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Dalail Arifin

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Dalail Arifin by Hadrat Khaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki

The mausoleum of Hadrat Khaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Hyderabad, India
Email : [email protected]


.The indigence and its rewards.......07
2.Janabat and cleanliness.......15
3.The delay in performing the prayer....22
4.Who is true in the love....27
5.The masters of marifat..,,....35
6.The powers of Allah. .46
7.The excellence of versa Fateha..... 53
8.The daily of round of recitals.. .59
9.The grades of saluk (mysticism)... 71
10.The effect of good and bad company...87
11.The trust of Arif persons..... 95
12.The angel of the death.....102


This is a very old book written by the great Sufi Saint

Hadrat Khaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki Oushi about the
speeches (Malfuzat) of advices and discourses of his spiritual
master Hadrat Khaja Moinuddin Chisti and which were
translated from Persian into Urdu language and the first time I
was translating this book into English.
This translation of the most ancient and celebrated Persian
magazine on Sufiism will, I hope, be found useful not only by
the number of students familiar with the subject at first hand,
but also by many readers.
This is a small book in which there are advises and
instructions, especially available for Taleb (student) and it
refers to a person who is committed to a Murshid (spiritual
master) in a Tariqa (spiritual path) of Sufism and it is also
known as a Salik (Arabic: ), a mureed is an initiate into the
mystic philosophy of Sufism and all these details of advices by
the spiritual master Khaja Moinuddin Chisti and are added in
this book by great Sufi Saint Khaja Qutubuddin Baktiar Kaki
Oushi and also in this book there are some great achievements
which are not yet known to the general person are published in a
very interesting style so for this reason the readers will find
great interest and attention in this matter.
From the above facts and details, if the readers will starts
reading this magazines first page and will not stop its reading
till they will reach its last page as in this magazine some

interesting events and as well as other great miracles and

endeavours of holy saint are added and this holy saint to have
passed away from the world some 800 years ago.
Even though this is small book, but due to its importance it is
so great due to coverage of many interesting events and positive
information in it so it is like an ocean of knowledge and
information of holy saint and who have passed away from the
world upon doing their great endeavours and many hard tasks
for the preaching and propagation work of Islam in the foreign
lands so this book is small one but it will present the ocean of
knowledge and information for the guidance of people towards
the right path of Islam.
This book is edited and formatted as per the great book
Muslim saints and Mystics (Tadhkirtal Aliyah by Farid al din
Attar) which is very famous in the Western world among the
English knowing persons. So for this reason there will be some
small differences in it while comparing with the Urdu books
and its literature. The aim of this magazine is to present in the
Western world where there is great search and demand of the
books of Sufism and biographies of holy saints who lived and
spent their entire lives for the preaching and propagation of
Islamic religion in all corners of the world as per tradition and
practice of Allahs last prophet.
To write about this great author is not only it is difficult and
but it is very hard task as he was not only a great pious
personality of his time in India, but he was also a great author of
several books including Dalil al-Arifin, in he which deal with
the Islamic code of living.
So in brief he was a great Saint of his time in the Indian
sub-continent and who did many great endeavours for the

preaching and propagation of Islam in Delhi city upon

becoming the caliph of Hadrat Khaja Moinuddin Chisti Ajmeri
and he did the endeavours for the Islamic mission with the
hopes of its expansion to other adjoining and distant territories
and there was no such personality during his time.
It is my great honour and pleasure to translate this book
from Urdu to English, so I request the readers to read this book
because in it there are many revelations of the secrets which are
added in this book for which I shall be highly obliged to all of
its readers in this matter.
In the preface of the book Tadhikra Awliya (Muslim Saints
& Mystics), Attar mentions three books which he recommends
for those ambitious to attain a full understanding of the
pronouncements of the Sufis but in this book also there are
many revelations of the secrets which are available for the
students of the Tariqa (spiritual path) of Sufism.

The Dalail Arifian by Khaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki

This is magazine of affliction and in its manuscript

available the speeches of the king of Mashaiq (learned persons),
the ruler of the Salikin (mystic persons), the leader of the pious
persons, and the Qutub (highest cadre in spiritual pivot at axis)
of the pious persons, the sun of Fakirs (Darwesh persons), a seal
of the Mujtahadin (One who has thorough knowledge and
experience of law), the helper of the Ummat (nation) and the
religion, Sheikh Khaja Moinuddin Chisti and whose advises and
discourses collected and presented in this magazine, which is
named as Dalil Arifin and it is divided into four parts.
1. Faqr (indigence) and its reward
2. Letters and tasbih (glorification)
3. The recitals
4. Sulook (mystic initiation) and its benefits

The indigence and its rewards

On the 5th Rajab in the year 514 Hegira, this Darwesh and
weak person Qutubuddin who belonged to the slave to the King
of Mashaiq (learned) persons and the Sultan of Salikin (mystic
persons) Khaja Moinuddin Hasan Chisti.
When this slave was getting the chance of kissing the feet of
the sky and ability in the mosque of Abu Lais Samar Qandi in
Baghdad. The Sheikh was kind enough with me and honoured to
accept my pledge (Bait) there and he was also kind enough with
me and put on my head the four ends Turkey cap and on that
day Sheikh Shabuddin Mohammed Saherwardi, Sheikh
Dawood Kirmani, Sheikh Burhanuddin, Mohammed Chisti,
Sheikh Tajuddin Mohammed Safhani were present there in the
meeting. The discussion about prayer was in progress. The
Sheikh told by his tongue that in the prayer only one can become
closer to Allah.
So prayer is called the Meraj (accession) by the Muslims.
Which is available in the saying of the prophet of Allah. Alsalt
meraj al-Muslimin. And its status is more than all other things.
The meeting of Allah starts with the prayer. Then Shiekh told
prayer is secret matter which the person disclose with Allah. The
disclose of the secret in which it is required the closeness of the
somebody. That person who will get closeness and who is
eligible for the secret. This secret could not obtain without the
There is saying of the prophet of Allah, Almusalli Neji
rabbahu it means one who pray, then he will disclose his secret

with Allah. Upon this Sheikh addressed to me and he said

When he was become the disciple of Sheikh Khaja Haruni and
he was in his service for a period of 8 years without taking any
rest in this matter and he never used to see day and night. When
he used to travel with his Sheikh then he used to carry the
sleeping clothes and the tiffin basket and accompanied with
him. When he realized my service, then he was awarded me
such grace and there is no limit on it.

To follow the instructions of the (Pir) spiritual master

Then Sheikh told whatever he got by his service of the

spiritual master only. So it is compulsory for the disciple that he
should follow the instructions of the Pir and he should not
exceed in this matter. Whatever instructions were given in this
matter about prayer, glorification and daily recitals, then he
should hear the instructions carefully and should act upon these
instructions so that he could get position in this matter. Because
the work of the spiritual master (Murshid) is used to adorn the
disciple. Whatever the master will say will help the disciple to
enable him to get perfection in this matter.

Who has been deprived of the intercession.?

Khaja Saheb afterward said that in the book of exegesis of

Abu Lais Samarqandi it is mentioned that daily two angels are
sent down from the sky. One who stands on the top of the
Kaaba and who will call Oh: the persons and fairies listen and
understand well that one who will not fulfil the duties of Allah
then he will not be free from the rights of Allah. The second

angel will stand in the pulpit of the last prophet of Allah and he
will call Oh: the men and fairies, to know well that one who
will not follow the practice of the prophet and exceed in this
matter, then he will not be eligible for the intercession.

The washing of the fingers at the time of ablution is as per


Afterwards he said that he was present in the mosque of Kikri

in Baghdad among the pious persons. There was discussion of
washing of the fingers at the time of ablution was in progress
and he said it is as per practice of the prophet of Allah. Because
it was available in the saying of the prophet that he was asked
for the washing of fingers at the time of ablution. But one who
did washing of the fingers at the time of Abdust (water for
washing anus and hands after evacuation) then Allah will be
kept free his fingers due to the intercession.
Again Sheikh said once he was with Ajal Sherazi in some
place. The time of prayer of Maghrib (sunset) was started.
Khaja Saheb was started doing fresh ablution. By chance he was
forgetting the washing of the fingers. So by invisible source an
angel gave a divine call in which it was said Oh :Ajal, you are
claimant of the friend of our Mohammed (peace be upon him)
and belongs his Ummat (nation) but you are leaving his Sunnah
(practice). Upon this Khaja Saheb was sworn and he was told
From that time till his death he will not leave any Sunnah
(practice) of the prophet.
Upon this Sheikh said once he was finding Khaja Ajal
Shirazi in the condition of hesitation and asked him in this
matter so he said One day when he was ignored the washing
of his fingers and due to this mistake from that time, then he is

in the condition of worry and upset that how he will face the
prophet of Allah on the day of judgement.
Afterwards he said in the book Salwat Masoodi a tradition
mentioned as per narrated by Abu Hurara in Fiqa (Islamic law)
of Sunnah it is available that the washing of every part three
times is according to the practice (Sunnah) of the prophet of
Allah. As per saying of the prophet of Allah The washing of
every part three times is my Sunnah and this is also Sunnah of
the previous prophets of Allah. To add more on this is injustice.
Upon this he said Khaja Fazil Ayaz while at the time of
ablution washed his hands two times only and then he was
praying. On that night he was seen the last prophet of Allah in
his dream and who said He was surprised to see that there
was a defect which is left in his ablution. So he was waking up
due to too much fear in this matter. So he was made fresh
ablution and prayed again. Due to expiation of this mistake he
was prayed daily 500 rakats (one rakat is equal to one set of
standing, genuflexion and prostration) for a period of one year
as a recital.

The benefits of sleeping with ablution

Then he said Arif (mystic) persons are belong to the

persons of grace. They used to drown in the love of the friend.
He writes in his Sharah (exegesis) that one who sleeps in the
night with ablution then there will be command of Allah to the
angels to be with him. Till morning they will pray, Oh: Allah
forgives that person as he was sleeping with cleanliness.
He said again in this matter that in the Sharah (exegesis) of
Arif persons it is mentioned that when a person sleep with
cleanliness then the angles take his soul under the empyrean of

Allah. And there will command, To wear it the robe of light.

When it will prostrate there, then there will be commanded to
take back the soul from there. Because he is a pious person as
he was sleeping with ablution.
One who sleeps without cleanliness then his soul will be
returned back from the first sky and it is said there, This
person is not eligible so the angels will not take his soul to the
upper side as this type of person is not eligible to prostrate
before Allah.
Then he told by his holy tongue that Faqhia wrote that the
Prophet of Allah said, Al-Yamim Lil kul akal Wal wajha
yasar magad and its translation is The right hand is for the
eating food and washing of the face of the body and the left
hand is for Istanja.(Cleaning after a natural evacuation)
Then the discussion started about how one person should
enter into the mosque, and then, according to the Sunnah of the
prophet, the person should put his right leg first in the mosque
there and when he will go out of the mosque then he should put
his left leg out of the mosque.
Upon this he said once Sufiyan Suri was entered in the
mosque and by mistake he put his left leg in the mosque first. So
there was a divine call in which it heard, Oh: ox this is not the
proper way to enter the house of Allah and from that day he
was become famous with name of Khaja Sufiyan Suri.

The reality of Arif (mystic)

Afterwards the discussion about the Arif person was started.

He said Arif is such person who knows all about the world and
with his wisdom he can create more than 100,000 meanings and
he can explain in this matter. He can reply about all things

relating to the significance of the love. He will swim in the sea

of innermost and wisdom so that he can take out from there the
pearls of secret of Allah and the light of Allah and to present
there to hard working jewelers. So that when they see these
things and like them. So this is an Arif person without any
After this, on this situation he said Arif person will be
always busy in the zeal of love and he will live in condition of
surprise by the divine power of creation. And if he will stay,
then also he will be in the condition of thinking about the friend
and if he will sit then he will remember his friend. If he will
sleep then also he will be in the condition of surprise due to
thinking of his friend. If he will wake then he will tawaf
(circummubaltion) around the veil of the greatness of the friend.

The blessing of the prayers of Israqh (mid-morning)

Then he said the persons of love when they performed the

morning prayer, then they used to sit on the prayer mats waiting
for the sunrise so that they wanted to be accepted by their friend
and so that there should be graced with celestial illumination
(Tajalli-e-Ilahi) on them.
Again Sheikh said When one person who will perform the
morning prayer and waits there on the prayer mat, then there
will command to the angel to come near him and to pray for
him till he will not leave from there.
In this situation he said in the book Umda Khaja Junaid of
Baghdad wrote which is sign of secret of Allah that when the
Prophet of Allah saw the Satan in grief condition and he was
asked him the reason in this matter. He told him there will be
four groups among his Ummat (nation).

1.Moazan, who shouts the prayer call (Azan).

For this reason one who shouts it and one who hear it and who
will busy in replying the phrases of the Azan. So all who shout
and hear it, will be forgiven by Allah.
2. The one who left the house for Jehad (religious war) and
when they will say Allah Akber (Allah is great) and with the
sound of their hoofs of their horses and when they will fight
then there will be a command for forgiveness for such persons
along with their family members.
3. The group who earns their livelihood with the legal source.
The Darwesh person who spends their lives by earning of
livelihood by legal means and also maintaining others by such
income then Allah will forgive them.
4. This group who will sit on the prayer mat after performing the
morning till the time of sunrise. Then they will perform the
Israqh (mid-morning) prayer.
Then Satan said, Oh: the Prophet of Allah, that day when
he was in the angelic world and he was seen there and it was
written on the tablet that one who will busy in the worship of
Allah after the morning prayer and after this then he will
perform the Israqh prayer then Allah will forgive him along with
70,000 his relatives and he will be freed from the hell.
Afterwards this he said, He was seen in the book Fiqa
Akbar a tradition narrated by Imam Abu Hanifa Kofi that one
coffin thief who was engaged in this work for a period of 40
years and he was dying at last and he was seen in the dream that
he was walking in the paradise. When he asked the reason in
this matter and he told that, He was having one habit with him
that he used to perform the morning prayer and he used to sit
there in the remembrance of Allah till the sunrise time and then
he used to perform the Israqh prayer. As Allah is used to accept

small things and He used to giver of many things and for this
blessing Allah forgave him. He was ignored my deeds, but he
was giving me such a great status.

On this situation he was told, When Arif person will be in

that condition then he will be busy with that thing, then at that
time if there will be present many 1000 angels, Jinns and
strange things before him but he will not look at them. He will
look at such things which were sent down to him. One sign of
Arif person is that he will remain in the condition of smile
always. When he will smile, then he can see the trusted angles in
the angelic world there. So whatever discloses from them will
be the reason of his smile in this matter.
After this he said In Irfan (intimate knowledge of Allah)
there is a condition and when such condition will prevail upon
him, then in one step he will cover the distance between the
empyrean and the veil of greatness and from there he will reach
to the veil of magnificence and upon this in the next step he will
come back to his previous place.
Then Khaja Sahib was weeping and has tears in the eyes
and he said this is the lowest rank of Arif persons.
But those who are perfect persons, then their position is only
known by Allah and up to where they can go and where they
will reach and when they did come back from there is not

Janabat (pollution resulting from the coition) and cleanliness

On the Thursday the wealth of the kissing of the feet of the

Sheikh was available to me. At that time the discussion about
Janabat (pollution from coition) was in progress in the meeting.
Moulana Mohammed Bahauddin Bukhari and Moulana
Shabuddin of Baghdad were present in the service of the Sheikh.
Khaja Saheb said with his holy tongue that there is Janabat
inside of the every hair of the person. So it is compulsory that
the water should be provided inside of the hair where there is
coition, so that the hairs should get wet in this matter. If any hair
is left without water, then it will fight with him on the day of
Khaja Saheb said he was seeing in the book Fatwa Zahiria
that the mouth of man is used to live clean during the condition
of Janabat and when he will drink the water or other things then
those things will not become impure for this reason. In the
following conditions the mouth of a person will remain pure.
1. Junbi (the person in the condition of the pollution from
2. Haze (mensuration course)
3. Momin (faithful) person
4. Infidel person
In this connection he said, Once the Prophet of Allah was
sitting then at that time one companion stood and asked him,
Oh: prophet of Allah, if one person who will be in the condition
of Junbi (coition) and if there will be winds of heat and due to
this reason by sweat the dress will become wet and in this case

the dress will become un-clean or not.? He said No it will not

become un-clean. Upon this condition his mouth will also
remain pure for both the Muslim or infidel person, and if saliva
will touch with the cloth, then the cloth will not become un-
After this, on this topic he said, He was heard by Sheikh
Khaja Haruni that when Prophet Adam (A.S.) came into the
world from the heaven and upon getting the chance of
intercourse with Eve, then the angel Gabriel came over there and
told him, To stand and have a bath. So he was happy in this
matter and told brother Gabriel is there reward for it.? He gets a
reply that, For every hair of the body you will get a reward of
worship of one year and for each and every drop of the water,
which will touch your body and from each drop Allah will
create one angel who will engage in the worship of Allah till the
day of judgement and such reward will be transferred into your
account of deeds.
The Prophet Adam (A.S.) asked, Brother Gabriel whether
there is a reward available to him and also available to his
children,? He gets a reply that, Those who will be Momin
(faithful) persons and will perform the legal bath so, according
to the hairs of his body the worship of the number of such years
will be recorded in his account of the deeds. Those drops of
water, which will fall from his body and for such each and
every drop of the water one angel will be created by Allah who
will be engaged in the tasbhi (glorification) and tahlil
(declaration of Gods unity by pronouncing) of Allah till the day
of judgment and all such rewards will be recorded in the account
of the deed of Mumin (faithful) persons.
When Khaja Saheb ended this discussion than he was
weeping and has tears in his eyes and he said all these benefits

and rewards are available to those who will perform legal bath
only. One who will perform illegal, but then for his every hair
one year of bad deeds are recorded in his account of deeds. And
for every drop of water of his bath one Satan will be created and
all bad deeds done by all Satans will be recorded in the deeds of
account of that person.

The Islamic law (Sharia), Tariqat (mystic way) and Haqiqat


Khaja Saheb said, The state of the person who follow

Sharia (Islamic law) of Islam is that he should follow it firmly
and also follow all orders in this matter. In following this he
should not exceed single thing in this matter so, then most of
them will reach other position which is called Tariqat (mystic
way) and after this they will used to follow it with all these
conditions firmly. They used to follow all instruction of Sharia
(Islamic law) without leaving anything in this matter and follow
the Islamic law (sharia) completely. So for this reason they will
reach to the position of Marafat (knowledge of Allah). When
they will reach the position of Marafat then the place of
identification and friendship will come there. When they will be
firm on this position, then they will be reached to the position of
Haqiqat (truth) and when they will reach on this position then
they can get whatever as per their demand.
Then Khaja Saheb said He was heard the definition of Arif
is that person one who will disconnect with the both worlds and
then he should reach towards the position of incomparable.
Because this way is adopted by such a person who is un-related
from all things.
On this occasion he said the prayer (Namaz) is amanat

(custody) which is handed over by Allah to his slaves. So there

should be no deflection in this matter.

The acceptance and non-acceptance of the prayer

Khaja Saheb said In the prayer man should perform ruku

(genuflexion) and prostration properly and follow and take care
of all fundamentals of the faith of the prayer completely. He said
He was seen in the book Salat Masoodi that when the people
perform the prayer in the proper manner and fulfil its rights and
also follow the below things.
Ruku (genuflexion)
Qirat (recitation of the Quran)
Glorification of Allah
Then the angels will take the prayers to the sky and from that
prayer there will be lights and the doors of the sky will be
opened there. When that prayer will be brought down from
empyrean then there will be commanded To forgive to the
person of prostration and prayer. Because he was fulfilling the
rights properly. Then he wept and has tears in the eyes of the
Khaja Saheb and he said This is about the persons who was
fulfilled the rights of the prayer. But those people who do not
care about the fundamentals of the prayer, then the angels will
take their prayer in the sky, then the doors of the sky will not be
opened there and there will be commanded to take back the
prayer and put back on the face of the person who was
performing such prayer. The prayer (Namaz) will say by her
tongue to that person As you have spoiled me then Allah will
spoil you.

On this occasion he said once he was in between of the

persons of the turbans in Bukhara and from them, he was heard
one tradition there that once the Prophet of Allah saw a person
who was not performing the rights of genuflexion and
prostration in the prayer. When he was finished the prayer, he
asked him for how many years he was performing the prayer.?
He said He was performing the prayer like this since 40 years
of time. He said to him, Since 40 years you have not
performed any prayer and if you die then not according to my
He said He was heard by the tongue of Khaja Usman
Haruni that on the day of judgement first there will checking of
account of prayers with the prophets, pious persons, and the
Muslims. One who will not be successful in this account then he
will be sent to the hell from there for the punishment.
He said This is event was happening at that time once he
was in the city which is near of Damascus and its name was
removed from his memory. There was one cave which was
situated out of that city and in which one pious person Ohud
Mohamed Abdul Wahed Ghaznavi was used to reside there and
on his body there was skin was left there. He was sitting there on
the prayer mat and two tigers were also sitting with him there.
Due to fear of the tigers I could not go near him there. When his
look was falling on me then he asked me to proceed into the
cave there. When I entered there and I was paid respect to him
and sat there.
The first thing that a pious person told me that If you do not
have any intention for something, then it will also not do any
intention about him. What is the personality of the tiger that,
do you afraid of him. Then he said When there will be fear of
Allah in your heart, then all will be afraid of you. What is the

reality of the tiger. Then he will not afraid of the persons.

He explained many such matters and he was asking me from
where he was coming there. I told him that he was coming from
Baghdad. He welcomed me there on my arrival, but he said It
is compulsory for me to do the service of the Darwesh persons
so that I should become the pious one. But you heard that he
lived in that cave for many years and he is living there in
loneliness and away from the mankind. But since 30 years, he is
weeping for one reason. For this reason he is weeping day and
night. So he asked him, What is that.? He said, When he will
perform the prayer, then he will weep while looking himself that
if there will be a small error in the prayer then all will be
spoiled. So at that time of the prayer for not fulfilling its
condition then the prayer will be returned back and thrown on
his face. So oh: Darwesh if you will be successful in the
performance of the prayer, then actually you will be doing a
great work. Otherwise, you will spoil your whole life. Then he
was stating the saying of the prophet. The Prophet of Allah said,
In the nearness of Allah, no sin and no enemy is not greater on
the day of judgement than not performing the prayer as per its
requirements and conditions.
Upon this Khaja was weeping and was tears in his eyes and
he said Oh: Darwesh, Namaz (prayer) is a pillar of the religion
of Islam. This fundamental is like a pillar so when there will
available pillar, then there are available wall in the house. When
there will no pillar, then the roof of the house will fall down. As
for the religion and Islam it is like a pillar and when there will
be obstructions in the following fundamentals of the prayer
Farad (obligation)
Sunnah (practice of the prophet)
Ruku (bowing the prayer)

then the reality of Islam and religion will be spoiled for these
reasons in this matter.

A tradition of Imam Jafer Sadiq

On this occasion he said There is a tradition narrated by

Imam Jafer Sadiq that he said in the Quran there are many
advices from Allah. Such advices are available in the following
1.Madh (eulogy)
2.Targib (temptation)
3.Tarhib (fear)
The above are available in 700 places in the holy book of
Quran about the performing of prayer because it is a pillar of
the religion. In the exegesis of the Quran it is mentioned that on
the day of judgement in 50 places there will be asked different
questions by every man. In the first place there will be
questions about the prayer which is as follows.

1. Iman (faith) and its conditions

2. Sifat (attributes) and Identification of Allah

If the person will not give the small information on this

matter, then from there he will be sent directly to the hell. In the
second place there will be questions about the prayer and its
obligations and if the man will answer correctly then there will
no problem for him, but if he could not reply then he will be sent
from there directly to hell.
In the third place there will be questions about the prophet, if

he will reply correctly, then he will be released from there

otherwise he will be sent through the counsel (Wakil) to the
last holy Prophet of Allah and he will inform him that he is
among your Ummat (nation) but he was negligent in following
your Sunnah (practice).
Upon explaining the above benefits he began weeping and he
said the following phrases from his holy tongue. There is regret
for such person who will be ashamed with the prophet of Allah,
then where he will go?.
Upon finishing the details of the above benefits, then Khaja
Saheb engaged himself in the remembrance of Allah so for this
reason the well wisher left the meeting place.

The delay in performing the prayer

On the Wednesday I was honoured of kissing the feet of the

Sheikh and at that time six Darwesh persons from Samarqand
were present in the service of the Sheikh there. Maulana Bukhari
was also present there who was used to be present in the service
of the Sheikh. Then Sheikh Ahud Kirmani also came there and
he sat there. There was discussion in progress about the too
much delay in performing the obligatory prayer that the time
should be lapsed and Qaza (lapsed) prayer should be performed.
So for this reason there will be too much regret of 20,000
percent of such persons of the faith. He was told by his holy
tongue that, How such Muslim persons are they?, and who
used to delay in performing the prayer so for this reason the
time is going to be lapsed for the prayer.

The prayer of the persons of fondness


After this Sheikh said he was passed from a city where there
was a tradition that the people of that place used to be ready for
the prayer before its scheduled time. So there he was asked
What is reason of wisdom in this matter that you all people
used to be ready for the prayer before its schedule time of the
prayer.? They said The reason for it is that when the time
come they will perform it. If there will no preparation in this
matter, then the time of the schedule of the prayer will be
lapsed. Then in that condition how they face the Prophet of
Allah.? Because in the saying of the Allahs prophet it is
available that, Ajlu taoub qabal maut wa alju salat qabal faut.
And its meaning and interpretation is that make the haste for
the repentance before the death and haste for the prayer before
the death comes.

The performance of two prayers together

After this Sheikh said he was seen in the mausoleum of Imam

Yahiah Zandaousi in Wasa in which it was written and he was
heard from Maulana Husamuddin Bukhari who was my
teacher and the saying of the Allahs prophet Min Akbar
caviar Jama biennial sale. Its meaning and its interpretation is,
that It is a great sin to delay in performing the obligatory prayer
and due to this reason the time of the prayer will be lapsed. Then
two prayers will be performed together for this reason.

The prayer of the hypocrite person

Upon this Sheikh said he was in the presence of Khaja

Haruni and from him, he was hearing the saying of the prophet

which is narrated by Abu Haraira. The prophet of Allah said,

Will I you show the prayer of the infidel persons?. The
persons asked him to explain then he said, One who will delay
very much in performing Asr (late afternoon) prayer when there
will come difference in the light of the sun and its colour will
become like yellow. Then they requested to fix the time. He
said, It's right time is that the sun should not change its
original colour its means, its colour should not become yellow
and in the winter and summer seasons this order will be

The correct timings of the prayers

Afterwards Sheikh said He was seen in the book Fiqa

Hadaya the hand written book by Khaja Usman Haruni the
saying of Allahs last prophet which is as follows.
Asfar bil fajar la azam bil ajar. It means to perform the
morning prayer in the whiteness of the day and for this there
will be more reward for it. As per the tradition of the prophet
For the performing the Zuhar (afternoon) prayer there should
be such delay in this matter that the air should become cold. In
the winter season it should be performed when the shadow will
be declined. So there is saying of the prophet of Allah is
available in this matter which is mentioned as follows.
Ab daru bil zahar fan shida al har min fe jahanum. It means
in the summer season the Zuhar (afternoon) prayer should be
performed at the time when there will be cold.
Afterward Sheikh said Once the morning prayer was lapsed
by Ba-Yazid of Bustam. So for this reason he wept very much
and make loud and cry which is not able to describe in this
matter. And he was heard a divine call in which it was asked

Oh: BA-Yazid why do you make so much louder and cry if one
of the morning prayer is lapsed by you so We have added the
reward of 100 prayers in your account of the deed.
Upon this he said He was seen in the book of exegesis of
Mahboob Qureshi that One who will perform five prayers at its
required time, then on the day of judgement the prayer will
guide him.

If there will be no prayer of the person, then there will be no

Iman (faith) for that person.

Afterwards he told the Prophet of Allah said, If there will

be no prayer of the person, then there will be no Iman (faith) for
Then Sheikh said, The Prophet of Allah said, La main
lemon la salute Lu. It means if there will no prayer of the
person then there will no Iman for that person.
In this situation he said he was heard by Khaja Usman
Haruni that he was seen in the book of exegesis of Imam Zahed,
Fawail lilmuslin hum an salati him sahun. It means that
there is a name of well Waeil in the hell and others say it is a
valley in the hell wherein there will be severe punishment will
be given to the persons who are negligent in performing the
prayers. Then he was given the exegesis of Waeil is that
Waeil was asked Allah 70,000 times to whom such severe
punishment will be given there,? There was command that it
was given to the persons who will not perform the prayer at the
time and they used to lapse the prayers.
Upon this Sheikh said, Once Hazrat Umar Bin Qattab
(R.A.) was performed the evening prayer and when he looked at
the sky then he was seen the stars in the sky. So he becomes sad

and he was entered into the house and for its expiation and he
was freed on the slave. As there is a command to perform the
prayer at the time of sunset immediately, which is required as
per the Sunnah (tradition) of the prophet.
After this the discussion about charity was started and
Sheikh said One who will feed the hungry person then on the
day of judgement Allah will create seven veils in between him
and the hell. The distance of the each veil will be equal to the
distance of the journey of 500 ways. After this the discussion
about the false talking was started. On who will swear falsely
then he will become a person who will ruin his family and from
his house the blessing will be taken out from the person who
will not perform prayer and the person who swear falsely

Khaja Saheb said Once one Zakir (one who remembers

Allah) Moulana Emaduddin Bukhari used to live in the grand
mosque in Baghdad and who was a very pious person. This
event was heard from him that once Allah was discussing about
the hell with Prophet Moses (A.S.) and Allah told, Oh: Moses I
have created one valley Badia in the hell, which is in seventh
hell and which is most dangerous and darkest and its fire is in
black colour and it is very fast. There are many snakes and
scorpions are in it. Daily it is warmed by the stones of sulphur
and if the one drop of that sulphur will fall on in this world, then
all water of the world will be dry up and all the mountains will
be melted due to its heat and the earth will be shattered. Oh:
Mosa (A.S.) this punishment is made for the following two
1. One who will not pray
2. One who will swear falsely in Allahs name.

The expiation of the true swearing

Khaja Saheb said one pious person Khaja Mohammed Aslam

Tosi who was sworn truly for any work. He was in the
condition of Sukkar (intoxication) at that time and when he was
coming back in (Sahu) conscience then he was asked did he was
sworn.? And he was told Yes. He said today my soul dared
to true swear and tomorrow it will dared for the wrong swear.
So it's better for him that he should not talk till he would live in
the world. After this event he was living for a period of 40
years, but he did not talk to anybody. Upon this well wisher was
asked Khaja Saheb If there will be any necessity, then what he
will use do in that matter,? He said He used to talk by the
Upon finishing the details of the above benefits, then Khaja
Saheb engaged himself in the remembrance of Allah so for this
reason the well wisher left the meeting place.

Who is true in the love?

On the Monday I was honoured to kiss the feet of the

Sheikh. On that occasion the following persons were coming
there to visit the Sheikh.
1. Sheikh Shabuddin Saherwardi
2. Khaja Ajal Shirazi
3. Sheikh Saifuddin Bakherzi
The discussion about who is true, in the love was started.
The Sheikh said with by his holy tongue that, In the love the

true person is one who accept any difficulty which was given by
his friend. Upon this Sheikh Shahabuddin Saherdi said In the
love such person is true, to whom there will be very much
fondness then in such condition if there will be strike of
100,000 swords on his head, but he will not be un-aware of it.
After this Khaja Ajal Shirazi said That person is true in the
love of Allah and if he will be cut into many pieces and if he
will be burnt down in the fire, but he will not hesitate or object
in this matter. At last Sheikh Saifuddin Bakherzi said In the
friendship of Allah that person is truly one who will be hurt
always. In the observation, he should forget his hurt and there
should be no effect in this matter.
Then Sheikh of religion Khaja Moinuddin said, This thing
is found in Sheikh Shabuddin Saherwardi. In this connection he
was seen in the book Israr Auliya in which it was written that
once Rabia of Basra, Hasan of Basra, Malik Bin Dinar and
Khaja Shafiq who were sitting in Basra and they were discussing
about the truth of the love. Khaja Hasan of Basra said That
person is truly in the friendship of Allah when there will be grief
and trouble then he will be patient with this condition. Then
Rabia said Oh: Khaja there is a smell of pride in this matter.
Then Malik Bin Dinar said In the love of Allah that person is
truly one who will be patient of any calamity and seek
willingness of Allah and he should be content on this
Rabia said His condition should be better than this. Upon
this Khaja Shafiq said In the love of Allah, such person is true
if he will be cut into many pieces, then he should not object in
this matter. Then Rabia said When he will face grief and
sorrow, then he should forget it in the observation of the friend.
Then Khaja Saheb said We also agreed upon this. Upon

this Sheikh Saifuddin Bakherzi said It is the name of true love

of Allah.

The laughing in the graveyard

When the discussion about laughing in the graveyard was

started and he was told by his holy tongue that Laughing is a
big sin. But the laughing belongs to the people of mystics. He
said Laughing is legal, but it is not legal in the graveyard
which is the place of lessons and not a place of playful
activities. In the saying of the prophet of Allah it is available
One who will pass from the graveyard, then the dead person will
tell him, Oh: careless person if you know that all this will
happen to you then the flesh and the skin of the body will fall.
Upon this Sheikh by his holy tongue said He and Sheikh
Ahud Kirmani were travelling in Kirman and there we have
seen one person who was very old and who was a person of
grace and who was engaged in the worship of Allah. As that
pious was engaged in the worship of Allah and he was not seen
such engagement of worship before. So when I saw him then I
paid respect to him and I found there was no flesh available on
his body and there is only soul is left with him. That pious
person used to talk very less. Then there came an idea into my
mind to ask that pious person how he was becoming in such
weak and pathetic condition.? He was a man of pure heart
(Roshan Zamir) so he told the details before my asking in this
matter. He said Oh: Darwesh one day he was passed from the
graveyard with his friend. We stayed there for some time near a
grave and when we sat there, then by chance there was
something was happening due to that reason he was laughing

and he made amused. So there was a divine call which came

from the grave in which it was said Oh: careless person, one
who is going to face such a place and whose opponent is the
angel of death and he will be afflicted under the grip of snakes
and scorpions than what is the work of that person with the
laughing?. When he heard this call then he stood and kissed
the hand of my friend and bade him goodbye from there. Then
he sat in the prayer and due to the horror he was began melting.
A period of 40 years was passed, but since then he could not
look at the sky and seen it. He is ashamed in this matter that for
this how he will face on the day of judgement.?

The punishment and horror of the grave and fear of the hell

In this connection he was told one event of the pious person

who is known as Khaja Atai Salmi and who did not see the sky
for a period 40 years. When he was asked the reason for
weeping in this matter, then he said Due to fear of the grave
and the day of the judgement. Afterwards, when he was asked
the reason of not seeing upon the sky, then he said He was
ashamed because he was doing so many sins and in the meetings
he did so many laughing and amusements. So for this reason he
will not look at the upper side and also he did not see in the sky.
After this event he told one more event that Khaja Fateh
Mouseli who was a follower of the Tariqat (mystic) way and
who wept for a period of 8 years. For this reason the flesh and
skin of the cheeks were melted. Upon his death when he was
asked in the dream, What is your condition there in the next
world? He replied, Allah blessed me with His mercy. When he
was taken in the sky and he was reached under the empyrean
and he was prostrate there. But he was afraid and shivering

there. Then he was heard a divine call in which it said Oh:

Fateh why do afraid so much? Do you not know about His
attribute of Ghaffari (The Great Forgiver)? Then I put my head
on the floor and in the hymns he said, Oh: My Lord, I know
this, but he was afraid of the following things.
1. The punishment of the grave
2. The horror of the grave
3. The hardness of the death
4. The condition in the small grave
Upon this there was command in this matter which is as
As he was afraid of the above things, so he was asked to go
back as we have removed him from that fear and we have
forgiven him.
After this he said, Once he was travelling in Sewastan
along Khaja Haruni and find in one hut one Darwesh Sheikh
Saderuddin Mohammed Ahmed Sewastani and he was engaged
in the worship of Allah very much and he was well known
pious personality of the time there. I was in the company the
pious person for some days. Every person who visits the hut
will not leave without anything. He was used to give the persons
something from the invisible source and he was used to say him,
To remember the Darwesh and to pray for his (Iman) faith. If
I will go to the grave with the safety of the faith, then it will be
the biggest thing for me.
So the pious person when he will hear about gravity and
horror of the grave, then he will use to shiver like a cane and
there will be a discharge of the blood from his eyes like a water
stream. After this he was weeping for seven days and seven
nights while standing there and while looking at the sky. Upon
watching his weeping and due to the effect of this we also began

weeping there. Upon his finishing of weeping, he was sitting

there and he addressed us and he said Oh: dears, those who are
going to face the death and the enemy, it means the angel of
death is chasing him and the day of judgment is coming for him
than for his fantasy and laughing and merriness is not useful for
him and to engage in other works and so it will not look these
things better for him.
Then he told again that Oh: dears if you know a little thing
about the condition of the dead person who are in the custody of
snakes and ants and who are in prison of the earth, then you will
become finished due to this horror and you will be melted like
water in the standing position.
Upon this he said Oh: dear persons, he was seen one pious
person in Basra who was very much busier in the worship of
Allah. Along with that person he has gone to the graveyard
there. He was a man of revelation. We have sat near a grave
there. The angels were giving the severe punishment in the
grave to the person. When the pious person saw this punishment,
then he made a slogan and he become un-conscious and fell
down on the ground. When I was approached near him and
found he was dead there and after some time he become salty
water and he was vanished from there. The condition of fear
which was prevailed upon that pious person was so greatly with
full of horror and so I could not see and find such fear and
He said He was engrossed in such condition in himself that
he was melting in himself and after 30 years he was talking
with him. So my dear person, as you engage very much with
the mankind, then why you are not engaged in the work of the
sincerity of Allah. Because during such time of engagement
with the mankind, then he will be away from their work of

obedience of Allah because as per their engagement they will be

away from Allah. So go and start preparation for the good deeds
for the journey of the other world. As one day it will happen that
we should have to leave this world. It is possible that we will
leave this world. Upon this he gave me two dates and then he
began busily in the weeping and then he engaged himself in the
world of the surprise.
After this Khaja Saheb was began weeping with a loud voice.
Upon his afflicted weeping and he said Oh: Darwesh I swear
in the name of Allah who is Lord of the worlds and whose
possess my soul with him and since from that time and till
now daily due to the fear and horror of the grave he was
melting. I do not have preparation and convenience with me so
that I should be free from the fear and horror in this matter.

The person who eat and drink in the graveyard is cursed person
and he is hypocrite person

One who eat and drink in the graveyard purposely then he

will become cursed and hypocrite person. Because graveyard is
the place of lessons and not greed and desires.
In this situation he told one event that He was seen the
writing on the mausoleum of the Abul Khair Zandusi that the
prophet of Allah said Man akal fe maqabir tamam wa sharaba
fahuwa malun wa munafiq. So anybody who eats something
and drink in the graveyard, then he will become cursed and
hypocrite person.
After this he was told one event which is related to this
situation that, Once Hasan of Basra was passed through a
graveyard. He was seen there some persons who were eating
and drinking there. He went near them and asked them,

Whether they are Muslim or hypocrite persons?.So this

question was not liked by them. So they want to misbehave with
Khaja Saheb. Then Khaja Saheb told them He asked for them
in this matter as the prophet of Allah said that those who eat and
drink in the graveyard are hypocrite persons. Because this is
place of the warning. As you see here that like you and better
persons than yourself are resting there in the earth. They are in
the custody and in the prison of the snakes and ants. Their flesh
of the body was melted and destructed and their beauty and
prime was damaged in the soil. You have buried them in the soil
with your hands. How then you like to eat and drink in such a
place and engaged in the merry and playful activities there.
When Khaja Saheb said all these details, then all of them
regretted in this matter and requested him to forgive them as
they have left this bad thing.

Why they will be engaged in the playful activity and


Afterwards Khaja Saheb told one event related to this

situation that he was seen in the book Riyahin in which it was
written that once the prophet of Allah was seen some persons
who were busy in playful activities and laughing. The prophet
stood there and said salam to all of them so they stood to pay
respect him and put their heads on the earth and they presented
themselves while folding their hands in the presence of the
prophet. The prophet told them Brothers are you did not have
fear of the death.?All of them replied in one tongue No. Are
you are getting freedom from the fear of all deeds.? They said
No. Have they crossed the pathway of the paradise.? They
said No. Then why they are busy with playful activity and

laughing. There was so much effect of the prophets advise on

them that afterwards nobody was not seen them laughing again.
Khaja Saheb said the following persons were disgusted with
the world and whatever it contains because they can able to
watch the punishment and horror of the grave yard.
1. Mashaiq (learned) persons
2. The person of Tariqat (mystic way)
3. The leaders (Imam) of the religion

The Khajagan (masters) of Marifat (knowledge of Allah)

To cause trouble to the Momin (believer) persons is a great


Afterward, he said In the book Murtaba Saum in its

volume third it is mentioned that the persons of mystic think it
is a great sin. It is such thing that no other sin is not greater than
that a Muslim person should be given trouble without any reason
in this matter. As per the command given by Allah in the holy
Quran Al-lazina yawazuna al-momenon bagarun maaktasbu
faqs ahtamalu buhatann wa asim mubina . To give trouble to
Muslim brother is a great sin. For this Allah and his prophet
both of them will be angry in this matter.
After this Khaja Saheb told one event that One king who did
a lot of atrocities and problems to the people of the kingdom and
for this reason whole of the mankind were suffered badly in this
matter. After passing of long time, then the king was seen
standing in the Kankari mosque in Baghdad and his hairs of the
head and beard were not in proper order and were in the dusty
condition. His first condition was changed and on his body there

was full of soil was there. One person who was recognized him
and he told him He was the same king of Makkah who use to
do atrocities on the people in the kingdom. He was ashamed in
this matter and he said How he recognized him.? He said
He has seen him during a time of grace and wealth. When he
was not kind towards his people and he was used to working
inversely and he was doing atrocities on the mankind. Yes at
that time he was used to give troubles and do atrocities to the
mankind without any reason. So for this reason he got what he
did in this matter.
Upon this Khaja Sahib told one more event that, Once in
Baghdad, one pious person used to live in the hut at the bank of
the river and which have seen by him. When he was entered in
the hut and said salam to him and he was replied it by the sign.
He asked me to sit there by the sign. Upon sitting for some time
he told him Oh: Darwesh since about 50 years he resided
there in loneliness. Like his travels in the world he was also
used to travel here and there. He was seen one pious person in
one city who used to like the world and who used to give so
much trouble to the mankind in their dealings. But he did not
say anything to him and stopped him in this matter and watched
all those things and left from there. So then he heard a divine
call from the angel which said Oh : Darwesh if you would have
instructed for the sake of Haq (truth) to that person who is a
lover of the world to be afraid in this matter and not to do
atrocities on the mankind then the person of lovers of the world
would have ceased from this, but you would have agreed in this
matter and thought that person will stop his favour to you.
When he heard this divine call then from that time due to shame
he was living in this hut and not used to put his feet outside of
the hut. He has doubts in this matter that if he will be asked in

this matter on the day of judgement, then what he will reply in

this respect.? So: Darwesh from that day he was sworn that he
will not go anywhere so that he could not see any action at
anywhere so that he will become the witness in this matter.
Afterward, at the time of sunset there were sent down two
breads of barley, one cup and one water pot were there from an
invisible source. Myself and that Fakir (Darwesh) break the fast
together at that place. When I was leaving from there, then he
was given me two apples from under the prayer mat and I have
paid my respect to him and left him.
Upon this he said by holy tongue As per the rules of
mysticism in its the fourth position, it is a great sin when it was
heard the name and verse of Allah, then if the heart of a person
will not become soft and due to fear of Allah and there should
be no increase of the credence and Eman (faith) due to the
horror of Allah.
So upon hearing the holy Quran if the heart will not become
soft or not increase his credence of the faith and still he will
engage in the laughing and playful activity then it will be
deemed as a great sin. As per saying of Allah, which is as

Imam Zahed wrote the meaning of this verse in his exegesis

that The real Momins (believers) are those people when they
hear the name of Allah, then their credence and Eman (faith)
will be increased. When they hear the invocation (remembrance
of Allah) or verse of Allah when they still laugh at that time, so
for this reason it is sure and certain that they are hypocrite

persons in the reality.

In this situation he said Once the Prophet of Allah was saw
some persons who are doing the remembrance of Allah as well
as they were busy with playful activity and laughing. But due to
the remembrance of Allah their hearts could not become soft.
The prophet stood and said this group belongs to the third
category of the hypocrite persons. Their hearts could not become
soft upon hearing the verse of Allah.
The name of Allah
Then he told One event that Khaja Ibrahim Khawas was
seen some persons who were Zakir (one who remembers)
persons and they were sitting and busy in the remembrance of
Allah. When Khaja Saheb heard the name of Allah from them so
there were feelings of fondness and pain were prevailed on him
so he began dancing for this reason. And he was in dancing
condition for a period of seven days and then he was becoming
unconscious and when he was become conscious then he was
having the name of Allah on his tongue and again he was
becoming un-conscious. When he was becoming normal, then
he made fresh ablution and prayed two rakats of the prayer. He
put his head in prostration and he said Ya Allah and he left
this world. Khaja Saheb recited the following couplet.

After this Khaja Saheb told another event that Once in the
shrine building of Khaja Yousuf Chisti that some Darwesh
persons came there and he was present there at that time and he
was reciting the above couplet. For this reason myself and those
Darwesh persons were becoming un-conscious and were in this

condition for a period of seven days and nights and we were

doing the dancing. When the Qawwals (choristers) want to recite
some other couplets of the poetry, but we used to insist them to
repeat the above couplet only. Two persons among those
Darwesh were becoming unconscious and fell down on the
earth and from there they have vanished away. When Khaja
Saheb was finished these benefits and he was engaged in the
reading of the holy Quran.

To look at the parents with love

On the Monday he was blessed with the kissing of the feet

of Khaja Saheb. Sheikh Jalaluddin, Sheikh Mohammed Ohud
Chisti and some other pious personalities were present in the
meeting. The discussion about the look of the five things will be
deemed as worship. Upon this he said with his holy tongue The
first thing is to look the face of the parents with love. In the
saying of the prophet of Allah it is mentioned that The son who
for the sake of friendship, of Allah and his love and who will
look at the face of the parents then in his account of the deeds
the reward of one accepted Hajj pilgrimage will be recorded.
After this he was told When one a sinful and a debauched
person died, then he saw him in the dream and who was
walking in the heaven along with Hajji persons. So the persons
were surprised in this matter, and they asked him. He said He
had one older mother in his house and at the time of leaving the
house, he used to put his head on her feet and his mother used
to pray for his forgiveness from Allah and for the grant of the
reward of Hajj pilgrimage in his fate. Allah accepted her prayer
and he was forgiven in this matter. So he was walking in the

heaven along with Haji persons there.

Afterward Khaja Saheb told another event that when Khaja
Bayazid of Bustami was asked how he got such a great status
and position.? He told He was still seven years old, he was
used to go mosque to read Quran there by a teacher. When he
reached this verse.

Be thankful to Me, and to their parents. So he asked the

meaning of this verse. He said there is a command of Allah As
you perform his service, then you should also perform the
service of the parents. Upon hearing this from the teacher, he
packs the schooling bag and came back to the house and put his
head on the feet of her mother and he said In due course his
mother sent him to school. The above event is further
explained as under.
He learned the Quran, and one day his master was explaining
the meaning of the verse in the Sura of Luqman, Be thankful to
Me, and to the parents. These words moved the heart of Abu
Yazid. Sir, he said, laying down his tablet, Please give me
permission to go home and say something to my mother. The
master gave him leave, and Abu Yazid went home.Why,
Taifur, cried his mother, Why have you come home? Did they
give you a present, or is it some special occasion?No, Abu
Yazid replied. I reached the verse where God commands me to
serve Him and you. I cannot be managed in two houses at once.
This verse stung me to the quick. Either you ask for me from
God, so that I may be yours entirely, or apprentice me to God, so
that I may dwell wholly with Him. My son, I resign you to

God, and exempt you from your duty to me, said his mother.
Go and be Gods. The task I supposed to be the hindmost of
all tasks proved to be the foremost, Abu Yazid later recalled.
That was to please my mother. In pleasing my mother, I
attained all that I sought in my many acts of self discipline and
It fell out as follows. One night my mother asked me for
water. I went to fetch her some, but there was none in the jug. I
fetched the pitcher, but none were in it either. So I went down to
the river and filled the pitcher with water. When I returned to the
house, my mother had fallen asleep. The night was cold. I kept
the jug in my hand. When my mother awoke from sleep, she
drank some water and blessed me. Then she noticed that the jug
was frozen in my hand. Why did you not lay the jug aside? she
exclaimed. I was afraid that you might wake when I was not
present, I answered. Keep the door half-open, my mother then
said. I watched till near daybreak to make sure if the door was
properly half-open or not, and that I should not have disregarded
her command. At the hour of dawn, that which I had sought so
many times entered by the door. After his mother resigned him
to God.
Due to her mercy my mother took my head into her shoulder
and hugs me and kissed me and she said Oh, mothers life you
have suffered very much difficulty in this matter. Upon saying
this she was praying in my favour and forgiveness from Allah.
My mothers prayer was accepted and all this wealth which was
available to me was due to my mothers prayer only.

To look at the holy book Quran

Afterward about second position he said to look the holy


book Quran is worship. He was seen in the book Sharah

Auliya in which it was written that one who will see or read
Quran then there is a command of Allah for two rewards in this
matter. He will be given the following rewards.
1. For reading the holy book of Quran.
2. For seeing the holy book of Quran, ten good deeds for each
word and ten sins are forgiven.
After this discussion this well wisher asked Khaja Saheb
whether to take the Quran with the army or on the journey?. He
said In the beginning period when there was overwhelming of
infidel persons so the prophet of Islam not to use to take the holy
book of Quran with him so that it should be going into the hands
of the infidel persons. But when there was a power of the Islam
was started, then the prophet used to take it with him.
In this situation he said, When Mahmud of Ghazni was
seen in the dream upon his death, then the person asked asked
him how Allah treated him? He replied, and he said, Once he
was a guest with a person. There was one Quran in the window
there. So he said in his heart Quran is there so how he can sleep
there. Then he said to keep the holy Quran in some other place.
Then there was came the thought that why it should be sent to
another place for his own comfort.? For this reason he was
forgiven at the time of his death.
After this he was told by with his holy tongue One who
will look at the holy Quran so due to kindness and grace of
Allah his eyesight will be increased. There will be no pain in
the eye and it will not become dry for this reason.
He told one event which relates this situation that One pious
person was sitting on the prayer mat and there was one Quran
was also there in front of him. At that time one blind person
came there and he said he was treated, his eyes very much but

there was no result at all. So he came there for the eyesight of

his eyes. He was asked to recite Sura Fateha in this matter. That
pious person recited Sura Fateha while sitting in the direction of
Qibla (direction in which Muslim turn in prayer) and touched
the Quran with his eyes. And due to this his two eyes were
becoming bright as the light of the lamp.
Upon this he said He was seen in the book Jamia Hikayat
that in the olden days one sinner person was there and due to
his bad deeds all the Muslim community members used to hate
him. Many persons used to prohibit him in this matter, but he
did not use to hear them. But when he died, then the person
was seen him in the dream that while wearing the crown on his
head and he was also wearing the robe of honour and he was
proceeding towards the heaven along with the angels. So he
asked him in this matter as he was a sinner, then how he got
such wealth?. He said In the world he did one good deed that
where ever he used to find the Quran then he was used to stand
and to look at the Quran with respect in his eyes. For this reason
he was forgiven and he was given such a great status there.

To look at the learned person (Ulma) and Mashaiq

(learned) persons with love

Afterward, he said with his holy tongue, One who will

look at the Ulma and Mashaiq (learned) persons, then Allah will
create one angel who will pray for his forgiveness till the day of
the judgement.
Afterward, he said, In the heart where there will be the
love of Ulma and Mashaiq (learned) persons will be there then
in his record of deeds the reward of 1000 worships is recorded.
If he will die during this period, then he will get the position of

learning person (Ulma) and he will be given the highest place

upon his death. He said he was seen in the book Fatawa
Zaheria in which it was written that the prophet of Allah says
One who visits the Ulama persons and did service to them for a
period of seven days, then Allah will forgive all his sins and the
reward of the worship of 7,000 years is recorded in his record of
deeds. So in such good deed there will be fasting in day time
and worshiping during night time will be recorded for this
Upon this he said another event, In the olden days there was
a man who used to turn away his face upon seeing the Ulema
and Mashaiq (learned) persons due to greediness. At the time
of his death when the persons want to turn of his head towards
the direction of the Qibla (direction in which Muslim turn in
prayer) but they were not successful in this matter. Then there
was a divine call in which it was said that why they are giving
him trouble. He used to turn down Ulmea and Mashaiq persons
in the world so we are turning his face from the side of mercy
and on the day of judgment, We will settle his account in the
shape of the bear.

To look at the Kaba

Upon this he said the fourth grade is looking at the Kaba in

the holy Makkah city. The prophet says One who will visit the
holy Kaba then it will be included in the worship. Due to this
visit the reward of worship of 1000 years and the reward of Hajj
pilgrimage will be recorded in his account of the deeds and he
will be granted the status of pious persons of Allah.

To look at the spiritual master


Upon this he said the fifth grade is to look at the spiritual

master and do a service for him. He said, He was seen in the
book Marfata Murdin in which it was written that Khaja
Haruni he says, One who perform service of the master
properly even for one day, then Allah will grant him a pearl
palace in the paradise for him and in his account of the deeds
the worship of 1000 years will be recorded.

The reward of the service of the spiritual master

Afterward, he said, It is compulsory for the disciple that he

should follow and try hard whatever he will hear from the
tongue of his master. He should carry out service to his
spiritual master and he should presence in the service. If he is
unable to do service continuously then at least he should try in
this matter.
In this situation he said one event, There was one pious
person who did worship for a period of 100 years and in this
way he used to keep fast in the day time and he used to stand in
the worship in the night time. All time he used to be engaged in
the worship of Allah. One who visits him, then he used to advise
him in this matter. He used to say to the visitors that Allah says
in the Quran, Wama Khalaqtul Jinna Wal Insa Illa li-
yabudoon. And its meaning is as follows. We have created
Jinn and human beings for Our worship. And Allah didn't
create men to eat and drink and carelessness. So oh : Muslim it
is expedient (Wajib) for us that we should not do interference,
but we should get engaged in the worship and obedience of
So when the ascetic (Zahed) died and he was seen in the

dream upon his death, then the person asked him, How was
Allah treated him? He replied, Allah was forgiven him. When
he was asked for which deed of him.? He said the reason of his
forgiveness was that he was used to do service of his spiritual
master. So there was a command that as he was used to do
service of the master and not shown any negligence in this
matter. So he was forgiven in this matter.
Afterward Khaja Saheb began weeping and he said, On the
day of judgment true pious and Mashaiq (learned) persons will
be appearing in the condition of having a rag dress on their
shoulders and in the rag dress there will be many 100,000
threads will be there. At that time their disciples and sons came
there and hang with the threads and they will hold the thread
firmly. When the mankind will be free from the accountability
on the day of judgment, then they will get power from Allah so
they will be able to reach near the pathway of paradise. Due to
the intercession of the rag dress they will able to pass easily the
way of 30,000 years and will be free from the punishment of the
day of the judgment and will reach the paradise and there will no
opportunity that they will suffer any difficulty in this matter.
When Khaja Saheb told the above benefits, then the people and
this well wisher left the meeting place.

The powers (Qudrat) of Allah

On the Thursday I was honoured the wealth of kissing the

feet of the Sheikh. On that day the discussion about the powers
of Allah was in progress. Sheikh Burhanuddin Chisti, Sheikh
Mohammed Safhani and the group of Darwesh persons of
Baghdad were present in the Jamia (grand) mosque.

Khaja Saheb told by his holy tongue, Allah created by His

complete ability and power, such things so if men will think
about it, then he will become mad in this matter within
Afterwards he said, Once the Prophet of Allah was desired
to see the persons of Kahaf (companions of the catacomb) so
there was a command in which it was informed, We have said
that you will not see them in this world, but we will show them
you in the other world and if you want to bring them in your
religion, then we can do the same. After this it was told him to
ask the companions to sit on the rag and the rag will take them
to the door of the cave of seven sleepers.The companions told
salam to them.Allah made them alive and they replied their
salam. Then the companions presented them the religion of
Islam and they accepted it.
Upon this Khaja Saheb said, There is nothing in the worlds
which is not in the power of Allah. The man should fulfil His
orders complete, then he will get whatever he will desire in this
Then Khaja Saheb began weeping and he said, Once he was
in the company of Khaja Usman Haruni and Darwesh persons
were also present there and the discussion about the endeavours
of devotees was in progress. At that time one old, weak person
holding staff in his hand came over there and said salam. Upon
replying his salam, Khaja Haruni stood with cheerfulness and
give him a place near him. That old person told him that for
eight years his son is away from him. Due to grief of separation
of his son, his health condition become such of inferior quality.
He does not know whether he is alive or not.? He now came
there in the presence of Khaja Saheb to pray about the safe and
secure return of my son. Upon hearing this Sheikh Saheb was

started Marqaba (meditation) and lifted his head and asked the
persons to pray for the safe return of the boy. When Sheikh
Saheb was finished his prayer, then he asked him, Oh: old man
to bring the boy after some time there. When the old man
heard this they he was paid respect and left the meeting place.
On the way he was getting good news that his boy was
returned back to his house. He went back to his house and he
was seen with eyes that his boy was there and he met his boy in
the house. Due to looking for his son the old mans weak eyes
were becoming bright and shining. Immediately he took his
boy and visited Khaja Saheb in this matter and asked him to kiss
the feet of Khaja Saheb. Khaja Saheb asked the boy to come
near him and he was asked where he was?. He said, He was in
the middle of the sea in the prison of the devil. Today he was
also sitting there and one Darwesh who was similar to your face
came there and he was broken my chains. He held my neck
strongly and he asked me to put his feet on his feet and he was
asking me to close my eyes, then he told again to open my eyes,
then he was find himself at the door of the house. Upon saying
this the boy wants to say something more, but Khaja Saheb was
prohibited him in this matter. That old man put his head on the
feet of Khaja Saheb. See in this matter that pious people,
despite of having such power they used to keep themselves hide
it and not disclose in this matter.

The angel of darkness and light

He said the saying of the prophet of Allah narrated by Kab

Bin Ahbar in which it was said that Allah was created such an
angel and his piousness and horror which is known by Allah
himself. His name is Habil and his two hands are spreading such

that one hand is in the east and the other is in the west and his
tasbih (glorification) is La ilaha illa Mohammed ur Rasool
lilla. He is an agent of the light. He will give light to the world
from the hand of the east and from the hand of the west he will
give the darkness. If he will leave the light from his hand, then
there will be darkness which will be prevail in the world and
never a daylight will come into the world. One tablet is hanging
over there on which the lines of white and black are there on it.
He will see those lines and he used to increase and decrease
them. When he will increase white lines, then there will prevail,
light and when he decrease the black lines, then there will be
darkness which will be prevailed in the world. For this reason
some time the days will become longer and sometime the nights
will be longer.
When Khaja Saheb was finished these benefits and he began
weeping and in the condition of Sukkar (intoxication) he said,
On this way there are such persons of Allah are there who will
come to know the event which will happen in the world and the
wonderful things are happening by the power of Allah so they
know and see the details and they present such details to the
mankind in this matter.
On the situation he said, Allah was created one more angel
who is very horrible and his one hand is in the sky and other his
hand is in the earth. With the hand of the sky, he will control the
wind and with the hand of the earth he will control the water. If
he will leave the water from the hand of the earth, then all of the
world will submerge in the water and if he leaves the wind then
all of the world will be destroyed due to this reason.

The mountain of Qaf and the angel Fartabil


Afterwards Khaja Saheb on this situation said, Allah was

created the mountain of Qaf and it is so greatly in length and it
is being surrounded by the world and all that is in it. Allah says,
Qa Quran Majid the Prophet of Allah was given its exegesis
which is as follows.
That Allah was created one angel and whose name is Fartabil
and who is sitting on this mountain.Its glorification is La ilha
illa Muhammad ur rasool lulla and his name is Fartabil and
who is the agent of this mountain. Who used to open some time
his hand and some time he used to closed his hand. Allah has
given him the veins of the earth in his hands. When Allah wants
to tighten the earth, then he will command the angel to tight the
veins and due to this reason the streams will become dry and
there will stoppage of the growth of the plants on the earth.
When Allah wants prosperity, then he will command the angel
to open the veins. When Allah wants to bring fear upon the
mankind, then He will command the angel to shake the veins
and which is known as earthquakes. So as per order of Allah the
earth will be shaken in this matter.
Afterward, he said He was heard by the tongue of the
Sheikh of Islam Khaja Haruni and Sheikh Saifuddin Bakherzi
that in the book Israr Arif it is mentioned that Allah is made
this mountain equal of the 40 worlds. And in its every world
there are 400 parts are there in it and every part of it is four
times greater than this world. At the backside of the mountain
there is no darkness available and there is no night there. Its land
is made up of gold and where the angels used to reside there.
The following things are not available there.
1. Mankind
2. Satan
3. Hell

4. Heaven
When Allah created the angels there and from that day they
began saying, La ilha illa Muhammad ur rasool lulla and
there is a veil behind these 40 worlds and back side of them,
there are available veils and their greatness is only known to
Allah only.
Afterward, he said this mountain was kept available at the
head of the cow and whose length is in the distance of the
journey of 30,000 years. The cow is in standing position and
engaged in the praise and eulogy of Allah and the head of the
cow is in the east and her tail is in the west.
Afterward Khaja Haruni was sworn and he said, When he
was heard this event by Khaja Moulded Chisti then he
performed Maraqaba (meditation) and at that time one Darwesh
person was present there and Maudud Chisti and both of them
vanished away from the meeting place and after some time they
were returned back there. That Darwesh upon swearing, said he
and Mauddud Chisti were present at that mountain and were
desired to inspect the 40 worlds there which were mentioned by
Khaja Saheb in the meeting place. We have seen there as it is
which was explained by the Khaja Saheb and there was no
difference at all in this matter and all things were available
same as per the explanation of Khaja Saheb. The reason of
Mukashaf (revelation) was that there was doubt for these things
about the events which were explained by Khaja Saheb in the
discussion in the meeting place so he was cleared his doubt in
this way in this matter.
At that time Sheikh of Islam Khaja Moinuddin said, There
should be such power of the innermost with Darwesh people
that if somebody who will hear the events of the holy persons
and if he has some doubt in this matter, then he should show the

same and convince the people by the power of miracles in this

In this situation he said, Once he was travelling towards
Samarqand and he was found there one pious person was
constructing a mosque near the palace of Imam Abul Lais and
where one wise person was asked to keep the arch (Mehrab) on
one side as the Holy Kaaba is in that direction. I told him not in
that side, but keep it in the direction which he is showing him
there. I have convinced many times, but he was not agreed in
this matter. So I caught his neck and asked him to see there is
Kaaba in the direction which he is showing. When he looked at
that direction and he was seen Kaaba is available there.

The hell in the mouth of the snake

Afterward on this situation he said Allah was created such a

snake and on the day when he was created the hell asked him,
Oh: snake he will hand over the hell to him. The snake said
He is obedient. There was a divine call, To open the mouth.
When the snake opened his mouth Allah commanded the angels
to the put the hell in the mouth of the snake. When it was put the
hell in the mouth, then he was asked to shut the mouth. Now the
hell is in the mouth of the snake and it is under the seven earths.
So if the hell is not in the mouth of the snake then the world will
be destroyed by the fire along with the people of the world.
Afterward, he said on the day of judgement Allah will
command the angels to take out the hell from the mouth of the
snake. There will be 1000 chains of the hell and with every
chain there will be 1000 angles will be hanging with it. Those
angels will be in such big stature that if Allah will command,
then they can eat all creatures in one morsel. Then the hell will

be warm up and when upon its one time of the blown up, then
the day of judgement will be started.
When Khaja Saheb was finished these benefits, then he said
The person who want to keep away from these punishments then
he should follow obedience in this matter. Because there is no
sincerity is more important with Allah than this sincerity. So I
asked about the sincerity.

1. To redress the helpless persons complaint

2. The fulfillment of the desires of the needy persons.
3. To feed the hungry persons

There is no other big good deed than the above deeds.

When Khaja Saheb was finished these benefits, then myself

and all people who present in the meeting left from there.

The excellence of Sura (verse) Fateha

On Wednesday I was honoured to visit Khaja Saheb. There

were some Haji persons came there to see him.The discussion
about Sura Fateha was in progress there in the meeting place. By
his holy tongue, he said that In the book Mashiaq Tabqat Asar
it is written that for the fulfillment of wishes this verse should
be recited very much. In the saying of the prophet of Allah it is
mentioned that When somebody face any difficulty, then he
should recite Fateha as follows.

Bismilla Ar Rehman Nir Rahim Alhamdu it means to join

alphabet Mim of Rahim with an alphabet of Lam of Alhamdu
and at the time of saying Amin is said three times Amin then
could solve the problem in this matter.

The Verse Fateha is unique

Afterward, he said Once the Prophet of Allah was sitting

there and his companions were sitting around him. He told that,
Allah granted him many miracles and at the same time angle
Gabriel came over there and conveyed the message of Allah
which is as follows
The book which we have sent to you and in which there is one
verse and if it is available in Tora then there will be no person in
the Ummat (nation) of Moses will be left as a Jew. If it will be
available in the Ingil (New testament) then no Christian will
become idol worshippers. If it is available in Zaboor (Psalms of
David) then there will no person in the Ummat of David will
not become a fire worshipper. This verse is sent for the purpose
of its blessing for your Ummat and one who seek help from
Allah. So that on the day of judgment, Ummat will be free from
the punishment of the hell. The prophet asked, Which Sura
was that.? The angel replied, It is Sura Fateha. Then the
angel said, I swear in the name of the Lord, who was sent you
as his messenger and if all rivers of the world will become ink
and all trees will become pens and seven skies and seven earths
will become paper and the men and angels since beginning of
the world will write its excellence then one of excellence of this
Sura they could not possible to write.

The cure of all diseases


Khaja Saheb was told by his holy tongue Sura Fateha is the
cure for all pains and all diseases. For the disease which is not
curable then in that case to recite 41 times with Bismilla in
between the obligatory prayer and the Sunnah prayer of the
morning and blow it where there is pain available then the
disease will be over. Upon this he said In the saying of the
prophet it is mentioned Alfateha alshafa min kul dawen. It
means Sura Fateha is cure of all pains.
Afterwards he said Once Harun al Rashid was suffering
from serious disease, and which was continued for a period of
two years. When he becomes hopeless, then he sent his minister
to Fazil Bin Ayaz with a message that he was upset and worried
with his problem and there was no cure possible to him after
many treatments. At the time of his cure come there so Fazil Bin
Ayaz immediately visited Harun al Rashid in this matter and he
touched his hand on his body. Upon reciting 41 times Sura
Fateha he was blown on him. Even the blowing process was not
completed Harun al Rashid was become a healthy and normal
In this situation he said once Hadrat Ali Ibn Taleb (R.A.) was
recited this Sura on one patient and he recovered his health at
the same time. One more person came to see that patient and he
was asked to him that how his condition and he was recovering
his health.? He said, Hazrat Ali Ibn Taleb (R.A.) was coming
there and who recited Sura Fateha which we used to recite and
for this reason he was recovering his health. Even he could not
complete his discussion and his illness was relapsed again and
due to this disease he was dying there. The reason in this matter
was that due to dis-believe he died. So man should take care and
have truth in every matter and should have pious belief. So if

there will be a touch of a hand, even without reciting Sura

Fateha then there will be recovery in this matter. The Sura
Fateha is cure of all pains.
He was told by holy tongue that in the exegesis, it is
mentioned Allah was named all verses one name but in the
verse of Fatha there are given seven names which are as follows.
1.Fateh al Kitab
2.Sabe al Masani
3.Umul Kitab
4.Umul Quran
5.Surat Magrifa
6.Surat Rahma
7.Suratal Kunz
In this verse the following seven alphabets are not included
in it.
1.Sa, because it is first alphabet of word Thabur as the reader of
Sura Fateha is not related with thabur (destruction).
2. Jim, it is the first alphabet of Jehannum and the reader of Sura
Fateha is not related with Jehannum (hell).
3. Zha, it is the first alphabet of Zaqum, due to the mercy of
Allah, the reader of the Sura is not related with Zaqum (cactus).
4. Shin, it is the first alphabet of shaqawat and the reader of Sura
Fateha is not related with shaqawat (misfortune).
5. Zhae, it is the first alphabet of zulmat and the reader of Sura
Fateha is not related with zulmat (darkness).
6.Fa, it is the first alphabet of faraq and the reader of Sura
Fateha is not related to faraq (separation).
7. Khaf, it is the first alphabet of khawari and the reader of Sura
Fateha is not related with khawari (dis-grace).
In this Sura there are seven verses are there. Imam Nasir
Basti was written, In this Sura there are seven Ayats (verses)

are there and Allah was created seven Indam (parts) in the body
of the mankind and those who read this verse will be safe and
keep away from the seven hells.
Afterward, he said the group of Mashaiq (learned) persons
and people of Saluk (mysticism) have written that In this verse
there 124 words are there and Allah was sent down 1,24,000
prophets in the world and for reading one alphabet of this verse
the reader will get 1000 rewards for it.

The secret of Sura Fateha

Afterward, he said there are five alphabets of word
Alhamdulila and there are five obligatory prayers are there and
one who read it then Allah will forgive mistakes in the five
obligatory prayers.
Afterwards he said In the word Allah there are three
alphabets are there and if we add five alphabets of
Alhamdulilla then it will become eight. So for the reader of
this word, Allah will command to open the doors of eight
heavens so he can enter from any door whichever he like it. In
the words Rabbil alamin there are ten alphabets are there
and if we add eight in it, then it will become 18 and Allah was
created 18,000 worlds. Those who read these 18 alphabets, then
they will become eligible for the reward of 18,000 worlds. In the
word Ar-Rahman there are 6 alphabets are in it. If we add in
18 alphabets, then it will become 24 alphabets and Allah was
made 24 hours in the day and night. The person who will read
24 alphabets, then he will be free from his sins and he will
become such a person who born today from the womb of his
There are 6 alphabets in Ar-Rahim and in it and if will
add 24 then it will become 30. Allah was made the distance of

the pathway of paradise a journey of 30,000 years and those who

will read these 30 alphabets, then they will pass the pathway of
the paradise very fast like electricity. In the words Malik,
yuam-din there are 12 alphabets are there and if we add 30
alphabets in it then the total will become 42. Allah created 12
months in a year. One who will read these 12 alphabets, then
Allah will forgive his sins of 12 months. There are 8 alphabets
in Eyaka nabodu and in it if we add 42 then the total will
become 50. Allah created the day of judgment which will be
equal of 50,000 years. The person who will read these 50
alphabets, then Allah will treat him as Siddiq (true) person.
There are 11 alphabets in Eyaka nestin and if we add 50
alphabets in it, then the total will become 61. Allah was created
61 rivers in the earth and skies. Those who will read 61
alphabets, then Allah will reward of the drops of 61 river
waters and which will be recorded in his record of the deeds
and the same quantity of bad deeds are removed from his record
of the deeds. In the words Ehdiens siratal mustaqim there are
19 alphabets are there in it and if we add to it 61 then the total
will become 80. There is command of 80 Darras (whipping) to
the person who drink wine in the world. The reader of this verse
will gets reward of 80 Darras. In the words Anamta alaihim
ghairul maqzubi alaihim walaz zalim and there are 44 alphabets
are there in it and if we add to it 80 then the total will become
124 alphabets. Allah sent 1, 24,000 prophets in the world. One
who will read 124 alphabets, then he will get a reward of
1,24,000 prophets.

An enlightening story of Eman (faith)


In this situation he said He was travelling with Khaja

Usman Haruni and when we reached at the river of Tigris and
not find the boat there and we were in a hurry. Khaja Saheb
asked me to close the eyes. When I closed the eyes and find
Khaja Saheb and me on the bank of the river. I requested him to
inform me how he had crossed the river. Then he told me that
he was reciting five times Verse Fateha and put his feet on the

The daily rounds of the recital

On the Thursday I was honoured to kiss the feet of Khaja

Saheb. The discussion about vard (recital) and tasbih
(glorification) was in progress. Khaja Saheb said with his holy
tongue that one who should decide his daily recital and follow it
and if he could not follow in the day time, then he should
complete in the night time but do not miss it and should
complete it on the same day. Afterward this he should engage in
other work. Because in the saying of the prophet it is mentioned
There is disgrace of one who leave the daily round of the
Afterward, in this situation he said Once Maulana Raziuddin
was falling down from the horse. And his leg was hurt. When
he was reaching back to his house and he thought on this matter
that how the such problem was occurring to him.? Then he
remembered that he used to recite daily Sura Yasin after the
morning prayer and on that day he was missing the reading of it.
In this situation he said One pious person of Islamic
religion Khaja Abdulla Mubarak once he could not complete his
daily round of the recital. So he was hearing a divine call in

which it was said Oh: Abdullah you forget the convent which
you have made with us that you forget the round of the recital
of the today.
Then he said The prophets and pious persons, Mashaiq
(learned) persons, the person of Allah used to complete their
daily round of the recitals on the regular basis. Whatever they
used to hear from their spiritual masters, they used to follow in
their lives strictly. The daily round of the recitals which are
coming in the lineage from Khajagan (masters) of the mystic
system, then they should use to follow those daily rounds of
the recital on the daily basis. So you should follow the daily
round of the recital and do not miss the same. When you used to
stand, then you should stand from the right side and recite Bis
Milla Ar-Rehman and complete the vazu (ablution) with its all
requirements and conditions. Then pray two Nafil
(supererogatory) prayer and sit on the prayer mat. And complete
the following.
1. To recite some verses from Sura Baqer
2. To recite 70 verses from Sura Inam

Upon this one should recite the following phrase 100 times

La ilha illa Muhammadur Rasool illah. And in the morning

Sunnah prayer to recite the following verses.
1. In the first rakat after Sura Fatiha recite Sura Alam Nashra.
2. In the 2nd rakat after Sura Fatiha recite Sura Alam Tarakaifa.
Afterward, he said to read 100 times, Subhan Allah
behamdi he Subhan al Azeem wa be hamdihe astfaqfirullah min
kulle zanbi wanatube alai.

After the morning prayer to sit in the direction of Qibla (the

direction in which Muslim turn in prayer) and recite the
following phrase 10 times.

La illahu wah dahu la sahrika lahu lahul mulku walahul hamdu

yuhi yumetu wahua haiyu la yamaitu abdan abdan zul jilal wal
akram beyadil khair wahuwa ala kulle shain qadir.

Then he should recite 3 times the following phrase.

Ashadun Mohammadur abduhu wa rasoolahu and recite 3

times following phrase.

Allahama sallala Mohamadin ma aqlatafal malwan wa taqib al

asran wa takrar al jadid in wastasab al farqadan baliq ala rohe

Mohammed minni tahiyat wa salam.

And recite 3 times Ya Aziz Ya Ghafoor and recite 3 times

Upon this, to recite 3 times

Subhan Allah alhamdu lillah wa lahilaha illahu allahu akbar

wala haula quwata illa billa aliul azeem.

Then recite three times the following phrase.

Astagfar Allah min kulle zanbi watub alai.

Afterward to recite the following phrase.

Subhan Allah behamdi he subhan al Azeem wa be hamdi

astaqfir laulazi la ilahu huwal qayyum gafar zunoob sattar oyaub
allam ghuib kashal karub muqalabul quloob wa tub alai.

After this recite the following phrase 3 times.


After this recite the following phrase 3 times.

After this he should recite the 99 names of Allah, which are as


Afterward, he should recite the 99 names of the prophet, which

are as follows.

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.

After this, to recite one time the following phrase.

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.

After this, to recite 3 times verse Qul walahu ahd and to recite 7
times the following phrase.

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.


After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.

After to this recite 3 times the following phrase.

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.

After this, to recite one time the following phrase.

After this, to recite one time the following phrase.

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.


After this, to recite one time the following phrase.

After this, to recite 3 times the following phrase.

After this, to recite sometimes the following phrase.

After this, to recite 10 times the following phrase.

After this, to recite one time the following phrase.

After this raise the hands and to read the following


After this, to recite the following.

1.Musbait Ashara
2.Sura Yasin
3.Sura Malik
4.Sura Juma

1. Musbaiat Ashra, The method of this prayer is as follows.

This prayer should be performed after the rising of the sun
before it lights falling on the earth and also at the time of the

evening before the time of sunset.

To recite 7 times Sura Alhamad in the condition of
To recite 7 times Sura Qul awuz birbin nas.
To recite 7 times Sura Qul awuz birabil falaq.
To recite 7 times Sura Qul ya ahiwul kafiron.
To recite 7 times Ayat Kursi.
To recite 7 times Subhan Allah wal hamdu lilah wa la ilha
ill la wallahu akbar.
To recite 7 times Allahumma sale ala sayedina
Mohammdin nabil al ummi al habil al ale al qadar al azim
aljahi wa ala alehi wa sabihe wa sallim.
To recite 7 times Alla humma aqfir wa walidi wa jami al
momin wa mominat wa muslimin wa muslimat al ahyahim
wa al amwat ennka qarinbun mujibun dawat ya qazi al hajat
berhamatik ya raham ur rahimin
Alla humma falu bi wa bihimu ajelan wa ajlan fe duniya
wal akhirate ma anta lahi ahlun wala tufalu benay ya
moualan ma nahanu lahi ahlun ennka ghafurn halim
jawadun karim rauf rahim.
10. For every time recite Ayat al Kursi 100 times with Bis
Milla and not ignore it.

After this, to perform the Israq prayer at the time when the sun
will be at its height in the sky with five salam in ten rakat as
In the first rakat after Sura Fateha to recite Sura Eza Zulzelat
one time.
In the second rakat after Sura Fateha to recite Sura Inna Atena
one time.

After the prayer to recite 10 times Darud (blessing of the

prophet) and engaged one should himself in the reading of the
holy Quran.
After this prayer to perform the prayer of Chast (mid-
morning) of 12 Rakats with 6 salam and in every rakat to recite
Sura al-Zuha one time after Sura Fateha and after this prayer is
over then recite the following.
To recite phrases Subhan Allah completely 100 times.
To recite Darud (blessing of the prophet) 100 times.
After the above, then one should busy himself in the reading
of Quran for a long time and then there will be possibility to
meet Prophet Khizer (A.S).
After the above to read 10 verses from Alm Tarakafa to Qul
Azu Birab Nass. After finishing the prayer by saying salam then
one should recite ten times Darud. After this one should engage
himself in reading Surat Noah till the Asr (late afternoon)
prayer. After the fishing the Asr prayer to recite 100 times
Lahool wala quwata illa Billa aliulazim and to recite the
1. To recite Surat Fataha
2. To recite Surat Mulk five times
3. Sura Amma Yatsalun
4. Sura Naizat
So one who recites the above recitals, then for this he will
be free from the punishment of the grave and after this one
should busies himself in the Zikar (invocation) of Allah.
In the exegesis of Sharah of Mashaiq it is written that one
who read Surat Naziat then Allah will not leave him in the
grave and He will take him to the lofty station.
After this one should perform Maghrib (sunset) prayer and
upon this he should perform two rakat for the safety of the Iman

(faith) as follows.
1. In the first rakat after Sura Fateha to recite 3 times Sura Iqlas
and one time Sura Falq.
2. In the second rakat after the Sura Fateha to recite 3 times Sura
Iqlas and one time Sura Qul Awazu Bir Bin Nas.
After the ending of the prayer, he should prostrate and he said
Ya hai Ya Qayyum sibat ala eman.
Afterward, one should perform Awabin (supererogatory)
prayer after Maghrib (sunset) prayer with three salam of six
rakat as follows.
1. In the first rakat after the Sura Fateha to recite Surat Eza Zul
2.In the second rakat after Sura Fateha to recite Surat Alhama
3.In the third rakat after Sura Fateha to recite Sura Waqaa.
After the above one should busies himself in the Zikar of
Allah till the prayer of the Eisha (night) prayer and recite this
supplication as follows.

After that to perform the Eisha prayer and it should perform

as follows.
1. In the first rakat after Sura Fateha to recite 3 times Sura
Ayatal Kursi.

2. In the remaining 3 rakats after the Surat Fateha to recite 3

times following three verses of Qul as follows.

After completion of the prayer if one who will desire

anything, then Allah will fulfil his needs.
After this prayer one should perform the prayer of Sada as
In every rakat after Surat Fateha to recite 3 times Inna anzal fe
lalatil qadir and to recite 15 times Sura Iqlas. After the ending
of the prayer to go in the prostrate and say 3 times Ya haiyu ya
Qayyum sabitna Ala Emman and when he sits then he should
recite the following phrase

Afterward to divide the night portion into three parts and

spend the first part of the prayer. The second part in Tahjud
(supererogatory) prayer and about this prayer the prophet says
This is obligatory praying for us. To perform it with four salam
and whatever Quran one who remembers then he should recite
the same in the prayer.Then sleep for some period of time and
then wake up and do fresh ablution and up to morning of Kazib
(evanescent light before daybreak) should engage in the
remembrance of Allah.
It is said that one pious person lapsed the Tahjud prayer so
for this reason he was falling down from the horse and his leg
was broken. So he began thinking why it was happening and he
heard a divine call in which it was said Tahjud prayer was
missed by him as this was mentioned above. So one should
engage himself in the remembrance of Allah till the morning
time of Kazib (evanescent light before daybreak) and he should
follow this procedure daily and should not increase or decrease

in it so that he should follow the practice of the Mashaiq

(learned) persons.

The grades of Saluk (mysticism)

When I was honoured of kissing of the feet of Khaja Saheb

then Sheikh Ohud Kirmani, Sheikh Wahed Burhan Ghaznavi,
Khaja Suleman Abdul Rahman and some other Darwesh persons
were present at the meeting place. The discussion about Saluk
(mysticism) was started. He told by his holy tongue that the
Mashaiq (learned persons) has classified Saluk into 100 grades.
Among in it the position of miracle and revelation is 17th rank.
So the person one who shows himself in the 17th rank, then
how he will get other remaining 83 ranks. So Salik (mystic
person) should not disclose himself unless he will reach the rank
of 100 grades.
Afterward, he said In the family of Khajagan (masters)
some of them ranked Saluk (mysticism) into 15 grades. Among
in it miracles and revelations are ranked 5th position. Our
Khajagan used to say that one should not disclose himself unless
reaching on the rank of the 15th position of Saluk (mysticism).
Then he will become perfect in this matter.
In the connection of Saluk (mysticism) it is written that once
Junaid of Baghdad was asked why he did not want Deedar
(sight).? Then, if he wants, he can get it. He said He does not
want the thing which was asked by the Prophet Moses (A.S.)

and which he could not get it but Allahs last prophet got it
without asking it. So the person is not concerned with its desire.
If he will eligible then there will be no veil in this matter and
there will be available to him divine celestial illumination
(Tajalli) in this matter. So why there is a necessity in this
matter that we should desire this?.
Afterward the discussion was started about the love. He
said The heart of the lover is a fireplace of love and one who
goes with it, then he will be burnt down with it and he will be
destroyed. Because no fire is not so harmful than the fire of the

The fire of love

Afterwards he said Once Ba Yazid of Bustam was reached

at the place of nearness and there came a divine call in which it
was said Ba Yazid today is the time of your request and Our
time of forgiveness. Demand whatever you need and We will
grant you. So Khaja Saheb went into the prostration and he said
The slave is not concerned about wishes and whatever the
King will grant with that he will be contented in this matter.
There was a divine call again in which it was said We have
granted you the next world. He said It is the prison of the
friends of Allah. Then he was heard Oh : Ba Yazid, We have
given you heaven, hell, Kursi (chair) which are in our possession
and we have given you. Then he said No. Then he heard
What did he mean.? He said He knows well. Oh; Ba Yazid
do you demand us.? And if We demand you then what do you
did.? Upon hearing this call he said I swear in your name if
You demand me then on the day of judgement due to my
lamentation and while standing near the hell I will destroy it by

his one of sigh because against the fire of the love there is no
value of the fire of hell and when he was sworn this and he was
heard a call in which it was said Oh :Ba Yazid whatsoever thou
demanded was given to him.
In this situation he told one event that one night Rabia of
Basra was calling fire, fire, due to fondness of the love. Due to
her complaint the people of Basra city went to put off the fire.
Among them there was a pious person who said How foolish
they are that they came to put off the fire of Rabia. In her chest
there is a flare up of fire of the love which will not be stopped
without the union of the friend.
He said When Mansur Hallaj was asked in the friends
love what is the thing which is leading to the perfection in this
matter?. He said When the beloved want to do politics and
want to cut the head of the lover then he should not hesitate in
this mater. He should act in accordance with the willingness of
the beloved. He should busy in such a way that with the
observation there should be no information for him about its
opening and closing on this matter. Upon this Hadrat Khaja
Moinuddin began weeping and he was reciting the following

In this situation he said In the city of Baghdad, one lover

was flogged for 1000 times, but he never lifts his hands and
there was no slip in his legs. One pious person asked him what
is the matter with him.? He said His beloved was before him
so there was no difficulty for him due to the power of the
observation in him and so even there was no information for
him in this matter.

Imam Ghazali said Once in Baghdad, one Ayar (cunning)

persons hands were cut off but he was laughing. Somebody
asked him the reason of his laugh on this matter, then he told
his beloved was there before his eyes. Due to the power of the
observation, he could not feel any difficulty and pain in this
matter. So he was very much busy in this matter and he could
not able to know about cutting off his hands. Khaja Saheb
began weeping and recited the following couplet.

After this the discussion about the condition of the people of

Saluk (mysticism) and the discussion about the learned person
was started. So he told by his holy tongue that once Khaja Ba
Yazid of Bustam said the following words at the time of his
hymns. Kaif alsaluk alaik and he heard a divine call Oh :
Ba Yazid talaq nafsak thalas wa qul hu wallah. It means first
give three times Talaq (divorce) to your soul, then talk about
Afterward Khaja Saheb said When the man doesn't leave all
the world and all that is in it for himself in the path of the
Saluki (mystic way) then he will not be able to enter into it and
he will not belong to them. So if his condition doesn't prevail
like the above, then he will be called a false claimant.
Afterwards he said One pious person who belongs to the
people of Tariqat (mystic way) and who belongs to the people of
love and he said in his hymns You will ask with me the
account of deeds of 70 years but I will ask with him the account
of deeds of 70,000 years. And I will ask with you for saying
about Bala (yes). The duration of the period of 70,000 was
passed in which you have created the up-roar of Bala ( following
an answer in the affirmative) for Your saying of Alast rabba

kum. ("Am I not your Lord?") The loudness of this cry in

available in the world and in the sky, which is happening due to
the fondness of Alast (day of creation). When the pious person
said this and heard a divine call in which it was said Heard the
reply. Your will and your wish will be fulfilled. It means I will
divide your presence into the number of the particles and show
all those particles of your body My Dedar (sight) and when I
will say that these are 70,000 years and will keep the balance
In this situation he said One learned person used to say this
daily that every person will used to like something. But he did
not like anything. So he could not sacrifice himself in this
matter. Even there will be destruction of the seven earths and
skies, but he will not demand anything for himself. Then in the
shock of overwhelming, he said He want to see Him, but he
did not like to see Him and not liked Him. So what is the work
of the man with a desire and wishes?.
Once one pious person who said We have ignored, from
carelessness and when we reached in the court then find Him
before us and whatever we were needed, which were given to
us due to the kind grace of Allah.
Once one pious person said When we have ignoring from
us the carelessness and we have reached in the court of Allah
and then it was found that we will present there after the other
persons and whatever we were needed were given to us due to
the kind grace of Allah.It means divine lights (Tajjilat) of
Allahs Dedar (sight) was available there.
In this situation he said One pious used to say When
he was out of veil like the snake from ecdysis (layer of skin)
and was looking over that the lover and beloved and found both
of them were like one in togetherness it means one in the

world of Touhid (unity of Allah) and so there is nothing

available other than the unity there.So you was seen one there.
Afterward, he said When the condition of Arif (learned
person) will be perfect then he will come out from hundred
thousand places and he will watch the progress of his work. If he
will not come out of that place then he will remain in such a
place in the condition of surprise. It means he was still on the
bank side and he does not know about the path and for this
reason he will waste himself.
He said Hadrat Ba Yazid said He was in Haq (truth) since
three years, but I have been given my mirror it means whatever
he was seeing was not there and shirkat (participation), takbar
(pride), Khudi (ego) was no more there because he was not
there. Because Allah is his mirror and whatever I would say
this is my mirror and which actually said by Allah in this
matter by my tongue and in the middle of this I am not
Afterward, he said Ba Yazid said He was custodian of
that shrine for a period of many years. At last except regret he
could not get anything in this matter. When he came in the court
there was no difficulty with me. The people of the world were
busy in the world and the people of other worlds were busy in
the other world. Claimant in claims and the people of pity in the
pity and some were in eating and drinking and some were busy
in the ecstasy (Sama and dancing. Some were there with the
king and were busy in the sea of Ejaz (humbleness).
Afterwards he said this event For a long time he was used
to circummbulate around the Holy Kaba in Makkah but now
the Holy Kaaba used to circummbulate around him.Then he
said When he was become God fearing person then in one
night due to the love he was demanding his heart, but in the

morning time he was heard a divine call in which said Oh : Ba

Yazid you are demanding other than Us and what you concerned
with the heart?
Afterwards on this situation he said Arif (pious person) is
such person where ever he lives and whatever he will demand,
then he will get the thing and to whom he will talk and he will
get a reply from him. On this way that person is not Arif if such
person who will demand the other things and not demand for
Afterwards he said The status of the Arif is such person
that when he will reach on the status, then he will look the
world and all that is in it within their fingers. So when Ba Yazid
was asked how far he was progressing in the Tariqat (mystic)
way?, then he was replied that Up to such place that he can
watch in between of his two fingers and find there this world
and all that is in it . Then he said The disciple will find
pleasure in the obedience and he will find the pleasure when he
will feel happiness and pleasure in the obedience and with this
happiness he will come near the veil. Afterward, he told The
low status of the Arif person is such that in him the attribute of
the Haq (truth) are finding him.
Once Rabia of Basra said due to overwhelming of fondness
Oh: Darwesh persons if she will be put into the fire instead of
the mankind, then she will be patient in this matter because she
is claimant of love. So it is like that she did not do anything. If
her sins will be forgiven for the sake of the mankind due to His
kindness, mercy and favour. Till now I have not done many
Then he said To suspicion about anything about the
religion of the people of Saluk (mystics) is a sin. He said again
It is worse than sin because of sin one time it is made

repentance, but it is made repentance for this for 1000 times

with sincerity. It means self-conceit is a great sin.

The status of perfection in the love of Haq (truth)

He said the status of Arif persons in the love of the Haq is

that First, he should show his light of the heart and when
someone will come to him and claimant then he should convince
him with the help of the miracle.
Afterward, he said Once he was travelling towards Madina
along with Khaja Ohud Kirmani and Khaja Harun Usmani,
when we have reached in Damascus, where we have seen 12,000
mausoleums of the prophets were there in front of the mosque
where the wishes and desires of the persons are fulfilled who
visit there. We have visited the mausoleum of the prophets and
asked about the pious persons there.
One day with Khaja Ohud Kirmani and Khaja Harun Usmani
we met one pious person who was Wasil (union) of Haq (truth)
and whose name was Darwesh Mohammed Arif in the mosque
of Damascus and some other Darwesh persons were sitting
along with him there and the discussion was in progress about
the thing that when any person claiming of the something then
unless he will not show it to the persons how they can know in
this matter.?
So one person who was participating in the discussion and
arguing with Mohammed Arif and Mohammed Arif was telling
him that on the day of judgment the Darwesh persons will be
excused and the account of the deeds of the wealthy persons
will be settled. With this saying that person was upset and he
said in which book it was written about this.? Khaja Mohammed
Arif could not able to remember the name of the book.

So he did a meditation and he was informed about the book.

That person told him unless he will not show the book he will
not accept this. So he raised his head and he said The book
which was shown to the people of Allah should be kept before
this person so that he could see it. Then there was a command
for the angels to show the book in which that matter was written
to that person. That person stood and accepted in this matter
and he was falling on his foot. And he said These are the
brave persons of Allah.

The miracles of the pious persons

Afterward the discussion was started that the persons who

are in this meeting should show their miracles. Upon hearing
Khaja Haruni put his hand under the prayer mat and take out one
fist full of gold coins from there and he was given to one
Darwesh person who was there and he asked him to bring
sweets to the Darwesh persons. Upon this miracle Sheikh Ohud
Kirmani put his hand on the wood which was lying there and
due to the order of Allah it was converted into gold. Due to the
presence of my spiritual master I could not show anything. Then
Khaja Usman Haruni addressed me and said Why he did not
say in this matter?. There was one hungry Derwesh was there
due to shame and he could not ask in this matter. So I have taken
out the four breads of barley from the rag dress and given to
him. That Darwesh and Khaja Mohammed Arif said If there is
no power in the Darwesh persons, then he cannot be called the
Darwesh person.
Afterwards he said One Darwesh person used to say that
from the time when he was declared enemy the world, then from
that time he could not go near the mankind. He was given

preference to Allah than the mankind. There was very much

overwhelming of the love for me so I began thinking the enemy
of my existence and was taken out of the middle the life and
death and began to love the existence and love of Allah.
Afterward, he said It is written about Saluk (mysticism) that
on the day of judgement when there will command for the
special persons of love will be sent to the paradise then they
will say that what they will do with paradise.? The paradise
should be given to such person who have worshipped for greed
of it.
Afterwards Khaja Saheb said When the sight will be given
to somebody, then what he will do with the paradise?. Then he
said If it is possible to get existence and if it is not possible,
then understand it that the following things which move like
wind on you.
1. Capability
2. Zahed (ascetic)
Afterward Khaja Saheb began weeping and he said On this
way many brave persons were become helpless and many
helpless persons were become brave.
In this situation he said There will be no damage from the
sin than to disgrace the Muslim brother and doing disrespect
Afterward, he said There was one Derwesh person who
was very pious and he has a union of Haq. And he was used to
say, Many people of the world were becoming disabled on
the way of the world. The people of other world are in the
pleasure in the happiness of the friendship of Allah. And the
people of Maraft (knowledge of Allah) are Noor al Noor
(wonderful). This is a secret which is known by the people of
Saluk (mysticism). The worship of the people Marafat will be

busying themselves in a special remembrance of Allah.

Afterward, he said when The Arif person will be silent, then
it should be understood that he is talking to Allah. When he will
close his eyes it means that at the time when he sleeps, he will
not lift his head so that angel Israfil will not blow the trumpet

The identification of Allah

Afterwards he said Khaja Zanoon of Egypt used to say one

who will find the identification (discovery) of Allah in the
silence and so he will flee from the mankind. In this situation
he said Once Khaja Shuja Kirmani was asked for how many
years he got the identification.? He said When he got
identification, then he was fled from the mankind.
Afterward, he said One who have recognized Allah and then
if he did not flee from the mankind, so then understand that
there is no grace in him. In this situation he said Arif is such
person who should take out whatever the things from his heart
so that he should become unique like his friend. Then Allah will
not conceal anything from him and also he will not care about
the both worlds.
Afterwards he told by his holy tongue that The perfection of
Airf person is that he should move himself on the path of
Afterward, he said On the day of judgment the thing which
will take to the paradise is not Zahed (asceticism), action and
not his knowledge) but his pain of the love.
He then said Even the Arif person, whatever he say about
Marifat (knowledge of Allah) and he will wander in the lane of
the friend and he discloses some secrets of Marifat but he will

not get Marifat unless he will not remember Marif (Allah) and
then he will not become Arif person.
Afterward, he said The complainant of the persons of love
is due to the fondness and desire which will remain till the
finding of the friend. Because the lover will make loud and cry
till he will not get the union of the beloved. When he will see
the beloved then in between his speech is left.
He told by his holy tongue that When the water flows in
the river and makes loud and cry there when it will fall in the
sea then there will be no sound of it. In this way there will be
the union of the lover with the beloved and there will be no
loud and cry of the lover will be there on this matter.
Upon this he said He was heard from Khaja Haruni that
there are some friends of Allah are there if there will be a veil
for even one moment, then they will be destroyed and will not
able to do worship of Allah.
Afterwards on this situation he said Once Khaja Abdullah
Hanif was engaged himself in the work of world by mistake.
When he remembered this and he thought it was against the will
of a friend. So he was sworn that till his life he will not engage
in the work of the world. As he was living for a period of fifty
years, but he did not engage himself in the work of the world.
After this he said about loud and cry of love of Ba Yazid
Bustami He was used to stand on his one foot in the morning
after the prayer and he used to complain on this matter and one
day he heard a divine call in which heard the following. Yaum
tabbal araz. It meant at that time there will be union possible
when there this earth will be rolled and other earth will be
Afterward on this situation he said, Once Ba Yazid Bustami
went into the jungle of Bustam. In the world of fondness and

desire he was complaining that whatever the jungle which is

seen by him and in which he was found the falling down the
rain of love was there and he wants to take out his leg from
there but he could not take it out.
Then he said, The path of love is such that one who will
adopt this way, then his name and sign will be finished. In this
situation he said, The people of Irfan (intimate knowledge of
Allah) will not say anything from their tongues except the
remembrance of Allah. Upon this he said The lowest thing
which is disclosed by Arif person is that he will not busy with
the ownership and wealth.
Afterward, he began weeping and he said It is Haq (truth)
that in His (Allah) friendship if we spend the two worlds then it
is not more.
Upon this he said Even though the people of love are
Mahajur (forsaken) in the love, but they will do the work of
sleepy persons and if they wake up, then they will demand for
the object (Matlub) and they are not busy for the demand of the
friend. They are busy in the observation of their beloved. The
beloved is such that who sit to see and watch the lover. There
will be the work of sincerely and obedient persons, which is
found on the path of love.
Afterward, he said Khaja Samoon Muhib says when the
hearts of the pious person of Allah are obedient in this matter,
then they will not tolerate the burden of Marafat (the knowledge
of Allah) and love so they busies themselves in the worship of
Allah. But they will not bear the special burden because there
will be grief for them due to the endeavour and mystical
Upon this he said The Arif is that person one who should
promise that he will obtain his Matlub (object) in one of his

breath. In the Arifs every breath there will be available

remembrance (Zikar) of Allah. And who will sacrifice all his
life for these breaths. Those who will engage themselves in
Zikar (remembrance of Allah) and such holy breaths and if
which will be searched in the sky and the earth and then it will
not be found there. For such breaths if it will be searched into
the earth and skies for many years, but he will not find them
Afterward, he said He was heard by his spiritual master
Khaja Usman Haruni that if there will be following three
qualities which will be found in any person then think him that
Allah keeps him his friend.

1. Generosity.
2. Shafaqat (favour)
3. Tawaze (humility)

The generosity should be like the river

The kindness (Shafaqat) should be like the sun
The humility (Tawaze) should be like the earth

Afterward, he said the Hajjies who used to busy in the

circummbulation of the Holy Kaaba in Makkah with their
hearts, but they could not able to get observation there, but the
people of love who busied themselves in the circummbulation of
the veil of greatness and if they look other than this then they
complain on this matter as they would like to watch the
observation of his friendly only.

The world of love is one secret


Afterward, he said, In the Saluk (mysticism) the world of

love for which many 100,000 learned persons want to
understand about it but it was not being understood a little to
them. By Zahed (asceticism) there is such obedience which is
not even known to Zahed persons and they are careless about it
and this is the secret which is out of the two worlds which is
only known by the people of fondness and the people of love.
Afterwards he said, If it is known by such persons who are
firmly in the both worlds and one who knows him and he will
never not see him and so after this he will leave his claimant
so that to keep him in the condition of grief.
Afterward he said, With passion and love there will be
conversation, action and engagement which is prevail there
and which will prevail up to outside of the veil and when they
enter into inside of the court there will be rest, silence and peace
which will prevail there. So there will no complain and loud
and cry will not be prevailed there.
Afterward, he said, There is no such courage which will
prevail so that Khaja (master) will not recognize the shrine of
the real friend and he was becoming a lover of himself. When
there will be observation available upon him, then there will be
no conversation and complaints.
When Khaja Saheb was ended the above benefits so all
persons and myself left the meeting place.

The effects of the good and bad company

On the Thursday the wealth of kissing the feet of the Khaja

Saheb was available to me. There were many pious persons and
persons of Saluk (mysticism) available at the meeting place.

There was discussion about the good, company was in progress.

He told by his holy tongue that In the Hadith (saying) of the
holy prophet it is mentioned Al-suhbat al-touser it means
there is surely there is the effect of the company. If any bad
person follows the company of the pious persons, then there is
hope that he will become a better person. If the good person
will follow the company of bad persons, then he will become a
bad person. Because whatever the better person will get due to
the company only.

The grace which will be available due to the company of pious

persons only.

The wise king

When the caliphate was available to Hadrat Umar Bin Qattab

(R.A.) and at that time the King of Iraq who was defeated in the
war and he was becoming a prisoner of war and was presented
to him. The caliph of Islam said to him, To accept the Islam
otherwise he will be killed. He was refused in this matter. So
the caliph said Aman in Isalam wa ma in saif It means to
accept the religion of Islam otherwise you will be killed.The
king refused again. So he was asked to bring the sword. That
king was very wise. When he was seen such situation, then he
told him that he is thirsty and need some water to drink.
Caliph Umar commanded to give him water in the glass of
the cup. He told that He does not want to drink water in that
cup. So the caliph told To bring the water in the cup made of
gold or silver as he is the king. But the king was told He will
drink water in a cup made of the earth. When the water
brought in the cup of earth for him for his drink, then the king

told him that To make an agreement with him that till he will
drink the water he will not be killed.
So the caliph was, agreed that he will not be killed till he will
drink the water. The king put down the water pot on the ground.
So it was broken and water was flown on the ground. Then he
said to him, You have promised not to kill me till drinking of
the water. So he was surprised for his wisdom in this matter
and he told him he was forgiven him and Hadrat Umar hand
over him to one pious and ascetic person. When he was staying
in the company of pious person for some period of time, so there
was an effect of that person on him. He was sent message to him
to call to him so that he will accept the religion of Islam. When
he was accepted into the religion of Islam, then Hadrat Umar bin
Qattab (R.A.) told him, He was given back the kingdom of
Iraq. But he told him, He is not in need of the country, but he
should be given to him one ruin village of the Iraq country
which should be sufficient for his means of livelihood. He was
accepted in his request and send his men to Iraq and upon hard
search and investigation, no ruin village was not found in the
country of Iraq. When this was informed to the king then he
told him He wants to say that he was given to the country of
Iraq to him in such condition that there is no ruin village in Iraq
is there and after that if any village will become ruin, then he
should be asked in this matter on the day of judgment before
Allah. Then the caliph of Islam began weeping and told how
this king is great wise and intelligent person.?
Afterward, he said he was heard by Khaja Haruni that, The
people will not become eligible for the name of Fakir (Darwesh)
unless the left side angle will not write anything for him a
period of eight years. It means during that period he did not
commit any sin

Afterward, he said there are some Arif persons are there who
did not require anything from Allah. Upon this he said In such
Arif person there is piety (Taqwa) is available, but he will get
only illegitimate food by begging.
Afterward, he said One day he was heard by Junaid of
Baghdad that when was asked with saint of Tariqa (mystic way)
of love what is the result of the love.? He said The result of
love is that there should be intoxication and fondness towards
Allah to that extent which is related to him. But when Allah
keeps any persons as his friend then that friend will be moved
within the paradise.
Upon this Khaja Moinuddin said with his tongue The people
of love and people of mysticism are similar in the matter that
both are obedient and there will be fear upon them that whether
they will be separated from there.
Afterward, he said he was seen in Ketab Mohabat in the
handwriting of his teacher Moulana Shrafuddin who was a man
of exegesis that Khaja Shibli was asked In spite of a lot of
sincerity and mystical exercises which you have done and which
you have already sent forward but why there is so much fear
with you.? He said Due to two things. First, it should not be
said that he is not eligible for Him and he will send away from
His court. Secondly, at the time of death if I will take faith with
safety, then he will think that he was doing something otherwise,
I will think that I have wasted all my deeds and sincerity.
Afterward, once one person asked Hadrat Shibli about the love
and he was asking What it is a sign of misfortune.? He said
Do disobedience and hope for the acceptance. Upon this he
was asked What is a real thing with Arif persons.? He said
To keep silence always and live in the condition of grief and
sorrow. Because of this there will be available excellence of

the Arif persons. And he said, In the world, there are three
dear things are there.
1.The Alim (scholar) who speaks with his knowledge
2.Un-greedy person
3.That Arif person, one who describes the attributes of his

Who is the Sufi and Arif person.?

Afterward, he said, Once Hadrat Zan Noon of Egypt was

sitting in the mosque of Kakri in Baghdad along with the
persons of Tariqa (mystic way) and there was discussion about
the love was in progress. One Sufi person asked, Who is called
Sufi and Arif.? Khaja Saheb said Sufi and Arif are such
persons whose hearts are free from the following things.

1. Kuadrat (ill-will)
2. Bashirat (human nature)
3. The world and its love

When there will be the above qualities in them, then they

will obtain higher status and position, and they will become
pious among the mankind and they will run from enemies and
they will become the belonging of Allah and so they will not
become the owners or the Mamluk (slave).
Upon this he said The Sufism is custom and it is not the
knowledge and this is available in the soul of the lovers.
And this is the manner of all categories of Mashaiq (learned
persons) who were as per Tuqliqu bill Iqlaq Allah. Because
it is to come out from the mankind and which is not possible
with the help of custom and the knowledge.

Upon this he said The Arif is the enemy of the world and he
is a friend of Allah. As he is disgusted from the world so he is
not aware in this matter and there will be no news for him about
hatred and greed.
Afterward, he was asked Why the Arif person used to weep
very much.? He replied Yes, but he will weep till he will be on
the way and when he will reach near the realities of nearness,
then he gets a visual meeting, then he will stop weeping there.
Upon this he said There are some lovers of Allah who are silent
due to the friendship of Allah. They are unaware of anything in
the world and its existing things.
Afterward, he said In the heart in which there is firmness of
friendship, of Allah is there and for him it is expedient that he
should keep the news of the both worlds and if he will not do
that then he is not a true friend of Allah.
Afterward, he said Once he saw Khaja Dawood Tai who
came out of his hut while the closing of his eyes and there was
one Darwesh person who was present in his service. He has said
For the period of 45 years his eyes are closed so that he could
not see anything other than Allah. Because it is not love that
there is friendship with Allah and to see the un-related person.
Afterward, he said He heard from a pious person that on the
day of judgment Allah will command the angels to study the
deed of the pious persons, whether they claimed the friendship
of Allah and they have any link in their hearts with the
unrelated thing. Those are such pious persons who do not have
peace in any work except his friend.
Afterward, he said Khaja Abu Saeed Abul Khair use to say
when Allah wants to make any person His friend then He will
overwhelm His love of Him. And the second time when his
condition will become like that then His friend will bring him in

the lodge of individualism so that he will become eternal there.

Then he said When Arif person contact toward Allah and
then the connection will be established there, then he will
become resident in the destination of the nearness. Upon this
when he will be asked Where you were and what do you
want.?. Then he will reply except for that he was with Allah.
In this situation he said if asked about Afan sharah Allah
sadrau (Who has lighted to his chest) What it is? So in this
matter, it should be said When the sight of Arif will be at
world of Wahidant (unity of Allah) and the majesty of the
providence, then he will become blind so he should not see the
Afterward, he said once he was arrived in Bukhara as a
traveller and where he was seen a person who was very busy in
the worship of Allah, but he was blind person. I have asked him
for how many years he was becoming blind?. He said When
his work was becoming perfect in Wahidaniat (unity of Allah)
and Jalal (majesty) and he was began looking for the greatness
(Azmat) and then one day when he was sitting and his look
was fallen on the un-related thing and he was heard a divine
call in which it was said Oh: claimant you claim of Our love
and you look at the un-related thing and when he was heard this
call he was become ashamed in the matter and he could not say
anything. So he prayed in the court of Allah that the eye, which
was seen the un-related thing should become blind and even this
conversation was continued and I was becoming a blind person
of two eyes.
Afterward, he said When Allah created Prophet Adam
(A.S.) and asked him to pray. It means to stay in the prayer.
And take care of the heart in the company and the soul should
take a rest in the destination of nearness and head to get a union.

This is the reason of the creation of the mankind with Allah.

Upon this he said When a pious person of the mystic way
used to put his head in the prostration then he used to pray to
raise him blind on the day of judgement. When he asked the
reason, then he said The person who sees his friend and for him
it is not good to look over the un-related thing on the day of
Afterward the discussion was started about Darweshi
(mysticism). He said The name of Darweshi (mysticism) is that
whoever will come to see him, then he should give him
something and he should not leave without getting anything
from him. If he will be hunger, then he will be provided with
food. If he will be in the nake condition then the fine dress
will be given to him. So he will not give permission to anybody
to go without empty hands. After asking the condition of needy
person then that persons help should be done.

The pious person will not return with empty hands

He said, Once Khaja Haruni and one Darwesh person were

travelling together. We found Sheikh Bahauddin Bakhtiar Oushi
a great pious person of his time. In his shrine there was a rule
that every visitor will not go without empty hands. If anybody
will be in the naked condition then he will use to give him a
fine dress and still the process of giving the dress continues,
then by an invisible source at such time the same extra dress
used to come there.
So I spent some days in his presence. His first advise which
was given me was that Whatever we get should be given on the
way of Allah and should not be kept even one penny with us so
that to get the friendship of Allah.

He said Oh: Darwesh one who got grace only by the

above reason. Then he said one event that There was one
Darwesh who was very poor and but his habit was that whatever
he used to get from the amount of victories, then he will use to
distribute that amount among the Darwesh persons and he use
to live in his house. Once two Darwesh saints visited him and
asked him water. The Darwesh came from the inside of his
house with two breads of barley and with a pot of water because
they were hungry. Both of them ate the bread and drank water.
While looking each other they said The Derwish person was
doing his work and now we should do our work.One of them
said He should be given the world and other said due to the
world he will be misguided. The other Darwesh replied the
Darwesh are people of generosity so they should be given this
world instead of the other world. They prayed for him and left
from that place. Then the Derwish was becoming a perfect man
and in his public kitchen there were 1,000 Maunds of food was
cooked daily and which was provided to the mankind.
Afterward, he said The lover is that person on the way of
love and who should leave his heart of the two worlds. It
means he should not take an interest in the two worlds.

The four meanings of the love

Afterwards Khaja Saheb told there are four meanings of the

love are there which is mentioned as follows.

First in the remembrance of Allah to be happy by his heart and

Second, to think the remembrance of Haq (truth) as a great

Third to disconnect the relations of the world.

Fourth on his condition and besides all others conditions he
should weep as there is instruction in this matter in the holy
Quran Qul an kana abawakum wa abanwakum wa aqwanakum
wa azwajukum alaq and it is the quality of the lovers is that
their love should be sacrificed for this meaning and they should
pass from the following four places of love, knowledge,
modesty and respect.
Then he said In the love that person is truly one who
disconnect with his father, kith and kins and get the relation of
Allah and his prophet. So the lover is that person who follows
the orders of the Quran and he should be true in the friendship of
Haq (truth).
Afterward, he said The sacrifice of the lovers is indifferent
to all other things except for the of love Allah. The sacrifice of
Majnoon (desperate in love) is not disclosing his desire.
Afterward, he said Once Rabia of Basra was asked who is
Arif person.? She said One who will turn down the world and
whatever he posses should be spent in the way of Allah.
Afterward, he said The quality of the lover is that he
should possess the sincerity in the love. Then he said In the
world the best thing is to sit with the Darwesh person and
should disclose whatever he has in his heart to a fellow
Darwesh person and discuss with him all details clearly. And the
worse thing is that the Darwesh person should live separately
from another Darwesh person. If such condition prevails, then
there will be no Marafat (knowledge of Allah) with him.
Afterward, he said The friendship of Allah is created by
leaving such things which Allah thinks His enemy so one should
have enmity with those things e.g. the world and the soul.
Afterward, he said When Arif person will become perfect.?

At that time when the speech is not available in between and it

will happen that either friend live or he.?
Afterward, he said with his tongue In Arif person, that
person is truly one who does not possess anything with him or
he does not belong to anybody.
Afterward, he said Once Khaja Salman Muhib was
discussing about love and at that time one bird came there and
sat on his head. For the few times his beak touched him and
then the bird sat on his hand and after that the bird sat on his
armpit and at last she sat on the earth. Due to touching of the
beak on the earth by a few times the blood discharge was
started from her beak and she was falling down to the earth and
When Khaja Sahib was finished the above benefits, then
myself and all other persons left the meeting place.

The trust of Arif persons

On the Wednesday I was blessed with the wealth of kissing

the feet of the Sheikh. Maulana Bahauddin who was a man of
exegesis, Sheikh Ohud Kirmai and some other Darwesh persons
were present there in the meeting place. The discussion about
the trust of Arif persons was started. He told by holy tongue
The trust of Arif persons is that they should not have trust other
than Allah and should not pay attention to other things.
Then he said In reality Mutwakil (resigned to will of the
Allah) is such person, one who will not desire of the help from
the creations or complaint about the difficulties nor disclose its
Afterwards he said Angel Gabriel said to prophet Ibrahim

(A.S.) what he is needed?. He said Not from you. Because he

was out of the connection with his soul, but he was got
observation of innermost with Allah.
Afterwards he said For the people of trust during the
fondness of divine lights, there will come one time and at that
time if they will break into pieces or hurt by the sword or there
will be grief or sorrow which will reach for them but they will
not know in this matter.
Afterwards he said The people of trust will have such trust
on Haq (truth) so they will live in the condition of surprise in
the world of intoxication.
Afterwards he said When Khaja Junaid of Baghdad was
asked who is Arif person.? He said One who disconnect from
the following three things.
1. Ilim (knowledge)
2. Action
3.Khilwat (closet)
When there was a call of Asa Adam was heard, then all
things wept on the condition of Adam except the gold and
silver. Allah asked them, Why they have not wept.? They said
The one who is not obedient to You so for him we will not
weep. Allah said By swearing in the name of His respect and
majestic that your value and whatever is there with you will be
shown to them and We will make them your servant.
Afterwards he said When the lover will claim for the
kingdom, then he will be degraded from the status of love.
Afterwards on this situation he said The love is the claim
of the faithfulness with the union and Hurmat Batil it means
the observation of indigence is like such a friend which take care
of the soul, ears and head in the obligatory prayers.

What is the willingness of the love.?

Afterwards he said Once Junaid of Baghdad asked about the

willingness of the love.? He said If the seven hells will be put
on his right hand with their greatness and horror, then he should
not say to put on his left hand.
Upon this, on this situation he said The first thing which
was made obligatory for the human beings is Marafat (the
knowledge of Allah) Wama Khalaqtul Jinna Wal Insa Illa li-
yabudoon. We have created Jinn and human beings for our
Afterwards he said Allah due to his wisdom is kept
something concealed in other things.
Upon this he said In the secrets of pious persons it was
written that when Allah will give re-birth the friends due to His
light and Tajaliat (divine light) then they will behave that
observation which was enabled to holy Prophet of Allah.
Because Allah is without tongue, without soul, without place,
without direction. For this reason the prophet of Allah was
describing the attributes of Allah as explained as follows.
So with the help of Allah and through Allah, he got eternity of
time and space because he got lost in the attributes of Allah and
became free from time and space.

The true lover

Afterward, he said On the day of judgment Amanna WA

sadaqana. Doubtless we believe in and testify to the truth and
which will make the lovers as true lovers. If there will
questioned whether there will be the lover among those lovers

who claim to the love?. But if one he could not prove his
truthfulness, then he will be become regret in this matter. And
he will not able to show his face among the lovers and at that
time there will be divine call will be heard in which it will be
said, The lover was not among true lovers so he should be
taken out from them.
Upon this he said by his holy tongue that The people of love
are those people who will hear only the talk of the friend. As
per Hadith (saying) of the holy prophet Al-hadith al-qalbi
rabbi. It means the hearts of the lovers will hear only the talk of
Afterwards he said When the person of love will die then he
will be forgiven immediately.
Upon this he said He was seen one Daresweh person who
was dying in the jungle and he was laughing there. He asked
him You are dead, but why you are laughing. He said It was
the willingness of the love of Allah.
Afterward, he said about this situation The heart is one
which should be such that it should be temporary as per his
condition, but it should be eternal in the observation of the
friendliest and Allah should be overpowering on his actions and
he should not have confidence in himself and so he will have no
consistency up to the empyrean.
He said Once Malik Bin Dinar was asked how is doing the
service of the friends of Allah? He said One who does service
of the friends of Allah, then he will be get sure of the union.
Afterwards he said When Rabia of Basra was asked
Which is the best action among all actions.? She said To
spend out his schedule of the timings in the remembrance of
One who claimed for his piousness and in which, if there will

be find his desire, then he is a liar person.

In the claim of the love such person is brave one who is
ignoring his wish and so he should opt for the desire of Haq
(truth). Then at that time he will be deserved to become the
friend of Allah. If at that time Allah will tell him his friend then
he should reply of slavery only. Because there is no name of
lovers or reply or custom is there in this matter.
Afterward, he said He was heard by Khaja Haruni that the
lovers will not pay attention towards un-related except the
friend. Because one who feel will happiness without the friend
then he will face grief because he is not happy with the service
of the friend and he is having the wilderness with all other
things. One who will not have love with the friend and he will
become insignificant.
Afterward, he said The Arif is such person when he will
wake up in the morning and he does not know about the night.
Afterward Khaja Saheb began weeping and said, Oh:
careless to start the preparation of the provisions for a journey
which is expected it means death. Upon this he said, The group
of love is a such group and there is no veil in between them and
Afterward, he said, In the love Arif is such person and who
will not feel anything strange. Because the acceptance of the
claim is not there for one thing and which is given by his hand in
this matter.
Upon this he said, The best time is that then there will no
doubt and thought is not there in the heart and there will be
freedom of the persons. Upon this he said, Those who are
given love are also given indigence and wilderness so that they
become not attracted towards the world.
Afterwards he said, The Arif person say the belief is in

place of light with which the man is enlighten then he will attain
the status and perfection of Majnu (desperately in love) and
pious persons.

The originality of the man

Afterward, he said, The man is made up of water and earth

and if there is water is overwhelming in him then if he will with
pleasure and mystical exercise, then he will look the grace of
Allah with pride, then he will not become successful in this
matter and if the earth is overwhelming in one person then he
will become a pious person at the time of hardness and he will
become suitable for any work.
Afterward, he said, When Allah wants to create the cloud
then mix all the colours and all tastes. Then he mixed all the
colours so the colour of the water is created and when all tests
are mixed, then the taste of the water is created. With the
drinking of water we will get our lives, but we do not know its
taste. Everything is getting its life due to water only.
Afterward, one Darwesh person who was present in the
meeting asked who was Majnu (desperately in love)? He said,
One who will become nothing in the beginning of love and
who will get lost in the second and third stages. He asked,
What is mortal and eternal? He said, The mortal and eternal
is Haq (truth) and the eternal is for the eternal of Haq (truth)
and the mortal is for mortal of the soul. He asked, What is
Tajrid (abstract)?. He said, To keep the attributes of the
beloved in the mind is called Tajrid. So it is said, One who
will love Him, then he will become his ears and eyes.
Upon this he said, In Multan, he was heard by one pious
person that there are three kinds of repentance of the lovers are

as follows.
1. Regret
2. To leave sins
3. To keep oneself away from cruelty and hostility.
Afterward he said, The Knowledge is such thing which is
comprehending and Maraft (knowledge of Allah) is its part. So
where is Allah and where is the man and this knowledge is with
Allah only and who knows well about these two things.
Afterward he said, Unless the head of the Arif is not become
pure, then any action is not become clear.
Then he said, To whom He will keep as his friend then on
him, He will send the calamities on his head.There are three
things in the true repentance are as follows.
1. To eat less for the fasting
2. To sleepless for the sincerity
3. To less talk for the supplication
From the first thing there will be fear and from the second
and third things there will be created the love. So under fear it
comes to leave the sins so that there will be salvaged from the
fire. Under hope it comes for sincerity which makes it possible
to get a position in the paradise and to get a perpetual life there.
Under the subject of love there is a exertion in thinking is
required so that to enable to get willingness of Haq (truth). He
said, In the love Arif is such person who will not keep his
friend except for the remembrance (Zikar) of Allah.
When Khaja Saheb explained the above details then he began
weeping and he said, Now I start my journey to such a place
where he will be buried. It means he goes to Ajmare city in
India. At that time Ajmare was populated with full of Hindu
persons and there was no propagation of Islam in Ajmare. When
the holy feet of Khaja Saheb were reached there then there was

very much progress and the propagation of Islam in Ajmare

was found that it is limitless.

The angel of the death

On the Thrusday I blessed by kissing the feet of Khaja

Saheb and this is the last meeting in the grand mosque of
Ajmare and the following persons were present there at the
meeting place.
1.Darwesh persons
2. The pious persons
3. Disciples
The discussion about the angel of death was in progress. He
was told by his holy tongue, that Without the angel of death the
value of the world is less than the grains of barley. When asked
why.? Because in the saying of holy last prophet of Allah it is
mentioned Al-maut jasar yuwasal al-habeeb ela al-habeeb. It
means the death is a pathway which will make meeting of the
friend with his friend. Or meeting of two friends.
He then said The friend is that person one who should
remember his friend by his heart because the hearts are created
for the friends only. Specially, it was created that it should
circumambulation around the empyrean. As per saying of
Allah Oh: my slave when your remembrance of Allah (Zikar)
is overwhelming for you then I will become your friend. It
means you are loved by Me.
Afterwards he said The Arif is like the sun, which shines the
world and nothing is left without its light. After explaining the
above benefits Khaja Saheb began weeping and he said He
was going on the journey to the place where he will be buried

there. In a few days I leave from this place. At that time Sheikh
Ali Sanjari was present there. He was given orders To write a
testimonial of caliphate and to be given to Sheikh Bakhtiar Kaki
so that he should proceed to Delhi. Because we have given him
caliphate and that place (Delhi) is belongs to him.
When that certificate was finished with him so it was given to
me. So I was paying respect to him. So he was ordered me to
come close to him. When I went near to him then he was put on
a turban and a cap on my head and he gave me also the staff of
Khaja Usman Haruni and put on the waistcoat to me. Also a
holy book of Quran and prayer mat was given by him. And he
said All these things which belongs to the holy prophet of
Allah are coming in the chain of the pious personalities in
Chistia (name of Muslim mystical school) order as custody.
We are sending you with all these things. In the same way our
ancestors were given these things to us. So you also forward
these things and fulfil its duties properly so that we will not be
ashamed before the Khajgans (masters) of Chistia order on the
day of judgment.
I have paid respect to Khaja Saheb. Khaja Saheb prayed
two Rakat Nafil (supererogatory) prayers and told me To go I
have surrendered to Allah and I have taken you to the
destination with respect.

Four fine Jewels.

There are four fine Jewels

Afterward, he said There are four things which are as called

fine jewels which are as follows.
First the Derwesh who should declare himself as a wealthy

Secondly the hungry person who should show himself as full of
Third the sad person who should proclaim himself as a happy
Fourth with an enemy one should look to him as his friend.

Afterward, he said The status of people of love is so great

that if he will ask whether he was performed the night prayer,
then he should say that there is no time with him. We will run
all-around the angel of death and where he goes from there we
will catch him.
Khaja Saheb was explaining the above details and I was
wanting to kiss his feet and leave the meeting place. Because he
belongs to the category of pious persons so he was able to
know my intention and asked me to come near to him. So I
stood and put my head on his feet. After reciting Sura Fateha,
Khaja Saheb said Do not become sad and like dead. So I have
paid respect to him and came back to Delhi.
When I reached in Delhi then all leaders and pious persons
came to visit me there. When I reached back to Delhi and forty
days were passed. I have received the news that twenty days
after my departure from Ajmare city Khaja Saheb left this
mortal world.
On that night with a broken heart while sitting on the prayer
mat I was sleeping there and was seen Khaja Saheb was
standing in the land of the empyrean of Allah. I put my head on
his feet and asked him about his affairs?. He said Allah
forgave him and he was allotted place near cherubs (angels)
and residents of the empyrean and he will stay there.


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