Soal Katarak. (Blok Viual 2014)
Soal Katarak. (Blok Viual 2014)
Soal Katarak. (Blok Viual 2014)
1. A male, 55 years old, came to the hospital with chief complaint blurry
vision on his both eyes. There was no pain. His blurry vision getting worst
and disturb his activity as a driver. After ophthalmology examination, his
visual acuity : 6/15 on both eyes and cant be corrected. Doctor had
diagnose him with cataract. What is the main cause of this cataract?
Ocular Injury
2. A male, 55 years old, came to the hospital with chief complaint blurry
vision on his both eyes. There was no pain. His blurry vision getting worst
and disturb his daily activity as a driver. After ophthalmology examination,
his visual acuity are 6/15 on both eyes and cant be corrected. Doctor has
diagnose with cataract. Now, this patient can read without using reading
spectacles, because the lens on cataract has change become :
A. More hazy
B. More white
C. More clear
D. More convex
E. More concaf
3. A male, 55 years old, came to the hospital with chief complaint blurry
vision on his both eyes. There was no pain. His blurry vision getting worst
and disturbance his daily activity as a driver. After ophthalmology
examination, his visual acuity are 6/15 on both eyes and cant be
corrected. Doctor had diagnose him with cataract. His visual acuity
become decrease because of :
A. Refraction error
B. The hazy cortex on equator of the lens
C. The cortex become more liquid
D. Pupil reflect (+)
E. Lens hazy behind the pupil
4. A male, 55 years old, came to the hospital with chief complaint blurry
vision on his both eyes. There was no pain. His blurry vision getting worst
and disturbance his daily activity as a driver. After ophthalmology
examination, his visual acuity are 6/15 on both eyes and cant corrected.
Doctor has diagnose with cataract. Whats the correct diagnose of this
A. Morgagnian cataract
B. Sclerotic cataract
C. Secondary cataract
9. There are various etiology of cataract. The type of cataracts which can
occur on all age levels caused by:
A. Eldery
B. Marfans syndrome
C. Rubella
D. Hypoglicemia
E. Ocular injury and Intra ocular foreign bodies.
10. A baby who has been diagnosed with congenital cataract, should get strict
evaluation during every follow up, because of the risk of developing:
A. Lens opacity
B. Persistence pupillary membrane
C. Blue dot cataract
D. senile cataract
E. Glaucomw, amblyopia, and strabismus