Continuum Properties From Interdigital Dielectrometry
Continuum Properties From Interdigital Dielectrometry
Continuum Properties From Interdigital Dielectrometry
Using a modal approach, a model is derived that makes the interdigital electrode microdielectrometer developed by Senturia
and co-workers applicable to measuring continuum parameters
in a wide range of heterogeneous media. In this imposed w - IC
technique, the medium is excited at the temporal (angular) frequency w by means of an interdigital electrode structure having a spatial periodicity length X = 27r/IC and hence a dominant
wavenumber IC. Given the surface capacitance density C(w,IC)
of any linear system having property gradients perpendicular
to the plane of the electrodes, the model predicts the complex gain, taking into account the properties, geometry, and
terminal configuration of the interdigital electrode structure.
This capability can then be used with an appropriate parameter estimation strategy to determine the continuum properties
and/or geometry of the medium. Specifically illustrated, using a secant method root searching routine for the parameter
estimation, are estimations of film thickness, film permittivhickness known, and film surface conductivity with
Figure 1.
Representation of interdigital electrode structure and associated circuitry interacting with a
heterogeneous medium.
In Figure 1, the medium is above and the structure used to make the measurements is below. Because
the electrodes introduce higher spatial harmonics, field
quantities, such as the potential, are expressed as
k, = 2 n r / X
representing a superposition of standing waves of dominant wavenumber k = k l in the plane of the electrodes.
With the combination of microfabrication technology and the imposed w - k technique, a determination of electromechanical or electrochemical structures
and dynamics on a microscale becomes feasible. Fluid
boundary layers, electrochemical double layers and thin
film structures all fall in this microscale realm.
Intuitively, it makes more sense to determine the
structure of heterogeneous media by probing spatially,
rather than temporally. With the usage of the approach
presented here, a continuum model coupled with a parameter estimation routine, it becomes feasible to extract information a t a particular temporal frequency,
varying the spatial frequency of the applied potential.
This method does not have the restriction regarding the
frequency dependence of parameters such as the complex permittivity. Practically, this effort amounts to
having multiple electrode structures, each having a different spatial wavelength, monitoring the same medium,
or perhaps one array of electrodes with switchable terminal connections to produce the various spatial wavelengths.
ICRODIELECTROMETRY , as developed by Senturia
and co-workers [5,6], is a commercially available
technique [8] for measuring complex permittivity utilizing microfabrication technology to incorporate both the
sensing electrodes and associated circuitry on the same
microchip (Figure 1). A set of interdigital, planar electrodes are deposited on an insulating oxide layer along
with two FET transistors [7]. One set of electrodes is
driven by a variable frequency (0.005 to 10000 Hz) ac
voltage. The other set of electrodes is allowed t o float
by connecting it to the gate of one of the transistors.
The other transistor serves as a reference. Using the
feedback circuit shown in Figure 1, in conjunction with
the transistors, a very high impedance measurement of
the floating gate voltage can be obtained, even at very
low frequencies. The output of the device, defined as
the complex gain G, is th,e complex ratio of the floating
to driven gate voltage, (VFIVD),
and is obtained using
a correlation analysis of the two voltages.
Two specialized models have been developed for interpreting data obtained with the microdielectrometer.
One model is for its application to the monitoring of
epoxy resin cures [9,10]. This model, incorporated in
the form of a lookup table supplied with the microdielectrometer system [7], makes it possible to relate the
measured complex gain to the complex permittivity of
a uniform infinite half space. For this case, a finite difference simulation of Laplaces equation was used to determine the electric field distribution, treating the region above the electrode structure as a semi-infinite,
isotropic medium [lo]. The second model previously
developed is for the study of a very thin film (< 1 pm)
[11,12]. The thin film-oxide layer was represented as
an RC transmission line shunted by lumped capacitors.
This made it possible to represent the gate voltage as
the transmission line response t o a driving voltage.
The work reported here is an outgrowth of work being done to develop the microchip for monitoring transformer insulation [13]. There, the intent is to coat the
microchips either to: (1) passivate the chip to the adsorption of moisture on the silicon dioxide interface so
that they can be used to measure the dispersion of the
oil and oil-impregnated system or (2) to utilize their
thin region sensitivity t o monitor changes in dielectric
properties of finite thickness coatings, distinguishing between bulk dispersion and effects of heterogeneity.
/ kn
able model for determining the output of the interdigital electrode dielectrometer. The second is to establish a rapport for the relationship between predicted
frequency responses and several physical situations of
immediate interest. Finally, a method for parameter
estimation utilizing the continuum model and demonstrating its practical application, will be outlined and
spec i f icat ion
box represents the step of solving the electrostatic field problem. Field quantities in the oxide
layer and in the medium are represented in terms of their
Fourier components. Boundary conditions at the electrode interface are used to match up the field solutions
for the regions above and below the electrodes. A mixed
boundary value problem occurs a t this interface, as the
potential is constrained along that part occupied by the
electrodes while conservation of charge and Gauss law
Figure 2.
Schematic representation of continuum model.
In the final box, the evaluation of the yijs is tantamount to a determination of the response with any
terminal configuration. Due to the symmetry of the
electrode structure, Y11 = E>z. All of the admittances
representing the electrode structure are determined by
finding the electrical terminal currents, iD and i ~ with
the floating gate electrode grounded. These currents
are obtained by integrating the current density over the
where Yl is the load capacitance of the floating gate
In the medium above the electrodes and in the oxide substrate below, the potential is represented by (1)
and the fields are taken as electroquasistatic, the electric field intensity is irrotational and hence represented
by the potential Cp.
o Iy 5 yo
for Yk+l I
6 .ID!
S . p - ~ + V c . ~ ao,U
Substituting (5) into ( 6 ) , using the complex notation introduced by (1) and assuming sinusoidal steady
+ V c . D, =
state (-
iw~',?? = J+ wl? ; w e : E , = J,
= ( a / w ) and
+ -)a2
Y j = (YO
s discussed earlier, the field distribution in the halfspace of material either above or below the electrodes can be represented by the appropriate surface
capacitance density. This quantity is the ratio of the
the complex Fourier amplitudes of normal electric displacement to potential, both evaluated on the ( a ) or ( b )
side of the interface.
&"(y) =
for 0
( Y j - Y j - 1)
for yj-l
I yj
j=1,2, . . . ,k+l
for Yk+l I Y
Substituting for &"(y) into (11) yields the Fourier
series coefficients
I y L Yo
for 0 5 j 5 k
- (;)cos(")
[ C O S ( ~ n Y O )-
cos (knY j ) -
C O S ( ~ ~ Y-~ cos(knyj-1)
Yj+1 - Y j
Y j - Yj-1
Yj* =
for j = 1
i(Yj +Yj-l)
for 2 5 j 5 k
for j = k + I
k = 4
Figure 5.
Distribution of tangential electric field, h;(y),
along electrode-medium interface.
Figure 4.
Voltage distribution along discretized interelectrode surface for k=4 collocation points. Unknown voltages Vj are introduced at the points
y j . Conservation of charge is maintained for line
segments defined by the y.;
Y j - Yj-1
Yj+1 - Y j
+ Yj -
Yj - Yj-1
" 1
[ (-
Yj+1 - Y j
Yj - Yj-1
Yj+1 -
Y j - Yj-1
] =o
~ 3 ( ij ,)
for j = 1 , 2 , . . . , k.
[ (-
+ -)
6(i-j )
Yi+l - Yi
Yi - yi-1
-6 ( i - j
1) - q - j - 1)
Yi+l - Yi
Yi - yi-1
= E,:
Again substituting for the electric fields, this time
using (10) (remembering continuity of the potential across
an interface) into (20) yields
X ( i ) = Xl(i)
X,(i) = -
+ XZ(2) +
Yj+l - Y j
+-+Y j - Y j - 1
for j = 1,2, .. ., k.
[e: e;
6 ( i - 1)
Y 1 -Yo
The set of equations described by (21) can be expressed in matrix form, A.V=X, with the elements of A
representing the coefficients of the unknown normalized
voltages pj E (V,/Vo), and the elements of X representing the coefficient of the known drive. In order to
generate the matrix elements, (14) is substituted into
(21) and terms are rearranged such that all terms proportional to the drive are moved to the right hand side.
Any expression involving Cz also goes on the right hand
side as it can only arise from an externally applied field
and thus, is also a driven signal. This yields
the transition from the field analysis just undertaken to the general situation where the detection electrodes are not grounded but rather are free to assume
a potential consistent with th? attached circuit. With
the driven gate a t potential V, and the floating gate
grounded, Y11 and Y1z are directly related t o the electrode currents, and hence calculable from the electric
fields just determined with the floating gate grounded.
+ 2JAiZ
Yll = 2iwM,l
1 - 3, -
Y 1 - YO
(sin(knyo) - Sin(knyk+l))
Ylz = 2iwM,1
Yk+l - Yk
[Cz -
where Uj
( $ / V D ) . Once (28) is programmed, it is
only the surface capacitance densities, Ct, that are altered when the medium above is changed.
this point it is instructive to recap the major
steps for calculating the xjsand hence, the gain.
Solution of a system of equations of the form A-U=X
with the matrix elements defined by (22)-(25) determines the Ujs and the electric field distribution. With
these C j s , the Fourier coefficients for the potential a t
the interface, &E and i ; t , using (14),and hence, the circuit parameters Y11 and Y12, using (28), are evaluated.
Finally, given a load capacitance
the gain is then
calculated according to (2).
the optimum number of collocation points and Fourier modes. Increasing the number of collocation points
improves the representation of the actual potential distribution - a t the cost of greatly increasing the computing time required to calculate each element of the matrix
A and t o compute the matrix inverse. Increasing the
number of Fourier modes used to compute the voltage
distribution increases the accuracy - of representing this
distribution with a piecewise linear function. Beyond a
certain number of modes the piecewise representation
may differ significantly from the actual one. However,
as previously mentioned, and elaborated in Appendix
A, a more rapidly convergent series is used to sum the
Fourier modes for the elements of the A matrix. This
series effectively sums up roughly 1000 modes. In this
case, it is quicker to compute either a small or a large
number of modes than to compute an intermediate number. Using the large number of modes, the number of
Fourier modes summed in (28) when computing Y11 and
Y1z can be altered. Increasing the number of terms used
here has a much smaller, though still significant, effect
on the computing time.
e:] sin(k,yk+l)
Determination of convergence requires a specification against which various results can be compared. For
the case of the microdielectrometer, where comparisons
are made with experimental results, the accuracy of the
gain is given as 0.1 dB [7]. This accuracy will be used
as a tolerance for measuring convergence. Modeling an
uncoated microchip in air, the high-frequency coupling
capacitances per unit length (normalized t o the oxide
layer permittivity) and resulting gains were computed,
using the large number of Fourier modes, for a matrix of
values for the number of collocation points and summation terms (used in (28)). It was observed that using 25
collocation points and 100 summation terms provided
sufficient convergence when compared to the maximum
values of 35 and 1000, respectively (as well as taking a
reasonable amount of computing time). For the rest of
this work, unless otherwise noted, 25 collocation points
and 100 summation terms will be standard. The specific values used for the oxide layer thickness h and load
were supplied by Micromet Instruments,
Inc., on a proprietary basis and were used t o generate
the specific gain-phase responses in this paper.
This situation, a semi-infinite half space of uniform
complex permittivity, is pictured in Figure 6a. The potential satisfies Laplace's equation and decays to zero as
x goes to infinity. Thus,
a first step toward developing a scheme for identifying continuum parameters, this Section is devoted to forming insights concerning the general relationships between these parameters and the gaip-phase
response. *For all of the following examples E," = 0,
and thus C: = 0. Using the form expressed in (l),the
solution of Laplace's equation for the potential in the
insulating oxide layer below the electrodes gives
A' i
log f
Figure 7.
Predicted responses for microchip (X=50 micrometers and a = X / 4 ) in uniform medium
( B I = 2 x lo-"
F/m), vary conductivity ul.
For ohmic media, typical responses have the features of a linear system with one time constant - the
charge relaxation time, r, = ( E ~ / c T ~(Figure
7). With
the frequency high, wr, >> 1, the effect of dissipation
currents is small. The coupling between the two electrodes is purely capacitive, explaining the low gain a t
are shorted together (0 d B gain and zero phase). I t is evident from the equations that the frequency enters only
with the bulk conductivity - altering the conductivity
merely shifts the frequency response without changing
the curve shapes (Figure 7). Changing the bulk permittivity alters both the breakpoint (due t o a change
in r, and the high frequency gain (due t o a change in
the capacitive coupling), as shown in Figure 8. When
the phase is plotted versus gain for the curves shown in
Figs. 7 and 8 (eliminating the frequency as a parameter), the graph reproduces the lookup table developed
for the application of the microdielectrometer t o homogeneous systems by Lee [IO].
- 40 ,"
log f
Figure 8.
Predicted responses for microchip in uniform
medium (u1 = lo-' S/m), vary permittivity c l .
A layer of thickness dz and characterized by a uniform complex bulk permittivity is placed immediately
above the electrodes (Figure 6b). Solution of Laplace's
equation in a piece-wise fashion, perhaps using transfer
relations (see Appendix B or [14]), gives
+ coth(k,dz)]-'}
90 7
This is again the case of a uniform half-space (Figure sa) with C: given by (30), but with a surface conductivity a t the SiOz-medium interface between the elec-
- 40
el = c0 F/m
- IZ0L
- 3
log f
Figure 9.
Predicted responses for microchip with variable
thickness layer (EZ = 2 x lo-" F/m, uz = 2.4 x
IO-'' S/m) in air.
log f
Figure 10.
Predicted response for microchip in uniform
medium (c1 = 2x10-" F/m, u1 = lo-" S/m)
with surface conductivity on interelectrode surface (uao= 1 0 - l ~ S).
The overshoot phenomena, a prediction of gains below the purely capacitive high-frequency gain, is further
evidence of the surface charge diffusion process. This
can be explained by separating the coupling between the
electrodes into two components, one through the bulk
media and one through a distributed transmission line
composed of the interelectrode surface and the insulating oxide layer. The coupling through the bulk makes
a smooth transition from purely conductive to purely
capacitive, just as in the bulk response, and therefore
involves a t most a 9 0 " phase shift. However, the part
of the signal resulting from transmission along the distributed RC transmission line comprised of the interface and the insulating oxide layer suffers larger phase
shifts and hence a contribution that tends t o cancel that
due to the 'direct' coupling. The result is a frequency
range over which the gain is smaller than that a t high
frequency and the phase shift larger than 90 * . The
log f
Figure 11.
Predicted responses for microchip in uniform
medium (cl = 2 x lo-" F/m, 01 = lo-" S/m),
vary surface conductivity on interelectrode surface ( o ~ ~ ) .
diminution of surface conductance coupled with a n existing large bulk capacitance 'snaps' the response from a
surface conduction coupling t o a purely capacitive coupling and accounts for the rapid changes exhibited in the
frequency response. This behavior provided the r a t i e
nale for the distributed parameter model, as developed
and implemented by Garverick [ll].
log f
Figure 12.
Predicted responses for microchip with a layer
( d 2 = 5pm, c z = ZxlO-" F/m, u2 = lo-' S/m)
having a variable surface conductivity ( 0 . 2 ) in
where e(0) is a set of error functions (usually the difference between one or more measured and predicted gains)
and 0 is a list of parameters to be estimated (such as
complex permittivities). Of course, the particular physical phenomenon associated with the parameters to be
estimated must make a significant contribution to the
gain, and hence, the error.
The danger that the root does not necessarily remain bracketed by the two guesses is decreased by providing bounds on the minimum and maximum values
of the estimated parameter based upon physical const raints.
For application to microdielectrometry, acceptable
tolerances for convergence are determined by the experimental error in the response. The present version of the
device, when using a microchip sensor, has an accuracy
of 0.1 dB in gain and 0.1 in phase [7]. In the routines,
the gain tolerance is tightened to 0.05 dB. This translates to a tolerance of 0.5% in gain a t -40 dB and 0.1%
in phase a t -90 * .
The emphasis was on developing search routines
that converged and were somewhat robust, not on generating the optimal search method. Most of the validation of these search algorithms was obtained using
experimental data on semi-insulating materials. Consequently, there are areas of parameter space where the
convergence and robustness of these routines have not
been examined.
This is the case of a layer and a surrounding uniform
medium, as pictured in Figure 6b. At high frequencies, when the electrodes are purely capacitively coupled through the material, the phase will be zero and
the gain will be a function of the layer thickness and the
permittivities of the layer and the surrounding medium.
Given any three of these four quantities, it is possible
to estimate the fourth. Here the layer thickness dz is
unknown, thus 8 = dz and the search is for a purely real
E I =eoF/m
- IO
t /
I x 10-10
I "D I
where the real part is the gain in dB divided by 20 and
the imaginary part is the phase in radians (closely related to the output of the microdielectrometer). If G ,
as defined in (2), is a complex analytic function of the
2 x 10-1'
-4 0
Figure 13.
Predicted high hequency (10 kHe) gains for microchip with variable thickness layer (&), vary
layer permittivity ( L Z ) , in air.
For the case of air as the surrounding medium, the
curves of gain versus layer thickness for various layer
permittivities are shown in Figure 13. Finding the root
of these functions is relatively straightforward. For robustness, the routine first checks whether the experimental d a t a makes sense by calculating the gain of a
uniform medium having the lesser of the two permittivities. This gain should be less than the experimental
gain if a layer thickness is to be estimated. After passing this check the routine uses the secant method to
find the root. The search is conducted using 25 collocation points ( I C ) and 100 summation terms ( N ) . Due
to the well-behaved nature of the curves, the thickness
is uniquely estimated within 3 to 6 iterations. For a
50 pm wavelength electrode structure, the 0.1 dB gain
tolerance implies a sensitivity of better than 5% in the
thickness estimate within the range of 2 to 12 pm. The
lower bound may be determined by the experimental error in the measurement or by features of the electrode
that are not modeled such as electrode thickness. The
upper bound reflects the decrease in sensitivity due to
the exponential decay of the electrostatic fields.
- 30
- 20
-I 0
Gain ( d B )
Figure 14.
Parameter space for complex bulk permittivity
estimation of a 5 micrometer layer in a uniform medium ( E ; = 2 x 1 0 - F/m and E : =
lo- F/m). (4 and & are in units of E F/m).
- 4 0 'y
- 120
- 40
Gain ( d B )
Figure 15.
Parameter space for complex bulk permittivity
estimation of a 5 micrometer layer in a uniform medium (e; = 2 x lo-" F / m and e;' =
IO-' F / m ) . (e; and e:' are in units of eo F / m ) .
Given the well-behaved nature of the spaces represented by Figures 14 and 15, it is expected that estimation of unique complex permittivities is a straightforward process. The sensitivity of the estimation routine
can be observed from the two Figures. Poor estimates
occur in regions of high contour density. For example,
gain-phase d a t a adjacent to the gain axis yield poor
loss factor estimates while d a t a with gains near zero
yield poor permittivity estimates. The latter is a consequence of the high-impedance mode of operation which
utilizes the measurement of a floating voltage.
For the special case of ohmic media, E" = a / w .
Thus, contours of constant E; are also the gain-phase
trajectories obtained if the temporal excitation frequency
is varied. This may also be seen by eliminating the independent parameter of frequency from the plots in Figure 8.
For the gain-phase spaces of Figures 14 and 15,
valid d a t a must lie in the region having a lower bound
given by the E' =
curve. Upper and lower bounds
can be placed on the parameter estimates to prevent
the search from wandering too far off. These bounds are
physically motivated - no bulk permittivities less than
and no conductivities less than zero. Upper bounds
are chosen based on reasonable guesses of the order of
magnitude of the dielectric properties of the materials
to be measured.
In addition to estimating bulk parameters, this routine works just as well for estimating complex surface
response of the microdielectrometer to the continuum properties of a medium has been formulated so as
to retain generality and flexibility in its application to
various linear systems. This approach greatly extends
the usefulness of the device by providing a framework
for interpreting data obtained for heterogeneous media
in terms of absolute continuum parameters rather than
'lumped equivalents'. Typically, the expressions summarized here are programmed as a subroutine which can
then be incorporated into a parameter-estimating main
program. The main program requires the surface capacitance densities for the specific medium thought to be
under investigation. The medium might be represented
by a system of discrete layers, with the computation of
the surface capacitance densities organized as in Appendix B.
Although parameter estimation using the continuum model described here is applicable to multi-variable
systems, the key to this and other approaches is in identifying the types of d a t a that can be mapped into the
continuum properties and geometry. Illustrated here
have been one-dimensional schemes for the identification of film thickness, the complex permittivity of finite
thickness films and the surface conductivity of films. As
a practical matter, these are being used for interpretation of experimental d a t a in an on-line manner. Also
developed, though not discussed here, is the estimation
of both the thickness and permittivity of a film from two
measurements of gain.
Closely related to the techniques described here are
those under development for nondestructive evaluation
and robotic sensing [19-211. Capacitive electrode arrays
are again employed. However, a finite element model is
used to interpret experimental results.
The ability to keep track of basic continuum parameters has proven to be useful in several contexts. One
is the estimation of thickness and properties of plasmadeposited layers and of sedimenting colloidal particles in
n= 1
sin(na) cos(np)
the sum
2 - 1'
In [2sin(O/2)] de
Using a series expansion [25]
work is being carried out in the Laboratory for
Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems at MIT,
with financial support from members of MIT's Electric
Utilities Program. The companies which are supporting the work include Allegheny Power Co., American
Electric Power Service Corp., Boston Edison Co., Empire State Electric Energy Research Corp., Northeast
Utilities Service Co., N.Y. Power Authority, Southern
California Edison Co. and Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Professor Stephen D. Senturia provided useful commentary on the intellectual and stylistic content of this
paper. Micromet Instruments, Inc. and in particular,
Huan Lee and David Day provided critical information
regarding the operation and performance characteristics
of the microdielectrometer.
In[sin(t)] = ln[t] - - - - - 6
180 2835
... -
2m( 2m!)
= 1n[t1m=l
(- l ) m + 1 2 2 m B 2 , , p
2m( 2m!)
Vol. 23 N o . 6, December
= Am
(Ad - Ac;i,)+ k y j
en ep1)
j ' t h surface
- j ' t h layer
f b!+l)'
Figure 16.
Medium above electrodes represented by a multilayered structure of P homogeneous layers.
[20] P. R. Heyliger, J . C. Moulder, P. J . Shull, M. Gimple, and B. A. Auld, Numerical Modeling of Capacitive Array Sensors Using the Finite Element
Method, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. 7A, (Ed. by D. 0.
Thompson and D. E. Chimenti), Plenum Press, NY,
pp. 501-508, 1987.
[ll] S. L. Garverick and S. D. Senturia, An MOS Device for AC Measurement of Surface Impedance with
Application to Moisture Monitoring, IEEE Trans.
[21] M. Gimple and B. A. Auld, Position and Sample Feature Sensing with Capacitive Array Probes,
Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive