Total Tugas Presentasi 1 Kelas

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Electric Circuit

An electrical circuit is a set of elements or electrical components which

interconnected in a certain way and have at least one closed path. Electrical circuit can be
divided into three types, that is series, parallel and mixed (series and parallel). Series circuit is
a circuit that is arranged without branching, for example, installation of which conventional
flashlight batteries (regular). Parallel circuit is a circuit that is arranged in a branched, for
example, the installation of lights in the houses. While the parallel series circuit (mixed) is
the incorporation of series and parallel. This is usually applied in many vehicles, for
example, the sein circuit (riting lights). Therefore, the electrical circuit is very useful for
daily life.

Rangkaian Listrik
Rangkaian listrik adalah Suatu kumpulan elemen atau komponen listrik yang saling
dihubungkan dengan cara tertentu dan setidaknya memiliki satu lintasan tertutup.
Rangkaian listrik dapat dibedakan menjadi tiga macam rangkaian yaitu seri, paralel dan
campuran (seri dan paralel). Rangkaian seri adalah rangkaian yang disusun tanpa
percabangan, contohnya pemasangan baterai senter yang konvensional ( biasa ). Rangkaian
paralel adalah rangkaian yang disusun secara bercabang, misalnya(misal penerapannya
dalam) pemasangan lampu di rumah-rumah. sedangkan rangkaian seri pararel (campuran)
adalah penggabungan dari rangkaian seri dan pararel biasanya rangkaian ini banyak di
terapkan di kendaraan bermotor.contoh rangkaian sein ( lampu riting ). Maka dari itu,
rangkaian listrik sangat berguna bagi kehidupan sehari hari.


Topic sentence

An electrical circuit is a set of elements or
electrical components which interconnected in a
certain way and have at least one closed path

Controlling sentence

Electrical circuit can be divided into three

types, that is series, parallel and mixed (series
and parallel

Supporting sentence

Series circuit is a circuit that is arranged

without branching...

Concluding sentence

Therefore, the electrical circuit is very useful

for daily life.

Lever is constructed from a beam attached(melekatkan) to ground by a hinge(engsel), or
fulcrum(titik tumpu). Lever are divided into three classes according to the way the load and effort
arms are arranged around the fulcrum. First class lever can be identify by the fulcrum lies
between the force arm and the load arm. When the fulcrum is midway between the effort and
the load, there is no change in force, speed or distance, for example a car jack, a pair of
pliers, a pair of scissors, and a water pump. Second class levers can be identfy by the load
arm lies between the fulcrum and the force arm, for example wheelbarrow, the axle of the
wheel serves as the fulcrum, the handles are the effort arm, and the load is carried by the
bucket part of the wheel barrow. And the third class levers can be identfy by the effort arm
lies between the fulcrum and the load arm. Because of this arrangement, a relatively large
force is required to move the load. For example a hockey stick or a baseball bat is swung,
the elbow acts as a fulcrum in both cases(kedua kasus) and the hands provide the force (hence the
lower arm becomes part of the lever). The load (the puck or the ball) is moved at the end of
the stick or bat. So that, lever has three variations of class.










Topic sentence
Controlling sentences

Lever is constructed from a beam attached to ground

by a hinge, or fulcrum
Lever are divided into three classes according to the

Supporting sentences

Conclude sentences

way the load and effort arms are arranged around the
First class lever can be identify by the fulcrum lies
between the force arm and the load arm. When the
fulcrum is midway between the effort and the load,
there is no change in force, speed or distance, for
example a car jack, a pair of pliers, a pair of scissors,
and a water pump. Second class levers can be identfy
by the load arm lies between the fulcrum and the force
arm, for example wheelbarrow, the axle of the wheel
serves as the fulcrum, the handles are the effort arm,
and the load is carried by the bucket part of the wheel
barrow. And the third class levers can be identfy by
the effort arm lies between the fulcrum and the load
arm. Because of this arrangement, a relatively large
force is required to move the load. For example a
hockey stick or a baseball bat is swung, the elbow acts
as a fulcrum in both cases and the hands provide the
force (hence the lower arm becomes part of the lever).
The load (the puck or the ball) is moved at the end of
the stick or bat
So that, lever has three variations of class.

Pengungkit atau tuas dibentuk dari balok atau sorotan yang meringankan pekerjaan berat,
karena adanya engsel, atau titik tumpu. Pengungkit dibagi menjadi tiga kelas sesuai dengan cara
beban dan kuasa ditempatkan di sekitar titik tumpu. Pengungkit kelas pertama adalah ketika titik
tumpu terletak di antara kuasa dan beban. Ketika titik tumpu berada di tengah-tengah antara kuasa dan
beban, tidak ada perubahan tenaga, kecepatan atau jarak, misalnya dongkrak mobil, sepasang tang,
gunting, dan pompa air. Pengungkit kelas kedua adalah ketika beban terletak di antara titik tumpu dan
kuasa, contohnya pada gerobak roda satu, poros roda berfungsi sebagai titik tumpu, pegangan
adalah kuasa, dan beban dilakukan antara dua di bagian ember gerobak. Dan tuas kelas ketiga adalah
ketika kuasa terletak di antara titik tumpu dan beban. Karena pengaturan ini, kekuatan relatif besar
diperlukan untuk memindahkan beban. Misalnya tongkat hoki atau tongkat baseball saat diayunkan,
siku bertindak sebagai titik tumpu dan tangan memberikan kuasa (lengan bawah menjadi bagian
dari tuas). Beban (keping atau bola) berada pada sepanjang tongkat atau alat pemukul hingga ujung.
Jadi, tuas memiliki tiga variasi kelas.

Mesin sederhana adalah sebuah alat yang digunakan untuk memudahkan pekerjaan manusia. Mesin
sederhana merupakan alat mekanis yang bertujuan untuk mengubah arah atau besarnya kekuatan,
melipatgandakan kemampuan suatu gaya, dan memperbesar kecepatan. Mesin sederhana dapat dibagi menjadi
tiga jenis, yaitu tuas, bidang miring, dan katrol. Yang pertama yaitu tuas, tuas merupakan mesin sederhana
yang terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu beban, titik tumpu, dan kuasa. Alat-alat yang menggunakan prinsip tuas
contohnya Gunting, mesin tik, jungkat-jungkit, gerobak roda satu, pembuka kaleng, penjepit es, sekop,
linggis dan stapler. Kemudian yang kedua bidang miring, bidang miring adalah mesin sederhana yang berbentuk
bidang datar dimana salah satu ujungnya berada pada posisi yang lebih tinggi, misalnya baji, sekrup, pahat,
paku dan baut. lalu yang ketiga yaitu katrol, katrol merupakan mesin sederhana yang terdiri dari roda yang
dililitkan tali pada tepinya yang dapat berputar pada porosnya, contohnya kerekan bendera, kerekan sumur
timba. Ketiga jenis mesin sederhana tadi merupakan alat-alat yang digunakan manusia untuk memudahkan
pekerjaannya. Maka dari itu, secara umum, mesin sederhana ini dapat didefinisikan sebagai mekanisme paling
sederhana yang memberikan keuntungan mekanis.
Simple machine is a tool which is used to facilitate the work of human. Simple machine is a
mechanical device which is purpose to change the direction or magnitude of force, make the capability of a
force is doubled, and magnify the speed. Simple machines can be divided into three types, that is, the lever,
incline plane, and pulley.The first is lever, the lever is a simple machine that consists of three parts, that is the
load, fulcrum and power. Tools that use the principle of the lever such as, scissors, typewriter, a seesaw,
wheelbarrows, can opener, ice tongs, shovels, crowbars and stapler. Then the second is incline plane, the
incline plane is a simple machine which is flat plane form, where one end is at a higher position, such as wedge,
screw, chisels, nails and bolts. And the third is a pulley, the pulley is a simple machine that consist of a wheel
which is wrapped around by the rope on the edge that can spin on its axis, for example, hoist flag, hoist bucket
well. This three types of simple machine are the tools which is used by human to facilitate their work.
Therefore, in general, this simple machine can be defined as the simplest mechanism that gives mechanical

Type sentences
Topic sentences


Controlling sentences


Support sentences


Conclude sentences

Simple machine is a tool which is used to facilitate
the work of human.
Simple machine is a mechanical device which is
purpose to change the direction or magnitude of
force, make the capability of a force is doubled,
and magnify the speed.
Simple machines can be divided into three types,
that is, the lever, incline plane, and pulley.The first
is lever, the lever is a simple machine that consists
of three parts, that is the load, fulcrum and power.
Tools that use the principle of the lever such as,
scissors, typewriter,a seesaw wheelbarrows, can
opener, ice tongs, shovels, crowbars and stapler.
Then the second is incline plane, the incline plane
is a simple machine which is flat plane form, where
one end is at a higher position, such as wedge,
screw, chisels, nails and bolts. And the third is a
pulley, the pulley is a simple machine that consist
of a wheel which is wrapped around by therope on
the edge that can spin on its axis, for example, hoist
flag, hoist bucket well. This three types of simple
machine are the tools which is used by human to
facilitate their work.
Therefore, in general, this simple machine can be
defined as the simplest mechanism that gives
mechanical advantage.

Light refraction (refraction)

Refraction of light is a deviation or a deflection of light caused by two media whose optical densities
are different. Direction of light refraction is classified into two kinds, i.e. approaching the normal line and away
from the normal line. Light is refracted near normal line if the light propagates from the less dense optical
medium to the denser one, e.g. light travels from air into water. Light is refracted away from the normal line
when the light propagates from the denser optical medium to the less dense optical medium, e.g. light
propagates from water into air. The conditions of the refraction of light is when light passes through two media
whose optical densities are different and is perpendicular to the boundary plane (the angle of incidence is less
than 900). Some examples of refraction often found in daily life are that a pool looks shallower when viewed
from above, minus glasses (negative) or plus (positive) glasses can make a clear vision for people with
nearsightedness ((hypermetrope)) or farsightedness (miope) because there is a refraction and a rainbow after
raining. Thus, the refraction of light will occur if light passes through two optical densities are different.
Pembiasan Cahaya (Refraksi)
Pembiasan cahaya adalah peristiwa penyimpangan atau pembelokan cahaya karena melalui dua
medium yang berbeda kerapatan optiknya. Arah pembiasan cahaya dibedakan menjadi dua macam yaitu,
mendekati garis normal dan menjauhi garis normal. Cahaya dibiaskan mendekati garis normal jika cahaya
merambat dari medium optik kurang rapat ke medium optik lebih rapat, contohnya cahaya merambat dari udara
ke dalam air. Cahaya dibiaskan menjauhi garis normal jika cahaya merambat dari medium optik lebih rapat ke
medium optik kurang rapat, contohnya cahaya merambat dari dalam air ke udara. Syarat-syarat terjadinya
pembiasan adalah cahaya melalui dua medium yang berbeda kerapatan optiknya dan cahaya datang tidak tegak
lurus terhadap bidang batas (sudut datang lebih kecil dari 900). Beberapa contoh gejala pembiasan yang sering
dijumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari diantaranya; dasar kolam terlihat lebih dangkal bila dilihat dari atas,
kacamata minus (negatif) atau kacamata plus (positif) dapat membuat jelas pandangan bagi penderita rabun
jauh atau rabun dekat karena adanya pembiasan dan terjadinya pelangi setelah turun hujan. Jadi, pembiasan
cahaya akan terjadi jika melalui dua kerapatan yang berbeda.

Light refraction (refraction)

Refraction of light is a deviation or a deflection of light caused by two media whose optical densities
are different. Direction of light refraction is classified into two kinds, i.e. approaching the normal line and away
from the normal line. Light is refracted near normal line if the light propagates from the less dense optical
medium to the denser one, e.g. light travels from air into water. Light is refracted away from the normal line
when the light propagates from the denser optical medium to the less dense optical medium, e.g. light
propagates from water into air. The conditions of the refraction of light is when light passes through two media
whose optical densities are different and is perpendicular to the boundary plane (the angle is less than 900).
Some examples of refraction often found in daily life are that a pool looks shallower when viewed from above,
minus glasses (negative) or plus (positive) glasses can make a clear vision for people with nearsightedness or
farsightedness because there is a refraction and a rainbow after raining. Thus, the refraction of light will occur
if light passes through two optical densities are different.



Reflection of Light
Reflection of light is an event on the light propagation direction of the return reflector.
As we know, the reflection of light is divided into two, they are regular reflection and diffuse
reflection. Regular reflection happened when parallel rays fall on a smooth or flat surface so
that the beam will be reflected parallel and one direction. For example, reflection of light on
flat mirror. The reflected light forms a regular pattern. While at the diffuse reflection
happened when parallel rays fall on a rough surface so that the beam will be reflected in any
direction with the reflected beam which spread. For example, reflection of light on the water.
Because of diffuse reflection, we can see the objects from any directions. So, reflection of
light is not only reflected regularly but also diffusely.

Pemantulan Cahaya
Pemantulan cahaya adalah peristiwa pengembalian arah rambat cahaya pada reflektor.
Seperti yang kita ketahui, pemantulan cahaya terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu pemantulan teratur dan
pemantulan baur. Pemantulan teratur terjadi jika berkas sinar sejajar jatuh pada permukaan
halus atau rata sehingga berkas sinar tersebut akan dipantulkan sejajar dan searah. Contohnya,
pemantulan cahaya pada cermin datar. Cahaya dipantulkan membentuk pola teratur. Sedangkan
pemantulan baur terjadi jika sinar sejajar jatuh pada permukaan kasar atau tidak rata sehingga
berkas sinar tersebut akan dipantulkan ke segala arah dengan berkas sinar pantul yang
menyebar. Contohnya, pemantulan cahaya pada air. Akibat pemantulan baur ini kita dapat melihat
benda dari berbagai arah. Jadi, pemantulan cahaya tidak hanya dipantulkan secara teratur tetapi
juga secara baur.
A topic sentence

Reflection of light is an event on the light

propagation direction of the return reflector.

Supporting sentence + excample

As we know, the reflection of light is divided

into two, they are regular reflection and
diffuse reflection. Regular reflection happened
when parallel rays fall on a smooth or flat
surface so that the beam will be reflected
parallel and one direction. For example,
reflection of light on flat mirror.
While at the diffuse reflection happened when
parallel rays fall on a rough surface so that the
beam will be reflected in any direction with the
reflected beam which spread. For example,
reflection of light on the water.

A concluding sentence

So, reflection of light is not only reflected

regularly but also diffusely.

Force Causing Change of Object

Force can cause changes of the objects which are come into contact with it. Intuitively, the force is
described as a pull or push. The pull or push can give influence in the form of changes of objects
position, speed, direction of motion, and shape. For example of the change of position, when a person
pushing a cart, which means that person pushing force on it, then the cart is moving. If the cart was
driven faster, the movement of the cart will be faster. That is the example when the force causes
change of the objects speed. Similarly, for example when the wind pushes the door to shut, then we
hold by pulling the door so the door stop of the movement and return to its original position. That is
the example of the change of objects direction of motion which is come into contact with the force.
Other examples such as when our hand make various forms of clay, without realized by us, our hand
produce pull and push which are in the form of pressure to form a clay, and many other examples.
From these examples we can conclude that the force can cause changes in objects, which are change
of position, change of speed, change of direction of motion, and change of objects shape.
Gaya Menyebabkan Perubahan pada Benda
Gaya dapat menyebabkan perubahan-perubahan pada benda yang dikenainya. Secara intuisi, gaya
digambarkan sebagai tarikan atau dorongan. Dorongan atau tarikan tersebut dapat memberikan
pengaruh berupa perubahan terhadap posisi, kecepatan, arah gerak, dan bentuk benda. Pada perubahan
posisi contohnya ketika seseorang mendorong sebuah gerobak, maka sama saja orang tersebut
mendesakkan gaya di atasnya, kemudian gerobak tersebut bergerak. Jika gerobak didorong lebih
kencang, maka gerakan gerobak menjadi lebih cepat. Hal itu merupakan contoh ketika gaya
menyebabkan perubahan kecepatan pada benda. Begitu pula misalnya ketika sebuah angin mendorong
pintu untuk menutup, kemudian kita menahan dengan menarik pintu sehingga pintu berhenti dari
pergerakannya dan kembali pada posisi semula. Hal tersebut merupakan contoh dari perubahan arah
gerak dari benda yang dikenai gaya. Contoh lain misalnya ketika tangan kita membuat berbagai
bentuk dari plastisin, tanpa kita sadari tangan kita menghasilkan tarikan dan dorongan berupa tekanan
untuk membentuk plastisin, dan masih banyak lagi contoh yang lain. Dari beberapa contoh tersebut
dapat kita simpulkan bahwa gaya dapat menyebabkan perubahan pada benda, yaitu perubahan
posisi, perubahan kecepatan, perubahan arah gerak, dan perubahan bentuk benda.
Analysis of the Paragraph
Main idea
contact with it

: Force can cause changes of the objects which are come into

Controlling idea
: Intuitively, the force is described as a pull or push. The pull or push
can give influence in the form of changes of objects position, speed, direction of motion, and shape.
Support sentence (include example)
: For example of the change of position, when a person
pushing a cart, which means that person pushing force on it, then the cart is moving. If the cart was
driven faster, the movement of the cart will be faster. That is the example when the force causes
change of the objects speed. Similarly, for example when the wind pushes the door to shut, then we
hold by pulling the door so the door stop of the movement and return to its original position. That is
the example of the change of objects direction of motion which is come into contact with the force.
Other examples such as when our hand make various forms of clay, without realized by us, our hand
produce pull and push which are in the form of pressure to form a clay, and many other examples.
: From these examples we can conclude that the force can
cause changes in objects, which are change of position, change of speed, change of direction of
motion, and change of objects shape.

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