Lec 2

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Data Structures and Algorithms

Dr. Naveen Garg

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Lecture 2
Let us see about stacks. We will mainly see about stacks, besides we will talk about
abstract data types, interfaces, exceptions, how stacks are implemented in java and
application to the analysis of time series. We will also talk about growable stacks, which
do a little bit of amortized analysis and then we will talk about stacks in java virtual
(Refer Slide Time: 1:16)

What is an abstract data type? It is basically a specification of the instances and the set of
axioms that define the semantics of the operations on those instances. What does it all
mean? You know the data types like integer, real numbers and so on. You can understand
the notion of addition and that is the same way as you add 2 integers in mathematics.

(Refer Slide Time: 1:51)

Similarly we will define data types and certain operations on those data types. Those
operations would be defined through an interface which basically gives us the signature
of the operation that is the parameters that operation requires and so on. We will also
specify the results of those operations through a set of axioms.
Just as in the case of integers, you know the sum of 2 integers as defined in mathematics.
For example if you add a variable of type A and another variable of type B. If you sum
them up, then the answer will be of type variable as you would know it from your
mathematics class. We will be clear if we see an example.
The operations that you have been talking about are essentially of three kinds. One would
be just a constructor operation which is as same as the constructor method in java.
Using this method you can create an instance of that particular data type. When you are
talking about sophisticated data types, this method has to do a lot of work Access
functions are the functions which let us to access elements of the data type and
manipulation procedure would let us to manipulate or modify the data type.
Why are we talking about data types? Data types help us to identify the requirements for
the building blocks of our algorithmic procedure. It provides a language which will help
us to talk at a higher level of abstraction. As just as we are talking in terms of adding up
of integers or in terms of stacks or queues or any of the advanced data type.

(Refer Slide time: 3:17)

(Refer Slide Time: 3:57)

They encapsulate the data structure like how the data is organized and the algorithms that
work on that data structures. Also they help us to separate the issues of correctness and
efficiency. We will see more of this as we see the example of data types. Let me start by
giving a simple example of the data type and that is a dynamic set. A set is defined as a
collection of objects. Suppose we also had operations, which would let us modify that
collection of objects, which means add or remove an object of that collection. Such a set
we would call it as a dynamic set.

(Refer Slide Time: 4:47)

We call it as dynamic, because we are changing the set which is the collection of objects.
We will create data types for such dynamic sets. What are the kinds of methods that you
have in a dynamic set? You would have a method to create a dynamic set, which would
be a method new. There would be a method insert, to insert an element in to a dynamic
set. S is the dynamic set and this method has two parameters let us say, the set s and the
element. The result is an instance of the set itself which gives a new set, another set and
also includes the element v in it. Similarly the delete method removes the element v from
the set S. These are the two methods for updating the set.
New method is for creating or constructing the set and IsIn is one of the access methods.
All of it is telling us whether the element is in the set or not. The return value is of type
Boolean. If v is in the set then it is true otherwise false. Axioms are the one which define
how the operations should behave. We can write axioms in the following form. When I
create a new set and if the set is empty then the answer should be always false, no matter
what v is. If I have a dynamic set S and I insert an element v in it. Then the resulting set
which has v in it should be true.

(Refer Slide Time: 5:37)

If I have a set S and when I insert u in it, then the resulting set has u in it. Then if I where
to ask whether v is in the resulting set, I will know that only if v was in the previous set
Thus the answer to this operation IsIn (Delete(S, u), v), should be the same as the answer
to this operation IsIn(S, v), provided v is different from u. IsIn (Delete(S, u), v) = IsIn(S,
v), if v u Suppose I have a set S and I delete v from it. If I ask whether v is in the
resulting set, then the answer should be false.
These are some basic axioms that define the nature of these operations and also the
functionality of these operations. Still we did not specify how to do these operations or
we did not talk about an algorithm or any procedure.
At the least we have talked about the code for implementing the dynamic set. When you
are talking about abstract data types, we are interested in more of the specification. That
is what the instances would be like and what are the operations permitted on those
instances, and the axioms that govern those operations.

(Refer Slide Time: 6:46)

Some simple abstract data type that you may be familiar with is queue, but we will be
doing it later. Let us see about stacks.
(Refer Slide Time: 8:52)

What is the stack? It is the collection of elements but this collection follows the last-infirst-out principle. What does it mean? It means that the element which is inserted last
would be removed first. If I insert an element and then I remove an element from this
collection. Then the element that would be removed was the one which was inserted at
the last. The operation of inserting an element is called pushing onto the stack and the
operation of removing an element is called popping off the stack.

(Refer Slide Time: 9:10)

Some of you might have seen this kind of toys. It has a collection of elements for instance
may be stack of trays in your mess. What you do is when you put a tray, you put it on the
top and when you remove it you would always remove the one which is at the top.
When you remove or pop of an element, it is always the one which you inserted at the
last. We are going to define the abstract data type that is supported by four methods
which are the key methods.
The new is a method to create a stack. In the push method when I specify an element o
it adds this element to the abstract data type. It inserts an object o on to the top of the

(Refer Slide Time: 9:52)

Pop takes stack as the parameter and it does not take any parameter other than abstract
data type. When I say pop the stack, it just removes the top element from the stack. If the
stack is empty, they should flag an error stating that the stack is empty. The top operation
returns the top element, it does not remove it and that is how it differs from the pop. Pop
operation removes that element but the top tell us only about the top element. Again if the
stack is empty then top does not make any sense, it should flag an error.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:22)

We can also have some support methods which will help us do these operations. Size is
one such method. Size tells us about how many elements are there in the stack and

isEmpty tell us whether the stack is empty or not. The 6 methods that we saw are push,
pop, new, top, size and isEmpty. These are all the methods and hope you all understood
about what these methods are doing.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:34)

Axiom governs the behavior of these methods. If S is the stack, when I push an element
on to S and then when I pop it, I should get back S. While doing a top operation, when I
push an element on to a stack and then when I do a top operation I should get v, because
v would be the top element of the stack. So far we have defined about the stack abstract
data type, the methods and 2 axioms.
Axioms may not be complete but this is what the axioms would look like. How do we
translate abstract data type into code? We need 2 constructs for that and they are the
interfaces and exceptions. What is an interface? An interface is a way to declare about
what a class has to do and what are the various methods associated with the class. It does
not tell us about how those methods are done. That would be a part of the implementation
of that interface or a class.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:46)

For an interface we just right down the various names of the methods and the parameters
it is going to take. In fact we do not even specify the names of parameter, we just have to
specify the types of the parameter. When we write a class for an interface, we will
actually provide the code for those various methods.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:16)

I might specify an interface for a stack and I am going to ask you to write the classes for
that interface. Different people will write different classes to implement the interface in a
completely different ways. I can still use your classes or any implementation of the
interface, in a program that I have written, provided that must meet the interface

specification which I have given to you. All I need to know is that the implementation
meets the specification so that I can use that in the coding of my own program. It helps us
to separate the implementation from the specification and that is why it is a very useful
programming technique.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:15)

Let us see about how a stack implementation looks like in java. Java has a built-in stack
data structure but nevertheless we will define a stack interface. We just define the various
methods that are going to be a part of this interface.
There is one method called size, in which I need to specify the types of the parameters
and the return type of the method. I have not specified how these methods are
implemented. This is just an interface.
In an interface we need to know the types of the parameter. When I am pushing, it takes a
parameter of type object. Object is the generic type in java and all objects are derived
from this type.
The method isEmpty returns boolean. It just tells us whether the stack is empty or not.
The top gives you the top element in the stack and it returns an object. It throws
StackEmptyException, if this stack is empty then top () method should somehow signal
that the stack is empty. We are going to do that using the notion of exceptions.
Void means it does not return any object or any value. It does not return a stack but it is a
method which is executed on this stack and it modifies the stack. Thus stack cannot be
considered as a parameter. What is an exception?

Exceptions are the mechanisms to handle errors. When we have an error or when we
reach some exceptional condition or an exceptional case in the execution of program, we
throw an exception. The term used in java is throw.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:07)

As soon as an exception is thrown, the flow of control moves from the current method to
the point where the method was called. The idea essentially is that, when an exception
occurs you delegate the responsibility of handling that exceptional case, to the procedure
which called that particular method.
You will be clear, if you see an example. I have two methods, one is an eat pizza method
which throws a stomachache exception, also there is some dotted code. If you eat too
much of pizza, then there is a problem and you throw StomachAcheException.
The procedure public void eatPizza () throws was called in the method eatpizza (), which
is inside the stimulate meeting procedure. When this StomachAcheException is thrown,
the flow of control will come to TA.eatPizza (). Thus when this StomachAcheException
is thrown, we will exist this method eatpizza () and go to TA.eatpizza ().

(Refer slide time 19.07)

In the coding after {} there are bunches of other statements that would not be executed.
The flow of control would interrupt the dotted point and would reach TA.eatpizza ().
There is also a notion of try and catch blocks.
When the exception is thrown what happens to the variable that we have modified?
It depends upon the procedure call, think as if we are returning from this procedure
StomachAcheException or a method. If those are local variables then you do not want to
see them. If they are global variables and if it is modified in the if-loop, then those
modifications are carried over to the TA.eatpizza () method.
There is something called as a try and a catch block. If you think that there could be
possible exception in this (TA.eatpizza ()) method, then you enclose the method within a
try block. Start it with a try, open a bracket, and then include the method which you are
calling and close it with a bracket.
If there was no exception raised in TA.eatpizza () method or this particular exception
StomachAcheException did not get raised in this method, then we will just skip the catch
block, then go on to the statement, after the catch block.
If an exception was raised in this (TA.eatpizza ()) method, because this method might
raise many exceptions. If this (StomachAcheException) exception was raised in the
method, then we would come in to the catch block and execute the statements.
If the method raises an exception, then if that exception is caught through a catch block,
then we would execute the statements which are written inside the catch block. Any kind
of statements can be written inside the catch block, not necessarily System.out.exception

(Refer Slide Time: 20:50)

What would happen, if I did not write the catch block? This procedure simulate meeting,
would throw the exception to the point from where its parent procedure was called. When
StomachAcheException throws an exception, the TA.eatpizza () method would also
throw an exception, then the control will go to procedure from where simulate meeting is
called. It is fine if it catches the exception at that point, if not it will throw an exception to
the high level procedure and finally your procedure will stop with your exception
appearing at your console.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:25)

In this manner it is getting propagated all the way up to, where your procedure stops and
the exception is shown to the user. System.out.println is just the method to print the
(Refer Slide Time: 23:41)

An exception is really a java class in which I am creating an object or an instance for this
class. Then I am initializing that instance with any parameter and I can specify some set
of parameters in the statement given below.
StomachAcheException (Ouch); StomachAcheException itself is a class and for this
class, I am creating an object by making a call to the statement. StomachAcheException
(Ouch); When the catch statement is caught, e in that statement would get assigned to
the object that is created by StomachAcheException (Ouch) statement.
The try and catch block would come together. If the method were not enclosed between
try and catch, then the exception would just get propagate upwards in the procedural
hierarchy. StomachAcheException would throw an exception and the calling procedure
of simulate Meeting would throw an exception, till it is caught at some point. If not it
reaches the console.
What does the name of the class followed by brackets and some parameters written
would signify in java? For example: StomachAcheException (Ouch); In java it
signifies, that you are creating an object for this class and you are invoking the
constructor method with Ouch as the parameters.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:07)

The try and catch block are a method for listening exceptions and catching them. As I
mentioned before, a catch block can contain anything. It does not mean that it should
have only system.out.println, it can also throw an exception in turn.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:16)

It also helps us to exit from the program when an exception occurs. If you throw an
exception in any method, then you need to add a throws class next to the method name.
When we wrote the method eatPizza () we had, throws StomachAcheException. A
method can throw more than one exception.

In java everything is really an object. StomachAcheException is the name of the class.

Public class StomachAcheException extends And the statement given below is the
constructor method for the class. Thus the name of the constructor method is the same as
the class name. Public StomachAcheException (string err) The constructor method takes
a single parameter, which is a string. Super means that it is calling the super class with
the same parameter.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:00)

Again as I mentioned before, if you never catch an exception it will propagate upwards,
along with the chain of method calls, till it reaches the console. Since the stomach ache
exception is extending a run time exception, it will call the constructor method for the run
time exception.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:17)

If a particular method throws more than one exception, then you will have to specify all
those exceptions which it throws, next to the method name. Even in the try block you can
have many catch statements. First we can catch one particular exception followed by
some other exception and so on. Look at your java book for more details.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:10)

Let us look at the stacks. We had created the interface for our stack. We are going to
implement the methods and there are many ways of implementing a stack. First we are
going to implement using an array.

Let us say the maximum size of our stack is N and I am going to have an array of n
elements of the stack. I am going to have a variable t, which will tell about the location of
the top element of the stack. The variable t gives the index of the top element in the array
S. The first element will be at location 0 and then when I push another element it will
move to the next location and so on.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:43)

I have actually listed out an entire implementation for our stack interface. My
implementation is called array stack because I am using an array to implement the stack.
The statement mentioned below says that I am implementing the stack interface. Public
class ArrayStack implements Stack Implement stack means, it is implementing the stack
interface that we provided. I have set with a default capacity for the stack which is 1024,
otherwise the capacity of the stack would be in the variable N. Final is just specifying
that the value of capacity is always a constant and it can never be changed.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:48)

S is an array which is going to hold the elements of the stack. Thus S is an array of object
and t is the index of the top element. Initially t =-1, because there is nothing inside the t.
t=0 means the top element is in the location 0 and when the stack is empty t =-1.
Public ArrayStack ()
Public ArrayStack (int cap)
The above two statements are the constructor methods. If you do not specify anything or
if you just call the array stack without any parameters, then I am going to create a stack
whose capacity is 1024. If you call array stack with some number let us say 37, then I am
going to create a stack of size 37.
What should size do? Size should just return how many elements are there in my stack. If
t is the index of the top element, then t+1 elements are there because we just started from
zero. The stack is empty if t =-1 that is t <0. If t <0 then isEmpty () method would return
true, otherwise it returns false.

(Refer Slide Time: 32:42)

If I want to push an object ob in to the stack and if the size of the stack already equals n,
then I should throw a stack full exception. Else I should first increment t and then put the
object at the new incremented location. S [++t] is the first increment, and then put the
object at that location.
I have to give you the top element of the stack for that, I should check whether the stack
is empty or not. If the stack is empty then I throw a stack empty exception. If the stack is
empty then the flow of control would exit from throw new Stack Empty Exception
(Stack is empty). And when the stack is not empty it just returns the top element of the
stack S[t].
If I want to pop the stack, then once again I check if the stack is empty. If the stack is not
empty then I save the top element in location elem. Then I decrement t, because I am
removing the top element and to the location which I set earlier was set to null that is I
dereference it. Because earlier at the top location t, it was initially 37 and I had an object
in that location. I need to remove that object and decrement t to36. Then I return the top
element. Pop also returns the top element.
S [t--] =null;
Return elem

(Refer Slide Time: 34:02)

Stack Empty Exception is a class and I use new to create an object or an instance for this
class. Why should we necessarily dereference the objects? It is best to deference, because
you can remove those objects or you can get rid of those objects otherwise they will lie in
your memory. Thus t is just an integer and it is a private member of this class, private
because no one else knows about t and S is an array of objects and S can therefore access
the t th element of this array.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:54)

The array implementation is very simple as all the operations were taking constant time.
None of the operations required time propositional to the virtual dependent upon the

number of elements in the array in this stack at that point. Each of those methods take O
(1) time. The problem is that we are working with an upper bound on the size of the
stack. This upper bound may have the default value1024, which we took in our example
or it may be specified at the time of creation of stack. The problem is because you do not
know the size of the stack.
We might allocate a very large size for the stack, but it might be a waste of memory or
we might allocate a very small stack in which we could not be able to run our procedure
to complete, because we would soon have a stack full exception. Stack Empty Exception
is the requirement of the interface, because the top and the pop methods are not defined,
if the stack is empty.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:48)

It is the requirement of the interface but a stack full exception is an artifact of this
implementation. If I had some other way of implementation, then I would never have to
raise a stack full exception. Let us look at an example. We will see how to implement the
stack and never to have a stack full exception, so that we can always grow the stack when
Let us look at an application of stacks. We have the daily stock prices of a particular
stock. If I give you the price on day 0, the price on day 1 and so on, then the span si of a
stock price on a certain day i is defined as the maximum number of consecutive days that
the price of the stock has been less than or equal to its price on day i.
The following example would make it clear. S5 is the span of the stock price on day five
and it is equal to the maximum number of days that the price of this stock has been less
than or equal to 5th day price. For four days the price of this stock was less than or equal
to 5th day price and so the span of the stock price on day five equals 4, inclusive of the

current day. Following picture would make it clear hence we are counting 1,2,3,4 and for
day six, it is 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 that is 6 days.
(Refer Slide Time: 39:25)

How can you compute the span in an array S, if I give you the stock prices in an array p.
P is an array of numbers. To compute S[i], you are going to look at the price of the stock
on day i, i-1, i-2 and so on.
The index k will start from zero and it will keep going down till the price of the stock on
day i- k is less than the price of the stock on day i. The moment you find a case such that
the price of stock on day i- k is actually more than the price on day i, you stop the loop
which is given below, otherwise you keep incrementing k.
If P [i-k] P[i] then k k+1

If this quantity P [i-k] P[i] is less, then you increment k else you say done is true. Done
will help us to exist the repeat-until loop. It will exit the repeat-until loop if done is true
or if k equals i, which means that you have reached day 0. Then the span will be
determined by the value of k, because k tell us the span of stock price on day i. Thus S[i]
gets the value k, (S[i] k). This is one way of computing this span.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:07)

How much time does it take? It takes n 2 time as we can see on the slide. Why should it
take n 2 time? Because we are repeatedly comparing it How many times the repeat-until
loop can be executed in the worst case? It is i times, where i varying itself from 0 through
n-1. The total number of times one of this statement get executed might be n or .
Thus the running time of this algorithm is O ( n ) in the worst case.
Question is can we do something better? Yes, as we are talking of stacks, we can use a
stack to do something better. To compute the span, we need to know the closest day
preceding i, on which the stock price is greater than the price on day i.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:26)

In the example, for day 5 I need to know the closest day preceding day 5, on which the
stock price is greater than the price on day 5. On day 1, it was greater. For day 5, the span
would be 1,2,3,4. I am going to call the quantity h (i). h (i) is the closest day preceding i,
on which the price is greater than the price on day i. Thus h (3) =2, h(2)=1, h(1)= 0, h(0)=
-1 and h(4)=3, h(5)=1, h(6)=0. Once you computed h, how can you determine the
span Si ? The span for the price on day 5 is 5-1 that is 4. If we can compute these h
quantities, we can easily compute the span.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:31)

How do we compute the h quantities? Suppose those 6 quantities which is in the slide,
were the prices that I have given from day 1 through 6. Can h (7) be 1? I have not told
the price on day 7 but through the definition of h (7), it is the closest day preceding 7, on
which the stocks price is larger than price on day 7. But that day cannot be 1 at all,
because the price on day 2 is larger than the price on day 1. Similarly that day cannot be 3
or 4. What are the possible values that h (7) can take? 2, 5 and 6 are the only possible
values that h (7) can take.
We will store the indices 2, 5, 6 in a stack. 2 will be at the bottom of the stack, 5 will be
above that and 6 on the top. To determine h (7), first we need to compare the price on day
7 with price on day 6. Suppose the price on day 7 is less than the price on day 6 then what
is the h (7). It is 6, but if the price on day 7 was greater than price on day 6, then I will
compare with price on day 5. If it is greater than the price on day 5, then I will compare it
with 2. If it is greater than 2, then it is minus one that is h (7) =-1.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:41)

Suppose the new bar I have drawn is the price on day 7 and it is greater than the price on
day 6 then h (7) is 5. The first price greater than the price on day 7 in the comparison
gives me h (7). But once I know h (7), I should update my stack. Now what should my
stack contain? Earlier it contains the indices 2, 5, 6 and now it contains 2, 5 and 7. It is
clear because h (8) can never be 6, I should get rid of 6 by replacing it with 7. You can
see that the stack would be the right way to do these things.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:40)

Let us look at the procedure. Let d be the stack and initially it is empty. When I get a
certain price, I am going to compare that price with the price on the top of the stack. If it
is less than the price on the top of the stack that is on the top of the stack we had 2, 5, 6
and if the 7th bar is less than the 6 then it is just what is there on the top. Then we are
done, the index on the top of the stack will give the h value. If it is more than the price on
the top of the stack, then I will pop of or remove the top of the stack, because I need to
compare with the next one. I pop of because I will not need that quantity any more.
(Refer Slide Time: 48:36)

As you recall from the previous slide, since 7th bar was more than 6th bar, I can actually
get rid of 6th bar because in the stack, I do not need that next time. We are going to go
around the loop till either done becomes true. When it becomes true it says that I have
found a price which is greater than the current day price. But if done never becomes true
and the stack becomes empty then h=-1, exactly that is being set here in the below
If D.isEmpty () then h -1
Else h D.top ()
When I exit this (P[i] P [D.top ()]) loop, the stack is empty then h=-1 else h is the top
value of the stack. Once I know h, I can compute S[i] and keep it. I will push i back in
because in my previous slide when I got this 7, I now push 7 in for my next computation.
How much time does this take? May be n times. While loop might execute a lot of times
and why this should take only n time. Is the worst case n 2 or n? It may be n 2 .
(Refer Slide Time: 49:52)

How many elements do we pushed on the stack? Each element is pushed once and we
have pushed at most n elements on to the stack, if there are n elements to begin with.
Every time when the while loop is executed, we pop of one element from the stack. How
many times the while loop gets executed? It is n times. Every time when the loop
executes, we are removing an element from the stack. If the total number of elements
ever we pushed on the stack was n, then how can we pop of more than n elements from
the stack. It means that the total number of times the loop executed is not more than n.
How many times do the statements inside the for-loop execute? All most n times, because
these are all a part of the for-loop. If statements execute exactly n times. What is the total
time it will take? It is order n and not n 2 . I am saying the total number of times the loop
executes when all iteration put together is no more than n. Because every time the loop
executes and when we go through the loop, we remove one element stack from the stack.

We never pushed more than n elements or the total number of elements we pushed on the
stack is at most n.
One problem with our stack implementation is that we had to give maximum size for the
stack. We are going to look at an implementation in which the stack can grow, if it ever
gets filled. When we are pushing an element, if the size of the stack is n then I create a
new array of length f (N) and I copy all the elements of my original stack S in to A and
then I rename it as S. It becomes my new stack with f (N) locations in it whose capacity
is f (N). Thus f (N) will be larger than n for us and so we had to increase the size of the
stack. I increment the top counter and I am trying to push the new object into my top
How should we should f (N)? There are two strategies in which one could adopt. One
could either have a tight strategy or a growth strategy. In a tight strategy, we always
increment the size of the array by some constant c. We just increment that is additive
increment. In the growth strategy, we double the size of the stack.
(Refer Slide Time: 54:02)

We want to compare and see which of these is a better strategy. We are going to think
push as of two kinds. One is regular push. In a regular push, there was just space in the
stack and you just push the element and it takes one unit of time. A special push is one in
which the stack is already full and you have to create a larger stack and copy the elements
form the earlier stack to this larger stack and then push the element.

(Refer Slide Time: 55:40)

You created a stack of size f (N) that costs f (N) units and you copied the n elements that
cost n units. And then you pushed one more element that cost one more unit. The total
cost of this special push operation would be f (N) +N+1.
Let us see how the tight strategy behaves when we increment the size of the stack by c
units. For example c is taken as 4. Initially I started with the array of size 0. When the
first element came to push that was a, then I created a stack of size 4 and I push this first
element in and the total cost was 4+1.
When the second element came, I do not need to enlarge my stack, because I have space.
It just cost one unit which is a regular push. The 3rd and 4th operation is also a regular
push which costs 1 unit each.
The next one is a special push, I am not trying to push e because the stack is already full.
I need to create an array of size 8 and I need to copy the 4 elements, then I need to push
1. The total cost becomes 8+4+1 and these are all the 3 regular pushes. Then once again
when I fill it, I will create an array of size 12, because c is 4. I am incrementing the size
of the array by 4 units every time.

(Refer Slide Time: 56:07)

I create an array of size 12 and I copy the eight elements then I push one more element,
so I get 12+8+1 and so on and finally I have 16+12+1. When the size of the array was 4, I
am going to call it as phase 1 and when the size of the array is 8, I will call it as phase 2
and so on. Let us see the total cost of the procedure.
(Refer Slide Time: 58:18)

The pound symbol in the above slide is a multiplication operator. In phase I, the size of
the array is c * i. In phase 1 it is c, in phase 2 it is 2 c, in phase 3 it is 3c and so on. The
size of the array is c*i.

What is the total cost of phase i? t At the beginning of phase i, I first create an array of
size c* i then I copy the elements of the previous array. Let us look at an example. I first
create an array of size 8 then I copy the previous 4 elements. So I copy c* i-1 elements
and it is the cost of copying the elements in to the new array. Then I will do c more
pushes in this phase before the array gets filled. C is the total cost of the 4 regular pushes
that I have been doing. The total cost is c* i + c*i-1+c which is 2 times ci. Thus the cost
of phase i is 2ci.
In each phase I am doing c pushes, then if I have to do a total of n pushes then I need
phases. Total cost of
phases would be 2c (1+2+3++ ) because the cost of
i th phase is 2ci and this sum is roughly 2 times 2c and that is not t, it is approximately O
( ).
So far we have seen the tight strategy. We could also take creation as order 1, in that case
the analysis would change slightly. For the purposes of analysis I am just taking it as, if
you are creating an array of size something, you take that much as the cost.
Let us see the growth strategy. In the growth strategy, I start with an array of size 0, when
I get the first element I create an array of size 1. When I am trying to push an element I
would double this array, so I create an array size 2 and I push this element. When I try to
push the element, I double this array and create an array of size 4 and push the element. I
have space for one more element and this is the regular push while pushing d. When I try
to push the 5th element, I will double the size of array again, so I create an array of size 8
and copy these elements and then push the 5th element and so on.
Once again we can analyze the cost. 1 is the cost of creating the array and you do not
have to copy anything and 1 is the cost for pushing them. Here we created an array of
cost 2, we copied 1 element and 1 was the cost of pushing. We created an array of size 4,
2 was the cost of copying, 1 was the cost of pushing the element c and here was the
regular push so it was 1 and so on.
We define a phase as when the size of the array was 1, we call it as Phase 0. When it is 2
we call it as phase 1. When it was 4, we call it phase 2 and when it was 8, we call it as
phase 3 and so on. In phase i, the array has size 2i . Phase 3 it has size 8 and phase 4 it has
size 16 and so on. In the phase i, since the size is 2i I spent 2i units of time in creating the
array. Then I have to copy elements of the previous array that is 2i1 elements.
How many elements are left after copying 2i1 elements? 2i1 elements are still left and
they have to be pushed in, in this phase. 2i1 is the cost of pushing in those 2i1 elements.
The total cost of phase i is 2i + 2i1 + 2i1 which is 2i1 . If we do n push, we would have
log n phases, because the way the array is growing.

(Refer Slide Time: 1:00:55)

The total cost of n pushes is going to be 2+4+8++ 2log n1 , which is 4n. The total cost of
n pushes is 4n growth strategy and in the tight strategy it is . Hence this is clearly a
better strategy.

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