Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Mathematical Problem Solving Implications of Using Different Forms of Assessment

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The Journal of Experimental Education

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Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Mathematical

Problem Solving: Implications of Using Different
Forms of Assessment
Frank Pajares & M. David Miller
To cite this article: Frank Pajares & M. David Miller (1997) Mathematics Self-Efficacy and
Mathematical Problem Solving: Implications of Using Different Forms of Assessment, The
Journal of Experimental Education, 65:3, 213-228, DOI: 10.1080/00220973.1997.9943455
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The Journal of Experimental Mucation, 1997,65(3),213-228

Mathematics Self-Efficacy and

Mathematical Problem Solving:
Implications of Using Different
Forms of Assessment
Emory University
University of Florida

ABSTRACT. The mathematics self-efficacyand problem-solving performanceof 327

middle-school students were assessed using two forms of assessment (traditional
multiple-choice vs. open-ended fill-in-the-blank). The purpose was to determine
whether varying the assessmentformat would influence students self-efficacyjudgments or alter the relationship between self-efficacyand performance. No differences
in self-efficacy resulted from the difPerent forms of assessment. Students who took
the multiple-choice performance test obtained higher scores than did students who
took the open-ended test.The latter group had poorer calibration, that is, the degree
to which studentsjudgments of their capability reflect their actual competence. This
finding suggests that students self-perceptionsof their mathematics capability may
be less accurate than has previously been reported or that studentsfamiliarity with
traditional assessment formats creates an expectancy of a performance task that is
multiple choice in nature; this expectancyinfluencesself-efficacy judgments regardless of the format used to assess confidence. Differences in the format for assessing
self-efflcacy and performance altered the predictive utility of self-efficacyjudgments.
These Werences must be accounted for in subsequent studies before researchers
can make sound generalizations about the strength of the self-efficacy/performance
relationship or the accuracy of students self-perceptions.

SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORISTS have hypothesized that students selfefficacy beliefs, that is, their judgments of their capability to accomplish specific academic tasks, are important determinants of academic motivation, choices,
and performance (e.g., Bandura, 1986, 1997; Pajares, 1996b; Schunk, 1991).
These beliefs of self-capability affect motivation by influencing the effort and

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The Journal of Experimental Education

persistence with which students engage in academic tasks, as well as the anxiety
they experience. Social cognitive theorists also hypothesize that these beliefs of
self-capability mediate the influence of other determinants of academic outcomes. In part, this is because the confidence that students have in their own
capability helps determine what they do with the knowledge and skills they possess. Thus, social cognitive theorists maintain that the academic performance of
students is determined in large measure by the confidence with which they
approach academic tasks (Bandura, 1997; Schunk, 1991). For example, when
students take a mathematics exam, the self-confidence that they experience as
they read and analyze specific problems in part determines the amount of time
and effort they put into solving those problems. Student with greater confidence
work harder and longer and are less anxious. As a result, their chances of successful academic performance are enhanced.
Various researchers (e.g., Hackett, 1985; Pajares, 1996a; Pajares & Miller,
1994) have reported that students judgments of their capability to solve mathematics problems are predictive of their actual capability to solve those problems.
These judgments also mediate the influence of other predictors such as math
background, math anxiety, perceived usefulness of mathematics, prior achievement, and gender. Math self-efficacy also has been shown to be as strong a predictor of mathematical problem-solving capability as general mental ability
(Pajares & Kranzler, 1995), a variable generally found to be a powerful predictor of academic performance (Thorndike, 1986). Other researchers (Collins,
1982; Schunk, 1989, 1991) have reported that, when students approach academic tasks, those with higher self-efficacy work harder and for longer periods of
time than do those with lower self-efficacy.
Researchers have usually assessed mathematics self-efficacy by asking students to use a Likert-type scale to indicate the strength of their confidence in
solving various mathematics problems. Specifically, students are presented with
a number of problems and asked to rate how confident they are that they can successfully solve each one. Efficacy instruments such as the Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale (MSES; Betz & Hackett, 1983), for example, ask students to provide
judgments of their capability to solve specific algebra or geometry problems correctly. However, whereas the subsequent performance assessment presents students with these problems in a traditional multiple-choice format, the efficacy
instrument presents the problems without the multiple-choice options. Pajares
and Miller (1995) have shown the importance of having a close link between efficacy judgments and the criterion task. Therefore, it is important to determine
whether the form of self-efficacy assessment (multiple-choice or open-ended
question format) differentially predicts performance and whether using multiplechoice or open-ended self-efficacy and performance assessments yields different
relationships between self-efficacy and performance. In the present study, students were administered a self-efficacy measure in which math problems were


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Pajares & Miller

presented either with possible multiple-choice answers or without answers in an

open-ended format; performance assessments differed similarly. The resulting
confidence/outcome correspondences among the four groups created by these
distinctions (see Figure 1) should help clarify the relationship between self-efficacy and academic performances. Note that Group 1 represents the manner in
which self-efficacy and performance are typically assessed.
Clarification of these issues is important for several reasons. First, it would
inform the current controversy regarding alternative' and traditional assessment
methods (Worthen, 1993)and the role that judgments of self-efficacy play in students' performance on them. For example, if simply presenting mathematics
problems in one type of format produces greater confidence than presenting them
in another does, it seems reasonable that students are better served by formats
that increase self-efficacy beliefs, for these beliefs play a role in triggering
stronger effort and persistence and lowering anxiety. Assuming that different
forms of assessment can be developed to measure competence, the strength and
level of self-efficacy that a particular form engenders should be one factor that is
considered when effective assessment tests and programs are planned.
Second, study of the relationships shown in Figure 1 will have implications for

FIGURE 1. Groups created by varying efticacy and performanceassessments.

Self-eflimy assessment
OE df-ef8cney
MC performance




(Group 1)
Open-ended selfefficacy
performance test.
OE self-efficacy
OE performance
(Group 3)

Both instruments presented

with open-ended answer

MC self-effkacy
MC performance
(Group 2)
Both instruments presented
with multiple-cboieeanswer

MC self-et8csey
OE performance
(Group 4)
Multiple-choice self-efficacy
instrument; open-ended

'We are aware that alternative assessment methods involve more than simply administering an openended test. However, mathematics tests with open-ended answers are one alternative to traditional
assessment formats, and therefore we take the liberty of using the term alternative to refer to them.

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The Journal of Experimental Education

the implementation of statewide assessments that are in new formats. For example, the state of Florida is currently developing new forms of assessment that are
to be adopted statewide to match the objectives of Blueprint 2000, which map out
the states new educational mission. The hope is that new assessments will have
a strong impact on both the self-efficacy and performance of students in the years
to come. Specifically, it is hoped that the new assessments will more closely
mirror the teaching and learning process, resulting in greater instructional fidelity (Miller & Seraphine, 1993, p. 119). Wiggins (1989) argued that if tests more
closely match the instruction received, confidence will play a greater role in student learning and assessment. Thus, part of the rationale for alternative forms of
assessment lies in their ability to increase students confidence in their capability to do well on them.
A third benefit to be gained from research on formats for self-efficacy judgments and performance assessment involves the issue of calibration, that is, the
degree to which students judgments of their capability reflect their actual competence. Researchers (Hackett, 1985; Hackett & Betz, 1989; Pajares & Miller,
1994) consistently have found that most students are overconfident about their
capability to solve mathematics problems. Pajares and Kranzler (1995) found
that the vast majority of the high school students they tested demonstrated strong
confidence in their ability to solve mathematics problems, but this confidence
was not matched by their subsequent performance. Bandura (1986) argued that
the most functional efficacy judgments are those that slightly exceed what one
can actually accomplish. Excessive overconfidence, however, can result in serious, irreparable harm (p. 394).
It merits considering what role formats for self-efficacy judgments and performance assessment play in students reported levels of confidence and in the
observed correspondence between that confidence and their performance. It may
be that the levels of overconfidence reported by researchers are at least partly a
function of the formats that they used to measure self-efficacy and performance,
Pajares and Kranzler (1995) recommended that research on the nature of the relationship between efficacy judgments and calibration is needed. They suggested
that it may be more important to develop instructional techniques and intervention strategies to improve students calibration than to attempt to raise their
already overconfident beliefs. Improved calibration should result in better understanding by students of what they know and do not know so that they more effectively deploy appropriate cognitive strategies during the problem-solving
process. If improved calibration is in part a function of self-efficacy assessment,
then the assessment itself becomes a useful intervention to help students with this
metacognitive capability.
Our purpose in the present study was to determine whether varying the form
of assessment would influence students self-efficacy judgments and affect the
relationship between self-efficacy judgments and mathematics performance.

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Pajares & Miller


Specifically, our research objectives were (a) to determine how a multiple-choice

versus fill-in-the-blank presentation of mathematics problems influences students mathematics self-efficacyjudgments and (b) to determine the relationship
between these self-efficacyjudgments and subsequent performance on traditional and alternative assessments of mathematical problem solving.
We also were interested in exploring the role that gender and math background
play in the relationship between these variables. Researchers (Fennema & Sherman, 1978) have found that boys and girls do not differ in math performance during elementary school but that differences appear in middle school and increase
throughout high school. When affective variables (e.g., self-confidence)are controlled, however, these gender differences lessen or disappear. This finding has
led researchers to suspect that these affective variables are a key source of gender differences in mathematics achievement. When differences in math background (e.g., previous mathematics courses taken) are also controlled, even
smaller gender differences in math achievement are found (Lapan, Boggs, &
Morrill, 1989).
The relationship between gender and math self-efficacy has not been explored
as thoroughly as that between gender and math performance. The authors of initial studies (Fennema & Sherman, 1978) suggested that boys were more confident
in their math skills than were girls. More recent findings (Pintrich & De Groot,
1990) show that boys and girls have equal confidence during elementary school
but that by middle school boys are more confident. Also, self-efficacy and form
of assessment are known to vary by gender and math background (Miller & Legg,
1993). Researchers have reported that calibration is related to mathematics performance and general mental ability (Pajares & Kranzler, 1995), mathematics
grade point average (Pajares, 1996a), and giftedness (Pajares, 1996a). Therefore,
we examined gender differences as well as differences in mathematics background (algebra vs. prealgebra) to determine whether certain types of students
express lower self-efficacy on particular forms of assessment and whether they
exhibit a different relationship between self-efficacy and performance.

Participants and Procedures

Participants consisted of 327 eighth-grade students enrolled in algebra (n =

199) and prealgebra (n = 128) classes in eight middle schools in a southern state.
There were 178 girls and 149 boys. Instruments were administered by group in
individual mathematics classes during two class periods. Within each class, the
students were randomly assigned to one of four testing groups. During the first
administration, students in Groups 1 and 3 were administered the version of the
self-efficacy instrument in which answers to the individual math problems were

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The Journal of Experimental Education

left open-ended, whereas Groups 2 and 4 were administered a similar version

with answers to the problems available in a multiple-choice format. Before completing the self-efficacy measure, the students were informed that they subsequently would be asked to solve the problems on which their confidence was
being assessed, but they were strictly instructed to provide only confidence judgments at this time and not to attempt to solve the problems. On the second day,
Groups 1 and 2 were administered the multiple-choice performance instrument,
and Groups 3 and 4 received the same instrument with an open-ended format.
The four groups correspond to those shown in Figure 1. Hereinafter the four
groups are labeled as follows: OE EffMC Perf (Group I), MC EffMC Perf
(Group 2), OE Eff/OE Perf (Group 3), and MC Eff/OE Perf (Group 4).

Math self-eficacy. The self-efficacy instruments asked students to express their

level of confidence in successfully solving each of 30 mathematics problems
drawn from the eighth-grade test of the Second Study of Mathematics (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, 1985). The
following are two sample items: What is the square root of 12 x 75?; A shopkeeper has x pounds of tea in stock. He sells 15 pounds and then receives a new
lot weighing 2y pounds. What weight of tea does he now have? As we noted
above, the OE Eff/MC Perf and OE Eff/OE Perf groups were presented the selfefficacy instrument with these problems in an open-ended format without answer
options provided. Directions on the self-efficacy instruments asked students,
How confident are you that you could answer the following questions correctly
without using a calculator? The MC EffMC Perf and MC Eff/OE Perf groups
were presented with the identical problems, but were provided with answer
options in a 5-item multiple-choice format. The directions asked students, How
confident are you that you could answer the following multiple-choice questions
correctly without using a calculator?
In both versions of the self-efficacy instrument, students used a 6-point Likerttype scale that ranged from 1 (no confidence at all) to 6 (complete confidence) to
rate the strength of their confidence that they could successfully solve each problem. Each student provided confidence judgments on each of the 30 mathematics problems. Final self-efficacy scores were the sum of confidence ratings for
the 30 problems and ranged from a low of 30 to a high of 180. Both forms of the
self-efficacy instrument were highly reliable: The multiple-choice and openended versions of the instrument each produced a Cronbachs alpha coefficient
of .92.
Math p e ~ o r m a n c eThe
performance instrument consisted of the same mathematics problems on which students provided their confidence judgments. The

Pajares & Miller


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OE Eff/OE Perf and MC Eff/OE Perf groups received a version of the test in a
fill-in-the-blank format and were asked to write the answer in the blank that corresponded to each problem. The OE EffMC Perf and MC EffMC Perf groups
were provided with 5-item multiple-choice answers and were asked to circle the
correct one. Cronbachs alpha coefficient for the open-ended test was 37; the
alpha coefficient for the multiple-choice test was 32.
Calibration. We used three measures of calibration. The first was the mean bias
score described by Keren (1991), Schraw (1993, and Yates (1990). Bias reveals
the direction of the errors in judgment and is computed by subtracting actual performance from predicted confidence. Performance was scored so that a correct
answer was scored as 6 and an incorrect answer was scored as 1. Scores for the
Likert-type scale for the self-efficacy instrument also ranged from 1 to 6. Thus,
expressing no confidence (1) and answering incorrectly (1) would reflect zero
bias (1 - I), whereas the same lack of confidence with a correct answer would
receive a bias score of -5 (1 - 6), indicating underconfdence. With this procedure, then, bias scores could range from -5 to +5. Scores larger than zero corresponded to overconfidence; scores less than zero corresponded to underconfidence. The 30 bias scores (1 for each item) were averaged to yield a mean bias
The second measure of calibration was mean accuracy, which was computed
by subtracting the absolute value of each bias score from 5. This score reveals the
magnitude of the judgment error, which could range from 0 (complete inaccwacy) to 5 (complete accuracy). The 30 accuracy scores (1 for each item) were averaged to yield a mean accuracy score. Similar procedures and their rationale are
described elsewhere (Schraw, 1995; Schraw & DeBacker Roedel, 1994; Schraw,
Dunkle, Bendixen, & DeBacker Roedel, 1995; Schraw, Potenza, & NebelsickGullet, 1993).
The third measure of calibration was item accuracy, which is a score that
reflects the number of items on which a students confidence judgment and performance attainment concurred. Specifically, the score is the number of items on
which the student expressed confidence (by marking 4, 5 , or 6) and answered
correctly plus the number of items on which the student expressed lack of confidence (by marking 1,2, or 3) and answered incorrectly. This last measure of calibration was computed so as to permit comparisons with prior findings when this
technique was used.

Descriptive statistics for each treatment groups scores on the dependent variables are shown in Table 1. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
revealed a significant between-groups effect for the dependent variables of math-


The Journal of Experimental Education

Descriptive Statistics for Variables, by Treatment Group

OE EffMC Perf

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Mean accuracy
Item accuracy

MC Eff/MC Perf
OE Eff/OE Perf

MC Eff/OE Perf













Note. Group means for a dependent variable (row) that are subscripted by different letters are statistically different
(experimentwise = S .05) according to a Tukey HSD computed on an effect identified by MANOVA. OE =openended; MC = multiple-choice; Eff = self-efficacy: Perf = performance.

ematics performance, self-efficacy, mean bias, mean accuracy, and item accuracy, Wilkss lambda = .77, F( 12, 842) = 7.19; p < .0001. Univariate analysis of
variance (ANOVA) results showed group effects for all dependent variables with
the exception of self-efficacy-students reported similar levels of confidence
whether problems were presented to them in a multiple-choice or open-ended
format, F(5, 321) = 2.07, p > .07. There were significant group effects for performance, F(5, 321) = 41.60, p < .Owl; for mean bias, F(5, 321) = 38.33, p <
.Owl; for mean accuracy, F(5, 321) = 32.01, p < .0001; and for item accuracy,
F(5,321) = 33.70, p < .0001. Tukeys HSD test showed that the two groups that
took the multiple-choice performance test significantly outperformed the groups
that took the open-ended test. As a result of their lower performance scores, the
groups that took the open-ended test also had higher mean bias scores, reflecting
greater overconfidence. Differences in mean accuracy and item accuracy were
found only between the group that took both measures in a multiple-choice format and the two open-ended performance groups.
Prediction of Mathematics Performance

Table 2 contains Pearson product-moment correlations between self-efficacy

and performance scores for the full sample, for each treatment, for each algebra
group, and for each gender group. We observed significant correlations across all
treatment groups and for the algebra and prealgebra groups. To better understand
the nature of the self-efficacy/performance relationship and of the gender differences in the correlations, we conducted multiple regression analyses to determine
whether students self-efficacy judgments across the four groups were predictive
of their performance scores. The analyses controlled for the influence of enrollment level (algebra vs. prealgebra), gender, self-efticacy test format (multiple-

Pajares & Miller

22 1

CorrelationsBetween Self-Efticacyand ProblemSolving Performance by 'Ikatment Group,
Level, and Gender

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Full sample






OE Effl
MC Perf

MC Effl
MC Perf

OE Effl
OE Perf

MC Effl
OE Perf

.2 1






Note. OE = open-ended, MC = multiple-choice;Eff = self-efficacy: Perf = performance.

* p < .05. **p < .01. * * p < .001.

choice vs. open-ended), performance test format (multiple-choice vs. openended), and the interaction between the self-efficacy and performance test formats. In addition, we examined differences across subgroups in the predictive
value of self-efficacy by including the interaction between self-efficacy and (a)
gender, (b) self-efficacy test format, (c) performance test format, and (d) self-efficacy test format by performance test format (a three-way interaction). We examined the residuals of the multiple regression analyses for heteroscedasticity; plots
of the residuals showed the data to be homoscedastic. Tests for nonlinearity were
nonsignificant. The model for this analysis was significant (R2= .57), but the last
three interactions described proved to be nonsignificant. Consequently, we tested a reduced model with the main effects, the interaction of the self-efficacy and
performance tests formats, and the interaction between self-efficacy score and
gender (see Table 3). The reduced model suffered no significant loss in predictive value, F(6, 320) = 72.39, p < .OO01, R2 = .57.
Results of the reduced model showed that the form of self-efficacy assessment
was not predictive of performance scores. This finding was consistent with the
MANOVA finding of no significant differences between self-efficacy assessments. As expected, the main effect for performance format was predictive; students who took the multiple-choice test scored an average of 3.67 problems higher than did students who took the open-ended performance measure. Both math
self-efficacy, t = 6.36, p < .OO01, and algebra level, t = 13.04, p < .OO01, proved
predictive of performance. Students enrolled in algebra scored an average of 6.3
problems higher than did students enrolled in prealgebra.
One interesting effect was the significant interaction between gender and self-


The Journul of Experimentul Education

Multiple Regression Model Predicting Mathematics Problem-Solving Performance

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Self-efficacy format
Performance format
Math self-efficacy
Gender x Self-Efficacy









Prob > I f 1

,000 1

Note. Format denotes multiple-choice versus open-ended response assessment. Level denotes prealgebra (coded 0)
versus algebra (coded I ) enrollment. For gender, girls were coded 0 and boys coded I . For self-efficacy format, the
open-ended instrument was coded 0 and the multiple-choice instrument was coded I . For performance format, the
open-ended test was coded 0 and the multiple-choice test was coded I .

efficacy. That effect was foreshadowed by observed differences in the zero-order

correlations (see Table 2). Both the correlations and interaction effect indicate
that boys were better predictors of their performance than were girls, but the
nature of the interaction itself proved interesting. The nature of the gender by
self-efficacy interaction prevented adjusted mean differences in self-efficacy
from surfacing (see Figure 2). The disordinal interaction needs to be interpreted
in light of the Johnson-Neyman regions of significance, which are bounded at
109.19 and 163.01. This is at z scores of -1.77 and .92. Thus, girls with low selfefficacy performed better than boys with low self-efficacy (below -1.77, representing only 3.84% of the population), whereas boys with high self-efficacy performed better than did girls with high self-efficacy (above .92, representing
17.88% of the population). The latter number seems especially important
because close to one fifth of the distribution (17.88%) showed boys outperforming girls at the same level of high confidence. The significant difference in the
slopes indicates that the relationship between efficacy and performance was
stronger for boys than for girls.

The students who were administered the open-ended performance measure
had greater bias and lower mean and item accuracy (see Table I). These differences resulted from the lower performance scores obtained by the OE Eff/OE
Perf and MC Eff/OE Perf groups on the open-ended performance measure but
without the corresponding lower self-efficacy scores. The MANOVA results
revealed significant differences between the students enrolled in algebra and prealgebra for the dependent variables of performance, mean bias, mean accuracy,

Pajam & Miller


FIGURE 2. Interaction of gender and self-efficacy on problem-solvingperformance.




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1 W.19

12 -










Mathematics self-efficacy (MSE)

Note. To plot the regression lines, we used the following formulas: For girls, PEFWORMANCE = 5.69 + .OIMSE; for boys, PERFORMANCE = -1.20 + .I3MSE.

and item accuracy, Wilkss lambda = .63,F(5,317)= 3 7 . 8 8 , ~c .OOO1 (see Table

4).Consistent with the multiple regression results of the present study, the students enrolled in algebra and prealgebra did not differ in self-efficacy.As expected, algebra students outperformed prealgebra students on both performance measures, and these differences were responsible both for the generally stronger
correlations in three of the four groups (see Table 2) and for the higher calibration
scores of the algebra students. Both the prealgebra and algebra students expressed
confidence that they could solve 80% of the problems, and these judgments did
not differ significantly in terms of the strength of their confidence. The analyses
revealed no significant gender effectsand no interaction effects among group,
level, and gender.
In summary, regardless of which self-efficacy instrument was administered,
calibration scores were lower for the students subsequently tested with the open-


The Journal of Experimental Education

Mean Scores for Dependent Variables, by Algebra Level and Gender

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Multiple choice
Multiple choice
Mean bias
Mean accuracy
Item accuracy


5.1 1
.8 1









4.5 1



Note. Mean differencesreported are the result of MANOVA and follow-ups, with group, gender, algebra level, and
all possible interactions as independent variables. No interactive effects of level or gender were found for any variable.

ended performance measure than for those tested with the multiple-choice measure. The algebra students had higher performance scores and better calibration
than did the prealgebra students. There were no gender differences for any of the
dependent measures.

The first objective of this study was to determine whether a traditional, multiple-choice presentation of mathematics problems versus an alternative, openended presentation influences students mathematics self-efficacy judgments.
The data analysis demonstrated that the students reported self-efficacy was not
affected by these variations in presentation format. One possible explanation for
this result is that the students did not look at the multiple-choice answers when
they made their confidence judgments. As we discuss below, it is also possible
that, regardless of how their confidence is assessed, students familiarity with traditional forms of assessment creates a mind set that causes them to base their
confidence judgments on the expectation that the performance task will be presented in a traditional, and therefore familiar, format. Supporting this mind set is
the fact that students in the two self-efficacy groups were not informed that the
format of the performance task might differ from the format of the efficacy task.
In other words, when students in the MC Eff/OE Perf group were asked to provide confidence judgments on multiple-choice problems, they were not told that
they would be asked to take the subsequent test in an open-ended format. Students in the OE EffMC Perf group were also not told of the change in testing
format. Had this information been provided, it might have altered confidence

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Pajares & Miller


judgments. We recommend that replications of the present study include this

information as part of the experimental conditions. Nonetheless, it is interesting
that confidence judgments predicted task performance as accurately when the
formats did not correspond as when they did correspond.
The second objective of the study was to explore the relationship between students self-efficacy judgments and subsequent performance on traditional versus
alternative assessmentsof mathematical problem solving. The students who took
the multiple-choicetest received higher scores, likely the consequence of guessing several correct answers. However, the variations in assessment of self-efficacy did not afect the prediction of mathematics performance. Because self-efficacy judgments did not vary across formats, the lower scores obtained on the
open-ended performance test created a situation in which discrepancies between
judgments and performance were more pronounced for the MC Eff/OE Perf and
OE Eff/OE Perf groups, resulting in greater overconfidence and poorer calibration for these groups. In previous research, mathematical problem solving has
been assessed by multiple-choice performance measures and researchers have
found students to be overconfident about their capability to solve mathematics
problems. When performance is assessed with a test that will yield lower scores
as a consequence only of the format used, overconfidence and poor calibration
will obviously be magnified: Students who express the same confidence level
obtain lower performance scores and are thus deemed even more overconfident
and more poorly calibrated.
One implication of this finding is that, if open-ended performance tests can be
said to provide a more accurate measure of studentsactual capability (scores are
not inflated by guessing), students may be even less well calibrated and more
overconfident about their mathematics capability than researchers have previously reported. Thus, students self-perceptions of mathematics capability may
be even less accurate than has previously been reported.
The poorer calibration and greater overconfidencemay also be related to students familiarity with multiple-choice assessment formats. Students may be so
familiar with traditional multiple-choiceexaminationsthat their expectation of a
future performance task is that it will be multiple choice. This expectation may
guide their self-perceptions of capability to the extent that, regardless of how
their confidence is assessed, they assume that the examination to follow will be
in the format to which they are accustomedand will yield results with which they
are also familiar. If this is so, would this expectation vary with changes in assessment that alter the familiar expectations? In other words, if students were made
familiar with alternative, open-ended mathematics assessments, would they
lower their level of self-efficacyand improve their calibration by virtue of altered
perceptions of how they will be tested and how well they will perform? Additional research in this area is required.
Our results confirm that understanding the measurement of self-efficacy and

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The Journal of Experimental Education

performance is crucial to understanding the relationship between these two variables. Although we found no difference between the two methods of assessing
self-efficacy, relations between self-efficacy and performance differed depending
on the method of assessing performance. These differences altered the predictive
utility of self-efficacy and influenced calibration results. As we have demonstrated, these differences have measurement implications for researchers
attempting to assess the relationship between self-efficacy beliefs and related
academic outcomes. These measurement concerns must be analyzed further
before researchers can make sound generalizations about the strength of the selfefficacy/performance relationship or the accuracy of students self-perceptions.
Whereas some researchers (Fennema & Ijart, 1994; Pajares, 1996a; Wigfield,
Eccles, MacIver, Reuman, & Midgley, 1991) have reported that gender differences in mathematics confidence surface in middle school, we did not find them
in the present sample. We found, however, that at higher self-efficacy levels, boys
were slightly better predictors of their performance than were girls. At lower selfefficacy levels, boys were poorer predictors. Pesearch is needed to better determine the nature of these effects. Pajares (1996a) found no gender differences in
the calibration of regular-education middle-school students but discovered that
gifted girls were biased toward underconfidewe.
Students enrolled in algebra were better calibrated across all measures. This
finding is consistent with those of other studies (Pajares, 1996a; Pajares & Kranzler, 1995) of the relationship between calibration and mathematics capability.
Pajares (1996a) reported that middle-school gifted students are better calibrated
than are regular-education students. Similarly, we found that the more capable
students in the present sample were better judges of their capability. In general,
we concur with the recommendation of Pajares and Kranzler (1995) that instructional intervention is needed to help students better understand what they know
and do not know so that they can more effectively deploy appropriate cognitive
strategies during mathematical problem solving. Interventions should be particularly appropriate for students at lower levels of academic achievement. It seems
likely that a productive intervention would be to vary the form of assessment and
to familiarize students with each form. These recommendations are particularly
pertinent to states and school districts that are moving toward new forms of
The present findings are based on a sample of regular-education eighth-grade
students enrolled in higher level mathematics courses. We recommend that the
findings be tested using students enrolled in other levels of mathematics and in
other grades. In addition, we acknowledge that the strength of the relationship
between self-efficacy and performance may be influenced by the correlated
specifics that can result from the use of the same items to measure both constructs. Marsh, Roche, Pajares, and Miller (in press) have cautioned that using
identical self-efficacy and performance indexes in an effort to closely match

Pajares & Miller


belief and criterion may lead to positively biased estimates of effects from selfefficacy to performance outcomes. Thus, researchers are encouraged to use similar rather than identical items or tasks to assess self-efficacy beliefs and performance criteria or to use structural equation modeling analyses to sift out the bias
that might result from correlated specifics.

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We wish to express our gratitude to Me1 Lucas, Professors Tim Urdan and Margaret Johnson, and
especially to Gio Valiante for their valuable assistance on this project. In addition, we thank the consulting editors and the executive editor of The Journal of Experimental Education for the many valuable comments and suggestions that served to strengthen the final manuscript. This study was funded by a grant from the Florida Educational Research Council, Inc.
Address correspondence to Frank Pajares, Department of Educational Studies, Emory University,
Atlanta, GA 30322.Tel: (404) 727-1775. Fax: (404) 727-2799. E-mail: [email protected].

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