Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving: Our Mission Statement
Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving: Our Mission Statement
Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving: Our Mission Statement
Today 05/15
Monday 05/16
Tuesday 05/17
Wednesday 05/18
Thursday 05/19
9:00 am
9:15 am
10:30 am
12:30 pm
1:30 pm
6:30 pm
8:15 am
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
12:30 pm
6-8 pm
Board of Trustees, Finance Committee and Church Council Meeting Date Change:
(from May 18th ) These meeting are now rescheduled to June 1st.
UMW Meeting: In Fellowship Hall at 10 am. All ladies are welcome.
Refreshments Needed: For Sunday May 29th Fellowship Time. Since we have a small group
of parents of children, we would appreciate your help with donations of refreshments and
drinks. Thank you!
S.O.S accepting donations of girly items for PACE: S.O.S will take donations of nail polish,
jewelry, lipstick, hair items and anything GIRLY to PACE.
Hymnals and Bibles: We are missing 2 Hymnals and 5 pew Bibles from the sanctuary. If you
would like to sponsor replacements, Hymnals are $23.00 and Bibles are $15.00.
Food Pantry: We are still in need of food items, especially jelly and fruit, to help the hungry.
Thank you for the generous donations that have already been made.
We have been able to help many hungry families.
Childrens Ministry: Nursery/Preschool Room is for little ones thru 7 years old with Ms. Joy.
Sunday School Ed. Bldg. is for Children/Young Youth 8 years and up at 9:15 to 10am. Then
leave for Worship Services.
Hospice Volunteers Needed: Kindred at Home Hospice is looking for volunteers.
If interested please call contact 352-622-9331
Please remember to turn your cell phone OFF during the service. Thank you!
Name tags are available in the narthex. If you need one, please contact office.
Email: [email protected]
Scripture Lesson
Peoples Response:
Thanks Be To God
Sermon Title:
*Hymn of Dedication
Opening Hymn
Scripture Reading
UMH# 334
UMH # 384
*Benediction Response
UMH # 557
Chancel Choir
The flowers on the altar have been given by: Emil & Tola Hass
In Celebration Of Their 33rd Wedding Anniversary
Pastoral Prayer
*Hymns of Preparation
BF # 52
Lords Prayer
UMH# 895
Attendance: 92
UMH# 95
This offering will support the clergy and laity of our annual conference with
resources for leadership development in three areas:
This offering will support the clergy and laity of our annual conference with
resources for leadership development in three areas:
Thank you for your support of our efforts to engage the next generation in
the mission of God and to develop leaders who have a heart for service and
will make a difference in our world.
Thank you for your support of our efforts to engage the next generation in
the mission of God and to develop leaders who have a heart for service and
will make a difference in our world.