Exposure of The Human Body To Professional and Domestic Induction Cooktops
Exposure of The Human Body To Professional and Domestic Induction Cooktops
Exposure of The Human Body To Professional and Domestic Induction Cooktops
Induction cooktops have been replacing traditional gas stoves, particularly in professional kitchens. In comparison to traditional electric stoves,
induction cooktops yield better energy efciency and
offer more exible heating control, while avoiding
the open ame and leakage risks from gas stoves.
Initial studies on the exposure of the human body in
the close environment of induction cooktops were
not conclusive [Yamazaki et al., 2004]. However, a
detailed experimental evaluation by Viellard et al.
[2006] demonstrated that the incident B-eld exposure can exceed the reference levels posed by the
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) [ICNIRP, 1998a] by more than
a factor of 30 at close distances by devices shown to
2012 Wiley Periodicals,Inc.
Christ et al.
zones will be evaluated. The incident elds are modeled using the results of an experimental evaluation
of professional cooktops in different gastronomic
kitchens and of the two domestic cooktops and the
portable cooktop evaluated by Viellard et al. [2006].
In detail, the objectives of this study are to
complement the analysis of the three domestic
devices used in Viellard et al. [2006] by the experimental evaluation of the B-elds of 13 different professional cooktops at different installation sites;
numerically assess the induced current density in
users and bystanders using different anatomical models of adults, children and pregnant women in typical
and worst-case situations and postures; and discuss
the exposure from the specic devices and the consistency of the product standard IEC 62233 with the
ICNIRP 1998 basic restrictions.
Experimental Methods
The spatial distribution and the frequency spectra of the B-elds of 13 professional induction cooktops were measured using a low frequency E- and
H-eld probe (EHP-200, Narda Safety Test Solutions, Hauppauge, NY) within a frequency range
from 9 to 400 kHz. The spatial distribution was
sampled in steps of 90 mm 90 mm over a surface
ranging from 625 to 1795 mm above the oor
(z-axis) and 450 to 360 mm from the left to right
(y-axis) with zero as the center of the cooktop. These
measurements were taken at distances of 0 and
300 mm from the front edge of the cabinet that houses the cooktops. The rst distance can be regarded
as the closest a user can stand without bending over
the device, whereas the latter can be regarded as a
distance typical of passers-by while the cooktop is
operational. Additional measurements at distances
of 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 mm were taken at
the location of the eld maximum observed when
measuring the spatial distribution at 0 mm. Figure 1
shows an overview of the references of the measurement distances used in this study. For the evaluation
of compliance of the B-elds with safety limits, IEC
62233 denes a position 300 mm from the edge of
the cooktop [IEC, 2005]. This position depends on
the dimensions of the cabinet and the mounting position of the cooktop and is therefore different for all
evaluated devices. Supplementary Table I shows an
overview of these distances. The B-elds at the distance of 300 mm are evaluated by interpolating the
elds at the measured distances listed above using a
curve t.
Christ et al.
Fig. 2. Measured B-field of one of the cooktops normalized to the occupational ICNIRP limit
(30.7 mT). Left: frontal plane at the cabinet edge; right: spectrum of the signal at different
Fig. 3. Measured maxima of the B-field of 16 induction cooktops (professional and domestic) at
the cabinet edge and 300 mm from the edge of the cooktop at their operational frequency of
20 kHz (not considering harmonics). Error bars indicate the measurement uncertainty (k 1) of
16% (1.3 dB, devices #1^#13) and 9% (0.8 dB, devices #14^#16) as given in Supplementary
Table IV, excluding the contribution of the numericalrepresentation of the measured devices.
The fetal tissues include bladder, bone, brain, eyes, fat, gall bladder, heart, intestines, kidney, liver, lung, muscle, subcutaneous
adipose tissue, skin, spinal cord, spleen, and stomach. It should
be noted that not all three fetus models distinguish all tissues.
Christ et al.
zone model. For the denition of the distance reference, a spacing of 50 mm between the rim of the
cooking zone and the front edge of the cooktop is
assumed. No additional space between the cooktop
edge and the cabinet edge is added, which is a valid
assumption for typical stand-alone devices. The current of the cooking zone was normalized to a B-eld
strength of 6.25 mT at a distance of 300 mm from
the cooktop edge (i.e., 450 mm from the center point
of the cooking zone). Like this, the generic cooking
zone corresponds to a worst-case device that is compliant with the exposure limits for the general public
when tested according to IEC 62233.
At the operational frequency of 20 kHz, the
limit for the induced current averaged over 1 cm2 is
40 mA/m2 for the general public and 200 mA/m2 for
occupational exposure. When considering the currents in all body tissues, the exposure limits for the
general public are reached at distances between 200
and 250 mm for the adult models, and the abdominal
region is the most exposed. For very close distances
(<50 mm), even the occupational limits can be
exceeded. The current density maxima typically occur in tissues with comparatively high conductivity
such as muscle, the penis, or walls of the gall bladder
or small intestine. The maxima are not necessarily
located at the closest location to the cooking zone
model. For the two models of the children whose
heads directly face the cooking zone model, the current density maximum can also occur in the vitreous
humor. The current density of the two child models
is about a factor of 2 below the values observed for
the adults in their abdominal regions. Supplementary
Table III lists those tissues in which the current density maxima are typically observed, together with
their conductivities at 20 kHz.
The current density in the CNS of the adult and
adolescent models is approximately a factor of 10
below the current density averaged over all tissues
for all observed cases (Fig. 6). Even when standing
directly at the cabinet edge the basic restrictions are
not reached. For these exposure conditions, the current density maximum is located in the lower part
of the spinal cord, which is at a comparatively large
distance from the coil. For young children whose
heads are at the same height as the cooktop, the basic
restrictions for the general public are violated at
distances below 60 mm, with the current density
maximum located in the brain. When standing immediately at the cooktop, the current densities in the
CNS can exceed the basic restrictions by approximately a factor of 2. For the models of the pregnant
woman and fetus, the averaged current density is
shown in Figure 7. Among the investigated cases,
Christ et al.
Fig. 9. Peak average current density in the hand of the modelDukeat different distances and positions above the hobs normalized to the B-field of 6.25 mTat 300 mm from the edge of the generic
incident B-elds of the measured devices at three different distances. At 30 mm from the cabinet edge,
parts of the users body are assumed to protrude
above the cabinet; at the cabinet edge, the user is
assumed to touch the cabinet without any protruding
regions of his body; and 300 mm from the cabinet
edge is the maximum distance at which the elds
were measured (this distance is regarded as typical
for bystanders).
Figure 5 shows that the exposure of the nonpregnant models at the largest distance (300 mm
from the cabinet) is always compliant with the basic
Fig. 10. Peak average current density in the CNS and all tissues of the anatomical models (most
relevant cases of this figure and Figs. 8 and 9), normalized to the average of the measured devices
at 30, 0, and 300 mm from the edge of the device. Hatched bars indicate the range from the bestto the worst-case device.Expanded uncertainty (k 2) ofthe measurement and simulation results
is 6.0 dB for the models of the adults and children (SupplementaryTableV), and 6.4 dB for the fetus
models (SupplementaryTableVI).
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restrictions for the general public even when including all body tissues for the current averaging. At
close distances, the exposure limits for the general
public can be exceeded by more than a factor of 5
(distance < 50 mm; Fig. 5). When considering CNS
tissues only, the basic restrictions for the general
public can be reached for the child models (Thelonious and Roberta) at close distances from the cabinet
edge when allowing for the overall uncertainty of
this evaluation. The combined numerical and experimental uncertainty was assessed as 6.0 dB (k 2;
Supplementary Table V) or as 0.502.0 of the provided exposure with a condence interval of 95%.
The exposure of the mother and fetus models
exceeds the basic restrictions for the general public
by a factor of 6 for the mother and 3.5 for the fetus
when standing at the cabinet edge, if considering all
body tissues. Given the numerical and experimental
uncertainty, the violation of the occupational limits
can be regarded as likely for the devices with high
B-elds. For CNS tissues of the fetus, the induced
current density can reach the order of magnitude of
the basic restrictions when taking into account the
uncertainty. The combined numerical and experimental uncertainty for the exposure of the fetus was
assessed as 6.4 dB (k 2; Supplementary Table VI)
or as 0.482.1 of the provided exposure with a condence interval of 95%. In general, the current density
reported by Kos et al. [2011] lies in the order of
magnitude of the results shown in Figure 10. However, a direct comparison is difcult because the cooktops analyzed by Kos et al. [2011] operate at 35 kHz
whereas the nominal frequency of all cooktops considered in this study is 20 kHz.
The measured B-elds of 13 professional induction cooktops and the three domestic devices
evaluated in Viellard et al. [2006] were evaluated experimentally. The eld strengths are compliant with
exposure limits for the general public when measured
at 300 mm from the cooktops as specied by IEC
62233 [IEC, 2005]. Due to the high eld gradients,
the measured B-elds reachor violatethe occupational exposure limits at short distances from the
cooking zone. The current densities induced in the
human body were modeled using a generic worstcase cooking zone model and different anatomical
models including adults, pregnant women, and children. The current densities reached the exposure limits according to the ICNIRP 1998 guidelines for the
general public at 300 mm from the cooktop. The
results were then scaled to the measured B-eld