Sword of Destruction

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This technique gains its name, in part,
from the powerful action of your last
strike. The shape of the hand (natural
weapon) resembles that of a sword. It
also has to do with Destruction
referencing the left side of the body
within Kenpo terminology.

In the Ideal Phase of this technique,
the attack is from the front. Your
opponent starts from a right Fighting
Stance, and proceeds to step forward
with his left leg while delivering a left
roundhouse punch to your head.

This technique teaches us to apply
the theme of Delayed Sword on the
inside of either arm.

1. While standing naturally, step back with your left foot toward
6:00 into a right Neutral Bow Stance (facing 12:00), as you
simultaneously execute a right extended outward block to the inner
forearm of your opponents left punch. Your left hand should be in a
Positional Check, covering your solar plexus.
2. Immediately slide your right foot back into a Cat Stance.
3. Without hesitation, deliver a right front snap ball-kick to your
opponents groin. (Your kick should cause your opponent to bend
forward at the waist.)
4. Plant your right foot forward inside of your opponents left leg
into a right Neutral Bow (facing 12:00), and while employing
Marriage of Gravity, execute a right inward handsword strike to the
left side of your opponents neck. (Such action should cause your
opponent to fall to the ground.)
5. Immediately snap your right hand back to the left shoulder of
your opponent to act as a check.
6. Perform a right Front Crossover and Cover Out toward 6:00.


What If ?

Technique Notes:

The opponents punch is:

This technique is almost a Mirror Image of Delayed Sword. Please

take special note of the footwork.

a hooking punch
a straight punch
a punch that travels on a different
a punch that seeks a different target
The attack is an attempted bear hug
from the front.
The attack is a high left roundhouse
The attack is a low left roundhouse

Be aware of the possibility that your opponents groin may not be

open. Formulate other significant alternatives to this situation.
Observe how the attitude of your attacking partner aects your
response. Remedy each response accordingly. Learn to do this and
you are well on your way to uncovering the merits of Tailoring.
Build spontaneity by having your partner vary his attacks:
1. Right hand (grab, push, or punch), and then left hand (straight or
roundhouse punch). Respond to these variables with a right inward
block followed by a right extended outward block. With each block,
utilize a left Positional Check.
2. Left hand (straight or roundhouse punch), and then right hand
(attempted grab, push or punch). Respond to these variables with a
right extended outward block followed by a right inward block.
With each block, utilize a left Positional Check.
This method of practice will help you internalize the concept that
the same hand may easily be used to defend on the inside of
alternating punches, etc.
When practicing defense with the same hand on the inside of your
opponents arms, follow up with sequences from either Delayed
Sword or Sword of Destruction. The practice of blending these two
techniques in the manner described will help you to internalize rapid
responses to rapidly changing situations.


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