Dalail Arifin
Dalail Arifin
Dalail Arifin
Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Hyderabad, India
Email : [email protected]
.The indigence and its rewards.......07
2.Janabat and cleanliness.......15
3.The delay in performing the prayer....22
4.Who is true in the love....27
5.The masters of marifat..,,....35
6.The powers of Allah. .46
7.The excellence of versa Fateha..... 53
8.The daily of round of recitals.. .59
9.The grades of saluk (mysticism)... 71
10.The effect of good and bad company...87
11.The trust of Arif persons..... 95
12.The angel of the death.....102
The indigence and its rewards
On the 5th Rajab in the year 514 Hegira, this Darwesh and
weak person Qutubuddin who belonged to the slave to the King
of Mashaiq (learned) persons and the Sultan of Salikin (mystic
persons) Khaja Moinuddin Hasan Chisti.
When this slave was getting the chance of kissing the feet of
the sky and ability in the mosque of Abu Lais Samar Qandi in
Baghdad. The Sheikh was kind enough with me and honoured to
accept my pledge (Bait) there and he was also kind enough with
me and put on my head the four ends Turkey cap and on that
day Sheikh Shabuddin Mohammed Saherwardi, Sheikh
Dawood Kirmani, Sheikh Burhanuddin, Mohammed Chisti,
Sheikh Tajuddin Mohammed Safhani were present there in the
meeting. The discussion about prayer was in progress. The
Sheikh told by his tongue that in the prayer only one can become
closer to Allah.
So prayer is called the Meraj (accession) by the Muslims.
Which is available in the saying of the prophet of Allah. Alsalt
meraj al-Muslimin. And its status is more than all other things.
The meeting of Allah starts with the prayer. Then Shiekh told
prayer is secret matter which the person disclose with Allah. The
disclose of the secret in which it is required the closeness of the
somebody. That person who will get closeness and who is
eligible for the secret. This secret could not obtain without the
There is saying of the prophet of Allah, Almusalli Neji
rabbahu it means one who pray, then he will disclose his secret
angel will stand in the pulpit of the last prophet of Allah and he
will call Oh: the men and fairies, to know well that one who
will not follow the practice of the prophet and exceed in this
matter, then he will not be eligible for the intercession.
in the condition of worry and upset that how he will face the
prophet of Allah on the day of judgement.
Afterwards he said in the book Salwat Masoodi a tradition
mentioned as per narrated by Abu Hurara in Fiqa (Islamic law)
of Sunnah it is available that the washing of every part three
times is according to the practice (Sunnah) of the prophet of
Allah. As per saying of the prophet of Allah The washing of
every part three times is my Sunnah and this is also Sunnah of
the previous prophets of Allah. To add more on this is injustice.
Upon this he said Khaja Fazil Ayaz while at the time of
ablution washed his hands two times only and then he was
praying. On that night he was seen the last prophet of Allah in
his dream and who said He was surprised to see that there
was a defect which is left in his ablution. So he was waking up
due to too much fear in this matter. So he was made fresh
ablution and prayed again. Due to expiation of this mistake he
was prayed daily 500 rakats (one rakat is equal to one set of
standing, genuflexion and prostration) for a period of one year
as a recital.
small things and He used to giver of many things and for this
blessing Allah forgave him. He was ignored my deeds, but he
was giving me such a great status.
Janabat (pollution resulting from the coition) and cleanliness
and rewards are available to those who will perform legal bath
only. One who will perform illegal, but then for his every hair
one year of bad deeds are recorded in his account of deeds. And
for every drop of water of his bath one Satan will be created and
all bad deeds done by all Satans will be recorded in the deeds of
account of that person.
then the reality of Islam and religion will be spoiled for these
reasons in this matter.
The delay in performing the prayer
After this Sheikh said he was passed from a city where there
was a tradition that the people of that place used to be ready for
the prayer before its scheduled time. So there he was asked
What is reason of wisdom in this matter that you all people
used to be ready for the prayer before its schedule time of the
prayer.? They said The reason for it is that when the time
come they will perform it. If there will no preparation in this
matter, then the time of the schedule of the prayer will be
lapsed. Then in that condition how they face the Prophet of
Allah.? Because in the saying of the Allahs prophet it is
available that, Ajlu taoub qabal maut wa alju salat qabal faut.
And its meaning and interpretation is that make the haste for
the repentance before the death and haste for the prayer before
the death comes.
Oh: BA-Yazid why do you make so much louder and cry if one
of the morning prayer is lapsed by you so We have added the
reward of 100 prayers in your account of the deed.
Upon this he said He was seen in the book of exegesis of
Mahboob Qureshi that One who will perform five prayers at its
required time, then on the day of judgement the prayer will
guide him.
and he was entered into the house and for its expiation and he
was freed on the slave. As there is a command to perform the
prayer at the time of sunset immediately, which is required as
per the Sunnah (tradition) of the prophet.
After this the discussion about charity was started and
Sheikh said One who will feed the hungry person then on the
day of judgement Allah will create seven veils in between him
and the hell. The distance of the each veil will be equal to the
distance of the journey of 500 ways. After this the discussion
about the false talking was started. On who will swear falsely
then he will become a person who will ruin his family and from
his house the blessing will be taken out from the person who
will not perform prayer and the person who swear falsely
Who is true in the love?
true person is one who accept any difficulty which was given by
his friend. Upon this Sheikh Shahabuddin Saherdi said In the
love such person is true, to whom there will be very much
fondness then in such condition if there will be strike of
100,000 swords on his head, but he will not be un-aware of it.
After this Khaja Ajal Shirazi said That person is true in the
love of Allah and if he will be cut into many pieces and if he
will be burnt down in the fire, but he will not hesitate or object
in this matter. At last Sheikh Saifuddin Bakherzi said In the
friendship of Allah that person is truly one who will be hurt
always. In the observation, he should forget his hurt and there
should be no effect in this matter.
Then Sheikh of religion Khaja Moinuddin said, This thing
is found in Sheikh Shabuddin Saherwardi. In this connection he
was seen in the book Israr Auliya in which it was written that
once Rabia of Basra, Hasan of Basra, Malik Bin Dinar and
Khaja Shafiq who were sitting in Basra and they were discussing
about the truth of the love. Khaja Hasan of Basra said That
person is truly in the friendship of Allah when there will be grief
and trouble then he will be patient with this condition. Then
Rabia said Oh: Khaja there is a smell of pride in this matter.
Then Malik Bin Dinar said In the love of Allah that person is
truly one who will be patient of any calamity and seek
willingness of Allah and he should be content on this
Rabia said His condition should be better than this. Upon
this Khaja Shafiq said In the love of Allah, such person is true
if he will be cut into many pieces, then he should not object in
this matter. Then Rabia said When he will face grief and
sorrow, then he should forget it in the observation of the friend.
Then Khaja Saheb said We also agreed upon this. Upon
The punishment and horror of the grave and fear of the hell
The person who eat and drink in the graveyard is cursed person
and he is hypocrite person
The Khajagan (masters) of Marifat (knowledge of Allah)
was full of soil was there. One person who was recognized him
and he told him He was the same king of Makkah who use to
do atrocities on the people in the kingdom. He was ashamed in
this matter and he said How he recognized him.? He said
He has seen him during a time of grace and wealth. When he
was not kind towards his people and he was used to working
inversely and he was doing atrocities on the mankind. Yes at
that time he was used to give troubles and do atrocities to the
mankind without any reason. So for this reason he got what he
did in this matter.
Upon this Khaja Sahib told one more event that, Once in
Baghdad, one pious person used to live in the hut at the bank of
the river and which have seen by him. When he was entered in
the hut and said salam to him and he was replied it by the sign.
He asked me to sit there by the sign. Upon sitting for some time
he told him Oh: Darwesh since about 50 years he resided
there in loneliness. Like his travels in the world he was also
used to travel here and there. He was seen one pious person in
one city who used to like the world and who used to give so
much trouble to the mankind in their dealings. But he did not
say anything to him and stopped him in this matter and watched
all those things and left from there. So then he heard a divine
call from the angel which said Oh : Darwesh if you would have
instructed for the sake of Haq (truth) to that person who is a
lover of the world to be afraid in this matter and not to do
atrocities on the mankind then the person of lovers of the world
would have ceased from this, but you would have agreed in this
matter and thought that person will stop his favour to you.
When he heard this divine call then from that time due to shame
he was living in this hut and not used to put his feet outside of
the hut. He has doubts in this matter that if he will be asked in
After this Khaja Saheb told another event that Once in the
shrine building of Khaja Yousuf Chisti that some Darwesh
persons came there and he was present there at that time and he
was reciting the above couplet. For this reason myself and those
Darwesh persons were becoming un-conscious and were in this
God, and exempt you from your duty to me, said his mother.
Go and be Gods. The task I supposed to be the hindmost of
all tasks proved to be the foremost, Abu Yazid later recalled.
That was to please my mother. In pleasing my mother, I
attained all that I sought in my many acts of self discipline and
It fell out as follows. One night my mother asked me for
water. I went to fetch her some, but there was none in the jug. I
fetched the pitcher, but none were in it either. So I went down to
the river and filled the pitcher with water. When I returned to the
house, my mother had fallen asleep. The night was cold. I kept
the jug in my hand. When my mother awoke from sleep, she
drank some water and blessed me. Then she noticed that the jug
was frozen in my hand. Why did you not lay the jug aside? she
exclaimed. I was afraid that you might wake when I was not
present, I answered. Keep the door half-open, my mother then
said. I watched till near daybreak to make sure if the door was
properly half-open or not, and that I should not have disregarded
her command. At the hour of dawn, that which I had sought so
many times entered by the door. After his mother resigned him
to God.
Due to her mercy my mother took my head into her shoulder
and hugs me and kissed me and she said Oh, mothers life you
have suffered very much difficulty in this matter. Upon saying
this she was praying in my favour and forgiveness from Allah.
My mothers prayer was accepted and all this wealth which was
available to me was due to my mothers prayer only.
dream upon his death, then the person asked him, How was
Allah treated him? He replied, Allah was forgiven him. When
he was asked for which deed of him.? He said the reason of his
forgiveness was that he was used to do service of his spiritual
master. So there was a command that as he was used to do
service of the master and not shown any negligence in this
matter. So he was forgiven in this matter.
Afterward Khaja Saheb began weeping and he said, On the
day of judgment true pious and Mashaiq (learned) persons will
be appearing in the condition of having a rag dress on their
shoulders and in the rag dress there will be many 100,000
threads will be there. At that time their disciples and sons came
there and hang with the threads and they will hold the thread
firmly. When the mankind will be free from the accountability
on the day of judgment, then they will get power from Allah so
they will be able to reach near the pathway of paradise. Due to
the intercession of the rag dress they will able to pass easily the
way of 30,000 years and will be free from the punishment of the
day of the judgment and will reach the paradise and there will no
opportunity that they will suffer any difficulty in this matter.
When Khaja Saheb told the above benefits, then the people and
this well wisher left the meeting place.
The powers (Qudrat) of Allah
started Marqaba (meditation) and lifted his head and asked the
persons to pray for the safe return of the boy. When Sheikh
Saheb was finished his prayer, then he asked him, Oh: old man
to bring the boy after some time there. When the old man
heard this they he was paid respect and left the meeting place.
On the way he was getting good news that his boy was
returned back to his house. He went back to his house and he
was seen with eyes that his boy was there and he met his boy in
the house. Due to looking for his son the old mans weak eyes
were becoming bright and shining. Immediately he took his
boy and visited Khaja Saheb in this matter and asked him to kiss
the feet of Khaja Saheb. Khaja Saheb asked the boy to come
near him and he was asked where he was?. He said, He was in
the middle of the sea in the prison of the devil. Today he was
also sitting there and one Darwesh who was similar to your face
came there and he was broken my chains. He held my neck
strongly and he asked me to put his feet on his feet and he was
asking me to close my eyes, then he told again to open my eyes,
then he was find himself at the door of the house. Upon saying
this the boy wants to say something more, but Khaja Saheb was
prohibited him in this matter. That old man put his head on the
feet of Khaja Saheb. See in this matter that pious people,
despite of having such power they used to keep themselves hide
it and not disclose in this matter.
that one hand is in the east and the other is in the west and his
tasbih (glorification) is La ilaha illa Mohammed ur Rasool
lilla. He is an agent of the light. He will give light to the world
from the hand of the east and from the hand of the west he will
give the darkness. If he will leave the light from his hand, then
there will be darkness which will be prevail in the world and
never a daylight will come into the world. One tablet is hanging
over there on which the lines of white and black are there on it.
He will see those lines and he used to increase and decrease
them. When he will increase white lines, then there will prevail,
light and when he decrease the black lines, then there will be
darkness which will be prevailed in the world. For this reason
some time the days will become longer and sometime the nights
will be longer.
When Khaja Saheb was finished these benefits and he began
weeping and in the condition of Sukkar (intoxication) he said,
On this way there are such persons of Allah are there who will
come to know the event which will happen in the world and the
wonderful things are happening by the power of Allah so they
know and see the details and they present such details to the
mankind in this matter.
On the situation he said, Allah was created one more angel
who is very horrible and his one hand is in the sky and other his
hand is in the earth. With the hand of the sky, he will control the
wind and with the hand of the earth he will control the water. If
he will leave the water from the hand of the earth, then all of the
world will submerge in the water and if he leaves the wind then
all of the world will be destroyed due to this reason.
4. Heaven
When Allah created the angels there and from that day they
began saying, La ilha illa Muhammad ur rasool lulla and
there is a veil behind these 40 worlds and back side of them,
there are available veils and their greatness is only known to
Allah only.
Afterward, he said this mountain was kept available at the
head of the cow and whose length is in the distance of the
journey of 30,000 years. The cow is in standing position and
engaged in the praise and eulogy of Allah and the head of the
cow is in the east and her tail is in the west.
Afterward Khaja Haruni was sworn and he said, When he
was heard this event by Khaja Moulded Chisti then he
performed Maraqaba (meditation) and at that time one Darwesh
person was present there and Maudud Chisti and both of them
vanished away from the meeting place and after some time they
were returned back there. That Darwesh upon swearing, said he
and Mauddud Chisti were present at that mountain and were
desired to inspect the 40 worlds there which were mentioned by
Khaja Saheb in the meeting place. We have seen there as it is
which was explained by the Khaja Saheb and there was no
difference at all in this matter and all things were available
same as per the explanation of Khaja Saheb. The reason of
Mukashaf (revelation) was that there was doubt for these things
about the events which were explained by Khaja Saheb in the
discussion in the meeting place so he was cleared his doubt in
this way in this matter.
At that time Sheikh of Islam Khaja Moinuddin said, There
should be such power of the innermost with Darwesh people
that if somebody who will hear the events of the holy persons
and if he has some doubt in this matter, then he should show the
be warm up and when upon its one time of the blown up, then
the day of judgement will be started.
When Khaja Saheb was finished these benefits, then he said
The person who want to keep away from these punishments then
he should follow obedience in this matter. Because there is no
sincerity is more important with Allah than this sincerity. So I
asked about the sincerity.
The excellence of Sura (verse) Fateha
Khaja Saheb was told by his holy tongue Sura Fateha is the
cure for all pains and all diseases. For the disease which is not
curable then in that case to recite 41 times with Bismilla in
between the obligatory prayer and the Sunnah prayer of the
morning and blow it where there is pain available then the
disease will be over. Upon this he said In the saying of the
prophet it is mentioned Alfateha alshafa min kul dawen. It
means Sura Fateha is cure of all pains.
Afterwards he said Once Harun al Rashid was suffering
from serious disease, and which was continued for a period of
two years. When he becomes hopeless, then he sent his minister
to Fazil Bin Ayaz with a message that he was upset and worried
with his problem and there was no cure possible to him after
many treatments. At the time of his cure come there so Fazil Bin
Ayaz immediately visited Harun al Rashid in this matter and he
touched his hand on his body. Upon reciting 41 times Sura
Fateha he was blown on him. Even the blowing process was not
completed Harun al Rashid was become a healthy and normal
In this situation he said once Hadrat Ali Ibn Taleb (R.A.) was
recited this Sura on one patient and he recovered his health at
the same time. One more person came to see that patient and he
was asked to him that how his condition and he was recovering
his health.? He said, Hazrat Ali Ibn Taleb (R.A.) was coming
there and who recited Sura Fateha which we used to recite and
for this reason he was recovering his health. Even he could not
complete his discussion and his illness was relapsed again and
due to this disease he was dying there. The reason in this matter
was that due to dis-believe he died. So man should take care and
have truth in every matter and should have pious belief. So if
are there and Allah was created seven Indam (parts) in the body
of the mankind and those who read this verse will be safe and
keep away from the seven hells.
Afterward, he said the group of Mashaiq (learned) persons
and people of Saluk (mysticism) have written that In this verse
there 124 words are there and Allah was sent down 1,24,000
prophets in the world and for reading one alphabet of this verse
the reader will get 1000 rewards for it.
The daily rounds of the recital
which it was said Oh: Abdullah you forget the convent which
you have made with us that you forget the round of the recital
of the today.
Then he said The prophets and pious persons, Mashaiq
(learned) persons, the person of Allah used to complete their
daily round of the recitals on the regular basis. Whatever they
used to hear from their spiritual masters, they used to follow in
their lives strictly. The daily round of the recitals which are
coming in the lineage from Khajagan (masters) of the mystic
system, then they should use to follow those daily rounds of
the recital on the daily basis. So you should follow the daily
round of the recital and do not miss the same. When you used to
stand, then you should stand from the right side and recite Bis
Milla Ar-Rehman and complete the vazu (ablution) with its all
requirements and conditions. Then pray two Nafil
(supererogatory) prayer and sit on the prayer mat. And complete
the following.
1. To recite some verses from Sura Baqer
2. To recite 70 verses from Sura Inam
Upon this one should recite the following phrase 100 times
After this, to recite 3 times verse Qul walahu ahd and to recite 7
times the following phrase.
After this, to perform the Israq prayer at the time when the sun
will be at its height in the sky with five salam in ten rakat as
In the first rakat after Sura Fateha to recite Sura Eza Zulzelat
one time.
In the second rakat after Sura Fateha to recite Sura Inna Atena
one time.
(faith) as follows.
1. In the first rakat after Sura Fateha to recite 3 times Sura Iqlas
and one time Sura Falq.
2. In the second rakat after the Sura Fateha to recite 3 times Sura
Iqlas and one time Sura Qul Awazu Bir Bin Nas.
After the ending of the prayer, he should prostrate and he said
Ya hai Ya Qayyum sibat ala eman.
Afterward, one should perform Awabin (supererogatory)
prayer after Maghrib (sunset) prayer with three salam of six
rakat as follows.
1. In the first rakat after the Sura Fateha to recite Surat Eza Zul
2.In the second rakat after Sura Fateha to recite Surat Alhama
3.In the third rakat after Sura Fateha to recite Sura Waqaa.
After the above one should busies himself in the Zikar of
Allah till the prayer of the Eisha (night) prayer and recite this
supplication as follows.
The grades of Saluk (mysticism)
and which he could not get it but Allahs last prophet got it
without asking it. So the person is not concerned with its desire.
If he will eligible then there will be no veil in this matter and
there will be available to him divine celestial illumination
(Tajalli) in this matter. So why there is a necessity in this
matter that we should desire this?.
Afterward the discussion was started about the love. He
said The heart of the lover is a fireplace of love and one who
goes with it, then he will be burnt down with it and he will be
destroyed. Because no fire is not so harmful than the fire of the
his one of sigh because against the fire of the love there is no
value of the fire of hell and when he was sworn this and he was
heard a call in which it was said Oh :Ba Yazid whatsoever thou
demanded was given to him.
In this situation he told one event that one night Rabia of
Basra was calling fire, fire, due to fondness of the love. Due to
her complaint the people of Basra city went to put off the fire.
Among them there was a pious person who said How foolish
they are that they came to put off the fire of Rabia. In her chest
there is a flare up of fire of the love which will not be stopped
without the union of the friend.
He said When Mansur Hallaj was asked in the friends
love what is the thing which is leading to the perfection in this
matter?. He said When the beloved want to do politics and
want to cut the head of the lover then he should not hesitate in
this mater. He should act in accordance with the willingness of
the beloved. He should busy in such a way that with the
observation there should be no information for him about its
opening and closing on this matter. Upon this Hadrat Khaja
Moinuddin began weeping and he was reciting the following
not get Marifat unless he will not remember Marif (Allah) and
then he will not become Arif person.
Afterward, he said The complainant of the persons of love
is due to the fondness and desire which will remain till the
finding of the friend. Because the lover will make loud and cry
till he will not get the union of the beloved. When he will see
the beloved then in between his speech is left.
He told by his holy tongue that When the water flows in
the river and makes loud and cry there when it will fall in the
sea then there will be no sound of it. In this way there will be
the union of the lover with the beloved and there will be no
loud and cry of the lover will be there on this matter.
Upon this he said He was heard from Khaja Haruni that
there are some friends of Allah are there if there will be a veil
for even one moment, then they will be destroyed and will not
able to do worship of Allah.
Afterwards on this situation he said Once Khaja Abdullah
Hanif was engaged himself in the work of world by mistake.
When he remembered this and he thought it was against the will
of a friend. So he was sworn that till his life he will not engage
in the work of the world. As he was living for a period of fifty
years, but he did not engage himself in the work of the world.
After this he said about loud and cry of love of Ba Yazid
Bustami He was used to stand on his one foot in the morning
after the prayer and he used to complain on this matter and one
day he heard a divine call in which heard the following. Yaum
tabbal araz. It meant at that time there will be union possible
when there this earth will be rolled and other earth will be
Afterward on this situation he said, Once Ba Yazid Bustami
went into the jungle of Bustam. In the world of fondness and
1. Generosity.
2. Shafaqat (favour)
3. Tawaze (humility)
The effects of the good and bad company
told him that To make an agreement with him that till he will
drink the water he will not be killed.
So the caliph was, agreed that he will not be killed till he will
drink the water. The king put down the water pot on the ground.
So it was broken and water was flown on the ground. Then he
said to him, You have promised not to kill me till drinking of
the water. So he was surprised for his wisdom in this matter
and he told him he was forgiven him and Hadrat Umar hand
over him to one pious and ascetic person. When he was staying
in the company of pious person for some period of time, so there
was an effect of that person on him. He was sent message to him
to call to him so that he will accept the religion of Islam. When
he was accepted into the religion of Islam, then Hadrat Umar bin
Qattab (R.A.) told him, He was given back the kingdom of
Iraq. But he told him, He is not in need of the country, but he
should be given to him one ruin village of the Iraq country
which should be sufficient for his means of livelihood. He was
accepted in his request and send his men to Iraq and upon hard
search and investigation, no ruin village was not found in the
country of Iraq. When this was informed to the king then he
told him He wants to say that he was given to the country of
Iraq to him in such condition that there is no ruin village in Iraq
is there and after that if any village will become ruin, then he
should be asked in this matter on the day of judgment before
Allah. Then the caliph of Islam began weeping and told how
this king is great wise and intelligent person.?
Afterward, he said he was heard by Khaja Haruni that, The
people will not become eligible for the name of Fakir (Darwesh)
unless the left side angle will not write anything for him a
period of eight years. It means during that period he did not
commit any sin
Afterward, he said there are some Arif persons are there who
did not require anything from Allah. Upon this he said In such
Arif person there is piety (Taqwa) is available, but he will get
only illegitimate food by begging.
Afterward, he said One day he was heard by Junaid of
Baghdad that when was asked with saint of Tariqa (mystic way)
of love what is the result of the love.? He said The result of
love is that there should be intoxication and fondness towards
Allah to that extent which is related to him. But when Allah
keeps any persons as his friend then that friend will be moved
within the paradise.
Upon this Khaja Moinuddin said with his tongue The people
of love and people of mysticism are similar in the matter that
both are obedient and there will be fear upon them that whether
they will be separated from there.
Afterward, he said he was seen in Ketab Mohabat in the
handwriting of his teacher Moulana Shrafuddin who was a man
of exegesis that Khaja Shibli was asked In spite of a lot of
sincerity and mystical exercises which you have done and which
you have already sent forward but why there is so much fear
with you.? He said Due to two things. First, it should not be
said that he is not eligible for Him and he will send away from
His court. Secondly, at the time of death if I will take faith with
safety, then he will think that he was doing something otherwise,
I will think that I have wasted all my deeds and sincerity.
Afterward, once one person asked Hadrat Shibli about the love
and he was asking What it is a sign of misfortune.? He said
Do disobedience and hope for the acceptance. Upon this he
was asked What is a real thing with Arif persons.? He said
To keep silence always and live in the condition of grief and
sorrow. Because of this there will be available excellence of
the Arif persons. And he said, In the world, there are three
dear things are there.
1.The Alim (scholar) who speaks with his knowledge
2.Un-greedy person
3.That Arif person, one who describes the attributes of his
1. Kuadrat (ill-will)
2. Bashirat (human nature)
3. The world and its love
Upon this he said The Arif is the enemy of the world and he
is a friend of Allah. As he is disgusted from the world so he is
not aware in this matter and there will be no news for him about
hatred and greed.
Afterward, he was asked Why the Arif person used to weep
very much.? He replied Yes, but he will weep till he will be on
the way and when he will reach near the realities of nearness,
then he gets a visual meeting, then he will stop weeping there.
Upon this he said There are some lovers of Allah who are silent
due to the friendship of Allah. They are unaware of anything in
the world and its existing things.
Afterward, he said In the heart in which there is firmness of
friendship, of Allah is there and for him it is expedient that he
should keep the news of the both worlds and if he will not do
that then he is not a true friend of Allah.
Afterward, he said Once he saw Khaja Dawood Tai who
came out of his hut while the closing of his eyes and there was
one Darwesh person who was present in his service. He has said
For the period of 45 years his eyes are closed so that he could
not see anything other than Allah. Because it is not love that
there is friendship with Allah and to see the un-related person.
Afterward, he said He heard from a pious person that on the
day of judgment Allah will command the angels to study the
deed of the pious persons, whether they claimed the friendship
of Allah and they have any link in their hearts with the
unrelated thing. Those are such pious persons who do not have
peace in any work except his friend.
Afterward, he said Khaja Abu Saeed Abul Khair use to say
when Allah wants to make any person His friend then He will
overwhelm His love of Him. And the second time when his
condition will become like that then His friend will bring him in
The trust of Arif persons
who claim to the love?. But if one he could not prove his
truthfulness, then he will be become regret in this matter. And
he will not able to show his face among the lovers and at that
time there will be divine call will be heard in which it will be
said, The lover was not among true lovers so he should be
taken out from them.
Upon this he said by his holy tongue that The people of love
are those people who will hear only the talk of the friend. As
per Hadith (saying) of the holy prophet Al-hadith al-qalbi
rabbi. It means the hearts of the lovers will hear only the talk of
Afterwards he said When the person of love will die then he
will be forgiven immediately.
Upon this he said He was seen one Daresweh person who
was dying in the jungle and he was laughing there. He asked
him You are dead, but why you are laughing. He said It was
the willingness of the love of Allah.
Afterward, he said about this situation The heart is one
which should be such that it should be temporary as per his
condition, but it should be eternal in the observation of the
friendliest and Allah should be overpowering on his actions and
he should not have confidence in himself and so he will have no
consistency up to the empyrean.
He said Once Malik Bin Dinar was asked how is doing the
service of the friends of Allah? He said One who does service
of the friends of Allah, then he will be get sure of the union.
Afterwards he said When Rabia of Basra was asked
Which is the best action among all actions.? She said To
spend out his schedule of the timings in the remembrance of
One who claimed for his piousness and in which, if there will
place of light with which the man is enlighten then he will attain
the status and perfection of Majnu (desperately in love) and
pious persons.
as follows.
1. Regret
2. To leave sins
3. To keep oneself away from cruelty and hostility.
Afterward he said, The Knowledge is such thing which is
comprehending and Maraft (knowledge of Allah) is its part. So
where is Allah and where is the man and this knowledge is with
Allah only and who knows well about these two things.
Afterward he said, Unless the head of the Arif is not become
pure, then any action is not become clear.
Then he said, To whom He will keep as his friend then on
him, He will send the calamities on his head.There are three
things in the true repentance are as follows.
1. To eat less for the fasting
2. To sleepless for the sincerity
3. To less talk for the supplication
From the first thing there will be fear and from the second
and third things there will be created the love. So under fear it
comes to leave the sins so that there will be salvaged from the
fire. Under hope it comes for sincerity which makes it possible
to get a position in the paradise and to get a perpetual life there.
Under the subject of love there is a exertion in thinking is
required so that to enable to get willingness of Haq (truth). He
said, In the love Arif is such person who will not keep his
friend except for the remembrance (Zikar) of Allah.
When Khaja Saheb explained the above details then he began
weeping and he said, Now I start my journey to such a place
where he will be buried. It means he goes to Ajmare city in
India. At that time Ajmare was populated with full of Hindu
persons and there was no propagation of Islam in Ajmare. When
the holy feet of Khaja Saheb were reached there then there was
The angel of the death
there. In a few days I leave from this place. At that time Sheikh
Ali Sanjari was present there. He was given orders To write a
testimonial of caliphate and to be given to Sheikh Bakhtiar Kaki
so that he should proceed to Delhi. Because we have given him
caliphate and that place (Delhi) is belongs to him.
When that certificate was finished with him so it was given to
me. So I was paying respect to him. So he was ordered me to
come close to him. When I went near to him then he was put on
a turban and a cap on my head and he gave me also the staff of
Khaja Usman Haruni and put on the waistcoat to me. Also a
holy book of Quran and prayer mat was given by him. And he
said All these things which belongs to the holy prophet of
Allah are coming in the chain of the pious personalities in
Chistia (name of Muslim mystical school) order as custody.
We are sending you with all these things. In the same way our
ancestors were given these things to us. So you also forward
these things and fulfil its duties properly so that we will not be
ashamed before the Khajgans (masters) of Chistia order on the
day of judgment.
I have paid respect to Khaja Saheb. Khaja Saheb prayed
two Rakat Nafil (supererogatory) prayers and told me To go I
have surrendered to Allah and I have taken you to the
destination with respect.
Secondly the hungry person who should show himself as full of
Third the sad person who should proclaim himself as a happy
Fourth with an enemy one should look to him as his friend.