Astm C 1399
Astm C 1399
Astm C 1399
1. Scope
I I Thl\ te<t method covers the determlnatkon of residual
strength of a fiber-relnforced concrete test beam. The average
residual strength IS computed for specified beam deflecrlons
beglnmng after the beam has been cracked in a standard
manner. The test provides data needed to obtain that portion of
the load-deflection curve beyond which significant cracking
damage ha5 occurred and it provides a measure of post-cracking strength, as such strength IS affcctcd by the use of
1.2 Thrs standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, lf any, associated with its use. It is the
responsihrllry oj the user of thrs standard to establish approprlate safety and health practices and determine the applicabilq of regulatory limitations prior to use
I .3 The values stated In SI units are to be regarded as the
standard. The values m parentheses are for mformation only
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards.
C 31 Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specsmens in the Field2
C 42 Test Method for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores
and Sawed Beams of Concrete2
C 78 Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using
Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading)2
C 172 Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete
C 192 Practice for Makmg and Curing Concrete Test Specimens m the Laboratory
C 823 Practice for Examining and Sampling of Hardened
Concrete in Constructions2
C IO1 8 Test Method for Flexural Toughness and First Crack
Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Usmg Beam With
Third Point Loadmg)2
3. Terminology
3.1 Dejinltiorls of Terms Spec$ic to This Standard:
3 I 1 deflection-mid-span deflection of the test beam ob This \peclhcatlon I\ under the JurlsdlctlOfl ol ASTM CommIttee C-9 on
Concrete anU Concrete AggregJte\ dnd 15 tne direct re\ponatbtllty o( Subcommnree
CO9 42 on Fiber-Remforced Concrete
Current edItIon approved Aug IO, 1998 Publl\hed December 1998 Orlgmally
publlched a< C 1399-98 LaFt pwwow edltw C 1399-9X
Annd Book o~ASTA4 Srtrruhd.\, Vol 04 02
3.1 6 average residual strength-the average stress-canying ability of the cracked beam that IS obtained by calculation
usmg the residual strength at four specified deflectIons.
4. Summary of Test Method
4 I Cast or sawed beams of fiber-reinforced concrete are
cracked usmg the third-point loading apparatus specified in
Test Method C 78 mochfied by a steel plate used to assist in
support of the concrete beam during an initial loading cycle
(Fig. I). The steel plate 1s used to help control the rate of
deflectlon when the beam cracks. After the beam has been
cracked in the specified manner, the steel piate is removed and
the cracked beam is reloaded to obtain data to plot a reloading
load-deflectlon curve. Load values at specified deflectlon
values on the reloading curve are averaged and used to
calculate the average residual strength of the beam.
5. Significance and Use
5 1 This test method provides a quantltatlve measure useful
m the evaluation of the performance of fiber-reinforced
concrete It allows for comparative analysis among beams
conlaming different fiber types, Including materials, dimension
and shape, and different fiber contents. Results can be used to
Head of
Testing Machine
25 mm min.
Deflection Gage
& Support Yoke
-Stainless Steel Plate
m ,k 100mmm,1&0
1+-&O mm
I+------ S p a n L e n g t h
300 mm
Bed of
Testing Machine
Diagrammatic View of a Suitable Apparatus for Residual Strength Test of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
the ability to control the rate of motion of the loading head and
meeting the requirements ofTest Method C 78. A load cell with
a 44.5 hN c,ptcCty (10,000 Ibf) will genel-ally be required
Close&loop feed-back controlled deflectIon apparatus is not
6.2 Fle.KLlml-LoadinS Beam-Support Apparatus. conformrng to the requirements 01 Test Method C 78
6 3 L,n~d awl Deception-Menc.u,-inS Desirer. such a< load
cells and electronic transducers, capable of producing electronic analog stgnals and havmg support apparatus located and
arranged in a manner that provide determination of applied
load and mid-span deflection (see 3 I 5) of rhe beam Measure
deflectron usmg a dcvlce capable of measurmg net deflectlon at
the beam mid-span with a minimum resolution of 0 025 mm
(0 001 In.) by one of the following alternative methods (see
Note 3)
FIG. 2 Load-Deflection Curves
NATE 4-Dependmg upon the chosen method for obtammg net deflection durmg testmg, a center hole may be placed in the steel plate to
accommodate placing a displacement transducer probe directly agamst the
bottom of the test beam
8. Procedure
8.1 Set the rate of platen or cross-head movement at 0 65 z
0.15 mm/min (0.025 t 0 005 in/min.) before the beam is
loaded (see Note 5).
NATE 5-When necessary use the mechanical dial gage to establish the
settmg for the rate of platen or cross-head movement
8 2 Turn the beam on its side with respect to its position as
molded and place on top of the steel plate to be loaded with the
beam (see Note 6).
beam during the initial loading cycle to help control the expected high rate
= sum of recorded
flections, N (lbf)
= span length, mm
= average width of
= average depth of
0 10
0 12
0 26
0 33
0 40
0 92
1 49
0 22
0 62
0 59
1 15
0 73
0 69
1 35
Multilaboratory Preclslon
0 50
beam, mm (in.) and
beam, mm (in.).
10. Report
10.1 The test report shall include the following information.
If specific information is unknown at the time of the test then
the word UNKNOWN shall appear.
10.1.1 Concrete mixture proportions.
10.1.2 Type and amount of fiber remforcement.
10.1.3 Test beam mformatton mcludmg: beam identification labels,
10 1.3.2 type of beam (molded or sawed),
10. I 3 3 average width of beam to the nearest 1 .O mm (0.05
in.), average depth of beam to the nearest 1 .O mm (0.05
10 1 3.5 beam age at time of test,
10 1.3.6 curing history and moisture condition at time of
test, and
10.1 3 7 defects in beam or abnormalities durtng testing.
10 1.4 Loads obtained upon reloading al deflections of 0.50.
0.75, 1.00, and 1.25 mm (0.020, 0.030, 0.040 and 0.050 in.).
10.1 5 Average Restdual Strength (ARS) to the nearest 0.05
MPa (10 psi).
9. Calculation
9 1 Calculate the average residual strength using the loads at
reloadmg deflections of 0.50, 0.75, 1 .OO, and 1.25 mm (0 020.
0.030, 0.040, and 0.050 in.) as follows.
1 00
0 21
2 00
3 50
0 41
0 55
1 54
1 82
The Amencan Sooety for Testfng and Mater/a/s takes no posftfon respecbng the vakd/ty of any patent rfghts asserted KI connect/on
w/th any /tern menhoned ,n thus standard Users of th/s standard are expressly advIsed that determmabon of the vabd& of any such
patent rights. and the nsk of mhngement of such nghts, are enbrety the/r own respons/b&y
Th!s standard 1s subject to rev!s!on al any hme by the rasponsrble tachmcal comm!lfee and must be revIewed every hve years and
if not reused. either reapproved or withdrawn Your comments are muted either forrevlsfon of thus standard or for add/tfona/standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters Your comments wit receive careful cons/derabon al a meebng of the respons/b/e
technIca/ committee, whfch you may attend If you fee/ that your comments have not recefved a fair heanng you should make your
vfews known to the ASTM Commlrree on Srandards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, Wesr Conshohocken. PA 19428