10-02-24 Los Angeles Superior Court Counsel Frederick Bennett Response Re Zernik Request For Access To Court Records Which Are Warrants-S
10-02-24 Los Angeles Superior Court Counsel Frederick Bennett Response Re Zernik Request For Access To Court Records Which Are Warrants-S
10-02-24 Los Angeles Superior Court Counsel Frederick Bennett Response Re Zernik Request For Access To Court Records Which Are Warrants-S
by Joseph Zernik
DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
arthlink.net, c=US
Date: 2010.05.12
11:28:55 +03'00'
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/~~~'#;~ '0;;.;:4'0;:""" FREDERICK R. BENNEn • ••
,.~\1\ COURT COUNSEL Supenor Court of Californta
\, ~ "", -'. r.~8 i 111 NORTH HILL STREET, SUITE 546
\"t\"'I'1J~1~,iJi.~j LOSANGELES,CA900l2-30l4 County of Los Angeles
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Joseph Zernik
PO Box 526
La Vern, CA 91750
/rl]~~:::"~~C';\ FREDERICK R. BENNETI
! C/. •........'(' \ COURT COUNSEL
Superior Court ofCalifomia
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LOS ANGELES, CA 90012-3014 County oUos Xiigeles
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February 19,2010
Joseph Zemik
PO Box 526
La Vern, CA 91750
Your enclosed facsimile was forwarded to me. You indicate that you were arrested
and jailed on February 6, 20 I 0, and you request copies of the arrest warrants related to those
arrests. Most criminal records, including yours, are public documents available for inspection
at the courthouse where they are on file. Copies may be obtained by paying the statutory fee
of $5 for each search (Government Code section 26854) and $0.50 per page (Government
Code section 70627(a)). Criminal records are not available on line.
It appears from the register summary that a complaint was filed by the Los Angeles
County Sheriffs Department in the Beverly Hills court on February 10,2009, charging a
violation of Vehicle code sections 14601. 1(A), and Vehicle code section 24252(A) in case
number 9BV00316. On March 4, 2009, it appears that you failed to appear and a bench
warrant was issued for your arrest, with bail set in the amount of $30,000. You should be
able to review the file and obtain copies of the arrest warrant or any other pleadings in the file
at the Beverly Hills courthouse. The actual case file at the courthouse is the best record of the
proceeding. The register summary is not the best record.
It appears from the register summary that a complaint was filed on October 28, 2008
by the Burbank Police Department in the Burbank court charging violation of Vehicle Code
section 14601.1 (A) and 23123(A). On November 24, 2008, it appears that you did not appear
on this matter and a bench warrant for your arrest was issued, with bail set in the amount of
$5,000. It further appears that on January 28, 2009, you were released on your own
Joseph Zernik
Re: Various emails and facsimile transmissions
February 19,2010
Page: 2
recognizance by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, with an appearance date set for
March 11, 2009. On March II, 2009, it appears that you did not appear and a bench warrant
was issued for your arrest, with bail set in the amount of$5,000. You should be able to
review the file and obtain copies of the arrest warrant or any other pleadings in the me at the
Beverly Hills courthouse. The actual case file at the courthouse is the best record of the
proceeding. The register summary is not the best record.
Whether the complaints were validly filed, whether you committed the charged
offenses, and whether the bench warrant was appropriately issued are all matters that will have
to be raised in the pending criminal proceedings. Neither court staff nor any judge may
publicly comment upon pending cases.
Frederick R. Bennett
Court Counsel
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Joseph Zernlk, PhD C\ " _ . • . UN.l.n k".ll.IhH
10-02-12 Repeat request for records which were the warrant that were the legal foundation of the
arrest of Joseph Zernik on February 7,2010.
Pursuant to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, pursuant to US Supreme Court decision in Nixon v
Warner Communication, Inc (1978), where the US Supreme Court re-affirmed the right to access court records, and
pursuant to the California Public Records Act, Cal Gov Code 6254(t), I request access to court records which are the
warrants, which were claimed to be the foundation for my arrest and jailing on February 6,2010. Such warrant were
referenced: (a) 8BR0429801 and (b) 9BV0031601.
Please advise me if and where and when I would be able to gain access to such records - to inspect and to copy,
pursuant to my Human, Constitutional, and Civil Rights.
Dated: February 12, 2010
La Verne, County of Los Angeles, California Joseph H Zernik, PhD
Phone: 323.515.4583
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750
Email <[email protected]>
Blog: htlpJflnproperinla .blogspot.com/
Scribd: htlp:/fw,vw,scribd.com/Free the Rampart FIPs
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Please accept the digitally signed request for access to COUlt records, copied below. jz
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Joseph Zemik, PhD
PO Box 526, La Veme, CA 91750;
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: [email protected]
Blog: http://inpropelinla.blogspot.com/Sclibd: http://www.scribd.com/Free the Rampmt FIPs
10-02-12 Repeat request for records which were the walTants that were the legal foundation of the arrest of Joseph
Zemik on Februaty 7, 2010.
Please advise me if and where and when I would be able to gain access to such records - to inspect and to copy,
pursuant to my Human, Constitutional, and Civil Rights.
Dated: FebmalY 12, 2010
La Veme, County of Los Angeles, California Joseph H Zemik, PhD
Phone: 323.515.4583
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750
Email <[email protected]>
Blog: http://inproperinla.blogspot.com/
Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/Free the Rampart FIPs
COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ,oo/t-¢FlOs,.1;>(l'
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Joseph Zernick
P.O. Box 526
La Verne, CA 91750 \,
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