Cable Engineering in Substation and Power Plant
Cable Engineering in Substation and Power Plant
Cable Engineering in Substation and Power Plant
Cable Engineering in Subst at ion and Power Plant (on phot o: Sealing of power cables
t hrough t he out er wall in subst at ion; by Roxt ec Lt d. @ Flickr)
2. Non f erromagnetic materials must be used on single core cables. As the magnetic f ield
travels through any protection layers on single core cables, a f erromagnetic material such
as steel will have signif icant eddy current losses induced in the wires causing signif icant
heating of the cable and subsequent derating of its current carrying capacity.
The same principle applies when selecting cable clamps.
3. Even if a single core cable is armored with f erromagnetic material like steel then three
single core cable has to be laid in tref oil arrangement so that the f lux of all the three
single core cable cancel each other as happens in three core cable.
What type of armor should be used, wire or strip armor and when?
As per bureau of Indian standards no 7098 part-2 clause 16.2 Type of Armor Where the
calculated diameter below armoring does not exceed 13 mm, the armor shall consist of
galvanized round steel wires.
The armor of cables having calculated diameter below armoring greater than 13 mm shall
consist of either galvanized round steel wires or galvanized steel strips.
How many types of cable faults are there & how are they
Faults can be divided into two types:
1. Series type cable f ault
2. Shunt type cable f ault
Usually the first indication of the possible existence of a fault is given by the automatic
operation of the circuit protection. The f aulty cable should be disconnected f rom the
other electrical equipments and is retested f or conf irmation of f ault in insulation by
applying D.C. High voltage or by Megger.
If the insulation indicates a healthy result, cable continuity should be checked.
In case the insulation shows a f aulty cable, the value of f ault resistance should be
measured with a multimeter.
Facts about interf ace cabling between control & instrumentation and electrical f or any
power plant or process plant.
Regarding C&I cables for any power or process plants, please note that there are two
categories of cables:
1. Those C&I cables which are to be considered by electrical group. They are mainly
control/indication/annunciation related cables.
2. Those C&I cables which are to be considered by Instrumentation group.
The C&I cable supposed to be considered by electrical group:
1. Special cables f or interf ace between PLC/Relay based control panel (in local control
room to) and main plant DCS or ECP. In most cases nature of such cables is Fiber
optics because of large amount of data to be carried over a large distance.
2. Cables between PLC and MCC f or analog and binary signals. Nature of such cables
is usually paired cables, which may be twisted or untwisted pair. Engineering
including scheduling with terminal details and interconnection diagram, procurement
and erection of above mentioned two types of C&I cables is carried out by electrical
The C&I cables supposed to be considered by Instrumentation group and consequently
excluded by electrical group:
1. Paired cable f rom PLC to instrument JB in the local instrument rack or enclosure in
the f ield.
2. Paired cables between Instrument JB in the local instrument rack or enclosure to
f ield instruments.
3. Paired cable between PLC & packaged vendor panels like VMS (Vibration monitoring
Cables mentioned in point number-II are the only two types of instrumentation cable
which electrical group considers and engineering done thereby requires interf ace &
coordination with C&I department.
Eight types of cables mentioned in point number-III, should not be considered by
electrical group of any project. These cables are exclusively C&I cables and entire
engineering & procurement is to be carried out by C&I department.
Erection is sometimes carried out by electrical contractor, but in most cases erection is
carried out by C&I site team on perf orated type cable trays dedicated f or