Nursing Diagnosis: Chronic Pain Related To Tissue Distension by
Nursing Diagnosis: Chronic Pain Related To Tissue Distension by
Nursing Diagnosis: Chronic Pain Related To Tissue Distension by
Nursing Diagnosis:
Acute pain related to inflammation and infection of the urethra as
evidenced by complaints of abdominal pain and discomfort when
urinating. Clinicial lab tests from an MSU shows presence bacteria E.
1. Assess pain, noting location, intensity (scale of 0-10), and
duration (rationalte: to provide information to aid in
determining choice or effectiveness of interventions)
2. Encourage increased fluid intake (rationale: increased
hydration flushes bacteria and toxins)
3. Investigate report of bladder fullness (rationale: urinary
retention may develop, causing tissue distension - bladder or
kidney and potentiates risk for further infection)
4. Monitor urine colour changes, odour, input/output volume and
5. Provide comfort measure such as helping pt. assume position
of comfort. Suggest use of relxation technique and deep
breathing exercises (rationale: promotes relaxation, refocuses
attention and may enhance coping abilities)
6. Administer anti-bacterial as prescribed (rationale: reduces
bacteria present in urinary tract)
7. Discuss the importance of good hygiene, to wipe from front to
back and to wash hands thoroughly after toileting.
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