.6. Setting Style

Set styles of objects by selecting them simultaneously.

Defining Font Properties

This function operates only on Text Frame and Table because Text can be inserted on Text
Frame and Table.
After selecting objects, it is possible to set font size, font color. If Font properties are changed
after table is selected, all cell of the table has the same font properties as you define. In
order to define font properties, Edit Toolbar as shown below is used.

Defining Pattern Properties

It operates on all objects. After selecting an object, Pattern Properties can be defined.
Pattern Properties can be defined by using Pattern Properties box.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

Defining Line Style

It operates on all objects. After selecting an object, Line Color and Width can be defined.
Line Properties can be defined by using Line Properties box.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

3. Table
In order to create a table, understand the concept of Cell, Row, Column and Line, etc.

3.1. Components of Table

Table consists of Cells, Column, Row and Lines. In case of Text Frame, it shows just one
item. But Table can contain different kinds of items and different kinds of format, it can
present several items,
The below table has 9 cells, 3 rows, 3 columns and 8 lines.

3.1.1. Cell
Cell is the basic element of a Table and it is the squared frame at which you can write
independently as Text Frame.
Table can be composed of either one cell or multiple cells.

Relating to the functions of the Edit Cells, there are Merge Cells, Split Cells, and
Exchange Cell Contents.
See Chap.1 Sec.6.6 Cell for the details of the Editing Cells.

3.1.2. Row and Column


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

Row means the cells horizontally connected and Column means the cells vertically
connected. Edit by Row and Column is convenient for editing a table with a fixed form.

Relating to the functions of the Edit Line, there are two functions, Insert/Delete Column,
Insert/Delete Row.
See Chapter1-6.8 Insert/Delete for the details of Edit Line.

3.1.3. Table Line

The lines of a table are several: line, diagonal line and column inner line.
Lines; vertical / horizontal lines, make up a Table. Diagonal lines are lines that connect from
cell corner to cell corner. Column inner lines are used to draw line in a column to fix position
of number and it does not physically divide column.

Functions related with editing line are drawing vertical / horizontal , drawing column
inner line, dividing vertical or horizontal line, merging line, selecting line, double line,
setting line properties to repeated section/summary section, setting line properties to
See Chapter1-6.5 Line for the details of functions. See Chap. 1 Sec.6.6.3 on Internal
Boundary Line

3.2. Creating Table

There are two types of tables; one is Square type, which is generally used, and another one
is Round type of which surrounding is oval shape. After creating a table, you can change its


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

size, Shape and Structure as you want. The size of a table will be automatically adjusted to
fit to the size of the text you entered at the Cell if the cell has not Size Fix Properties. So far,
you do not need to adjust the Table Size and Shape, or several rows and columns
accurately from the start; you can easily modify and re-edit them later.
Create the Table following the steps below.
Fixed Size Properties can be set by selecting Properties > Text Frame Properties
after cells are selected. See Chapter1-8.2 Text Frame Properties on Text Frame properties.

You can create a table following the steps as shown below.

1) Select Table > Create Table or press

button. Or

button on the Table Toolbar.

2) Define the number of Rows and Columns

3) Place the mouse pointer at the beginning point where you want to create the table, and
drag the mouse to the size you want while pressing the left button of a mouse and release
the mouse button.

3.2.1. Define the Number of Rows and Columns

To make a Table, you should define several rows and columns first. Define them by selecting
button or
button on the Table Toolbar,
Table > Create Table. When you are using
several rows and columns are defined automatically at the time when you release the mouse
See Chapter1-6.1 for the details of Creating Table.

3.2.2. Drawing Table

If you select the number of rows and columns of the Table,
pointer will be displayed.
At this status, drag the mouse to the size you want while pressing the left button of a mouse
at the beginning point, and release the mouse button.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

If you draw a table too small, the table is created for a cell to have just one character.

3.2.3. Changing Table Shape

The rectangle table, already created, can be converted into the round table. Select Table >
Convert > To Rounded Table, after selecting the desired rectangle table.
A round table also can be changed by using the same way as above.
See Chapter1-6.9 convert for the details of Conversion Function.

3.3. Selecting Table and Block

A table is composed of multiple cells and you can select the entirety of a table or parts of it.
Selecting the entirety of a table is to Select the Object and selecting cells is to Set the
Table object selection is used to edit the entire Table, and Block is used to erase or change a
part of a table.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

In order to select the blocking in selection mode, double click on a cell and then drag
the desired cells to set the blocking.

3.3.1. Selecting Table


to select a table that you want. Then click the left mouse button.

to select a table. Move

If input cursor is already in a table, you do not need to click
mouse pointer to the outline of table object so that the pointer changes to .

3.3.2. Blocking Cells (Selecting the cells inside a table)

If you want to block the cells within a table, drag on the desired cells.
Place the mouse pointer in the cell, drag while pressing the left button of a mouse, or block
by using <Shift+dragging>.

Especially, when you block discontinuous cells, place the mouse pointer in the
corresponding cell and block the cells one by one by pressing <Shift+Mouse Left Button>.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

The color of cells you blocked will be switched so that you can easily distinguish it. For
example, if the cell color is white, then it will be change to black. If it is read, then it will
change to blue.

3.4. Deleting Table

Deleting Table can be divided into two types. It is possible to delete the entirety of a table or
to delete a part of a table.

3.4.1. Deleting Entire Table

In selection mode, if you select a table and press <Del> key or select Edit>Delete, a table
and its contents will be deleted.
If you want to delete just the table contents, See Chapter 4- 3.5. Erasing The
Contents of Table.

3.4.2. Deleting Partial Table

The cells of a table s can be deleted by each row or by each column as they cannot be
deleted one by one. Only in input mode, a part of a table can be deleted.
For example, if you want to delete a row, block the row to be deleted. Otherwise, place the
insertion cursor at one of the rows to be deleted and then select Table > Delete > Delete
Rows/Delete Columns. Rows will be deleted.
See Chapter1-6.8.3 delete rows /columns for the details of deleting partial table.

3.5. Text Inside a Table

The way to write a text in the cell within a table is the same as you would input a text into
Text Frame.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

1. Place the mouse pointer in the cell where you want to write and click the left button of a
2. When the insertion cursor is created, input the text.

3.5.1. Moving Cursor within a Table

In order to move a cursor to a desired cell, use <Tab> key or <Arrow> key. If you press
<Tab> key, a cursor moves to the next right cell. If you use <Arrow> key, a curser can move
to one of four adjacent cells according to the direction of an arrow.
When the cursor is in the last cell, if you press <tab> then a new row is inserted at the
bottom of the table.

3.5.2. Erasing the Contents of Table

Since the Table consists of several cells, it is very inconvenient to remove the Text cell by cell.
In this case, if you block the cells within a Table, you can remove the Text.
If you want to erase Texts in some of cells within a Table, block the corresponding cells and
press <Del> key in input mode

3.5.3. Text Orientation

Text Orientation within a Table should be defined after selecting Properties > Text Frame
Properties. After selecting the entirety of a table or blocking the cells, Properties > Text
Frame Properties > Write Direction
When a Text overflows, on the Vertical Text Frame, it will be extended to the Left as on the
Vertical Table Orientation; it will be extended to the Right. So, the starting location of a
table will not be moved while editing a Text.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

3.6. Editing Cells

In this chapter, Resizing Cell, Merging Cells and Splitting Cells will be explained.

3.6.1. Resizing Cell

There are 4 ways of resizing columns in tables. They are : dragging selection points of
objects, using line resizing point which appears in input mode, using Align Object Toolbar,
and Using Properties > Adjust Object Size/Location dialog box Resizing Cell in Selection Mode

When you place the mouse at the vertical line below the cell you want to extend, the
pointer will be appeared as shown in the below left table. At this status, drag the mouse
while holding the left button of a mouse and release the button at the desired location, then
the Cell will be extended as shown by the picture on the right. If you adjust the size for one
cell, vertically adjacent cells will be pushed down as well as the size adjusted. Resizing Cell in Input Mode

As shown on the tables below, when you place a mouse in the horizontal line indicating the
), will be
row border, if you wish to extend, then the pointer, horizontal ( ) or vertical (
appeared as shown in below. In this state, drag a mouse while holding the left button of a
mouse and release the button in the desired location or height, then the Row will be
extended as shown in the right picture.

In order that adjacent cells are not pushed down, when resizing a cell in a table, you
should protect a table. See Chapter1-6.4 Table Protection for protecting a table.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report Using Aligning Objects Toolbar

For cells to have the same sizes, block the cells and select View>Toolbar >Align Objects.
When the Align Objects Toolbar is displayed, click Horizontal and Vertical buttons.
Align vertically ( ) button or Align horizontally (
adjust the cell size identically.

)button or Align All (

) button will

As shown in the below, if you rearrange the cells, after blocking the entirety of a table at first
and click Align all ( ) button, and the sizes of all cells will be equal. Using Adjust Object Size/Location dialog box.

To change the cell size, block the cells and select Properties > Adjust Object
Size/Location. When Adjust Object Size/Location dialog box is displayed, input the desired
horizontal and vertical numeric values and then click Change button.
See Chapter1-8.1 Adjust Object Size/Location for the details of Adjust Object

3.6.2. Merging Cells

Merging Cells allows you to combine adjacent cells into one cell.
To merge Cells, block the cells to be merged at first and select Table > Column > Merge
Cells or click

button on the Table toolbar.

See Chapter1-6.6.1 Merge Cells

3.6.3. Dividing Cells

Dividing a cell allows you to divide one cell into two or more cells. To divide a cell, place the
insertion cursor at the target cell, or block the cells. Select Table > Column > Divide Cells
or click the

button on the Tablebar.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

See Chapter1-6.6.2 for the details of Divide Cells.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

4. Draw Object
Describing how to draw objects and how to define Line properties, Pattern properties.

4.1. Drawing object

In order to draw an object, use Draw Toolbar or select an object directly from Menubar >
Click one object that you want from Draw Toolbar or Draw > Draw Figure Mouse, you will
see a mouse pointer corresponded to the selected figure or the object, and when the mouse
pointer appears, drag a mouse from the start point and draw a shape of a figure or an object
that you want, then release the mouse button

Drawing polygon (many-sidedness line)

pointer is displayed, click and release the left button of a mouse

When the shape of
from the start position and draw the shape by dragging mouse.
When you click the right button of a mouse after drawing the shape, the polygon of its start
point is connected, end point is completed.
Below picture shows the process of drawing a polygon. When you click the right button of a
mouse while drawing the shape, it is completed like the picture in the right.

4.2. Modifying Object Selection point and control point

It is not easy to draw an object of the exact size at the first try. Therefore, it is very common
to continue altering and modifying after the first draft of the graphics object.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

There are Resize and Reshape options in correcting the graphic.

Resizing is used to adjust Vertical and Horizontal length of the entire graphic in the same
proportion using the selection point.
Reshaping is used to adjust the Shape by correcting the part of a graphic and it can be done
by using selection points to reshape as well.

4.2.1. Selection Point

Selection handle, the mouse pointer looks
place the mouse on the object.


, appears when you select an object and

Generally, selection point appears as squared pointers on the object, in most cases, an
Edge or an Ending Point of the object is the selection point

4.2.2. Control Point

Selection handle, the mouse pointer looks , appears when you select an object and place
the mouse on the object.
All pointers other than the selection point are Control points. Control point appears as a
pointer or X shaped.

There is no control point in a straight line, a circle, a rectangle. Control points appear in
X shape on a curved line.

4.3. Type of Drawing Object


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

4.3.1. Line
These are some examples of types of lines: free line, straight line, curve line, manysidedness line. You can change shape and size of Straight line, Curve line by selection point
and change shape and size of Curve line, Many-sidedness line by selection and control

4.3.2. Facet
As for types of Facets, there are rectangle, rounded rectangle, circle/ellipse, Rhombus,
Parallelogram and Polygon. You can change shape and size of rectangle, circle/ ellipse by
selection point. And you can change shape and size of Rhombus, Parallelogram and
Polygon by selection point and control point.

4.3.3. Solid Figure

The followings are types of Solid figures and they can be modified to your needs by using
Selection Point and control point: Square pillar and cylinder.

4.4. Line Properties

Use Line Properties to give color, thickness and type etc. to an object.
Line Properties can be applied to line of polygon, outline of Text Frame, and line of Table.
However it cannot be applied to special lines such as column inner line.
In the case of tables, you can change part of line properties by using select Table > Line >
Select Whole Line or Select Part of Line, clicking icons, Select Whole Line /Select Part
of Line of table Toolbar
See Chapter1-6.5.3 for the details of Select line.

4.4.1. Line Properties Toolbar

Line Properties Toolbar is used to select Line Properties, by clicking on the buttons on the
Accordingly, to select the Line Properties, open the Line properties Toolbar. To bring Line
properties Toolbar, select View > Toolbar > Line Properties.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

4.4.2. Line Type

Available types of Lines are Normal Line, Dot Line, Dash Dot Line ,HTML line and Arrow
Line. If you draw a line, Normal Line will be drawn. After drawing, you may change it to Dot
Line or Dash Line or other lines by using Line Properties.

4.4.3. Line Thickness

Line thickness only applies to Normal Line and Arrow line. Therefore, you cannot define
width of Dot Line, Dash Dot Line and Dash Dot Line.
The following picture shows the buttons for Line Thickness.

A variety of Line Thicknesses are available, ranging from 0.0 to 5.0u. If you want to hide the
line or make it transparent, define the Line Thickness as 0.0.

4.4.4. Arrow


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

Arrow is applied only to Normal Line and Table. You may apply one of 9 Arrows, as shown
below, to the desired Normal Line and Table.

Begin Style Arrow Line

Begin Style Arrow Line is to draw the Arrow at the beginning of the line.
Begin Point

End Point

End Style Arrow Line

End Style Arrow Line is to draw the Arrow at the end point of the line.
Begin Point

End Point

Begin Point is a location in the start of drawing an object, and End Point is a location in
the end of drawing an object.

4.4.5. Line Color

In order to assign the Line Color, you can use Line Color(
) button. And, you can select
the color of a line freely. Otherwise specified, the default color used will be Black.
) button includes line color presenter and color list box. After pointing a
Line Color(
certain color, the latest color you choose will be displayed.
If you want to apply the same color to a different object, click color presenter button without
bringing color list box.
The following picture shows the colors, which will be, displayed whey you select the Line
Color List box.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

In Line Color List box, there is an option button Line Effect. If you click Line Effect option,
you can bring the following picture and make the selected line transparent.

4.4.6. Examples of Line Properties

The following shows the Curve with Arrows at both the Begin and End, with much line
thickness defined.

The following shows Connect line with the properties defined by line thickness, Arrow and
Dash Dot Line.

The picture below shows an example of line color set on table inner line, and thickness and
color on outside line of table. You can set line properties of outline and inner line of table
after selecting part of a line.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

Example below shows the effect of setting line effect 2 from line color and setting Facet color
on Text Frame.

4.5. Pattern Properties

There are Pattern Style, Color, Opaque and Transparency in the Pattern Properties. Pattern
Properties can be defined on Text
, Table and Graphic including Pattern.

4.5.1. Pattern Properties Toolbar

Pattern Properties Toolbar is used to define Pattern Properties. If Pattern Properties
Toolbar is not displayed, Select View >Toolbar > Pattern Properties.
Pattern Properties Toolbar consists of Pattern Style, Opaque, Transparency and Pattern
Color. Default Selection is Opaque.

4.5.2. Types of Pattern Styles

There are 11 types of Pattern styles as shown below.


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

4.5.3. Viewing Pattern - Semi Transparency/Opaque

Pattern Properties Toolbar allows finer control on objects that are overlapped wholly or
To view the overlapped object by making all objects transparent, select the overlapped object
and Click the icon(
) from the Pattern Properties Toolbar.
When transparency is selected, the color of the pattern is transparent, while the Style
remains unchanged. After selecting colors, if Translucent ( ) button is clicked, then the
selected color goes to translucent.
In order to view the original color of the Patterns, select the objects and press Opaque
on the Pattern Properties box.
The following picture is an example of the Square of which View Properties is defined as
View Transparent.

4.5.4. Pattern Color

In order to define the Pattern Color, use the Pattern Color List box. You can use any of colors
as you wish, but unless you specifically define it, the default color White will be used.
Pattern color button(
Patten Color List Box(

) consists of two parts, Showing Current Color and Bring

). Pattern Color in Pattern Color Button is the latest color you

To define the current color on other object, click the current color of Pattern Properties
Button without opening Pattern Color List Box.
The following picture shows the status and colors when you opened the Pattern Color List


Chapter 4. The Basis for Creating a Report

4.5.5. Examples of pattern properties

The following picture shows an example of Table with cells defined by all the various Pattern
Color properties.

A similar example is shown using TextFrames with shadow effect using Transparency.

The following picture shows the case with properties of Pattern Style and Transparency.


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